r ? ,« fi'..^t^of.^,'pring€¦ · Mrs. T. B. Pearson and daughter, Miss Laura. ' left yesterday...

I I y. 'v.. *•''; -• THE DENISON REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24,1915. "• s, <y. * - | PAGE FIVE $£* - ^ v•••'•:. •- V There is more of the true spirit of Christmas in a photograph of yourself than in any other gift you could purchase! /^.Jil^Then, too, photographs are economical and always appreciated. : ; |:^|||?|Make arrangements today for your sitting before the rush com- f-:..:^v . •••.•• " . WANTED. LOST FOUND- RIKSAU- TOKSNt- TOexCHANCC- FOR SALE. Having sold my property, I will of- fer at private sale my household goods. Including Majestic range. Call Mrs. Young. " *?-St j ' FOR SALE—model llarley I Davidson motor cycle and side car. Modern equipments vltb electric lights. In use but three mouths and in fine condition. Enquire of Lloyd Uuffington at Myers' bakery. 4C-2t. j,v-/ +P'Xi Si-:. - L-, m Mems of a m %wal%inA Every page of the lie view is a live news page. Miss Qladysi Hart, of CJiarter Oak, viytfjd with friends here Thursday. Frank Biuuali, of Dow City, was a business visitor in Deniso nMqnday. Mps. ,M. R. McOrath, of Vail, was Among the but or town shoppers Sat- urday. ... Mrs. & N. Samistroui .was a, shop- per In Dpnison yesterday afternoon from KlrOn. .;, " O. W. Langley was up from Dow City Monday transacting business at the county capital. David Menagh was up from Qmalia Suuday spending the day with his brothers and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thomson wero over from the Oak Sunday spend ing tho day with relatives. Mr. Marvin Woiseiicroft and daugiv tor, Leona. of Vail, wore among those from out of town in. the city Saturday. Mrs. C.C.Cooper was over from Charter Oak la?t Wednosday shopping and visiting with friends in Denison. Jaities McKltu/wasdpwu fromDe> lolt ^-bst^rdAjr- transacting (business and calling on county' seat acquaint- ances. Dr. and ; Mrs. B. F. PhilbVpok will siiend .Th&nltsgivini .with -his sister, Mrs. C,'-<8. 'Manchester in 'C&tincil B l u i f s . f t ^ v ; - - ' ^ £». Cliild3,oi . Minneapolis, -^arrived; iu the-city'today tq-s^nd i'baaiMKlV. ing with his sister, Mrs. Carl p. Rich- araeon.' . , g - * Mr. and Mrs? Percy . Drown wbrb'ijn Dow City Sunday spending the day •w ith licr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mdnsey. : r r., Paul Bo.vliln'Wrived in Denton to- il ay from Ames to spend the :tfeqk edd' Tho Review's cartoon service is pleasing lots of readers. Mr. Clarence; Bryan, of Arlo'n, was transacting business in Denison Mon- day. Miss Marlon Harrington, of Vail, was a pleasant visitor in Denison Sat- urday. : Gail Carey was down from West Side Sunday spending the. day with'his parents, Mr. and Sirs. J. T. Carey. Miss Clara Servoss, who is clerking in a store at Vail, visited her mother, Mrs. A. D. Servoss in'Denison Sunday. Bernard ttamford was up from Council Bluffs over Sunday visiting liis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sain- ton). ; Mrs. Clias. NI elds left 'tho first, of the week for Omaha, where slie will spend a. few days, visiting at.;tbe, pa- rental home. -P. T. Fllnn returned last evening frotn Centervillc. 8. I). where he wag; called tho first of the week on .account of the death of a relative. Henry and Fred 8acbau motored down from Kiron Saturday and spent the day in Denison shopping and at- tending to business matters. There will be. church services on Mrs. T. B. Pearson and daughter, Miss Laura. ' left yesterday for Cileto- wood;' wbcriB they .will spend Thanks- giving at tho homo of tho former's son, Dr.' Townsend Pearson.' Mir. Pearson and daughter. Miss Margaret, Will lcavo tomorrow morning for Olenwood -Mr. Tomlinson, the barber formerly in the employ of Graves' brothers, has "purchased the barber shop under the Crawofrd County. State Hank taking possession of the same Monday. Mr. Tomlinson is a first class barber and will make a success . of his business venture. The ladles of the Trinity guild will hold a Christmas bazaar and- tea room bit Saturday afternoon, December 4th, at McKIm; lial|. This will afford a splendKl opportunity to purchase boll* day gifts and a change to enjoy tho afternoon- with your friends over a good cuji of tea. The bible study classes for women will be held on Tuesday, 'November 20fb, at 2:30 p. m. at thp following homes: Mesdames M. L. Brancli, Bllen Heiden, Sam Wright, Frank Hoffman, John Liugl^ and Lavii^a Haiti.' The third chapter of the book of John will be. tho subject for discussion. < Mr. H. G. Jones, of Ute, and 'Miss Mabel Paup, who' is teaching School Sunday morning at Trinity Episcopal church following the Sunday school, DC<r that P ,acc ' t0 »eni?on which .will meet as usual at 0:30. Roy Mote; James Schlumberger and 6us CAriaon; -.Spent,. ' days'- De^ ^Molnca last' -W«fifc, wherb -tjiey re ; Reived*- the thirty^s^conVi degree fit Maebarr. . •-.• . V " ". Earliug Garrlson, who ia^att^Qtflnr Corpell. eoliege at >M|. VeiwDB/' is e% pectod homo tbdaty- to i spend^^Thahkc- glvluc at the honle of jhis parents/Mr. Jttta>,Mrs.-.T. J/GaMsotr. ; - - l Clfaries ' Seonaann,^ who is atteo^iiig the Nebraska university at liiiicolti. Will arrive .In Denison, today to] spend the Tfrilpksgiving vaicatton with; Ah father; Mr. f*. A. Sdem'ann. . Miss Jessie Hayes, who is- attend ing U»c State Agricultural toiulcge at Am&, Arrived in DeiiMa towty , %oj speird tlio wtekaend *t|tb het.'parbnfs, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hayesi with his parents,' Mr. and r Mrs. A. F., lloyian. ; .Mr. C. H. MTiite, of Vail, is a pleas ant business visitor in Oenison today. Mr. AVhite made the Review office a Musses Aurora Chamberlin and Ma- rie Liscomb wore up from Dunlap yes- terday shopping and visiting with friends. N. P. Remfro departed yesterday for his home at Peru. Neb., where he wilt spend the week end visiting his parents. Hugo Saggau returned today from Iowa City, where he is attending the uuivcfcsity. to spend a few days with his parents. Mrs. Geo. Richardson spent several <)ays last wcek'in Jefferson attending au Eastern Star convention "and visit- ing relatives. I&ptio Gulick arrived in Denison thls^ktierubon from Omaha to spend Thanksgiving with bis parents, Mr. antf Tlirs. P. Gulick. Mi$»til9tolah^^Aylesworth left today lor ^dk'Grovc.&wliere she will spend »be end rnc guest of her frieud, MIsi-ijfinnie Pflchor. •••-• JBdna; and Agnes Henry will, loavo iii the morning for Dunlap to spend ttie'weelc cud with their friend; M|:t8 jNfariiarete Tierney. the Sunday school class of Mrs. •tacob Siins met witli Miss Fern Itkliardsou last evening and enjoyed the usual pleasant, mvetlng. Mrs. W. H. Dudley arrived in Den- ison this morning from Council Bluffs for a few days' visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Conner. Miss Dell Moberly, a teacher in the public schools at Ames, arrived In Debison today for a week end visit with her friend, Mrs, Carl B. Richard- sop. Mr. and Mrs.. McDride left this af- ternoon for Lincoln,. Neb., where •they will enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, at ttie. homo of their daughter, Mrs: S. L. Rudd. ' i Mh and .Mrs.'