QXCI Test Matrix Listings - Imune A… · CONNECTIVE TISSUE, sarcode of connective tissue IDs fault...

QXCI Test Matrix Listings Diseases Alphabetical Jan 2001 BioEnergy Partnership Supporting Quantum Users Available from USA/Canada Dr D Higgins Tel 001 818 707 7397 (CA) Europe Dr J Kelsey Tel/Fax 0044 (0) 121 705 1979 (UK) Email [email protected] Email: [email protected] © Dr. J. Kelsey BioEnergy Partnership Page 1 of 36

Transcript of QXCI Test Matrix Listings - Imune A… · CONNECTIVE TISSUE, sarcode of connective tissue IDs fault...

Page 1: QXCI Test Matrix Listings - Imune A… · CONNECTIVE TISSUE, sarcode of connective tissue IDs fault ; Connective tissue . Connective Tissue ; 2764 . CORONARY ISCHEMIA, ... QXCI Test

QXCI Test Matrix Listings Diseases Alphabetical Jan 2001

BioEnergy Partnership Supporting Quantum Users Available from USA/Canada Dr D Higgins Tel 001 818 707 7397 (CA) Europe Dr J Kelsey Tel/Fax 0044 (0) 121 705 1979 (UK)

Email [email protected] Email: [email protected]

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Item No. Test Table Report & RISK AREA Description Category

1 Category2 Category3


2934 Abscess, infectious microbial pocket of pus and endotoxins,can be in teeth,bones,muscles,intersita@

Dental Abcess

2811 ACROPARESTHESIA Numbness and tingling in arms or legs

Nerval Acroparesthesia

1768 ADDISONS DIS adrenalcortical hypofunction,infection destroys the adrenalcortex,skin darkens fatiqu

Hormonal Addiisons disease

1779 ADRENOMA enlargement of adrenal glands could be cancerous, hands often warm when nervous

Hormonal Adrenomia

2817 ALZHEIMERS, memory and cognitive skills eroding, risk or prescence of disease

Nerval Alzheimers

1773 ALZHEIMER'S DIS presenile dis of atrophy of frontal &occipital lobes,mostly women 40-60,ch iatrogen

Mental Alzhemeirs

1776 AMENORRHEA ( NO MENSES), usually from emotional rejection of femaleness or hormone dis,(

Hormonal Amenhoria

4053 Ameobic dysentary Narayani Om Ayurvedic formula designed for duplication on the QXCI

Remedy Amoebic dysentry

2822 ANEMIA, can cause fatique,paleness,ridges on nails,poor skin,hair&oxygenation

Blood Anemia

1770 ANEURISM blood vessel distension can be covert, treat with circulation



2825 ANGINA chest pain from cardiac insufficiency Circulation


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1763 ANTHRAX bacteria from animal contact, can produce lung lymph and connective tissue disease, clear@


1771 ARTHRITIS disease of joints can be rheumatoid(infectious inflamatory) or osteo (dry socket) type

Bone Arthritis

2833 ORGAN ATROPHY Nonspecific organ degeneration

Degenertaion non specific Atrophy organ

2774 AUTISTIC this imponderable homeopathic reacts from excess or supression



2029 OSTEOPOROSIS, weakness in bone from lack of calcium development

Structure B

1384 BANTI"S DISEASE congestive splenomegaly,portal hypertension,block in portal,splenic,or Liver veins


Bantis disease




1795 BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE a multitude of causes can effect the basal ganglia

Growth Basal ganglia

1794 BLADDER POLYP can ID risk or tendeny of growth of tissue in the bladder

Growth Bladder polyps

1793 BONE CARCINOMA cancer of the bone can ID risk or tendency of DNA

Cancer Bone carcinoma

1857 BREAST CARCINOMA cancer or degeneration of the breast


Cancer breast Breast cancer

1785 BRONCHIECTASIS infectious condition of the bronchial tree



1791 BUERGER'S DIS. DISORDER OF CIRCULATION to legs that cause pain and blackness




Weight Bulimia

475 SODIUM CHLORIDE,(NAT MUR) acts on blood,mucmemb,digestion, liver&spleen,treats cachexia&ague

Tissue salt Cachexia

1793 BONE CARCINOMA cancer of the bone can ID risk or tendency of DNA

Cancer Cancer bone

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1859 CARDIAC ARRHYTMIA irregularity of the heart beat


Arrythmia Cardiac Arrythmia

1867 CARDIAC TAMPONADE heart disease concern from excess fluid or pressure on heart,swelling of


Cardiac tomponade

595 CONNECTIVE TISSUE, sarcode of connective tissue IDs fault

Connective tissue Connective Tissue

2764 CORONARY ISCHEMIA, IDs risk of heart attack or infarction


Heart attack/infarction

Coronary ischema

3032 CUSHING SYN.(adrenogenital)pubertae praecox in child,adultovermasculination,over adrenocorticol horm

Hormonal Cushing syndrome

1976 KIDNEY CYST cyst or growth in kidney, clogs and disturbs function

Urinary Kidney cyst Cyst kidney

1875 CYST TENOSYOVIAL cyst on tendon or in joint, can becaused by ameoba,or ID synovial fluid disease

Growth Cyst teno/synovial

1799 BLADDER INFLAMATION.(cystitis) IDs toxic or infected bladder or urinary tract

Infection Cystitis

1853 CHRONIC CYSTITIS & ENDOMETRIOSIS, bladder inflamation and endometrial growth,Rx

Cystitis Cystitis Chronic

3817 Dhengey fever infection carried by Tiger Mosquitos

Infection Virus Dhengey fever

1884 DIABETES INSIPID,polyuria,polydipsia,inadequate vasopressin(antidiuretic hormone),pituiary disease

Sugar regulation Diabetes

2828 DIABETES, blood sugar disorder of inability of insulin to lower glucose,thirsty,fatique,urination,

Sugar regulation Diabetes

3030 DUMPING SYNDROME, after eating the patient has rapid emptying of the gastric pouch, < lying down

Digestion Dumping syndrome

1880 DYSENTERY extreme diarehhea usually form giardia or ameoba*

Infection Dysentry

1885 DYSMENORRHEA irregular menses, most often caused by endometriosis, use Progestex for one

Hormonal Dysmenorrhea

1912 ECLAMPSIA coma or convulsive seizure between Gonadal Eclampsia

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the 20thwk of prgnancy -postpartum,kidney liver 1897 ELEPHANTIASIS parasite infection carried by mosquitos

