r Lamb, Good Bargatfif w v t 1nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1903-10-14/ed...VOL IX-No....

VOL IX-No. 2855! *. PiiATOBURSM; N. Y., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1^,903. Have You Heard Abou THE RED BOX We have placed in our window box which contains $20.00. We wil| give a key to this box" FREE with ev^ry clash purchase of. $l.flui two keys with ?2.00; three keys with 43.00. ' -J Only three Keys will unlock the' boi —this may be the one. When keys have all been given ou; you may try your key. The first key to unlock the ben: -takes $10.00. The, second, key to un| lock the box takes $6.00. The thirU key to unlock the box takes $4.00. You are entitled to the contents i without reserve. It is yours. $T« [-employe allowed to have a key. IWe do not know which key opens thp |1>ox. Lamb, CjHioiconai, j „MA%S» "Veribest Brand" INNED WEATS. 3tt thew jls anything i m the Meat "Special" yon requite line TOO will get The ottue F s. mosmfpr ..... -i. %. SIG2*OlR .... .Thi Pfopfcfc Treatment.^ »m JOHST -asift 1, n» at Colliean's Clinton St. Market PhOBfC 48-A. For a nice large glass of Ice Cream Soda, the Finest Fruit, an* Fresh Candies of all kinds go jto tlie Candy Kitchen, wfflwaiA. ,.WE HAVE THEM.. iiii iii 103 ; MABGAiRBT. STREET. k .I^restdeik .lftcfr$M*Adei(.tl ;,.„ .... C^ashi' . .Asst Cash* 71 Mara a ret •&. HfeSitk G. a Sarfcetr, iEbci.:'^-' Seaway, Patrick Haaion, •fSE/ijSfe -Cady, ' [ $teary D. Grav. John Haiaghran. - ^hoiee MiveetBaejjt bonds dealt IBrJftfe and, 'T^mlers' <3heques,' avail able!* a% ^mfmwe mm, isftsii Interest aHowecl, on special deposit National Savings Bank j OFMBAKry 59 State Street 1 m&Wjm fn*"-h**at<m*. Wtiey and fesum. Noopiati * 4ty JSaftonal Bank OF PLATTSBURGH )HN F. Q*BRIEjN, . President KiN HAUQHRAN. Vice-President Q.BAKER, * - Cash! DIRECTORS; iofcn F. O'Brien, H. W. Kmapp, ; S. G. iPrtme. Geo. Chahoon, M. V. B. Turner^ Stower. John Ha-aghraa., T„ Kellogg, L. .Sfcsdden. / J. N. ing Business. Depositors offered every faaiirtfy rhich their balances, business and re- sponsSbility warrant. JtSImon W. IKosejndale President il'Garret A. Ifaa. Mien „.'Yic*~;P*«ftld«nt- ; James Kt. Manniug ....Vice-Preeldeiit Albert P. 3tefens ...... ,..«T«»sam Receive psposits on Interest dating from the iFlrst day of, Each Month which may be sent by mail in Check*; 01 Cash by registered mail or express OP deposited in person. Bank j Books returned by matt or otherwlsle, as desired. letters, promptly acknowledged. Dividejnd days ianirary and July 1. "Interest paid on January 1st, 1801. at the rate of 3% -per cent, per annum III w i ctfiwt© i a.!«i,» 1 1 SHOW BIS! JfSS AFTER Fi&Jf Great Suffering In ^tricken/tfew Jersey Citiet. fcAti&oifcDa losujcnra ^viqzi «Js, »i *y -t» W^vks DIED SUDDENLY, If PRICES, Ortkegtra 4 Balconyl |75c, Bee**ar*t*M<tfWVty 2 5 c f Edison Phonograph. Headqi|tarters for Edison's 'Phono- graphs dnd Victor Talking Machine, anid latent records, at Miss MaMe La- •Fixrcee niusic store, conneoted with Cluett &', Sons. Dealer in sheet music and all kinds of musical instruments. _ Call or j write for catalogue of the ; famous ^leiKiiiley edition of 10 cent isacts a General Commercial Bank- I ruusia p, Mtogaret street^ opp. Derl- 1 in iHouaej lmo282? •well Turnouts For Pleasure Driving m of tbe most stylish and flam<f Knne "Bigs" In ?the City. ADDLE HORSED «tef-BClAi,tV BHOK-S S? J1 iSTIN, 7 So. CathertB* Tft!«».i>bo5.* fVinr>«vt1<>' If ILL/ 16 & 18RTVERST. i The Nails, Screws, Lock«] requir- at such find it large! K a- :. Irt-dp of, other ' hi- t.tnld<T i.'.at the bul.<;^r utioni.v tu bu) hmg; re tierf v>: u Our One of the most reasonable, home- like and conveniently equipped nouses in Northern New York. Steam heat and baths, electric lights and bells Electric care to and from all trains run within one-half block of house. Special rates per week. Cafe, barber shop, also first class livery and tran- sient barn in connection. J. F. GBRMSAIN. Prop. ; Rec»dlnfl; W*t«r« -Afford-a CI*** ld« or Exttnt of bevattattth W^ouflht Fjflurei of Damaoo to Property Net MaterWtiy Changed. NW- lEOrk, Oct i3.—With the reced Ing ; OfL liie floods reported from -al quarters, Paterson, PaMaic and th« oiier w*i»r swept New Jersey toww are relieved of further peril and- aw beginning now to jfet a dear idea 01 -the ^if^ttt ei the de\astation. In Ptiterson alpne the damage ttj property is estimated at. 12,000,000 without taking account of the low ii wkgfes to the thousands who have been tempopiily deprived of livelihood bjj the shutting: down of ^actoriea, T&<| diatresB.continuee treat, ahd iully SQC person^ are still •ompelled to seek ^oofi and shelter In'ft* airmory. Ko<addi tionai fataliti*« have bejen reported. In Fassaic the damage is estimate* 'te.W*t teist eqoal totljatin PatsMou aCftny Adjacent villages| were istm tin der water, hut with the^ falling of fh«, waters # danger of a bollaptfi of tltc] great Dundee dam is declared to b* past. ( Traffic has been resumed on all ih«f railroad lines entering Mew York with* the, exception of the local service on the main line of the fide. The milk famine in the city has been broken by the arrival of the usual number of milk trains on the West Shore, New York Central, Lackawanna and othei roads. . RAMAPO PI8ASTER. M*n Chfrgttf With Wife Murder Ma) ^Have Poisoned Them. , kew &>rk, Oct 13.' -J- Ebeneaer S Blydenbhrs, who was arrested Satur- day at Ektora, Ia., r charged with the mnrder of his wife' and Jater jceleased on' Hd^OO hail, was for twenty years a resident of Brooklyja: and prom inentfy identified with church Voik He ^wae'lfer awhile, superintendent ,ol the SundjRjn school of the Kpworth Methodist ^Episcopal church of Bfi Kalb arejnie and after the death of hi* second w^ife* spent two months in Cana da a* an exhorter and. Revivalist. v His thw* wives are said to have met with almost similar deaths, being tak- en violently all after hearty meals and dying in agony' abotft fedr hours after we fllrs't 'symptoms, ,of ..Illness They all had Insurance* policies < on tneit livee. , • , , Blydenhnrg^s first wife was Miss Em ily Hawkins of Brookbaven, N Y. She had fonr/ children ~>geventeeh days aftct t%e t Wrih of Jier ia»r child she was taken ill *&yla% after eating aj meal^^She tarried^ a. life insurance ^policy of Jpi,OO0. This was paid to jier husband, j The attending physician, Who "confessed at the lime that he could not account for the suddenness of the fatiLt attack, gaYe a death certi ficafe which Steted that the woman had diOd oXlperitonltis X 'year after the death of his first Wife Blydenbhrg met Lanra Godbold. Thex^ we're married in the Bpworth church in £S9l tetet a hrief courtship. The second wife died Feb. 14, 1900, at 1314 Iprreene ayenue» where the first wife also died. Her death was given in the certificate of the physician as dqe r to acute gastritis. There was an Insurance On her life of |6$». The manin tlie course Of Ms religious i life, and work' as a contractor went ^we*^ where he met his third wife, Miss Jessie Resenborongh, a school teacher of Eldora, Ia> She was hie senior by""many years. "They were married 'after a brief courtship She I had $20,00$ in bank and owned 3,000 acres 'of valuable farm land, half of which *he>inade over to Mm'immedi ately after, their ^marriage. .She also carried Insurance^of $12,000, it is said. The marriage tooit , place Oct 1,1902 Btydenjtmrg'* third wife died May 29 last, her death being like that of the ether wives of the man/Her sisters felt that 1 th 1 ere had been undue haste in 'embalming and burying the body. The fact'that It was shlppeQ tolSjyan, 0-, Jtor' Interment added to their tin- easiness They had the body disin- terred, And ther st&inaeh was sent to Professor V. C. Vaughin of Ann Ar- bor, who stated that he found traces of arsenic. ,* PRICE TWO CENTS SCHOOL BOARD SCINDIL Kantas City Educ*tiotlaf[fcuard ians Accuted of 1M OEAID JUBY BEQUESTE! Two Lives Loat—The v'lllao* Nearly Obliterated. ' Ttreedxr^ark, N. X, ! Oct 31&.