•!. S. Hall and Mr. and Mr^L. : TiTIall. pf Woodbine, will. be quests at the home v of 'Mr; and Mrs. N.;L. Hunt' tomorrow < for Thanksgiv- ing dinner. Miss Helen Schouten, who is at- tending college at Ames, returned to Donison today to spend the Thanks- giving vacation at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Louis M. Coon. Attend the foot' ball game tomorrow afternoon between the Denison High school and Logan High School. It Is tho last game of the season and promises to be an exciting one. Tho printing of the double page ad- vertisement for the Boys' store in this issue necessitated the changing of iho Denison local news, which will bo found on page three of the first sec- tion. Miss Lillian Zimmer, of Lincoln, ar- rived in the city the first of the week for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Wala. Miss Zimmer will as- sist at the variety store until after the hoNilavM. pleasant call and extonded his sub- scription for another year. Ralph Cassady commenced work Monday grading the Dalle bill on north Main street. He has; a number of teams and scrapers at work and it is hoped to get the work out of the way before snow flies. Ben Brodersen. who is attending colloge at Iowa City, and Walter Brod ersen, who Is going to Highland Park college at Des Moines, will spend Thanksgiving in Deuison with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Brodersen. Mr. George Menagh , is up from Omaha today attending to some busi- ness ipatters. Mr. Menagh has- just recently rotunied fronr a trip to the Pacific coast and while in California attended tho - exposition at San Fran efceo. '• ..-O The Review is pleased to announco that Mr; Andrew McGlmpsey, of Osce- ola,.Neb., wJio was so seriously injured by tho overturning of ab auto some tinro recently, is slowly recovering, and bids fair to make a complete re- covery. Mrs. Allen Ruxton, of Chicago, ar- rived in Denison the first of tho week for a visit at the home of her sister. Mrs. W. E. Oole. Mrs. Cole's nephew, Lawrence Pollard and wife, of Minne- apolis, are also spending this week In Denison. W. W. Wolf, local agent for the Chi- cago & Norfthwesteru, went into Chi- cago Saturday, where he spent two" days in attendance at the annual rail- way agents' convention. Geo. Sprecher and Phillap Ransom accompanied lilm to/Chicago.. \ Dr.'.W. H. SchulW was down from Sclileswig' Monday att ending j to sqiflc business-mjatters at the coiint}* capi- tal- He . was acpouipdnled .toy. Arid. Schnfidt, of Creighton. . Nob,,»who Is «pcndiBg the> week' in S chletfffigvisit-; ing relatives. Miss Elsie McAndrews, who teaches musk; in the Dunlap public school?, visited at the parental E. T. McAn- drews home in Denison over Sunday. She was accompanied by Miss Young, who teaches domestic science in the Dunlap schools. James Armstrong was taken criti- cally ill last Thursday with a severe attack of pneumonia and on Saturday his condition was most precarious. We are pleased to report that his con- dition is much improved at the time of going to press. Mr. J. H. Hall went over to Defiance this iriorning, where he "Will spend Thanksgiving at the homei of his daughter, Mrs. M. E. Currier, and fam- ily. Mr. Hall wilt also spend* some time looking after his farm interests before returning to Denison. the fore part of last week for a visit at 'the' home of the tatter's ; mbthcr, Ifra.'.E.' Jjf. Patty-' * Qu-WeMesday. they atjfeiid£d;.t]ie- weddjiigj of 'Fnihk Aaup ind Ji^ B^sie WeWh^at: Vail. -? We are '^frVy to report that Dr. li L. 'Bond^ls surrQu^lyciilt at'- Ais hoine on East throadwfy. The 4ocjkM"> i9 Buffer- ing.WJth ai Iwd atttclt; of; bi^>nchitis, >»hfch "seeobs tohaVAaffected his: Beirt. A specialist wik called from OpVijia yp^c^jy^'o^iamose his case. Hfs 'many"fncnaiB are'lh 7 liopes that his-recovery will be speedy. Mr, J. tt Glassburner was up frotto •fiis h.bm^^acar Dow City' Monlday trans- acting business at the county capital. Mr. Ulasshurner. called at the Review office an# niade arrangemcuts for tfic advertising <; of. A- public sale. Tho Glassbur^er family Will mpve to Wood- bine the firfitof thc year, where they: will rnako their future hoine. The musical: comedy "Henpecked Henry" was'; presented at the opera' hbuse-on Monday evening and was en- joyed by. a largo crowd. Tho troupe carried their own special scenery which was much above the average. The same company visited Denlaou last season but the production Mon day evening la said to be much bet ter than it was last year. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paup and daugh ter. of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs.- Albert Paup and children, of Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Paup and children, of Scranton. were guests at the home of Mrs. E. M. Paup In Denison Monday and Tuesday or last week. The' party went to Vail Wednesday to attend'the. wedding of ,Frank . Paup muT Miss Bessie Welch, which took place on that day. : Postmaster Alfred. Wright ,lias re- quested the Review to anndutfcie that the general doll very window /at the post office will be open from 9 to 10 o'clock in the forenoon on. Thanks- giving day. City carriers will make one delivery in the morning but rural carriers will not make their routes^ For this reason the Review will not reach Its rural subscribers until Friday morning. Mr. Patrick 1 fassett informs us tliat ho has purchased tho old Glllmor tmct of land, consisting of 346 acres, locat- ed south and west of Denison, for a consideration of $61,&0tf. Mir. Hassett sold this land three years ago to Air. Heller, who later traded it to G. N. Close, of Des Moines, for somo Minne- sota land. Mr. Hassett sold it at that time for 9S3.000 anil purchased it back from Mr. Close for the amount above mentioned. James Novy.. of Fort' podge, and Mtss Ad,die Kral. of Vaii^ wero mar- rie|l at the Presbyterian manseJn. Den- ifiou Tuesday moruliig at jt: 90 o'clock, Rev. J.^C. Touriellot Hcrloritfing' tb.e ceremony. •' Th® two brothers and sis- ters of the bflde actcd as witnesses. TJie bride is- this. daugtite^Qf John H. Krai, of Vail, and has a large number of acquaintances in this city. The couple departed on the 9:30 train for short wedding trip in the east and upon their return will make their honte ou i&rra belonging to Mr. Novy near Ft. Dodge. Mr. Chas. K. Meyers was in Buck Grove Sunday assisting in the organi- sation of a union Sunday school at that place. Mr. Nugent, the agent of the Aiderkan Union Sunday school, who resides at Logan, was present aad a most promising number of interested children and their parents were pres- ent. Mr. Earl Chase was chosen as superintendent; Den Quathamer, as- sistant; Miss Irene Quathamer, secre- tary-; Master Bennie Quathamer, li- brarian; Mrs, Asmtnsen, chorister; J. Slater, janitor. The meetings will be held at the school house at 11 a. u. each Sunday. . Mr. and'Mrs. N. L. Hunt and Rev. Chas.-Hunt Went* down to Woodbine this morning to attend the funeral of their'cousin, < Mrs, Jason Hunt, who died at her home ' there on Sunday. Tliey will return' to Denison this eve-' niiig. . Mrs. T. E. Pearson and daughter, Miss Laura, departed Tuesday for Gtenwood, where, they will .spend severi(l days vlgitiog. at tlye < home of son,. Dr. Townsend Pearson. Mr. Pear- son and^daughter,Margaret Went down to Gleuwbbd ' today to spend Thanksgiving' day. j "., Dr. and -Mrs.