effects lymph and right leg enlarges* Elephantitis

1910 EMBOLISM obstructon of blood vessel from foriegn body,usually blood clot, PIT VIPER VENOM 6xtreats



1896 ENCEPHALITIS infection of brain from unknown origin can be from parasites carried by mosquitos#*

Infection Encephalitis

1896 ENCEPHALITIS infection of brain from unknown origin can be from parasites carried by mosquitos#*


1898 ENCEPHALOMYELOMALACIA disease of brain and muscles produces weakness, is progressive

Cancer Encephalomyelomalacia

1853 CHRONIC CYSTITIS & ENDOMETRIOSIS, bladder inflamation and endometrial growth,Rx

Cystitis Endometrial growth

1892 ENDOMETRIOSIS, growth of endometrial tissue in abnormal places, caused by stress&hypothalmic dis,

Growth Endometriosis

1894 EPSTEIN BARR viral infection that can cause chronic fatique#

Infection Epstein Barr virus

1906 ERYTHROBLASTOSIS erthroblasts(nucleated RBC) in blood,in fetus jaundice,anemia,sleen liver edema,

Blood Erythoblastosis

1913 FOOT & MOUTH DISEASE,viral animal dis in humans fever ,salivation ,vesicles on mouth&feet#

Infection Foot and mouth

3031 FROHLICH'S SYNDROME, increase in fat,atrophy of genitals,feminization,lesion in pituit&hypothalamus

Hormonal Frochlichs syndrome

Sarcode Scrn

Gall Bladder Organ Gall Bladder

1923 GANGRANE necrosis of organ or cells often from circulation blockage or toxicity@

Cancer Gangrene

2067 RUBEOLA german measles must clear if possible MS case#

Infection German measles

1926 GLOMERULONEPHRITIS kidney disease,such Urinary Glomerulonephritis

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as lupus,kidney infection,producesHigh 2137 GOUT,uric acid,oxalic acid,&otherPurinebyproducts

irritate joints of toes&fingers,Rx kidney,diet,etc Structure Gout

1927 GRADENIGO SYN. weaping otitis media with temporal pain,nerve paralysis, metacarpal tunnel,

Structural Gradenigo Syn

1927 GRADENIGO SYN. weaping otitis media with temporal pain,nerve paralysis, metacarpal tunnel,

Nerval Gradenigo syndrome

2574 AORTIC VALVE HEART valve supplying blood to body IDs lack of condition,


Sarcode Heart valve aortic

2571 MITRAL VALVE HEART, effected by bacteria, if prolapse can cause chronic fatique


Sarcode Heart valve mitral

2573 PULMONARY VALVE HEART valve for supply to pulmonary area,IDs lack of condition


Sarcode Heart valve pulmonary

2572 TRICUSPID VALVE HEART, effected most by drugs


Sarcode Heart valve tricuspid

1952 HEART FAILURE multitude of causes that stop the heart from circulating the blood properly,check all


Heart failure

1950 HEMIPLEGIA DISEASE paralysis of one half of body,mostly caused by brain lesion or strokeblockage



1944 HEMORROID Organ Hemorrid 1945 HEPATITIS A # Infection Hepatitis A 1946 HEPATITIS B # Infection Hepatitis B 1947 HEPATITIS C # Infection Hepatitis C 1955 HERNIATED DISC protusion of the disc of the

spine,risk or past history, Structure Herniated disc

2835 HIATAL HERNIA, stomach distends into the front stomach muscles,heartburn after eating,

Digestion Hiatal hernia

2836 HIATAL HERNIA, stomach distends into the front stomach muscles,heartburn after eating,

Digestion Hiatal hernia

5301 HIV exposure or immune reaction# Infection Marker HIV 1954 HYPERTHYROID condition of thyroid toxicity or

metabolic disorder, excess thyroxine red,hot,bugeyes

Hormonal Hyperthyroid

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1769 ADRENAL DISEASE HYPOFUNCTION fatique, dizzy when stand, depression, loss of concentration

Hormonal Hypoadrenia

2824 HYPOADRENIA, weak adrenals can cause fatique, depression,sleep disorders,low blood pressure,etc

Sugar regulation Hypoadrenia

1033 PINEAL, PITUITARY, HYPOTHALAMUS (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Hormonal Sarcode Hypothalamus

749 PINEAL, PITUITARY, HYPOTHALAMUS (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this

Hormonal Sarcode Hypothalamus

Sarcode Scrn

Hypothalamus Organ Hypothalamus

Sarcode Scrn

Hypothalamus Organ Hypothalamus

1838 HYPOTHALAMUS master thermostat of body that regulates physical and emotional needs

Hormonal Hypothalamus

2824 HYPOTHYROID, weak thyroid results in cold sensitive,hearing loss,callouses,weight gain etc

Hormonal Hypothyroid

1957 HYPOTHYROID,weak thyroid function,body cold,accumulates fat,calouses on feet,hearing

Hormonal Hypothyroid

1956 HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCK too little blood produce shock, Can ID risk of low volume of blood


Hypovolemic shock

3054 ILLEO-CECAL VALVE, IDs clog or disturbance in the connection of the small to large intestine

Digestion Sarcode Illeo ceacl valve

1876 CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA STROKE risk of cerebral infarction


Cerebral infarction

Infarction cerebral

1788 BLADDER BILHARZIOSIS infectious condition of the bladder Treat with vermex*

Urinary Infection

1969 INFECTIOSIS contagous infection unknown, unclear infection source or nature,


1979 KLYNEFELTER SYNDROME congenital endocrine of testicular failure,long legs sub intellegent

Hormonal Klynefelter syndrome

3033 KORSAKOFF'S SYNDROME, psychosis due to Mental Korsakoffs syndrome

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alcoholism, IDs risk or prescent concern 1997 MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIE legioners disease

form of ricketsia most likely to effect lungs@^ Infection Ricketsia Legionairres dis

1982 LEGIONELLA ricketsia or bacterial infection of lungs and major organs,cough,pneumonia,GI disease@#*^

Infection Legionella

1981 LEPTOSPIROSIS results from leptospiro infection,spirocyte from Japan,fever,itch#

Infection Leptospirosis

2838 LEUKEMIA unrestrained growth of leucocytes(WBC),from radiation heredity,toxins etc

Immune Leukemia

1818 LIGAMENT (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem

Structural Sarcode Ligament

1030 MUSCLE, LIGAMENT, CARTILAGE (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Structural Sarcode Ligament

744 MUSCLE, LIGAMENT, CARTILAGE (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Structural Sarcode Ligament

740 LIMBIC SYSTEM (NV) sarcode remedy for emotional control and stabilization

Structural Sarcode Limbic

1987 LISTERIA, a soil saprocyte bacteria found in animals &humans,causes meningitis and abortion,>adults@

Infection Listeria

4160 Liver Ids disease Digestion Marker Liver 1819 LIVER (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem Digestion Sarcode Liver 1023 HEART, LUNG (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue

rebuilding and detox Respiratory

Sarcode Lung

736 HEART, LUNG (NV) sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area


Sarcode Lung

1813 LUNG (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem with lung


Sarcode Lung

Sarcode Scrn

Lung Organ Lung

1869 LUNG CARCINOMA cancer risk of lung stop smoking

Cancer Lung cancer

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1985 LUPUS autoimmune disease withsunsensitivity,ulcerations of skin, blotches

Immune Lupus

1980 LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSIS,collagen disease effects skin of neck,face,arms,sensitive to

Skin Lupus erythematosis

1877 Lymphoma, degeneration or cancer of the lymph Cancer Cancer lymph Lymph cancer 1028 LYMPH, SPLEEN, MAMMARY (DR) Sarcode

remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox Immune Sarcode Lymphatic