-The Bamapo river, after rising higher than #^efc wJtdfeijo far as existtag iecords fhoi«' and sweeping away many" small dams, several, bridges and bouftee and) a section of th'e Erie railroad trade, ii now isloMy subsiding* taxA tlie Tuxedc dam,, which it was feared coold hot wtthiitand the flood, is now «o*Mdered ^o far at known y only two lives were fost. George XOXOQ and a companion, e^|lo|red on Mr, Bfarrimaijli estate ai ia^iel^^hien driving- jlwme f&m Cen- ftrafl YMIey were owrtsken by the flood and drowhed. Of tfie damage to prop- erty jflong the course of the Raroapo no estimate can yet be made. The viHagc of Ramapo was nearly obliterated by the overflowing of Piej> son's lake and the breaking of the dam at its lower end. The cottage dwellers! fled to the hills and have been looked after by the more fortunate whose homes were on higher ground. Thej in * bich be , o s t t wo of Ms inon. Lieu dam at Cranberry pond, near Arden.1 ten ant VelasQuea defeated an over bommitte* of Investigation . Much Crookedness in H\$ti& pal and luytaa Ichoel. cesaivo Charges Prsvaiiod. 1 » 1 Kansas City, Oct. 18,—Atl of the Mercantile club at 3K Kan., the committee appoihteajto In vestigate the alleged boodljbag- pf mem' bers of the slchool board of- that city submitted a report recohimendjliig thai a grand jury Jbe called «to pribe^h^ral leged athool board scandal. » L j The report pf the committed giyes in detail the history of the various itrans actions which form, the basils for the charges against certain 'tyeim'MBW oi the school board, including a written statement frojtn (Professojr Bav t*ll-j^>l Emporia, Kan,, who charge* fti 1 at 'was asked to pay $300 for the position of principal of, the ldgh school at Kan »as City, K a n , With the undejrStandling that the salary attached to the liosition Was to be raised from $1,500 jtoj '$1,60C ayear. f j 1 j ' 1 The report t^Hs of the purchase, of a site for the Bancroft school, forUrhicb jthe bdard of 1 eddcation pafd f*,00(l frhen the owner was willing to sell Xor *2,350. This wks done, the rj?pj>rt al leges, by having ah agent of the |sjchoo! board secure an option on the prbperiy ind sell it to| the school hoard lit the advanced price. We Hare Jmt Received Otit , FALL STbm And Mire plhtkty k& Good Bargatfif ••- f w mm epr POU(|HT HEAD HUNTERS. Thirty Americans Defeated Five Hun- dred Natives In Neuva Visaya. Manila, Oct 13 —In a fierce conflict, "I writetolet you faiovio*! mppneis** your Gucaret*. I commenced t»Vtnc them l*»t Ner»»j». . be* mud.too* wo t*JH»ot boieii *»d PMiied *Up»- wormli ftAong.,Then! enmnjenced t»lclnetie»4 t»pa wonn " worm* know u. i appetite." j frm. r. Brown, 1M FraukUa St.. Brooklyn. N. T. burst, and the waters spread havoc through that valley Several houses here were flooded, the electric light _ , , plant was disabled, the fish hatchery ^lla^Vk^5^i^S"^^SlS ; was wholly swept away, and the golf i |2| rt n»P 0 e-wl^! dn f^5S y fSd.i^! 1 Wnts was so badly inundated that the **- invitation tourney scheduled for this week has had to be abandoned. The flood also washed away the shan- ties of the Italian and Hungarian colo- nies in the lower part of the valley. Ail the inhabitants were rescued afKl carried by boats tosafety, the local fire department working, zealously to ^ve them. A fund for the relief of the flood sufferers has been started among the residents of the park. On the Erie no trains are running west of Ramapo, and it will be several days before the tracks can be repaired. Gu»r*ntceifto onn «r your money baek.* Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 594 AVIUM. SALE. TEA WLUOM BOXES ;:: •! 1A >FJtS H A RI >WA,RE " I "<>i-' -prrst-d eutireiy of new gdodsJ x-.'-.KLt-i t.n till modern require- itiifUih i''<jiistru<-ted !o suit modern olemaiio* Each article is made of tit- U-?- n.aieriaL ; s'RK'BS AMB RIGHT." M. P. MYERS & CO. So. 4 Bridgje Strec* Foley'1 hooey mad Tail cures colds, prev^^ts **nct»mQfltmt WANTED. Men ^re wanted f o r t h e wood jobs of the Chateaugay Ore and I r o n C o m o a n y . "'Steadv employ- ment and good wages. Apply^ at tbe ofrice of the Compariy, Clinton Street. PLATTSBURGH. N. Y. Notice to Taxpayers. Take notice, that I have'received the Assessment iRoll and Warrant for Wa- ter Taxes for the quarter ending Oct. l. 1903. i ?' That I will be at my office with said Roil and Warrant for the next thirty days, Sundays and Legal Holidays ex- cepted, ..between the hoars of 9 o'clock in the morning and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, to receive the takes so as- sessed. Al) taxes paid, within the said - thirty days shall be without fee. HENRY jnjSTIM, Chamberlain. Dated, Oct. 1. 1903. 2S45 Wurzburger on Draught. "Down Where the' Wuretmrger. Flows"—at the Monopole. Imported Wurzburger Beer on draught t* Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it_ Dr. King's New Discovery For PSuoiis »ud VOX'S* 50c 4*1.50 A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: - Lung Troubles. Money back Ifftfalls- Trial Bottles free. Gained forty Pounds In Thirty DajH For several months our younger brother had been troubled with in- digestion. He tried several remedies but got no benefit, from them. We purchased .some of Chamberlain's Stomach' and L,iver TaWets and he commenced taking them. Inside of hirty days he had gained forty pounds in flesh. He is now fully re- covered. We have a good trade on the Tablets.—Holley Bros., Merchants, Long Branch. Mo. For sale by Mrs. Gilbert, Shedden & Booth, Plattsburgh; H. E. Gillespie & Co., A usable Forks; W. E. Clough, West Chazy. Roosevelt's Ranch Sold. Bismarck, X. D.,' Oct 13.