-. B.'F. Phllbrook do- parted 'tfosto^day niorhlng for Sioux City, wlujro - Dr. Philbrook 1 is attend-^ ing: tli e annual meeting of the -North- west -Iowa-Dental assoclatibn. Tbey will. go from' Sioux City to Council Bluff* on,<'Thursday,,where they wUI spend Thanksgiving at. the homo of the doctors sister. : Mrs. *W; C. Rollins rettlved word yeseterday from Dfvonpprt that lier mother; Mrs; : 8. Mejer, was critically 111 and fears are entertained for ber recovery. Mrs. Meyer is well known In Denison having spent 'considerable time bere, vlaltiag ber. daughter' and everyone wili be sorry to learn; of her illneKsr Mrs- Rollins-left .last > cypnlng for Davenport to bo.at her idoither's.. bedsldQ.', Mr.~ and; Mra. John Sttggau,.who have:^ beiph speaking':&(»£two :mobtbs; At! th^ir ^ttaj^at/rato^Ccme. easop near; Dorceto ^Mfinik. : retwned ( home -Snn-: day.'-Mr.-sagsv enjoyed : sot^e atod fishing aqd'kuntiafe: .while tbeff and: ratbrn^d .with' a< iimv'4fie' ^Wcl^ hip' phothlnmelCHe says th%t John Taftton bas not -bcen ^aWe to kill a decr and so wiU not return vntil Ue;can brjhg bnet-ith hlm.' ^ >"••< ' Denltbn now has a^rc^Jitnoy ; Uno In oeerition vWS^'g«iiei*l|y ;^rc, Mr.- Milton 4 Tiirntn'. Jtoloit./ Js. co«M i^ietiaic: toe «fen-|^» ba^nt.copujwi^cw thelirttef the week aoi is n^joying a good'MtsiMSH. He nfftkes ill tn^as and. is: chafging hut te® o^nti. for .each passenger. We believe, that the Jitney service. In Qeinlson . ^111 prove more popular than the Old ,buss and cab linos.. C. L. Ducander. lbe Clothing mev chant, has purchased a handsome show case which will stand In.;the sidewalk at the entrance of his Btore. The case is a beautiful one made al- most entirely of 'plate glass with' a marble baso and ls fitjlcd up with glass shelves and all electric lighted so that it will mako a most attractive place to display the latest in haber- dashery. It was a most expensive caso but Mr. Duuander believes that it will pay for itself in a few months as an advertisement. j-Peter Jorick. a section.hand on the Northwestern railroad, was arrested %>nday by marshal A. C. Wcelis and is now confined at the county. JalV awaiting tibial on a.Vshafie of main FOR RENT . FOR RENT—Two rooms for light housekeeping.; Call at the Otto Cigar Storo. " ' 47-tf > ;• ii AGENT WANTED ; WANTED—.High class man to s'jll trees, shrubs, roses, vines, berry bush- es. bulb$, etc. Good wages; perma- nent: Exclusive territory. Browti Brothers Nureerlcs, Rochester, New York. MEN WANTED—Eyery' community, solicit orders'for fruit trees, shrub- oery, etci Experience unnecessary. No investment required. Special ih- iiucedxents. Pay- weekly. Permanent g erry Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. stablished 20 years. 47-lt» : 'XgENTS WANTEJD, to work among -farmers; In Iowa, selling' nienj bershlpk NVrite Cooperative Rural Credits Asso- ciation, - Box 478, Mason City, Iowa. 44-4t+ .' AGENTS—Ten Sales a day means f7.00 . profit. Write for particulars NOW.' A Money Maker. Dept.. A4, The Haimpon Co., Bcpokvllle.-O. 4€4+ BUSINC86 BRIEF8 CONTINUED BUFF ORPINGTON cockerels for salo at $1.00 each. Call Mrs. B. Mc- Cord. 47-2t* MINNESOTA. Ladles, have : your suits remodeled to conform .with present styles. This work is' satisfactorily done at Rees berg Bros.. _ . 38tf. Herald Square Waists sold esclus' Ively by the Boys Store. 43-8t BALED PRAIRIE HAY for sale. Write for prices. Frank Valla, O'Neil, Neb. 44-171 WiilTfALL RUGS sold exclusively by the Boys' Store. 43-8t STOP THAT COUGH: ,San-Lax Pine Balsam with menthol and. eucalyptus will do it. .Your'money, refunded if it fails. Get it at Knaul's drug storc.47-2t SAVE MONEY on your magazine subscriptions' by ordering tliepi througli the Review. We b»vo some exceedingly attractive clubbing rates. Don't order yb)ir magazines until you have consulted us. The Denison'He- View. 36-tf MISCELLANEOUS ' THE ART OF SELLING FOR CASH —this.. little - brochuro explains, fully liow. we - can .s^U. your real estate ,or business foir cash, no matter whore ,lo- cated. We mean it Write today de- acrlblng what, you Uavo to: sell,, buy or exchango; and receive this-,booklet free. B. F. Loos Co., 403 W. Walnut St., Des Molnea,rIowa. - 37cow There is a shortage of tcacbers. This week Denison Normal and Business college sepga .out twelve - students^ to enter the rank' It seems that thia Js the rignt' school in wii|ph to prepm tor such vwork. It-is fuHy accredited; by the state for the preparation of teachers..' ' 47-lt •'PV 'X'" y-'- .'A' bursing of has' been vicinity of t Saturday hall Weeks tabling a place for intoxicating liquors. jiving In a box car. ij the cattle yards am this car was railed _ Who found an eig^it gallon keg of beer and a gallon uf whiskey stored there. It Is said that Jerick has been giving liquor to a number of different parties. The preliminary hearing will be held this afternoon before Justice W.O.Rollins. . The Crawford county ' board of supervisors is advertising for bids in tftls week's issue for the janitor work in the court house »and heating plant and to take care of the lawn and shrubbery on the court house square and also for bids fqr tho steward 'of the county home and farm. Heretofore this work has been allotted to people purely at tho discretion of the board and iu somo .instances work basket been satisfactory. A cqntract for both -pbsiUons has been drawni' up and .the lowest" bidders. wjMl have to accept the contract as made if ;they expect to do the work. It is "exi>cct«?d that tl\e Work bptli at the county farftv' ai^-cqurt house ful be donelat a saying to the taxpayers. The examination papers of those who took tho regular October teach- ers' examination ait tbe court house, were received, by Prof. F. N. Olry from the state superintendent's office at Des Moines last Thuifeday. In all thirty-nine took the examination, four- teen'failed. seven received provisional certificates, ten received third grade certificates and eight were awarded second grado certificate. Most of those taking the examination already held certificates and were endeavor- ing to receive better grades, but six new teachers received certificates which will enable them to teach dur- ing the winter terms. There has been a shortage of teachera in the county this fall, but Superintendent Olry be- lieves that there will be no difficulty in supplying teachers for all of the schools. -j. ' •. , v' FOUND—A .koy,; od' thp sidewalk, near 'tlie'flreca BAy Lumb^r company's qui' - Finder !jnay liavt's'an^e' by wqi- ing^to the Review: pfflCfs^plr^ving progi Mty ani piying"^ for. this notice." 4§-2t. i FQUND^A" nibkeT"i)la^d radiatot «Tab." O^ner niay h^Ve 'same lui^a't" this oftifcc and piyiiig fot'iiilS, boticc.;-;" •• ' .-AUCtl'ONjS^LE. •Weather- poraij[ttlng;-1, will sell at auction every 1 8atttrdayk any articles ^nrhlch the" qwher^may -desire .to offer for sole. W. J. McAlircn. 12-tf 'BUSINESS BRIEFS . For that cougb. try, "Our Own'*, tar and wild cherry laxative cough syrup. Guaranteed to cure. R. Knaql the druggist. 47r2t. Something entirely new and differ- ent in Xmas gifts. Hand painted flow- er pots. A week's display in K. Knaul'a window. . 