· r v t I if. i v s Little Havana, (Gould & Co.'s.) Zeolcied toy ROYAL...

r v t I if. i v s Little Havana, (Gould & Co.'s.) Zeolcied toy ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. NUMBER FOB NUMBER. PRIZE rOR PRIZE With 400 Additional prizes. Class 1128, MAY 9, 1883, ONLY 40,000 TICKETS AND liKM PRME8 HCIIKIX'JLE: 1 Capital Prize $15,000 y'I Capital Prize 4.000 --ja Capital Prize '.'.000 4 Prizes. 4fl0 each 1 ,60 8 Prizes. 9-- each 1.B00 82 Frizes. lOOeacb i0 1000 Prizes. 10 each 10,0i 9 Approximatloos to 1st prize, $100 each 000 9 Approximations to 2d prize. (50 each r 450 9 Approximations to 2d prize, too each . 450 ' 1124 Prizes as above, being the full num- ber in the Koyal Havana, and 400 Additional Prizes ol 5 each to the 400 tickets having as ending numbers the two terminal units of the num- ber drawing the Capital Prize of 15,000 2.000 1,624 Prizes, amounting lu U. S. sold to $ tr.tfxi TicketM Ilalven 1. All prizes paid on presentation. For lufor-mulio- and tickets, apply to 8HIPSEY COMPANY, General Agents,' 1212 Broadwav. N. Y.CHy or 68 East Randolph at ret; t, Chicago, 111., or J no. ft. Fbknajtoez, 2fldw-l- y Savannah, eorgla. While other Baking Powders are largely adulterated with Alum and other hurtful drugt. has been kept unchanged in afits original purity and strength. The best evidence of its safety and effectiveness is the fact of .its hairing receited the highest testimoni-al- s from the most eminent chemists in the United States, who have analyzed it, from its introduction to the present time. Ho 4ther powders show so good results by the true test the PEST OF THE OVEN. IT IS ft PURE FRUIT ACID BAKING POWDER MADE BY STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, 111., and St. Louis, Mo., Maaafafitnrera mt lapnlla Tut Cent, Dr. Prion SpeU riararlaf Kitnteu, u4 frle' L'altm rirfuui. - CtUBRflTEO SlO ftTOMCACSS : CSs. frt'j-T- j 3 u as What the great restorative, Hostetfer's s. will do. must be (fathered from it has done. It has.effected radical cures in thousands o( eases of dysjiepsia, billions aisoraers, intermittent lever, nenons anei -- tlons, general debil. constipation, sick headache, mental despondency, and the pecu- liar complaints and disabilities to which the feeble are so subject. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener- ally. ILadies Do you vrant a pure, bloom- ing Complexion I If bo, k few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALS Trill grat- ify yon to your heart's con- tent. It does away with Sal-lowne- ss, Eednesa, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It OYefcomes the flushed appear- ance of heat,' fatigue and ex- citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN- TY: and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. 35S PILLS A DISORDERED LIVER IS THE DANE of th present Keneration. It la for h rhin of this diseaso and lta attendants. f EPfetA, C0a8TIPATI0y. PTXE3, to.7tEi XTTTB fTT.TJl have gained a world-wid- e reputation. Ko hemcdy haa ww been diaoovered thai acta eo enUy cn the deetive organs, giving them vigor to aLrUata food. Aa a natnral reault, tha Ktrvous Bystem la Braced, the MusolSi t Dereloped. and the Body Bobnst. d X"4rex'a . miraZhaPiwitoraBsyoiBaraLa.,aart K; plutatioo la In m)M-- l dlstrlo. ror vrt 1 oouid aot vom&m hAt a crop oo Aooouat of bilious dlaM and ohilla. X iw awly dl.ooorsd when S brna tb. mmm V TuTT'S PIIX8. Tn rHuIt wm Mmlou. my lnborr mob bcm hMrty a4 fobaat, ad 1 aav aa4 no forttkM troatua. Tbfrr.llwlnnit4IJwMilMm. (k Um4 trm ,tmw kuMvs, ami ttMHHn red well. rmly ftUry, u4 yon win rata IhoIUi; ltM.lio. Virtt. Bwisr, Fur, atiwaa- - " SMiii4 Utnv lrterBaCMla. Oimo aa itm K. y. TUH'S HAIR BYE. Buck by a .Ingle application of tbt Dra. It Us put. a D.tunJ color, and acta tnstantaneoosly. bold by Dra8gista,oraMilby axnreu oamtnt ox u votiar. Ofno, 88 Murray Street, New York. mi ee Mwi tui m THE LOWELL KOPJINfi THES la the leading lally paper la Lowell, Slasaachiiaetts. Price 50 cents per month; Weekly Times $1.50 per year. Sample copies sent on appli- cation. Advertising contracts, for loug or short terms, can be made at the Statesman ofllce, where also subscriptions will be received and receipts given. aov CrjTHOGRAPHING Tha BTATKUMAH Put ZT lisuing Com wUl tak -l- era lor Utho garbing. V V niE STATESMAN. AUSTIN, TEXAS. THUSKDAY --- --- APR. 26, 1883 The war on gambling houses in New York city continues. From all over the state come glow ing accounts of fine growing corn ana cotton. Ireland's troubles are great and perplexing. There is more than one Ireland. Gen. IIazen is after reducing the number of signal stations, and some of the reduction will be applied in Texas. Tue government's franchise bill in Canada, introduced recently, gives a vote to widows and spinsters with a property valuation of $400. The proposed prohibitory amend- ment to the Connecticut constitution failed in the state house of represen- tatives for want of 12 votes. Tue local Irish societies of Phila- delphia have completed arrange- ments for the land league convention, to be held on the 25th and 26th. Tue great new bridge between the cities of New York and Brooklyn is said to be the strongest as well as the most graceful suspension bridge in the world. The president felt a malarial touch, and straightway he started for the white house, where the thing deals vigorously with the human form that is even most divine. New York's legislature is asked to extend the principle and methods of the Pendleton civil service law to state and local officers. But it is not said it will be adopted. Those big lies that have lately cir culated sov freely in the newspapers all followed in the wake of Hon Thomas P. Ochiltree. It shows that the man's influence is felt. The New York Times and Post the Albany Journal and the Buffalo Express, four of the most influential Republicans of the state, favor a radical reduction of the tariff. The Dallas Herald has obtained all the non-unio- n printers it needs and its proprietors will hereafter run their establishment to suit themselves, not a set of tramping disorganizes. Mb. 1'arnell wanted the land league convention at Philadelphia postponed uutil fall, that he might at tend. Now we do know that the Irish agitator is one of the most modest of men. Senator Joseph E. Brown and wife, of Georgia, are at Hot Springs, Arkansas. They will remain there until about the 5th of May .when they will come to Waco, to attend the Southern Baptist convention. Hon. Thos. A. Hendricks has been telling what he thinks of the next presidential campaign. He is satis-fle- d the tarifC will be an issue, but he does not attach that importance to it which many do. Probably that is one reason why importance is not at- tached to Mr. Hendricks as a presi dential candidate. Tue Fairiield Recorder is alter Lieutenant Governor Martin with a sharp stick for fighting the railways. It was to his credit that he did not join in an unreasonable attempt to cripple the growth of the state's rail way system. There is yet needed twenty thousand miles of railway in Texas In , consequence of the dynamite scarce in London, the ' Guards have been placed, for the first time in two centuries, in protection of the courts of justice. There are two sentries at the entrance to the great hall; a sen- try guards the judges' entrance in Carey street and Bell yard, while a third is placed at the door of the guard-roo- m at Somerset Ilouse. Archbishop Purcell's tongue is paralyzed. It is stated that in his old age and trouble the archbishop's friends have deserted him, and only a few of those whom he befriended when he was at the zenith of his abil ity and influence visit him now. Some of his former parishioners come to-se- e him, but, strange and pitiful as it may be, only now and then some kindly .hearts, touched by the poor man's condition, make a pilgrimage to St. Martin's and pay their respect- ful homage to their old friend and counselor. The ehairman of the civil service commission, in reply to certain state ments credited to him that a whole sale discharge of government em ployes on the incoming of a new ad- ministration was not forbidden by the new civil service law, asserts that what he said was that the law had nothing to do with removals; that power to dismiss from office was not abridged by the bill, but that all ap pointments to office must be made from among those found competent, without regard to party. Frederick Nicholls Crouch, the composer of "Kathleen Mavour-neen,- " is now lying at Baltimore at an advanced age. He is in needy cir- cumstances and u movement has been started by musicians in Balti- more and other cities to make up a fund for his benefit. Crouch was, oddly enough, associated with John Howard Tayne's celebrity as a song writer, for he conducted the perform ance in London, of "Clari, or the Maid of Milan" in which "Home, Sweet Home," occurs. He came to this country with Max Maretzek in 1849. The report for the past year of the Society for the Preservation of the Irish Language states that at the commencement of the present century probably not more than 400 persons could read and write Irish, whereas this society alone had disposed of more than. 62,000 elementary Irish books. . Their publications continue in great demand. The number of persons in Ireland who speak the old language is nearly 950,000, as against nearly 818,000 in 1871, although the population has during that period diminished, in round numbers, 252,000 souls. This, as pointed out, is nearly equal to the number of Welsli people speaking "Welsh. "Not only," it Is observed, "has Leinster increased in the number of Irish Bpeaking inhabi- tants, but Dublin has made a consid erable advance in this respect, partly fulfilling the old Irish prophecy." STRENGTH IJt THE ISSUE. While the speech of Carter Harri- son before the Iroquois club at Chicago may have been the result of too much champagne mixed with genuine bourbon, it has at least waked Democrats up to the life there is in vital issue upon which hangs, more than upon anything else, the life of the two great contending political parties in this country. The indiscreet speaker, no doubt, soon repented of his utterances and would now gladly recall them, but this temporary dis affection cuts no figure in results, except that it awakes anew the sen timent that pervaded the country last fall, when state after state were unexpectedly redeemed from Repubr lican thralldom, when dismay so seized the minds of Republicans that the struggle of 1884 was already recog nized as lost - to them. Democrats who accept with alarm the declara tions of Mr. Harrison may at once suppress tueir anxiety. Last fall the tenth congressional district of Texas experienced just such anxiety; it was said a Democratic element in this dis trict would wield a powerful influence against a tariff forrevenuo only and the Bchism appeared to be complete. Yet, when election day came it was found that Democracy instead of los- ing upon this issue, had abso- lutely made inroads upon the enemy, and the majority, instead of being two thousand as was anticipated, ran up to over three times that much. The issue was made squarely on tariff for revenue only, and in a district composed largely of Democrats, said to favor protection at least for wool, the result was absolutely startling. Democrats have nothing to fear from the agitation of this question. A few votes may be lost, for interested motives, but it is a vital issue coming home to all consumers regardless of party affiliation, and he who runs may read that the masses will follow in the wake of cheaper living and cheap- er clothing, that the farmers and mechanics will vote for cheaper uten sils and tools, the housekeeper tor cheaper household and kitchen furniture, and all must understand that the business men of the country will hail with pleasure cheaper ne cessities, that there may be- - more money in the hands of consumers to be expended in luxuries. .No possible degree of animation and interest that can be imparted to the tariff discus- sion can injure Democracy. It will cause bewilderment and disintegra- tion, certainly, but only m the ranks of Republicanism, where it is desired. It was discussion of this very ques- tion that gave victory to the Demo- crats in the late congressional elec- tions, won the next house and wrung from their opponents valuable con- quests in five or six northern states, without losing one inch of Demo- cratic ground in the west or south. It is this very issue that the country is becoming Democratic on. The tariff is the only living issue before the country. Take it away and there is positively nothina: be- tween the parties to dispute about. One by one the Democrats have wrenched from their opponents all their constitutional positions held ten years ago. They have extorted from the supreme court and Republican administrations a surrender of all the false policies and practices born din- ing the reconstruction period. Re- publicans still cling with palsied hands to their protective war tariff, while Democracy, supported by the manifest voice of the country, de- mands that it, too, be surrendered. Certainly this is no time to become alarmed because a gentleman talked freely and disconnectedly after en joying himself for some time at the convivial board. Suppose the tariff does create differences in the Democratic party : will its agitation not create dis affection in Republican ranks? The Republican party is a high protective organization, with a large an d rest less malcontent faction against pro tection. The Democrats are a tariff reform party, with a very small and thinly spread high protective element in it. Admitting, therefore, that an exacerbation of the tariff discussion would create schisms on both sides, surely such a rearrangement is not to be deprecated by intelligent and thoughtful Democrats, who clearly perceive that their party must achieve its restoration to national ascendancy in 1884 on this issue, if it then achieve it at all. The Democrats are menaced with a peril, which nothing but a sharp, intense tariff discussion probably can - exorcise-'-th- e elec- tion of Mr. Randall of Pennsylvania to the speakership of the next house, On the only living question of the day, Mr. Randall is in conflict