r enyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031565/1851-10-23/ed-1/seq-1.pdftoed Ida patient, —and for...

"•mm-" educed! XT" m air On&itollmv, - • .-• 44 ., .... . eriwn.'ltMMte" VaBoart Mumni.** ttdacfd bT tfc» • k , OwMskoat taa Uniiad Mat tttfSaj aad b*m * h data. •.iamjmnm <mir,~ hi* qu»rt £ tfrackaaeMraf tfc. ajrti- MESjTUBE! «-" fflH8i ff f %""' Kill BCHaU will to bartowad" la DM- nd poet. wSt a* pvcfcaaad mSm Ifi—wli— acquainted ' iW eartoiatnaata tint ha rat uMutof " BetnedM . r cnxUr krmiing ptmr, in tfrmton turn t*fmr* ttm tujkt MB* by it*, aapaWai action, rirrrinilBd donah til tin*. - otuda tcO-witi ( m t fcaal- 1 *. tays.Isngs, m tctwt)«f which itt and i. -IRpate as a'tanedy for Sraval, 5 t Bar be nftad upon wha» toed Ida patient, —and for em&r Dxorsv. WW propri- r tmtmmtml it. A* its •D. audit* trial will jrora j'ihe Woi-fk.' Ki»»nt»li*» then iwar v meipta. (is addition to fall Md-pttrpnrs, and which ntefeea3'boo»ek^cp«». 1 mak* the book of great n advcnmac nedran tbr- of which, ia the form of any he nlied DPOM. tWnptic Sfixtnre" —tba •ale in quart bottles at $1 tfo imall bottla will be wlof. Y..SW Main Stnet, G. C. VAUGHN. COTT^McKESSOK A str. 1 afeaband dealei*-wita post paid, or DO attention •n SL CO., and F . T. Jf- Son, Moira; J. t& Fulton, Hogann- itigay ; Z. Culver & ;g!vstoz t[ Co., Nieh- J. Of. Havens. El- ; - Webb & Crook, e »nd retail by Ol frfe Lane N. V. Collecting Agent Sreatf"' CTORV. ed and are now run- n the village of Ma- trU & Gorton. They ilete order, and have iced 1 workmen ; and ic that they are pre r can be done in any band a SDPPLY ol Waciuicd at aimilar [at rea*on*tSfc» prices al teims. Wo wili ibares, at fair rales. rir-j which nuke it u« in preference to d to offer GREJT « firm of Stark and *rsou4 indebted on [7 - v. (mm *., ti»n. lawartf BUea^l^liwiaj^Ife to the. Head, Aridity of i|lw«teaaacfc1!! Virion, Dot* or / ^ ^ T f c k for. the •i^l^f-- and dull pMj."^. «r fieiency O L ^ H . . !»«& <,\ - apSr*- >' turn, j*l. tikM •nd eye*, p t y, jnU.rwd^fc.ik.chew,; h»«»,4c,iHitJdeBfl«rtei ^ * * t < f e p « « w n d ^ r i f . , c a n be e'ff«f Dr. HOOFJLANIF'S ^ CELEBRATED GE&M%N BlTfl »R. fc- M. JA€ftaSO% GERM AX MEDIC WE STOKll No. m Arch &•, Phti Tkt putter ovtr the oiovC dittotei«'« «0<« ! if eqyalUi, 69 any atiter prepare, tin tattfj ^ 5to<e». o» <*« c»rf* atttii; ix mang ca*e» *dtit?i fml physician* had 'faUeg, " Tbesn Biticrt are worth? tbe attentioix litis. Fosacesinj peat «Jttoea. in tbe tioo of disease* of ibe Pfrei and leaser jli ; exercising ihe most searching povera in mil j aot< afllciions of di^enire organs, tbe* aw, i 1 al, safe, certain aod'p'easant, ! J READ ANft^BE COSlVICED. fFitHBtlie'Bogtoo B|e.'] Tbe editor said, Dec, 32d— -®* ., u Dr. Uoofliwd's Gilebraltd Ger'mitn Bill for tbe core of Lives Complain', Jaundice,! pepsia, Chronic or N«rvoo» Dtbililj, iadunj ly ose of tbe moat pepnlar medicinea of ihei Tbece Bitters ba*e beet, nsed $>} thouaandi,] a friend at our elbow 8*ys he baa bimseif i aneflretoai and permanent eore- of Lin pla'rat from ihe oae of thi» remedr. W»«e( vinced tbat, in the flaeol uiooe Bitter^'be'| eonatanii* gains ttreDgtb and vigor—» fo _^_ thy of great consideration. Tbey are pleaat^^^ taste and smell, anrf can be-uaed by per»oai»|^ the most delicate siomacna Sritb safety, andtrfi.-^'l (•ireorasUncts. -We up epesiiog fraa ei?J;|| ecce and jo tbeafflic'ed vre adiise Ihej." »W'*J|lf •-•ScoTT'e WEEKLf," one of ibe beat»^a§' papers published, said A o j . 85-*"-'«"-•• ^M "DR. HoornsD's GBBU^t^Sttvees, m^ factored l>y Dr. JACKSOH, sre-now rccominea^ by some of tb6 most prommcnt mettrbefs of ^- - tacul'y as an article of mnch tfficacy in WWM fem a le H eakness. As sucb ia the caae, we w j g ad*iss all mothere to obtain a bottle, and Umsif themselves from sirknese. Peraonao(debun^ coDstitutiooi will fiod tbese Bitters ferfv^ptif to their health, as we know from;. e^peneOMj [VOLUME XVE—,Nwitoa'-Il.l 2 . ,uj|l.. i.-JJ-, _ I '•.'• i i MHIW Mn II '" tidonaud JSbpj^-^i^^^^.^^ inseparaljfe." HEATH & SEAFEB, Editors and Proprietors. iAtOSB, fBMliXiN IWWBSff'^^^ OCTOBER uTl8Sl. Published every THUB9DAT MORNING,al Malone, Franklin County, N^w Vork. OFFICE, on Alain Street, opposite the Hail Road Office. ' s 'TKitsn. Psn AsNi'M—$1,25 if paid inadvoncr,— $l,7b a: tbe end of «i« months, and 2,00 if po)ment 'adeloyrd liil the cloae of the year. | j * . \ o paper disconiinued until all arrearages are S»a.id, exeept at ihe option ofthe publisbeif. Kates of Advertising. . [TWELVE LIMES, OR LESS, Sl^KE A SQUilU J I? square, 1 week, $0 50 I 1 square, 6 months, $4 00 -tl " Sweeka, 75 | 1 " If'", °™ jl " 3 " 1 00 I icolumd-emonihe. SO" I. " 3 month., 2 00 I 4-.* "" ' J' 00 ^ '" liu^.ne = < ca-di. noi excee3ing six lilies,S3 peran- num.—$ifite«ix months. , . O". * Ivertisemenis should be marker the number of Weeks to be inserted—otherwise they KMbevvo- tinueril.WA.rbW, or- nt tfle option ofthe nub/ishers, and charge.* accordingly. All arrinnti for ndvei tisinr are *:ue at the time of -tas> 5r»l inseriimi of the idvertisetnent. , t\W OF NEWSPAPERS. 1. S'lb^cftibera uhudnnol jive rxpicyp iiolire lo the CTStriiry, aie considered as wishing lo coniiiinc their suhscriplion«. 2. If subscribers order the &T*'-<mt inuancr of' heir papers, tbo puM.sbers ma) coniinLc IU sei.d ihein ill! all that 15 rlne '>e pii.l 3. lfsub*e,ioersr,et'l , rttirrefi.-*etniDVetlieii pa- pers from the offiee lo w(.it'll tlit-y are diicrled, i in) .are held responsible till they have settled their bills, and ordered iheir paper discontinued. v 4. If subscribers move ro orhet pirrces, withnot in J"orming the puhl'«hrr,and ihe paper i« sent to ihe for- mer direction, ihey ore held responsible. 5. The courts have decided ihat tefusing lo lake a .paper from the office, or removing and leaving it un- called for, is prima forii evidence of inlenlior.nl fraud. £an>0 of $em gork.—By lntliori<y. [Every Law so published by him, (the State Erinr ter) may be read inevidence from the paper m which it shall be^ontnined, in all Courts of Justice in this State, and in proceedings before any officer, body or board, in which it shall be thought necessnry lo refer thereto, untU three months, after tho close ofthe ses- t sion in Tt-hich it become a law.—Sec 8, title 7, chap. 8, part 1, Revised Statutes.] fErery Law, unless a different 6me »hall be pre- scribed therein, shall commence and take effect thro - out the State, on and not before the twentieth day after the day of its final passage, as certified by t l a Secretory ofStote. Sec 12, title 4, chap. 7, part l t Revised Statutes.] j ~* t . CHAP. 501. <. *+ AN ACT to provide tor the enlargement.9f the locks of the Oswego canal. -' Passed July 10, 1861, "three-fifths being present " receive, examine and decide on applications for tho benefits provided for in tbe'sneceeding sections of fbfaact. 4J2. Every person who •6haH appear on due evi- dence to have been enlisted as et mender of the first regiment of Jtyw York, volunieera as originally raised for service, and. to have been actually engag-. cd in snefj service daring any period of the cam- paign from tbe landing at Vera Cruz to the final taking of the city of Mexico, shall be entitled, oA bis application and due establishment of such proof, to receive from said commission a certificate of tbat fact duly authenticated,, and on presentation of said certificate (o tbe comptroller of this state, or to any person duly authorized by him to receive snch certificate, be shall be entitled to receive from the state the sum of twelve dollars foreacb month "hereafter, for the term of two years, and the comp- troller shall issue his warrant on (lie treasurer for the monthly payment thereof; bat no person shall receive more than thirty-six dollars at any one pay rr.Lt, "Y'V.Y'o/ . J- v— v„ 1.~ 1..~...„I.Aiment. Such certificates shall not be assignable, The People of Ihe Slate of jlew York, ret-retenlea ' ,, , , , I B L i - ' - ^ - - r nor (he moneys becoming due tnereon payable to S « s i 11 £ 0 3 ( E a r b s George W. Field, ^Ittorncg ani (Sounscllov at £aw. in Senate and di>cvibly, do enact at follow* { 1. The commissionera of the canal fund shall IxaaCSar,' »»wer«rficle seventh, section tenth, ofthe constitution, on the credit of the stale, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars in the year 1851, and two hundred thousand dollars in the year 1852, to be applied as hereinafter directed, to the completion of the enlargement of the locks of tbe Oswego ca- nal, payable in tbe discretion ofthe commissioners at and after a period not exceeding twenty years. Certificates of stork for the above loan, in sums not less than fifty dollars sl-a.'l be issued by said commissioners of tho canal fund, in the manner provided by law. bearing an interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and which shall be disposed of al a rate not less than par for n six" per cent stock; which interest shall be paid by first applying thereto any and all prrmiums obtained or received on the disposition of said stock, and the balance of said interest, and the principal sum hereby authorized lo bo borrowed shall be paid out ofthe general fund. But tbe gen- eral fnnd shall ne reimbursed such advances with interest, out ol the canal revenues, whenever the existing constitutional charge* thereon are fully KWB» any other person than sucb volunteer, to whom the came may-be issued? nor shall tbo same, nor_any moneys due thereon, be liable to be enjoined, at- (ached, or seized for the collection ofnoy debt ol sach volunteer, or upon any proceedings for the collection of any judgment or claim against sucb volunteers. » } 3. The said c^rnnrtssion shall keep an accurate register of all /lertBicates which they may iasuo, with the date tnefeof, name, age, natjvity, of the person lo whom it may be issued, and shall make semi-annual returns of the same to the-comptroller of the state, to be filed in his office. } 4 Tbe sum of iifieen thousand dollars for each year hereafter is hereby appropriated to carry out the provisions ofthe preceding sections of this act, out of the revenuos of the fiscal year commencing on the first day of October next. $ 5. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 509. A N ACT to amend the act entitled, "An ac( for the preservation of Washington's Head Quar- ters." passed April 10, 1850. across the Oswego canal, at the Tillage of Paased July 1, 1851, "Oaee^Mt Deing present." THelPeoplt of the State ofNtu\ Xorg, represented in Senate and ulueni{ilj,do otact at follow : {1/fthe wblboaitfarBliepelSiy amhorize^ and empowered to hear and exaoinaJMito tbe matter of the erection of eomucir of the bridge on Utica *treer, Jn'the city ofOswedasipahs tbe Oswego canal, and if on such ioveatiration, Ihey shall Ibe of opinion that so much of saij bridge as spans the Oswego canal should have! been built at the ex- pense of tbe State, and shalfce satisfied that such part of said bridge is conatrnted in a good and sab- stantial manner, which sbal ba' approved by the canal commissioners, and nft otherwise,—may a- ward to the parties who conjibuted to the erection of said bridge, such sum, nofcxeeeding one thous- and seven hundred dollars, is to said board shall seem equitable and just. } 2. The treasurer is heray authorized to pay on the warrant of the auditdof the canaj depart- ment the severalsums as aforjsaid awarded, out of any moneys in the treasury [pf^ojiriated or to le appropriated to tho © » w g * * * * ! ^ \ • [WHOLE NUMBER::::::*^} STernis, $1,25 per timntm, tiibv&a'.' paid and discharged ; and after full and entire ap- ! Passed July 10, 1851, 'thrcc-§ftiis being present i plication ofthe canal revenues has been made, un j der the requirements of the constitution, to ihe / completion or the Erie canal enlargement, and of / 'he Genesee Valley and Black iiiver canals. r'»iliiular attention 21'ven to Collection,! und Bounty I } 3. The canal board shall cause inc canal com- atATjOlYE, IV. T. Ml th. T" j make payment to j salutary effect tbey nave npon weak aysteinip . JOUGE M. W.. NOAH, a gaptlemap witb jA scientific and- literary attainment", said iifj "NEW YOKE WEEKXT iiessEJiGEBs" Jann 1850- <•- " r ~ '- "DB HOOFLAUDS !»£•*** BITTEES.- is prrparajtipn wbtctrtb? leading presses ii| Upton appear to be unanimous in recomrueDd aod tbe reason i* obvious., It ia made iff] prescription furnished by one of tbe mo»l felt ted physicians ol modern time*, the Jtttl [ Cbrisiopher Wiifaelm H»ofiand, Professor l«| j University ol Jena, Private Poyeician tutbei ' 0/ Prussia, and ooe of tb- greatest medical I j tens Genn*ny bas ever produced. He Wttfl ! phaticalljf the enemy of humbug, and tbe ,' medicine of which he was tlje.iuuentor^aiid ! ; doner may be confidently reliprf &ixM*f$ ! ally rreom mended it in Liver Complaint, Bjr \ sta, Debtlry, Vertigo, Acidity of: *ji»-iS!o 1 Constipatioo, and all compfainw Arising let i disordered condition of tbe stomach, tbe I'fM 1 the intestine*. Nine Philadelphia pager* eipg I their conviction oC it« ex«fte|i«M»M«J s e n n a ' tbe editors speak of its et&fct* ftofti*tb»-ir osHI IJIHI (lairiig. of* ,-^ionnl l>u>iliyss k'lteh' in the hfllids Adunis, I'-M,., and .Mai>hu) I 'untint, KM; . •. a\ U- found with lii'n .it l l v OFKlCi: i.K .1. II. .l.\Ch><i>.". V.