47-lt Winter suits and overcoats should be taken to Reesberg Bros. Tailoring Establishment iu Denison now for cleaning and repairing. We clean party gowns, fancy dresses and waists. Ail work gufantecd. 38-tf. Tho neWdst uovelty. Hand painted flower pots. ' Now on display in' it. Knaui's window. 47;lt Robes and Coats made to order from youk horae or cattle hides at Ed Ne|- 'sbn'sV,' fliti'Bc^lt and Shoos, Denlsqn, . < Tlio hbit number of the lecture course will be given on Tuesday eve- ning, November 30th. Feuetta 8ar- gent Haskell, famous ptmoug th odra- matic readers of America,'.will furnish the entertainment, and it will be ono that no one can afford to miss. Tickets are now on-sale at the Schlumberger pharmacy. 47-lt '' Notice of Dissolution. To Whom' It May Concern:, •••'' / Notice is. hereby given, that the Doyor- . Valley, Cattlo Co:, Denison, IoVa, by unanluMd's consent of'all the stpckholders' was dissolved according to Utw on the 4th day of November, 1916. ^ Dated'at Denison, Iowa,~ this 4th day of November, 19if>. V, v - A. D. WILSON, "! " ': " . -President. > :• > ,' C. L. VOSS, 45-41. . v\' . Secretary. Notic* of.Dissolution. - Notice is hereby given 'that »t.,a' spe- cial meetink of - the stockholders ;ot the Boyer Valley Cattle company, held at . Denison, Iowa, on the -4th day'of Noveinjber, 1916, by a vo.te-or-iqofe than twtMhirds of the capital stock of said corporation, it was - resolved that, said corporation be dissolved, ;Uib assets of the corporation be disposed of and distributed to-tbe' stipckholders, after all tfce.xlebts and claims against said. ^ofpevation*' have;, been paid, and fully sitisllpti: »••• -V-- ^ ^ A. J). vnLSOJtf; -s- v .", >••••••• ' PNpldeiit. v C: L. V.6M&, •: "-.:^ 45;4t; /• - - ;~6ecr{!tary. ; Auto, livery^ ,day^ojr nighti -I%oiie 132s fpr , night ; ISO . for• day.- R*»cqe At^ro uyeiiv -• : VwX ' •;''•' . FOR, SALE—My 240 acre farii; lo- cated 3 nSHIes t'ro.tn Dow Citiv .Must be told by Januaf}- 1st- at |l«o,' per icre.; Mott: itcHeary, Dow. Cl^y, Iowa. Ittone 3»-A.. .: .; ^ 4T-4t WELL'' itpp'rbvcd farms; level, beet soil, good crop's',, iiear Sioux Clty;.'fi6 *t $i00; I60 at $85; 200 at 9110; 160 at: $100; 173 at $125. F. Jauron, SaUx. Iowa. . 47-5t* $6,400 CASH buys one of the best 120 acre farms In northeastern Iowa. Best of imprpvotnents. Balance, .10 years at 5 per cent. Sam MUlor^ Ar- lington, Iowa. 47-lt* SE!'i, 441-35, Audubon Co. Choice quarter section, very rich virgin soil, known as the Dr. Lever- ing quarter. Easy ter'ms. Low. rate of interest. Call or . write to Charles Skbwis, Storm Lako, Iowa. . 4&-3t 80 ACRE FARM: FOR SALE—A fine, well improved 80 acre farm for sale. Cqmu quick if you want it. Land, is rolling:, all now hardwood timber, soil in high state of cultivation, located 4% miles souilieast of Anthon, Wood- bury county, Iowa. For price and terms writo owner, Jeas K. LarSeh, R. H. Anthon, Iowa. 45-4t+ KANSA8. . FINE LEVEL SECTION, two sets improvements. Wprit raw land, Jittle money, carry balance. ; Walter W'll- Bon. LaHarpb, Kans. 4C-2t4 LIVESTOCK FOR 8ALE. . BtLM FOR SALE—Threo hlgh grade- Herefords. A. H^ Brogden, two ml|es southwest, of Denison. 44-tf Sborthorp bulls and .Duroc Jersey boars for sale at. City . View. 81ock Farm, P. W. -Wcberg, Owner. 38-tl! PERSONAL 4> * •• • •• * <• OR. LOUIS M. COON -• + Office Hours:. 8:30 to 12 a. in. * l:30 to 4.:3Q p. m. . Hubbell Block. + Pones: Offlco 463; Res. M 4* 40-tf •••••• *•••* Mr. Farmer, If you are gong to hold a salo this season remember that tho Review office is equipped to get but your auction bills on short notice nnd at reasonablo prices., All work guar- anteed. ; '• 3C-tf r--'i ' - i 'V ' > ' DANCING PROGRAMS—The Re' view; has most attractive programs.for dancing parties, at reasonablo pricey. Samples of different designs willingly shown. 39-tt W16 Cakafer ad' WeailNr Chrb | b»ve arrived. Call for one at I SCHUIMBERCER'S I Phmaqr AAA A A AAA A A. A A! for Thursday; Saturday --1 pouarf si al«MsUrc^. ... . 2 toAdnccs ciF 1 sm«m4 Tluve Star or OoWsa Sua Karea; 2 Na, 3 caaa of solid packW toaMtoM.......... 3 Na.-2'caas of sweet aaid taader corn. .2 No. 2 caaaofpea*...— ; J";;': Total:.. ; ....... ' v . .$1.43 Wi|k dw ibw4lit<t|NCHiu wt «rib |inyiw FREE W one of the > •'••fwl'iiiliMaK I . n ... lO ban il;C»l«iMt yrilew lauadry soap. - ' v Sli^afEMctrit^arkwI^l^iuMlrrMMp.. 1 I'|mm«I our Hfir-otftd, hkl>oty»aioli«dl»aCon,'«lkadi f-r-. J- Meat Speciala fw Thurtd^, Friday and Saturday if Ow frwh bulk pstk sausage it uasutpaasad ia plMiiog the most faitidiou* > eaesage ealars. Priced at 18c per pouad. Fr—h halif|ir 15c per pewad. Feacy ilwldw fcoel reaH I4jc perpoaod. 200 powad* of axtra fancy aun^cured Uckory Nnoked bacon priced at ' l'91c pes pound. Sliced, 2ac per pound., Friday Special Halikat steak 13|c par pound. Saturday Spedals Fiwk aorit ham er shoulder roaat 14k per pound. Fwa sdagaa life pee pound. Fietli oysters 3Sc a quart. Menagh's Store ' 'JL r' '{ .' ' ' *$• Plva Cant* P«r Line Cash Inaertion. No Atf tor LaaaThait fift^an Canta. C^rdofThanlta Fifty Cents IMPROVES) 80 acre farm in east central Minnesota; 2 miles from good town on main, lino of N. P. and O. N. railroads. 50 miles from Minneapolis. Level, .ail cultivated; 10 acres clover, excellent corn land. For sale by owner at right-price. O. A. Bryant. David City, Neb. 47-lt* 340. ACflES of . good' level, black loath, with buildings* adjoining the city of Dodgo Center, Minn.. No bet- ter land in the state. I have 160 acres that joins this' without buildings. Chance:for two farmers to settle close to-a live' city and good markets. Terms very easy. Deal direct with owner. E. M. Weston, Winona, Minn. : = - !• /46-3t+ '4 y NEBRA8KA , KIMBALL county raises the best small grain in'. Nebraska; farms sell at $15 to $30 per acre; land moving and prices going up; live agents wanted. Kimball Land Co., Kimball, Neb: 43-6t* IMPROVED FARMS for everybody in Nebraska. Small cash paymeni. Balance long time. Stock furnished. Box 117, Grand Island, Neb. 47-3t4> FOR SALS—320 acre improved- farm within two miles of Huron* $. D>.. n^ar state fair grounds, $65 -per 1 acre. Olobe Sales Co.. Tobias, Neb. 4<*Ct<t> ' FOR KALE : —Choico Single Comb Wjito. Leghorn cockerels. Mrs. Wtn. Cook. .'Phone,8rR, 47-tf . EO^t .SALE—A few good thorough- bred . ' Chester, White - boars. Call Ciarcnco Bryan, Afion. la. * 47-31. VM -•J i s f ( j- 3# ii $• i ^Jj 4 . FOR SALE- Pure bred Chester White boars, at right prices. E. O. Wiggins, Dow City, Iowa.. - : 46-9t : FOR SALE—Poland .China male hqg 18 - months :old. .Enquire Earl Win*ns. PhOHo ^-B,;Deloit, Iowa. > . '46-2t4i ' I^OR', SAI^E—Duroc Jeriey male hbgB. r ' Cati< George Frey, T^lephrtn'o N6.",37-A!.iJ ^ •; ; : 46-3t» MrtSd'jCHinaa For Sale. i'..^t^of.^,'pring boars; big f " *#?hy,-_h'eitty b<>iied fellows of thp t^rse^^,.at'^i^mers , , pirices. Many .^ot i^a.^ to tlu^e eold last: x«»r. *m p^e^uf-mlio south of the freight defiQt. iTelepboa^ ^1-Q. T. W. Bell i, iion. Dcflisyn, .Iowa.. . 40-U! - DOARS FOR SALE—Three Chester White tltojroughbreds. A. H. Brogden. two'miles, southwest of Denison. 44-tf ? lA ' l <1 ii| A A ; ^ X ''6 ' •> r! -A 4 •'4 i