1989 LYMPHOBLASTOMA tumor composed of lymphocytes,

Growth Lymphoblastoma

1991 LYMPHOCYTE any disorder relating to WBC function

Immune Lymphocyte

1988 LYMPHOGRANULOMA infectious venereal disease chlymidia,herpes like,lymph swelling

Infection Sexual Lymphogranuloma

1990 LYMPHOLEUKEMIA too many white blood cells in lymph

Immune Lympholeukemia

2830 MALABSORPTION, inability of system to absorb nutrients,correct with liquescences

Digestion Malabsorbtion

2830 MALABSORPTION, inability of system to absorb nutrients,correct with liquescences

Nutrition Malabsorbtion

2018 MALABSORPTION SYNDROME inability to absorb nutrients treat with digestive enz liq

Digestion Malabsorbtion syndrome

3818 Malaria Infection carried by mosquito Infection Virus Malaria 1994 MALARIA, protozoa in red blood cells from

mosquito bite,effects nerves &digestion,fever chills,swea*

Infection Malaria

1994 MALARIA, protozoa in red blood cells from mosquito bite,effects nerves &digestion,fever chills,swea*


2004 MAMMA FIBROMATOSIS fibrous cyst or risk in breast or muscles

Growth Mamma fibromatosis

2015 MARFAN'S SYNDROME (HereditaryConditonofConnectiveTissueBonesLigaments)

Structure Marfans syndrome

2003 MASTITIS reddnes in skin from excess mast cells in the blood effecting the area

Immune Mastitis

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1998 MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA, vaccination sensitivty or past toxicity, Remedy for vaccination disease#

Remedy Measles

1996 MEDORRHINUM,suspressed gonorrhea,Female Pelvic Inflam Dis,tonsils enlarged,nasal


1996 MEDORRHINUM,suspressed gonorrhea,Female Pelvic Inflam Dis,tonsils enlarged,nasal

Infection Sexual Medorrhinum

2007 MELANOMA risk of skin or liver cancer producing melanin caused mostly by sun exposure

Cancer Melanomia

2001 MENINGOCOCCINUM can cause chronic tingling headaches for life till cured@


2819 MENSES DISORDERS, diseases effecting the menses regularity producing pain,irritability,bloating,etc

Hormonal Female Menses

2818 MENTAL DISORDERS,collective term for a variety of mental

Mental Mental disorders

2643 Ulnar NERVES, nerve in the arm IDs metacarpal tunnel pain syndrome

Nerval Metacarpal

2041 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, wasting and degenerations of muscles,infection or toxicity

Stuctural Muscular dystrophy

1141 MOTOR NERVE EFFECTOR IDs motor nerve disease , possible sclerosis of mylein sheath

Nerval Myelin sclerosois

1815 MYOCARDIAL IDs some problem in the heart muscle


Sarcode Myocardial

1977 KIDNEY INFLAMED (nephritis), from toxins,infections, trauma,alcohol or other


Nephritis Kidney

2023 NEPHROSIS kidney weakness or degeneration Urinary Sarcode Nephrosis 2022 NEPHROSIS kidney weakness or degeneration Urinary Nephrosis 2635 Pulmonary NERVES, nerves supplying the lung Nerval Lung Nerval 2020 NEURALGIA PAIN FROM NERVE PROBLEM OR

IRRITATION Nerval Neuralgia

2960 ONDINE'S CURSE primary alveolar hypoventilation from reduced response to CO2


Ondones Curse

2028 OVARIAN CYSTADENOMA, growth of abnormal Growth Ovarian cystenomia

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tissue in the ovarian region agravated by caffiene 2831 OVARITIS inflamation of the ovary in female,

estrogen excess in male Hormonal Ovaritis

1950 HEMIPLEGIA DISEASE paralysis of one half of body,mostly caused by brain lesion or strokeblockage



1038 THYROID, THYMUS, PARATHYROID (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Hormonal Sarcode Parathyroid

754 THYROID, THYMUS, PARATHYROID (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Hormonal Sarcode Parathyroid

Sarcode Scrn

Parathyroid Organ Parathyroid

2035 PARKINSON DISEASE, chronic nervous disease with muscular tremors &rigidity,&pecular gait

Nerval Parkinson

2037 PERIODONTITIS, disease of gums and teeth from infection or trauma@^

Dental Periodontitis

2058 PITUITARY. ADENOMA BASOPH IDs degeneration of pituitary risk or prescence

Cancer Pituatory ademona basoph

1033 PINEAL, PITUITARY, HYPOTHALAMUS (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Hormonal Sarcode Pituitary

Sarcode Scrn

Pituitary Organ Pituitary

2051 PLANTERS WART Viral disease effects skin with eruption, can ID risk or resistance#

Planters wart

2036 PLEURITIS infection or inflamation of the pleura Infection Pleuritis 2036 PLEURITIS infection or inflamation of the pleura Inflammati

on Pleuritis

2372 PNEUMOCYSTOSIS fungal infection of lungs usually accompanies immune weakness^


1997 MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIE legioners disease form of ricketsia most likely to effect lungs@^

Pneumonie mycoplasma

5001 POLIO past present or risk of sensitivity# Infection Remedy Polio 2047 POLIO, inflamation of grey matter of spinal cord, Inflammati Polio

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stiff neck, vomiting, fever,sore throat, atrophy# on 2042 POLIOMYELITIS, inflamation of the grey matter of

the spinal cord, virus dis with fever,sore throat,# Inflammation


2810 POLYNEURITIS multiple neurological inflamations or nerve compressions

Nerval Polyneuritis

2812 POLYPS a tumor with pedicle(stem attaching new growth)found in vascular organs,nose,intestine,uterus

Growth Polyps

2045 PROSTATA ADENOMA, advanced prostate disease possibly degenerate

Hormonal Prostata adenoma

2038 PSORIASIS, dermatitis with dull red lesions,associate with arthritis,infections,diet or chromosomal

Skin Psoriasis

2056 PULMONARY. INFARCTION + HEMANIOMA blockage or leakage of blood supply to lungs


Pulmonary infarction

2034 PULPITIS infection in tooth or bone Infection Pulpitis 2034 PULPITIS infection in tooth or bone Dental Pulpitis tooth infection 2054 PYLORIC VALVE DISEASE problem of the lower

valve of the stomach, ulcer risk or malabsorption Digestion Pyloric valve

2062 Q-FEVER RicketsiaFever,Headache,Fever,Malaise,Anorexia(CoxBurnetti)@^


Q fever

2063 QUINTANA (TRENCH FEVER) ricketsia fever,malaise,pain intensifies every 5 days@^


2834 GASTRIC REFLUX, food in stomach regurgitates into the eosphagus,creates hiatial hernia,heartburn

Digestion Reflux

2069 RENAL COLIC kidney pain or spasm,can be from passing a stone,pain in back,abdomen,groin,thigh

Urinary Renal colic

2070 RENAL COLIC kidney pain or spasm,can be from passing a stone,pain in back,abdomen,groin,thigh

Renal colic

2815 ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASE(ARD,undiferentiated)low


Respiratory Respiratory

2071 REYES SYNDROME acute encephalopathy,fatty infiltration of


Reyes syndrome

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liver,pancreas,heart,kidney,spleen,lymph 2066 RHINOPNEUMONITIS viral infection that can linger indefinitly

causing sinusitis@# Rhinopneumonitis

5300 RHINOPNEUMONIA viral infection past present or risk#

Infection Marker Rhinppneumonia

1998 MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA, vaccination sensitivty or past toxicity, Remedy for vaccination disease#

Infection Rubella

1998 MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA, vaccination sensitivty or past toxicity, Remedy for vaccination disease#

