Quranic Arabic Program - Mubashir · PDF fileQuranic Arabic Program ... The same verb is used...

Quranic Arabic Program At end of this module, you will be able to understand 20-25% of Arabic books on religion. Module AT02: Arabic Text (Answers) Muhammad Mubashir Nazir / Muhammad Shakeel Asim www.islamic-studies.info

Transcript of Quranic Arabic Program - Mubashir · PDF fileQuranic Arabic Program ... The same verb is used...

Page 1: Quranic Arabic Program - Mubashir · PDF fileQuranic Arabic Program ... The same verb is used for both Present and Future ... Nobody takes heed except the people of wisdom (who say:)

Quranic Arabic


At end of this module, you will be able to understand 20-25% of Arabic books

on religion.

Module AT02: Arabic Text

(Answers)Muhammad Mubashir Nazir / Muhammad Shakeel Asim


Page 2: Quranic Arabic Program - Mubashir · PDF fileQuranic Arabic Program ... The same verb is used for both Present and Future ... Nobody takes heed except the people of wisdom (who say:)

Quranic Arabic Program Module AT022

Table of Contents

Description Page

Lesson 1: Attitude of Believers 3

Lesson 2: Social Conduct 10

Lesson 3: Makkah, Madina and Prophet’s Migration 17

Lesson 4: Spend in Allah’s Way 26

Lesson 5: Manners and Etiquettes 32

Lesson 6: Dialogues 39

Lesson 7: Conduct of Ummat-e-Muslimah 45

Lesson 8: The Opinion of Prophet’s Enemies about Him 51

Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage 59

Page 3: Quranic Arabic Program - Mubashir · PDF fileQuranic Arabic Program ... The same verb is used for both Present and Future ... Nobody takes heed except the people of wisdom (who say:)

Quranic Arabic Program Module AT023

Lesson 1: Attitude of Believers

األرض في وما السموات في ما لله Whatever is in the heavens and the earth is for Allah.

الله به يحاسبكم تخفوه أو أنفسكم في ما تـبدوا وإن If you demonstrate whatever is in your mind or hide it, Allah will make you accountable for that.

قدير شيء كل على والله يشاء من ويـعذب يشاء لمن فـيـغفر So He will forgive (on merit) whomever He wants and will punish whomever He wants (based on his / her

deeds). Allah is powerful over everything.


He will hold youكم يحاسب Heavens, skiesالسموات accountable

ي :So, He will forgive (Noteيـغفر، ي غفرفـ Earthاألرض is

used to described 'he'.)

With itه ب Ifإن

,For whom He wantsيشاء من ل You showتـبدوا

أنفسكم أنفس is plural of نفس which

means soul, mind, personality.He punishesيـعذب

ه، ت تخفو خفو

You hide it

(Note: ت is used to described


The Result

Compare your translation. Each line carried ten marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

Rule of the Day

In Arabic, there are two type of verbs due to time. One is فعلماضي (Past Tense) and the other is فعل مضارع (Present and Future

Tense). The same verb is used for both Present and Future

Tense. You have to specify it based on the context.

Face the Challenge!

What is the difference

between common and

proper noun?

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT024

Lesson 1: Attitude of Believers

والمؤمنون ربه من إليه أنزل بما الرسول آمن The Prophet believed on what is revealed to him by his Lord and the believers (also believed).

ه آمن كلورسله وكتبه ومالئكته باللThey all believed in Allah, His angels, His Books and His Prophets.

رسله من أحد بـين نـفرق ال(They said:) We do not differentiate among anyone from His Prophets.

المصير وإليك ربـنا غفرانك وأطعنا سمعنا وقالواThey said, 'We listened and obeyed. O Lord! Pardon us, to You we have to return.

ها كسبت ما لها وسعها، إال نـفسا الله يكلف ال اكتسبت ما وعليـAllah does not make responsible any person except for what is in his / her capability. Whatever (s)he

earns, it is for him / her and (s)he will be responsible for it.


We listenedسمعناHe believedآمن

On what, withماب whatأطعناWe followed, we obeyed

It was revealed toه إلي أنزل him, it was

brought down towards him. Your pardon! (A word to seekغفرانك


Destiny, the place of returnالمصير Orأو

He makes responsibleيكلف The Believers, the Faithfulالمؤمنون

ن :We differentiate (Noteنـفرق، ن فرق is used

to described 'we'.)Person, mind, soul .أنفس Singular ofنـفسا

Itsهاوسع Betweenبـين capability

It earnedكسبت Anyone of His prophetsأحد من رسله

It earnedاكتسبت They saidقالوا

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT025

Lesson 1: Attitude of Believers

أخطأنا أو نسينا إن تـؤاخذنا ال ربـنا(They pray:) O our Lord! Don’t make us accountable if we forget or commit a mistake.

نا تحمل وال ربـنا بلنا من الذين على حملته كما إصرا عليـ قـO our Lord! Don’t place a burden on us as You placed a burden on those who were before us.

لنا وال ربـنا ا واعف به لنا طاقة ال ما تحموارحمنا لنا واغفر عنOr our Lord! Don’t place a burden on us that is unbearable for us. Forgive us, pardon us and be Merciful

to us.

)286-2:284 البقرة( .الكافرين القوم على فانصرنا موالنا أنت

You are our Master, so help us against the unbeliever nation.


Forgiveاعف You examine usناتـؤاخذ

From usعنا، عن ناWe forgotنسينا

Pardon usنااغفر ل We committed a mistakeأخطأنا

Be merciful to usناارحم Don’t burdenال تحمل

OurناموالBurdenإصرا Master

So, help usناانصر ف You burdened itه حملت

The nationالقوم Those who were before usالذين من قـبلنا

The infidels, the unbelieversالكافرين Don’t burden usناال تحمل

Capability, powerطاقة

Rule of the Day

If the word كان is added to any verb in present tense, it makes in past continuous tense. For example

يأكل (he eats), will become كان يأكل (he used to eat).

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT026

Lesson 1: Attitude of Believers

القيوم الحي هو إال إله ال الله .المThis is Alif, Laam, Meem. Allah, there is no god except Him, The Live, The Eternal.

قا بالحق الكتاب عليك نـزل وراة وأنـزل يديه بـين لما مصد اس هدى قـبل من واإلنجيل التـللن الفرقان وأنـزل

He revealed the Book on you with truth, it is confirming whatever is in their (Jews and Christians) hand.

He revealed the Torah and the Gospels before to guide people. He has (now) revealed the Criterion of

truth (i.e. the Quran).

ذين إنه بآيات كفروا اله شديد عذاب لهم اللانتقام ذو عزيز واللVerily, there is a hard punishment for those who rejected Allah’s verses. And Allah is very Powerful and

Capable for retribution.

ه إنماء في وال األرض في شيء عليه يخفى ال اللالسSurely, anything in the Earth or the Heavens is not hidden from Allah.


Verily, certainly, without anyإنHe revealed gradually نـزل


Withالحق ب the truthذين كفرواالThose who disbelieved

Confirming forمال مصدقا what هبآيات اللWith Allah’s verses, with Allah’s


Between hisه يدي بـين both hands عذاب شديدHarsh punishment

Very Powerful and Respectfulعزيز He revealedأنـزل

One who take revenge, capable ofذو انتقام The Torahالتـوراة


It is not secretال يخفىThe Gospelsاإلنجيل

Guidance forلناس ل هدى humanity شيءA thing, anything

The Criteria for right andالفرقان

wrong i.e. The Quran

Face the Challenge! What is a phrase? Identify the

types of 'phrase' in English?

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT027

Lesson 1: Attitude of Believers

يشاء كيف األرحام في يصوركم الذي هو He is the One Who shapes you in the mother’s wombs according to His will.

الحكيم العزيز هو إال إله الThere is no god except Him, the Powerful, the Wise.

متشابهات وأخر الكتاب أم هن محكمات آيات منه الكتاب عليك أنـزل الذي هو He is the One Who revealed the Book on you (O Prophet!). In it, there are established verses which are

the foundation of the Book while others are allegorical (to describe the details of the Hereafter).

نة ابتغاء منه تشابه ما فـيتبعون زيغ قـلوبهم في الذين فأما إال تأويله يـعلم وما تأويله وابتغاء الفتـالله

So those, whose hearts have a deviation, follow the allegorical verses with an intention to mislead and to

give it their own interpretation. Nobody knows their real meaning except Allah.