Transcript of r ? ,« fi'..^t^of.^,'pring€¦ · Mrs. T. B. Pearson and daughter, Miss Laura. ' left yesterday...

Page 1: r ? ,« fi'..^t^of.^,'pring€¦ · Mrs. T. B. Pearson and daughter, Miss Laura. ' left yesterday for Cileto-wood;' wbcriB they .will spend Thanks giving at tho homo of tho former's




'v.. *•''; -•


"• s, <y. * - |


$£* - ^

v•••'•:. •- V

There is more of the true spirit of Christmas in a photograph of yourself than in any other gift you could purchase!

/̂ .Jil̂ Then, too, photographs are economical and always appreciated. : ; |:̂ |||?|Make arrangements today for your sitting before the rush com-

f - : . . : ^v . ••• . • • • • " • .



FOR SALE. Having sold my property, I will of­

fer at private sale my household goods. Including Majestic range. Call Mrs. Young. " *?-St

j ' FOR SALE—model llarley I Davidson motor cycle and side car. Modern equipments vltb electric lights. In use but three mouths and in fine condition. Enquire of Lloyd Uuffington at Myers' bakery. 4C-2t.

j,v-/ +P'Xi

Si-:. - L-,

m Mems of a m %wal%inA

Every page of the lie view is a live news page. •

Miss Qladysi Hart, of CJiarter Oak, viytfjd with friends here Thursday.

Frank Biuuali, of Dow City, was a business visitor in Deniso nMqnday.

Mps. ,M. R. McOrath, of Vail, was Among the but or town shoppers Sat­urday. ... Mrs. & N. Samistroui .was a, shop-per In Dpnison yesterday afternoon from KlrOn. .;, "

O. W. Langley was up from Dow City Monday transacting business at the county capital.

David Menagh was up from Qmalia Suuday spending the day with his brothers and sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thomson wero over from the Oak Sunday spend ing tho day with relatives.

Mr. Marvin Woiseiicroft and daugiv tor, Leona. of Vail, wore among those from out of town in. the city Saturday.

Mrs. C.C.Cooper was over from Charter Oak la?t Wednosday shopping and visiting with friends in Denison.

Jaities McKltu/wasdpwu fromDe> lolt ^-bst^rdAjr- transacting (business and calling on county' seat acquaint­ances.

Dr. and ; Mrs. B. F. PhilbVpok will siiend .Th&nltsgivini .with -his sister, Mrs. C,'-<8. 'Manchester in 'C&tincil B l u i f s . f t ̂ v ; - - ' ^

£». Cliild3,oi . Minneapolis, -^arrived; iu the-city'today tq-s^nd i'baaiMKlV. ing with his sister, Mrs. Carl p. Rich-araeon.' • . , g - *

Mr. and Mrs? Percy . Drown wbrb'ijn Dow City Sunday spending the day •w ith licr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mdnsey. : • r r.,

Paul Bo.vliln'Wrived in Denton to­il ay from Ames to spend the :tfeqk edd'

Tho Review's cartoon service is pleasing lots of readers.

Mr. Clarence; Bryan, of Arlo'n, was transacting business in Denison Mon­day.

Miss Marlon Harrington, of Vail, was a pleasant visitor in Denison Sat­urday. : Gail Carey was down from West Side Sunday spending the. day with'his parents, Mr. and Sirs. J. T. Carey.

Miss Clara Servoss, who is clerking in a store at Vail, visited her mother, Mrs. A. D. Servoss in'Denison Sunday.

Bernard ttamford was up from Council Bluffs over Sunday visiting liis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sain­ton). • ;

Mrs. Clias. NI elds left 'tho first, of the week for Omaha, where slie will spend a. few days, visiting at.;tbe, pa-rental home. -P. T. Fllnn returned last evening

frotn Centervillc. 8. I). where he wag; called tho first of the week on .account of the death of a relative.

Henry and Fred 8acbau motored down from Kiron Saturday and spent the day in Denison shopping and at­tending to business matters.

There will be. church services on

Mrs. T. B. Pearson and daughter, Miss Laura. ' left yesterday for Cileto-wood;' wbcriB they .will spend Thanks­giving at tho homo of tho former's son, Dr.' Townsend Pearson.' Mir. Pearson and daughter. Miss Margaret, Will lcavo tomorrow morning for Olenwood

-Mr. Tomlinson, the barber formerly in the employ of Graves' brothers, has "purchased the barber shop under the Crawofrd County. State Hank taking possession of the same Monday. Mr. Tomlinson is a first class barber and will make a success . of his business venture.

The ladles of the Trinity guild will hold a Christmas bazaar and- tea room bit Saturday afternoon, December 4th, at McKIm; lial|. This will afford a splendKl opportunity to purchase boll* day gifts and a change to enjoy tho afternoon- with your friends over a good cuji of tea.

The bible study classes for women will be held on Tuesday, 'November 20fb, at 2:30 p. m. at thp following homes: Mesdames M. L. Brancli, Bllen Heiden, Sam Wright, Frank Hoffman, John Liugl^ and Lavii^a Haiti.' The third chapter of the book of John will be. tho subject for discussion. <

Mr. H. G. Jones, of Ute, and 'Miss Mabel Paup, who' is teaching School Sunday morning at Trinity Episcopal

church following the Sunday school, DC<r that P,acc' t0 »eni?on which .will meet as usual at 0:30.

Roy Mote; James Schlumberger and 6us CAriaon; -.Spent,. ' days'-De^ ^Molnca last' -W«fifc, wherb -tjiey re;

Reived*- the thirty^s^conVi degree fit Maebarr. . •-.• . V " ".

Earliug Garrlson, who ia^att^Qtflnr Corpell. eoliege at >M|. VeiwDB/' is e% pectod homo tbdaty- to i spend^^Thahkc-glvluc at the honle of jhis parents/Mr. Jttta>,Mrs.-.T. J/GaMsotr. ; --l Clfaries ' Seonaann,^ who is atteo^iiig the Nebraska university at liiiicolti. Will arrive .In Denison, today to] spend the Tfrilpksgiving vaicatton with; Ah father; Mr. f*. A. Sdem'ann. .

Miss Jessie Hayes, who is- attend ing U»c State Agricultural toiulcge at Am&, Arrived in DeiiMa towty , %oj speird tlio wtekaend *t|tb het.'parbnfs, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hayesi with his parents,' Mr. andr Mrs. A. F.,

lloyian. ; .Mr. C. H. MTiite, of Vail, is a pleas ant business visitor in Oenison today. Mr. AVhite made the Review office a Musses Aurora Chamberlin and Ma­

rie Liscomb wore up from Dunlap yes­terday shopping and visiting with friends.

N. P. Remfro departed yesterday for his home at Peru. Neb., where he wilt spend the week end visiting his parents.

Hugo Saggau returned today from Iowa City, where he is attending the uuivcfcsity. to spend a few days with his parents.

Mrs. Geo. Richardson spent several <)ays last wcek'in Jefferson attending au Eastern Star convention "and visit­ing relatives.

I&ptio Gulick arrived in Denison thls^ktierubon from Omaha to spend Thanksgiving with bis parents, Mr. antf Tlirs. P. Gulick.

Mi$»til9tolah^^Aylesworth left today lor ^dk'Grovc.&wliere she will spend »be end rnc guest of her frieud, MIsi-ijfinnie Pflchor. •••-•

JBdna; and Agnes Henry will, loavo iii the morning for Dunlap to spend ttie'weelc cud with their friend; M|:t8 jNfariiarete Tierney.

the Sunday school class of Mrs. •tacob Siins met witli Miss Fern Itkliardsou last evening and enjoyed the usual pleasant, mvetlng.

Mrs. W. H. Dudley arrived in Den­ison this morning from Council Bluffs for a few days' visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Conner.

Miss Dell Moberly, a teacher in the public schools at Ames, arrived In Debison today for a week end visit with her friend, Mrs, Carl B. Richard-sop.

Mr. and Mrs.. McDride left this af­ternoon for Lincoln,. Neb., where •they will enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, at ttie. homo of their daughter, Mrs: S. L. Rudd. ' i Mh and .Mrs.'•!. S. Hall and Mr. and

Mr^L.: TiTIall. pf Woodbine, will. be quests at the home v of 'Mr; and Mrs. N.;L. Hunt' tomorrow < for Thanksgiv­ing dinner.