Infection Rubella

2067 RUBEOLA german measles must clear if possible MS case#

Infection Rubella

2097 SCLERODERMA (LUNG) hardening of connective tissues, 4 times more in women than men,

Connective tissue Sceleroderma

2089 SCHONLEIN'S DIS. allergic or anaphylactic discoloration orSkin hemorrage,pain in joints,iatrogenic

Allergen Schonleins disease

2090 SCHONLEIN'S DIS. allergic or anaphylactic discoloration orSkin hemorrage,pain in joints,iatrogenic


Schonleins disease

2091 SCOPOPHILIA derives sexual pleasure form visual sources,nudity,pictures etc Emotional fantasy prone

Mental Scophophilia

2099 SCURVY (Vitamin C def)connective tissue weakness,bloodyGumsEyes,immunodef,fatique,bowels

Nutrition Scurvy

1034 SINUSES (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox


Sarcode Sinus

750 SINUSES (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area


Sarcode Sinus

1825 SINUSES (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem Respiratory

Sarcode Sinuses

2084 SINUSITIS FRONTALIS (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem



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2083 SINUSITIS MAXILLARIS (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem



2842 SINUSITIS, inflamation of the sinus from toxic reaction, infection, trauma

Infection Sinusitis

2842 SINUSITIS, inflamation of the sinus from toxic reaction, infection, trauma



1035 SKIN & MUCOUS MEMBRANE (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Skin Sarcode Skin

751 SKIN & MUCOUS MEMBRANE (NV) sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Skin Sarcode Skin

1036 SMALL & LARGE INTESTINE (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Digestion Sarcode Small intestine

752 SMALL & LARGE INTESTINE (NV) sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Digestion Sarcode Small intestine

4157 Small Intestine IDs problem with the small intestine

Digestion Small intetsine

1822 SPLEEN (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem Immune Sarcode Spleen Sarcode

Scrn Spleen Organ Spleen

2100 SPONDYLOSIS DISEASE OF SPINE,breakdown of the spinal vertrabral structure,TB miasm

Structural Spondylosis


Digestion Sprue

2829 STARVATION lack of food intake or lack of absorption of nutrients

Nutrition Starvation

Sarcode Scrn

Stomach Organ Stomach

1876 CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA STROKE risk of cerebral infarction



2832 ORGAN HYPERTROPHY Non specific organ Swelling



2074 SYPHILLINUM, utter protestation &debility in Infection Sexual Syphillinium

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morning,rheumatic pains,eruptions,worse in day,amnesia@

2358 SYPHILIS protestation &debility in morning,rheumatic pains,eruptions,worse day,amnesiaOfBeforeDis@


2074 SYPHILLINUM, utter protestation &debility in morning,rheumatic pains,eruptions,worse in day,amnesia@


2116 TETANUS bacterial infection produces muscle paralysis IDs muscle disease@


1037 THORACIC (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Structural Sarcode Thoracic

760 THORACIC (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Structural Sarcode Thoracic

2121 THORACIC NERVE (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem

Nerval Sarcode Thoracic nerve

1821 THYMUS (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem Immune Sarcode Thymus 1038 THYROID, THYMUS, PARATHYROID (DR)

Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox Hormonal Sarcode Thymus

754 THYROID, THYMUS, PARATHYROID (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Hormonal Sarcode Thymus

Sarcode Scrn

Thymus Organ Thymus

Sarcode Scrn

Thymus Organ Thymus

1829 THYROID (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem

Hormonal Sarcode Thyroid

1038 THYROID, THYMUS, PARATHYROID (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Hormonal Sarcode Thyroid

754 THYROID, THYMUS, PARATHYROID (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Hormonal Sarcode Thyroid

2641 Thyro-hyoid NERVES, nerve for the thyroid , Can ID nerval thyroid disease

Nerval Thyroid

Sarcode Thyroid Organ Thyroid

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Scrn 1827 PARATHYROID (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs

problem Hormonal Sarcode Thyroid (para)


Infection Tinea

2378 TINEA CURTIS jock itch, can ID systemic fungus or fungal immune weakness^


2379 TINEA CURVIS jockitch, can ID systemic fungus or fungal immune weakness^


2380 TINEA PEDIS atheletes foot, can ID systemic fungus or fungal immune weakness^


755 TMJ (NV) sarcode remedy for temporal mandibular joint or the jaw joint

Structural Sarcode TMJ

2136 TMJ DIS. Temporal Mandibular Joint or Jaw (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem

Dental TMJ

1828 TONSIL (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem Immune Sarcode Tonsil 2111 TONSILLA PALATINA (sarcode & nosode combo)

IDs problem Immune Sarcode Tonsils

2110 TONSILLA PHARYNGEA (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem

Immune Sarcode Tonsils

1040 TONSILS, ADENOIDS, APPENDIX (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Immune Sarcode Tonsils

756 TONSILS, ADENOIDS, APPENDIX (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Immune Sarcode Tonsils

Sarcode Scrn

Tonsils Organ Tonsils

1983 TOURETTE'S SYNDROME(sharp or loud noise,touch provokes violent movment or blurt out what is

Senses Tourettes syndrome

3034 TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME, vaginal concern from tampon,IUD, or other foreign body toxicity

Gonadal Toxic shock sndrome



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1836 TRACHEA (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem wind pipe identifies infection or injury


Sarcode Trachea

2837 INJURY, trauma can be emotional, physical,spiritual,ecological or other and need to be corrected

Trauma Trauma nonspecific

2063 QUINTANA (TRENCH FEVER) ricketsia fever,malaise,pain intensifies every 5 days@^

Trench fever

2351 R. QUINTANA- TRENCH FEVER, transmitted by body louse,fever,pain,headache,malaise,shins tender@


Trench fever

2115 TYPHOIDINUM(salmonelaThyphusBacteria)staysInGallBladder,transfers in



2117 TYPHUS(stuporFromFever)prostation,headache,rash,fever,spreadsInUnsanitary,RicketsiaProwaza@#^


1211 BISMUTHUM OXIDATUM Identifies with stomach infections leading to ulcer

Infection Ulcer

2142 ULCER(open unhealing lesion mostly in digestive tract)VitK def,infection,toxins,allergy cause

Digestion Ulcer

2141 ULCERATIVE COLITIS(lesions in the coloncausing constipation and diarhea alternating)foodAllergyInfec

Digestion Ulcerative colitis

2140 URETHRITIS(inflamation of the urine tube in male or female)from infection or toxins,canbe Asymptomat

Urinary Urethritis

2147 VAGINITISinflamation of vagina,B vit def,toxicity,infectionFungus STD protozoa Intestin parasites^@*


1837 VAGUS NERVE largest nerve in the body,5thcranial nerve effects digestion heart viscera

Nerval Vagus nerve

2146 VARICELLA (ChickenPox)acute contagious viral disease of

Infection Varicella

2145 VERRUCA ( type of planters wart,usually large with independent blood suppy,caused by virus)#

Skin Veruca

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5296 Virus unspecified Infection Marker Virus 1993 WBC WEAKNESS AND DEFICIENCY, dysfunction

or deficiency of white blood cells in immunity Cancer WBC WBC

2155 WEBER CHRISTIAN DIS.10X Disease where fatty tumors form under skin

Skin Weber christian disease

2958 OBESITY, risk or sensitivity, in extra thin can ID metabolic disease

Weight Obeisity Weight

2157 WERDNIG-HOFFMAN DIS.Neurological atrophy staring in spine then wasting musc

Nerval Werding-hoffman disease

2154 WERNICKE'S SYN. Old age symptoms of loss of memory and function.

Mental Wernickes syndrome

2156 WHIPPLE'S DIS.10X Disorder where intestines do not absorb nutrients

Digestion Whipples disease

1992 WBC WEAKNESS AND DEFICIENCY, dysfunction or deficiency of white blood cells in immunity

Immune White blood cell weakness

2040 PERTUSSIN, from whooping cough secretions,for spasmodic coughs often dry, for lung toxicity@#


Whooping cough

2151 WILSON DISEASE of liver where copper accumulates and destroys liver

Toxin Wilson disease

2150 YELLOW FEVER acute infectious dis,2fever Infection Yellow fever LISTING by MATRIX NAME

2934 Abscess, infectious microbial pocket of pus and endotoxins,can be in teeth,bones,muscles,intersita@

Dental Abcess

2811 ACROPARESTHESIA Numbness and tingling in arms or legs

Nerval Acroparesthesia

2815 ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASE(ARD,undiferentiated)low