So regardingالذين أماف He is the One Whoهو الذي those who

He makes yourكم يصور form هم قـلوبTheir hearts

Deviationزيغ The mother’s wombsاألرحام

Soيتبعون فـ As He likesيشاء كيف they follow

It becomes an allegoryتشابه The Most Wiseالحكيم

To seekابتغاء Established, clear, decisiveمحكمات

أمMother, base from where

everything else is derivedنة Misleading, testالفتـ

Itsه تأويل Otherأخر meaning

He does not knowيـعلم ما

متشابهات Allegorical

(Note: Verses about Hereafter are described in allegorical way. Since we have not seen

the details of Hereafter therefore we are not able to conceive their real meaning.)

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT028

Lesson 1: Attitude of Believers

األلباب أولوا إال يذكر وما ربـنا عند من كل به آمنا يـقولون العلم في والراسخون While the scholars with established knowledge say, 'We believed in whatever is coming from our Lord.'

Nobody takes heed except the people of wisdom (who say:)

تـنا إذ بـعد قـلوبـنا تزغ ال ربـنا الوهاب أنت إنك رحمة لدنك من لنا وهب هديـ'Our Lord! Don’t deviate our hearts after You have guided us and provide us from Your Own Mercy.

Verily only and only You are the Provider.'

)9-3:1 عمران آل( .الميعاد يخلف ال الله إن فيه ريب ال ليـوم الناس جامع إنك ربـنا'Our Lord! Surely, You will gather people on the Day which is beyond any doubt. Verily Allah does not

violates the promise.


Established, grounded, firmlyالراسخون

fixedProvide forنال هب us

يـقولون They say (Note: ون is used to

described 'they'.)From your own mercyرحمة ك من لدن

كلEach أنت ك إنVerily You You (to emphasize on


Grantor, Giver, Providerالوهاب Nearعند

They don’tيذكر ما take heed / pay

attentionCollector, the one who gathersجامع

Peopleالناس The people of wisdomاأللباب أولوا

Ourناقـلوبـ hearts يـوم لOn the day

Don’tتزغ ال deviate ال ريب فيهThere is not doubt in it.

He does not violateيخلف الAfter whenإذ بـعد

تـ The promise, the time of fulfillingالميعاد You guided usناهديـ

a promise

Do you know? If the language of a particular time has a word for something, it means that such item was

existing at that time. For example, if we find a word for 'axe' in the literature of a society written in

500BC, it means that axe was used by that society. Similarly the word 'computer' was not available in the

English literature of 1930s. Therefore, the literature is used for getting information about that society.

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT029

Lesson 1: Attitude of Believers

Have you noted?

• There is a ي at the beginning of words with present tense having a pronoun 'he'. For example:

يخفى (He hides), يصور (He shapes).

• There is a ت at the beginning of words with present tense having a pronoun 'you'. For example:

تخفو (You hide), تصور (You shapes).

• There is a ن at the beginning of words with present tense having a pronoun 'we'. For example:

نـفرق (We differentiate), نصور (We shapes).

• There is a نا at the end of words having a pronoun 'our or us'. For example: انصرنا (Help us),

ارحمنا (Be Merciful to us). This word also comes at the end of words in Past Tense. Here it

means 'we'. For example: سمعنا (We listened), أخطأنا (We committed a mistake).

• In Classical Arabic, direction of a communication changes. Observe these verses:

بـين نـفرق ال' ورسله، وكتبه ومالئكته بالله آمن كل .والمؤمنون ربه من إليه أنزل بما الرسول آمن إال نـفسا الله يكلف ال '.المصير وإليك !ربـنا غفرانك وأطعنا سمعنا' وقالوا '.رسله من أحد

ها كسبت ما لها وسعها '.....أخطأنا أو نسينا إن تـؤاخذنا ال !ربـنا' اكتسبت، ما وعليـ تزغ ال !ربـنا' األلباب، أولوا إال يذكر وما 'ربـنا عند من كل به آمنا' يـقولون العلم في والراسخون

نا إذ بـعد قـلوبـنا ال ليـوم الناس جامع إنك !ربـنا .الوهاب أنت إنك رحمة لدنك من لنا وهب هديـتـ.الميعاد يخلف ال الله إن 'فيه ريب

In these verses, sentences of red color are said by the people under discussion while black words

are those of Allah. Objective of this change of direction from first person to third person and third

person to second person is to draw attention of the audience.

Worth Reading

The Report of Transparency International and a Hadith.

This article is an eye-opening writing on the condition

of Muslim Ummah.



Do you know?

Literature of a language

provides information about

the socio-economic

background of the society in

which it was written.

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0210

ثـنا ثـنا عمر أبي بن حد قال عمرو بن اهللا عبد عن قابوس أبي عن دينار بن عمرو عن سفيان حد وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول قال

Abu Umar described to us: Sufyan described it from A’mr Ibn Dinar from Abu Qaboos from A’bdullah Ibn

A’mr: He said: Allah’s Prophet وسلم عليه اهللا صلى said:

الرحمان يرحمهم الراحمون The Most Merciful mercies upon those who are merciful.

السمآء في من يرحمكم األرض في من ارحمواBe merciful to those who are in the earth, The One Who is in the heavens will be Merciful to you.

.اهللا قطعه قطعها ومن اهللا وصله وصلها فمن الرحمان من شجنة الرحم Mercy is a branch from The Merciful. So whoever joins it, Allah will join him and whoever cuts it, Allah

will cut him.

)1924 الصلة، و البر كتاب ترمذي،( .صحيح حسن حديث هذا عيسى أبو قال

Abu A’isa (Tirmidhi) said, 'This Hadith is authentic and reliable.'


Branchشجنة Merciful peopleالراحمون

He joined itهاوصل He becomes Merciful for themهم يرحم

He cut itهاقطع !Be mercifulارحموا

Good (used to describe anحسن Earthاألرض

authentic Hadith)

حسن Healthy (more authentic thanصحيح Heavensالسمآء Hadith)

Lesson 2: Social Conduct

The Result:

Calculate your score. Each sentence carries five mark. If your score is less than 80%, repeat the exercise.

Do you know? In Arabic, pronouns are usually attached at the end of a word. Similarly, various single-

letter words are attached at the beginning of a word. Therefore, one word is sometimes a combination

of three words.

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0211

قال السدوسي قـرة أبي بن المغيرة حدثنا القطان سعيد بن يحيى حدثنا علي بن عمرو حدثنا:يقول مالك بن أنس سمعت

A’mr Ibn A’li described to us: Yahya Ibn Sa’eed Al Qattan described to us: Mughirah Ibn Abi Qurrah Al-

Sadoosi described, he said, 'I have listened Anas Ibn Malik عنه اهللا رضى saying:

الصفة كتاب ترمذي،( '.وتـوكل اعقلها' قال 'وأتـوكل أطلقها أو وأتـوكل أعقلها اهللا رسول يا' رجل قال)2517 القيامة،

A man said, 'O Allah’s Prophet! Should I tie it (camel) and trust (in Allah)? Or should I leave it untied and

trust (in Allah)?' He replied, 'Tie it and trust (in Allah).'

:قال جابر عن الزبير أبو حدثنا .زهير حدثنا .يونس بن عبداهللا بن أحمد حدثناAhmad Ibn A’bdullah Ibn Younus described to us: Zuhair described to us. Abuzzubair described to us from

Jabir عنه اهللا رضى : He said

:اللمهاجرون أو المهاجر فـنادى .األنصار من وغالم المهاجرين من غالم .غالمان اقـتتل !يالألنصار :األنصاري ونادى !ياللمهاجرين

Two boys fought. One boy was from the Migrants while other was from the 'Ansaar'. (Boys belonged to different

groups). The migrant or migrants called, 'O Migrants! Help.' and the Ansaari called, 'O Ansaar! Help.'


Helpers (people of Madina whoاألنصار I tie itأعقلها

helped the Migrants)

Soنادىفـ ?Should I trust (in Allah)أ تـوكل he called

O Migrants! Help (This is callياللمهاجرين I release itأطلقها

for help)

So he came outفخرج !Tie itاعقلها

Callدعوى!Trust (in Allah)تـوكل

People of Ignorance Periodأهل الجاهلية Foughtاقـتتل

(before Islam)

Both of them foughtاقتتالBoyغالم

Migrants (people who migrated fromالمهاجرين

Makkah to Madina with the Prophet)Soكسع ف he beat on the back

Lesson 2: Social Conduct

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0212

'الجاهلية؟ أهل دعوى هذا ما' :فقال وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول فخرج Then Allah’s Prophet came out, he said, 'What is this call of the people of ignorance?'

'.اآلخر أحدهما فكسع اقتتال غالمين أن إال !اهللا رسول يا .ال' قالوا،They said, 'O Allah’s Prophet! It is nothing except that they two boys fought and one of them beat at

other’s back.'