-,. CAEEITOTO^ & 0EVIS, |)K.VLi:i(S IV * T-ffaf B9* O O O MP S, Hats, taps, Ftirs, Tabrel'af, Parasols, &.C., «-C. 32 COURTLANDT & 39 DEY STREETS, [Over J, U. IlKiwoni ifc Co.] NEW VORK. accounts with said ce against them ur requested to come mediately. WOOL. & ROGERS. ATionr ! mtssioners and the state engineer and diiision en ftineer, or in case of their inability, neglect or re- fusal, then any one of them shall be associated with ill": state engineer and surveyor and the division enginet r ha\ ing charge of the divisions of the ptib- l:c works whore the work is lo be let, whose duty it shall be to contra:! for the completion of ihe en- largement of the lucks of tiie Oswego canal, to the size of tbe enlarged locks 0/ the Erie canal, upon Mich terms and in suoh manner ai the canal board thai) approfo, to a« to bring thetii into use within six months after a single line of enlarged locks are brought into nso between Buffalo and Albany; and the sum of two hundred thousand dollars of the money hereby aulhorized to be borrowed, is hereby appropriated to the enlargement qf said locks, to be paid on the warrant of the auditor ofthe canal Agents for sale of Patent Scumlcu Bags and j depnriinenr, within the next year after the passage e J •—_._ & I of this aci; and the further sum of two hnndred B. K. CUIK friends and ei:.-.; T827.J Wool. would !*e ii.iers r.t this h Sack?. 1 happy to meet l:ia In m. S, AX» OTHERS, ind from the Nor- ) ample accommo- ouses. at tbe ter< tbe Northern (N. o all intermediate Canal boat*, run- w Boat*, on the port freight at o» Stephens & Bnrkee, Prnggists, &c, o. 1, Field's Exrl-nf-jt*. Mjlor.r Ki Bi.kiin C o . N . V. DEALERS IN Groceiie'. r>.»ois and SK -es. Liquois n.d Wine*, iVrfum^rj . f in C' Al iic.es, &.r. .K."STCTIIES--. [hit] ITIAS. ntriur. 'CHABLE.^J, RSUEIS, iCoinm'iBsioncr of fjigljiuajis; Miy he f .':n-l m the i FT: e Thursrlnvs. Ary l»ii^iirr-s r< ihe Conim : -».ii'n:-i. uhi!,e |j riotlee of ihe «,nne be 'eli at uf Pi' rrrricc fy Vili qn.ll irg Kje a l* *• I ' I ri<mpl'\ nilet.did i said off. .'. x. 1 thousand dollars is also hereby appropriated to »aid oK 1 work, ar.d to be paid on !ike warrant within the second year after the passage of this act, and from time to time as the same may be necessary ; and 1 when ihe enlnrgrment'of the locks shall have been 1 i-outmcted tor, any surplus that may remain ovoi I anJ above the contract price of such locks, Wheth- er appropriated by this or any o'her act, shall be j ap^hr-d tiut.'cr the diicction of tho canal board to the eiilarernif:;'. of ihe said Oswego canal, but the ' Hoik on s.-iid 1'ai.a], shall not progress faster than will be necrssarv to conipleio the same by the time ; ihe enlargement of the Erie canal is fully coinple- I ted from Bufisloto Albany. J {"6.Nothing in this act shall authorize the a- ; bfliidoi.mcnt ol the slack water navigation between I Uswego T'alls and Lake Ontario. Lake, and with ! d,v »< l,, * 1 exppfitnce. Under tbeeecircnmsUl 17, Coenti". Slip, | I Rt»er-at., Troy. IC. Agenta and ihe Cbamplain iportation Line. 773lf fak,'(f round) for zle on band, and f. k H. E. K. RE. H. E. KINQ- ie», tf Mantillas, iibbons, Feath- LARK <J. Co. Is! idg.or by the lisb purcbasera. d. E. KING. pril 6th, 1850. nee of tbe Stal- led, tbat all cir- Coitnty Bank, atptro.'Jer'a Qfr tbf* notice, or Her for tHe re- ama Back will 773np!8i2yl ' Comptxolter. -v feel warraoted, not only iBcaBioifWeftW of oar readers to the present proprtetort<^ M. JACJCSOS'S) preparation, bot in reeonir tbe article to all afiJicted." - , ^ } MORE EVIDENCE' The "PHILABEWHIA. S*.«nn|W»*T®**«J tbe brat family newspaper publ»Jh«Ho tM w> States, tba editor eays of -..,.,' .•< DK HOOFLAlfD'S G R B $ t& B F\„i 'It ia seldom that ^e^e^Mpmcna •"^1 termed Patent Medicines to , b ^fSh^ r patronage of our readers; •ndjjtMrtwon wr "*irTnot speaking of tbe noatrumi4»f &',<*»/>! are noised about for a briefpertofltttf 1trej| i,s ten after tbey have done tbewgnlRj ras " ebieT, tat of * medfcine Inng'esJptbfi* .. sally prized, and which has met tbe bearlfjiRj val of tbe Facahy itself." - Evidence upon evidence,ha«i, r beai(J (like the foregoing) from aBaectfolfirof ion, the last three years, andj^f&fi many in if favor, u, that r"" used in tbe practiceof-tbef Pbiladelphia-tban all others fact that eao easily be estat 4 „. r - i „. in*; that a scientific preparatiooljirill1 their qniet approval whep form. " i - —^*^fri=^r^P and 0/«pepsia,"n6 one can djWMjj WrajtJ direcfterf.' It actej" *"*• and R%&hz3te&&??- ; ,ag- toiAt 3d^lwS»--tbe fM t«a£ftaT Administered >PU&&I[F* S * 3 IV. V. 3ivVI£MAR, Caul) 0nrccror. f)lTI- lV..i. Will- Kl I K S i.n«T>.;>r. B.\?,1}ER. AND 11,-UR-DKESSER. s.or v^iir.r. n B. :.in.LEr.*s HOTEL. Jl \LONE. N. V., iaif CoparJucrbhip. 3^ rl E ua-lersipned hove jorrr.ert a Copartner The Sn<aU i| as Aitornejs, Sj!icuors and Cuunceitors at La onder the Hrni of Jackson, Clnl Joca &c £3obS>e, and wilttraasactsuch business asma\ he en!rusted tr> ihem.intha several courts of this Slate rind of ihe pnited States. Thej can be found nt l heir office, rn the vilinje of Malone, ioli lyoccujiied h> Messrs. Jark- aon&Huuon. J. H.'jACKSON. JOHN HTJTTON. ALBERT HOBBS. Dated Ootoher. 1. 1850- total, nd'-cotda, jus r. H^ATH. sefo, •' le, at HEATH' tment, tie by HEATHS letts, Tweeda, j of Sumaief DSTOffiw. Saathafor N. fJSK. ilia. sh supply of :AHTU> eta- « bottle be pKS.maybe lofallkioda, paper, Bote, HEATH. BEWARE OP This medicine- bas atl* wbtch w oecessary f i > | induce connterfeiters to cie at tbe risk ofthe IS' wiitly deceived. . &OOKWJBLLWggBk The* 1**tfr.JjWffiJjgil JACKSON upott ffie *rap"** L ' Xnioibe bottle, without ^rivutt for*aJe,»lioJe«le»ud^e}ajl GERMAN MEDH No. 120 ARCH Street, one (late of 278 Raee atWi respectable &&&$§. „„ _ , country. AJr*ftrrfill*# :fv ^j J ^ o a * J85f>,and a beav OetSO*- A. T. DUNTON, WILL PKKI-OIi3I ,VLL OPEHATIOXS IN Dental Surgery, that may be required, with neutne»s,correctnef sand dispatch. Allopeiatione wart anted to give talisfaction. Office two doors west of the Post Office. s. P. "BATES, Physiciart-tiiitl Surgeon. Heetdenccfirattdwelling east of the Methodist Church. Office over L. C. Lnthrop's Store. 5 Pannelee& FitcJi, Utiiftiu^Si Qonrisdlovs $z Solifiiox-0, MAtOSE, WBASKLin CO., H. y. Office oil Jjfain Street^ over Aodrus k Lewis's Store. :f •*• B . PAH.'^ B1: ' E:E » EDWAHD FITCH. ^TJ/[». Glanders; J ^ttfijjntg, jpajtox&v an^ €o»nsdlor, ~.« V^fli attend toall c<lllectio^.* , business entrusted to lim.and practice in Law aod EC u "y iD 'he Supreme Dourt. iSee on the eastside of tVcadst, nee vtbe Railroad, Malone. Franklin County, W,'Y. [toMX,x"ijj8>« MO"TJFTL, ""'s BY PHILIP B. MILLER. Malone, Franklin Co. N. Y. Tbia House is pleasnnllyjjtaaiedon Main Street , a few rod* east of tbe Bridge, in the ' r ,_ most central part of tbe village. CHAP. 5C2. AN ACT to establish cu nnylum for idiots, and making an appro,.riunoa therefor. i-siil July 10, 1851, "three-fifths being present." People rf the Slate of New York, rrpreicnted and Jh^rmLly do, enact at follow* : The governor shall, by and with the advice ar.d consent of the senate, appoint five trustees, who, together with the governor, lieutenant-gov- ernor, secretary of state and comptroller, shall he tiusiees of an institution for the education of idiots, to be railed "The Asylum for Idiots," with power lo establish rules and regulations for the govern- ment of ihe asylum. •$ 2. The said trustees shall procure a building suitable for the education of snch idiots ns may be selected by said trustees not exceeding twenty, and ihey shall have .power to employ all necessary teachers, keepers and assistants. { 3. The *nid number of idiots shall be Selected from those whose parents or guardians are unable to provide for their support, some of them from«ach of the judicial districts of this slate, and the trustees aro authorized to receive such additional number of idiots as can be conveniently received into the asylum on such terms, and on the payment of snch sum as tbe trustees may deem just. } 4. The sum of six thousand dollars in each year, tor two years from and after tbe passage of this act, is- hereby appropriated out of any money* in tho treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the said asylum, a D d ihe trustees am au- thorized to draw on the comptroller from time to time, but not exceeding in any one year the sum of Bix.thousand dollars. } 5. The truaees of this institution shall make an annual report on or before the first day of Feb- ruary in each year, to the legislature, of the condi- tion ofthe institution. § 4. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 503. AN ACT in relation fd draining the Cnynga marshes. Passed July 10, 1851, "three-fifths bejng present" The PeopU of the State of New York,repre*enled in benatt and Atttmbly, do enact at follow \ 1. The governor of thi§ state shall appoint three commissioners to examine the Cayuga marshes and Seneca river, and report to tbe next legislature, marshX of drainin g and reclaiming tho said } %' The state engineer and surveyor, shall cause sucb surveys and levels to be made By tfaeenei- neers in the employment of the stale, as the said 1 commissioners or a majority of them shall reduire. .»-.*ne satd commissioners shall be allowed! S n S ^ i T '"^wHIn*«""! all rttoW ' E lt\i°% UTB t d for a t5me K0t exceeding < at d allowed by the comptroller, and paid-by the trea^rer.outoftbefond heretofore appropriated lo drairfing said marshes. vv v £4. TL> said commissioners shall report fo tbe next JegislauTe, within ten days after tbo COD?-- rnencement of t 'oe session. v •* (5. This act s.^all take effect immediately. ~ The People of the Slate of New Yorktrepreiented in Senate andJlttembly, do enact a*follow*: } 1. The first section of "An act for ibe preser- vation of Washington's Head Quarters," passed April ten, elg-hteen hundred and fifty, is hereby a- mended so as to read as follows: The treasurer shall pay, on tbe warrant of the comptroller, out of any moneys in ibe treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the commissioner of loans of ibe United Slates deposit fund, for the county of Orange, the amount of inoney due to such fund, which as appears from fhS last annual report of sucb commissioners, wpre loaned upon certain premises known as "Washington's Head Quarters," located in the village of Newburgh, in the sa'd county of Orange, and which, including interest and costs, now amounts to the sum of two thousand three hundred and ninety-one dollars and two cents ; and the commissioners of the land of- fice of this state are hereby/authorized, in their dis- cretion, to purchase for and on behalf of tbe people of this state, all those several lots, pieces, or par- cels of land formerly attached to and a past of "Washington's Head Quarters," in the village of Newburgh, Orange county, bounded and described as follows, viz : beginning at the north-east corner of Liberty and Washington streets, in said village of Newburgh, and runnidg thence castwardly along the south aide of Washingtonstreetscyen/umdred Liberty street two hundred /eel, thence westward- ly ana parallel with Washington street seven hun- dred and twelve feet to Liberty street, thence north- erly along the east side of Liberty street to the place of heginning, excepting such parts thereof as now belong to the people ol this slate, at a sum not ex- ceeding six thousand dollars; and the treasurer shall pay, on the warrant of the comptroller, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appro- priated, to the owner or owners of said lots and premises, the price, which the, said .commissioners of tbo land ofiice shall agree to pay for the same, upon tho execution and delivery of good and suffi- cient deed or deeds of conveyance, therefor vesting the title of said premises in the people of this slate; and the sum of six thousand dollars is hereby ap- propriated out of any money in tho treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be applied to tbe purchase of said lots. { 2. The commissary general may, in his dis- cretion, deposit such articles or relics of ibe revo- lutionary war, belonging to this slate, as in his o- pinion are suitable to be deposited, for safe keeping at said bead quarters. } 3. Tbia act shall lake effect immediately. CHAP. 351. AN ACT further to provide for Ihe maintainance of the canals for tbe fiscal year, endiocr Septem- ber 30,1851. . Paused July I, ie5i, "three-fifths being present." tn%l£?$ t S 0 £ tk '? l ' Ue "• fAev * ork repre.enlcd <B Senate and Awn^y do enact at follow, ; j 1. The sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as shall be required ia hereby appropriated out of the revenues of the state canals to supply any deficiency of the appropriation made by chapter three hundred and seventy-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty, to pay the expenses of collection of tolls, superintendence and ordinary repairs of the public works, for the fiscal year ending September thirty, oigbteen hnndred and fifty-one. OS f'i»wraUb uyrnur, aadf«».ai« HBATH. ' M., -eaiatkegtfte.ca I ttyos wuk to get aruJ Paaef Efoofca, Istorsxrf' L&stSej RAIL ROAD SALOON, 4* »6*&!.*<*•;?8»pectfull, 8nnoQnoe lo the , n . 1, X . hac:!«nt80f MtKbne «n*Ytcinitv,tbatthev have (booed a VEVf SALOON to the- * ' lnatloe J have ' Basement Of A. H. Miller's Hotel, .apotUw tbo Railroad Office, wbere they will !