Miss Helen Schouten, who is at­tending college at Ames, returned to Donison today to spend the Thanks­giving vacation at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Louis M. Coon.

Attend the foot' ball game tomorrow afternoon between the Denison High school and Logan High School. It Is tho last game of the season and promises to be an exciting one.

Tho printing of the double page ad­vertisement for the Boys' store in this issue necessitated the changing of iho Denison local news, which will bo found on page three of the first sec­tion.

Miss Lillian Zimmer, of Lincoln, ar­rived in the city the first of the week for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Wala. Miss Zimmer will as­sist at the variety store until after the hoNilavM.

pleasant call and extonded his sub­scription for another year.

Ralph Cassady commenced work Monday grading the Dalle bill on north Main street. He has; a number of teams and scrapers at work and it is hoped to get the work out of the way before snow flies.

Ben Brodersen. who is attending colloge at Iowa City, and Walter Brod ersen, who Is going to Highland Park college at Des Moines, will spend Thanksgiving in Deuison with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Brodersen.

Mr. George Menagh , is up from Omaha today attending to some busi­ness ipatters. Mr. Menagh has- just recently rotunied fronr a trip to the Pacific coast and while in California attended tho - exposition at San Fran efceo. '• ..-O The Review is pleased to announco that Mr; Andrew McGlmpsey, of Osce­ola,.Neb., wJio was so seriously injured by tho overturning of ab auto some tinro recently, is slowly recovering, and bids fair to make a complete re­covery.

Mrs. Allen Ruxton, of Chicago, ar­rived in Denison the first of tho week for a visit at the home of her sister. Mrs. W. E. Oole. Mrs. Cole's nephew, Lawrence Pollard and wife, of Minne­apolis, are also spending this week In Denison.

W. W. Wolf, local agent for the Chi­cago & Norfthwesteru, went into Chi­cago Saturday, where he spent two" days in attendance at the annual rail­way agents' convention. Geo. Sprecher and Phillap Ransom accompanied lilm to/Chicago.. \

Dr.'.W. H. SchulW was down from Sclileswig' Monday att ending j to sqiflc business-mjatters at the coiint}* capi­tal- He . was acpouipdnled .toy. Arid. Schnfidt, of Creighton. . Nob,,»who Is «pcndiBg the> week' in • S chletfffigvisit-; ing relatives.

Miss Elsie McAndrews, who teaches musk; in the Dunlap public school?, visited at the parental E. T. McAn­drews home in Denison over Sunday. She was accompanied by Miss Young, who teaches domestic science in the Dunlap schools.

James Armstrong was taken criti­cally ill last Thursday with a severe attack of pneumonia and on Saturday his condition was most precarious. We are pleased to report that his con­dition is much improved at the time of going to press.

Mr. J. H. Hall went over to Defiance this iriorning, where he "Will spend Thanksgiving at the homei of his daughter, Mrs. M. E. Currier, and fam­ily. Mr. Hall wilt also spend* some time looking after his farm interests before returning to Denison.

the fore part of last week for a visit at 'the' home of the tatter's ; mbthcr, Ifra.'.E.' Jjf. Patty-' * Qu-WeMesday. they atjfeiid£d;.t]ie- weddjiigj of 'Fnihk Aaup ind Ji^ B^sie WeWh^at: Vail. -?

We are '^frVy to report that Dr. li L. 'Bond^ls surrQu^lyciilt at'- Ais hoine on East throadwfy. The 4ocjkM"> i9 Buffer-ing.WJth ai Iwd atttclt; of; bi^>nchitis, >»hfch "seeobs tohaVAaffected his: Beirt. A specialist wik called from OpVijia yp^c^jy^'o^iamose his case. Hfs 'many"fncnaiB are'lh7 liopes that his-recovery will be speedy.

Mr, J. tt Glassburner was up frotto •fiis h.bm^^acar Dow City' Monlday trans­acting business at the county capital. Mr. Ulasshurner. called at the Review office an# niade arrangemcuts for tfic advertising <; of. A- public sale. Tho Glassbur^er family Will mpve to Wood­bine the firfitof thc year, where they: will rnako their future hoine.

The musical: comedy "Henpecked Henry" was'; presented at the opera' hbuse-on Monday evening and was en­joyed by. a largo crowd. Tho troupe carried their own special scenery which was much above the average. The same company visited Denlaou last season but the production Mon day evening la said to be much bet ter than it was last year.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paup and daugh ter. of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs.- Albert Paup and children, of Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Paup and children, of Scranton. were guests at the home of Mrs. E. M. Paup In Denison Monday and Tuesday or last week. The' party went to Vail Wednesday to attend'the. wedding of ,Frank . Paup muT Miss Bessie Welch, which took place on that day. :

Postmaster Alfred. Wright ,lias re­quested the Review to anndutfcie that the general doll very window /at the post office will be open from 9 to 10 o'clock in the forenoon on. Thanks­giving day. City carriers will make one delivery in the morning but rural carriers will not make their routes^ For this reason the Review will not reach Its rural subscribers until Friday morning.

Mr. Patrick 1 fassett informs us tliat ho has purchased tho old Glllmor tmct of land, consisting of 346 acres, locat­ed south and west of Denison, for a consideration of $61,&0tf. Mir. Hassett sold this land three years ago to Air. Heller, who later traded it to G. N. Close, of Des Moines, for somo Minne­sota land. Mr. Hassett sold it at that time for 9S3.000 anil purchased it back from Mr. Close for the amount above mentioned.

James Novy.. of Fort' podge, and Mtss Ad,die Kral. of Vaii^ wero mar-rie|l at the Presbyterian manseJn. Den-ifiou Tuesday moruliig at jt: 90 o'clock, Rev. J.^C. Touriellot Hcrloritfing' tb.e ceremony. •' Th® two brothers • and sis­ters of the bflde actcd as witnesses. TJie bride is- this. daugtite^Qf John H. Krai, of Vail, and has a large number of acquaintances in this city. The couple departed on the 9:30 train for

short wedding trip in the east and upon their return will make their honte ou i&rra belonging to Mr. Novy near Ft. Dodge.

Mr. Chas. K. Meyers was in Buck Grove Sunday assisting in the organi­sation of a union Sunday school at that place. Mr. Nugent, the agent of the Aiderkan Union Sunday school, who resides at Logan, was present aad a most promising number of interested children and their parents were pres­ent. Mr. Earl Chase was chosen as superintendent; Den Quathamer, as­sistant; Miss Irene Quathamer, secre­tary-; Master Bennie Quathamer, li­brarian; Mrs, Asmtnsen, chorister; J. Slater, janitor. The meetings will be held at the school house at 11 a. u. each Sunday.

. Mr. and'Mrs. N. L. Hunt and Rev. Chas.-Hunt Went* down to Woodbine this morning to attend the funeral of their'cousin, < Mrs, Jason Hunt, who died at her home ' there on Sunday. Tliey will return' to Denison this eve-' niiig. . Mrs. T. E. Pearson and daughter, Miss Laura, departed Tuesday for Gtenwood, where, they will .spend severi(l days vlgitiog. at tlye < home of son,. Dr. Townsend Pearson. Mr. Pear-son and^daughter,Margaret Went down to Gleuwbbd ' today to spend Thanksgiving' day. j ".,

Dr. and -Mrs.-. B.'F. Phllbrook do-parted 'tfosto^day niorhlng for Sioux City, wlujro - Dr. Philbrook 1 is attend-^ ing: tli e annual • meeting of the -North­west -Iowa-Dental assoclatibn. Tbey will. go from' Sioux City to Council Bluff* on,<'Thursday,,where they wUI spend Thanksgiving at. the homo of the doctors sister. :

Mrs. *W; C. Rollins rettlved word yeseterday from Dfvonpprt that lier mother; Mrs;: 8. Mejer, was critically 111 and fears are entertained for ber recovery. Mrs. Meyer is well known In Denison having spent 'considerable time bere, vlaltiag ber. daughter' and everyone wili be sorry to learn; of her illneKsr Mrs- Rollins-left .last > cypnlng for Davenport to bo.at her idoither's.. bedsldQ.',

Mr.~ and; Mra. John Sttggau,.who have:^ beiph speaking':&(»£two :mobtbs; At! th^ir ^ttaj^at/rato^Ccme. easop near; Dorceto ̂ Mfinik. : retwned ( home -Snn-: day.'-Mr.-sagsv enjoyed : sot^e atod fishing aqd'kuntiafe: .while tbeff and: ratbrn^d .with' a< iimv'4fie' ^Wcl^ hip' phothlnmelCHe says th%t John Taftton bas not -bcen ^aWe to kill a decr and so wiU not return vntil Ue;can brjhg bnet-ith hlm.' ^ >"••< '

Denltbn now has a^rc^Jitnoy ; Uno In oeerition vWS^'g«iiei*l|y ;^rc,

Mr.- Milton4 Tiirntn'. Jtoloit./ Js. co«M i^ietiaic: toe «fen-|^» ba^nt.copujwi^cw thelirttef the week aoi is n^joying a good'MtsiMSH. He nfftkes ill tn^as and. is: chafging hut te® o^nti. for .each passenger. We believe, that the Jitney service. In Qeinlson . ^111 prove more popular than the Old ,buss and cab linos..