with his party, in that rtepect is a Republi- can, and it were better for the Demo- cratic future that a Republican were chosen speaker of tue next house than he, since he is a high protectionist, and a Republican could be nothing more. Mr. Randall deprecates a main tenance of the tariff discussion be- cause it will interfere with his schemes of election; but for that very reason nine out of ten Democrats may well desire to have it made as sharp and intense as possible. It is an issue full of strength and promise to them, and capable, if managed aright, of being made an agent of de- struction to their opponents. It is thought that the "yerba mate" of Brazil and the Argentine States might be cultivated successfully in this county. The plant is an ever- green, resembling the orange or the coffee tree, and the leaves when cured are ready for Tnaking a tea, widely used in South America. It is a most powerful stimulant, and when taken to excess intoxicating. Its use on long journeys prevents hunger .and, as the writer knowe, it is only neces- sary to drink.mate and draw in one's waistband to travel great distances without experiencing hunger or fa- tigue. We are satisfied it could be grown in Texas with success. The trade in this product in South Amer- ica is considerable, as the state- ment of its importation into the Argentine Republic shows. In 1876, 1,607,368 kilogrammes, valued at $547,407. crossed the frontier from Paraguay, and in 1S81, the aggregate importation - amounted to 5,175277 kilogrammes, worth $691,193. During the same year Brazil sent to the Ar gentine Republic 8,354,413 kilogram- mes, valued at $1,075,868. The im ports of tea and coffee combined, for 1881, were only 2,175,501 kilogram mes, valued at $811,214. From these no-ure-s it will be seen that the con- - I sumption of mate far exceeds that of I both its rivals. Probably an attempt will be made to cultivate it in the southern states and in south Califor- nia, and if it can be successfully accli mated a valuable product will be added to the list of our staple articles. Mr. Hendricks, Indiana, thinks Cox, of New York, would make an admirable speaker. Mayor Edson, of New York, made an argument before the com mittee on cities of the legislature, in favor of his bill clothing the mayor with the power to appoint chiefs of departments and commissioners, and depriving the board of aldermen of the right to confirm the nominations of the mayor. He said the present system is demoralizing and dangc rous to the public interests, because agree- ment between the mayor and present confirming power must necessarily be based upon compromise and conces- sion. The growing desire appears to be to" put an end to the exercise of power that demoralizes the public service and degrades the character of public servants. EDITORIAL AOTES. So overcome with grief was a Fall River man at his wife's funeral the other day that it took two men to re- strain him from jumpinar into the grave with her. On returning to the house her will was read, and when he found she had left him none of her individual property he dried his tears and wept no more. One month after this event he led a freshly-mad- e widow to the altar, having first, how- ever, learned that her husband had given her all his possessions before he died. . John Nelson, the inventor of the knitting machine which is now ex tensively used in this country and in Europe, died' at Rockford. Illinois, on Sunday last, aged 53 years. He was a native of Sweden, but came to this country in 1852. He patented a great number of articles, many of which have proved very usetul. J; or some time past he has been at work per fecting a new improvement on his celebrated knitting machine, and had overtaxed himself. He leaves a wife and several children and considerable property. The most recent items from Mos cow in regard to the coronation prep aration are tnat no iewer than 4000 electric lamps cover the cupola of the great belfry tower and 120 on the cross; the new parquet flooring is be- ing laid down in all the grand halls of the Kremlin; that a soldier witn a fixed bayonet stands over every group of workmen, and that the hoteJ prices have already advanced to fabulous heignts. invitations to tne ceremony having as yet been issued only to men, some anxiety exists at St. Petersburg among the ladies. The reason-give- by the Mclvers for their retirement from the Cunard company is their opposition to the building of any more enormous ships of the Servia type. They are emphatic in their opinion that the hew steamers are not suited to the Atlantic trade. They entailed, both in construction and maintenance; too vast an expen- diture to allow of an adequate profit on the working. The Servia. they say, is a white elephant; but one white elephant might be endured. V hen it came to repeating the mistake several fold they could no longer acquiesce. Hon. Jefferson Davis recently told Mr. Morgan, of the Boston Herald, that he does not like to be interviewed because he is "constantly being abused, maligned and vilified by the press." He further said in a recent talk with a reporter: What is due from me in the way of hospitality I shall oe only too glad to extend to you; out we must let politics alone. I am not a public man, nor am I pul- - lic property. I am not a seeker for office, nor is any office seeking me. 1 am plain Mr. Jefferson Davis, a pri vate citizen, wno. in the evening ol his life, desires to live in quiet and peace witn nis neigtibors, without molestation or outside interference." Dr. A. P. Peabody, of Harvard Uni versity, preacher and teacher on mor al science, says in reply to inquiries touching the promotion of intemper- ance, that he believes the only reme- dy for intemperance is to make drunk- enness the prime offense and to bring about a state of public feeling in which drunkenness and all approaches to it shall be looked on with detesta tion and loathing. The most efficient legislation in behalf of temperance would he subjecting intoxication in all cases to ignominious punishment. What the law .makes ignominious so- ciety will hold in like disesteem. If a younff man of respectable family is liable to be locked up in a house of correction for coming home drunk from a convivial gathering, not only will he be restrained from excessive indulgence, but his parents and friends will be very careful how they start him on the first step of the ovil way. Of the four remarkable spots now visible on the sun, one is of enormous size and rivals some of the great spots .which were seen List year, while the others are also of unusual magnitude. These spots are now near the eastern edge of the sun, and wnen tney get near the centre will doubtless present more imposing ap pearance tnan at present, it the present activity of the sun should continue for a month longer, the New York Sun says, the astrono mers who have gone to the middle of the Southern Pacific Ocean to observe the total solar eclipse on May b will piobaiuy oe witnesses ota magnificent spectacle. When great sun spots are most numerous the mys- terious envelopes surrounding the sun, which come into view during a total eclipse, appear to tne best ad- vantage, present the most imposing and curious forms, and extend to the greatest distances. In case the sun happens to be greatly disturbed about the 6th of "May these astronomers may have an opportunity of making most interesting and important addi- tions to our knowledge of the great rujer and center ol tne solar system. Time to Change His Location. Local Chronicle. Last Friday. Mr. Webb, of Terrell was shot by some unknown person while he was sitting in the parlor ol a friend, in company with several ladies and gentlemen. The wound is a severe one, and may yet prove fatal. One eye is shot out and the other badly damaged. This is about the fourth time an attempt has been made on his life. Did Them Right. f Black Waxy. The Dallas Herald has been put to some inconvenience this week by a strike among the printers on that paper. It is stated that the punters refused to work under a foreman who was not a "union" printer, and uncer emoniously left the office. The pro- prietors positively refuse to again em ploy the strikers, which is the right course, and will be heartily endorsed by every employer who desires to manage his own business. These trades unions are a nuisance, and do far more harm than good, and cause much unnecessary suffering more to the strikers than any one else. 1'nclalmed Express Packages. Austin. Texas, April 21, 1883. The following named persons have un claimed goods remaining in the office f the racinc tx press company, up to eaiuruay, April 21, 13: John Harrison, J. K. Arbnckle, J. M. Davis, R. C. Clark, Blanco. Miss Jane Caldwell, urlpping spring, ai. uonugie n. m. Andrews, L. Henkles. 1 Goodman. Wm. McMullin. Capt-- John Stringer, Mrs. J. Canto, Ed. Hup- - pertz, T. n. logwooa, j. iveiiey, jtt. o. nnow, C. Grobel, Fredericksburg, Mary Ann O'Con- nor, J. A. Webb, W. MT Murphy, Bares & Flume, J. A. Stewart, C. P. Boone, Blanco, H. E. Lindeman, Wm. Jolley, M. Krombery, Thos. Moffatt, H. Peters, W . C. Denney, C. M. Holmes. Respectfully. J. G. POTTS, Agent, There is now living in Newton county a man named McGee. who was born in Texas in 1805. Previous to 1837 he resided near Brazoria. The Jasper Texan found him. THE VETERAN ADDRESS. Delivered by Maj. Joe II. Stewart at Belton. Texas Soldiers of 1S35-- 6 and the Widows of Old Texas Soldiers, Ladies and Gentlemen: I feel at this moment as if I were at some holy shrine. What an honor, standing here almost in my youth, to be called upon to speak to you. When quite a boy I visited the Smithsonian institute at Washington and, alone and without a companion, prompted by curiosity, entered the various rooms and apartments of that institution. At length I found myself ushered into a large room, perhaps eighty feet square and fifty feet from floor to dome, and I saw the whited walls hung with the pictures of dis- tinguished Indian warriors, adorned, with war paint and feathers and human scalps dangling from wampum belts. Each eye seemed firmly fixed on me and I felt, in my boyish fear, as if confronted by living red men. At that moment I remembered all the thrilling accounts I had heard and read of these men of the forest the occasion inspired the remembrance and reflections. Looking now into your faces, I aiu alike impressed with this occasion. These wrinkled brows, snowy heads and trembling limbs; these sunken eyes, gleaming yet with the sunbeams of patriotism, impress me with the magnitude ot this presence, and 1 realize that I am, at this hour, stand- ing in the presence of the grandest living heroes of one of the greatest political revolutions hitherto known among the children of men. buch a collection ot the living por traits .of men of three score years and ten, penciled by the v ery master-han- d of the universe, it has rarely been the privilege of men to behold since the days of the prophets and patriarchs of the olden time. L shall not allude in detail to the historical events in the early days of Texas that grand temple erected by you and the dead heroes of the young republic, within whose walls all the liberty-lovin- g men now living and to come hereatter may gather cour- age and inspiration, and upon whose polished walls your pictures win nang wnen nans are eaten with rust, when cords and tassels are broken an'd when - marble structures are crumbled into atoms and dust. Yes, that temple of imperial struc ture whose foundation stones are laid deep and sure on the rock of ages and whose dome now grows and swells towards heaven and eternity. I would only wipe the dust from its plain, oiti. nooie urns. Every nation has had its heroic pe- riod and its heroic race. "The heroes of Bexar, of the Alamo, of Goliad, of San Jacinto and the Texas Revolution furnished the heroic race for Texas, and the revolution 1835 and 1836 was her heroic period. The heroic age is that time distin- guished above all others by a concur- rence of grand agencies with grand results by uncommon examples of the rarer virtues and qualties of man, tried by an exigency that occurs only at the beginning of new epochs, when the great bell of time sounds out an- other hour. The heroic race is that one in the course of history which is recognized as the great agency to kindle and feed the moral imagination, move the heart and command the intelligent wonder of the world for all time to come. Such an age was the Texas Revolu- tion, such a race was that which fought the enemy upon her then trackless prairies. That was not the age of the looking-glas- s, of dainty appetites and of gen- tle manners. Sam Houston, like Achilles, sometimes cooked his own scanty meal. Men then, and women, too, wore blue denims and buckskin; they may have seemed to possess no ray of fancy, no emotion of taste; others may have had a quicker eye for the beautiful in art, may have contributed more wit, more song may have worn more decorated armor in battle yet, their lives and deaths have been a whole Iliad in action grander, sweeter, of more mournful pathos, of more purifying influence than anything yet sung by old or modern bard. In 1835, Mexican oppression and domination became so insupportable that revolt and arms were the only recourse for free citizenship within the borders of Texas, and the few col- onists staked life and fortune upon the hazard of independence. All brave and loyal hearts throbbed in tenderest sympathy for the little band struggling for life and freedom. Tennessee sent her Ed Burleson, her Davy Crockett and her James H. Swisher; Georgia her Ward and Rusk, her Lamar and Fannin; Connecticut her E. M. Pease; Mis- sissippi her Stephen H. Darden; South Carolina her Travis and her Bonham ; Louisiana her Bowie and her Sam McKneely; Kentucky her Ben Milam; the Old Dominion her Stephen F. Austin, her William L. Hunter who pow sits before me bearing the leaden and bayonet seals 'of Labardie, his head ripe with years nd honors and she sent her Frank Johnson, and there he sits, presiding over your as- sociation like an old and honored prince of the royal blood; the land of the Teutons sent her Kleberg; and hundreds of true hearts gathered around them and braver and more loyal men never defended