«•„„ instantly on haad >Hot Coffee and Tea, Piet, Cake* . tread. Cold Ham, ttc. tie. ' Alto .'large, and well assorted lot of GROCERIES, Pnaw Vtrnrra Aivn TUVAT v L Tho mayor of tn^iatjs o f K a w Jforks-tor, ^ iP ,*%? M A L e t ,beT , wi,h two nwmbera of «K> Cpwmpfl mmll Mac. Fc b F ° r7b ?Si Pf ° r e " H - ; of Mid ci, K ^W*:idMffi&4* ' I common council, shall constitute a commission to CHA*.fi08. . AN ACT for the relief of tliesarvivors.of the first regiment of New York Trolunteera, ,Hfho served in the war with Mexico.' Poesed July 10,1851, »*y »t^oitSb^yoie^ ,„ £*' Pf °P u °fae8ijteoyJrevZer*,ripr$tented •« senate and Jittmhlg, da e»aet atfotlowf. ". CHAP. 332. AN ACT to provide for the settlement and adjust- ment in part of an award in favor of- Horace Hotcbkissand William P. Smiihjrgaihst Alfred H. Booth, agent pf tbe Sing-Sing prison. Passed July 1, lksi, "three-fiftha being present" The fropltoJlhiSlaleofJSeio York, rrpretenled in benate and jStxembly, do enact at follow* :r }J. Tbe treasurer shall pay, on the warrant of thei comptroller,,to Abijaij Fitch, Thomas M. Hunt, and Henry H. Cooley, the anm of six tbonsaud eight hnndred and forty-three dollars and filly-six cents, with interest thereon from' tfi e Iweity-seV I enth day qf April, one thousand oigbthundred and hfty, till this act {abea efleeiy bein£ an a#ard for damages madeby William H. Adams, Charles par* dee, and Abraham; Bockee, in favor of Horace Hotchkisaand William P. Sawh against Alfred R. Booth, agent of the t Sing-Sing prisioDiafte^ednc-i ingtbe sum,of six thouafnf th'rt^fiundrTedand twenty-seven dollars and seven 6eSls, claimed by Ihe said agent as due from the said JJotcbkissand 1 Sraltbiatthe^imeof fhe Cward^atfdfrovididlhat; atfd Codley sliall #alijm>to 0 i » 6 t # n ^ r , a M c a s i ^ai%t¥etoSBpfelol artddischarga.froni-ao'mBcb of aafdawaW, Wlf * -••->-. . the -corlificate endowed thereon of the Altoi CHAP. $*• AN ACT to arngatl an acentitled "iAn act anT thorizing the ffll^poratif) of Rural Cementery Associaiions," passed Aril twenty-seventh, one thouHsand eight hundretllnd forty-seven. 'Passed.July 1,1951. The pebple ofthe Stale- ofVew Yorlcrcpretentid in Senate and J,sembty, dofnact at fqlXovt : } 1. The fifth section oAhe act entitled "An act authorizing the incprporaBti of rural cementry as- sociations," passed April kventy-seveo, on» tho as- and eight hundred and My-seven, is hereby amen- ded by striking out the wTrd " four" and inserting " two," in the eleventh lie of said section, so that hereafter any person owiing two hundred square feet ol land in any cemetiysassociation shall be en- titled to vote for the electon ofthe trustees of said association. } 2. Nothing containid in this act shall affect any rural cemetery association, which pball have been organized under tit act beroby amended be- fore this act shall take effect.. } 3. This act shall tale effect immediately. CILW. 44ft- An act to authorize the Superintendent of Common Schools to purchase Wfbster'e Unabridged Diction- ary for tho common sthuol districts of this state. Passed July 0, 1851, The People ofthe stafc of New Vork, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § I. The .State Superintendent of common schools »bujl cause notice to be given by circular to one or* more of the trustees ofthe several school districts o f this state, on or before the first day of December next, which circular shall state the terms and the fund out of which the same is to be paid, that Web- ster's unabridged dictionary will be purchased by him for each ofthe school districts in this state enti- tled to participate in the distribution of public mon- eys for the supjiort of common schools, provided such district sliall notify the town superintent of common schools of their respective towns in writing to be signed by a majority ofthe trustees of any di* •Met,, that said) dictionary is wanted by the district giving such notice; such notice to be delivered to such town superintendent before"the first day of Jnni- uary next. § 2. The town suderintendent of common schools in each of the towns of this state, shall, on or before the 15fh day of January next, make out and deliver to the county clerk, a complete, list of nil the school! districts hi imar several vu^ta^saaaia'vao ntnmnSr 1 of such districts, and sluilj annex to the number of each desiring to purchase Webster's unabridged dic- tionary, and shall file a copy of such list in the ofiice the town clerk of their respective towns, on or before ^he fifteenth day of January next. 2 The county clerk of each of the several coun- ties of this state, shall transmit such lists on or before the first day of Febjrunry next, to the state superin- tendent of common schools. § 4. The state superintendent of oommop schools is authorized to purchase of the publishers of Web- ster's quarto unabridged dictionary, sucb number of said work ns shall be sufficient to supply all the said school districts in the state, "which shall be found re- ported upon such lists as desire to purchase the same —sucji dictionaries shall be the latest edition of Web- ster's "quarto unabridged dictionary, printed on supe- rior paper, Well bound in leather, "and in all respects perfect, the price to be paid shall not exceed four dpl- lars per vol ume; and,shall be paid frvr out of the pub- lic moneys which shall be apportioned to the several school districts of the state, for which the same shall be purchased, one-half thereof in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and one half thereof in the year eighteen hundred and fifty three, and the con- tract for such purchase of the said publishers Bball provide forisuch terms of payu-fent, and the number of dictionaries so purchasea, shall be delivered to the state superintendent of common schools before the first day of April, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and shall be by him delivered to the town superin- tendent of common schools of the respective towns, before tbe first day of Miy, eighteen hundred and 2 -two. 5. The said towju superintendent shall deliver dictionary to the tr-ostecs of each ofthe said sev- eral districts in their respective towns for which they* shall be purchased os soon thereafter as shall be prac- ticable, and shall retain in his hands the sum of two dollars out of the libray moneys apportioned to 6uch district in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three, as .hall be suffacient to pay tho balance of the pur- chase price of such dictionary, not exceeding the sura of twO dollars, and/shall deposite the same immedi- ately thercriter -with the treasurer of their respective counties, and take/a receipt for the same and deliver such receipt to the county clerk of their respective counties, to be forwarded by such county clerk to the state superintendent of common schools. § 6. Tbe moneys so deposited with the treasurers ofthe respective counties, shall bo subject to the or- der of the state superintendent of common schools, and shall be-by him received and paid to the publish- ers of said dfctionarysapon his contract for the same. § 7. Such dietio!nary,ahall Jbe kept in the libray of ' ' CHAP. 322. An Act to provide for the publication of the General l^aw-sintforco m relation to tho care and mainte- naaee of the poor. Ptosed June 30, 1861 inLa^t'A "J'** f?*,* Nm T0Tk ' "preterUed tn senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: !„ I 1 ^* 1 ?. 0 f e , creta »y of state is required to publish ni pamphlet form, two thousand copies of all the Sa?? kW f ° f - thi8 atate ' now i n fo ™-. rebUng to eoT&y be S a t * " * " "^ "* ^ ^ CaU rea " wh § ennubl?h^ P 'T ° f * B d , a w s i n J*nipMei form, tbo secret ,i r 7 « * " « « . *«"» beftransmitted by nrltnT * ° f ?***?• With tho Session Laws of the present session, to the several coun y clerks of the cTuKfTw v T thiS8t,Ue ' ™ * P ' ^ - i t y and one cLv-to L -T " mS - V ,w "«^^«ry to furnish one copy to the said county clerk, and to each of the superintendents and overseers of the poor and of the p p o r W e s m the said several count, ,, tmd the r es" due of such copies shall remain i„ tho «ecretary' 8 „f. fice ta-be distributed by him to ,uch officers having Uie charge or superintondencu of the poor, aT S Tn ^ t0 tmie be re q uj red ' JZ^Z", CCniar y of state alu.ll may not pay for pub- /j*«"S •"•rfUl lovrsT/nn , ,• u *""" not W for P"^ f^%u*nut y a rT*'?? h 'S]>" r ^. in proporti.m to than shall be paid for tEe p'uTiIioiVT'.liU 0T lift'C'es'sn'ii Laws ojfthe present session. CHAP. 334. An Act to further amend the net entitled "An act for the relief of Leah Morris," pawed May twenty- first, eighteen hundred and tl/rty six. _, _ Pawed June 30, 1851. The rcople ofthe State of New- York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as foliates .- § 1. All and every sale to be made, under the pro- visions of the act entitled an act for the relief of Leah Morris, passed May twenty-first, eighteen hundred and thirty-six and the act amendatory, thereof, pass- ed February first, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, shall be either public or private, as shall be directed by one of the justices of the supreme court; and af- ter the same shall be confirmed by such justice, but not untd such con6rmation, a conveyance shall be executed to tbe purcliaser or purchasers; which con- veyance shall convey to the purchaser or purchasers all the estate, right, title and interest which the said Simon Bergen had at the time of his death in and to the lands and premises mentioned and described in said act hereby amended ; and the*aid executors and trustees shall give sucb security for the faithful per- formance of their duties in relation to such sale or sales so to be male, as sliall be required by such justice of the supreme court, and such justice shall- possess all the powers conferred on the court of chancery, in "and by the acts above referred to aud hereby amended. g i. Thi* act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 426. An Act to amend the act entitled "An act to e- tabtifh free schools throughout the utate." t Passed July 9, 1851. The <People of the State of New Vork, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: g 1. The act entitled an act to establish free schools throughout tbe state, passed April 12th, 185,1, shall not be so construed as to prevent or pro- hibit the distribution and application of library mo- ney in the manner heretofore prescribed by law. {j 2. Nothing in this act contained shall be so con- strued as to require the board of supervisors of each County to raise a sum of money for library purposes equal to the sum which it will receive from tho state. Jj 3. This act shall take effect immediately. fJoctr-B. [FOB THE PALLADIUM.') Tbe Spirits in Heaven. JOKDIT ADDBESSED T O ' M T I>EAIi ACKT. 0, let^no weep, my heart is.breaking, Tears may grant s slight relief; Deatli, my fondest treasures taking, Shades my hopes with deepest grioJT. O, how long the day light lingers, O, how long night's shadows Slav ; Come, my darlings, with your nugors, Haste to wipe my "tears away. ?>*o—mr little birds can never Neftle in my bosom more; They have flown away for ever, - All those happy days are o'er. Oft I see them, sadly, eleurlv. Beautiful in death arrayed ; "Snowdrops," twiuinrj tor.nd them dearly Yet I know, my heart-fcJt sadness, Is their sure, eternal joy ; Now their bright brows beam with gladness, .Nought to shadow, nought alloy. Tnou in truth, in love, hath spoken, All my murmurs do forghe; Though my heart if almost broken, Love me Lord., and let mc live. l i v e to praise Thee, Father, tender, Ljvo to pray for THOSE I Lyi E; These afflictions, mercie* render, And oi'Rsure salvation prove* And when life is'fain ting, weary, When stern Death, his signal's given, Ijjiae my darlings, "Katy, Carrie," Meet me, at the gate of Heaven. IIEMUCTT/. Chatoaugay, Oct. 1S50. !• Ill W^l •••M1_J1^II II _J From Arthur's Home Gazette. Peter Mulrooney and the Cow. BT 8TLVASUS UBBAS, THE TOUNOER. .General, that he hath examined lhi« same, and evidence haih been ptM^ibM&tifm'<& of said JBi^rBaim&^hs^mmMihUm metii'ai&tija*.beja^gal$e4^^ discharge ia atAph^mtSk^mfdi ?fie pn; intended, and Bballpr^nce evidence aalis'-' iBorfty to receive the. same, and to 'exec^ta! such' Hotchki.»a_nd Mmltli, or tlieir artigritaa,toany ba!-,' "anee^ofsbeffa^&i^ or final determlnan'on-botweeflilw-psrtto shall ter feritf#Mf'41|fc ••••" -V-.4-:./:- *- ; tf/;--.'*£F'"' {3. TrnW^t»b.U^k* e jr<«t;tomad.*ately. ' -AN AGTtoauffiOTia»^eC«9alLBo|!^towaJ^ : equitable Settlement for fflFmwr'-" Trssrr the librarians of the seveEal^chow districts of tins state, during the timeiEere^SirBe no school taught in said district, and subject toitha same roles that are applicable to other books in 'eucli district libraries, and during the time a school shall ba taught therein, the said; dictionary aboil be under the control of tho teacher for the time being; and be kept and used in said school, CHAP, 472.' . •AJa.Act to amend article first, title three, chapter seven, part three Of the Uc-vised Statutes, enti- tled, of taking .conditionally, the testimony o| 'witnesses within this-state. . .. "? .".. ."!»'• •» V.'.Kaaaed July^O.^Sl / The People of Ae^(*of^eVTor^^epre!ented: mfienat^aidAsietnblyi^^^fcW&n^ -• .'j S^Secttotfihreeofa^fofe^i«^tl»*|^jp' fier seven* ptxtk *ltr«e .^Jm'm^t. StatMeats %aj%t¥e^o«(Mol^n^ i^r>ea*tiAfiedthitth.cirauin^ir;^^ •UcboiB^faad attend ^^eXatnination of. anon witn«-a*iJ«eJ» <%ifo$&«gfa&?!WFW ihcreiq *eeii|ivli ittieaiBne -.abMjie#«Me94^^dai«i frow tbe.^fpf auoli^^ip«i^WU«be a* JHU<* «|BMr1eV*aS;8to e x k w ^ ^ b e ^ ^ . n ^ r e q u u ^ a n d ^resia%cio?^jfaA^^J^#>n^ S?i^SSsi*3a^M!t :is*SS®^»lS15 to attend. aii<sn.