—The Old Chimney Butte ranch, made famous as that established by \ Theodore Roose- velt when he was a Bad Lauds cattle- man, has been sold by the Northern Taclflc to Ferris Bros, of Medora. It was on this ranch that President Roose- velt wrote some of his western sketch- es. Subsequently be bought another ranch, the Elkhorn, forty miles south of Medora, and there he outfitted' for many of his mountain trips. whelming forte of head hunters which hud attacked his command of constab ulary. The new? bf the fight has just reach- ed this cii&i The conSict" took place in Neuva Visaya. Fifre hundred of the fierce head hunte'rS' were in the attacking force. Lieutenant Velasquez had only thirty men, hut all fought with desper- ation, knowing their fate if the savage head liupters got them. The latter had bdlos and rifles, and they made vigorous onslaughts. But they could .not resist the American fire and finally! gave way. leaving ftfty- three dead ano many wounded. Bight ladrbnes have jnst been sen- tenced here to be hanged and two to twenty-five years' imprisonment by Judge H. Sweeny. These men were captured in Bulucan and other prov- inces of Luzon adjacent to Manila. A second oody of ladrones are in the island W Panay. where they have at- tacked t3ie town of Ibajay and killed thirteen of the inhabitants. There is only a small police force there. The report iContaijfts an alle* mission of *a contractor hired jto the abasements! of schdolhouses the OTune flood ihat Recharged an , bitant price for the 1 work and tbVt ipember of t&e school hoard Wt« his partner in the deal. ' I , I The committee also recommend; st thai civil suits be Instituted to reedvler mon- ey paid out oy the school board in' per tain contracts' in which excessiv* cjh8J'ges*<were the role. ' ' E Toju can save from $3.00 toi^6.00 op. every garment; pttrphafeied of us, at the same time getting' good vjalue for your money. .' ; **1 Ladies' knits, regular -value $14.0$, sale price} Ladies' iuits, regular value 118,00,-sal© price 1 Ladies' iuits, regular value $22.00, sale price 1 ****»*»** ••«»»»«» Here is where yoa «ei good bargains. 4...fr.a. <•...!>. .. 13.60 <*# WILL SPE|NO A MILLIJO^. Lawlessness In San Juan. San Juan. Porto Rico, Oct. 13—Dur- ing Governor Hunt's absence in Ponce the anti-American socialists and an- archists bad a clash with the police on the plaza of this city. Forty arrests were made, and many of the prisoners were convicted and sentenced to six month's' imprisonment, including the anarchist Conde. who was recently convicted of insulting; the American flag. The clash was due to the social- ists, who attacked the police. Hopeful Regarding Sod Affairs. Ottawa. Oct. 13.—Senator Dandurand confirms the report that he has been given an option on the industrial prop- erties at the Soo. He is now hopeful that Speyer & Co. will delay for thirty or sixty days' the foreclosure sale of the $.~>.fiO5.oO0 bonds, and in the mean- time the flnancrial help will be forth- coming tfrom English capitalists, so as to continue the operation of the indus- tries which aire now idle. The sale is advertised foi» Thursday of this week. Great Northerti to Have One of' the Finest Harbors on the Pac fie« S t 1?aul, Mink], Oct. 13.—ThO Great Northern will spend $1,000,OOQ Ini 1 pre paring S'mlth'a cove, Washington, its Pacific steamship port for the transpa djfic lines, wbhfc^wjU, go^Into service within eighteen months The imprjve nents will occupy several months and will make Smith's cove harbor t o|j of tlie finest on the Pacific. i The feature of the work will| be the construction of a huge sea wall ex- tending from the bottom of the sound to] a height of sixty feet and cojtnp ete- iy protecting the company's wharfs At low tide twenty-flve feet of tne wafl will show above water.. It will be built of concrete and stone. ^ When the improvements are fin another wharf will be ready for which, with the wharf now in £i will inclose a lonjg slip in which 1th liners can lie. The plans contem: that the ships shall be loaded sjh loaded from both sides at once, i^pe- cl^l appliances will enable the' steve- dores to work a|U the hatches at| |ohe tiike, and the wharfs will extend hiore thjin the entire length of the big sflips. S^en's Callfskin Khoes^ in Iace s only, a good Sunday •Shoe, We have Just received 600 pilrs of them; regular vaitije f |2.j)d, sale prtoe T..., ladies' Shoes In Dongola patent tip, in lace ojaly, sires vjj& to «; a nice dress shoe,* regular value 12.00, sale p'riio ...*..,. J .., Boys' good every day Shoe, sizes 8 to 13^;/regufar value |1.26, sale price f ...... ...... r^ 4... ••<i• .... «.,. >.?*«* **.*A,. .99 M A few jelothing Dargalns—we have just received a lot of good pants equal to the »M done gray; sale prices are 'from. $l.W to 12.25. Hen's go >d every day pants, regular value $l\25, sale price 59c and, 69Cf Boy's good school suits, regular value |1.50; sale price Soya" Xb>j-folk suits in all colors, regular ?3.fl0; sale price *•»*.«.*•».-» * We hav^ reduced all our prices m aen's aahu boys' clotWg-to 40 cent*'- n a dollar. i ^ " - ""i 1 ^ Call ana examine our iau otock.> ' "* *«•' „ -"I AJLlaJLJ^A IIMII'llllllllllllllllllHMlllllllllllllMIIHi Paris Prepare* For Royal (?ue»t». Paris. Oct 13j—The decora tijons in thjs city tomorrow in honor of the vis- it of the king and queen of Italy will ^uJTpass those erected for King Ed- ward. On the Pfece de la Xladejeica a 'large arch has taWn constructed bear- ing the inscription "Viva "fitjtorio ETpanuele!" and' along the prjlniipal avenues have been stretched hjpes of bupting, with electric lights coiii«£led within artificial flowers looped jiipon crimson and gold, Venetian masts, p'wo large columns stand at the entrants to the Avenue de l'Opera, one surmoujr ted by the lion of St Mark and the other with the wolf suekled Romulus ind Kemus, the founders of ftome. ; ' | SU^PRiSE MERCHANDISE £0., "VILAS BANK BLOCK, -" [ 58 Margaret Street, PLATTSBURGH- N. Y. )pK FOR THE RED FOR THE RED .- r NO WAR AFltR ALL. The Rusjsian-Japanese Dispute to be Settled Without Clash ; of Arms. Oct 13.—Count Inouye, the minister, says everything in (Berlin, Japanese dispute between Japan and Russia will be settled amicably. Monday. they werel two dogs Ammonia mixed with stove black- ing will prevent it burning off. BANNER SALVE tr»« m o s t h»*M.-»a • • < » » »n th« world. For a pleasant phyBlc take Oham- berlaln's Stomach and TJyer Tableta Easy to take. Pleasant in effect For sale by 'Mrs. Gilbert, Shedden & Booth, Plattsburgh; H. B. Gillespie & Co., Ausable Forks; W. E. dough, West Chaxj.. Alabama Furnaces Start Up. Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 13.—Tbe La- cey Buk Iron company's blast furnace at Trussvllle has gone Inro blast after being overhauled and converted into a stack making-2(H) tons of iron a day. Forty additional coke ovens were, built during the idle spell. The Hattie Ens- ley furnace of the Sloss-Sheffleld Steel and Iron company at Sheffield is also between themselves and the Master reported to have resumed operations Builders' association to arbitration the after extensive repairs. . local carpenters* union has prevented ' a threatened tieup of all building oper- ations in this city. A Michigan Railway Merger. Detroit, Mich,, Oct 13.