a woman's honor or espoused a country's cause. They came from the south, from the north and the east; from the banks of the flowing Rhine and the land of the green shamrock, to con- test' the palm with the imperious and' eager foe. They came not for help or sordid gold, for the infant re- public was Too poor to possess the precious ores, And too much of a stranger to borrow. The world, in all the ages, has fur- nished no grander exemplars of chiv- alry, and God-lik- e manhood. Young men, just in the untold delights of a honeymoon, kissed their tender brides a sad fare- well and left to join the'patriot band that were then here fighting for free- dom. A legend tells of an impetuous young father and husband who had heard the tales of woe and danger that went out from the women and children of this land; for a moment he looked down into the cradle upon his first-bor- n, that had just learned the first lisping accents of baby-hoo- d; on bended knee he kissed the boy, arose and wiped the tears, at parting, from, the"eyelids of his fond wife and then, speechless with emotion, turned his face towards Texas, and, with quickened footsteps, sought the gory field of battle he now sleeps upon the banks of the Salado river, and at each nightfall a mourning ash tree sings his requiem ; and for nearly half a century, a woman, now gray, of sweet but sad face, clad in weeds of mourning, has made annual pil grimages to that hallowed spot. I see now troops gathering along the bank of the Tennessee and the tortuous Chatahooche, away up on the St. Lawrence, in the glens of Scotland and on the blue turf of Ken tucky; I hear the long roll of the ket- tle drum and the shrill call of the bugle, and the tocsin of Texas is sounding "To the rescue !" Loving mothers are saying to brave and duti- ful sons, "Good bye, God bless you;" loving sisters are wiping watery eyes and saying, with quivering lips, "Farewell brother;" sweethearts" are locked in warm embrace and each Breathing out the tender tale. Beneath the milk-whit- e thorn that scents the ev'ning gale: And some hopeless, sad but bright-eye- d maiden is saying, My lips refuse to say farewell , For in that word, that fatal word, Howe'er we proriuse, hope, believe, There breathes despair. A thousand prayerful lips and swelling hearts are invoking God's choicest blessings; for months, aye years, tender hearts yearned for the derjarted loved ones; sorrowful yet hopeful eyes each day eagerly watch at the gloaming along the old accus tomed paths, anticipating a return or the departed and thus many a sad to morrow came ana went. - And did the husband return to his fond wife, a son to a prayerful mother who had confided his keeping to the god of armies and battles, the sweet- - I heart to the bosom he had so often ! restea upon in the fruition of a re jquitedlove? I Sound the muster roll and let cl. lent response answer; the dry bones : at Goliad, the Alamo and at San Ja cinto, and even on your own spark-- mig jsaiaao, ten their own brave but pituui story. - But you and those imperishable dead bones planted here the tree of liberty thus it became watered with the blood . of human hearts. Though for a time swayed by au verse w mus.mai wee oent its roots down below the drought of frost and anarchy; its trunk went up erect, not riven by the storm; soon the ever- green unfolded its branches and it now affords a welcome shade for the op- pressed and liberty loving of all the people of the earth. And, where lies the true greatness or grandeur, in the civilization itself or the primal human agency that pro- duced it? It is to them that strike the first blow and blaze the road to progress ami civilization. The char- acter of Martin Luther will live in history when Henry Ward Beecheris quiet in oblivion; the name of Gut-tenbe- rg will be cherished when the painteraand typesetters of the present civilization are clothed in the dark garb of utter forgetfulness; the name of Columbus will be a towering mon- ument when that of the commander of the steamship Great Eastern is crumbled into impalpable powder; the name of Morse will electrify the com- ing ages, while those of the presidents of the Western Union and other om- nipotent telegraph corporations are blotted from the minds of men; the names of Austin and of Fanin, of Bowie and Frank John- son, of S. W. Blount and Sam Hous- ton, of Wm. L. Hunter and Deaf Smith, of Davy Crockett and Ed. Burleson, of Moses Austin Bryan and Walter P. Lane, and the men now be- fore me who blazed the road to our advancement and civilization, will be spoken with veneration and blessings a hundred generations after the great men of this day in Texas are discarded rrom the pages or history. Then, whence came these choice blessings to Texas '4 What human agency poured this priceless "treasure into the very laps of the two millions of people that now dwell within these borders? You and your comrades in the early days of Texas were the in- struments, under the direction of a wise Providence, to create this civili- zation and unfold our destiny. You and the courageous wife that followed your fortunes made these prairies. these rivers, these hills and valleys almost sacred by your woes, your pri- vations, your heroisms. Men then, footsore and hungry, marched daily with feet unshod and nightly slept ifpon untented fields; women of high birth and of gentle manners gathered no thornless flowers of comfort and ease, but they challenged the howling blasts of the prairies, the tomahawk of the savage and the very welcome of the solitudes. It, Sirs, is to you and those of your Spartan band who have crossed over the river, that 1 owe the privilege of breathing to-da- y this balmy Texas air, of resting in the soft rays of her bright sun, of looking down upon these valleys which might seem to have been hollowed out for the very home and dwelling place of liberty. Forty-seve- n years ago this day, a vanquished foe lies bleeding on the banks of the San Jacinto. A few hundreds of ragged and hungry men are the victors over the thousands of skilled foreign soldiers, already sur- feited with treasure and human blood their proud general on bended knee, hoping for that quarter and mer- cy so foreign to his own heart and so little in keeping with his own mode of warfare. On that evening the very heavens smiled, and, for the first time, the sun went down on this lib- erated, sovereignty. In its broad sense, Texas was then free. From that good hour, these people have been governed by magistrates of their own selection, under laws framed by their own agents. The "Napoleon of the West" no longer dictates your policies or commands your battalions; here now smiles an independent, peaceful, law-abidin- g, well-govern- common-- . wealth. Th msands shall spring from your loins and trace back with pride and lineal love their blood to yours. - Cen- turies hereafter, in great cities, from tribes of a common Israel, shall come together the good, the eminent, the beautiful, to remember you and learn the lessons of your unexampled hero- ism. Your influence will endure here for ages and, until the morning stars sing together, your names will be spoken with gratitude and venera- tion. And shall the state refuse to out- stretch her arm, once weak but now strong, made'so by your valor, to ten- der that bounty your noble achieve- ments so richly earned ? Shall the millions remain locked and bolted in the state treasury while the widows of dead Texan spartans are almost without food ana raiment ? Just here I will state that it was my pleasure to prepare and have intro- duced and earnestly labored before the legislature just adjourned to pro- cure the passage of the law granting you the meagre pension of $150 a year; and, strange to you as it may seem, many obstacles were placed in the way. The men of gray hairs and tottering footsteps, with exceptions, opposed your demands against the state while a very large majority of the young men and let it be said to tneir nuuur were your lrieuus and stood between you and the older members like "a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night." The oldest member of the senate refused to recognize your rights, while Mr. Matlock, the youngest, was your earnest advocate. The lower house furnished like examples of gratitude and patriotism on the one hand, and niggardly economy and base ingrati- tude on the other the oldest members voting against your just demands, and the youngest standing by you with unsheathed sword battling ior your rights. You, sirs, merit of Texas her high- est honors and richest rewards. She may offer her bounties and pensions in simple morsels, but she cannot cir- cumscribe the memory of your deeds and achievements. There is now no marble shaft uprisen in the Pass of Thermopylae, but Leonidas and his brave band will live when the law- makers of Athens and Rome are in double oblivion. Nothing, save "the wreck of matter and crush of worlds," can destroy the monuments reared to your valor, for they are and will ever be in the hearts of men". I cannot forget that this is your festival, which you have journeyed so f ar lo keep. I have, therefore, spoken briefly. Until this hour I never looked into many of your faces, and, perhaps, but few of you, until now, ever looked into mine. It is likely we may never meet each other again In this life, face to face. Your golden sands of life are nearly run out, mine are but midway the glass. Many of you are now leaning upon your old and well-wor- n staff, and the next reunion for some now before me will not be in this beautiful city, but in the great city beyond the stars there to hold converse with Bowie and Crockett and Houston and Rusk and other, kindred spirits, and to cele- brate another and a grander independ- ence day. Heaven bless the grand old Texas soldier and the noble wife who shared his privations, his fortunes; and may no man ever be permitted to dwell upon Texas soil, to rest his head upon her generous bosom, or to sleep be- neath her green, velvet sod, whose heart does not vibrate with swelling emotions of gratitude to the veterans, living and dead, of the Texas Revo- lution. Empty Headed Assertion. I Greenville Herald. Senator Johnson, of Collin county, on returning home from Austin ex- pressed himself as being utterly dis gusted with the eighteenth legisla- ture. He says the state is two mil- lion dollars worse off than when it met. ' He does not name the objection- able-measures, or explain how so much damage has been done. ACSTIX PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Enrollment and Attendance for April 1883. The enrollment and attendance of me pupils of the city public schools b"wi wuuiiiMii; iiionvn, ena-in- g April 20, 1883, as per teachers' re- ports to superintendent, is as follows: I. AT GRADED SCHOOL BUILDING Enroll-- Attend- - BOVS 953 1K- - Girls !!. 288 222 Total 541 384 II. FIRST WARD SCHOOL. This school was organized March 5. .aitenu- - Boys 15 13 " . Girls ' 7. a Total 22 lit III. SIXTH WARD SCHOOL. Enroll-- Attend- - mPTlt. ii n ii Boys a-- 2 oi Girls 31 i. Total .... 63 40 IV. SEVENTH WARD SCHOOLS. Enroll-- Attend-nien- t. ance. Boys 85 61 Girls 98 68 Total 183 i2 V. AT PASCHAL SCHOOL HOUSE. Enroll-- Attend-menf- - iinr?f Boys 130 us Girls 160 121 Total 29Q 216 V. COLORED SCHOOLS. Enroll-- Attend- - nipnt. :mfp Wheatville Boys .... 40 ;J7 Girls .... 31 7 Third war d Bys .... 47 28 Girls 63 .. 41 Seventh ward Boys,. 3(1 30 Girls.. 63 48 Eighth ward Boys... 74 69 liirls... 51 46 Tenth ward Boys 52 33 Girls 63 45 Total colored pupils. 520 409 TOTALS. Enroll- - Attend-men- r. anoo No. white miDils iot9 842 No. colored pupils 520 40 Grand total.. 1619 1251 AVERAGES. For week ending Frida', April 20, average No. belonging, boys 535.6 For weekending Friday, March 23, average No. belonging, girls 641.8 Total 1177.4 Average attendance, boys 476.8 Average attendance, girls 573.2 Total 1050.0 Average absence, boys. 61.6 Average absence, girls 65.8 Total 127.4 Average tardy, boys 27.2 Average tardy, girls 45.6 Total 72.8 Increase in enrollment during month.. .33 Per cent of attendance on aver- age No. belonging 77.2 Per cent of absence on average No. belonging 22.8 U8r OF LETTERS . Advertised In the postofflee at Austin, Texas for the week ending Saturday, April 31, 188J.' Arnold, Lucy M&s Adams, J H Mrs Ashton, Isaac B Amyx, Frank Anderson, Jolui B. Burruss, Charles Black .Caroline Miss (2) Bloxsom, B Miss Booderick, B Miss Brain, C A Miss Bryan, Davey F Butler, Frank A Ball, F W (2) Baroine, Joseph . Bird, Jenny Miss liareck, John F Bery, William Barron, J G Beck. J D Blair. Laura Bell, M A Mrs Bryant, Monthy Miss Brooking, W G (2) Brown, WA Brown, Patsey E Brown, 8 Miss Brooks, W P C. Chambers Bros Cook, AN' Curry, Chas Campbell, C Miss Courtnev. K J Clark. Eliza Miss Crow, Frank Cannon, George Carpenter, Geo W Carpenter, AC Cheuoweth, John Canuteson H Chadiva, Juliano Collins, Lucy Miss Coleman, MO Miss Coleman, Mary Mrs Chowland. Ned & Co Caldwell, J T Cavanauah, L M Coleman, J Miss Casper, SS Cameron, Kate uarter, J l, corn, luomas Drake, Shum Jr Dorris, Pluie Miss Davtde, Spagnoli Dahlia, Juan Davis, C Education, Texas Journal of Eubank, Joe H (2) Earnest. Clay Miss Elliott, Sam F. Forden.TMrs Field, A H Foster, A )ol) Faulker. A reiuer, x is Fuller, Hattie Mrs Franklin, Fanny Floyd, u W Fignet, J B (2) Farwell. M E U Gill, A B Gardner, WP Gibbs, Sarah Green, Walter (col) George, DW Goodwin, Mollie Mrs Gearers, Louis Mrs Guinn, J V Gregory, Eiizabeth.Mrs Gustafson A V H Hill, Robert Hardy Perry F H Uoncher, Phillips Herrlil, Stanford Hansbrow, Unity Mrs Hill, Harry Harris, George , , Henry, Geo (col) Hepler, Joseph O ' Hewlett, J w Hathaway, LeKoy Heartneld, L O Mrs Hagan, Lawrence Homer, Mat ha Miss Hardey, Nicholas Holt, M Newton' J Jones, Robert Johnson, RD J Jouusou, Survey A - Jobnanson, J Tenlse3Miss Johnson.annhi-Mr- Jackson, Eadie Miss Johnson, Cornelia Mrs Johnson, Aleck ; " K. '1 Kennedy. John Keethler, O P (.ti L . S Lang,WW(3) Leoni.Angelo - Lowery, Nathaniel M Lomicks, Lucy Miss Lind, James H Lamb, Jemima icol) Link, Uoebel $ Co Lairbee, Arthur M M McDade, Clara Miss McLemon, CB McKenzle. Asa Manson, J B S Machin. W E Miller, Sam Mayes, Stephen Merphy, John Mitchell, Samuel Murchison, V Mrs Murphy, M H ' McCraven, Vlnce