«x»aaina«oo,* 'UiMtpm tfrUmii& irb>j»ah i m * a d -Isij^-oroiB^snall dfreet^te ^ ^ / ^ a ^ s a r ^ r ^ ' I b S ^ ' ^ t ^ R tfcje $&r<im EWft-a^-iBflteirraWl' J^-£*m'nm Jproof wt- thedli* irWakatf*^^ify«ad fil«4t« »«^»raadTrr&tlj*Mre^fc«t** »iudf«of*eotirt, CHAP. 444. An Act ia rebition to courts of sessions. Passed July 9, 1851. Tbe People of the State of New Vork, reprcseutetl in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: §1. Courts of sessions except iu the city and county of New Vork, shall be held in tbe respective counties at such times as the county judge of the county shall by order designate. And the county judge shall in such order designate at which terms of the sessions a grand or petit jury or both, er nei- ther, shall be required to attcud ; and no grand jury or petit jury shall be required to be drawn, or sum- moned to attend aay term of tbe court of sessions which shall be designated by the county judge to be held without such jury ; sucb order shall be pub- lished in a newspaper printed in such county, for four successive weeks previous to the time of hold bag the first term of said court wider such order. CHAP. 455. An. Act to exteud the "act in relation to suits by and against joint stock companies and associa- tions," to companies having a joint or common in- terest in property. Passed July 9, 1851. . The People of tho Stato of New Vork, represented in Senate and Assembly, do .enact as follows : § 1. Tbe act entitled " An act in relation to suits by and against joint stock companies and associa- tions," passed April seventh, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, is hereby, extended to any. cpmpany or association, composed of not less than seven persons who are owners of or liave an interest in any property, right of action, or demand, jointly or in'common, or jyjho may be liable to any action on account of suefi ownership or interest; and the" sijiits and proceedings authorized by tbe said act may be brought and maintained in tho manner therein provided, as well for any cause of action heretofore existing as for any that may hereafter accrue. § Z. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 460. An Aet to amend the Revised Statutes in relation to summary proceedings to recover the possession of land. " Passed July 9, 1831. The People of the State of New ¥6rk, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows.: § 1. Section thirty, of title ten, chapter eight, part thirty, of the Revised Statutes, is hereby a- mended so as to read as follows: ^80. Oa reeeiving such affidavit, snch officer shall isikie bisBummons, describing the premises of which, thlo possession is claimed, and requiring any person in I the possession'of said premises, or claiming the nnksesaton thereof, "forthwith to remove from the _ „e, or to show causo. before tbe said magistratei vijthm such time as shall appear reasonable, not less tbia three nor more than five days, why possession ofjsaid premises should not bo delivered to such ap- ph'Banfc J. |pro,vided, however, that i n tbe coses where a* person! eoniiiuifis ia-possesslon of the demised prer lesTafter'tbe exoiratiori ef bis ferm,,without per* 'oaof bis landlord, the magistrate may direct soon summons to be mode returnable on the same StdteMf JfrmYariff ~>i&*»?:'*«nipared die'precodj > <.Wfifet4ry t *@mc':* ,i' n B wiili ihe original law» on filajjl* Ibis offioe*. and do certify ihnt the same nir cJ,!W»c«pi»'herefrom and ofthe whole of tbei iDHEISTOPHEA*-ffidfeft& ''*'•* a* Secretary of SttUe. ~! P." .'; jHJKrJbcss'nv in* SEA^^Th>.tandoi» Shipping Ga- 'jetfe has tliis paragriipn, in'uie courseW mi article opoi.^he f3iu^o£AnU*iea:; _,, *"'"«'' febafO fe"4p«»!^H^|tt eider upon «iiy que. iioa o l ^ t j t e d j^mii^nffsM&ibkooTd; Ibngi be 4eded to America. It* peircvOTngrenter- p^i iV^emmf&KoAIt*a*aui„g weaKlt, arecsrt«a«»s«uTelBi«jpTi»; nor will Enghmd>* in » • itoatiott to dispute i t with her. TVithom) tb»~ ewwi IU* <a^£t*I to «*• pw«f» *^» onward mardi^f thetitoiteaSbitojio -what we believe the pverwhelm- •n\ 111 * £ ij-. MH^ mvttminlAJk* A* tliA A*AatM **»iM«t* «_ ed; not i m « w * «» »»*?«*« o f *h* «^"»« ^ ^ °- ye ^^tliee'VjM»^ yoria -''"> - - t ifjW arar'aapect to get lieh in doing nntunaai, »at«(^«atT taie the paper*. * - ' noipfba pooV-^ottma) 1 irattt jBjeunrirttf*, \ I cannot now recollect what it was thr.l in- ! ducod me, after tbe nfi'air of the carriage, to send Peter Mulrooney to market with n tow for sale. Certainly" I had received warnings .' enough to put me on my guard, for, it was only a week previous, that I had said to him,. . 'Peter, I want you to taJtQ a barrel of plas- ter into the lower corn field, and sprinkle a little round, every hill of corn. Bo careful not to miss any.' 'Is it morthar plaster, yaV honor manes? Where will I be afther finding it?': ' 'No! Plaster of Paris. You will find sev- eral barrels of it in the barn.' ' 'Bedad; but that's sthrango anyway. Is them Plaster o' Parish ? Och ! sure I thought them was whate flour.' 'Flour! What, so heavy as thatl' 'Ayeji!' said Peter. 'Tis AmerikVs a dhroll counthry. And what 'ud I know but tbe flour 'ud be heavy, where the rivers is as broad as saas in the ould counthry, and the purly birds has got paint on their wings.' 'Well, never mind ; take a barrel of plaster and sprinkle a little round each hill of corn.' Now don't let me have any mistakes; I will bo down to see how you are coming on, as soon as I can possibly leave.here.'. . . 'What 'ud yerhonor be doin' that for. Sure it's aisy work any how!' 'True, but you make terrible blunders. Pe- ter, sometimes.' 'Is it tbe carrigeyo mane ?' said Peter, with a droll look out of the corner of his eye.— 'Faix, it wes yer honor fould me to do that samo.' 'What! grease the carriage ail over? Of course, I meant the axles, nothing else.' 'Arrah!' said Peter. 'Is it the likes o' rue to conthradict a raitl gintleman ? But, sore ve niver said a blissed word about the axles; and what 'ud I be good for if 1 didn't obey me ordtbers Y Half an honr after this, Peter came to mu and told me he had completed his work. 'What, already?" said I. 'You surely can- not have sprinkled the whole of three bushels of plaster in this short time.'. . 'Oh, begorra! may be I doesn't be work- ing hard all that same time.' t 'It is impossible you can have done as I or- dered you; for it would have taken any of the other hands nearly half a day.' 'Them's naygurs. the haytbens!' responded Peter, with a look of contempt Still I was not satisfied; so I walked over to the field, and found the condition of th.iugs to be just exactly what I feared. Instead of sprinkling about a gill of plaster around each, hill, Peter had applied from a quart to half a gallon, so that a quantity of plaster sufficient to have dressed four acres, was expended ap. on a plot of ground not much bigger than a city garden. Ofpourselgot no corn. Whaiever possessed me : after this to entrust him with the sale of a cow, 1 do'not recollect. I did so, however, and this was the result; He liad started with, the cow be r ore day, and should have returned, with ordinary dili- gence, by two o'clock in the afternoon; but it was not until several hours after that time that11' became seilously uneasy. Ho was u- stjairy /lcJiye enough, too; but I thought ft probable, in g'oiug to town,' ho tnfght have mat,with ^ome ofhig countrymen, and in that \vay4ifeen detained. ^ AT length—ft was to\yar<ls sunsot—some on*'cried J 6ut thaj the strawberry cow was 'It's dead I am a most,' said Peter evaaive- ferL '?. h r i Wirra! Wirra! -Whatltldo? Wbat'llldof ^ < 'This passes all patience^ Mulrooney! I must and I will know what has happened to- day.' i •Musha, thin, it's the City people can tel! well enough; an' that's no lie.' 'Have you Leon to market?' 'Bedad, sir, tho butcher men, and tnie mild women With tables, and the petaty men, and the counthry people wid white shates over their carts, and the childher, and Ihe naygurs, ailid the consthables, will bo telling ve. Tbe- coV, bad luck to her, and I have be'en tin the market, this blissed day, and through the mar- ket, and over the market, and the divii knows where else, for sorra bit I-knew.' ' 'f.°. •>7' u ' I,i,vo heen ^ trouble havoyonf W eJl it is no more than f might have expected.' -JJeed, sir, an' that's no lit? ! Tbronble ! Oh, buTff j W d seen the couthrariest cow in - ; the mnvarsaWorld, she couldn't bate the fit- * -t. ,'t I x ^ , - ... - Tl 'You must haveNVighlened ber tl;ejv for she is commonly as gentle as a lanil^,'-^ .. r 'Frightened her! ,1s it I that 'o^xie -so mane es to frighten a cow, and I a dhryving. her all tli« time? -Oh, begorra! its sho that has been gjviti! me the flight tho day, anyhow, an' that's no lie.' ,. .•* 'Well!- You took her to the market you say. What happened then V ' 'Tis atiasv 1 am to tell yer honor.' 'Goon!' saiJ I, impatiently. > 'Musha, thin, the baste wint well enough ontil it was among the strates we got; and thin, she tuk on as many conlhi-ary ways as a four year ould pig First it's one stratffshe- would go up, and thin it's another etrate she would go down ; ar.d nist, "widout sayjn' 'By yer lave. Pettier,' slio walks in at the dure, of a baiter's hhop ; an' whin we-whacked her out o' that, bedad! but aff gallops me lady, I and I afther her, ontil me breath was gone, iulirely, an' I couldn't spake at all. 'Whoo ! i whoof!'. says I; mind thebasU).' Tear-an- i ages, mind the basto ! Oh, wirra ! wirra!— ! look at the gossoon; it'3 over liiin she'll be !' Bot, sure, she did a goiyi thing that time, any" way ; for she tuk the boy on her horns, an' tassed him on the paveitiint as tiuderiy as if it was one of her own cbildber. Thin she tbrotted aff agin through a wureld of strate?.. an' I afther her as fast as me legs 'ud carry- mo. 'Stop! stop!' says I, but sorra bit tha wild divil 'ud stop a,t all.. And whin the peo- ple th rawed up their *rums at her, the saucy baste put down her bonis at thim. It's mighty. little they did to stop her thin ; an' that's no lie! 'Twas the boys that 'ud ba howlin' too ;« and the tnin shoutiu', and the purty wimmeu rntinin' about like a flock of frightened parjth- ridges; and so, by and by, 'twas to tho mar- ket we got. 'Now, me lady,' says I, 'bggpr- ra, but we'll see who's tbe masthej - ;' so 1 run up bcldnt the baste, and saized hould of her tail, and twisted it round m,o hand. Och, mur- tber! but sbe wint fastb'erthan iver, draggfti' mo along wid her; plungin' through the big crowd, knockin' down the bacon, and tassing up the granes; treadin' over hapes of turnip* aud j>etatys ; an' Ihe people shouted, an' the wimmin screeched; an' the botcher men an* the counthry men tearin' an' swearin'. Ayeb ! sure there niver was heerd such a hullaballoo before! Faix! but the baste wasn't contiut wid the throubleshe was givin',_i>ut she must nixt be afther smashin' baskets of-^-' Here Peter stopped Suddenly, and! thrust- ing, slowly, his hand into the Docket of his coat, fumbled about for a little while, and then produced a greasy, crumpled piece of paper,, which he handed to nje. It read as follows j 'Mr. Silvaynus Urbin / 'To Betsy Hodges, 'For 25 duzzen eggs smashed by yure cow, at 16 cents, ' §4 00.' 'Who gave you this ?' said I. 'Sure, sir, it was the Magiather.' 'Magistrate! What magistrate V 'Sorra one o' me knows, barrin he. cent man, an'his name's Maguire. it's the onlucky baste she is.' 'MuJrooney,, said I, 'I will pay this billJn , the morning; but I think I sliall not want yon any more, after your month is up.' .'.Good luck to yer honor!' replied Peter.— 'Sure, it's the raal gintlemon ye are. 'Tis sorry I nm to part wid ye, an' that's no lie. Whin I lave, will I be throubling ye, if 1 ax for a charachter V te^Hn^.^;t^^i^^^^ 8 .^^nrtl,eov0f^, Willi itia^nwt dWst^ntiFliEroereyes looking nf rctf, ,a«d Jiogry, J»| lfsfce bad |usHscap^a being bafto,srl>y a irrowcP o f d o g s . I Had tlif poor iWsmm\an£c%diw,a turned iotb-the ^a-rd, "*M >w nMgmmtfcmterimi ferjalong time^Mfth|> 'was teiJteseert^-" After a «&?%fto«fi«|r»'lmf Mm poiaing slotvly^ bb InoSnlsf WtVira'¥at'ariitivn oyer 4 his e0^ : WMt^ela»mB back j » d preaently,! couiaiiearljiiO argEui^nd groan- ing, *»Tf in the" greatest distress imaginable. 'What is-ibe meaning-of all this?' said,!. •wltaton em^th'h&vti j y<ia'ma doing to 4he «Sovrt* Wife-Iada**!, Harriet Jan*. *n wlrwt! WM Villi idol Vm nmrttifred I'mkilbonthireiyi O^bonei O'cbone! Tis tho baste tii*t> been doin' tbe bad tiling. p»d c«at«.#i«#ayNm'M. m , > all. fm> t ^f M&t <?««»« tbw «rw *o> 4N|, V *S& *a Mail%l Bwnghl hm» in wen* w»#^M coWoW J0»itfa» ncm^mfyf a da- >ch!bot WHAT IS DrsT ?—Old Dr.'Co'oper,'ofSouth Cifrolina, used to say lo his students, 'Don't be afraid of aJittle dirt,fyoung gentlemen.— What is dirt? Why nothing at all offensive, when chemically viewed. Rub a little alkili upon tbat "dirty grease-spot," on -yonr coat, and it undergoes a chemical change and be- comes s.iap. Now rub it with a little water, ; and it disappears; it is neither grease, soap, water nor dirt.' That is not a Sery oderous i pile of dirt, you observe there. Well, scat- ter a little gypsum over it and it' is no,-longer j-j dirt, Evwytbing you call dirt, is worthy your > noticeVas students of chemistry. Analyzeitf It will ail-separate into very clean elettplts. •Dir» makes corn, corn makes bre^f'and. , meat,*aud that makes.a very sweet young la- dy that I saw one. of you kissing last .night, So after all yod were kissiig n%t—flarticnTarV ly it she whitens hoi-skin withekalk or fuller*a ea«B.5 ;Thereis no tolliug.yonngrgentlejaea jwhatlsdirt. .'ilhougb^ljajBstsayiiba_^aebia^, Isacjh. stuff on the..bea.B|tIf/uI.fitce.of ^yo;naa, ll,ady* is a djrty practice. ,**.xearl powder, I •hiifk is m'ado otWDiuMt—u^tfimg Bfitdiri? •• i - TOE GOO» ''Stasis Co^Ese.TrrptBene IsLV-i to gobot wldi Joa;So tba party this evening;, ihy pantafijoas are torn,-,-.' ^** f.l .^ ' '*.' A^ns^adi-rnietr^^d; my.i^piMn, a Jjmjttfi&ine-- ..:-«, } ^ .., j ..^,. ( ^A:^P dasairoeres which you iBcejjseJH^JIe/ilBlI^s hJay^rimoluelpa:!* 1 . .:„ -' r ._ x Husband^ (meeily)'—Whatever yon aay, love. , - <, , - Seen* 3a.i-»Wifa^Wfca^t« yon gpino;.to, do witn-those black "panta oiyoans^ ,. %. "- Pi .."4 » M .s31 y -*v 1-1 ••••m 'Ia.itwhathavell^endoin'f Och wiffal ' _ , *• ~^~- t r y**w y ^ » W r « l o ^ a i ^ f e t h i s rtiAagrl' *- <W i «u 3l n..witb *II; h r . \ ..«. V-