هه، ظالما كان إن .مظلوما أو ظالما أخاه الرجل وليـنصر .بأس فال' قال وإن .نصر له فإنه فليـنـ)2584 الرقائق، و الزهد كتاب مسلم،( .'فلينصره مظلوما كان

He said, 'Then no problem. The man should help his brother while he is an offender or be offended. If he

is the offender, then he should forbid him. This is the help for him (to protect him from a sin). And if he is

the offended one, he should help him.'


OffenderظالماOne of both of themهماأحد


Thenال بأس ف there is no harm, then

no problemه ف Soه ليـنـ he should forbid him

Helpنصر He should helpليـنصر

Hisه أخا brother فلينصرهSo his should help him

Lesson 2: Social Conduct

Do you know?

Most Arabs of the Prophet’s صلى اهللا عليه وآله وسلمtime did not use to write. They used to

memorize whatever information they had

including history, literature etc. They used

to describe the trail of entire information

from its origin to the person who was

describing that information. This

information was compiled in form of books

mostly in 2nd and 3rd century Hijra / 8th and

9th century AD.

Rule of the Day

Neither an ال nor a Tanveen can be added to the

مضاف in a مركب إضافي.

Face the Challenge!

What is the difference between مركب إضافي و مركب Identify the difference in their meaning as .توصيفي

well as in the form of both.

Rule of the Day

When the word ابن is written in joining, its Alif is

deleted because it is a همزة وصلي.

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0213

بن بكر أبو وحدثنا ح .معاوية أبو حدثنا .كريب أبو حدثنا .جرير حدثنا .حرب بن زهير وحدثني هريرة، أبي عن صالح، أبي عن األعمش، عن ووكيع معاوية أبو حدثنا .)له واللفظ( شيبة أبيوسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول قال :قال

Zuhair Ibn Harab described to us: Jarir described to us: Abu Kuraib described to us. Abu Mu’awiyah

described to us and Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Shiba described to us (words belong to him). Abu Mu’awiyah andWakee’ described from A’mash from Abu Saleh from Abu Hurairah عنه اهللا رضى , he said that Allah’s Prophet


.'اهللا نعمة تزدروا ال أن أجدر فـهو .فوقكم هو من إلى تنظروا وال .منكم أسفل من إلى انظروا''Look at the one who is at a lower grade than you. And don’t look at the one who is above you. It is the

best thing that you do not disgrace Allah’s blessings.'

)2963 الرقائق، و الزهد كتاب مسلم،( .'عليكم' معاوية أبو قال

Abu Mu’awiyah said, '(It is mandatory) upon you.'

سلمة أبي عن سعيد، أبي بن سعيد عن اهللا، عبيد عن معتمر، حدثنا :بكر أبي بن محمد حدثني:عنها اهللا رضي عائشة عن الرحمن، عبد بن

Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr described to us: Mu’tamir described to us from U’baid Allah from Sa’eed IbnAbi Sa’eed from Abi Salmah Ibn A’bdur Rahman, from A’yesha عنها اهللا رضى :

أن يل حصيرا يحتجر كان وسلم عليه اهللا صلى النبيي، باللهار ويبسطه فـيصلعليه فـيجلس بالنـThe Prophet وسلم عليه اهللا صلى used to roll the straw mat at night time and then he used to pray while he used to

unroll it at day time and used to sit upon it.


Blessingنعمة Look (!O you all)انظروا

He winds up, he rollsيحتجر At a lower gradeأسفل

Straw matحصيراDon’t Look (!O you all)ال تنظروا

He unrolls itيبسطه Above youمفوقك

More appropriate, the mostأجدر

appropriateAt day timeبالنـهار

Don’t look down upon, don’tال تزدروا

disrespectSo sits upon itفـيجلس عليه

Lesson 2: Social Conduct

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0214

:فـقال فأقبل كثـروا، حتى بصالته فـيصلون وسلم عليه اهللا صلى النبي إلى يـثوبون الناس فجعل So people started gathering with the Prophet and started prayer with his prayer until they became large in

numbers. So he approached them and said:

إلى األعمال أحب وإن تملوا، حتى يمل ال اهللا فإن تطيقون، ما األعمال من خذوا الناس، أيـها يا)5523 الرقاق، كتاب بخاري،( .)قل وإن دام ما اهللا

O People! Only adopt the deeds which you are capable to perform. Surely Allah does not become tired

while you become tired. The favorite deeds near Allah is the one which is consistent although less.

:قال مسعود أبو حدثنا :حراش بن ربعي عن منصور، حدثنا :زهير حدثنا :يونس بن أحمد حدثنا:وسلم عليه اهللا صلى النبي قال

Ahmad Ibn Younus described to us: Zuhair described to us: Mansoor described to us from Rib’i IbnHarash: Abu Mas’ud عنه اهللا رضى described to us: He said that the Prophet said:

) ا إن ة كالم من الناس أدرك مم األدب، كتاب بخاري،( .شئت ما فاصنع تستحي لم إذا :األولى النبـو 5769(

Surely, what people have found from the words of earlier prophethood is 'If you are not ashamed (for bad

deeds), then do whatever you want.'


It continued, it was consistentدام They returnيـثوبون

It became lessقلTill حتى

He perceived, he foundأدرك They became large in numberكثـروا

So he put attention, so heفأقبل

approachedة كالم النبـوWords of Prophethood

Earlierاألولى!Catch! Take (!O you all)خذوا

You did not become modestلم تستح You are capableتطيقون

Then makeفاصنع He does not become tiredال يمل

You wantedشئت You became tiredتملوا

أحبThe favorite

Lesson 2: Social Conduct

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0215

هريرة، أبي عن أبيه، عن العالء، عن )الدراوردي يعني( عبدالعزيز حدثنا .سعيد بن قتيبة حدثناوسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول قال :قال

Qutaibah Ibn Sa’eed described to us: A’bdul A’ziz i.e. Darawardi from A’la from his father from AbuHurairah عنه اهللا رضى , he said that the Prophet said:

نيا' ة المؤمن سجن الد2957 الرقائق، و الزهد كتاب مسلم،( .'الكافر وجن(

'The world is a jail for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever.'

أبي بن يزيد عن الليث أخبرنا .رمح بن محمد وحدثنا ح .ليث حدثنا .سعيد بن قتيبة حدثنا:يقول وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول سمع أنه هريرة؛ أبي عن مالك، بن عراك عن حبيب،

Qutaibah Ibn Sa’eed described to us: Lith described to us: Muhammad Ibn Ramh described to us: Lithalso informed us from Yazeed Ibn Abi Habeeb from Arak Ibn Malik from Abu Huraira عنه اهللا رضى that he

listen the Prophet saying:

)2526 الصلة، و البر كتاب مسلم،( .'بوجه وهؤالء بوجه، هؤالء يأتي الذي .الوجهين ذو الناس شر إن'

Surely the worst of people is the one having two faces. The one who comes with this face and that face (a


أبي عن أبيه، عن العالء، عن اسماعيل حدثنا :قالوا .حجر وابن وقتيبة أيوب بن يحيى حدثنا .أعلم ورسوله اهللا :قالوا 'الغيبة؟ ما تدرون أ' :قال وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول أن هريرة؛

Yahya Ibn Ayub, Qutaibah and Ibn Hajar described to us, they said: I’smael described to us from Al-A’lafrom his father from Abu Hurairah عنه اهللا رضى that the Allah’s Prophet said: 'Do you know what is

backbiting?' They said, 'Allah and His Prophet are more knowledgeable.'


Thisهؤالء Jailسجن

Doتدرون أThe worst of peopleشر الناس you know?

Person with doubleذو الوجهين

personality, dual standardsBackbitingالغيبة

The most knowledgeable, moreأعلم He comesيأتي


With a faceبوجه

Lesson 2: Social Conduct

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0216

أقول؟ ما أخي في كان إن أفـرأيت :قيل '.يكره بما أخاك ذكرك ' قالHe said, 'You talk about your brother in a way that he dislikes.'

و البر كتاب مسلم،('.بـهته فقد فيه، يكن لم وإن .اغتبته ف◌ق◌د تق◌ول◌، ما فيه كان إن ' قال)2589 الصلة،

It was said, 'What is your opinion if my brother has (the weakness) what I am talking?' He said, 'What

you are talking, if it is in him, then it is backbiting, if it is not in him, then surely it is a false blame.'