Maxey, Wm B Magues, Willis Molelas, Henry Mattlson, MU N Nelson, Thomas (2) Norrls.WG Nolen, 8 A Newton, D H Nicholson. E P Nash, Mack O ' Oakes, Louisa Mrs Onnell, Jennie Mis P Patri, Theresa Mrs Pelham, Wm (3) Peterson, Wm Farmer,- - Rachel Mrs Pembroke, R Powers, Michael Palmer, Gussie Mrs. Prescott, J. A. Kiss Powell. Aloy. Q. Quaite, G W L. R. ' Robinson, MA Mrs Rogers, W H Rogers, Wm RopachoU, Miss Rivere, L L Robinson, Mary A Mrs Roballn, Manuel Kumsey. McLame Richards, J G Raiser, John Rooney, J Mrs Ricks, Henry Rogers, F L Rowntser, Bettie Mrs Reeve, AM. - S. Sanders, Seph Smith, RM Smith, Sarah Mrs Spalding, William P Staley, WD Sanders, Julia Mrs Stuart, Ceiia Miss Stone, J B Scott, Lizzie A Mrs Stussey, J G Smith, Mollie Mrs Smith, Myram Mrs Seniore,MoUie Mrs Simmons, Nannie Mrs Stewart, Jennie Mrs Siuigsberg, Willie Springer, Dr. T. Thomas, Rolie Turner, William Thompson, Annie Miss Tauett, Arthur Tillman, Edward - Theatrean, F H, W. Whitner, Laura Mrs Wallls, MA Miss Witen. Matyr Wilson, Noah WUtree. AR Wilbraus, A Wilson, Ada Miss Wllner, Cloria Miss Wilson, Jim Wiseman, J E Weaver, J T Wilson, Y L Woodland, Freeman WhitefeeL Crofoot Wodeklns, W A Williams, Tennessee P Wormack.Thomas Weingarten, Fannie Washom, Virgia Miss Miss Ward. T H Waddell, Lige Washington, Rattle Miss Wesley, Thomas. FOBEIOK LETTERS. Butte, Robert Walker, John Severnio, Bertamini Muller, Edward Graf, Gustav Fink, F BeU, Charles C Blum, Andy. " Long (4). DUE LKTTEI18. Grand, Joseph H Moore, Walker F Baird,FJ Worst, PH. FORKIGS DUE LETTEB8. Lundgoist, Clara Miss Ward, L Miss Napohdirela, Giuseppe. Persons calling for letters aa this list should say "advertised;, giving date. DEGRESS. Postmaster. COLT, 2 years old; sire, HAMBLETONIAN a Mambrino Patchen mare. Price 300. Inquire at Statesman office. m2i-t- f. COSDEXSED SO'DAY TELEGRAMS Cardinal R.Luigee Autier is dead; aged seventy-tw- o years. A terrible storm swept over Chatta- nooga on Sunday, causing much dam- age. President Arthur reached Peters- burg, Virginia, at noon Sunday, look- ing well and in excellent spirits. . The toy factory or Leo,Schlessinger & Co, loo avenue. New York, was damaged by fire to the extern, of S25.- - 000. An explosion occurred Sundav in :i dynamite factory at Leon, Spain. The bodies of seven victims have been r- - covered. A heavy wind storm nrevailed in the vicinity of Hutchenson, Kansas, uuiug uousiuerauie aamage to me r.nd property. James C. Jones, the wife murderer. was convicted at Atlanta, (iflori.i His wife was only eleven years M when he married her. The Grand Rapids. Michigan, furni ture company and manufacturing es- tablishment burned Saturday. Lss $50,000; insurance $26,000. The schooner Two Brothers, from San Francisco to Salt Point, capsized recently off Bodya Head, and the cap- tain and five men were lost. Policeman John Coffev wa killi-i- l by Alfred Gassett. at New Orleans. Sunday, and a negro officer shot G;w-set- t, who is not expected to recover. The Canada manufacturing compa ny s premises and the stationery store of J. L. Carson & Son, at Montreal, was destroyed by lire. Loss. S'iO.- - 000. A. fire at Newton. Iowa, destroyed property of the value of 820.000 to $25,000. Vaughn & Co., of agricultu- ral implements works, are the princi- pal losers. Two freight trains collided on the Grand Trunk railway, near Wales, Ontario, Sunda', smashiug thirty curs and two locomotives. The loss amounts to $60,000. Boston was excited on Sunday at the announcement that an agent for a large iron company was in the city and authorized to sell pig iron two dollars per ton less than previous prices. At a meeting of the branch land league in New York and Brooklyn, delegates to Philadelphia convention were selected. There will be a caucus Wednesday night before the conven- tion opens. An explosion occurred Sunday ut the government manufactory of small arms at Enfield. A quantity of burning tow and pieces of tin boxes were found among the debris. Little damage was done. A severe wind and rain storm pre- vailed throughout the northwest Sunday, and telegraphic communica- tion with that section was interrupted. The Missouri river and smaller streams were flooded. Intense excitement prevailed at Atlanta, Georgia, over the attempt to lynch a man named L. Johnson, con- victed of rape of a young pirl. A guard fired on the mob with blank cartridges and thus prevented the lynching. The first day of thespring meeting of the blood horse association was held at Oakland park Saturday. The first race, half mile, for California stakes, was won by Norfolk; time, 0:50 )4. The second race for Hearst stakes, free for all, three-quart- er dash, was won by Jim Douglass, Joe How- ell second. Premium third. There were six starters. I CURE FITS! When I say cure I do not mean merely to ztop them for a time and have them return again I mean a dlcal cure. I have made the .disease of FlTn, EPILEPSY or FALL- ING SICKNESS a life-lon- g study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worse cases. Because others have failed Is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedv. Give Express and Postofflee. It costs you nothing for a trial, and I will cure you. Address Dr. H. G. ROOT 183 Pearl St.. N. Y Tie Best Thread for Sewing Madiines Willimantic SIX-COR- D SPOOL COTTON. For Sale by All Leading Dealers. Ask For It I Buy It I! Try It! II 5 DAY to agents selling for ns. ti sample free. Address General Aeencv. 159 Hudson street. New York. CONSUMPTION. 1 have a positive remedy tor the above dis- ease; by its use thousands of eases of the worst kind and ot long standing have been cured. Indeed, so strong is mv iaith in its that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUBLE TREATISE on this disease, to any sufferer, (five Express and P. O. address. DR. T. A..SUXJUM. ll Pearl -- treot. Npw Vorlt Per Month BURR. SI0Ol0$25O! A(rent jubilant wiin iiccMd everywhere aellinr our new braided Hilver Mould W ire ClolheflLlne. Lat forever. NtvtrruMlt. Warranted Sells readily at every boUBe. Snmpt tt term free hy awil. AddltMsOIKAD WIKI KllXg, PhlluU., F. MONEY NO LOAN In sums sf 8500 to improved real estate in Travis, Williamson. Caldwell, Bastrop and Burnett counties, 3 to 5 years time. ZIMPELMAN & BERGEN. Financial Agents, 106 East Pecan street. E STRAYED From my residence, one black mare, about 144 hands high, branded H S on right hand hip. liberal reward for iter re- covery, or information leading to same. W. H. HKLL, apl2tf at John Bremond's. MANHOOD Speedily restored bj ike uae vt I'UUm IVMfc tnaut, which effectually eurei Xrrroat JTXtbll-Itt- v, Kioat Tlrllity, Premature Decay, ant all trouble, aiUiag from over-wor-k and axoeaMa. Banipati of Vltallne mailed free, aealed,by ad. V TFlilMlfi rn Baca Ht Omuhvi. a .vDOW'Tv Fail to use AIYABAHTIXE for renovating your Wall and Oiling. It is rapidly superseding all other Finish. Fordnruiiilf-- t y, beauty and economy, it Is without an equal, and can be applied by anyone. II not for sale in your nelplilKH-hobd- , send te MEptKY BROS- - 3 Buvif iik Mlip. K York. BtLilELE SELF-OUH- E. orita of nn of the most not ) it: ii siiccetilul prcinlfsts In the lT. fci. (nrw retired) ior t b cnr of AfH iitiHtff. la plain sealed e u vluitr,yve liruggaSia can fill 1U Ad4rM DR. WARD CO. Louititmk M- - HoiGfljatMc Dispsiry. I would call the attention of the Homoeo- paths ot Austin and the state at large to the fact that I have established a Homoeopathic JMnpensary. A full line of the purest and freshest prepa- rations of Bcericke & Tafel always kept eu hand. - Orders by mall solicited. Rending ot family chests a specialty. II. E. JLIXDETIAX, n Pharmacy, corner Lavaca and Walnut streets. JLoek Box 71, Austin, Texas. marS-d&wl- y 1UU HKXT. I will receive written proposals up to the 10th day of May next to rent Gilliland's creek pasture, belonging to tiie estates of LaRue and Iaie Noton, nuuors, for one year, from the 1st day of June, 1M83, one naif of the rent to he paid in advance, the balance in six months, with approved security. The right to reject all propositions is hereby reserved. PlEitM)N NOTON. Guardian. Address care J. hi Avenue, Austin. f&s-w- lt G25 REWARD. For information leading to the recovery of one strawberry-roa- n horse, six years old, fif- teen bands high, branded 7 S on right shoulder, with white face and legs. JAM ES SHAW. aAMrtit Holland, Texas. SI O REWARD. For the delivery of one bay horse and one filly, both two years old, branded C on lei t jaw, also branded (V) V 7 connected, with 7 inverted. J. N. IEAF. t ' Troy, Texas. rv 3 VARIOUS QUACKS. Who-Ka- efo with liisown Pet Mr heme, -i- 'nttlvate the Field t' Ilniuaa aatnre.' There hav always - been auackv-w.- -L quacks, theological quacks, scientific quacks and medical iuacks. Some of them are bland, oily fellows who argue and smile the world into believing in their favorite bit ol humbug. Others are pompous and pretentious parasites. But they make it pay. Meu seem to love to be ' swindled, stipulating only that it shall h neatly douc. The dear public are equally liberal to the electric and magnetic fraud. This fellow Is a genius in his line. He will put a magnetic belt around your waist, a magnetic necklace under your chin, or U you out with an entire suit of magnetic clothes, warranted to serve the pur-pas- e of ordinary garments, and at the same time to cure all diseases, from whooping-coug- to hasty consumption. Most of these have no more electric or mag- netic power about them than resides In woolen blankets or in girdles of sackcloth. Only wherr , applied by an expert Is electricity of the slight- est use as a medicinal agent, and even then its value Is grossly overstated. What is the strong- est liossible presumntive nMnniw in fun,. - of a particular remedy? Clearly that it should n. have been prepared by responsible persons of acknowledged skill in the treatment of disease. ; Squarely on. this foundation stands BEN SON'S CAPCINE IDHOUS PLASTER. En- dorsed by 5000 nhvsieians. 1,1 gists and chemists, it needs no further appol- - ' uk nor immiuctioii. It is the one and only true and tried external mi,ll-.-itl- iwv. of all kinds pay the Capcine the complimont ui meir uisiiKe, as Satan is said' to hate holy water. Look in the middle of the' iilasti-- r for th word "CAPCINE." Price 25 cents. bealniryft Johnson, Chemists, New York. HARRIS REMEDY CO.,' UUlai 1,0 riH. 111 I PR0F.HARHI8' PASTILLE REMEDY "J. . Norton, aaa rkjafaal ItaM- ,j, I I a - " -- "7 e"B7 OSOMUUeDUI. - are ouieki. &rut j . ... ..i.m.uwnm.tmr, .'iL'.fV' ' 8 "J an toTO' wVapfi a aj 11 v aitTutagraef Ha' m nperleaoe la oaring dneaoaa or Oia Mead. oea.-Nerj- .Be lfebllttr. Impataaaw! OraXJS lVeakneaa, tonorraura. TIUllu Ti4 M erArlJ Affectioaa apeciaUy treated oa artnUSe pruulpML . - i.i.ii.ct. 111 MT I II Oi ui, (too! a be aonrerad bj thuiedaUrtBC treatment a, mall. aaaamooaHtaiaaUtbalrahwUaa. HUaota TwrnZS. Mdraaa, DB. BUTTS, Is a. Ai St. Loe, afN prtKi.isi.i-- mnmm vjub rv-r-r MORLEY'S AGO E TONIC Is iPERFLUT afli SUFFICIENT CORE FOR Chills and Fever. Tne People wiii Bare lo otnei Wkeri it Bai cac Been ML Walnut Obovs. RsnKivaa l?o., 'it jHlr at, 1 Mesnre. JUorh-- Bros.; Ploaae send to Clnrktsvillo, 2 do;u TONIC, and 8 LIVER PILLS. Al. ,. nit'..KU ers that used your Agne Tonic win ha- - ix-ot- er. 8. J. Foiii. Niw WxvaaLT. Tcxas, May ia, ... Messrs. Morlcy Bros. : . ' Send by Pacific Exprens, 8 do. -8 At, L B TONIC- - It has not failed to cure in a slng.o instance Yours, Truly, J. T. WHITE. Quxbh City, Texas', July 27, 183. Horers. Morley Bros.: Pitase send aa soon as ponnible; 8 dozen r-- X- Ague TONIO and 2 dozeu WONDBK-PULEIUH- They sell woll. Yours, etc, a. BROOKS ' Hammond Station, Texas, June 47, 18K 7 -- Messrs. Morley Brna.: V Please sund Per Express: 2 dozen T--x 8 iGUE TONIC. We need it bad. ai.S BARNEV1LLKA IifEI.DH LADIES, READ WONDERFUL FEMALE MEDICINE! ftfiOELLER'S Cures Painful MENSTRUATION, wlthon fail. Try it and be convinced. Cures Excessive MONTHLY Fl-O- In on or two periods. Contains Black Haw, Iron. Erigeron and all the most noted WOMB TONK'H. Cures Irritation, Inflammation and Ulcera- tion ol the Womb. Cures Whites or Leucorrhoea and alt un- healthy discharges. Cures troubles of the Bladder and Ovaries and Falling of the Womb. Stimulates the Sexual Organs with vigor and health. Works Wonders In regulating the worst forms of Female Complaints. Strengthens the Muscular System, and is the best Remedy for a Weak Back. Arouses into action the Nerrotia and DeblUV ated with the rosebud of health. 830,000 for 32.00. S5tli Poplar Mgnllily MM or THE r4 Ti i mum mi In the City of Louisville, on Monday, April 30, 1883. These drawings occur on the last dav of each month (Sundays excepted). Related adju- dication by Federal and State Courts havr filaced this company beyond the controvery To this company belongs the s honor of having inaugurated the only pis which their drawings are proven bone' .a fair beyond question. N. B. THE COMPANY HAS NOW ON HAND A LARGE CAPITAL AND RESERVE FUND. READ CAREFULLY THE LIST OF PRIZES FOR THE AI'KIL. UKAH1.VU. ' 1 Prize.... tao.ono 100 Prizes $100 1 Prize 10,000 each $10,000 1 Prize 6,000 200 Prizes $30 10 Prizes, $1,000 each 10,000 each 10,000 COO Prizes $ 20 Prizes $300 each lz.000 each 10,000 1,000 rnzes fio cacti 10,000 9 Prizes $300 each, Approximation pri- zes 2,700 9 Prizes $200 each, Approxima1 Ion pri- - zes , 1,800 9 Prizes $100 each. Approximation pri- zes M 900 1,900 Prizes $112,400 Whole Tickets -- IlaII Tickets !. 27 TICKETS $50 65 T1CKKT8, $100. Remit money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. Don't send by registered letter or ist oKlce order. Orders of fo and upwards by Express, can be sent at our ex- pense. Address all orders to It M. BOAR lv MAN", Courier-Journ- Buildim:, Louisville, Kentucky Free ! Cards aid Gtes. We will send free by mall a sample set of our large German, r'reuch and Anicrir:i!i Chrouio Cards, on tinted and gold grouim, with a price list ot over auO diflereut ns on receipt of a stamp for postage. We also send free by mail as samples, ten of our beautiful Chminos, on receipt ol ten cenls to pay for packing and .postage; also enclose a confldenlial price list of our large oil cIto-mo- Ag'-nt- J wanted. Address F. (il.EA-SO- CO., 46 Summer Street, Boston, .Va-i- .