Transcript of r enyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031565/1851-10-23/ed-1/seq-1.pdftoed Ida patient, —and for...


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K i l l BCHaU • will to bartowad" la DM-

nd poet. wSt a* pvcfcaaad mSm Ifi—wli— acquainted ' iW ear to iatnaata tint ha rat uMutof " BetnedM . r cnxUr krmiing ptmr, in tfrmton turn t*fmr* ttm tujkt MB* by it*, aapaWai

action, rirrrinilBd donah til tin*. -otuda t cO-wi t i ( m t fcaal-1 *.

tays.Isngs, m tctwt)«f which itt and

i. -IRpate as a'tanedy for Sraval, 5 t Bar be nftad upon wha» toed Ida patient, —and for em&r Dxorsv. WW propri-r tmtmmtml it. A* its •D. audit* trial will jrora

j'ihe Woi-fk.' Ki»»nt»li*» then iwar v meipta. (is addition to fall Md-pttrpnrs, and which ntefeea3'boo»ek cp«». 1 mak* the book of great n advcnmac nedran tbr-of which, ia the form of any he nlied DPOM. tWnptic Sfixtnre" —tba •ale in quart bottles a t $1 tfo imall bottla will be

wlof. Y..SW Main Stnet,

G. C. VAUGHN. COTT^McKESSOK A str. 1 afeaband dealei*-wita post paid, or DO attention •n SL CO., and F . T. • Jf- Son, Moira; J. t& Fulton, Hogann-itigay ; Z. Culver & ;g!vstoz t[ Co., Nieh-

J. Of. Havens. El-; - Webb & Crook, e »nd retail by Ol frfe Lane N. V. Collecting Agent


CTORV. ed and are now run-n the village of Ma-trU & Gorton. They ilete order, and have iced1 workmen ; and ic that they are pre r can be done in any

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No. m Arch &•, Phti

Tkt putter ovtr the oiovC dittotei«'« «0<« ! if eqyalUi, 69 any a titer prepare, tin tattfj 5to<e». o» <*« c»rf* atttii; ix mang ca*e» *dtit?i

fml physician* had 'faUeg, " Tbesn Biticrt are worth? tbe attentioix

litis. Fosacesinj p e a t «Jttoea. in tbe tioo of disease* of ibe Pfrei and leaser jli

; exercising ihe most searching povera in mil j aot< afllciions of di^enire organs, tbe* aw, i 1 al, safe, certain aod'p'easant, ! J READ A N f t ^ B E COSlVICED.

fFitHBtlie'Bogtoo B | e . ' ] Tbe editor said, Dec, 32d— -®* „ ., uDr. Uoofliwd's Gilebraltd Ger'mitn Bill

for tbe core of Lives Complain', Jaundice,! pepsia, Chronic or N«rvoo» Dtbi l i l j , iadunj ly o s e of tbe moat pepnlar medicinea of ihei Tbece Bitters ba*e beet, nsed $>} thouaandi,] a friend at our elbow 8*ys he baa bimseif i aneflretoai and permanent eore- of Lin

• pla'rat from ihe oae of thi» remedr. W»«e( vinced tbat, in the flaeol uiooe Bitter^'be'| eonatanii* gains ttreDgtb and vigor—» fo _ _ thy of great consideration. Tbey are pleaat^^^ taste and smell, anrf can be-uaed by per»oai» |^ the most delicate siomacna Sritb safety, andtrfi.- 'l (•ireorasUncts. -We up epesiiog fraa ei?J; | | ecce and jo tbeafflic'ed vre adiise Ihej." »W'*J|lf

•-•ScoTT'e WEEKLf," one of ibe b e a t » ^ a § ' papers published, said A o j . 85-*"-'«"-•• ^M

"DR. H o o r n s D ' s GBBU^t^Sttvees, m^ factored l>y Dr. JACKSOH, sre-now rccominea^ by some of tb6 most prommcnt mettrbefs of ^ - -

tacul'y as an article of mnch tfficacy in WWM fem a le H eakness. As sucb ia the caae, we w j g ad*iss all mothere to obtain a bottle, and Umsif themselves from sirknese. Peraonao(debun^ coDstitutiooi will fiod tbese Bitters ferfv^ptif to their health, as we know from;. e^peneOMj

[VOLUME XVE—,Nwitoa'-Il.l 2 . , u j | l . . i . -JJ- , _ I '•.'•

i i M H I W Mn II

'" tidonaud J S b p j ^ - ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ inseparaljfe."

HEATH & SEAFEB, Editors and Proprietors. iAtOSB, fBMliXiN IWWBSff'^^^ OCTOBER uTl8Sl.

Published every THUB9DAT MORNING,al Malone, Franklin County, N^w Vork.

O F F I C E , on Alain Street, opposite the Hail Road Office. '

s 'TKitsn. Psn AsNi'M—$1,25 if paid inadvoncr,— $l,7b a: tbe end of «i« months, and 2,00 if po)ment 'adeloyrd liil the cloae of the year.

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I. " 3 month., 2 00 I 4-.* " " ' J'00^ '" liu^.ne = < ca-di. noi excee3ing six lilies,S3 peran-

num.—$ifite«ix months. , . O". * Ivertisemenis should be marker the number of Weeks to be inserted—otherwise they KMbevvo-tinueril.WA.rbW, or- nt tfle option ofthe nub/ishers, and charge.* accordingly.

All arrinnti for ndvei tisinr are *:ue at the time of -tas> 5r»l inseriimi of the idvertisetnent. ,

t \ W OF N E W S P A P E R S . 1. S'lb^cftibera uhudnnol jive rxpicyp iiolire lo

the CTStriiry, a ie considered as wishing lo coniiiinc their suhscriplion«.

2 . If subscribers order the &T*'-<mt inuancr of' heir papers, tbo puM.sbers ma) coniinLc IU sei.d ihein ill! all that 15 rlne '>e pii.l

3 . l f s u b * e , i o e r s r , e t ' l , r t t i r r e f i . - * e t n i D V e t l i e i i pa­p e r s f rom t h e offiee lo w(.it'll tlit-y are d i i c r l e d , i i n )

. a r e h e l d r e s p o n s i b l e til l t h e y h a v e s e t t l e d the ir b i l l s , a n d o r d e r e d i h e i r paper d i s c o n t i n u e d .

v 4. If subscribers move ro orhet pirrces, withnot in J"orming the puhl'«hrr,and ihe paper i« sent to ihe for­mer direction, ihey ore held responsible.

5. The courts have decided ihat tefusing lo lake a .paper from the office, or removing and leaving it un­called for, is prima forii evidence of inlenlior.nl fraud.

£an>0 of $em gork.—By lntliori<y. [Every Law so published by him, (the State Erinr

ter) may be read inevidence from the paper m which it shall be^ontnined, in all Courts of Justice in this State, and in proceedings before any officer, body or board, in which it shall be thought necessnry lo refer thereto, untU three months, after tho close ofthe ses-

t sion in Tt-hich it become a law.—Sec 8, title 7, chap. 8, part 1, Revised Statutes.]

fErery Law, unless a different 6me »hall be pre­scribed therein, shall commence and take effect thro -out the State, on and not before the twentieth day after the day of its final passage, as certified by t l a Secretory ofStote. Sec 12, title 4, chap. 7, part lt Revised Statutes.] j

~* t . CHAP. 501. <. * +

A N ACT to provide tor the enlargement.9f the locks of the Oswego canal. -'

Passed July 10, 1861, "three-fifths being present "

receive, examine and decide on applications for tho benefits provided for in tbe'sneceeding sections of fbfaact. 4 J 2 . Every person who •6haH appear on due evi-

dence to have been enlisted as et mender of the first regiment of Jtyw York, volunieera as originally raised for service, and. to have been actually engag-. cd in snefj service daring any period of the cam­paign from tbe landing at Vera Cruz to the final taking of the city of Mexico, shall be entitled, oA bis application and due establishment of such proof, to receive from said commission a certificate of tbat fact duly authenticated,, and on presentation of said certificate (o tbe comptroller of this state, or to any person duly authorized by him to receive snch certificate, be shall be entitled to receive from the state the sum of twelve dollars foreacb month "hereafter, for the term of two years, and the comp­troller shall issue his warrant on (lie treasurer for the monthly payment thereof; bat no person shall receive more than thirty-six dollars at any one pay •

rr.Lt, " Y ' V . Y ' o / . J- v— v„ 1.~ 1..~...„I.Aiment. Such certificates shall not be assignable, The People of Ihe Slate of jlew York, ret-retenlea ' ,, , , , I BL i

- ' - ^ - - r nor (he moneys becoming due tnereon payable to

S « s i 11 £ 0 3 ( E a r b s

George W. Field, ^Ittorncg ani (Sounscllov at £aw.

in Senate and di>cvibly, do enact at follow* { 1 . The commissionera of the canal fund shall

IxaaCSar,' »»wer«rficle seventh, section tenth, ofthe constitution, on the credit of the stale, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars in the year 1851, and two hundred thousand dollars in the year 1852, to be applied as hereinafter directed, to the completion of the enlargement of the locks of tbe Oswego ca­nal, payable in tbe discretion ofthe commissioners at and after a period not exceeding twenty years. Certificates of stork for the above loan, in sums not less than fifty dollars sl-a.'l be issued by said commissioners of tho canal fund, in the manner provided by law. bearing an interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and which shall be disposed of al a rate not less than par for n six" per cent stock; which interest shall be paid by first applying thereto any and all prrmiums obtained or received on the disposition of said stock, and the balance of said interest, and the principal sum hereby authorized lo bo borrowed shall be paid out ofthe general fund. But tbe gen­eral fnnd shall ne reimbursed such advances with interest, out ol the canal revenues, whenever the existing constitutional charge* thereon are fully


any other person than sucb volunteer, to whom the came may-be issued? nor shall tbo same, nor_any moneys due thereon, be liable to be enjoined, at-(ached, or seized for the collection ofnoy debt ol sach volunteer, or upon any proceedings for the collection of any judgment or claim against sucb volunteers. »

} 3. The said c^rnnrtssion shall keep an accurate register of all /lertBicates which they may iasuo, with the date tnefeof, name, age, natjvity, of the person lo whom it may be issued, and shall make semi-annual returns of the same to the-comptroller of the state, to be filed in his office.

} 4 Tbe sum of iifieen thousand dollars for each year hereafter is hereby appropriated to carry out the provisions ofthe preceding sections of this act, out of the revenuos of the fiscal year commencing on the first day of October next.

$ 5. This act shall take effect immediately.

CHAP. 509.

A N ACT to amend the act entitled, "An ac( for the preservation of Washington's Head Quar­ters." passed April 10, 1850.

across the Oswego canal, at the Tillage of

Paased July 1, 1851, "Oaee^Mt Deing present." THelPeoplt of the State ofNtu\ Xorg, represented

in Senate and ulueni{ilj,do otact at follow :

{ 1 / f t h e wblboaitfarBliepelSiy amhorize^ and empowered to hear and exaoinaJMito tbe matter of the erection of eomucir of the bridge on Utica

*treer, Jn'the city o f O s w e d a s i p a h s tbe Oswego canal, and if on such ioveatiration, Ihey shall Ibe of opinion that so much of saij bridge as spans the Oswego canal should have! been built at the ex­pense of tbe State, and shalfce satisfied that such part of said bridge is conatrnted in a good and sab-stantial manner, which sbal ba' approved by the canal commissioners, and nft otherwise,—may a-ward to the parties who conjibuted to the erection of said bridge, such sum, nofcxeeeding one thous­and seven hundred dollars, is to said board shall seem equitable and just.

} 2. The treasurer is heray authorized to pay on the warrant of the auditdof the canaj depart­ment the severalsums as aforjsaid awarded, out of any moneys in the treasury [pf^ojiriated or to l e appropriated to tho © » w g * * * * ! ^ \ •

[WHOLE NUMBER::::::*^}

STernis, $1,25 per timntm, tiibv&a'.'

paid and discharged ; and after full and entire ap- ! Passed July 10, 1851, 'thrcc-§ftiis being present i plication ofthe canal revenues has been made, un j der the requirements of the constitution, to ihe / completion or the Erie canal enlargement, and of / 'he Genesee Valley and Black iiiver canals.

r'»iliiular attention 21'ven to Collection,! und Bounty I } 3. The canal board shall cause inc canal com-atATjOlYE, IV. T.

Ml th. T"

j make payment to j salutary effect tbey nave npon weak aysteinip . JOUGE M. W.. NOAH, a gaptlemap witb j A

scientific and- literary attainment", said iifj " N E W YOKE W E E K X T iiessEJiGEBs" Jann

1850- <•- " r~ ' -" D B H O O F L A U D S ! » £ • * * * BITTEES.-

is • prrparajtipn wbtctrtb? leading presses ii| Upton appear to be unanimous in recomrueDd aod tbe reason i* obvious., It ia made iff] prescription furnished by one of tbe mo»l felt ted physicians ol modern time*, the Jtttl

[ Cbrisiopher Wiifaelm H»ofiand, Professor l«| j University ol Jena, Private Poyeician tutbei ' 0/ Prussia, and ooe of tb- greatest medical I j tens Genn*ny bas ever produced. H e Wttfl ! phaticalljf the enemy of humbug, and tbe ,' medicine of which he was tlje.iuuentor^aiid ! ; doner may be confidently reliprf &ixM*f$ ! ally rreom mended it in Liver Complaint, Bjr \ sta, Debtlry, Vertigo, Acidity of: *ji»-iS!o 1 Constipatioo, and all compfainw Arising let i disordered condition of tbe stomach, tbe I'fM 1 the intestine*. Nine Philadelphia pager* eipg I their conviction oC it« ex«fte|i«M»M«J s e n n a ' tbe editors speak of its et&fct* ftofti*tb»-ir osHI

IJIHI (lairiig. of* ,-^ionnl l>u>iliyss k ' l t eh ' i n t h e hfl l ids Adunis , I'-M,., a n d .Mai>hu) I 'untint, K M ; .

•. a\ U- f o u n d w i t h lii'n .it l l v

O F K l C i : i .K .1. II. .l . \Ch><i>.". V.-,.


|)K.VLi:i(S IV

* T-ffaf B9* O O O MP S , Hats, taps, Ftirs, Tabrel'af, Parasols,

&.C., «-C.

• 32 COURTLANDT & 39 DEY S T R E E T S , [Over J, U. IlKiwoni ifc Co.]

NEW VORK. accounts with said ce against them ur requested to come

mediately. WOOL. & R O G E R S .


! mtssioners and the state engineer and diiision en ftineer, or in case of their inability, neglect or re­fusal, then any one of them shall be associated with ill": state engineer and surveyor and the division enginet r ha\ ing charge of the divisions of the ptib-l:c works whore the work is lo be let, whose duty it shall be to contra:! for the completion of ihe en­largement of the lucks of tiie Oswego canal, to the size of tbe enlarged locks 0/ the Erie canal, upon Mich terms and in suoh manner ai the canal board thai) approfo, to a« to bring thetii into use within six months after a single line of enlarged locks are brought into nso between Buffalo and Albany; and the sum of two hundred thousand dollars of the money hereby aulhorized to be borrowed, is hereby appropriated to the enlargement qf said locks, to be paid on the warrant of the auditor ofthe canal

Agents for sale of Patent Scumlcu Bags and j depnriinenr, within the next year after the passage e J • — _ . _ & I of this aci; and the further sum of two hnndred

B. K. C U I K friends and ei:.-.; T827.J

Wool. would !*e ii.iers r.t this h

Sack?. 1 happy to meet l:ia

In m.