Respiratory Respiratory

1768 ADDISONS DIS adrenalcortical hypofunction,infection destroys the adrenalcortex,skin darkens fatiqu

Hormonal Addiisons disease

1769 ADRENAL DISEASE HYPOFUNCTION fatique, Hormonal Hypoadrenia

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dizzy when stand, depression, loss of concentration1779 ADRENOMA enlargement of adrenal glands

could be cancerous, hands often warm when nervous

Hormonal Adrenomia

1773 ALZHEIMER'S DIS presenile dis of atrophy of frontal &occipital lobes,mostly women 40-60,ch iatrogen

Mental Alzhemeirs

2817 ALZHEIMERS, memory and cognitive skills eroding, risk or prescence of disease

Nerval Alzheimers

1776 AMENORRHEA ( NO MENSES), usually from emotional rejection of femaleness or hormone dis,(

Hormonal Amenhoria

4053 Ameobic dysentary Narayani Om Ayurvedic formula designed for duplication on the QXCI

Remedy Amoebic dysentry

2822 ANEMIA, can cause fatique,paleness,ridges on nails,poor skin,hair&oxygenation

Blood Anemia

1770 ANEURISM blood vessel distension can be covert, treat with circulation



2825 ANGINA chest pain from cardiac insufficiency Circulation


1763 ANTHRAX bacteria from animal contact, can produce lung lymph and connective tissue disease, clear@


2574 AORTIC VALVE HEART valve supplying blood to body IDs lack of condition,


Sarcode Heart valve aortic

1771 ARTHRITIS disease of joints can be rheumatoid(infectious inflamatory) or osteo (dry socket) type

Bone Arthritis

2774 AUTISTIC this imponderable homeopathic reacts from excess or supression



1384 BANTI"S DISEASE congestive splenomegaly,portal hypertension,block in portal,splenic,or Liver veins


Bantis disease




1795 BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE a multitude of causes Growth Basal ganglia

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can effect the basal ganglia 1211 BISMUTHUM OXIDATUM Identifies with stomach

infections leading to ulcer Infection Ulcer

1788 BLADDER BILHARZIOSIS infectious condition of the bladder Treat with vermex*

Urinary Infection

1799 BLADDER INFLAMATION.(cystitis) IDs toxic or infected bladder or urinary tract

Infection Cystitis

1794 BLADDER POLYP can ID risk or tendeny of growth of tissue in the bladder

Growth Bladder polyps

1793 BONE CARCINOMA cancer of the bone can ID risk or tendency of DNA

Cancer Bone carcinoma

1793 BONE CARCINOMA cancer of the bone can ID risk or tendency of DNA

Cancer Cancer bone

1857 BREAST CARCINOMA cancer or degeneration of the breast


Cancer breast Breast cancer

1785 BRONCHIECTASIS infectious condition of the bronchial tree



1791 BUERGER'S DIS. DISORDER OF CIRCULATION to legs that cause pain and blackness




Weight Bulimia

1859 CARDIAC ARRHYTMIA irregularity of the heart beat


Arrythmia Cardiac Arrythmia

1867 CARDIAC TAMPONADE heart disease concern from excess fluid or pressure on heart,swelling of


Cardiac tomponade

1876 CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA STROKE risk of cerebral infarction


Cerebral infarction

Infarction cerebral

1876 CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA STROKE risk of cerebral infarction



1853 CHRONIC CYSTITIS & ENDOMETRIOSIS, bladder inflamation and endometrial growth,Rx

Cystitis Cystitis Chronic

1853 CHRONIC CYSTITIS & ENDOMETRIOSIS, bladder inflamation and endometrial growth,Rx

Cystitis Endometrial growth

595 CONNECTIVE TISSUE, sarcode of connective Connective tissue Connective Tissue

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tissue IDs fault 2764 CORONARY ISCHEMIA, IDs risk of heart attack

or infarction Circulation

Heart attack/infarction

Coronary ischema

3032 CUSHING SYN.(adrenogenital)pubertae praecox in child,adultovermasculination,over adrenocorticol horm

Hormonal Cushing syndrome

1875 CYST TENOSYOVIAL cyst on tendon or in joint, can becaused by ameoba,or ID synovial fluid disease

Growth Cyst teno/synovial

3817 Dhengey fever infection carried by Tiger Mosquitos

Infection Virus Dhengey fever

1884 DIABETES INSIPID,polyuria,polydipsia,inadequate vasopressin(antidiuretic hormone),pituiary disease

Sugar regulation Diabetes

2828 DIABETES, blood sugar disorder of inability of insulin to lower glucose,thirsty,fatique,urination,

Sugar regulation Diabetes

3030 DUMPING SYNDROME, after eating the patient has rapid emptying of the gastric pouch, < lying down

Digestion Dumping syndrome

1880 DYSENTERY extreme diarehhea usually form giardia or ameoba*

Infection Dysentry

1885 DYSMENORRHEA irregular menses, most often caused by endometriosis, use Progestex for one

Hormonal Dysmenorrhea

1912 ECLAMPSIA coma or convulsive seizure between the 20thwk of prgnancy -postpartum,kidney liver

Gonadal Eclampsia

1897 ELEPHANTIASIS parasite infection carried by mosquitos effects lymph and right leg enlarges*


1910 EMBOLISM obstructon of blood vessel from foriegn body,usually blood clot, PIT VIPER VENOM 6xtreats



1896 ENCEPHALITIS infection of brain from unknown origin can be from parasites carried by mosquitos#*

Infection Encephalitis

1896 ENCEPHALITIS infection of brain from unknown origin can be from parasites carried by mosquitos#*


1898 ENCEPHALOMYELOMALACIA disease of brain Cancer Encephalomyelomalaci

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and muscles produces weakness, is progressive a 1892 ENDOMETRIOSIS, growth of endometrial tissue in