عن العالء، عن )جعفر ابن وهو( اسماعيل حدثنا :قالوا .حجر وابن وقتيبة أيوب بن يحيى حدثناقال وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول عن هريرة، أبي عن أبيه،

Yahya Ibn Ayub, Qutaibah and Ibn Hajar described to us, they said: I’smael described to us from Al-A’lafrom his father from Abu Hurairah عنه اهللا رضى that the Allah’s Prophet said:

.'اهللا رفـعه إال هللا أحد تـواضع وما .عزا إال بعفو عبدا اهللا زاد وما مال من صدقة نـقصت ما')2588 الصلة، و البر كتاب مسلم،(

'Charity does not decreases the wealth. Due to forgiving (others), Allah does not increases anything for a

slave except respect. A person does not becomes humble for Allah except Allah raises him.'


Your description, yourذكرك

rememberingA slave (of Allah)عبدا

With forgivenessبعفو He dislikesيكره

RespectعزاIt does not decreaseما نـقصت

He becomes humbleتـواضع Charityصدقة

He raises himه رفـع It increasedزاد

Lesson 2: Social Conduct

Worth Reading

What is backbiting? What is its impact

on a society? Read in detail:



Face the Challenge!

Make a table. Write down different types of مركبات. Describe their

components. Give three examples of

each from the lessons of B Series.

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0217

ـة مـة مكالمكرThe Venerable Makkah

سة قديمة مدينة المكرمة مكة فة الكعبة فيها ، مقدتي المشرنه إبراهيم بناها ال من بأمر - السالم عليهما - إسماعيل وابـ.-وتعالى سبحانه -الله

The Venerable Makkah is an old sacred city. The Honored Ka’aba is situated in it which (Prophet)

Abraham and his son (Prophet) Ishmael, peace be upon both of them, built with an instruction from Allah,

Who is Pure and High.

'الحرام المسجد ' اسمه عظيم مسجد المشرفة الكعبة حول

Around the Holy Ka’aba, there is a great mosque, its name is 'Masjid-ul-Haraam' (the honored mosque).

رقية الجهة في ،- السالم عليه -إبراهيم مقام المشرفة الكعبة باب أمام فا الحرام المسجد من الشوزمزم والمروة، الص ر وهي . مباركة بئـ

In front of the door of the Holy Ka’aba, there is the standing place of Abraham, peace be upon him. In

Eastern direction of the Honored Mosque, Safa, Marwah and Zamzam are situated. It (Zamzam) is a

blessed well.

Lesson 3: Makkah, Madina and Prophet’s Migration


DoorبابHe constructed itهابناHonored, venerableالمكرمة

ال Any city, withمدينة 'The City

of Prophet.'Byأمر ب the instruction مقامThe place of standing

The directionالجهة Aroundحول Oldقديمة

سة مقدSacred مسجدMosque ةرقي الشEastern

Holy Ka’aba, the Holyالكعبة

House Safa, a hill near theالصفاHonoredالحرام


Marwah, another hill nearالمروةIn front ofأمام Honorableالمشرفة

the Ka’aba

The Result

Compare your translation. Each line carried ten marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

Worth Reading

How to conduct work for Islamic Da’wah? How a Da’wah strategy should be developed? The article is

in Urdu language.http://www.mubashirnazir.org/ER/L0005-00-Dawat.htm

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0218

.والصيد القتال فيها الله حرم )الحرم ( تسمى حدود لها واسعة أرض المكرمة مكة حول Around the Holy Makkah, there is a vast land that has boundaries. Its name is 'Al-Haram' (the protected

area). Allah has forbidden fighting and hunting in this area.

.عام كل إليها ويحجون صالتهم، في المشرفة الكعبة إلى المسلمون يـتجه

Muslims face towards the Holy Ka’aba in their prayers and perform its pilgrimage every year.

ـة نحب نحن مة مكولد وفيها الوحي، مهبط فهي المكر بيه صلى -النوسلم عليه الل-.We love the Holy Makkah because it is the place of coming down of revelation and in it the Prophet,

peace and blessings be upon him, born.

الهجرة The Migration

المنـورة، المدينة إلى المكرمة مكة من بالهجرة - وسلم عليه اهللا صلى-النبي -سبحانه -الله أمر Allah, the Exalted, ordered the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, for migration from the Holy

Makkah to the Enlightened Madina.

Lesson 3: Makkah, Madina and Prophet’s Migration


Zamzam, a well near theزمزم

Ka’aba The honored andالحرم

protected area They perform theيحجون


ر Every yearعام كلHe has made unlawful حرم A wellبئـ

We loveنحبFighting القتال Blessedمباركة

Place of coming downمهبط Huntingالصيد Vastواسعة

He turns his faceيـتجه Limitsحدود


The migrationالهجرة In their prayersصالتهم It is namedتسمى

Do you know?

Arabic is a Semitic language. With the spread of Islam, Arabic literature and grammar had a strong

impact on some Indo European languages like Persian. A large number of Arabic words are

included in modern-day Urdu and Hindi.

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0219

لة وفي ليـقتـلوه - وسلم عليه اهللا صلى -الرسول منزل حول الكفار وقف الهجرة ليـIn the night of migration, the infidels stayed around the house of the Prophet to وسلم عليه اهللا صلى kill him.

هم أحد يـره ولـم عليهم - وسلم عليه اهللا صلى -الرسول وخرج الله بقدرة منـThe Prophet came وسلم عليه اهللا صلى out and with the power of Allah, nobody from them saw him.

سالمين إليها ووصال المنـورة المدينة إلى -عنه الله رضي -الصديق بكر أبو وصاحبه - وسلم عليه اهللا صلى -وهاجرThe Prophet and وسلم عليه اهللا صلى his companion Abu Bakr the Truthful, may Allah be pleased with him,

migrated towards the Enlightened Madina and reached there safe and sound.

.والسرور بالفرح والمهاجرون األنصار واستـقبـلهماThe Helpers (Inhabitants of Madina) and the Migrators (Immigrants from Makkah) welcomed both of

them with happiness and joy.

وأنصاري مهاجر كل بين آخى المنـورة المدينة - وسلم عليه اهللا صلى -الرسول دخول ومنذ When the Prophet entered وسلم عليه اهللا صلى into the Enlightened Madina, he made each Migrant and

Helper brother of each other.

Lesson 3: Makkah, Madina and Prophet’s Migration


لة He received both ofاستـقبـلهماAny oneأحد Nightليـ


Enlightened, full of light ofمنـورة

guidanceWithقدرة ب the powerبالفرحWith happiness

PleasureالسرورHe migratedهاجرHe stayedوقف

The infidels who rejectedالكفار

the Prophet.Sinceمنذ His companionصاحبه

The true man, Abu Bakrالصديق Homeمنزل Enteringدخول .رضى اهللا عنه

/ Both of them joinedوصال So that they kill himليـقتـلوه

reached He made themآخى


Two safe and soundسالمينHe has not seenلم يـره


Rule of the Day: The Pointing Nouns of مؤنث واحد are used with plural nouns for non-intellectual things.

For example, جديدة كتب هذه (these new books), وحرث أنـعام هذه (these cattle and tilth), التماثيل هذه (these

idols), األنـهار هذه (these rivers) etc.

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0220

اإلسالم في مسجد أول وهو - المدينة جنوب في قـباء مسجد وأصحابه ◌بـنىHe and his companions built a mosque at Quba in south of Madina. It is the first mosque in (the history

of) Islam.

المسجد بـنـوا وثم بويرة المدينة وسط في النالمنـوThen they constructed the Prophetic Mosque in the Middle of the Enlightened Madina.

تشر حتى الكفار ويجاهد اإلسالم الناس يـبـلغ سنوات عشر - وسلم عليه اهللا صلى - الرسول عاش ووصل اإلسالم انـ.العالم في مكان كل إلى

The Prophet remain وسلم عليه اهللا صلى alive for 10 years. He preached Islam to the people, struggled against

the infidels until Islam spread and reached at each place in the world.

Lesson 3: Makkah, Madina and Prophet’s Migration


Prophetic, related to theالنبويHe built ◌بـنى

ProphetHe strives / will preachيجاهد

The infidels who opposedالكفار Middleوسط His companionsأصحابه

the Prophet

Quba, a village nearقـباء

Madinaتشر He remained aliveعاش It spread / disseminatedانـ

He joinedوصل Tenعشر Southجنوب

Placeمكان Yearsسنوات Firstأول

He preaches / willيـبـلغ They builtبـنـوا

preachThe worldالعالم

Rule of the Day

Arabic Sentences are formed by joining words

and phrases. If the major word of the sentence

is a noun, it is called a 'Noun Sentence' and if

the major word of the sentence is a verb, it is

called a 'Verb Sentence.'

Face the Challenge!

Identify the parts of a sentence in English.

Do you know?

It is essential to read the poetry and prose of

the time of revelation of the Quran in order to

learn the language of that time.

Rule of the Day

Pointing nouns are used not only for physical

distance, it is also used for mental distance.

Face the Challenge!