S, AX» OTHERS, ind from the Nor-

) ample accommo-ouses. at tbe ter< tbe Northern (N.

o all intermediate

Canal boat*, run-w Boat*, on the port fre ight at o»

Stephens & Bnrkee, Prnggists, &c,

o . 1, F ie ld ' s Exrl-nf-jt*. Mj lor . r Ki Bi.kiin C o . N . V. DEALERS IN

Groceiie'. r>.»ois and SK -es. Liquois n.d Wine*, iVrfum^rj . f in C' Al iic.es, &.r.

.K."STCTIIES--. [hi t ] ITIAS. ntriur.

' C H A B L E . ^ J , R S U E I S ,

iCoinm'iBsioncr of fjigljiuajis; M i y he f .':n-l m the i FT: e

T h u r s r l n v s . Ary l»ii^iirr-s r< i h e Conim :-». i i 'n:- i . u h i ! , e |j r io t l ee o f ihe «,nne be 'e l i at

uf P i ' r r r r i c c fy Vili qn.ll i rg Kje a l* *• I ' I ri<mpl'\ n i l e t . d i d i said off. .'. x.

1 thousand dollars is also hereby appropriated to »aid o K 1 work, ar.d to be paid on !ike warrant within the

• second year after the passage of this act, and from time to time as the same may be necessary ; and

1 when ihe enlnrgrment'of the locks shall have been 1 i-outmcted tor, any surplus that may remain ovoi I anJ above the contract price of such locks, Wheth­

er appropriated by this or any o'her act, shall be j ap^hr-d tiut.'cr the diicction of tho canal board to

the eiilarernif:;'. of ihe said Oswego canal, but the ' Hoik on s.-iid 1'ai.a], shall not progress faster than • will be necrssarv to conipleio the same by the time ; ihe enlargement of the Erie canal is fully coinple-I ted from Bufisloto Albany. J { "6. Nothing in this act shall authorize the a-; bfliidoi.mcnt ol the slack water navigation between I Uswego T'alls and Lake Ontario.

Lake, and with ! d,v»<l,,*1 exppfitnce. Under tbeeecircnmsUl

17, Coenti". Slip, | I

Rt»er-at., Troy. IC. Agenta and ihe Cbamplain iportation Line.


fak,'(f round) for zle on band, and f. k H. E. K.


ie», tf Mantillas, iibbons, Feath-LARK <J. Co.

Is! idg.or b y the lisb purcbasera. d . E. KING.

pril 6th, 1850. nee of tbe Stal­led, tbat all cir-Coitnty Bank,

atptro.'Jer'a Qfr tbf* notice, or

Her for tHe re-ama Back will 773np!8i2yl ' Comptxolter.

- v feel warraoted, not only iBcaBioifWeftW of oar readers to the present proprtetort<^ M. JACJCSOS'S) preparation, bot in reeonir tbe article to all afiJicted." - , ^ • }

M O R E E V I D E N C E ' The " P H I L A B E W H I A . S*.«nn|W»*T®**«J

tbe brat family newspaper publ»Jh«Ho tM w> States, tba editor eays of - . . , . , ' .•<

D K H O O F L A l f D ' S G R B $ t & B F \ „ i ' I t ia seldom that ^e^e^Mpmcna • " ^ 1

termed Patent Medicines to , b ^ f S h ^ r

patronage of our readers; •ndjjtMrtwon

wr"*irTnot speaking of tbe noatrumi4»f &',<*»/>! are noised about for a briefpertofltttf 1trej | i , s

ten after tbey have done tbewgnlRj ras " ebieT, ta t of * medfcine Inng'esJptbfi* .. sally prized, and which has met tbe bearlfjiRj val of tbe Facahy itself." -

Evidence upon evidence,ha«i,rbeai(J (like the foregoing) from aBaectfolfirof ion, the last three years, andj^f&fi many in if favor, u, that r " " used in tbe practiceof-tbef Pbiladelphia-tban all others fact that eao easily be estat 4 „ . r - i „ . in*; that a scientific preparatiooljirill1 their qniet approval whep form. " i - — ^ * ^ f r i = ^ r ^ P

and 0/«pepsia,"n6 one can djWMjj WrajtJ direcfterf.' I t actej" *"*• and R%&hz3te&&??-; ,ag-toiAt 3d^lwS»-- tbe f M

t«a£ftaT Administered >PU&&I[F*S*3

I V . V. 3ivVI£MAR,

Caul) 0nrccror. f)lTI- — l V . . i . Will- Kl I K S i . n « T > . ; > r .

B.\?,1}ER. AND 11,-UR-DKESSER. s . o r v^iir.r. n B. :.in.LEr.*s HOTEL.

Jl \LONE. N. V.,

iaif CoparJucrbhip. 3^ rl E ua-lersipned hove jorrr.ert a Copartner

The Sn<aU

i| as Aitornejs, Sj!icuors and Cuunceitors at La

onder the Hrni of

J a c k s o n , Clnl Joca &c £3obS>e, and wilttraasactsuch business asma\ he en!rusted tr> ihem.intha several courts of this Slate rind of ihe pnited States. Thej can be found nt l heir office, rn the vilinje of Malone, ioli lyoccujiied h> Messrs. Jark-aon&Huuon. J. H.'jACKSON.


Dated Ootoher. 1. 1850-

total, nd'-cotda, jus r. H^ATH.

sefo, •' le, at HEATH'

tment, tie by H E A T H S

letts, Tweeda, j of Sumaief DSTOffiw.

M« Saathafor N. fJSK.


sh supply of :AHTU> eta-

« bottle be

pKS.maybe lofallkioda, paper, Bote,


BEWARE OP This medicine- bas atl*

wbtch w oecessary f i > | induce connterfeiters to cie at tbe risk of the IS' wiitly deceived.


The* 1**tfr.JjWffiJjgil JACKSON upott ffie *rap"**L ' Xn io ibe bottle, without ^rivutt

for*aJe,»l ioJe«le»ud^e}ajl G E R M A N MEDH

N o . 120 A R C H Street, one ( late of 2 7 8 R a e e atWi respectable &&&$§. „„ _ , country. A J r * f t r r f i l l * # : f v ^ j

J ^ o a * J85f>,and a beav



Dental Surgery, that may be required, with neutne»s,correctnef sand

dispatch. Allopeiatione wart anted to give talisfaction.

Office two doors west of the Post Office.

s. P. "BATES, Physiciart-tiiitl Surgeon.

Heetdencc firatt dwelling east of the Methodist Church. Office over L. C. Lnthrop's Store.

5 Pannelee& FitcJi, Utiiftiu^Si Qonrisdlovs $z Solifiiox-0,

MAtOSE, WBASKLin CO., H. y . Office oil Jjfain Street^ over Aodrus k Lewis's Store.

: f •*• B . P A H . ' ^ B 1 : ' E : E » E D W A H D F I T C H .

^ T J / [ » . Glanders; J ttfijjntg, jpajtox&v an^ €o»nsdlor, ~.« V fli attend toall c<lllectio .*, business entrusted to

lim.and practice in Law aod ECu"y i D 'he Supreme Dourt.

iSee on the eastside of tVcadst, nee vtbe Railroad, Malone. Franklin County, W,'Y.

[toMX,x"ijj8>« MO"TJFTL, ""'s BY

PHILIP B. MILLER. Malone, Franklin Co. N. Y.

Tbia House is pleasnnllyjjtaaiedon Main Street , a few rod* east of tbe Bridge, in the '

r ,_ most central part of tbe village.

CHAP. 5C2.

AN ACT to establish cu nnylum for idiots, and making an appro,.riunoa therefor.

i-siil July 10, 1851, "three-fifths being present." People rf the Slate of New York, rrpreicnted and Jh^rmLly do, enact at follow* :

The governor shall, by and with the advice ar.d consent of the senate, appoint five trustees, who, together with the governor, lieutenant-gov­ernor, secretary of state and comptroller, shall he tiusiees of an institution for the education of idiots, to be railed "The Asylum for Idiots," with power lo establish rules and regulations for the govern­ment of ihe asylum.

•$ 2. The said trustees shall procure a building suitable for the education of snch idiots ns may be selected by said trustees not exceeding twenty, and ihey shall have .power to employ all necessary teachers, keepers and assistants.

{ 3. The *nid number of idiots shall be Selected from those whose parents or guardians are unable to provide for their support, some of them from«ach of the judicial districts of this slate, and the trustees aro authorized to receive such additional number of idiots as can be conveniently received into the asylum on such terms, and on the payment of snch sum as tbe trustees may deem just.

} 4. The sum of six thousand dollars in each year, tor two years from and after tbe passage of this act, is- hereby appropriated out of any money* in tho treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the said asylum, aDd ihe trustees am au­thorized to draw on the comptroller from time to time, but not exceeding in any one year the sum of Bix.thousand dollars.

} 5. The truaees of this institution shall make an annual report on or before the first day of Feb­ruary in each year, to the legislature, of the condi­tion ofthe institution.

§ 4. This act shall take effect immediately.

C H A P . 503.

AN ACT in relation fd draining the Cnynga marshes.

Passed July 10, 1851, "three-fifths bejng present"

The PeopU of the State of New York,repre*enled in benatt and Atttmbly, do enact at follow

\ 1. The governor of thi§ state shall appoint three commissioners to examine the Cayuga marshes and Seneca river, and report to tbe next legislature, marshX o f d r a i n i n g a n d reclaiming tho said

} %' The state engineer and surveyor, shall cause sucb surveys and levels to be made By tfaeenei-neers in the employment of the stale, as the said1

commissioners or a majority of them shall reduire. . » - . * n e satd commissioners shall be allowed!

S n S ^ i T ' " ^ w H I n * « " " ! all rttoW ' E l t \ i ° % U T B t d ^ » f o r a t 5 m e K 0 t exceeding

< at d allowed by the comptroller, and paid-by the trea^rer.outoftbefond heretofore appropriated lo drairfing said marshes. v v v

£ 4 . TL> said commissioners shall report fo tbe next JegislauTe, within ten days after tbo COD?--rnencement of t'oe session. v • •*

( 5 . This act s.^all take effect immediately. ~

The People of the Slate of New Yorktrepreiented in Senate andJlttembly, do enact a*follow*:

} 1. The first section of "An act for ibe preser­vation of Washington's Head Quarters," passed April ten, elg-hteen hundred and fifty, is hereby a-mended so as to read as follows:

The treasurer shall pay, on tbe warrant of the comptroller, out of any moneys in ibe treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the commissioner of loans of ibe United Slates deposit fund, for the county of Orange, the amount of inoney due to such fund, which as appears from fhS last annual report of sucb commissioners, wpre loaned upon certain premises known as "Washington's Head Quarters," located in the village of Newburgh, in the sa'd county of Orange, and which, including interest and costs, now amounts to the sum of two thousand three hundred and ninety-one dollars and two cents ; and the commissioners of the land of­fice of this state are hereby/authorized, in their dis­cretion, to purchase for and on behalf of tbe people of this state, all those several lots, pieces, or par­cels of land formerly attached to and a past of "Washington's Head Quarters," in the village of Newburgh, Orange county, bounded and described as follows, viz : beginning at the north-east corner of Liberty and Washington streets, in said village of Newburgh, and runnidg thence castwardly along the south aide of Washingtonstreetscyen/umdred

Liberty street two hundred /eel, thence westward-ly ana parallel with Washington street seven hun­dred and twelve feet to Liberty street, thence north­erly along the east side of Liberty street to the place of heginning, excepting such parts thereof as now belong to the people ol this slate, at a sum not ex­ceeding six thousand dollars; and the treasurer shall pay, on the warrant of the comptroller, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appro­priated, to the owner or owners of said lots and premises, the price, which the, said .commissioners of tbo land ofiice shall agree to pay for the same, upon tho execution and delivery of good and suffi­cient deed or deeds of conveyance, therefor vesting the title of said premises in the people of this slate; and the sum of six thousand dollars is hereby ap­propriated out of any money in tho treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be applied to tbe purchase of said lots.

{ 2. The commissary general may, in his dis­cretion, deposit such articles or relics of ibe revo­lutionary war, belonging to this slate, as in his o-pinion are suitable to be deposited, for safe keeping at said bead quarters. •

} 3 . Tbia act shall lake effect immediately.

CHAP. 351.

AN ACT further to provide for Ihe maintainance of the canals for tbe fiscal year, endiocr Septem­

b e r 30 ,1851 . .

Paused July I, ie5i, "three-fifths being present."

tn%l£?$tS0£tk'?l'Ue "•fAev *ork repre.enlcd <B Senate and A w n ^ y do enact at follow, ;

j 1. The sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as shall be required ia hereby appropriated out of the revenues of the state canals to supply any deficiency of the appropriation made by chapter three hundred and seventy-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty, to pay the expenses of collection of tolls, superintendence and ordinary repairs of the public works, for the fiscal year ending September thirty, oigbteen hnndred and fifty-one.

OS f'i»wraUb uyrnur,

aadf«».ai« HBATH. '

M., -eaiatkegtfte.ca

It tyos wuk to get aruJ Paaef Efoofca,

Istorsxrf' L&stSej

• RAIL ROAD SALOON, 4* »6*&!.*<*•;?8»pectful l , 8 n n o Q n o e l o t h e , n .

1, X . hac:!«nt80f MtKbne «n*Ytcinitv,tbatthev have ( b o o e d a VEVf SALOON to the- * ' l n a t l o e J have

' Basement Of A. H. Miller's Hotel, .apotUw tbo Railroad Office, wbere they will !«•„„ instantly on haad >Hot Coffee and Tea, Piet, Cake* . tread. Cold Ham, ttc. tie. '

Alto .'large, and well assorted lot of

G R O C E R I E S ,

Pnaw Vtrnrra Aivn TUVAT v L Tho mayor of tn^iatjs o f K a w Jforks-tor, p» ^ i P ,*%? M A L et,beT,wi,h t w o nwmbera of «K> Cpwmpfl mmll

Mac. FcbF° r7b ?SiPf°r e"H- ;of Mid ci,K ^W*:idMffi&4*

' I common council, shall constitute a commission to

CHA*.fi08. .

A N ACT for the relief of tliesarvivors.of the first regiment of N e w York Trolunteera, ,Hfho served in the war with Mexico.'

Poesed July 10,1851, »*y » t ^ o i t S b ^ y o i e ^ ,„ £ * ' Pf°Pu °fae8ijteoyJrevZer*,ripr$tented •« senate and Jittmhlg, da e»aet atfotlowf. ".

CHAP. 332.

