Racism and discrimination in Ukraine



Project prepared by student of NTUU "KPI" Alina, group LE-73

Transcript of Racism and discrimination in Ukraine

Page 1: Racism and discrimination in Ukraine


Alina, group LE-73, NTUU “KPI”

Page 2: Racism and discrimination in Ukraine

Ukraine is a multiethnic and multicultural nation where racism and ethnic discrimination are arguably largely a fringe issue. However, there have been recorded incidents of violence where the victim's race is widely thought to have played a role. Those incidents receive an extensive media coverage and are usually condemned by all mainstream political forces. Human Rights Watch reported that "Racism and xenophobia remain entrenched problems in Ukraine".

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In 2009, no racial murders were recorded (in Ukraine) and 40 racial incidents of violence were reported.

From 2006-2008, 184 attacks and 12 racially-motivated murders took place. Although according to Alexander Feldman, president of the Association of National and Cultural Unions of Ukraine, "People attacked on racial grounds do not report the incidents to the police and police often fail to classify such attacks as racially motivated and often write them off as domestic offence or hooliganism".A 2010 poll conducted by Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies showed that some 70 percent of Ukrainians estimates the nation's attitude towards other ethnical minorities as ‘conflict’ and ‘tense

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Discrimination against Russians Sentiment towards Russia in Ukraine

varies throughout the country. In October 21, 2010, according to the Institute of Sociology of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, attitudes towards Russians have continued to decrease since 1994. In response to a question gauging tolerance of Russians, 15% of Western Ukrainians responded positively. In Central Ukraine, 30% responded positively (from 60% in 1994); 60% responded positively in Southern Ukraine (from 70% in 1994); and 64% responded positively in Eastern Ukraine (from 75% in 1994). Furthermore, 6-7% of Western Ukrainians would banish Russians entirely from Ukraine, and 7-8% in Central Ukraine responded similarly. This level of sentiment was not found in Southern or Eastern Ukraine

On the other hand, the 2000 survey of the Lviv Oblast showed that the population of the region has a more negative attitude towards Russia (20%) than to other countries.

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Discrimination against Russians Another survey showed

that in 2005, compared to the rest of the population, the population of Western Ukraine, Kiev and Kiev Oblast had a less positive attitude towards Russia.The ultra-right nationalist political party Svoboda,[marginal on the national scale,often invokes the radical Russophobic rhetoric and has sufficient electoral support to form factions in several municipal and provincial local councils in Western Ukraine.

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Political party “Svoboda”

The right-wing political party "Svoboda“, small but growing on the national scale, has invoked radical Russophobic rhetoric (see poster) and has electoral support enough to garner majority support in local councils, as seen in the Ternopil regional council in Western Ukraine. Analysts explained Svoboda’s victory in Eastern Galicia during the 2010 Ukrainian local elections as a result of the policies of the Azarov Government who were seen as too pro-Russian by the voters of "Svoboda"

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In a poll held by Kyiv International Sociology Institute in May 2009 in Ukraine 96% of respondents were positive about Russians as ethnic group, 93% respected Russian Federation and 76% respected Russian establishment. In a poll held by Levada Center in Russia in June 2009 75% of respondents respected Ukrainians as ethnic group but 55% were negative about Ukraine as the state.

On the other hand

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