Compare Arabic pointing nouns with those of

English. What is the difference?

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0221

الشريف النبوي المسجد The Holy Prophetic Mosque

.المنـورة المدينة لدخوله األولى األيام منذ مسجده وسلم عليه الله صلى الرسول بـنىThe Prophet وسلم عليه اهللا صلى built his mosque since initial days after his entering at the Enlightened


عليه الله صلى الرسول اشتـرى وقد بنائه في وبسيطا صغيرا وسلم عليه الله صلى الرسول عهد في النبوي المسجد كان .دنانير بعشرة أصحابها من المسجد عليها التي األرض وسلم

The Prophetic Mosque was small and simple in its construction at the time of the Prophet وسلم عليه اهللا صلى. The Prophet وسلم عليه اهللا صلى bought the land on which the Mosque was constructed from his companions

for 10 gold coins.

ويـتالقـون الكريم، القرآن من نزل ما إلى ويستمعون وسلم عليه اهللا صلى الرسول مسجد في يجتمعون المسلمون كان .العلمحلقات ويحضرون ودنياهم دينهم أمور عن ويـتحدثون فيه

Muslims used to gather in the Mosque of the Prophet وسلم عليه اهللا صلى and used to listen carefully whatever

was revealed from the Venerable Quran. They used to meet each other in it and talk about their religious

and worldly affairs. They used to attend the study circles.

Note: Look that only one كان added the meaning of 'used to' in the entire sentence.

Lesson 3: Makkah, Madina and Prophet’s Migration


Honored, venerableالكريم Simple, plainبسيطا Honorableالشريف

They meetيـتالقـون Its buildingبنائه He builtبـنى

They talkيـتحدثون He boughtاشتـرىThe daysاأليام

أمر Affairs, plural ofأمور Its i.e. its ownersأصحابهاEarlierاألولى

For 10 dinarsبعشرة دنانير For his enteringلدخوله

(gold coins)Their religionدينهم

Their worldدنياهم They gatherيجتمعون Wasكان

They listen withيستمعون Periodعهد

attentionThey attendيحضرون

حلقة Circles, plural ofحلقات It came downنـزل Smallصغيرا

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0222

:وسلم عليه اهللا صلى الرسول قال الرحال، إليهاتشد التي الثالثة المساجد من فـهو عظيم المسجد هذا فضل The rank of this mosque is great. So it is from the three mosques towards which saddles are tightened

(people travel). The Prophet وسلم عليه اهللا صلى said:

'هذا ومسجدياألقصى والمسجد الحرام، المسجد :مساجد لثالثة إال الرحالتشد ال''Don’t travel (to perform prayer) except the three mosques: The Honored Mosque (at Makkah), The Far

Mosque (at Jerusalem) and My This Mosque.' He, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

،)عليه متفق( 'الحرام المسجد إال سواهفيما صالة ألف من خير هذا مسجدي في صالة ' :والسالم الصالة عليه وقال'Prayer in my this mosque is better than a 1000 prayers at some other place except the Honored Mosque.'

(Agreed by Bukhari and Muslim).

'الجنة رياض من روضة ومنبري بـيتيبـين ما' :وسلم عليه الله صلى الرسول عنها قال التيالشريفة الروضة وفيه There is the Venerable Garden inside it about that The Prophet وسلم عليه اهللا صلى said, 'Whatever is between

my home and my pulpit is a garden from the gardens of paradise.'

Lesson 3: Makkah, Madina and Prophet’s Migration


My homeبـيتيOne Thousandألف Favorفضل

A Gardenروضة Other than itهسواThreeالثالثة


Saddles are tightened i.e.

To be prepared to travel.متفق عليه

Agreed upon (by

Bukhari and


My pulpit, on whichمنبري

sermon is delivered

The farthest i.e. theاألقصى

Mosque of Jerusalemروضة Gardens, plural ofرياض The gardenالروضة

,Honoredالشريفة Betterخير

venerableThe paradiseالجنة

Worth Reading

What is ostentation and what is its impact on the personality of a person? What will be the impact of

ostentation on the Deeds Account of a person in the real life i.e. Hereafter? Read in English.


Do you know?

Arabic is a Semitic language. With the spread of Islam, Arabic literature and grammar had a strong

impact on some Indo European languages like Persian. A large number of Arabic words are included

in modern-day Urdu and Hindi.

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0223

الكريم القـرآن وسلم عليه اهللا صلى األمي النبي على السالم عليه -األمين جبريل به نـزل الله، كتاب الكريم القرآن

The Holy Quran is the book of Allah.

رهم جهنم، عذاب من الناس ليـنذر ابقة األمم أخبار وفيه الجنة، بنعيم ويـبش والمرسلين األنبياء وقصص الس.It was revealed by the Trustworthy Gabriel, peace by upon him, on the Not-formally-educated Prophet

وسلم عليه اهللا صلى . So that he warns people from the punishment of Hell and provide them with good news

of the blessings of Paradise. There is information about the previous nations and stories of the Prophets

and Messengers in it.

ركم ' :وسلم عليه الله صلى قال 'وعلمه القرآن تـعلم من خيـHe (The Prophet وسلم عليه اهللا صلى ) said, 'The best of you is the one who learns the Quran and then teaches


حرف )الم( أقول ال أمثالها بعشر والحسنة ، حسنة به فـله الله كتاب من حرفا قـرأ من ' :وسلم عليه الله صلى وقال 'حرف وميم ، حرف والم حرف ألف ولكن

He (The Prophet وسلم عليه اهللا صلى ) said, 'Whoever reads an alphabet from Allah’s Book, for him there is a

good deed. Each good deed will be rewarded 10 times. I do not say that الم is an alphabet. Alif is one

alphabet, laam is another alphabet and Meem is another alphabet.'

Note: The word قال includes automatically the meaning of 'he said'. There is no need to bring a

separate word for 'he'.

Lesson 3: Makkah, Madina and Prophet’s Migration


He teaches itعلمه Newsأخبار Gabriel, the angelجبريل

He readقـرأ The Nationsاألمم The honest and trustworthyاألمين

األميGentile, not formally

educatedابقة السPrevious حرفاAn alphabet, a letter, (it is

in نصب )

Good deedحسنة قصة Stories, plural ofقصص So that he warnsليـنذر

With 10بعشر The prophetsالمرسلين Peopleالناس

رهم يـبشHe gives them good news ركم مثل Times of it, plural ofأمثالهاThe best of youخيـ

Aboutنعيمب the blessings تـعلمHe learns (as a

student)I do not sayال أقول

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0224

'أحدا بربـنا نشرك ولن به فآمنا الرشد إلى يـهدى .عجبا قـرآنا سمعنا إنا' :الكريم القرآن سمعت عندما الجن قالت

When the Jinn listened the Venerable Quran they said, 'Surely we have listened a wonderful read

document which guides towards the right path so we believed in it and we will never associate anyone to

our Lord.'

Note: Since the Jinn is a group, therefore the verb for مؤنث has been used for them because a group is

مؤنث in Arabic.

المسلم أخو المسلم Muslims is a brother of another Muslim.

اليابان، من وهو اإلسالمية، الجامعة في يدرس جديد طالب حسن

Hassan is a new student. He studies at the Islamic University. He is from Japan.

.العاشرة الغرفة في الثاني الدور األول المهجع في الجامعة سكن في حسن يسكن Hassan lives in the residential area of the university in the Hostel No. 1, Second Floor and Room No. 10.

Lesson 3: Makkah, Madina and Prophet’s Migration


Letters at the start of someالم

Surahs ,Wonderfulعجبا


رفع An alphabet (it is inحرف He studiesيدرس He guidesيـهدى(

The universityالجامعة Right pathالرشد Butلكن

She said (also used for aقالت

group) So we believed inبه فآمنا


الجنJinn, Giant, a supernatural

creature We will never beلن نشرك

polytheistHe residesيسكن

Place of residenceسكن To our LordبربـناShe listenedسمعت

Hostelالمهجع Anyoneأحدا Surely weإنا

Storeyالدور BrotherأخوWe listenedسمعنا

Roomالغرفة Studentطالب A read documentقـرآنا

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0225

غانا من وهو ومحمد أمريكا من وهو علي الغرفة في معي يسكن ' : حسن يـقول

Hassan says, 'Ali lives with me in the room. He is from America and Muhammad (also lives with me) and

he is from Ghana.

'.اإلسالم في إخوة نحن لله والحمد مختلفة فبالدنا

So our countries are different but thanks God we are brothers in Islam.'

'إخوة المؤمنون إنما' :تـعالى الله قال

Allah, the exalted, said: 'Surely the believers are only brothers (to each other).'