AN ACT to provide for the settlement and adjust­ment in part of an award in favor of- Horace Hotcbkissand William P. Smiihjrgaihst Alfred H. Booth, agent pf tbe Sing-Sing prison.

Passed July 1, lksi, "three-fiftha being present" The fropltoJlhiSlaleofJSeio York, rrpretenled

in benate and jStxembly, do enact at follow* :r

}J . Tbe treasurer shall pay, on the warrant of thei comptroller,,to Abijaij Fitch, Thomas M. Hunt, and Henry H. Cooley, the anm of six tbonsaud eight hnndred and forty-three dollars and filly-six cents, with interest thereon from' tfie Iweity-seV I enth day qf April, one thousand oigbthundred and hfty, till this act {abea efleeiy bein£ an a#ard for damages madeby William H. Adams, Charles par* dee, and Abraham; Bockee, in favor of Horace Hotchkisaand William P . Sawh against Alfred R. Booth, agent of thetSing-Sing prisioDiafte^ednc-i ingtbe sum,of six thouafnf th'rt^ fiundrTed and twenty-seven dollars and seven 6eSls, claimed by Ihe said agent as due from the said JJotcbkissand1

Sraltbiatthe^imeoffhe Cward^atfdfrovididlhat;

atfd Codley sliall #alijm>to 0 i » 6 t # n ^ r , a M c a s i ^ a i % t ¥ e t o S B p f e l o l artddischarga.froni-ao'mBcb o f aafdawaW, Wlf * - • • - > - . . the -corlificate endowed thereon of the Altoi

CHAP. $*• AN ACT to arngatl an acentitled "iAn act anT

thorizing the ffll^poratif) of Rural Cementery Associaiions," passed Aril twenty-seventh, one thouHsand eight hundretllnd forty-seven.

'Passed.July 1,1951. The pebple ofthe Stale- ofVew Yorlcrcpretentid in

Senate and J,sembty, dofnact at fqlXovt :

} 1. The fifth section oAhe act entitled "An act authorizing the incprporaBti of rural cementry as­sociations," passed April kventy-seveo, on» tho as-and eight hundred and My-seven, is hereby amen­ded by striking out the wTrd " four" and inserting " two," in the eleventh l ie of said section, so that hereafter any person owiing two hundred square feet ol land in any cemetiysassociation shall be en­titled to vote for the electon ofthe trustees of said association.

} 2. Nothing containid in this act shall affect any rural cemetery association, which pball have been organized under tit act beroby amended be­fore this act shall take effect..

} 3. This act shall tale effect immediately.

CILW. 44ft-An act to authorize the Superintendent of Common

Schools to purchase Wfbster'e Unabridged Diction­ary for tho common sthuol districts of this state.

Passed July 0, 1851, The People ofthe stafc of New Vork, represented

in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § I. The .State Superintendent of common schools

»bujl cause notice to be given by circular to one or* more of the trustees ofthe several school districts of

this state, on or before the first day of December next, which circular shall state the terms and the fund out of which the same is to be paid, that Web­ster's unabridged dictionary will be purchased by him for each ofthe school districts in this state enti­tled to participate in the distribution of public mon­eys for the supjiort of common schools, provided such district sliall notify the town superintent of common schools of their respective towns in writing to be signed by a majority ofthe trustees of any di* •Met,, that said) dictionary is wanted by the district giving such notice; such notice to be delivered to such town superintendent before"the first day of Jnni-uary next.

§ 2. The town suderintendent of common schools in each of the towns of this state, shall, on or before the 15fh day of January next, make out and deliver to the county clerk, a complete, list of nil the school! districts hi imar several vu^ta^saaaia'vao ntnmnSr1

of such districts, and sluilj annex to the number of each desiring to purchase Webster's unabridged dic­tionary, and shall file a copy of such list in the ofiice the town clerk of their respective towns, on or before ^he fifteenth day of January next.

2 The county clerk of each of the several coun­ties of this state, shall transmit such lists on or before the first day of Febjrunry next, to the state superin­tendent of common schools.

§ 4. The state superintendent of oommop schools is authorized to purchase of the publishers of Web­ster's quarto unabridged dictionary, sucb number of said work ns shall be sufficient to supply all the said school districts in the state, "which shall be found re­ported upon such lists as desire to purchase the same —sucji dictionaries shall be the latest edition of Web­ster's "quarto unabridged dictionary, printed on supe­rior paper, Well bound in leather, "and in all respects perfect, the price to be paid shall not exceed four dpl-lars per vol ume; and,shall be paid frvr out of the pub­lic moneys which shall be apportioned to the several school districts of the state, for which the same shall be purchased, one-half thereof in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and one half thereof in the year eighteen hundred and fifty three, and the con­tract for such purchase of the said publishers Bball provide forisuch terms of payu-fent, and the number of dictionaries so purchasea, shall be delivered to the state superintendent of common schools before the first day of April, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and shall be by him delivered to the town superin­tendent of common schools of the respective towns, before tbe first day of Miy, eighteen hundred and

2-two. 5. The said towju superintendent shall deliver dictionary to the tr-ostecs of each ofthe said sev­

eral districts in their respective towns for which they* shall be purchased os soon thereafter as shall be prac­ticable, and shall retain in his hands the sum of two dollars out of the libray moneys apportioned to 6uch district in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three, as .hall be suffacient to pay tho balance of the pur­chase price of such dictionary, not exceeding the sura of twO dollars, and/shall deposite the same immedi­ately thercriter -with the treasurer of their respective counties, and take/a receipt for the same and deliver such receipt to the county clerk of their respective counties, to be forwarded by such county clerk to the state superintendent of common schools.

§ 6. Tbe moneys so deposited with the treasurers ofthe respective counties, shall bo subject to the or­der of the state superintendent of common schools, and shall be-by him received and paid to the publish­ers of said dfctionarysapon his contract for the same.

§ 7. Such dietio!nary,ahall Jbe kept in the libray of

' ' C H A P . 3 2 2 .

An Act to provide for the publication of the General l^aw-sintforco m relation to tho care and mainte-naaee of the poor. Ptosed June 30, 1861

inLa^t'A "J'** f?*,* Nm T0Tk' "preterUed tn senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

!„ I1^*1?.0 fe ,creta»y of state is required to publish ni pamphlet form, two thousand copies of all the

S a ? ? k W f ° f -thi8 a t a t e ' n o w i n fo™-. rebUng to

eoT&y be S a t * " * " "^ "* ^ ^ C a U rea" wh§ennubl?h^ P'T ° f *B d , a w s i n J*nipMei form, tbo secret , i r 7 « * " « « . *«"» beftransmitted by nrltnT * ° f ?***?• W i t h t h o S e s s i o n Laws of the present session, to the several coun y clerks of the

c T u K f T w v T t h i S 8 t , U e ' ™ * P ' ^ - i t y and one cLv-to L -T " mS-V , w "«^^«ry to furnish one copy to the said county clerk, and to each of the superintendents and overseers of the poor and of the p p o r W e s m the said several count, , , tmd the res" due of such copies shall remain i„ tho «ecretary'8 „f. fice ta-be distributed by him to ,uch officers having Uie charge or superintondencu of the poor, aT S

Tn ^ t0 t m i e b e r eq ujred ' JZ^Z",CCniary of state alu.ll


not pay for pub-/j*«"S •"•rfUl lovrsT/nn , ,• u *""" n o t W f o r P"^ f^%u*nuty

arT*'??h'S]>" r ^ . in proporti.m to than shall be paid for tEe p'uTiIioiVT'.liU 0T lift'C'es'sn'ii Laws ojfthe present session.

C H A P . 334. An Act to further amend the net entitled "An act

for the relief of Leah Morris," pawed May twenty-first, eighteen hundred and tl/rty six.

_ , _ Pawed June 30, 1851. The rcople ofthe State of New- York, represented

in Senate and Assembly, do enact as foliates .-§ 1. All and every sale to be made, under the pro­

visions of the act entitled an act for the relief of Leah Morris, passed May twenty-first, eighteen hundred and thirty-six and the act amendatory, thereof, pass­ed February first, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, shall be either public or private, as shall be directed by one of the justices of the supreme court; and af­ter the same shall be confirmed by such justice, but not untd such con6rmation, a conveyance shall be executed to tbe purcliaser or purchasers; which con­veyance shall convey to the purchaser or purchasers all the estate, right, title and interest which the said Simon Bergen had at the time of his death in and to the lands and premises mentioned and described in said act hereby amended ; and the*aid executors and trustees shall give sucb security for the faithful per­formance of their duties in relation to such sale or sales so to be male, as sliall be required by such justice of the supreme court, and such justice shall-possess all the powers conferred on the court of chancery, in "and by the acts above referred to aud hereby amended.

g i. Thi* act shall take effect immediately.

C H A P . 426.

An Act to amend the act entitled "An act to e -tabtifh free schools throughout the utate."

t Passed July 9, 1851. The <People of the State of New Vork, represented

in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: g 1. The act entitled an act to establish free

schools throughout tbe state, passed April 12th, 185,1, shall not be so construed as to prevent or pro­hibit the distribution and application of library mo­ney in the manner heretofore prescribed by law.

{j 2. Nothing in this act contained shall be so con­strued as to require the board of supervisors of each County to raise a sum of money for library purposes equal to the sum which it will receive from tho state.

Jj 3. This act shall take effect immediately.


Tbe Spirits in Heaven. JOKDIT ADDBESSED T O ' M T I>EAIi ACKT.

0, let^no weep, my heart is.breaking, Tears may grant s slight relief; Deatli, my fondest treasures taking, Shades my hopes with deepest grioJT.

O, how long the day light lingers, O, how long night's shadows Slav ; Come, my darlings, with your nugors, Haste to wipe my "tears away.

?>*o—mr little birds can never Neftle in my bosom more; They have flown away for ever, -All those happy days are o'er.

Oft I see them, sadly, eleurlv. Beautiful in death arrayed ; "Snowdrops," twiuinrj tor.nd them dearly

Yet I know, my heart-fcJt sadness, Is their sure, eternal joy ; Now their bright brows beam with gladness, .Nought to shadow, nought alloy.

Tnou in truth, in love, hath spoken, All my murmurs do forghe; Though my heart if almost broken, Love me Lord., and let mc live.

l ive to praise Thee, Father, tender, Ljvo to pray for THOSE I Lyi E; These afflictions, mercie* render, And oi'Rsure salvation prove*

And when life is'fain ting, weary, When stern Death, his signal's given, Ijjiae my darlings, "Katy, Carrie," Meet me, at the gate of Heaven.


Chatoaugay, Oct. 1S50. ! • Ill W ^ l • • •M1_J1^I I II _J

From Arthur's Home Gazette.

Peter Mulrooney and the Cow. BT 8TLVASUS UBBAS, THE TOUNOER.

.General, that he hath examined lhi« same, and evidence haih been ptM^ibM&tifm'<& of said JBi^rBaim&^hs^mmMihUm metii'ai&tija*.beja^gal$e4^^

discharge ia atAph^mtSk^mfdi ?fie pn; intended, and Bballpr^nce evidence aa l i s ' - '

iBorfty to receive the. same, and t o 'exec^ta! such'

Hotchki.»a_nd Mmltli, or tlieir artigritaa, to any ba!-,' " a n e e ^ o f s b e f f a ^ & i ^ or final determlnan'on-botweeflilw-psrtto shall ter feritf#Mf'41|fc ••••" -V-.4-:./:- *- ; tf/;--.'*£F'"'

{ 3 . TrnW^t»b.U^k*ejr<«t;tomad.*ately. '

-AN AGTtoauffiOTia»^eC«9alLBo|!^towaJ^ : equitable Settlement for fflFmwr'-"Trssrr

the librarians of the seveEal^chow districts of tins state, during the timeiEere^SirBe no school taught in said district, and subject toitha same roles that are applicable to other books in 'eucli district libraries, and during the time a school shall ba taught therein, the said; dictionary aboil be under the control of tho teacher for the time being; and be kept and used in said school,

CHAP, 472.' . •AJa.Act to amend article first, title three, chapter

seven, part three Of the Uc-vised Statutes, enti­tled, of taking .conditionally, the testimony o| 'witnesses within this-state.

. . . "? . " . . ."!»'• •» V.'.Kaaaed July^O.^Sl / The People of Ae^(*of^eVTor^^epre !ented:

m f i e n a t ^ a i d A s i e t n b l y i ^ ^ ^ f c W & n ^ - • .'j S ^ S e c t t o t f i h r e e o f a ^ f o f e ^ i « ^ t l » * | ^ j p ' fier seven* ptxtk * l t r « e . ^ J m ' m ^ t . StatMeats

% a j % t ¥ e ^ o « ( M o l ^ n ^ i^r>ea*tiAfiedthitth.cirauin^ir;^^

• U c b o i B ^ f a a d attend ^^eXatnination of. anon witn«-a*iJ«eJ»<%ifo$&«gfa&?!WFW ihcreiq *eei i | iv l i i t t ieaiBne - . a b M j i e # « M e 9 4 ^ ^ d a i « i frow t b e . ^ f p f a u o l i ^ ^ i p « i ^ W U « b e a* JHU<* «|BMr1eV*aS;8to e x k w ^ ^ b e ^ ^ . n ^ r e q u u ^ a n d ^ r e s i a % c i o ? ^ j f a A ^ ^ J ^ # > n ^

S?i^SSsi*3a^M!t : i s*SS®^»lS15 to attend. aii<sn.«x»aaina«oo,*

'UiMtpm tfrUmii& irb>j»ah

i m * a d -Isij^-oroiB^snall dfreet^te ^ ^ / ^ a ^ s a r ^ r ^ ' I b S ^ ' ^ t ^ R tfcje $&r<im

EWft-a^-iBflteirraWl' J^-£*m'nm Jproof wt-thed l i*

irWakatf*^^ify«ad fil«4t« »«^»raadTrr&tlj*Mre^fc«t**

»iudf«of*eotirt ,

C H A P . 4 4 4 .

An Act ia rebition to courts of sessions. Passed July 9, 1851. •

Tbe People of the State of New Vork, reprcseutetl in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§1 . Courts of sessions except iu the city and county of New Vork, shall be held in tbe respective counties at such times as the county judge of the county shall by order designate. And the county judge shall in such order designate at which terms of the sessions a grand or petit jury or both, er nei­ther, shall be required to attcud ; and no grand jury or petit jury shall be required to be drawn, or sum­moned to attend aay term of tbe court of sessions which shall be designated by the county judge to be held without such jury ; sucb order shall be pub­lished in a newspaper printed in such county, for four successive weeks previous to the time of hold bag the first term of said court wider such order.

C H A P . 4 5 5 .

An. Act to exteud the "act in relation to suits by and against joint stock companies and associa­tions," to companies having a joint or common in­terest in property. Passed July 9, 1851.