Transcript of · r v t I if. i v s Little Havana, (Gould & Co.'s.) Zeolcied toy ROYAL...

Page 1: · r v t I if. i v s Little Havana, (Gould & Co.'s.) Zeolcied toy ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. NUMBER FOB NUMBER. PRIZE rOR PRIZE With 400 Additional prizes. Class









Little Havana,(Gould & Co.'s.)


With 400 Additional prizes.

Class 1128, MAY 9, 1883,


HCIIKIX'JLE:1 Capital Prize $15,000

y'I Capital Prize 4.000--ja Capital Prize '.'.000

4 Prizes. 4fl0 each 1 ,608 Prizes. 9-- each 1.B00

82 Frizes. lOOeacb i0

1000 Prizes. 10 each 10,0i9 Approximatloos to 1st prize, $100

each 0009 Approximations to 2d prize. (50

each r 4509 Approximations to 2d prize, too

each . 450

' 1124 Prizes as above, being the full num-ber in the Koyal Havana, and

400 Additional Prizes ol 5 each to the400 tickets having as ending numbers

the two terminal units of the num-ber drawing the Capital Prize of

15,000 2.000

1,624 Prizes, amounting lu U. S. sold to $ tr.tfxi

TicketM Ilalven 1.

All prizes paid on presentation. For lufor-mulio-

and tickets, apply to8HIPSEY COMPANY,

General Agents,' 1212 Broadwav. N. Y.CHyor 68 East Randolph at ret; t, Chicago, 111.,

or Jno. ft. Fbknajtoez,2fldw-l- y Savannah, eorgla.

While other Baking Powders are largelyadulterated with Alum and other hurtfuldrugt.

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THUSKDAY --- --- APR. 26, 1883

The war on gambling houses inNew York city continues.

From all over the state come glowing accounts of fine growing corn anacotton.

Ireland's troubles are great andperplexing. There is more than oneIreland.

Gen. IIazen is after reducing thenumber of signal stations, and someof the reduction will be applied inTexas.

Tue government's franchise bill inCanada, introduced recently, gives avote to widows and spinsters with aproperty valuation of $400.

The proposed prohibitory amend-ment to the Connecticut constitutionfailed in the state house of represen-tatives for want of 12 votes.

Tue local Irish societies of Phila-delphia have completed arrange-ments for the land league convention,to be held on the 25th and 26th.

Tue great new bridge between thecities of New York and Brooklyn issaid to be the strongest as well as themost graceful suspension bridge inthe world.

The president felt a malarial touch,and straightway he started for thewhite house, where the thing dealsvigorously with the human form thatis even most divine.

New York's legislature is asked toextend the principle and methods ofthe Pendleton civil service law tostate and local officers. But it is notsaid it will be adopted.

Those big lies that have lately circulated sov freely in the newspapersall followed in the wake of HonThomas P. Ochiltree. It shows thatthe man's influence is felt.

The New York Times and Postthe Albany Journal and the BuffaloExpress, four of the most influentialRepublicans of the state, favor aradical reduction of the tariff.

The Dallas Herald has obtained allthe non-unio- n printers it needs andits proprietors will hereafter run theirestablishment to suit themselves, nota set of tramping disorganizes.

Mb. 1'arnell wanted the landleague convention at Philadelphiapostponed uutil fall, that he might attend. Now we do know that the Irishagitator is one of the most modest ofmen.

Senator Joseph E. Brown andwife, of Georgia, are at Hot Springs,Arkansas. They will remain thereuntil about the 5th of May .when theywill come to Waco, to attend theSouthern Baptist convention.

Hon. Thos. A. Hendricks has beentelling what he thinks of the nextpresidential campaign. He is satis-fle- d

the tarifC will be an issue, but hedoes not attach that importance to itwhich many do. Probably that is onereason why importance is not at-

tached to Mr. Hendricks as a presidential candidate.

Tue Fairiield Recorder is alterLieutenant Governor Martin with asharp stick for fighting the railways.It was to his credit that he did notjoin in an unreasonable attempt tocripple the growth of the state's railway system. There is yet neededtwenty thousand miles of railway inTexas

In , consequence of the dynamitescarce in London, the ' Guards havebeen placed, for the first time in twocenturies, in protection of the courtsof justice. There are two sentries atthe entrance to the great hall; a sen-

try guards the judges' entrance inCarey street and Bell yard, while athird is placed at the door of theguard-roo- m at Somerset Ilouse.

Archbishop Purcell's tongue isparalyzed. It is stated that in his oldage and trouble the archbishop'sfriends have deserted him, and only afew of those whom he befriendedwhen he was at the zenith of his ability and influence visit him now.Some of his former parishioners cometo-se- e him, but, strange and pitiful asit may be, only now and then somekindly .hearts, touched by the poorman's condition, make a pilgrimageto St. Martin's and pay their respect-ful homage to their old friend andcounselor.

The ehairman of the civil servicecommission, in reply to certain statements credited to him that a wholesale discharge of government employes on the incoming of a new ad-

ministration was not forbidden bythe new civil service law, asserts thatwhat he said was that the law hadnothing to do with removals; thatpower to dismiss from office was notabridged by the bill, but that all appointments to office must be madefrom among those found competent,without regard to party.

Frederick Nicholls Crouch,the composer of "Kathleen Mavour-neen,- "

is now lying at Baltimore atan advanced age. He is in needy cir-

cumstances and u movement hasbeen started by musicians in Balti-more and other cities to make up afund for his benefit. Crouch was,oddly enough, associated with JohnHoward Tayne's celebrity as a songwriter, for he conducted the performance in London, of "Clari, or the Maidof Milan" in which "Home, SweetHome," occurs. He came to thiscountry with Max Maretzek in 1849.

The report for the past year of theSociety for the Preservation of theIrish Language states that at thecommencement of the present centuryprobably not more than 400 personscould read and write Irish, whereasthis society alone had disposed ofmore than. 62,000 elementary Irishbooks. . Their publications continuein great demand. The number ofpersons in Ireland who speak the oldlanguage is nearly 950,000, as againstnearly 818,000 in 1871, although thepopulation has during that perioddiminished, in round numbers, 252,000souls. This, as pointed out, is nearlyequal to the number of Welsli peoplespeaking "Welsh. "Not only," it Isobserved, "has Leinster increased inthe number of Irish Bpeaking inhabi-tants, but Dublin has made a considerable advance in this respect, partlyfulfilling the old Irish prophecy."


While the speech of Carter Harri-son before the Iroquois club atChicago may have been the result oftoo much champagne mixed withgenuine bourbon, it has at least wakedDemocrats up to the life there is invital issue upon which hangs, morethan upon anything else, the life ofthe two great contending politicalparties in this country. The indiscreetspeaker, no doubt, soon repented ofhis utterances and would now gladlyrecall them, but this temporary disaffection cuts no figure in results,except that it awakes anew the sentiment that pervaded the country lastfall, when state after state wereunexpectedly redeemed from Repubrlican thralldom, when dismay so seizedthe minds of Republicans that thestruggle of 1884 was already recognized as lost - to them. Democratswho accept with alarm the declarations of Mr. Harrison may at oncesuppress tueir anxiety. Last fall thetenth congressional district of Texasexperienced just such anxiety; it wassaid a Democratic element in this district would wield a powerful influenceagainst a tariff forrevenuo only andthe Bchism appeared to be complete.Yet, when election day came it wasfound that Democracy instead of los-

ing upon this issue, had abso-

lutely made inroads upon the enemy,and the majority, instead of beingtwo thousand as was anticipated,ran up to over three times that much.The issue was made squarely on tarifffor revenue only, and in a districtcomposed largely of Democrats, saidto favor protection at least for wool,the result was absolutely startling.Democrats have nothing to fear fromthe agitation of this question. Afew votes may be lost, for interestedmotives, but it is a vital issue cominghome to all consumers regardless ofparty affiliation, and he who runs mayread that the masses will follow inthe wake of cheaper living and cheap-

er clothing, that the farmers andmechanics will vote for cheaper utensils and tools, the housekeeper torcheaper household and kitchenfurniture, and all must understandthat the business men of the countrywill hail with pleasure cheaper necessities, that there may be- - moremoney in the hands of consumers tobe expended in luxuries. .No possibledegree of animation and interest thatcan be imparted to the tariff discus-

sion can injure Democracy. It willcause bewilderment and disintegra-tion, certainly, but only m the ranks ofRepublicanism, where it is desired.It was discussion of this very ques-

tion that gave victory to the Demo-crats in the late congressional elec-

tions, won the next house and wrungfrom their opponents valuable con-

quests in five or six northern states,without losing one inch of Demo-

cratic ground in the west or south.It is this very issue that thecountry is becoming Democratic on.The tariff is the only living issuebefore the country. Take it awayand there is positively nothina: be-

tween the parties to dispute about.One by one the Democrats havewrenched from their opponents alltheir constitutional positions held tenyears ago. They have extorted fromthe supreme court and Republicanadministrations a surrender of all thefalse policies and practices born din-ing the reconstruction period. Re-publicans still cling with palsiedhands to their protective war tariff,while Democracy, supported by themanifest voice of the country, de-

mands that it, too, be surrendered.Certainly this is no time to becomealarmed because a gentleman talkedfreely and disconnectedly after enjoying himself for some time at theconvivial board. Suppose thetariff does create differencesin the Democratic party :

will its agitation not create disaffection in Republican ranks? TheRepublican party is a high protectiveorganization, with a large an d restless malcontent faction against protection. The Democrats are a tariffreform party, with a very small andthinly spread high protective elementin it. Admitting, therefore, that anexacerbation of the tariff discussionwould create schisms on both sides,surely such a rearrangement is not tobe deprecated by intelligent andthoughtful Democrats, who clearlyperceive that their party must achieveits restoration to national ascendancyin 1884 on this issue, if it then achieveit at all. The Democrats are menacedwith a peril, which nothing buta sharp, intense tariff discussionprobably can - exorcise-'-th- e elec-tion of Mr. Randall of Pennsylvaniato the speakership of the next house,On the only living question of theday, Mr. Randall is in conflict withhis party, in that rtepect is a Republi-can, and it were better for the Demo-cratic future that a Republican werechosen speaker of tue next house thanhe, since he is a high protectionist,and a Republican could be nothingmore. Mr. Randall deprecates a maintenance of the tariff discussion be-

cause it will interfere with hisschemes of election; but for that veryreason nine out of ten Democratsmay well desire to have it made assharp and intense as possible. It isan issue full of strength and promiseto them, and capable, if managedaright, of being made an agent of de-struction to their opponents.

It is thought that the "yerba mate"of Brazil and the Argentine Statesmight be cultivated successfully inthis county. The plant is an ever-green, resembling the orange or thecoffee tree, and the leaves when curedare ready for Tnaking a tea,widely used in South America. It isa most powerful stimulant, and whentaken to excess intoxicating. Its useon long journeys prevents hunger .and,as the writer knowe, it is only neces-sary to drink.mate and draw in one'swaistband to travel great distanceswithout experiencing hunger or fa-

tigue. We are satisfied it could begrown in Texas with success. Thetrade in this product in South Amer-ica is considerable, as the state-ment of its importation into theArgentine Republic shows. In1876, 1,607,368 kilogrammes, valued at$547,407. crossed the frontier fromParaguay, and in 1S81, the aggregateimportation - amounted to 5,175277kilogrammes, worth $691,193. Duringthe same year Brazil sent to the Argentine Republic 8,354,413 kilogram-mes, valued at $1,075,868. The imports of tea and coffee combined, for1881, were only 2,175,501 kilogrammes, valued at $811,214. From theseno-ure-s it will be seen that the con- -

I sumption of mate far exceeds that ofI both its rivals. Probably an attempt

will be made to cultivate it in thesouthern states and in south Califor-nia, and if it can be successfully acclimated a valuable product will beadded to the list of our staple articles.

Mr. Hendricks, Indiana, thinksCox, of New York, would make anadmirable speaker.

Mayor Edson, of New York,made an argument before the committee on cities of the legislature, infavor of his bill clothing the mayorwith the power to appoint chiefs ofdepartments and commissioners, anddepriving the board of aldermen ofthe right to confirm the nominationsof the mayor. He said the presentsystem is demoralizing and dangc rousto the public interests, because agree-ment between the mayor and presentconfirming power must necessarily bebased upon compromise and conces-sion. The growing desire appears tobe to" put an end to the exercise ofpower that demoralizes the publicservice and degrades the character ofpublic servants.