—J. D. Hawks, one of the owners of the Detroit Ypsi- lanti, Ann Arbor and Jackson Electric line, states that a consolidation of all the electric lines between Detroit and Kalamazoo, a total of about 27,0 miles, has bee'n practically effected.. S. F. Angus, Mr. Hawks' partner, has just returned from New York, where he went on business connected with the merger. Brockton Carpenters. For Arbitration. Brockton, Mass., Oct. 18.-—By a unan- imous vote to submit the differences Survived Volcano, Killed by an Auto. Paris, Oct. 13.—Martin Thir, a Hun- garian; after being one of the extreme- ly few and lucky survivors of tbe St Green's Examination Postponed. Binghamton, N. Y., Oct 13.—The ex- Pierre (Martinique) disaster, was killed * mimil1on of $ rate .Senator George E. here by an automobile while on a few Green before , United States Coinmls- days' visit to Paris. Twenty-two Horses Bumtd. Sioux Falls, S. D., Oct 13.-~Tlie liv- sioner Hall has been' postponed until Nov. o. . I Collision Costs Three Live*. Kansas City, Oct 13.—Three passen- ery stable of L. Leavitt, with its con- gers were killed by thf collision of a tents, including twenty-two horses, has freight train Ttfith a street car at Mul- been destroyed by fire; loss, *TO,000. fterry and St Louis avenues. In the Two arewen were severely injured, »} yeit hottoinl.. One of Clay's Wills Offered. ;, Richmond, Ky.< Oct 13.—One iof| jthe five wills of the.late General <j3as?ius M. Clay has beep offered for prolate in the county court The will difeinner- ited his children and all relative^! ex- cept his own former child wife!, piora Brock, whom it nominated as sole i ex- ecutrix. The other heirs introduced testimony to show that General piiay was Insane. A motion to probatt? the will was overruled. An appeal 'is tak- en to the circuit court. paying $1)50 each. Caught Carrying a Deer. Game protectors Selkirk and Vosj- burgh arrested John Soper, of jMalonej, and anotper man ijor 'hounding deer at Elkbovf Pond near Loon Lake on They were caught just air ter a de^r had been shot and when carrying it from the boat to the baKk. Sober had a guide and The prisoners settled by "Yellow Fever Increases. Laredo. Ter., Oct 13.—The o^Cial bulletin shows; New cases of yeijow fever, 35; deaths, none; total number of cases to date, 245; total deaths to ptyite, 10. Reports from Monterey indicate that affairs have taken a seriou$ rarn. On Wednesday there were four deaths and six new cases of fever an<| ; on Thursday seven deaths and niaej sus- picious cases. On Saturday four deaths occurred. - ''. New Submarine Craft, . Cronstadt, Russia, Oct 13,—A !hew submarine boat shaped like a cigar [has been put on trial in the waters of (jjifon- stadt It is constructed after the pla;ns of Engineer Boubnow and nas a gi?o- line motor. Tbe submersion, ho'wfeTpr, is effected by an electric motor It will be manned by a crew of jtvjfeive -and" commanded by Captain Befeleii^is- che #- ,. i r . ' r r Hi { New Wisconsin Railway. Oshkosh, k Wis., Oct. 13.^-A steato) road from Madison to Qreen $8fl|by way of Oshkosh is assbred. Aj cate has been formed, and the l» certain. It will require *3,000,i Of what use is a parlor without; book or music? It is the mosti mourii- ful, coldest room in the house, the quintessence of the "good room" ia, which one does nothing but prattle. Kan a Ten Penny Nail Through Hist Band. While opening a box, J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a tea penny nail through the fleshy part of his Siand. "I thought at once of. all the pain and soreness this would cause me/' he says, "and immediate- ly applied Chamherlain's Pain TSalg* and occasionally afterwards. To my surprise It removed afll pain ami soreness and the injured parts were soon healed," For sale by Mrs. Gilbert, Shedden & Booth, Plattsburgh; H. E. GiDespie & Co.. Ausable (Forks;. W. B. Clough, West Chazy. I * Canada produces $1,250,000 of 'asfbea- tos a year. Do Good—'t Pays. A Chicago man has observed that, "Good deeds are 'better tfhan real es- tate deeds—some of the latter are I worthless. Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend a helping Priesjt's House Burglarized. The re$idence. of the iRev. Edward (Blanchard, pastor of (Notre Dame church, ^jalone, was entered Saturday night and ?50 in money taken from ' his pantsj pocket while he was asleep: | hand ~ Y ou "cannot'"possibly' lo^Thy There is ino clue to the robbers Alderman Smith Well Again. Alderman J. F. Smith of Indiana- polis, Ind., contracted a severe cold which grew rapidly worse until .his physician^ said he had all the symp* toms of ijasty consumption. The phy*: sician's prescriptions and several pro- 1 prietary preparations failed to help him. A friend recommended Foley's Honey aid Tar, and in a few day^ he began to improve and the second bottle cuijed him completely, lie says :t is the lj>est remedy for coughs, colds and lung: trouble he has ever known,' Accept tip substitutes. it" Most men appreciate a kind word and encouragement more than sub- stantial help. There are persons in this community who' might truthful- ly say: "My good frdend, cheer up. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough, Remedy will rid you of your cold, and there is no danger whatever from pneumonia when you ifse that roedi- ine. It always cure3. I know it for it has helped me out many a time." Sold by Mrs.. Oilbert, Shedden & Booth, Plattsburgh; H. K. Gillespie & Co., Ausable Forks; W. E. Clough, West Chazy. Mrs. Dj K. Gilbert, druggist, Platts- | •• •—" burgh. i ' Wear linens next to the skin, as it most readily absorbs moisture, and A mother should 'be careful to mate ' wear woolen, for outer garments, only reasonable demands upon her child's j>bedienee, but when once made to j enforce them implicitly. A thing once refused should never be yielded tlo teasing !'i,'- ^F^^L^iSelili , *\* m- More Than One Third Die. The principal reason why more than one-third of the''people die from kid- ney disease in some form is because it is soMnsidudus that tlie kidneys may be badly affected before the vic- tim reaUies his danger. If you have any indication of kidney trouble take Foley's jKidney Cure at once aa it corrects j Irregularities and makes the kidney s|ud bladder right Remember the nanjie, Foley's Kidney Cure. Mrs. !T>; K. Gilbert, druggist, Plattsi burgh. telling is npt- this same reason >\ » +* 1? li ' J He Learned a <«rt-ut Truth. It is said of Jtohs^ Wesley that ha- once said to Mistress Wesle'y: "Why do you tell that oh^Id the same thinjg over and over again?" "John Wee-' ey, because once enough." It is for that you are told again and /again, that Chamberlain's Cough. Remedy cures colds aad. grip; that it counter- acts any tendency of these dlseasea to result in pneumonia and that it ts pleasant and safe to take. For* sate . by Mrs. Gilbert, Shedden & Booth, 'lattsburgh; H. E. Gillespie & Co* Ausable vFoxtaj; W. B. dough., WfJt Chaaj;. J! >