C. L. Ducander. lbe Clothing mev chant, has purchased a handsome show case which will stand In.;the sidewalk at the entrance of his Btore. The case is a beautiful one made al­most entirely of 'plate glass with' a marble baso and ls fitjlcd up with glass shelves and all electric lighted so that it will mako a most attractive place to display the latest in haber­dashery. It was a most expensive caso but Mr. Duuander believes that it will pay for itself in a few months as an advertisement. j-Peter Jorick. a section.hand on the

Northwestern railroad, was arrested %>nday by marshal A. C. Wcelis and is now confined at the county. JalV awaiting tibial on a.Vshafie of main

FOR RENT . FOR RENT—Two rooms for light housekeeping.; Call at the Otto Cigar Storo. " ' 47-tf > ;• ii

AGENT WANTED ; WANTED—.High class man to s'jll trees, shrubs, roses, vines, berry bush­es. bulb$, etc. Good wages; perma­nent: Exclusive territory. Browti Brothers Nureerlcs, Rochester, New York.

MEN WANTED—Eyery' community, t£ solicit orders'for fruit trees, shrub-oery, etci Experience unnecessary. No investment required. Special ih-iiucedxents. Pay- weekly. Permanent gerry Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.

stablished 20 years. 47-lt» : 'XgENTS WANTEJD, to work among -farmers; In Iowa, selling' nienj bershlpk NVrite Cooperative Rural Credits Asso­ciation, - Box 478, Mason City, Iowa. 44-4t+ .'

AGENTS—Ten Sales a day means f7.00 . profit. Write for particulars NOW.' A Money Maker. Dept.. A4, The Haimpon Co., Bcpokvllle.-O. 4€4+


salo at $1.00 each. Call Mrs. B. Mc-Cord. 47-2t*


Ladles, have : your suits remodeled to conform .with present styles. This work is' satisfactorily done at Rees berg Bros.. _ . 38tf.

Herald Square Waists sold esclus' Ively by the Boys Store. 43-8t

BALED PRAIRIE HAY for sale. Write for prices. Frank Valla, O'Neil, Neb. 44-171

WiilTfALL RUGS sold exclusively by the Boys' Store. 43-8t

STOP THAT COUGH: ,San-Lax Pine Balsam with menthol and. eucalyptus will do it. .Your'money, refunded if it fails. Get it at Knaul's drug storc.47-2t

SAVE MONEY on your magazine subscriptions' by ordering tliepi througli the Review. We b»vo some exceedingly attractive clubbing rates. Don't order yb)ir magazines until you have consulted us. The Denison'He-View. 36-tf


' THE ART OF SELLING FOR CASH —this.. little - brochuro explains, fully liow. we - can .s^U. your real estate ,or business foir cash, no matter whore ,lo­cated. We mean it Write today de-acrlblng what, you Uavo to: sell,, buy or exchango; and receive this-,booklet free. B. • F. Loos Co., 403 W. Walnut St., Des Molnea,rIowa. - 37cow

There is a shortage of tcacbers. This week Denison Normal and Business college sepga .out twelve - students^ to enter the rank' It seems that thia Js the rignt' school in wii|ph to prepm tor such vwork. It-is fuHy accredited; by the state • for the preparation of teachers..' ' 47-lt • ' P V ' X ' " y-'- .'A'

bursing of has' been

vicinity of t Saturday hall Weeks

tabling a place for intoxicating liquors. jiving In a box car. ij the cattle yards am this car was railed _ Who found an eig^it gallon keg of beer and a gallon uf whiskey stored there. It Is said that Jerick has been giving liquor to a number of different parties. The preliminary hearing will be held this afternoon before Justice W.O.Rollins. .

The Crawford county ' board of supervisors is advertising for bids in tftls week's issue for the janitor work in the court house »and heating plant and to take care of the lawn and shrubbery on the court house square and also for bids fqr tho steward 'of the county home and farm. Heretofore this work has been allotted to people purely at tho discretion of the board and iu • somo .instances work basket been satisfactory. A cqntract for both -pbsiUons has been drawni' up and .the lowest" bidders. wjMl • have to accept the contract as made if ;they expect to do the work. It is "exi>cct«?d that tl\e Work bptli at the county farftv' ai^-cqurt house ful be donelat a saying to the taxpayers.

The examination papers of those who took tho regular October teach­ers' examination ait tbe court house, were received, by Prof. F. N. Olry from the state superintendent's office at Des Moines last Thuifeday. In all thirty-nine took the examination, four­teen'failed. seven received provisional certificates, ten received third grade certificates and eight were awarded second grado certificate. Most of those taking the examination already held certificates and were endeavor­ing to receive better grades, but six new teachers received certificates which will enable them to teach dur­ing the winter terms. There has been a shortage of teachera in the county this fall, but Superintendent Olry be­lieves that there will be no difficulty in supplying teachers for all of the schools. -j. '

•. , v'

FOUND—A .koy,; od' thp sidewalk, near 'tlie'flreca BAy Lumb^r company's qui' - Finder !jnay liavt's'an^e' by wqi-ing^to the Review: pfflCfs^plr^ving progi Mty ani piying"^ for. this notice." 4§-2t. i FQUND^A" nibkeT"i)la^d radiatot «Tab." O^ner niay h^Ve 'same lui^a't" this oftifcc and piyiiig fot'iiilS, boticc.;-;" •• ' .-AUCtl'ONjS^LE.

•Weather- poraij[ttlng;-1, will sell at auction every18atttrdayk any articles ^nrhlch the" qwher^may -desire .to offer for sole. W. J. McAlircn. 12-tf

'BUSINESS BRIEFS . For that cougb. try, "Our Own'*, tar and wild cherry laxative cough syrup. Guaranteed to cure. R. Knaql the druggist. 47r2t.

Something entirely new and differ-ent in Xmas gifts. Hand painted flow­er pots. A week's display in K. Knaul'a window. . 47-lt

Winter suits and overcoats should be taken to Reesberg Bros. Tailoring Establishment iu Denison now for cleaning and repairing. We clean party gowns, fancy dresses and waists. Ail work gufantecd. 38-tf.

Tho neWdst uovelty. Hand painted flower pots. ' Now on display in' it. Knaui's window. 47;lt

Robes and Coats made to order from youk horae or cattle hides at Ed Ne|-'sbn'sV,' fliti'Bc^lt and Shoos, Denlsqn,

. < Tlio hbit number of the lecture

course will be given on Tuesday eve­ning, November 30th. • Feuetta 8ar-gent Haskell, famous ptmoug th odra-matic readers of America,'.will furnish the entertainment, and it will be ono that no one can afford to miss. Tickets are now on-sale at the Schlumberger pharmacy. 47-lt

'' Notice of Dissolution. To Whom' It May Concern:, •••'' / •

• Notice is. hereby given, that the Doyor- . Valley, Cattlo Co:, Denison, IoVa, by unanluMd's consent of'all the stpckholders' was dissolved according to Utw on the 4th day of November, 1916. ^ Dated'at Denison, Iowa,~ this 4th day of November, 19if>.