So overcome with grief was a FallRiver man at his wife's funeral theother day that it took two men to re-strain him from jumpinar into thegrave with her. On returning to thehouse her will was read, and when hefound she had left him none of herindividual property he dried his tearsand wept no more. One month afterthis event he led a freshly-mad- e

widow to the altar, having first, how-ever, learned that her husband hadgiven her all his possessions beforehe died. .

John Nelson, the inventor of theknitting machine which is now extensively used in this country and inEurope, died' at Rockford. Illinois, onSunday last, aged 53 years. He was anative of Sweden, but came to thiscountry in 1852. He patented a greatnumber of articles, many of whichhave proved very usetul. J; or sometime past he has been at work perfecting a new improvement on hiscelebrated knitting machine, and hadovertaxed himself. He leaves a wifeand several children and considerableproperty.

The most recent items from Moscow in regard to the coronation preparation are tnat no iewer than 4000electric lamps cover the cupola of thegreat belfry tower and 120 on thecross; the new parquet flooring is be-ing laid down in all the grand halls ofthe Kremlin; that a soldier witn afixed bayonet stands over every groupof workmen, and that the hoteJ priceshave already advanced to fabulousheignts. invitations to tne ceremonyhaving as yet been issued only to men,some anxiety exists at St. Petersburgamong the ladies.

The reason-give- by the Mclversfor their retirement from the Cunardcompany is their opposition to thebuilding of any more enormous shipsof the Servia type. They are emphaticin their opinion that the hew steamersare not suited to the Atlantic trade.They entailed, both in constructionand maintenance; too vast an expen-diture to allow of an adequate profiton the working. The Servia. theysay, is a white elephant; but one whiteelephant might be endured. V hen itcame to repeating the mistake severalfold they could no longer acquiesce.

Hon. Jefferson Davis recently toldMr. Morgan, of the Boston Herald,that he does not like to be interviewedbecause he is "constantly beingabused, maligned and vilified by thepress." He further said in a recenttalk with a reporter: What is duefrom me in the way of hospitality Ishall oe only too glad to extend toyou; out we must let politics alone.I am not a public man, nor am I pul- -lic property. I am not a seeker foroffice, nor is any office seeking me. 1am plain Mr. Jefferson Davis, a private citizen, wno. in the evening olhis life, desires to live in quiet andpeace witn nis neigtibors, withoutmolestation or outside interference."

Dr. A. P. Peabody, of Harvard University, preacher and teacher on moral science, says in reply to inquiriestouching the promotion of intemper-ance, that he believes the only reme-dy for intemperance is to make drunk-enness the prime offense and to bringabout a state of public feeling inwhich drunkenness and all approachesto it shall be looked on with detestation and loathing. The most efficientlegislation in behalf of temperancewould he subjecting intoxication inall cases to ignominious punishment.What the law .makes ignominious so-

ciety will hold in like disesteem. If ayounff man of respectable family isliable to be locked up in a house ofcorrection for coming home drunkfrom a convivial gathering, not onlywill he be restrained from excessiveindulgence, but his parents andfriends will be very careful how theystart him on the first step of the ovilway.

Of the four remarkable spots nowvisible on the sun, one is of enormoussize and rivals some of the greatspots .which were seen List year,while the others are also of unusualmagnitude. These spots are nownear the eastern edge of the sun, andwnen tney get near the centre willdoubtless present more imposing appearance tnan at present, it thepresent activity of the sun shouldcontinue for a month longer, theNew York Sun says, the astronomers who have gone to the middleof the Southern Pacific Oceanto observe the total solar eclipse onMay b will piobaiuy oe witnesses otamagnificent spectacle. When greatsun spots are most numerous the mys-terious envelopes surrounding thesun, which come into view during atotal eclipse, appear to tne best ad-vantage, present the most imposingand curious forms, and extend to thegreatest distances. In case the sunhappens to be greatly disturbed aboutthe 6th of "May these astronomersmay have an opportunity of makingmost interesting and important addi-tions to our knowledge of the greatrujer and center ol tne solar system.

Time to Change His Location.Local Chronicle.

Last Friday. Mr. Webb, of Terrellwas shot by some unknown personwhile he was sitting in the parlor ola friend, in company with severalladies and gentlemen. The wound isa severe one, and may yet prove fatal.One eye is shot out and the otherbadly damaged. This is about thefourth time an attempt has been madeon his life.

Did Them Right.f Black Waxy.

The Dallas Herald has been put tosome inconvenience this week bya strike among the printers on thatpaper. It is stated that the puntersrefused to work under a foreman whowas not a "union" printer, and unceremoniously left the office. The pro-prietors positively refuse to again employ the strikers, which is the rightcourse, and will be heartily endorsedby every employer who desires tomanage his own business. Thesetrades unions are a nuisance, and dofar more harm than good, and causemuch unnecessary suffering more tothe strikers than any one else.

1'nclalmed Express Packages.Austin. Texas, April 21, 1883.

The following named persons have unclaimed goods remaining in the office f theracinc txpress company, up to eaiuruay,April 21, 13:

John Harrison, J. K. Arbnckle, J. M. Davis,R. C. Clark, Blanco. Miss Jane Caldwell,urlpping spring, ai. uonugie n. m. Andrews,L. Henkles. 1 Goodman. Wm. McMullin.Capt-- John Stringer, Mrs. J. Canto, Ed. Hup- -pertz, T. n. logwooa, j. iveiiey, jtt. o. nnow,C. Grobel, Fredericksburg, Mary Ann O'Con-nor, J. A. Webb, W. MT Murphy, Bares &Flume, J. A. Stewart, C. P. Boone, Blanco, H.E. Lindeman, Wm. Jolley, M. Krombery,Thos. Moffatt, H. Peters, W . C. Denney, C. M.Holmes. Respectfully.

J. G. POTTS, Agent,

There is now living in Newtoncounty a man named McGee. who wasborn in Texas in 1805. Previous to1837 he resided near Brazoria. TheJasper Texan found him.


Delivered by Maj. Joe II. Stewart atBelton.

Texas Soldiers of 1S35-- 6 and the Widows of OldTexas Soldiers, Ladies and Gentlemen:I feel at this moment as if I were

at some holy shrine. What an honor,standing here almost in my youth, tobe called upon to speak to you.

When quite a boy I visited theSmithsonian institute at Washingtonand, alone and without a companion,prompted by curiosity, entered thevarious rooms and apartments of thatinstitution. At length I found myselfushered into a large room, perhapseighty feet square and fifty feet fromfloor to dome, and I saw the whitedwalls hung with the pictures of dis-tinguished Indian warriors, adorned,with war paint and feathers andhuman scalps dangling from wampumbelts. Each eye seemed firmly fixedon me and I felt, in my boyish fear,as if confronted by living red men.At that moment I remembered all thethrilling accounts I had heard andread of these men of the forest theoccasion inspired the remembranceand reflections.

Looking now into your faces, I aiualike impressed with this occasion.These wrinkled brows, snowy headsand trembling limbs; these sunkeneyes, gleaming yet with the sunbeamsof patriotism, impress me with themagnitude ot this presence, and 1realize that I am, at this hour, stand-ing in the presence of the grandestliving heroes of one of the greatestpolitical revolutions hitherto knownamong the children of men.

buch a collection ot the living portraits .of men of three score yearsand ten, penciled by the v ery master-han- d

of the universe, it has rarelybeen the privilege of men to beholdsince the days of the prophets andpatriarchs of the olden time.

L shall not allude in detail to thehistorical events in the early days ofTexas that grand temple erected byyou and the dead heroes of the youngrepublic, within whose walls all theliberty-lovin- g men now living and tocome hereatter may gather cour-age and inspiration, and uponwhose polished walls your pictureswin nang wnen nans are eaten withrust, when cords and tassels arebroken an'd when - marble structuresare crumbled into atoms and dust.

Yes, that temple of imperial structure whose foundation stones are laiddeep and sure on the rock of ages andwhose dome now grows and swellstowards heaven and eternity. I wouldonly wipe the dust from its plain,oiti. nooie urns.

Every nation has had its heroic pe-riod and its heroic race. "The heroesof Bexar, of the Alamo, of Goliad, ofSan Jacinto and the Texas Revolutionfurnished the heroic race for Texas,and the revolution 1835 and 1836 washer heroic period.

The heroic age is that time distin-guished above all others by a concur-rence of grand agencies with grandresults by uncommon examples ofthe rarer virtues and qualties of man,tried by an exigency that occurs onlyat the beginning of new epochs, whenthe great bell of time sounds out an-other hour.

The heroic race is that one in thecourse of history which is recognizedas the great agency to kindle andfeed the moral imagination, move theheart and command the intelligentwonder of the world for all time tocome.

Such an age was the Texas Revolu-tion, such a race was that whichfought the enemy upon her thentrackless prairies.

That was not the age of the looking-glas- s,

of dainty appetites and of gen-tle manners. Sam Houston, likeAchilles, sometimes cooked his ownscanty meal. Men then, and women,too, wore blue denims and buckskin;they may have seemed to possess noray of fancy, no emotion of taste;others may have had a quicker eyefor the beautiful in art, may havecontributed more wit, more songmay have worn more decorated armorin battle yet, their lives and deathshave been a whole Iliad in actiongrander, sweeter, of more mournfulpathos, of more purifying influencethan anything yet sung by old ormodern bard.

In 1835, Mexican oppression anddomination became so insupportablethat revolt and arms were the onlyrecourse for free citizenship withinthe borders of Texas, and the few col-onists staked life and fortune uponthe hazard of independence. Allbrave and loyal hearts throbbed intenderest sympathy for the little bandstruggling for life and freedom.

Tennessee sent her Ed Burleson,her Davy Crockett and her James H.Swisher; Georgia her Ward andRusk, her Lamar and Fannin;Connecticut her E. M. Pease; Mis-sissippi her Stephen H. Darden; SouthCarolina her Travis and her Bonham ;

Louisiana her Bowie and her SamMcKneely; Kentucky her Ben Milam;the Old Dominion her Stephen F.Austin, her William L. Hunter whopow sits before me bearing the leadenand bayonet seals 'of Labardie, hishead ripe with years nd honors andshe sent her Frank Johnson, andthere he sits, presiding over your as-sociation like an old and honoredprince of the royal blood; the land ofthe Teutons sent her Kleberg; andhundreds of true hearts gatheredaround them and braver and moreloyal men never defended a woman'shonor or espoused a country's cause.

They came from the south, fromthe north and the east; from thebanks of the flowing Rhine and theland of the green shamrock, to con-test' the palm with the imperiousand' eager foe. They came not forhelp or sordid gold, for the infant re-public was

Too poor to possess the precious ores,And too much of a stranger to borrow.

The world, in all the ages, has fur-nished no grander exemplars of chiv-alry, and God-lik- e

manhood. Young men, just in theuntold delights of a honeymoon,kissed their tender brides a sad fare-well and left to join the'patriot bandthat were then here fighting for free-dom.

A legend tells of an impetuousyoung father and husband who hadheard the tales of woe and dangerthat went out from the women andchildren of this land; for a momenthe looked down into the cradle uponhis first-bor- n, that had just learnedthe first lisping accents of baby-hoo- d;

on bended knee he kissed the boy,arose and wiped the tears, at parting,from, the"eyelids of his fond wife andthen, speechless with emotion, turnedhis face towards Texas, and, withquickened footsteps, sought the goryfield of battle he now sleeps uponthe banks of the Salado river, and ateach nightfall a mourning ash treesings his requiem ; and for nearly halfa century, a woman, now gray, ofsweet but sad face, clad in weeds ofmourning, has made annual pilgrimages to that hallowed spot.

I see now troops gathering alongthe bank of the Tennessee and thetortuous Chatahooche, away up onthe St. Lawrence, in the glens ofScotland and on the blue turf of Kentucky; I hear the long roll of the ket-tle drum and the shrill call of thebugle, and the tocsin of Texas issounding "To the rescue !" Lovingmothers are saying to brave and duti-ful sons, "Good bye, God bless you;"loving sisters are wiping watery eyesand saying, with quivering lips,"Farewell brother;" sweethearts" arelocked in warm embrace and eachBreathing out the tender tale.Beneath the milk-whit- e thorn that scents the

ev'ning gale:And some hopeless, sad but bright-eye- d

maiden is saying,My lips refuse to say farewell ,

For in that word, that fatal word,Howe'er we proriuse, hope, believe,There breathes despair.

A thousand prayerful lips andswelling hearts are invoking God'schoicest blessings; for months, ayeyears, tender hearts yearned for thederjarted loved ones; sorrowful yethopeful eyes each day eagerly watchat the gloaming along the old accustomed paths, anticipating a return orthe departed and thus many a sad tomorrow came ana went. -

And did the husband return to hisfond wife, a son to a prayerful motherwho had confided his keeping to thegod of armies and battles, the sweet- -

I heart to the bosom he had so often! restea upon in the fruition of a rejquitedlove?I Sound the muster roll and let cl.lent response answer; the dry bones

: at Goliad, the Alamo and at San Jacinto, and even on your own spark--mig jsaiaao, ten their own brave butpituui story.