Transcript of r Lamb, Good Bargatfif w v t 1nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1903-10-14/ed...VOL IX-No....

VOL IX-No. 2855!

* .


H a v e Y o u Heard A b o u


We have placed in our window box which contains $20.00. We wil | give a key to this box"

FREE with ev^ry clash purchase of. $l.flui two keys with ?2.00; three keys with 43.00. ' -J

Only three Keys will unlock the' b o i —this may be the one.

When keys have a l l been given o u ; you may try your key.

The first key t o unlock the ben: -takes $10.00. The, second, key to u n | lock the box takes $6.00. The thirU key to unlock the box takes $4.00.

You are entitled t o the contents i without reserve. It i s yours. $T«

[-employe allowed to have a key. IWe do not know which key opens thp


L a m b ,


j „MA%S»

"Veribest Brand"

INNED WEATS. 3tt thew jls anything

i m the Meat "Special" yon requite

line TOO will get


o t t u e

F s . mosmfpr . . . . .

- i . %. SIG2*OlR . . . .

.Thi Pfopfcfc Treatment.^ »m JOHST -asift 1, n» a t

Colliean's Clinton St. Market PhOBfC 4 8 - A .

For a nice large glass of Ice

Cream Soda, the Finest Fruit,

a n * Fresh Candies of a l l kinds

g o jto t l ie Candy Kitchen,

wfflwaiA. ,.WE HAVE THEM..

i i i i iii 103 ; MABGAiRBT. STREET.


.I^restdeik .lftcfr$M*Adei(.tl ; , .„ . . . .C^ashi' . . A s s t Cash*

71 Mara a ret

•&. HfeSitk G. a Sarfcetr,

iEbci.:'^-' Seaway, Patrick Haaion, •fSE/ijSfe -Cady, ' [ $teary D. Grav.

John Haiaghran. - ^hoiee MiveetBaejjt bonds dealt

IBrJftfe and, ' T ^ m l e r s ' <3heques,' avail

able!* a% mfmwe mm, isftsii Interest aHowecl, o n special deposit

National Savings Bank j OFMBAKry 59 State Street

1 m&Wjm

fn*"-h**at<m*. Wtiey and fesum. Noopiati

* •

4ty JSaftonal B a n k OF PLATTSBURGH

)HN F. Q*BRIEjN, . President

KiN HAUQHRAN. Vice-President

Q.BAKER, * - Cash!

DIRECTORS; iofcn F. O'Brien, H. W. Kmapp, ;

S. G. iPrtme. Geo. Chahoon, M. V. B. Turner^


John Ha-aghraa., T„ Kellogg, L. .Sfcsdden. /

J. N.

ing Business. Depositors offered every faaiirtfy

rhich their balances, business and re-sponsSbility warrant.

JtSImon W. IKosejndale President il'Garret A. Ifaa. Mien „.'Yic*~;P*«ftld«nt-; James Kt. Manniug ....Vice-Preeldeiit Albert P. 3 t e f e n s . . . . . . , . . « T « » s a m

Receive pspos i t s on Interest dating from the iFlrst day of, Each Month which may be sent by mail in Check*; 01 Cash by registered mail or express OP deposited in person.

Bank j Books returned by matt or otherwlsle, a s desired.

l e t ters , promptly acknowledged. Dividejnd days ianirary and July 1.

"Interest paid on January 1st, 1801. at the rate of 3% -per cent, per annum

III w i ctfiwt©

i a.!«i,» 1 1



Great Suffering In ^tricken/tfew Jersey Citiet.

fcAti&oifcDa losujcnra ^viqzi



* y



PRICES, Ortkegtra 4 Balconyl | 7 5 c , Bee**ar*t*M<tfWVty 2 5 c f

Edison Phonograph. Headqi|tarters for Edison's 'Phono­

graphs dnd Victor Talking Machine, anid latent records, at Miss MaMe La-•Fixrcee niusic store, conneoted with Cluett &', Sons. Dealer in sheet music and all kinds of musical instruments.

_ Call or j write for catalogue of the ; famous ^leiKiiiley edition of 10 cent

isacts a General Commercial Bank- I ruusia p, Mtogaret street^ opp. Derl-1 in iHouaej lmo282?

•well Turnouts For Pleasure Driving

m of tbe most stylish and flam<f Knne "Bigs" In ?the City.


S? J1 iSTIN, 7 So. CathertB* •

Tft!«».i>bo5.* fVinr>«vt1<>'

If I L L /

16 & 18RTVERST. i

The Nails, Screws, Lock«] requir-

at such

find it large!



:. Irt-dp of, other

' hi- t.tnld<T

i.'.at the bul.<;^r

utioni.v tu bu)


re tierf

v>: u


One of the most reasonable, home­like and conveniently equipped nouses in Northern New York. Steam heat and baths, electric lights and bells Electric care to and from all trains run within one-half block of house. Special rates per week. Cafe, barber shop, also first class livery and tran­sient barn in connection.


; Rec»dlnfl; W*t«r« -Afford-a CI*** l d « or Exttnt o f bevattatt th W^ouflht Fjflurei of Damaoo to Property Net MaterWtiy Changed.

NW- lEOrk, Oct i3.—With the reced Ing ;OfL liie floods reported from -al quarters, Paterson, PaMaic and th« o i i e r w*i»r swept N e w Jersey toww are relieved of further peril and- aw beginning now to jfet a dear idea 01

-the ^if^ttt e i the de\astation. In Ptiterson alpne t h e damage ttj

property is estimated a t . 12,000,000 without taking account of the l o w i i wkgfes to the thousands who have been tempopi i ly deprived of livelihood bjj the shutting: down o f ^actoriea, T&<| diatresB.continuee treat, ahd i u l l y SQC person^ are still •ompelled to seek ^oofi and shelter In ' f t* airmory. Ko<addi tionai fataliti*« have bejen reported.

In Fassaic the damage is estimate* ' te .W*t t e i s t eqoal t o t l j a t i n PatsMou aCftny Adjacent villages| were istm tin der water, hut wi th the^ falling of fh«, waters # danger of a bollaptfi of tltc] great Dundee dam i s declared to b* past. (

Traffic has been resumed on all ih«f railroad lines entering Mew York with* the, exception of the local service on the main line o f the fide. The milk famine i n the city has been broken by the arrival of the usual number of milk trains on the West Shore, New York Central, Lackawanna and othei roads. .


M*n Chfrgttf With Wife Murder Ma) ^Have Poisoned Them.

, k e w &>rk, Oct 13.' -J- Ebeneaer S Blydenbhrs, who was arrested Satur­day a t Ektora, Ia.,r charged with the mnrder o f his wife ' and Jater jceleased o n ' Hd^OO hail, was for twenty years a resident of Brooklyja: and prom inentfy identified with church V o i k H e ^wae'lfer awhile, superintendent ,ol the SundjRjn school of the Kpworth Methodist ^Episcopal church of Bfi Kalb arejnie and after the death of hi* second w ife* spent two months in Cana da a* a n exhorter and. Revivalist. v

H i s thw* wives are said to have met with almost similar deaths, being tak­e n violently all after hearty meals and dying in agony' abotft fedr hours after we fllrs't 'symptoms, ,of ..Illness They all had Insurance* policies < on tneit livee. , • , ,

Blydenhnrg^s first w i fe w a s Miss Em ily Hawkins of Brookbaven, N Y. She had fonr/ children ~>geventeeh days a f tc t t%etWrih of Jier ia»r child she w a s taken i l l *&yla% after eating aj meal^^She tarried^ a. life insurance

^policy of Jpi,OO0. This w a s paid to jier husband, j The attending physician, Who "confessed at the lime that he could not account for the suddenness of the fatiLt attack, gaYe a death certi ficafe which Steted t h a t the woman had diOd oXlperitonltis

X 'year after the death o f his first Wife Blydenbhrg met Lanra Godbold. Thex^ we're married i n the Bpworth church i n £S9l tetet a hrief courtship. The second wife died Feb. 14, 1900, at 1314 Iprreene ayenue» where t h e first wife also died. Her death was given in the certificate of the physician as dqe r to acute gastritis. There w a s an Insurance On her life of | 6 $ » .