abnormal places, caused by stress&hypothalmic dis,

Growth Endometriosis

1894 EPSTEIN BARR viral infection that can cause chronic fatique#

Infection Epstein Barr virus

1906 ERYTHROBLASTOSIS erthroblasts(nucleated RBC) in blood,in fetus jaundice,anemia,sleen liver edema,

Blood Erythoblastosis

1913 FOOT & MOUTH DISEASE,viral animal dis in humans fever ,salivation ,vesicles on mouth&feet#

Infection Foot and mouth

3031 FROHLICH'S SYNDROME, increase in fat,atrophy of genitals,feminization,lesion in pituit&hypothalamus

Hormonal Frochlichs syndrome

Sarcode Scrn

Gall Bladder Organ Gall Bladder

1923 GANGRANE necrosis of organ or cells often from circulation blockage or toxicity@

Cancer Gangrene

2834 GASTRIC REFLUX, food in stomach regurgitates into the eosphagus,creates hiatial hernia,heartburn

Digestion Reflux

1926 GLOMERULONEPHRITIS kidney disease,such as lupus,kidney infection,producesHigh

Urinary Glomerulonephritis

2137 GOUT,uric acid,oxalic acid,&otherPurinebyproducts irritate joints of toes&fingers,Rx kidney,diet,etc

Structure Gout

1927 GRADENIGO SYN. weaping otitis media with temporal pain,nerve paralysis, metacarpal tunnel,

Nerval Gradenigo syndrome

1927 GRADENIGO SYN. weaping otitis media with temporal pain,nerve paralysis, metacarpal tunnel,

Structural Gradenigo Syn

1952 HEART FAILURE multitude of causes that stop the heart from circulating the blood properly,check all


Heart failure

1023 HEART, LUNG (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox


Sarcode Lung

736 HEART, LUNG (NV) sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area


Sarcode Lung

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1950 HEMIPLEGIA DISEASE paralysis of one half of body,mostly caused by brain lesion or strokeblockage



1950 HEMIPLEGIA DISEASE paralysis of one half of body,mostly caused by brain lesion or strokeblockage



1944 HEMORROID Organ Hemorrid 1947 HEPATITIS C # Infection Hepatitis C 1945 HEPATITIS A # Infection Hepatitis A 1946 HEPATITIS B # Infection Hepatitis B 1955 HERNIATED DISC protusion of the disc of the

spine,risk or past history, Structure Herniated disc

2835 HIATAL HERNIA, stomach distends into the front stomach muscles,heartburn after eating,

Digestion Hiatal hernia

2836 HIATAL HERNIA, stomach distends into the front stomach muscles,heartburn after eating,

Digestion Hiatal hernia

5301 HIV exposure or immune reaction# Infection Marker HIV 1954 HYPERTHYROID condition of thyroid toxicity or

metabolic disorder, excess thyroxine red,hot,bugeyes

Hormonal Hyperthyroid

2824 HYPOADRENIA, weak adrenals can cause fatique, depression,sleep disorders,low blood pressure,etc

Sugar regulation Hypoadrenia

Sarcode Scrn

Hypothalamus Organ Hypothalamus

Sarcode Scrn

Hypothalamus Organ Hypothalamus

1838 HYPOTHALAMUS master thermostat of body that regulates physical and emotional needs

Hormonal Hypothalamus

2824 HYPOTHYROID, weak thyroid results in cold sensitive,hearing loss,callouses,weight gain etc

Hormonal Hypothyroid

1957 HYPOTHYROID,weak thyroid function,body cold,accumulates fat,calouses on feet,hearing

Hormonal Hypothyroid

1956 HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCK too little blood produce Circulatio Hypovolemic shock

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shock, Can ID risk of low volume of blood n 3054 ILLEO-CECAL VALVE, IDs clog or disturbance in

the connection of the small to large intestine Digestion Sarcode Illeo ceacl valve

1969 INFECTIOSIS contagous infection unknown, unclear infection source or nature,


2837 INJURY, trauma can be emotional, physical,spiritual,ecological or other and need to be corrected

Trauma Trauma nonspecific

1976 KIDNEY CYST cyst or growth in kidney, clogs and disturbs function

Urinary Kidney cyst Cyst kidney

1977 KIDNEY INFLAMED (nephritis), from toxins,infections, trauma,alcohol or other


Nephritis Kidney

1979 KLYNEFELTER SYNDROME congenital endocrine of testicular failure,long legs sub intellegent

Hormonal Klynefelter syndrome

3033 KORSAKOFF'S SYNDROME, psychosis due to alcoholism, IDs risk or prescent concern

Mental Korsakoffs syndrome

1982 LEGIONELLA ricketsia or bacterial infection of lungs and major organs,cough,pneumonia,GI disease@#*^

Infection Legionella

1981 LEPTOSPIROSIS results from leptospiro infection,spirocyte from Japan,fever,itch#

Infection Leptospirosis

2838 LEUKEMIA unrestrained growth of leucocytes(WBC),from radiation heredity,toxins etc

Immune Leukemia

1818 LIGAMENT (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem

Structural Sarcode Ligament

740 LIMBIC SYSTEM (NV) sarcode remedy for emotional control and stabilization

Structural Sarcode Limbic

1987 LISTERIA, a soil saprocyte bacteria found in animals &humans,causes meningitis and abortion,>adults@

Infection Listeria

4160 Liver Ids disease Digestion Marker Liver 1819 LIVER (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem Digestion Sarcode Liver

Sarcode Lung Organ Lung

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Scrn 1813 LUNG (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem

with lung Respiratory

Sarcode Lung

1869 LUNG CARCINOMA cancer risk of lung stop smoking

Cancer Lung cancer

1985 LUPUS autoimmune disease withsunsensitivity,ulcerations of skin, blotches

Immune Lupus

1980 LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSIS,collagen disease effects skin of neck,face,arms,sensitive to

Skin Lupus erythematosis

1028 LYMPH, SPLEEN, MAMMARY (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Immune Sarcode Lymphatic

1989 LYMPHOBLASTOMA tumor composed of lymphocytes,

Growth Lymphoblastoma

1991 LYMPHOCYTE any disorder relating to WBC function

Immune Lymphocyte

1988 LYMPHOGRANULOMA infectious venereal disease chlymidia,herpes like,lymph swelling

Infection Sexual Lymphogranuloma

1990 LYMPHOLEUKEMIA too many white blood cells in lymph

Immune Lympholeukemia

1877 Lymphoma, degeneration or cancer of the lymph Cancer Cancer lymph Lymph cancer 2018 MALABSORPTION SYNDROME inability to

absorb nutrients treat with digestive enz liq Digestion Malabsorbtion

syndrome 2830 MALABSORPTION, inability of system to absorb

nutrients,correct with liquescences Digestion Malabsorbtion

2830 MALABSORPTION, inability of system to absorb nutrients,correct with liquescences

Nutrition Malabsorbtion

3818 Malaria Infection carried by mosquito Infection Virus Malaria 1994 MALARIA, protozoa in red blood cells from

mosquito bite,effects nerves &digestion,fever chills,swea*

Infection Malaria

1994 MALARIA, protozoa in red blood cells from mosquito bite,effects nerves &digestion,fever chills,swea*


2004 MAMMA FIBROMATOSIS fibrous cyst or risk in breast or muscles

Growth Mamma fibromatosis

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2015 MARFAN'S SYNDROME (HereditaryConditonofConnectiveTissueBonesLigaments)

Structure Marfans syndrome

2003 MASTITIS reddnes in skin from excess mast cells in the blood effecting the area

Immune Mastitis

1998 MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA, vaccination sensitivty or past toxicity, Remedy for vaccination disease#

Infection Rubella

1998 MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA, vaccination sensitivty or past toxicity, Remedy for vaccination disease#

Infection Rubella

1998 MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA, vaccination sensitivty or past toxicity, Remedy for vaccination disease#