)الحـديث( 'المسلم أخـو المسلم ' : وسلم عليه اهللا صلى الله رسول وقالAllah’s Apostle وسلم عليه اهللا صلى said, 'Muslim is a brother of another Muslim.' (A hadith)

'.لنـفسه يحب ما ألخيه يحب حتى أحدكم يؤمن ال' :والسالم الصالة عليه وقال He said, 'No one of you can become a believer unless he likes (the same) for his brother whatever he likes

for himself.'

Note: This lesson is adapted from the Arabic Language Course of the International Islamic

University, Madina.

Lesson 3: Makkah, Madina and Prophet’s Migration


Brothers, plural ofإخوة Tenthالعاشرة


He loves, he likesيحبSo we are only إنماWith meمعي

For his brotherألخيه The believersالمؤمنون Ghana, an African countryغانا

So ourافبالدن countries ال يؤمنHe is not a

believerFor himselfلنـفسه

Anyone of youأحدكمDifferentمختلفة

Rule of the Day

If both the مبتدا و خبر have an ال or both are without

it, it is a مركب توصيفي. If the ال is only on the مبتدا, then it is a جملة اسمية.

Face the Challenge! Although not

defined in this lesson, but try to identify

the parts of a فعلية جملة .

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0226

الله سبيل في أموالهم ينفقون الذين مثل The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is

حبة مائة سنبـلة كل في سنابل سبع أنـبتت حبة كمثل Like the parable of a grain that sprouts into seven fruiting spikes, and each spike has 100 grains.

عليم واسع والله يشاء لمن يضاعف والله And Allah increases multiple times for whom He pleases. And Allah has boundless knowledge.

الله سبيل في أموالهم ينفقون الذين Those who spend their wealth in Allah’s way


,Example مثل

parableOne Hundred, 100 مائة Grain حبة

Sprouts, produces أنـبتت Those whoالذين

buds and branches Increasingيضاعف


For whom من ل Seven سبع They spendينفقون

Their هم أموال wealth سنابل Fruiting spikes of a

plant, plural of يشاء سنبلة He pleases

Vast, boundless واسع In each, in all of them كل في In Allah’s way في سبيل الله

Like the مثل ك

example ofThen ثمA single fruiting spike سنبـلة

Lesson 4: Spend in Allah’s Way

The Result

Compare your translation. Each line carried ten marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0227

أذى وال منا أنفقوا ما يـتبعون ال ثمThen they do not follow what they have spent with reminders of their generosity and do not injure thefeeling (of the recipient)

ربهم عند أجرهم لهم For them, their reward is available with their Lord.

يحزنون هم وال عليهم خوف والAnd they shall have nothing to fear and nothing to regret.

ر ومغفرة معروف قـول أذى يـتبـعها صدقة من خيـKind words and forgiveness is better than charity followed by injuring feelings.

حليم غني والله And Allah is self-sufficient, forbearing.


,Than charity صدقة من On them م عليه Do not follow up يـتبعون ال

from charity

What they have أنفقواما

spentThat is هايـتبـع .They will grieve يحزنون followed


Reminding one’s منا

generosityInjuring feelings أذىWords, saying قـول

Injuring other’s أذى

feelings-Good, kind, well معروف

known غني Self sufficient,

free of all needs

Their هم أجر reward مغفرة Forgiveness حليم Forbearing

With their هم رب عند Lord ر Good, better خيـ

Lesson 4: Spend in Allah’s Way

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0228

واألذى بالمن صدقاتكم تـبطلوا ال آمنوا الذين أيـها ياO believers! Do not make your charity worthless by reminders of your generosity and by injury to the

recipient's feelings.

الناس رئاء ماله ينفق كالذيLike that who spends his wealth to be seen by people,

اآلخر واليـوم بالله يـؤمن والAnd he does not believe in Allah and the Last Day.

صلدا فـتـركه وابل فأصابه تـراب عليه صفوان كمثل فمثـله So his parable is like that of a hard barren rock having soil on it. A heavy rain falls on it and leaves it a

barren stone.

كسبوا مما شيء على يـقدرون الThey will not be able to receive anything which (they feel that) they have earned.


الذين يا أيـها So leaves ه تـرك فـ People الناس !O believers آمنوا it

You do not make تـبطلواال

worthlessBarren stone صلدا Hard barren rock صفوان

كم صدقات Your charities,

plural of ه علي صدقة On it يـقدرون They are able to


By reminding المن ب

one’s generosityOn anything شيء على Soil, dust تـراب

His ه مال wealth ه أصاب ف So reaches itامامن ، ممFrom that

,To show رئاء

ostentationThey earnedكسبواHeavy rain وابل

Lesson 4: Spend in Allah’s Way

Face the Challenge! Identify the Metaphors in this lesson.

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0229

الكافرين القوم يـهدي ال والله And Allah does not guide the unbeliever (or thankless) group of people.

أنـفسهم من وتـثبيتا الله مرضاة ابتغاء أموالهم ينفقون الذين ومثل And parable of those who spend their wealth to seek the pleasure of Allah and to strengthen (the piety) in

their personality,

ها لم فإن ضعفين أكلها فآتت وابل أصابـها بربـوة جنة كمثل تـعملون بما والله فطل، وابل يصبـبصير

Is like the parable of a garden on a high place. When a heavy rain falls on it, its yields up twice, and if no

rain falls, even a light moisture is enough for it. And Allah is observing whatever you are doing.

ة له تكون أن أحدكم أيـودمن فيها له األنـهار تحتها من تجري وأعناب نخيل من جن مرات كلالث Would anyone of you likes that he has a garden (full) of date-palm trees and grapevines, and streams

flowing underneath, having all kinds of fruits


He يـهديال does not

guideIts هاأكل edible items كم أحد Any one of you

Unbeliever الكافرين القوم

group of people ,Two times ضعفين

twiceThat there be ه ل تكون أن for


So if هايصبـ لم إن ف To get ابتغاء does not

reaches itDate-palm trees نخيل


happiness فطل Light moisture أعناب Grapes

That flows تجريWith thatماب Strengthening تـثبيتا

From their هم أنـفس من souls تـعملونYou do هاحت من ت Flowing

underneath it

وة ب األنـهار Observerبصير On a high point ربـStreams, rivers,

plural of نهر

,So it yields up آتت ف

so it brings Would one يـود أ

likes? Fruits, plural of الثمرات


Lesson 4: Spend in Allah’s Way

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0230

ضعفاء ذرية وله الكبـر وأصابه And he reaches to old age having children not strong (enough to earn their living)

فاحتـرقت نار فيه إعصار فأصابـها(At that time) it is caught by a whirlwind, with fire therein, and be burnt up? (So the reward of those who

spend their wealth to be seen by the people will be lost in the same manner.)

تـتـفكرون لعلكم اآليات لكم الله يـبـين كذلك In this way, Allah clarifies these signs to you, so that you may ponder over them.

األرض من لكم أخرجنا ومما كسبتم ما طيبات من أنفقوا آمنوا الذين أيـها ياO believers! Spend the best portion of your earned wealth and whatever We have produced for you from

the land.

تنفقون منه الخبيث تـيمموا والAnd do not intend to pick out the worst things to give as charity.


Good and pure things طيبات Then it burned فاحتـرقت Reached him ه أصاب

earned legitimately

You have earned كسبتم Like that ذلك ك Old ageالكبـر

He explains, He يـبـين Children, offspring ذرية

clarifiesFrom that, from which مام

We brought outأخرجناFor you كم ل Weak ضعفاء

So reached هاأصابـ ف it اآليات Signs, verses األرض Earth

Make an intention to تـيممواSo that youكم لعلWindstorm إعصار

pick out

,You think about تـتـفكرون In it ه في

you ponder over الخبيث

The worst thing, the

opposite of طيباتFrom itمنه Spend أنفقواFire نار

Lesson 4: Spend in Allah’s Way

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0231

فيه تـغمضوا أن إال بآخذيه ولستم Whereas you yourself will not take it except if you close your eyes about it.

حميد غني الله أن واعلمواAnd bear in mind that undoubtedly, Allah is self-sufficient and praiseworthy.

بالفحشاء ويأمركم الفقر يعدكم الشيطان Satan threatens you with poverty (to not spend your wealth on charity) and prompts you to (spend your

wealth to) commit vulgar acts.

وفضال منه مغفرة يعدكم والله And Allah promises you for His forgiveness and bounties.

)268-2:261 البقرة( .عليم واسع والله

And Allah is boundless and He knows everything.