- But you and those imperishabledead bones planted here the tree ofliberty thus it became watered withthe blood . of human hearts.Though for a time swayed byau verse w mus.mai wee oent its rootsdown below the drought of frost andanarchy; its trunk went up erect, notriven by the storm; soon the ever-green unfolded its branches and it nowaffords a welcome shade for the op-pressed and liberty loving of all thepeople of the earth.

And, where lies the true greatnessor grandeur, in the civilization itselfor the primal human agency that pro-duced it? It is to them that strikethe first blow and blaze the road toprogress ami civilization. The char-acter of Martin Luther will live inhistory when Henry Ward Beecherisquiet in oblivion; the name of Gut-tenbe- rg

will be cherished when thepainteraand typesetters of the presentcivilization are clothed in the darkgarb of utter forgetfulness; the nameof Columbus will be a towering mon-ument when that of the commanderof the steamship Great Eastern iscrumbled into impalpable powder; thename of Morse will electrify the com-ing ages, while those of the presidentsof the Western Union and other om-nipotent telegraph corporations areblotted from the minds of men;the names of Austin andof Fanin, of Bowie and Frank John-son, of S. W. Blount and Sam Hous-ton, of Wm. L. Hunter and DeafSmith, of Davy Crockett and Ed.Burleson, of Moses Austin Bryan andWalter P. Lane, and the men now be-fore me who blazed the road to ouradvancement and civilization, will bespoken with veneration and blessingsa hundred generations after the greatmen of this day in Texas are discardedrrom the pages or history.

Then, whence came these choiceblessings to Texas '4 What humanagency poured this priceless "treasureinto the very laps of the two millionsof people that now dwell within theseborders? You and your comrades inthe early days of Texas were the in-struments, under the direction of awise Providence, to create this civili-zation and unfold our destiny. Youand the courageous wife that followedyour fortunes made these prairies.these rivers, these hills and valleysalmost sacred by your woes, your pri-vations, your heroisms. Men then,footsore and hungry, marched dailywith feet unshod and nightly sleptifpon untented fields; women of highbirth and of gentle manners gatheredno thornless flowers of comfort andease, but they challenged the howlingblasts of the prairies, the tomahawkof the savage and the very welcomeof the solitudes.

It, Sirs, is to you and those of yourSpartan band who have crossed overthe river, that 1 owe the privilege ofbreathing to-da- y this balmy Texasair, of resting in the soft rays of herbright sun, of looking down uponthese valleys which might seem tohave been hollowed out for the veryhome and dwelling place of liberty.

Forty-seve- n years ago this day, avanquished foe lies bleeding on thebanks of the San Jacinto. A fewhundreds of ragged and hungry menare the victors over the thousands ofskilled foreign soldiers, already sur-feited with treasure and humanblood their proud general on bendedknee, hoping for that quarter and mer-cy so foreign to his own heart and solittle in keeping with his own modeof warfare. On that evening thevery heavens smiled, and, for the firsttime, the sun went down on this lib-erated, sovereignty. In its broadsense, Texas was then free. Fromthat good hour, these people havebeen governed by magistrates of theirown selection, under laws framed bytheir own agents.

The "Napoleon of theWest" no longer dictates your policiesor commands your battalions; herenow smiles an independent, peaceful,law-abidin- g, well-govern- common-- .wealth.

Th msands shall spring from yourloins and trace back with pride andlineal love their blood to yours. - Cen-turies hereafter, in great cities, fromtribes of a common Israel, shall cometogether the good, the eminent, thebeautiful, to remember you and learnthe lessons of your unexampled hero-ism. Your influence will endure herefor ages and, until the morning starssing together, your names will bespoken with gratitude and venera-tion.

And shall the state refuse to out-stretch her arm, once weak but nowstrong, made'so by your valor, to ten-der that bounty your noble achieve-ments so richly earned ? Shallthe millions remain lockedand bolted in the state treasury whilethe widows of dead Texan spartansare almost without food ana raiment ?Just here I will state that it was mypleasure to prepare and have intro-duced and earnestly labored beforethe legislature just adjourned to pro-cure the passage of the law grantingyou the meagre pension of $150 ayear; and, strange to you as it mayseem, many obstacles were placed inthe way. The men of gray hairs andtottering footsteps, with exceptions,opposed your demands against thestate while a very large majorityof the young men and let it be saidto tneir nuuur were your lrieuusand stood between you and the oldermembers like "a pillar of cloud byday and a pillar of fire by night." Theoldest member of the senate refusedto recognize your rights, while Mr.Matlock, the youngest, was yourearnest advocate. The lower housefurnished like examples of gratitudeand patriotism on the one hand, andniggardly economy and base ingrati-tude on the other the oldest membersvoting against your just demands, andthe youngest standing by you withunsheathed sword battling ior yourrights.

You, sirs, merit of Texas her high-est honors and richest rewards. Shemay offer her bounties and pensionsin simple morsels, but she cannot cir-cumscribe the memory of your deedsand achievements. There is now nomarble shaft uprisen in the Pass ofThermopylae, but Leonidas and hisbrave band will live when the law-makers of Athens and Rome are indouble oblivion. Nothing, save "thewreck of matter and crush of worlds,"can destroy the monuments reared toyour valor, for they are and will everbe in the hearts of men".

I cannot forget that this is yourfestival, which you have journeyed sofarlo keep. I have, therefore, spokenbriefly. Until this hour I neverlooked into many of your faces, and,perhaps, but few of you, until now,ever looked into mine. It is likelywe may never meet each other againIn this life, face to face. Your goldensands of life are nearly run out, mineare but midway the glass. Many ofyou are now leaning upon your oldand well-wor- n staff, and the nextreunion for some now before mewill not be in this beautiful city, butin the great city beyond the starsthere to hold converse with Bowieand Crockett and Houston and Ruskand other, kindred spirits, and to cele-brate another and a grander independ-ence day.

Heaven bless the grand old Texassoldier and the noble wife who sharedhis privations, his fortunes; and mayno man ever be permitted to dwellupon Texas soil, to rest his head uponher generous bosom, or to sleep be-

neath her green, velvet sod, whoseheart does not vibrate with swellingemotions of gratitude to the veterans,living and dead, of the Texas Revo-lution.

Empty Headed Assertion.I Greenville Herald.

Senator Johnson, of Collin county,on returning home from Austin ex-pressed himself as being utterly disgusted with the eighteenth legisla-ture. He says the state is two mil-lion dollars worse off than when itmet. ' He does not name the objection-

able-measures, or explain how somuch damage has been done.


The Enrollment and Attendance forApril 1883.

The enrollment and attendance ofme pupils of the city public schools

b"wi wuuiiiMii; iiionvn, ena-in- g

April 20, 1883, as per teachers' re-ports to superintendent, is as follows:


BOVS 953 1K- -

Girls !!. 288 222


This school was organized March 5..aitenu- -

Boys 15 13"


Girls ' 7. a


Enroll-- Attend- -mPTlt. ii n ii

Boys a-- 2 oiGirls 31 i.


Enroll-- Attend-nien- t.

ance.Boys 85 61Girls 98 68


Enroll-- Attend-menf- -iinr?f

Boys 130 usGirls 160 121


Enroll-- Attend- -nipnt. :mfp

Wheatville Boys .... 40 ;J7

Girls .... 31 7Third war d Bys .... 47 28

Girls 63 .. 41

Seventh ward Boys,. 3(1 30Girls.. 63 48

Eighth ward Boys... 74 69liirls... 51 46

Tenth ward Boys 52 33Girls 63 45

Total colored pupils. 520 409TOTALS.

Enroll- - Attend-men- r.

anooNo. white miDils iot9 842No. colored pupils 520 40

Grand total.. 1619 1251

AVERAGES.For week ending Frida', April

20, average No. belonging, boys 535.6For weekending Friday, March

23, average No. belonging, girls 641.8

Total 1177.4Average attendance, boys 476.8Average attendance, girls 573.2

Total 1050.0Average absence, boys. 61.6Average absence, girls 65.8

Total 127.4Average tardy, boys 27.2Average tardy, girls 45.6

Total 72.8Increase in enrollment during

month.. .33Per cent of attendance on aver-

age No. belonging 77.2Per cent of absence on average

No. belonging 22.8


Advertised In the postofflee at Austin, Texasfor the week ending Saturday, April 31, 188J.'

Arnold, Lucy M&s Adams, J H MrsAshton, Isaac B Amyx, FrankAnderson, Jolui

B.Burruss, Charles Black .Caroline Miss (2)Bloxsom, B Miss Booderick, B MissBrain, C A Miss Bryan, Davey FButler, Frank A Ball, F W (2)Baroine, Joseph . Bird, Jenny Missliareck, John F Bery, WilliamBarron, J G Beck. J DBlair. Laura Bell, M A MrsBryant, Monthy Miss Brooking, W G (2)Brown, W A Brown, Patsey EBrown, 8 Miss Brooks, W P

C.Chambers Bros Cook, AN'Curry, Chas Campbell, C MissCourtnev. K J Clark. Eliza MissCrow, Frank Cannon, GeorgeCarpenter, Geo W Carpenter, A CCheuoweth, John Canuteson HChadiva, Juliano Collins, Lucy MissColeman, M O Miss Coleman, Mary MrsChowland. Ned & Co Caldwell, J TCavanauah, L M Coleman, J MissCasper, S S Cameron, Kateuarter, J l, corn, luomas

Drake, Shum Jr Dorris, Pluie MissDavtde, Spagnoli Dahlia, JuanDavis, C

Education, Texas Journal ofEubank, Joe H (2) Earnest. Clay MissElliott, Sam

F.Forden.TMrs Field, A HFoster, A )ol) Faulker. Areiuer, x is Fuller, Hattie MrsFranklin, Fanny Floyd, u WFignet, J B (2) Farwell. M E

UGill, A B Gardner, WPGibbs, Sarah Green, Walter (col)George, D W Goodwin, Mollie MrsGearers, Louis Mrs Guinn, J VGregory, Eiizabeth.Mrs Gustafson A V

HHill, Robert Hardy Perry F HUoncher, Phillips Herrlil, StanfordHansbrow, Unity Mrs Hill, HarryHarris, George , , Henry, Geo (col)Hepler, Joseph O ' Hewlett, J wHathaway, LeKoy Heartneld, L O MrsHagan, Lawrence Homer, Mat ha MissHardey, Nicholas Holt, M Newton'

JJones, Robert Johnson, RD JJouusou, Survey A - Jobnanson, J

Tenlse3Miss Johnson.annhi-Mr-Jackson, Eadie Miss Johnson, Cornelia MrsJohnson, Aleck ;


K. '1

Kennedy. John Keethler, O P (.tiL . S

Lang,WW(3) Leoni.Angelo -Lowery, Nathaniel M Lomicks, Lucy MissLind, James H Lamb, Jemima icol)Link, Uoebel $ Co Lairbee, Arthur M

MMcDade, Clara Miss McLemon, CBMcKenzle. Asa Manson, J B S

Machin. W E Miller, SamMayes, Stephen Merphy, JohnMitchell, Samuel Murchison, V MrsMurphy, M H ' McCraven, VlnceMaxey, Wm B Magues, WillisMolelas, Henry Mattlson, M U

NNelson, Thomas (2) Norrls.WGNolen, 8 A Newton, D HNicholson. E P Nash, Mack

O'Oakes, Louisa Mrs Onnell, Jennie Mis

PPatri, Theresa Mrs Pelham, Wm (3)Peterson, Wm Farmer,- - Rachel MrsPembroke, R Powers, MichaelPalmer, Gussie Mrs. Prescott, J. A. KissPowell. Aloy.

Q.Quaite, G W L.

R. '

Robinson, M A Mrs Rogers, W HRogers, Wm RopachoU, MissRivere, L L Robinson, Mary A MrsRoballn, Manuel Kumsey. McLameRichards, J G Raiser, JohnRooney, J Mrs Ricks, HenryRogers, F L Rowntser, Bettie MrsReeve, AM. -

S.Sanders, Seph Smith, R MSmith, Sarah Mrs Spalding, William PStaley, W D Sanders, Julia MrsStuart, Ceiia Miss Stone, J BScott, Lizzie A Mrs Stussey, J GSmith, Mollie Mrs Smith, Myram MrsSeniore,MoUie Mrs Simmons, Nannie MrsStewart, Jennie Mrs Siuigsberg, WillieSpringer, Dr.

T.Thomas, Rolie Turner, WilliamThompson, Annie Miss Tauett, ArthurTillman, Edward - Theatrean, F H,

W.Whitner, Laura Mrs Wallls, M A MissWiten. Matyr Wilson, NoahWUtree. A R Wilbraus, AWilson, Ada Miss Wllner, Cloria MissWilson, Jim Wiseman, J EWeaver, J T Wilson, Y LWoodland, Freeman WhitefeeL CrofootWodeklns, W A Williams, Tennessee PWormack.Thomas Weingarten, FannieWashom, Virgia Miss MissWard. T H Waddell, LigeWashington, Rattle MissWesley, Thomas.

FOBEIOK LETTERS.Butte, Robert Walker, JohnSevernio, Bertamini Muller, EdwardGraf, Gustav Fink, FBeU, Charles C Blum, Andy. "

Long (4).DUE LKTTEI18.

Grand, Joseph H Moore, Walker FBaird,FJ Worst, PH.

FORKIGS DUE LETTEB8.Lundgoist, Clara Miss Ward, L MissNapohdirela, Giuseppe.

Persons calling for letters aa this list shouldsay "advertised;, giving date.

DEGRESS. Postmaster.

COLT, 2 years old; sire,HAMBLETONIAN a Mambrino Patchenmare. Price 300. Inquire at Statesmanoffice. m2i-t- f.