Remedy Measles

1996 MEDORRHINUM,suspressed gonorrhea,Female Pelvic Inflam Dis,tonsils enlarged,nasal

Infection Sexual Medorrhinum

1996 MEDORRHINUM,suspressed gonorrhea,Female Pelvic Inflam Dis,tonsils enlarged,nasal


2007 MELANOMA risk of skin or liver cancer producing melanin caused mostly by sun exposure

Cancer Melanomia

2001 MENINGOCOCCINUM can cause chronic tingling headaches for life till cured@


2819 MENSES DISORDERS, diseases effecting the menses regularity producing pain,irritability,bloating,etc

Hormonal Female Menses

2818 MENTAL DISORDERS,collective term for a variety of mental

Mental Mental disorders

2571 MITRAL VALVE HEART, effected by bacteria, if prolapse can cause chronic fatique


Sarcode Heart valve mitral

1141 MOTOR NERVE EFFECTOR IDs motor nerve disease , possible sclerosis of mylein sheath

Nerval Myelin sclerosois

1030 MUSCLE, LIGAMENT, CARTILAGE (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Structural Sarcode Ligament

744 MUSCLE, LIGAMENT, CARTILAGE (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this

Structural Sarcode Ligament

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area 1997 MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIE legioners disease

form of ricketsia most likely to effect lungs@^ Infection Ricketsia Legionairres dis

1997 MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIE legioners disease form of ricketsia most likely to effect lungs@^

Pneumonie mycoplasma

1815 MYOCARDIAL IDs some problem in the heart muscle


Sarcode Myocardial

2023 NEPHROSIS kidney weakness or degeneration Urinary Sarcode Nephrosis 2022 NEPHROSIS kidney weakness or degeneration Urinary Nephrosis 2020 NEURALGIA PAIN FROM NERVE PROBLEM OR

IRRITATION Nerval Neuralgia

2958 OBESITY, risk or sensitivity, in extra thin can ID metabolic disease

Weight Obeisity Weight

2960 ONDINE'S CURSE primary alveolar hypoventilation from reduced response to CO2


Ondones Curse

2833 ORGAN ATROPHY Nonspecific organ degeneration

Degenertaion non specific Atrophy organ

2832 ORGAN HYPERTROPHY Non specific organ Swelling



2029 OSTEOPOROSIS, weakness in bone from lack of calcium development

Structure B

2028 OVARIAN CYSTADENOMA, growth of abnormal tissue in the ovarian region agravated by caffiene

Growth Ovarian cystenomia

2831 OVARITIS inflamation of the ovary in female, estrogen excess in male

Hormonal Ovaritis

Sarcode Scrn

Parathyroid Organ Parathyroid

1827 PARATHYROID (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem

Hormonal Sarcode Thyroid (para)

2035 PARKINSON DISEASE, chronic nervous disease with muscular tremors &rigidity,&pecular gait

Nerval Parkinson

2037 PERIODONTITIS, disease of gums and teeth from infection or trauma@^

Dental Periodontitis

2040 PERTUSSIN, from whooping cough secretions,for Respirator Whooping cough

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spasmodic coughs often dry, for lung toxicity@# y 1033 PINEAL, PITUITARY, HYPOTHALAMUS (DR)

Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox Hormonal Sarcode Hypothalamus

1033 PINEAL, PITUITARY, HYPOTHALAMUS (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Hormonal Sarcode Pituitary

749 PINEAL, PITUITARY, HYPOTHALAMUS (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this

Hormonal Sarcode Hypothalamus

Sarcode Scrn

Pituitary Organ Pituitary

2058 PITUITARY. ADENOMA BASOPH IDs degeneration of pituitary risk or prescence

Cancer Pituatory ademona basoph

2051 PLANTERS WART Viral disease effects skin with eruption, can ID risk or resistance#

Planters wart

2036 PLEURITIS infection or inflamation of the pleura Infection Pleuritis 2036 PLEURITIS infection or inflamation of the pleura Inflammati

on Pleuritis

2372 PNEUMOCYSTOSIS fungal infection of lungs usually accompanies immune weakness^


5001 POLIO past present or risk of sensitivity# Infection Remedy Polio 2047 POLIO, inflamation of grey matter of spinal cord,

stiff neck, vomiting, fever,sore throat, atrophy# Inflammation


2042 POLIOMYELITIS, inflamation of the grey matter of the spinal cord, virus dis with fever,sore throat,#



2810 POLYNEURITIS multiple neurological inflamations or nerve compressions

Nerval Polyneuritis

2812 POLYPS a tumor with pedicle(stem attaching new growth)found in vascular organs,nose,intestine,uterus

Growth Polyps

2041 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, wasting and degenerations of muscles,infection or toxicity

Stuctural Muscular dystrophy

2045 PROSTATA ADENOMA, advanced prostate disease possibly degenerate

Hormonal Prostata adenoma

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2038 PSORIASIS, dermatitis with dull red lesions,associate with arthritis,infections,diet or chromosomal

Skin Psoriasis

2635 Pulmonary NERVES, nerves supplying the lung Nerval Lung Nerval 2573 PULMONARY VALVE HEART valve for supply to

pulmonary area,IDs lack of condition Circulation

Sarcode Heart valve pulmonary

2056 PULMONARY. INFARCTION + HEMANIOMA blockage or leakage of blood supply to lungs


Pulmonary infarction

2034 PULPITIS infection in tooth or bone Dental Pulpitis tooth infection 2034 PULPITIS infection in tooth or bone Infection Pulpitis 2054 PYLORIC VALVE DISEASE problem of the lower

valve of the stomach, ulcer risk or malabsorption Digestion Pyloric valve

2062 Q-FEVER RicketsiaFever,Headache,Fever,Malaise,Anorexia(CoxBurnetti)@^


Q fever

2063 QUINTANA (TRENCH FEVER) ricketsia fever,malaise,pain intensifies every 5 days@^


2063 QUINTANA (TRENCH FEVER) ricketsia fever,malaise,pain intensifies every 5 days@^

Trench fever

2351 R. QUINTANA- TRENCH FEVER, transmitted by body louse,fever,pain,headache,malaise,shins tender@


Trench fever

2069 RENAL COLIC kidney pain or spasm,can be from passing a stone,pain in back,abdomen,groin,thigh

Urinary Renal colic

2070 RENAL COLIC kidney pain or spasm,can be from passing a stone,pain in back,abdomen,groin,thigh

Renal colic

2071 REYES SYNDROME acute encephalopathy,fatty infiltration of liver,pancreas,heart,kidney,spleen,lymph


Reyes syndrome

5300 RHINOPNEUMONIA viral infection past present or risk#

Infection Marker Rhinppneumonia

2066 RHINOPNEUMONITIS viral infection that can linger indefinitly causing sinusitis@#


2067 RUBEOLA german measles must clear if possible Infection German measles

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MS case# 2067 RUBEOLA german measles must clear if possible