You are not, you لستم

would notPoverty الفقر Know اعلموا

With taking ه آخذيب it حميد Praiseworthy,

AdmirableHe orders you كم يأمر

إال Except كم يعد He promises

you, he warns


For unseemly, for الفحشاء ب

vulgar acts

That keeping تـغمضواأن

your eyes closed

Lesson 4: Spend in Allah’s Way

Rule of the Day

In order to make a جملة اسميةnegative, add the word ما before it

and change the form of خبر to


Do you know?

Each language has five levels: Slang, Intermediate,

Standard, Literary and Poetic. Modern Arabic spoken in the

Arab world is slang. Most of the books are written in

literary and standard languages. Absurd ideas are usually

presented in the Poetic language.

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0232

يطان فإن بالشمال تأكلوا ال' :وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول قال :قال عنه الله رضي جابر عن يأكل الش )2019 األشربة، كتاب مسلم،('.بالشمال

(Narrated) by Jabir, he said that Allah’s Apostle said, 'Don’t eat with your left hand. Surely the Satan eats

with the left hand.'

رة أبي عن ر القوي المؤمن ' :وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول قال :قال عنه الله رضي هريـ المؤمن من الله إلى وأحب خيـ)2664 القدر، كتاب مسلم،('.الضعيف

(Narrated) by Abu Hurairah, he said that Allah’s Apostle said, 'A believer with a strong body is better and

more liked by Allah as compared to a believer with a weak body.'

رة أبي عن القاعد، على والمار الكبير، على الصغير يسلم ' :وسلم عليه اهللا صلى الله رسول قال :قال عنه الله رضي هريـ)5877 االستئذان، كتاب بخاري،('.الكثير على والقليل

(Narrated) by Abu Hurairah, he said that Allah’s Apostle said, 'A younger one should salute the elder one,walker should (salute) the one who is sitting and a small group should (salute) the larger group.'

أبو قال .تـوطأ وأن عليها يبنى وأن عليها يكتب وأن القبور تجصص أن وسلم عليه اهللا صلى النبي نـهى قال جابر عن)1052 الجنائز، كتاب ترمذي،( .صحيح حسن حديث هذا عيسى

(Narrated) by Jabir, he said that Allah’s Apostle forbade plastering the graves, writing upon them,

constructing a building above them and passing over them by putting foot. Abu A’isa Tirmidhi said that

this Hadith is middle-to-high level of authenticity.

Lesson 5: Manners and Etiquettes

The Result

Compare your translation. Each line carried ten marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.


To plasterأن تجصص Small, little, youngerالصغير Don’t eatال تأكلوا

Withالشمالب left hand الكبيرBig, elder أن يكتبTo write

القويPowerful, healthy المارWalker, one passing


ر Sitter, the personالقاعد Betterخيـ

sittingTo buildأن يبنى

أحبFavorite, more or the

most liked To pass by putting aأن توطأ Lessالقليل


He salutes / willيسلم


Face the Challenge! What is the impact of words إن or أن on the form and meaning of a اسمية جملة ?

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0233

:قال 'الله؟ إلى أحب العمل أي' :وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول سألت قال عنه الله رضي مسعود بن الله عبد عن كتاب مسلم،('الله سبيل في الجهاد ' :قال ؟ 'أي ثم ' :قـلت 'الوالدين بر ' :قال ؟ 'أي ثم ' :قـلت .'وقتها على الصالة '

)139 االيمان،

(Narrated) by Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud, he said that I asked Allah’s Apostle, 'Which deed is liked most by

Allah?' He said, 'Performing prayer at its time.' I said, 'Then which one?' He replied, 'Being generous to

the parents.' I asked, 'Then what?' He said, 'Striving in Allah’s way.'

هما الله رضي عمر ابن عن ر وبـيوتـهن المساجد، نساءكم تمنعوا ال' :وسلم عليه اهللا صلى الله رسول قال :قال عنـ خيـ 567 الصلوة، كتاب داؤد، أبو('.لهن(

(Narrated) by I’bn U’mar, he said that Allah’s Apostle said, 'Don’t forbid your women (from coming at)

mosques although their homes are better for them.

)139 الطهارة، كتاب بخاري،('.حرام فـهو أسكر شراب كل ' :قال وسلم عليه اهللا صلى النبي عن عنها اهللا رضي عائشة عن

(Narrated) by Ayesha, she described that Allah’s Apostle said, 'Each drink that intoxicates is forbidden.'

وولده والده من إليه أحب أكون حتى أحدكم يـؤمن ال' :قال وسلم عليه الله صلى النبي عن عنه الله رضي أنس عن )15 اإليمان، كتاب بخاري،( '.أجمعين والناس

(Narrated) by Anas, he said that Allah’s Apostle said, 'Nobody from you can become a believer unless I

become beloved for him more than his parents, children and all people.'


أيWhichال تمنعواDon’t forbid ال يـؤمنHe does not


I becomeأكون Your womenنساءكم Deed, action, practiceالعمل

His fatherوالده Mosquesالمساجد Its timeوقتها

برGenerosity بـيوتـهنTheir homesولدهHis child

All of themأجمعين Any drinkable thingشراب Parentsالوالدين

It intoxicatesأسكر Strivingالجهاد

Forbidden, protectedحرام Wayسبيل

Lesson 5: Manners and Etiquettes

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0234

رة أبي عن هما الله رضي على بن الحسن وسلم عليه الله صلى النبي قـبل :قال عنه الله رضي هريـ رع وعنده عنـ بن األقـهم قـبـلت ما الولد من عشرة لي إن ' :فـقال .جالسا التميمي حابس وسلم عليه اهللا صلى الله رسول إليه فـنظر '.أحدا منـ)5651 األدب، كتاب بخاري،('.يـرحم ال يـرحم ال من ' :فـقال

(Narrated) by Abu Hurairah, he said, 'The Prophet kissed Hassan Ibn A’li while Al-Aqra’ Ibn Habis Al-

Timi was sitting with him.' He said, 'I have 10 children, I never kissed any of them.' The Prophet of Allah

looked at him and said, 'One who is not merciful will not receive mercy (of God).'

المريض، بعيادة أمرنا :سبع عن ونـهانا بسبع وسلم عليه اهللا صلى النبي أمرنا' :عنهما اهللا رضي عازب بن البـراء قالاعي، وإجابة السالم، وإفشاء المظلوم، ونصر القسم وإبرار العاطس، وتشميت الجنازة، واتـباع خواتم عن ونـهانا الد

هب، ة، آنية وعن الذة، المياثر، وعن الفضرق، والقسي )4880 النكاح، كتاب بخاري،( '.والديباج واإلستبـ

Narrated by Bara Ibn A’azib, 'The Prophet commanded us for seven and forbade us from seven: He

ordered us for (1) Visiting patients; (2) Going with funerals; (3) Saying اهللا يرحمك for a sneezing person; (4)

Fulfilling oaths; (5) Helping the offended person; (6) Spreading salutation; and (7) Accepting (the

invitation) of an inviter. He forbade us from golden rings; silver utensils; silky cushions and different

kinds of silky cloths. (All these items were extremely expensive at the Prophet’s time.)


Spreadingإفشاء For visiting (a patient)عيادة ب He kissedقـبل

Acceptingإجابة The patientالمريض Sittingجالسا

The inviterالداعيFollowingاتـباع I kissedقـبـلت

Goldenالذهب خواتم Funeralالجنازة So he lookedفـنظر rings

He does not beال يـرحم

mercifulيرحمك اهللا Sayingتشميت when

someone sneezesSilver utensilsالفضة آنية

He does not receiveال يـرحم

mercySilky cushionsالمياثر The sneezing personالعاطس

A type of clothالقسية Fulfillingإبرار He ordered usأمرنا

fabricated by silk

Forسبع ب seven القسمThe oath رق A heavy cloth fabricatedاإلستبـ

by silk

A type of clothالديباج Helpنصر He forbade usنـهانا

fabricated by silk

Lesson 5: Manners and Etiquettes

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0235

نان، فـيـرجع .وعمله وماله أهله : ثالثة الميت يـتبع ' :قال وسلم عليه اهللا صلى النبي عن عنه الله رضي أنس عن قى اثـ ويـبـقى وماله، أهله يـرجع : واحد )2960 الرقائق، و الزهد كتاب مسلم،('.عمله ويـبـ

Narrated by Anas that the Prophet said, 'Three thing follow the died. His family, his wealth and his deeds.

So two (of them) return and one remains (there). His family and his wealth return while his deeds remain

(there with him).

!اهللا رسول يا' :قالوا '.مظلوما أو ظالما أخاك انصر ' :وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول قال :قال عنه اهللا رضي أنس عن)2312 المظالم، كتاب بخاري،( '.يديه فوق تأخذ ' :قال 'ظالما؟ ننصره فكيف مظلوما، نـنصره هذا

(Narrated) by Anas, he said that Allah’s Apostle said, 'Help your brother whether he is an offender or

being offended.' They said, 'O Allah’s Prophet! We will help the offended one by how can we help the

offender?' He replied, 'By catching his both hands from top.'