. The People of tho Stato of New Vork, represented in Senate and Assembly, do .enact as follows :

§ 1. Tbe act entitled " An act in relation to suits by and against joint stock companies and associa­tions," passed April seventh, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, is hereby, extended to any. cpmpany or association, composed of not less than seven persons who are owners of or liave an interest in any property, right of action, or demand, jointly or in'common, or jyjho may be liable to any action on account of suefi ownership or interest; and the" sijiits and proceedings authorized by tbe said act may be brought and maintained in tho manner therein provided, as well for any cause of action heretofore existing as for any that may hereafter accrue.

§ Z. This act shall take effect immediately.

C H A P . 460 .

An Aet to amend the Revised Statutes in relation to summary proceedings to recover the possession of land. " Passed July 9, 1831. The People of the State of New ¥6rk, represented

in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows.: § 1. Section thirty, of title ten, chapter eight,

part thirty, of the Revised Statutes, is hereby a-mended so as to read as follows:

^80. Oa reeei ving such affidavit, snch officer shall isikie bisBummons, describing the premises of which, thlo possession is claimed, and requiring any person in I the possession'of said premises, or claiming the nnksesaton thereof, "forthwith to remove from the _ „e, or to show causo. before tbe said magistratei vijthm such time as shall appear reasonable, not less tbia three nor more than five days, why possession ofjsaid premises should not bo delivered to such ap-ph'Banfc J. |pro,vided, however, that i n tbe coses where a* person! eoniiiuifis ia-possesslon of the demised prer

lesTafter'tbe exoiratiori ef bis ferm,,without per* 'oaof bis landlord, the magistrate may direct

soon summons to be mode returnable on the same

StdteMf JfrmYariff ~>i&*»?:'*«nipared die'precodj > <.Wfifet4ryt*@mc':* ,i'nB wiili ihe original law» on

filajjl* Ibis offioe*. and do certify ihnt the same nir cJ,!W»c«pi»'herefrom and ofthe whole of tbei

iDHEISTOPHEA*-ffidfeft& ''*'•* a* Secretary of SttUe.

~! P." .';

jHJKrJbcss'nv in* SEA^^Th>.tandoi» Shipping Ga-'jetfe has tliis paragriipn, in'uie courseW mi article opoi.^he f3iu^o£AnU*iea:; _,, *"'"«'' febafO fe"4p«»!^H^|tt eider upon «iiy

que. iioa o l ^ t j t e d j^mii^nffsM&ibkooTd;

Ibngi be 4eded to America. It* peircvOTngrenter-p^i iV^emmf&KoAIt*a*aui„g weaKlt, arecsrt«a«»s«uTelBi«jpTi»; nor will Enghmd>* in » • itoatiott to dispute i t with her. TVithom) tb»~ ewwi IU* <a^£t*I t o «*• pw«f» *^» onward mardi^f thetitoiteaSbitojio -what we believe the pverwhelm-

•n\ 111 * £ i j - . MH^ mvttminlAJk* A * t l i A A * A a t M **»iM«t* « _ ed; not i m « w * «» »»*?«*« o f *h* «^"»« ^ ^ °-y e ^^t l i ee 'VjM»^ y o r i a - ' '"> - - t

if jW arar'aapect to get lieh in doing nntunaai, » a t « ( ^ « a t T ta ie the paper*. * - '

noipfba pooV- ottma)1 irattt jBjeunrirttf*,

\ I cannot now recollect what it was thr.l in-! ducod me, after tbe nfi'air of the carriage, to

send Peter Mulrooney to market with n t o w for sale. Certainly" I had received warnings

.' enough to put me on my guard, for, it was only a week previous, that I had said to him,.

. 'Peter, I want you to taJtQ a barrel of plas­ter into the lower corn field, and sprinkle a little round, every hill of corn. Bo careful not to miss any.'

'Is it morthar plaster, yaV honor manes? Where will I be afther finding it?': ' ' N o ! Plaster of Paris. You will find sev­eral barrels of it in the barn.' ' 'Bedad; but that's sthrango a n y w a y . Is them Plaster o' Parish ? Och ! sure I thought them was whate flour.'

'Flour! What , so heavy as that l ' 'Ayeji!' said Peter. ' T i s AmerikVs a

dhroll counthry. And what 'ud I know but tbe flour 'ud be heavy, where the rivers is as broad as saas in the ould counthry, and the purly birds has got paint on their wings.'

'Well , never mind ; take a barrel of plaster and sprinkle a little round each hill o f corn.' N o w don't let me have any mistakes; I will bo down to see how you are coming on, as soon as I can possibly leave.here.'. . .

'What 'ud yerhonor be doin' that for. Sure it's aisy work any how! '

'True, but you make terrible blunders. Pe­ter, sometimes.'

'Is it tbe carrigeyo mane ?' said Peter, with a droll look out of the corner of his eye .— 'Faix, it wes y e r honor fould me to do that samo.'

' W h a t ! grease the carriage ail over? Of course, I meant the axles, nothing else.'

'Arrah!' said Peter. 'Is it the likes o' rue to conthradict a raitl gintleman ? But, sore ve niver said a blissed word about the ax l e s ; and what 'ud I be good for if 1 didn't obey me ordtbers Y

Half an honr after this, Peter came to mu and told me he had completed his work.

'What, already?" said I. 'You surely can­not have sprinkled the whole of three bushels of plaster in this short time.'. .

'Oh, begorra! may be I doesn't be work-ing hard all that same time.' t

'It is impossible you can have done as I or­dered y o u ; for it would have taken any of the other hands nearly half a day.'

'Them's naygurs. the haytbens!' responded Peter, with a look of contempt

Still I w a s not satisfied; so I walked over to the field, and found the condition of th.iugs to be just exactly what I feared. Instead o f sprinkling about a gill o f plaster around each, hill, Peter had applied from a quart to half a gallon, so that a quantity of plaster sufficient to have dressed four acres, was expended ap. on a plot of ground not much bigger than a city garden. O f p o u r s e l g o t no corn.

Whaiever possessed me: after this to entrust him with the sale of a c o w , 1 do'not recollect. I did so , however, and this was the result;

H e liad started with, the c o w berore day, and should have returned, with ordinary dili­g e n c e , by two o'clock in the afternoon; but i t w a s not until several hours after that time that11' became sei lously uneasy. H o w a s u-stjairy /lcJiye enough, t o o ; but I thought ft probable, in g'oiug to town,' ho tnfght have mat,with ^ome ofh ig countrymen, a n d in that \vay4ifeen detained. ^

• A T length—ft w a s to\yar<ls sunsot—some on*'cried J6ut thaj the strawberry c o w w a s

'It's dead I am a most,' said Peter evaaive-

ferL '?.hr i W i r r a ! W i r r a ! - W h a t l t l d o ? Wbat'llldof ^ < 'This passes all patience^ Mulrooney! I

must and I will k n o w what has happened to­day.' i

•Musha, thin, it's the City people can tel! well enough; an' that's no lie.'

'Have you Leon to market?'

'Bedad, sir, tho butcher men, and tnie mild women With tables, and the petaty men, and the counthry people wid white shates over their carts, and the childher, and Ihe naygurs, ailid the consthables, will bo telling ve. Tbe-coV, bad luck to her, and I have be'en tin the market, this blissed day, and through the mar­ket, and over the market, and the divii knows where else, for sorra bit I-knew.' '

'f.°. •>7'u ' I , i , v o h e e n ^ trouble h a v o y o n f W eJl it is no more than f might have expected.' - J J e e d , sir, an' that's no lit? ! Tbronble !

Oh, buTff j W d seen the couthrariest c o w in -; the mnvarsaWorld , she couldn't bate the fit- *

- t . , ' t I x ^ , - . . . - Tl 'You must haveNVighlened ber tl;ejv for

she is commonly as gentle as a lan i l^ , ' -^ .. r

'Frightened her! ,1s it I that ' o^x ie -so mane es to frighten a cow, and I a dhryving. her all tli« time? - O h , begorra! its sho that has been gjviti! me the flight tho day, anyhow, an' that's no lie.' ,. .•*

' W e l l ! - You took her to the market you say. What happened then V

' 'Tis atiasv 1 am to tell yer honor.' ' G o o n ! ' saiJ I, impatiently. • > 'Musha, thin, the baste wint well enough

ontil it was among the strates we g o t ; and thin, she tuk on as many conlhi-ary ways a s a four year ould pig First it's one stratffshe-would g o up, and thin it's another etrate she would go down ; ar.d nist, "widout sayjn' 'By yer lave. Pettier,' slio walks in at the dure, of a baiter's hhop ; an' whin we-whacked her out o' that, bedad! but aff gallops me lady,

I and I afther her, ontil me breath was gone , • iulirely, an' I couldn't spake at all. 'Whoo ! i whoof!'. says I ; mind thebasU).' Tear-an-i ages, mind the basto ! Oh, wirra ! wirra!— ! look at the gossoon; it'3 over liiin she'll be !'

Bot, sure, she did a goiyi thing that time, any" way ; for she tuk the boy on her horns, an' tassed him on the paveitiint as tiuderiy as if it was one of her own cbildber. Thin she tbrotted aff agin through a wureld of strate?.. an' I afther her as fast as me legs 'ud carry-mo. 'S top! stop!' says I, but sorra bit tha wild divil 'ud stop a,t all.. A n d whin the peo­ple th rawed up their *rums at her, the saucy baste put down her bonis at thim. It's mighty. little they did to stop her thin ; an' that's n o lie! 'Twas the boys that 'ud ba howlin' too ;« and the tnin shoutiu', and the purty wimmeu rntinin' about like a flock of frightened parjth-ridges; and so, by and by, 'twas to tho mar­ket we got. ' N o w , me lady,' says I, 'bggpr-ra, but we'll see who's tbe masthej -;' so 1 run up bcldnt the baste, and saized hould of her tail, and twisted it round m,o hand. Och, mur-tber! but sbe wint fastb'erthan iver, draggfti' mo along wid her; plungin' through the big crowd, knockin' down the bacon, and tassing up the granes; treadin' over hapes of turnip* aud j>etatys ; an' Ihe people shouted, an' the wimmin screeched; an' the botcher men an* the counthry men tearin' an' swearin'. Ayeb ! sure there niver was heerd such a hullaballoo before! F a i x ! but the baste wasn't contiut wid the throubleshe was givin',_i>ut she must nixt be afther smashin' baskets of-^-'

Here Peter stopped Suddenly, and! thrust­ing, s lowly, his hand into the Docket of h is coat, fumbled about for a little while, and then produced a greasy, crumpled piece o f paper,, which he handed to nje. It read as follows j

'Mr. Silvaynus Urbin / 'To Betsy Hodges,

'For 25 duzzen eggs smashed by yure cow, at 16 cents, ' §4 00.'

' W h o gave y o u this ?' said I. 'Sure, sir, it was the Magiather.' 'Magistrate! What magistrate V 'Sorra one o' me knows , barrin he.

cent man, an'his name's Maguire. it's the onlucky baste she is.'

'MuJrooney,, said I, 'I will pay this billJn , the morning; but I think I sliall not want yon any more, after your month is up.'

.'.Good luck to yer honor!' replied Peter.— 'Sure, it's the raal gintlemon y e are. 'Tis sorry I nm to part wid y e , an' that's no lie. Whin I lave, will I be throubling y e , if 1 ax

for a charachter V

t e ^ H n ^ . ^ ; t ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ 8 . ^ ^ n r t l , e o v 0 f ^ , Willi i t i a ^ n w t dWst^ntiFliEroereyes looking n f rctf, ,a«d Jiogry, J»| lfsfce bad | u s H s c a p ^ a being bafto,srl>y a irrowcP of d o g s . I Had tlif poor iWsmm\an£c%diw,a turned iotb-the

a-rd,"*M >w nMgmmtfcmterimi ferjalong t i m e ^ M f t h | > 'was teiJteseert^-" After a «&?% fto«fi«|r»'l mf Mm poiaing slotvly^ bb I n o S n l s f WtVira'¥at'ariitivn o y e r 4

his e 0 ^ : W M t ^ e l a » m B back j » d preaently,! couiaiiearljiiO argEui^nd groan-ing , *»Tf in the" greatest distress imaginable.

'What i s - i b e meaning-of all this?' said,! . •wltaton em^th'h&vtijy<ia'ma doing to 4he «Sovrt*


Harriet Jan*.


wlrwt! WM Villi idol Vm nmrttifred I'mkilbonthireiyi O^bonei O'cbone! T i s tho baste tii*t> been doin' tbe bad tiling. p » d

c«at«.#i«#ayNm'M. m, >

all. f m > t ^ f M&t <?««»« tbw «rw *o> 4N|, V*S& *a M a i l % l Bwnghl hm» in wen* w»#^M coWoW J0»itfa» ncm^mfyf

a da-> c h ! b o t

W H A T IS DrsT ?—Old Dr.'Co'oper,'ofSouth Cifrolina, used to say lo his students, 'Don't be afraid of aJittle dirt,fyoung gent lemen.— What is dirt? W h y nothing at all offensive, when chemically viewed. Rub a little alkili upon tbat "dirty grease-spot," on -yonr coat , and it undergoes a chemical change and be­comes s.iap. N o w rub it with a little water, ;

and it disappears; it is neither grease, soap, water nor dirt.' That i s not a Sery oderous i pile of dirt, you observe there. Well , scat­ter a little gypsum over it and it' is no,-longer j-j dirt, E v w y t b i n g you call dirt, is worthy your > noticeVas students o f chemistry. A n a l y z e i t f It will ail-separate into very clean e le t tp l t s .

•Dir» makes corn, corn makes bre^f'and. , meat,*aud that makes.a very sweet y o u n g la­dy that I s a w one. o f y o u kissing last .night, S o after all yod were k i s s i i g n%t—flarticnTarV ly it she whitens hoi-skin withekalk or fuller*a ea«B.5 ; T h e r e i s n o tol l iug.yonngrgentlejaea

jwhat lsdirt . .'ilhougb^ljajBstsayiiba_^aebia^, Isacjh. stuff on the..bea.B|tIf/uI.fitce.of ^yo;naa, ll,ady* is a djrty practice. ,**.xearl powder, I •hiifk is m'ado otWDiuMt—u^tfimg Bfitdiri?

••i- TOE GOO»''StasisCo^Ese.TrrptBene IsLV-i

to g o b o t wldi Joa;So tba party this evening;, ihy pantafijoas are torn,-,-.' ^** f.l . ^ ' '*.' A^ns^adi-rnietr^^d; my.i^piMn, a Jjmjttfi&ine-- . . : - « , } ^ .., j ..^,.(^A:^P

dasairoeres which y o u iBcej j seJH^JIe / i lB lI^s

hJay^rimoluelpa:!*1. .:„ -' r ._ x Husband (meeily)'—Whatever yon aay,

love. , - <, , - Seen* 3a.i-»Wifa^Wfca^t« yon gpino;.to, do witn-those black "panta oiyoans^ , .


"- Pi


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' I a . i t w h a t h a v e l l ^ e n d o i n ' f Och w i f f a l ' _ , *• ~^~- t ry**w

y ^ » W r « l o ^ a i ^ f e this rtiAagrl' *-

<W i«u3 ln..witb *II;

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