T h e m a n i n tlie course Of Ms religious i life, and work' a s a contractor went ^ w e * ^ where he met his third wife,

Miss Jessie Resenborongh, a school teacher o f Eldora, Ia> She w a s hie senior by""many years. "They were married 'after a brief courtship She

I had $20,00$ in bank and owned 3,000 acres 'of valuable farm land, half of which *he>inade over to Mm'immedi ately after, their ^marriage. .She also carried Insurance^of $12,000, i t i s said. T h e marriage tooit, place Oct 1,1902

Btydenjtmrg'* third wife died May 29 last, her death being like that of the ether wives of the m a n / H e r sisters felt that1 th1 ere had been undue haste in 'embalming and burying the body. The fact'that It was shlppeQ tolSjyan, 0- , Jtor' Interment added to their tin-easiness They had the body disin­terred, And ther st&inaeh was sent to Professor V. C. Vaughin of Ann Ar­bor, who stated that he found traces of arsenic. ,*



Kantas City Educ*tiotlaf[fcuard ians Accuted of

1 M


Two Lives Loat—The v'lllao* Nearly Obliterated.

' Ttreedxr^ark, N. X, !Oct 31&.-The Bamapo river, after rising higher than # efc wJtdfeijo far as existtag iecords fhoi«' and sweeping away many" small dams, several, bridges and bouftee and) a section of th'e Erie railroad trade, i i now isloMy subsiding* taxA tlie Tuxedc dam,, which it was feared coold hot wtthiitand the flood, is now «o*Mdered

^ o f a r a t knownyonly t w o lives were fost. George XOXOQ and a companion, e^| lo |red on Mr, Bfarrimaijli estate ai

i a ^ i e l ^ ^ h i e n driving- jlwme f & m Cen-ftrafl YMIey were owrtsken by the flood and drowhed. Of tfie damage to prop­er ty jflong the course of the Raroapo no estimate can yet be made.

The viHagc of Ramapo was nearly obliterated by the overflowing of Piej> son's lake and the breaking of the dam at its lower end. The cottage dwellers! fled to the hills and have been looked after by the more fortunate whose homes were on higher ground. T h e j i n *bich be , o s t t w o o f Ms inon. Lieu dam at Cranberry pond, near Arden.1 tenant VelasQuea defeated an over

bommitte* of Investigation . Much Crookedness in H\$ti&

pal and l u y t a a Ichoel. cesaivo Charges Prsvaiiod.

1 » 1

Kansas City, Oct. 18,—Atl of the Mercantile club a t 3K Kan., the committee appoihteajto In vestigate the alleged boodljbag- pf mem' bers of the slchool board of- that city submitted a report recohimendjliig thai a grand jury Jbe called «to pribe^h^ral leged athool board scandal. » L j

The report pf the committed giyes in detail the history of the various itrans actions which form, the basils for the charges against certain 'tyeim'MBW oi the school board, including a written statement frojtn (Professojr Bav t*ll-j^>l Emporia, Kan,, who charge* fti1at h« 'was asked to pay $300 for the position of principal of, the ldgh school a t Kan »as City, K a n , With the undejrStandling that the salary attached to the liosition Was to b e raised from $1,500 jtoj '$1,60C ayear. f j 1 j ' 1 The report t^Hs of the purchase, of a site for the Bancroft school, forUrhicb jthe bdard of1 eddcation pafd f*,00(l frhen the owner was willing to sell Xor *2,350. This wks done, the rj?pj>rt al leges, by having ah agent of the |sjchoo! board secure an option on the prbperiy i n d sell i t to| the school hoard lit the advanced price.

We Hare Jmt Received Otit ,

FALL STbm And Mire plhtkty k&

Good Bargatfif

• • -

f w




Thirty Americans Defeated Five Hun­dred Natives In Neuva Visaya.

Manila, Oct 13 —In a fierce conflict,

"I write to let you faiovio*! mppneis** your Gucaret*. I commenced t»Vtnc them l*»t Ner»»j». . be* mud.too* w o t*JH»ot boieii *»d PMiied *Up»-wormli ftAong.,Then! enmnjenced t»lclnetie»4

t»pa wonn " worm* know u.

i appetite." j frm. r. Brown, 1M FraukUa St.. Brooklyn. N. T.

burst, and the waters spread havoc through that valley Several houses here w e r e flooded, the electric light

_ , , plant w a s disabled, the fish hatchery ^ l l a ^ V k ^ 5 ^ i ^ S " ^ ^ S l S ; was wholly swept away, and the golf i | 2 | r t n » P 0 e - w l ^ ! d n f ^ 5 S y f S d . i ^ ! 1 Wnts was so badly inundated that the **- invitation tourney scheduled for this

week has had to be abandoned. The flood also washed away the shan­

ties of the Italian and Hungarian colo­nies in the lower part of the valley. Ail the inhabitants were rescued afKl carried by boats tosafety , the local fire department working, zealously to ^ v e them. A fund for the relief of the flood sufferers has been started among the residents of the park.

On the Erie no trains are running west of Ramapo, and it will be several days before the tracks can be repaired.

Gu»r*ntceifto onn «r your money baek.* Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 594


;:: •! 1A >FJtS H A RI >WA,RE " I

"<>i-' -prrst-d eutireiy of new gdodsJ x-.'-.KLt-i t.n till modern require-

itiifUih i''<jiistru<-ted !o suit modern olemaiio* Each article is made of tit- U-?- n.aieriaL


M. P. MYERS & CO. So. 4 Bridgje Strec*

Foley'1 hooey mad Tail cures colds, prev^^ts **nct»mQfltmt

WANTED. M e n ^ r e w a n t e d f o r t h e w o o d

j o b s o f t h e C h a t e a u g a y Ore a n d

I r o n C o m o a n y . "'Steadv e m p l o y ­

m e n t a n d g o o d w a g e s .

Apply^ a t tbe ofrice of the Compariy,

Clinton Street. P L A T T S B U R G H . N. Y.

Notice to Taxpayers. Take notice, that I have'received the

Assessment iRoll and Warrant for Wa­ter Taxes for the quarter ending Oct. l . 1903. i?'

That I will be at my office with said Roil and Warrant for the next thirty days, Sundays and Legal Holidays ex­cepted, ..between the hoars of 9 o'clock in the morning and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, to receive the takes so as­sessed.

Al) taxes paid, within the said -thirty days shall be without fee.

HENRY jnjSTIM, Chamberlain. Dated, Oct. 1. 1903. 2S45

Wurzburger on Draught. "Down Where the' Wuretmrger.

Flows"—at the Monopole. Imported Wurzburger Beer on draught t*

N o t h i n g h a s ever equalled it. N o t h i n g c a n ever s u r p a s s it_

Dr. King's New Discovery

For PSuoiis »ud VOX'S*

50c 4*1.50

A Perfect For All Throat and C u r e : - L u n g Troubles .

Money back If ft falls- Trial Bottles free.

G a i n e d forty P o u n d s In T h i r t y D a j H For several months our younger

brother had been troubled with in­digestion. He tried several remedies but got no benefit, from them. We purchased .some of Chamberlain's Stomach' and L,iver TaWets and he commenced taking them. Inside of hirty days he had gained forty

pounds in flesh. He is now fully re­covered. We have a good trade on the Tablets.—Holley Bros., Merchants, Long Branch. Mo. For sale by

Mrs. Gilbert, Shedden & Booth, Plattsburgh; H. E. Gillespie & Co., A usable Forks; W. E. Clough, West Chazy.