Cardinal R.Luigee Autier is dead;aged seventy-tw- o years.

A terrible storm swept over Chatta-nooga on Sunday, causing much dam-age.

President Arthur reached Peters-burg, Virginia, at noon Sunday, look-ing well and in excellent spirits. .

The toy factory or Leo,Schlessinger& Co, loo avenue. New York, wasdamaged by fire to the extern, of S25.--000.

An explosion occurred Sundav in :idynamite factory at Leon, Spain. Thebodies of seven victims have been r- -covered.

A heavy wind storm nrevailed inthe vicinity of Hutchenson, Kansas,uuiug uousiuerauie aamage to me r.ndproperty.

James C. Jones, the wife murderer.was convicted at Atlanta, (iflori.iHis wife was only eleven years Mwhen he married her.

The Grand Rapids. Michigan, furniture company and manufacturing es-tablishment burned Saturday. Lss$50,000; insurance $26,000.

The schooner Two Brothers, fromSan Francisco to Salt Point, capsizedrecently off Bodya Head, and the cap-tain and five men were lost.

Policeman John Coffev wa killi-i- l

by Alfred Gassett. at New Orleans.Sunday, and a negro officer shot G;w-set- t,

who is not expected to recover.The Canada manufacturing compa

ny s premises and the stationery storeof J. L. Carson & Son, at Montreal,was destroyed by lire. Loss. S'iO.- -000.

A. fire at Newton. Iowa, destroyedproperty of the value of 820.000 to$25,000. Vaughn & Co., of agricultu-ral implements works, are the princi-pal losers.

Two freight trains collided on theGrand Trunk railway, near Wales,Ontario, Sunda', smashiug thirty cursand two locomotives. The lossamounts to $60,000.

Boston was excited on Sunday atthe announcement that an agent fora large iron company was in the cityand authorized to sell pig iron twodollars per ton less than previousprices.

At a meeting of the branch landleague in New York and Brooklyn,delegates to Philadelphia conventionwere selected. There will be a caucusWednesday night before the conven-tion opens.

An explosion occurred Sunday utthe government manufactory of smallarms at Enfield. A quantity ofburning tow and pieces of tin boxeswere found among the debris. Littledamage was done.

A severe wind and rain storm pre-vailed throughout the northwestSunday, and telegraphic communica-tion with that section was interrupted.The Missouri river and smallerstreams were flooded.

Intense excitement prevailed atAtlanta, Georgia, over the attempt tolynch a man named L. Johnson, con-victed of rape of a young pirl. Aguard fired on the mob with blankcartridges and thus prevented thelynching.

The first day of thespring meetingof the blood horse association washeld at Oakland park Saturday. Thefirst race, half mile, for Californiastakes, was won by Norfolk; time,0:50 )4. The second race for Hearststakes, free for all, three-quart- er dash,was won by Jim Douglass, Joe How-ell second. Premium third. Therewere six starters.

I CURE FITS!When I say cure I do not mean merely to

ztop them for a time and have them returnagain I mean a dlcal cure. I have madethe .disease of FlTn, EPILEPSY or FALL-ING SICKNESS a life-lon- g study. I warrantmy remedy to cure the worse cases. Becauseothers have failed Is no reason for not nowreceiving a cure. Send at once for a treatiseand a Free Bottle of my infallible remedv.Give Express and Postofflee. It costs younothing for a trial, and I will cure you.Address Dr. H. G. ROOT 183 Pearl St.. N. Y

Tie Best Thread for Sewing Madiines



For Sale by All Leading Dealers.

Ask For It I Buy It I! Try It! II

5 DAY to agents selling for ns. ti samplefree. Address General Aeencv. 159

Hudson street. New York.

CONSUMPTION.1 have a positive remedy tor the above dis-

ease; by its use thousands of eases of theworst kind and ot long standing have beencured. Indeed, so strong is mv iaith in its

that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE,together with a VALUBLE TREATISE on thisdisease, to any sufferer, (five Express and P.O. address. DR. T. A..SUXJUM. ll Pearl-- treot. Npw Vorlt

Per Month BURR.SI0Ol0$25O! A (rent jubilant wiiniiccMd everywhere

aellinr our new braided Hilver Mould W ireClolheflLlne. Lat forever. NtvtrruMlt. WarrantedSells readily at every boUBe. Snmpt tt term free hyawil. AddltMsOIKAD WIKI KllXg, PhlluU., F.

MONEY NO LOAN In sums sf 8500 toimproved real estate in Travis,

Williamson. Caldwell, Bastrop and Burnettcounties, 3 to 5 years time.

ZIMPELMAN & BERGEN.Financial Agents, 106 East Pecan street.

ESTRAYED From my residence, one blackmare, about 144 hands high, branded H S

on right hand hip. liberal reward for iter re-covery, or information leading to same.

W. H. HKLL,apl2tf at John Bremond's.

MANHOODSpeedily restored bj ike uae vt I'UUm IVMfctnaut, which effectually eurei Xrrroat JTXtbll-Itt- v,

Kioat Tlrllity, Premature Decay, antall trouble, aiUiag from over-wor-k and axoeaMa.Banipati ofVltallne mailed free, aealed,by ad.

V TFlilMlfi rn Baca Ht Omuhvi. a

.vDOW'TvFail to use AIYABAHTIXE for renovatingyour Wall and Oiling. It is rapidlysuperseding all other Finish. Fordnruiiilf-- ty, beauty and economy, it Is without an equal,

and can be applied by anyone. II not for salein your nelplilKH-hobd- , send te MEptKYBROS- - 3 Buvif iik Mlip. K York.


orita of nn of themost not ) it: ii siiccetilul prcinlfsts In the lT. fci.

(nrw retired) ior t b cnr of AfH plain sealed euvluitr,yve liruggaSia can fill 1U

Ad4rM DR. WARD CO. Louititmk M- -

HoiGfljatMc Dispsiry.I would call the attention of the Homoeo-

paths ot Austin and the state at large tothe fact that I have established aHomoeopathic JMnpensary.

A full line of the purest and freshest prepa-rations of Bcericke & Tafel always kept euhand.

- Orders by mall solicited.Rending ot family chests a specialty.

II. E. JLIXDETIAX,n Pharmacy, corner Lavaca and

Walnut streets. JLoek Box 71, Austin,Texas. marS-d&wl- y


I will receive written proposals up to the10th day of May next to rent Gilliland's creekpasture, belonging to tiie estates of LaRue andIaie Noton, nuuors, for one year, from the1st day of June, 1M83, one naif of the rent to hepaid in advance, the balance in six months,with approved security. The right to rejectall propositions is hereby reserved. PlEitM)NNOTON. Guardian. Address care J. hi

Avenue, Austin. f&s-w- lt

G25 REWARD.For information leading to the recovery of

one strawberry-roa- n horse, six years old, fif-

teen bands high, branded 7 S on right shoulder,with white face and legs. JAM ES SHAW.

aAMrtit Holland, Texas.

SI O REWARD.For the delivery of one bay horse and one

filly, both two years old, branded C on lei tjaw, also branded (V) V 7 connected, with 7

inverted. J. N. IEAF.t ' Troy, Texas.



Who-Ka- efo with liisown Pet Mr heme,-i- 'nttlvate the Field t'

Ilniuaa aatnre.'

There hav always - been auackv-w.- -Lquacks, theological quacks, scientific quacksand medical iuacks. Some of them are bland,oily fellows who argue and smile the worldinto believing in their favorite bit ol humbug.Others are pompous and pretentious parasites.But they make it pay. Meu seem to love to be


swindled, stipulating only that it shall hneatly douc.

The dear public are equally liberal to theelectric and magnetic fraud. This fellow Is agenius in his line. He will put a magnetic beltaround your waist, a magnetic necklace underyour chin, or U you out with an entire suit ofmagnetic clothes, warranted to serve the pur-pas- e

of ordinary garments, and at the sametime to cure all diseases, from whooping-coug-

to hasty consumption.Most of these have no more electric or mag-

netic power about them than resides In woolenblankets or in girdles of sackcloth. Only wherr ,applied by an expert Is electricity of the slight-est use as a medicinal agent, and even then itsvalue Is grossly overstated. What is the strong-est liossible presumntive nMnniw in fun,. -of a particular remedy? Clearly that it should n.have been prepared by responsible persons ofacknowledged skill in the treatment of disease. ;

Squarely on. this foundation stands BENSON'S CAPCINE IDHOUS PLASTER. En-dorsed by 5000 nhvsieians. 1,1

gists and chemists, it needs no further appol- - '

uk nor immiuctioii. It is the one and onlytrue and tried external mi,ll-.-itl- iwv.of all kinds pay the Capcine the complimontui meir uisiiKe, as Satan is said' to hate holywater.

Look in the middle of the' iilasti-- r for thword "CAPCINE." Price 25 cents.

bealniryft Johnson, Chemists, New York.




"J. .Norton, aaa rkjafaal ItaM-

,j, I I a - " --"7 e"B7 OSOMUUeDUI.- are ouieki. &rut j . ...

..i.m.uwnm.tmr,.'iL'.fV' ' 8 "J an toTO' wVapfi a

aj 11v aitTutagraef Ha'm nperleaoe la oaring dneaoaa or Oia Mead.oea.-Nerj- .Be lfebllttr. Impataaaw! OraXJS

lVeakneaa, tonorraura. TIUllu Ti4 M erArlJAffectioaa apeciaUy treated oa artnUSe pruulpML.- i.i.ii.ct. 111 MT I II Oi ui,(too! a be aonrerad bj thuiedaUrtBC treatment a, mall.

aaaamooaHtaiaaUtbalrahwUaa. HUaota TwrnZS.Mdraaa, DB. BUTTS, Is a. Ai St. Loe, afNprtKi.isi.i-- mnmm vjub rv-r-r




Chills and Fever.Tne People wiii Bare lo otnei Wkeri it Bai cac

Been ML

Walnut Obovs. RsnKivaa l?o., 'itjHlr at, 1

Mesnre. JUorh-- Bros.;Ploaae send to Clnrktsvillo, 2 do;u

TONIC, and 8 LIVER PILLS. Al. ,. nit'..KUers that used your Agne Tonic win ha- - ix-ot-

er. 8. J. Foiii.Niw WxvaaLT. Tcxas, May ia, ...

Messrs. Morlcy Bros. : . 'Send by Pacific Exprens, 8 do. -8 At, L BTONIC- - It has not failed to cure in a slng.oinstance Yours, Truly, J. T. WHITE.

Quxbh City, Texas', July 27, 183.Horers. Morley Bros.:

Pitase send aa soon as ponnible; 8 dozenr--X- Ague TONIO and 2 dozeu WONDBK-PULEIUH-

They sell woll. Yours, etc,a. BROOKS '

Hammond Station, Texas, June 47, 18K 7 --

Messrs. Morley Brna.: VPlease sund Per Express: 2 dozen T--x 8






Cures Painful MENSTRUATION, wlthonfail. Try it and be convinced.

Cures Excessive MONTHLY Fl-O- In onor two periods.

Contains Black Haw, Iron. Erigeron and allthe most noted WOMB TONK'H.

Cures Irritation, Inflammation and Ulcera-tion ol the Womb.

Cures Whites or Leucorrhoea and alt un-healthy discharges.

Cures troubles of the Bladder and Ovariesand Falling of the Womb.

Stimulates the Sexual Organs with vigor andhealth.

Works Wonders In regulating the worstforms of Female Complaints.

Strengthens the Muscular System, and is thebest Remedy for a Weak Back.

Arouses into action the Nerrotia and DeblUVated with the rosebud of health.

830,000 for 32.00.S5tli

Poplar Mgnllily MMor THE

r4Ti i

mum miIn the City of Louisville, on

Monday, April 30, 1883.These drawings occur on the last dav of each

month (Sundays excepted). Related adju-dication by Federal and State Courts havrfilaced this company beyond the controvery

To this company belongs the shonor of having inaugurated the only piswhich their drawings are proven bone' .afair beyond question.



1 Prize.... tao.ono 100 Prizes $1001 Prize 10,000 each $10,0001 Prize 6,000 200 Prizes $30

10 Prizes, $1,000 each 10,000each 10,000 COO Prizes $

20 Prizes $300 each lz.000each 10,000 1,000 rnzes fio

cacti 10,0009 Prizes $300 each, Approximation pri-

zes 2,7009 Prizes $200 each, Approxima1 Ion pri- -

zes , 1,8009 Prizes $100 each. Approximation pri-

zes M 900

1,900 Prizes $112,400

Whole Tickets --IlaII Tickets !.27 TICKETS $50 65 T1CKKT8, $100.

Remit money or Bank Draft in Letter, orsend by Express. Don't send by registeredletter or ist oKlce order. Orders of fo andupwards by Express, can be sent at our ex-pense. Address all orders to It M. BOAR lvMAN", Courier-Journ- Buildim:, Louisville,Kentucky

Free ! Cards aid Gtes.We will send free by mall a sample set of

our large German, r'reuch and Anicrir:i!iChrouio Cards, on tinted and gold grouim,with a price list ot over auO diflereut nson receipt of a stamp for postage. Wealso send free by mail as samples, ten of ourbeautiful Chminos, on receipt ol ten cenls topay for packing and .postage; also enclose aconfldenlial price list of our large oil cIto-mo-

Ag'-nt- J wanted. Address F. (il.EA-SO-

CO., 46 Summer Street, Boston, .Va-i- .