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Thermodynamics (Major 7)Reporters: Panergayo, Albert Andry E.Revilla, Emmanuel C.Instructor: Mr. Nathaniel Bicomong

Types of Heat TransferRADIATION

Radiation- Is a type of heat transfer through electromagnetic waves*. Doesnt require particles or matter. Needs no medium to occur, travels in vacuum. Comes from the root word radiate which means to spread-out from a source. All bodies above 0K (absolute zero) is considered hot and therefore, radiates thermal energy. Objects at room temperature radiates heat in the form of infrared waves. Examples are: Heat from the Sun to Earth Visible light in an electric toasterMicrowave ovenThermos Matt black- best emitter and absorberSilver- worst emitter and absorber

*Electromagnetic wave- a form of radiation. It includes radiowaves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, x-ray and uv rays. Radiation- traveling particle/wave, energy that comes from a source that travels through space.