MS case# Infection Rubella

2089 SCHONLEIN'S DIS. allergic or anaphylactic discoloration orSkin hemorrage,pain in joints,iatrogenic

Allergen Schonleins disease

2090 SCHONLEIN'S DIS. allergic or anaphylactic discoloration orSkin hemorrage,pain in joints,iatrogenic


Schonleins disease

2097 SCLERODERMA (LUNG) hardening of connective tissues, 4 times more in women than men,

Connective tissue Sceleroderma

2091 SCOPOPHILIA derives sexual pleasure form visual sources,nudity,pictures etc Emotional fantasy prone

Mental Scophophilia

2099 SCURVY (Vitamin C def)connective tissue weakness,bloodyGumsEyes,immunodef,fatique,bowels

Nutrition Scurvy

1825 SINUSES (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem Respiratory

Sarcode Sinuses

1034 SINUSES (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox


Sarcode Sinus

750 SINUSES (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area


Sarcode Sinus

2084 SINUSITIS FRONTALIS (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem



2083 SINUSITIS MAXILLARIS (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem



2842 SINUSITIS, inflamation of the sinus from toxic reaction, infection, trauma

Infection Sinusitis

2842 SINUSITIS, inflamation of the sinus from toxic reaction, infection, trauma



1035 SKIN & MUCOUS MEMBRANE (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Skin Sarcode Skin

751 SKIN & MUCOUS MEMBRANE (NV) sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this

Skin Sarcode Skin

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area 1036 SMALL & LARGE INTESTINE (DR) Sarcode

remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox Digestion Sarcode Small intestine

752 SMALL & LARGE INTESTINE (NV) sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Digestion Sarcode Small intestine

4157 Small Intestine IDs problem with the small intestine

Digestion Small intetsine

475 SODIUM CHLORIDE,(NAT MUR) acts on blood,mucmemb,digestion, liver&spleen,treats cachexia&ague

Tissue salt Cachexia

Sarcode Scrn

Spleen Organ Spleen

1822 SPLEEN (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem Immune Sarcode Spleen 2100 SPONDYLOSIS DISEASE OF SPINE,breakdown

of the spinal vertrabral structure,TB miasm Structural Spondylosis


Digestion Sprue

2829 STARVATION lack of food intake or lack of absorption of nutrients

Nutrition Starvation

Sarcode Scrn

Stomach Organ Stomach

2358 SYPHILIS protestation &debility in morning,rheumatic pains,eruptions,worse day,amnesiaOfBeforeDis@


2074 SYPHILLINUM, utter protestation &debility in morning,rheumatic pains,eruptions,worse in day,amnesia@

Infection Sexual Syphillinium

2074 SYPHILLINUM, utter protestation &debility in morning,rheumatic pains,eruptions,worse in day,amnesia@


2116 TETANUS bacterial infection produces muscle paralysis IDs muscle disease@


1037 THORACIC (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Structural Sarcode Thoracic

760 THORACIC (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Structural Sarcode Thoracic

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2121 THORACIC NERVE (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem

Nerval Sarcode Thoracic nerve

Sarcode Scrn

Thymus Organ Thymus

Sarcode Scrn

Thymus Organ Thymus

1821 THYMUS (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem Immune Sarcode Thymus 2641 Thyro-hyoid NERVES, nerve for the thyroid , Can

ID nerval thyroid disease Nerval Thyroid

Sarcode Scrn

Thyroid Organ Thyroid

1829 THYROID (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem

Hormonal Sarcode Thyroid

1038 THYROID, THYMUS, PARATHYROID (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Hormonal Sarcode Parathyroid

1038 THYROID, THYMUS, PARATHYROID (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Hormonal Sarcode Thymus

1038 THYROID, THYMUS, PARATHYROID (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Hormonal Sarcode Thyroid

754 THYROID, THYMUS, PARATHYROID (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Hormonal Sarcode Parathyroid

754 THYROID, THYMUS, PARATHYROID (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Hormonal Sarcode Thymus

754 THYROID, THYMUS, PARATHYROID (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Hormonal Sarcode Thyroid


Infection Tinea

2378 TINEA CURTIS jock itch, can ID systemic fungus or fungal immune weakness^


2379 TINEA CURVIS jockitch, can ID systemic fungus or fungal immune weakness^


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2380 TINEA PEDIS atheletes foot, can ID systemic fungus or fungal immune weakness^


755 TMJ (NV) sarcode remedy for temporal mandibular joint or the jaw joint

Structural Sarcode TMJ

2136 TMJ DIS. Temporal Mandibular Joint or Jaw (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem

Dental TMJ

1828 TONSIL (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem Immune Sarcode Tonsil 2111 TONSILLA PALATINA (sarcode & nosode combo)

IDs problem Immune Sarcode Tonsils

2110 TONSILLA PHARYNGEA (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem

Immune Sarcode Tonsils

Sarcode Scrn

Tonsils Organ Tonsils

1040 TONSILS, ADENOIDS, APPENDIX (DR) Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox

Immune Sarcode Tonsils

756 TONSILS, ADENOIDS, APPENDIX (NV)sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding tissue in this area

Immune Sarcode Tonsils

1983 TOURETTE'S SYNDROME(sharp or loud noise,touch provokes violent movment or blurt out what is

Senses Tourettes syndrome

3034 TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME, vaginal concern from tampon,IUD, or other foreign body toxicity

Gonadal Toxic shock sndrome



1836 TRACHEA (sarcode & nosode combo) IDs problem wind pipe identifies infection or injury


Sarcode Trachea

2572 TRICUSPID VALVE HEART, effected most by drugs


Sarcode Heart valve tricuspid

2115 TYPHOIDINUM(salmonelaThyphusBacteria)staysInGallBladder,transfers in



2117 TYPHUS(stuporFromFever)prostation,headache,rash,fever,spreadsInUnsanitary,RicketsiaProwaza@#^


2142 ULCER(open unhealing lesion mostly in digestive Digestion Ulcer

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tract)VitK def,infection,toxins,allergy cause 2141 ULCERATIVE COLITIS(lesions in the coloncausing

constipation and diarhea alternating)foodAllergyInfec

Digestion Ulcerative colitis

2643 Ulnar NERVES, nerve in the arm IDs metacarpal tunnel pain syndrome

Nerval Metacarpal

2140 URETHRITIS(inflamation of the urine tube in male or female)from infection or toxins,canbe Asymptomat

Urinary Urethritis

2147 VAGINITISinflamation of vagina,B vit def,toxicity,infectionFungus STD protozoa Intestin parasites^@*


1837 VAGUS NERVE largest nerve in the body,5thcranial nerve effects digestion heart viscera

Nerval Vagus nerve

2146 VARICELLA (ChickenPox)acute contagious viral disease of

Infection Varicella

2145 VERRUCA ( type of planters wart,usually large with independent blood suppy,caused by virus)#

Skin Veruca

5296 Virus unspecified Infection Marker Virus 1993 WBC WEAKNESS AND DEFICIENCY, dysfunction

or deficiency of white blood cells in immunity Cancer WBC WBC

1992 WBC WEAKNESS AND DEFICIENCY, dysfunction or deficiency of white blood cells in immunity

Immune White blood cell weakness

2155 WEBER CHRISTIAN DIS.10X Disease where fatty tumors form under skin

Skin Weber christian disease

2157 WERDNIG-HOFFMAN DIS.Neurological atrophy staring in spine then wasting musc

Nerval Werding-hoffman disease

2154 WERNICKE'S SYN. Old age symptoms of loss of memory and function.

Mental Wernickes syndrome

2156 WHIPPLE'S DIS.10X Disorder where intestines do not absorb nutrients

Digestion Whipples disease

2151 WILSON DISEASE of liver where copper accumulates and destroys liver

Toxin Wilson disease

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2150 YELLOW FEVER acute infectious dis,2fever Infection Yellow fever

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