Roosevelt's Ranch Sold. Bismarck, X. D.,' Oct 13.—The Old

Chimney Butte ranch, made famous as that established by \ Theodore Roose­velt when he was a Bad Lauds cattle­man, has been sold by the Northern Taclflc to Ferris Bros, of Medora. It was on this ranch that President Roose­velt wrote some of his western sketch­es. Subsequently be bought another ranch, the Elkhorn, forty miles south of Medora, and there he outfitted' for many of his mountain trips.

whelming forte of head hunters which hud attacked his command of constab ulary.

The new? bf the fight has just reach­ed this cii&i

The conSict" took place in Neuva Visaya. Fifre hundred of the fierce head hunte'rS' were in the attacking force. Lieutenant Velasquez had only thirty men, hut all fought with desper­ation, knowing their fate if the savage head liupters got them.

The latter had bdlos and rifles, and they made vigorous onslaughts. But they could .not resist the American fire and finally! gave way. leaving ftfty-three dead ano many wounded.

Bight ladrbnes have jnst been sen­tenced here to be hanged and two to twenty-five years' imprisonment by Judge H. Sweeny. These men were captured in Bulucan and other prov­inces of Luzon adjacent to Manila.

A second oody of ladrones are in the island W Panay. where they have at­tacked t3ie town of Ibajay and killed thirteen of the inhabitants. There is only a small police force there.

The report iContaijfts an al le* mission of *a contractor hired jto the abasements! of schdolhouses the OTune flood ihat Recharged a n , bitant price for the1 work and tbVt ipember of t&e school hoard Wt« his partner in the deal. ' I ,

I The committee also recommend; st thai civil suits be Instituted to reedvler mon­ey paid out oy the school board in' per tain contracts' in which excessiv* cjh8J'ges*<were the role. ' '


Toju can save from $3.00 toi^6.00 op. every garment; pttrphafeied of us, at the same time getting' good vjalue for your money. .' ;


Ladies' knits, regular -value $14.0$, sa le price} Ladies' iui ts , regular value 118,00,-sal© price1

Ladies' iuits , regular value $22.00, sale price1

* * * * » * » * * • •«»»»«»

Here i s where yoa «ei good bargains. 4 . . . f r . a . <•...!>. . . 13.60



Lawlessness In San Juan. San Juan. Porto Rico, Oct. 13—Dur­

ing Governor Hunt's absence in Ponce the anti-American socialists and an­archists bad a clash with the police on the plaza of this city. Forty arrests were made, and many of the prisoners were convicted and sentenced to six month's' imprisonment, including the anarchist Conde. who was recently convicted of insulting; the American flag. The clash was due to the social­ists, who attacked the police.

Hopeful Regarding Sod Affairs. Ottawa. Oct. 13.—Senator Dandurand

confirms the report that he has been given an option on the industrial prop­erties at the Soo. He is now hopeful that Speyer & Co. will delay for thirty or sixty days' the foreclosure sale of the $.~>.fiO5.oO0 bonds, and in the mean­time the flnancrial help will be forth­coming tfrom English capitalists, so as to continue the operation of the indus­tries which aire now idle. The sale is advertised foi» Thursday of this week.

Great Northerti to Have One of' the Finest Harbors on the Pac fie«

S t 1?aul, Mink], Oct. 13.—ThO Great Northern will spend $1,000,OOQ Ini1 pre paring S'mlth'a cove, Washington, its Pacific steamship port for the transpa djfic lines, wbhfc^wjU, go^Into service within eighteen months The imprjve n e n t s will occupy several months and will make Smith's cove h a r b o r t o | j of tlie finest on the Pacific. i

The feature of the work will | be the construction of a huge sea wall ex­tending from the bottom of the sound to] a height of sixty feet and cojtnp ete-iy protecting the company's wharfs At low tide twenty-flve feet of tne wafl will show above water.. I t will be built of concrete and stone. ^

When the improvements are fin another wharf will be ready for which, with the wharf now in £i will inclose a lonjg slip in which 1th liners can lie. The plans contem: that the ships shall be loaded sjh loaded from both sides at once, i^pe-cl^l appliances will enable the' steve­dores to work a|U the hatches at| |ohe tiike, and the wharfs will extend hiore thjin the entire length of the big sflips.

S^en's Callfskin Khoes^ in Iace sonly, a good Sunday •Shoe, W e have Just received 600 p i l r s of them; regular vaitije f|2.j)d, sa le prtoe T. . . ,

l a d i e s ' Shoes In Dongola patent tip, i n lace ojaly, s ires vjj& to «; a nice dress shoe,* regular value 12.00, sale p'riio . . . * . . , . J . . ,

Boys' good every day Shoe, sizes 8 t o 13^;/regufar value |1.26, sale price f . . . . . . . . . . . . r ^ 4 . . . • • < i • . . . . « . , . > . ? * « * * * . * A , .



A few jelothing Dargalns—we have just received a lot of good pants equal to the »M done gray; sale prices are 'from. $l.W to 12.25. Hen's go >d every day pants, regular value $l\25, sale price 59c and, 69Cf Boy's good school sui ts , regular value |1.50; sale price Soya" Xb>j-folk suits in al l colors, regular ?3.fl0; sale price

* • » * . « . * • » . - » *

We hav^ reduced all our prices m aen's aahu boys' clotWg-to 40 cent*'-n a dollar. i ^ " - " " i 1 ^

Call ana examine our iau otock.> ' "* *«•' „ -"I AJLlaJLJ^A I I M I I ' l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l H M l l l l l l l l l l l l l M I I H i

Paris Prepare* For Royal (?ue»t». Paris. Oct 13j—The decora tijons in

thjs city tomorrow in honor of the vis­it of the king and queen of Italy will ^uJTpass those erected for King Ed­ward. On the Pfece de la Xladejeica a 'large arch has taWn constructed bear­ing the inscription "Viva "fitjtorio ETpanuele!" and' along the prjlniipal avenues have been stretched hjpes of bupting, with electric lights coiii«£led within artificial flowers looped jiipon crimson and gold, Venetian masts, p'wo large columns stand at the entrants to the Avenue de l'Opera, one surmoujr ted by the lion of S t Mark and the other with the wolf suekled Romulus ind Kemus, the founders of ftome. ; ' |


58 Margaret Street, PLATTSBURGH- N. Y.


.- r

NO WAR AFl tR ALL. The Rusjsian-Japanese Dispute to

be Settled Without Clash ; of Arms.

Oct 13.—Count Inouye, the

minister, says everything in



dispute between Japan and Russia

will be settled amicably.


they werel

two dogs

Ammonia mixed with stove black­ing will prevent it burning off.

B A N N E R S A L V E tr»« m o s t h»*M.-»a • •<»» »n th« world.

For a pleasant phyBlc take Oham-berlaln's Stomach and TJyer Tableta Easy to take. Pleasant in effect For sale by

'Mrs. Gilbert, Shedden & Booth, Plattsburgh; H. B. Gillespie & Co., Ausable Forks; W. E. d o u g h , West Chaxj..

Alabama Furnaces Start Up. B i r m i n g h a m , Ala. , Oct. 13.—Tbe La-

cey Buk Iron company's blast furnace at Trussvllle has gone Inro blast after being overhauled and converted in to a stack making-2(H) tons of iron a day. Forty additional coke ovens were, built during the idle spell. The Hattie Ens-ley furnace of the Sloss-Sheffleld Steel and Iron company at Sheffield is also between themselves and the Master reported to have resumed operations Builders' association to arbitration the after extensive repairs. . local carpenters* union has prevented

' a threatened tieup of all building oper­ations in this city.