V, v - A. D. WILSON, "! " ': " . -President.

> :• > ,' C. L. VOSS, • 45-41. . v\' . Secretary.

Notic* of.Dissolution. - Notice is hereby given 'that »t.,a' spe­

cial meetink of - the stockholders ;ot the Boyer Valley Cattle company, held at . Denison, Iowa, on the -4th day'of Noveinjber, 1916, by a vo.te-or-iqofe than twtMhirds of the capital stock of said corporation, it was - resolved that, said corporation be dissolved, ;Uib assets of the corporation be disposed of and distributed to-tbe' stipckholders, after all tfce.xlebts and claims against said. ̂ ofpevation*' have;, been paid, and fully sitisllpti: »••• -V--

• ^ ^ A. J). vnLSOJtf; -s- v .", >••••••• ' PNpldeiit.

v C: L. V.6M&, •: "-.:^ 45;4t; /• - - ;~6ecr{!tary. ;

Auto, livery^ ,day^ojr nighti • -I%oiie 132s fpr , night ; • ISO . for• day.- R*»cqe

At̂ ro uyeiiv

-• : VwX ' •; ' '• ' . FOR, SALE—My 240 acre farii; lo­cated 3 nSHIes t'ro.tn Dow Citiv .Must be told by Januaf}- 1st- at |l«o,' per icre.; Mott: itcHeary, Dow. Cl^y, Iowa. Ittone 3»-A.. .: .; ^ 4T-4t

WELL'' itpp'rbvcd farms; level, beet soil, good crop's',, iiear Sioux Clty;.'fi6 *t $i00; I60 at $85; 200 at 9110; 160 at: $100; 173 at $125. F. Jauron, SaUx. Iowa. . 47-5t*

$6,400 CASH buys one of the best 120 acre farms In northeastern Iowa. Best of imprpvotnents. Balance, .10 years at 5 per cent. Sam MUlor^ Ar­lington, Iowa. 47-lt*

SE!'i, 441-35, Audubon Co. Choice quarter section, very rich

virgin soil, known as the Dr. Lever­ing quarter. Easy ter'ms. Low. rate of interest. Call or . write to Charles Skbwis, Storm Lako, Iowa. . 4&-3t

80 ACRE FARM: FOR SALE—A fine, well improved 80 acre farm for sale. Cqmu quick if you want it. Land, is rolling:, all now hardwood timber, soil in high state of cultivation, located 4% miles souilieast of Anthon, Wood­bury county, Iowa. For price and terms writo owner, Jeas K. LarSeh, R. H. Anthon, Iowa. 45-4t+


improvements. Wprit raw land, Jittle money, carry balance. ; Walter W'll-Bon. LaHarpb, Kans. 4C-2t4


. BtLM FOR SALE—Threo hlgh grade- Herefords. A. H^ Brogden, two ml|es southwest, of Denison. 44-tf

Sborthorp bulls and .Duroc Jersey boars for sale at. City . View. 81ock Farm, P. W. -Wcberg, Owner. 38-tl!

PERSONAL 4> * • • • • • • • * • • • <• • OR. LOUIS M. COON -• + Office Hours:. 8:30 to 12 a. in. * • l:30 to 4.:3Q p. m. • • . Hubbell Block. + • Pones: Offlco 463; Res. M 4* • 40-tf • • •••••• *•••*

Mr. Farmer, If you are gong to hold a salo this season remember that tho Review office is equipped to get but your auction bills on short notice nnd at reasonablo prices., All work guar­anteed. • ; '• 3C-tf r--' i ' • • - i 'V ' > '

DANCING PROGRAMS—The Re' view; has most attractive programs.for dancing parties, at reasonablo pricey. Samples of different designs willingly shown. 39-tt

W16 Cakafer ad' WeailNr Chrb |

b»ve arrived.

Call for one at



for Thursday; Saturday

--1 pouarf si al«MsUrc^. ... . 2 toAdnccs ciF 1 sm«m4 Tluve Star or OoWsa Sua Karea; 2 Na, 3 caaa of solid packW toaMtoM.......... 3 Na.-2'caas of sweet aaid taader corn.

.2 No. 2 caaaofpea*...— ; • J";;': Total:..; .......' v. .$1.43 Wi|k dw ibw4lit<t|NCHiu wt «rib |inyiw FREE W one of the

> •'••fwl'iiiliMaK I . n ... lO ban il;C»l«iMt yrilew lauadry soap. - ' v

Sli^afEMctrit^arkwI^l^iuMlrrMMp.. 1 I'|mm«I our Hfir-otftd, hkl>oty»aioli«dl»aCon,'«lkadi

f-r-. J-

Meat Speciala fw Thurtd ,̂ Friday and Saturday if

Ow frwh bulk pstk sausage it uasutpaasad ia plMiiog the most faitidiou* > eaesage ealars. Priced at 18c per pouad. Fr—h halif|ir 15c per pewad. Feacy ilwldw fcoel reaH I4jc perpoaod. 200 powad* of axtra fancy aun^cured Uckory Nnoked bacon priced at ' l'91c pes pound. Sliced, 2ac per pound.,

Friday Special Halikat steak 13|c par pound.

Saturday Spedals Fiwk aorit ham er shoulder roaat 14k per pound. Fwa sdagaa life pee pound. Fietli oysters 3Sc a quart.

Menagh's Store

' 'JL

r' '{ .' ' '


Plva Cant* P«r Line Cash Inaertion. No Atf tor LaaaThait fift^an Canta. C^rdofThanlta Fifty Cents

IMPROVES) 80 acre farm in east central Minnesota; 2 miles from good town on main, lino of N. P. and O. N. railroads. 50 miles from Minneapolis. Level, .ail cultivated; 10 acres clover, excellent corn land. For sale by owner at right-price. O. A. Bryant. David City, Neb. 47-lt*

340. ACflES of . good' level, black loath, with buildings* adjoining the city of Dodgo Center, Minn.. No bet­ter land in the state. I have 160 acres that joins this' without buildings. Chance:for two farmers to settle close to-a live' city and good markets. Terms very easy. Deal direct with owner. E. M. Weston, Winona, Minn. •:= - !• /46-3t+


y NEBRA8KA , KIMBALL county raises the best small grain in'. Nebraska; farms sell at $15 to $30 per acre; land moving and prices going up; live agents wanted. Kimball Land Co., Kimball, Neb: • 43-6t*

IMPROVED FARMS for everybody in Nebraska. Small cash paymeni. Balance long time. Stock furnished. Box 117, Grand Island, Neb. 47-3t4>

FOR SALS—320 acre improved-farm within two miles of Huron* $. D>.. n^ar state fair grounds, $65 -per1 acre. Olobe Sales Co.. Tobias, Neb. 4<*Ct<t>

' FOR KALE:—Choico Single Comb Wjito. Leghorn cockerels. Mrs. Wtn. Cook. .'Phone,8rR, 47-tf

. EO^t .SALE—A few good thorough­bred . ' Chester, White - boars. Call Ciarcnco Bryan, Afion. la. * 47-31.


-•J i s f ( j- 3#




^Jj 4

. FOR SALE- Pure bred Chester White boars, at right prices. E. O. Wiggins, Dow City, Iowa.. -: 46-9t

: FOR SALE—Poland .China male hqg 18 - months :old. .Enquire Earl Win*ns. PhOHo ^-B,;Deloit, Iowa. > . '46-2t4i

' I^OR', SAI^E—Duroc Jeriey male hbgB.r ' Cati< George Frey, T^lephrtn'o N6.",37-A!.iJ ^ •; • ; : 46-3t»

MrtSd'jCHinaa For Sale. i ' . . ^ t ^ o f . ^ , ' p r i n g b o a r s ; b i g

f" *#?hy,-_h'eitty b<>iied fellows of thp

t^rse^^,.at'^i^mers,, pirices. Many .^ot i^a.^ to tlu^e eold last: x«»r. *m p^e^uf-mlio south of the freight

defiQt. iTelepboa^ ^1-Q. T. W. Bell i, iion. Dcflisyn, .Iowa.. . 40-U!

- DOARS FOR SALE—Three Chester White tltojroughbreds. A. H. Brogden. two'miles, southwest of Denison. 44-tf

? , «


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