A Michigan Railway Merger. Detroit, Mich,, Oct 13.—J. D. Hawks,

one of the owners of the Detroit Ypsi-lanti, Ann Arbor and Jackson Electric line, states that a consolidation of all the electric lines between Detroit and Kalamazoo, a total of about 27,0 miles, has bee'n practically effected.. S. F. Angus, Mr. Hawks' partner, has just returned from New York, where he went on business connected with the merger.

Brockton Carpenters. For Arbitration. Brockton, Mass., Oct. 18.-—By a unan­

imous vote to submit the differences

Survived Volcano, Killed by an Auto. Paris, Oct. 13.—Martin Thir, a Hun­

garian; after being one of the extreme­ly few and lucky survivors of tbe S t

Green's Examination Postponed. Binghamton, N. Y., Oct 13.—The ex-

Pierre (Martinique) disaster, was killed * m i m i l 1 o n o f $ r a t e .Senator George E. here by an automobile while on a f ew G r e e n before , United States Coinmls-days' visit to Paris.

Twenty-two Horses Bumtd. Sioux Falls, S. D., Oct 13.-~Tlie liv-

sioner Hall has been' postponed until Nov. o. . I

Collision Costs Three Live*. Kansas City, Oct 13.—Three passen-

ery stable of L. Leavitt, with its con- gers were killed by thf collision of a tents, including twenty-two horses, has freight train Ttfith a street car at Mul-been destroyed by fire; loss, *TO,000. fterry and S t Louis avenues. In the Two arewen were severely injured, »} y e i t hottoinl..

One of Clay's Wills Offered. ;, Richmond, Ky.< Oct 13.—One iof| jthe

five wills of the.late General <j3as?ius M. Clay has beep offered for prolate in the county court The will difeinner-ited his children and all relative^! ex­cept his own former child wife!, piora Brock, whom it nominated as sole i ex­ecutrix. The other heirs introduced testimony to show that General piiay was Insane. A motion to probatt? the will was overruled. An appeal 'is tak­en to the circuit court.

paying $1)50 each.

Caught Carrying a Deer. Game protectors Selkirk and Vosj-

burgh arrested John Soper, of jMalonej, and anotper man ijor 'hounding deer at Elkbovf Pond near Loon Lake on

They were caught just air ter a de^r had been shot and when

carrying it from the boat to the baKk. Sober had a guide and

The prisoners settled by

"Yellow Fever Increases. • Laredo. Ter., Oct 13.—The o^Cial

bulletin shows; New cases of yeijow fever, 35; deaths, none; total number of cases to date, 245; total deaths to ptyite, 10. Reports from Monterey indicate that affairs have taken a seriou$ rarn. On Wednesday there were four deaths and six new cases of fever an<|; on Thursday seven deaths and niaej sus­picious cases. On Saturday four deaths occurred. - ''.

N e w S u b m a r i n e Craft, .

Cronstadt, Russia, Oct 13,—A !hew submarine boat shaped like a cigar [has been put on trial in the waters of (jjifon-stadt It is constructed after the pla;ns of Engineer Boubnow and nas a gi?o-line motor. Tbe submersion, ho'wfeTpr, is effected by an electric motor It will be manned by a crew of jtvjfeive -and" commanded by Captain Befeleii^is-che#- ,. i r

. ' r r Hi { New Wisconsin Railway.

Oshkosh,kWis., Oct. 13.^-A steato) road from Madison to Qreen $ 8 f l | b y way of Oshkosh is assbred. Aj cate has been formed, and the l» certain. It will require *3,000,i

Of what use is a parlor without; book or music? It is the mosti mourii-ful, coldest room in the house, the quintessence of the "good room" ia , which one does nothing but prattle.

Kan a Ten Penny Nail Through Hist Band .

While opening a box, J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a t e a penny nail through the fleshy part o f his Siand. "I thought at once of. a l l the pain and soreness this • would cause m e / ' he says, "and immediate­ly applied Chamherlain's Pain TSalg* and occasionally afterwards. To m y surprise It removed afll pain ami soreness and the injured parts were soon healed," For sale by

Mrs. Gilbert, Shedden & Booth, Plattsburgh; H. E. GiDespie & Co.. Ausable (Forks;. W. B. Clough, Wes t Chazy.



Canada produces $1,250,000 of 'asfbea-tos a year.

Do Good—'t Pays . A Chicago man has observed that,

"Good deeds are 'better tfhan real e s ­tate deeds—some of the latter are

I worthless. Act kindly and gently, s h o w sympathy and lend a helping

Priesjt's House Burglarized. The re$idence. of the iRev. Edward

(Blanchard, pastor of (Notre Dame church, ^jalone, was entered Saturday night and ?50 in money taken from ' his pantsj pocket while he was asleep: | h a n d ~You "cannot'"possibly' l o ^ T h y There is ino clue to the robbers

Alderman Smith Wel l Again. Alderman J. F. Smith of Indiana­

polis, Ind., contracted a severe cold which grew rapidly worse until .his physician^ said he had all the symp* toms of ijasty consumption. The phy*: sician's prescriptions and several pro-1

prietary preparations failed to help him. A friend recommended Foley's Honey a i d Tar, and in a few day^ he began to improve and the second bottle cuijed him completely, l i e says :t is the lj>est remedy for coughs, colds and lung: trouble he has ever known,' Accept tip substitutes.

i t " Most men appreciate a kind word and encouragement more than sub­stantial help. There are persons i n this community who' might truthful­ly say: "My good frdend, cheer up. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough, Remedy will rid you of your cold, and there is no danger whatever from pneumonia when you ifse that roedi-

ine. It always cure3. I know it for it has helped me out many a time." Sold by

Mrs.. Oilbert, Shedden • & Booth, Plattsburgh; H. K. Gillespie & Co., Ausable Forks; W. E. Clough, West Chazy.

Mrs. Dj K. Gilbert, druggist, Platts- | •• •—" burgh. i ' Wear linens next to the skin, as i t

most readily absorbs moisture, and A mother should 'be careful to mate ' wear woolen, for outer garments,

only reasonable demands upon her child's j>bedienee, but when once made to j enforce them implicitly. A thing once refused should never be yielded tlo teasing

! ' i , ' -


, * \ *


M o r e T h a n O n e T h i r d D i e . The principal reason why more than

one-third of the''people die from kid­ney disease in some form is because it is soMnsidudus that tlie kidneys may be badly affected before the vic­tim reaUies his danger. If you have any indication of kidney trouble take Foley's jKidney Cure at once aa it corrects j Irregularities and makes the kidney s|ud bladder r igh t Remember the nanjie, Foley's Kidney Cure.

Mrs. !T>; K. Gilbert, druggist, Plattsi burgh.

telling is npt-this same reason

>\ » +* 1?

li '


H e L e a r n e d a <«rt-ut T r u t h .

It is said of Jtohs^ Wesley that ha-once said to Mistress Wesle'y: "Why do you tell that oh^Id the same thinjg over and over again?" "John Wee-' ey, because once

enough." It is for that you are told again and /again , that Chamberlain's Cough. Remedy cures colds aad. grip; that i t counter­acts any tendency of these dlseasea to result in pneumonia and that i t ts pleasant and safe to take. For* sate . by

Mrs. Gilbert, Shedden & Booth, 'lattsburgh; H. E . Gillespie & Co* Ausable vFoxtaj; W. B. dough. , W f J t Chaaj;.