إنـها !اهللا رسول يا' :فقلنا .معه وقمنا .وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول لها فـقام .جنازة مرت :قال ؛ عبداهللا بن جابر عن)960 الجنائز، كتاب مسلم،( '.فـقوموا الجنازة رأيتم فإذا .فـزع الموت إن ' :فقال '.يـهودية

(Narrated) by Jabir Ibn A’bdullah, he said that a funeral passed, Allah’s Apostle stood up for it and we also

stoop up with him. So we said, 'O Allah’s Prophet! Surely he was a Jew.' He replied, 'Verily the death is a

terror. Whenever you see a funeral, stand up.'

Lesson 5: Manners and Etiquettes


He follows / willيـتبع

followSo he stood upفـقامOffenderظالما

We stood up with himقمنا معه Be offendedمظلوماDead bodyالميت

Jewيـهودية We help himنـنصره Threeثالثة

The deathالموت So howفكيف His familyأهله

So he returns / willفـيـرجع

return You catch / will catch, youتأخذ

take / will takeFear, terrorفزع

نان You seeرأيتم Aboveفوق Twoاثـ

قى He remains / willيـبـ

remainSo stand upفـقومواHis both handsيديه

It passedمرت !Helpانصر

Worth Reading In the Land of the Quran and the Bible. At travel story to the sites

related to God’s prophets. The writing is in Urdu.


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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0236

ديد ليس ' :قال وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول أن :عنه اهللا رضي هريرة أبي عن رعة، الشديد إنما بالصذي الشيملك ال )5763 األدب، كتاب بخاري،( '.الغضب عند نفسه

(Narrated) by Abu Hurairah that Allah’s Apostle said, 'One cannot become strong by wrestling. Surely the

strong is the one who controls himself in the state of anger.

هوات، النار حجبت ' :قال وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول أن :هريرة أبي عن ة وحجبت بالشبخاري،( '.بالمكارة الجن )6122 الرقاق، كتاب

(Narrated) by Abu Hurairah that Allah’s Apostle said, 'The Hellfire is wrapped by desires while the

Paradise is wrapped by difficulties.

اري؛ تميم عن الد أن ين ' :قال وسلم عليه اهللا صلى النبي صيحة الدة ولرسوله ولكتابه هللا ' قال 'لمن؟' :قلنا 'الن وألئم )95 اإليمان، كتاب مسلم،( '.وعاماتهم المسلمين

(Narrated) by Tamim Al-Dari that Allah’s Apostle said, 'The religion is (the name of) well-wishing.' We

said, 'For whom?' He replied, 'For Allah, for His Book, for His Prophet, for the leaders of Muslims and

their public.'

Lesson 5: Manners and Etiquettes


ين He controls himselfيملك نفسه Notليس الدThe religion

Well wishingالنصيحة Intense anger, rageالغضب Hardالشديد

The art ofالصرعة

wrestling?For whomلمن؟It is wrappedحجبت

هوات Surely onlyإنما بالشBy desires ةأئمLeaders, plural of إمام

Their ordinary peopleعاماهم By troublesبالمكارة

Worth Reading

What is the difference between Monotheism and Polytheism? Why the Polytheism

not acceptable in front of God? How to avoid polytheism in our prayers?


Rule of the Day

The word ليس converts a جملة اسمية into negative meaning.

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.الميزان تمأل ]هللا الحمد [ و .اإليمان شطر الطهور ' وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول قال :قال األشعري؛ مالك أبي عنماوات بين ما )تمأل أو( تمألن ]هللا والحمد اهللا سبحان [ و الة .واألرض السدقة .نور والصبر .برهان والصضياء والص.

)223 الطهارة، كتاب مسلم،( '.موبقها أو فمعتقها .نفسه فـبايع .يغدو الناس كل .عليك أو لك حجة والقرآن

(Narrated) by Abu Malik Al-Ash’ari that Allah’s Apostle said, 'Cleanliness is half of faith. هللا الحمد fills the

balance and هللا الحمد و اهللا سبحان both of them fill the space between the heavens and the earth. And the

prayer is a light, the charity is an evidence (of being generous), the patience is a light, the Quran is an

evidence for or against you (whether you follow it or not). All people start their morning and sell

themselves. Then they are either freeing themselves (from the Hellfire) or putting themselves into danger.

الشح واتـقوا .القيامة يوم ظلمات الظلم فإن .الظلم اتـقوا' قال وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول أن عبداهللا؛ بن جابر عن فإن حوا دماءهم سفكوا أن على حملهم قبلكم، كان من أهلك الش2578 الصلة، و البر كتاب مسلم،( '.محارمهم واستحل(

(Narrated) by Jabir Ibn A’bdullah that Allah’s Apostle said, 'Beware of offence. Surely the offence will

become darkness on the Day of Judgment. Beware of miserliness (greediness). Surely the misery killed

people who were before you. It overwhelmed them (and the result was) that they shed their blood and

make the forbidden women lawful for them.

Lesson 5: Manners and Etiquettes


It killedأهلك Lightضياء Cleanliness, purityالطهور

Who wereمن كانEvidence, proofحجة Halfشطر

Before youقبلكمHe starts the morningيغدو It fills / will fillتمأل

It overwhelmed themحملهم Buyerبايع The balanceالميزان

/ Both of them fillتمألن

will fillThat they shedأن سفكواOne who manumits itمعتقها

Their bloodدماءهم One who puts it in dangerموبقهاLightنور

The try to make lawfulاستحلوا!Be carefulاتـقوا Charityالصدقة

ظلمة Darkness, plural ofظلمات Evidence, proofبرهان محارمهم

Their forbidden women,

plural of محرم. Women

with whom marriage is

not allowed Patience, beingالصبر

steadfast الشحMiserliness

Worth Reading Why people have two faces? What is the impact of dual personality on the reputation?

Read the details in: http://www.mubashirnazir.org/PD/English/PE02-0016-Twofaces.htm

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0238

'.قيئه في يـعود ثم يقيء كالكلب، هبته في العائد ' :وسلم عليه اهللا صلى النبي قال :قال عنهما اهللا رضي عباس ابن عن)2449 الهبة، كتاب بخاري،(

(Narrated) by I’bn A’bbas, he said that Allah’s Apostle said, 'A person who gets back his gift is like a dog

which vomits and then eat its vomit back.'

بخاري،( '.النفس غنى الغنى ولكن العرض، كثرة عن الغنى ليس (' :قال وسلم عليه اهللا صلى النبي عن هريرة، أبي عن)6081 الرقاق، كتاب

(Narrated) by Abu Hurairah that Allah’s Apostle said, '(A person) does not (become) rich due to

abundance of wealth. But the rich is the one who is rich by heart.'

Lesson 5: Manners and Etiquettes


Abundanceكثرة Notليس One who returnsالعائد

Wealthالعرض He returnsيـعود His giftهبته

He vomits / willيقيء

vomitLikeالكلب ك a dogغنىFree of, rich

RichالغنىHis vomit قيئه

Do you know?

In addition to Pre-Islamic Arab poets, their speakers also had a

great status in the society. They were the spokespersons of their

tribes. At occasions of conflict, they used to represent their tribes

with the help of their speaking power. They were called شهيد of

their tribe.

Do you know?

In Pre-Islamic Arabia, a lot of festivals were conducted before

and after the Pilgrimage to Makkah. These festivals included a

huge trade and commerce activity. In addition to that, these

festivals were the meeting point of Arab poets and speakers to

demonstrate their capabilities.

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Lesson 6: Dialogues

الصــوم وبـركاته اهللا ورحمة السالم وعليكم الطالب .وبـركاته اهللا ورحمة عليكم السالم المدرس

TeacherPeace be upon all of you and Allah’s

blessings and His benedictionsStudents

And the peace, Allah’s blessings and

His benedictions may also be upon you.

ترب المدرس .الصوم عن اليـوم ودرسنا ....المبارك رمضان شهر اقـ

TeacherThe month of Ramadan, the blessed, is coming near….. And today, our lesson is about


بالل تـعالى الله قال ماذا عن القرآن في

الصوم؟ كتب كما الصيام عليكم كتب آمنوا الذين أيها يا :تعالى الله قال المدرس

.تـتـقون لعلكم قـبلكم من الذين على


What Allah, the

Exalted has said

about fasting in the



Allah, the Exalted said, 'O Believers! Fasting is enjoined on

you like it was enjoined on those who were before you so

that you become God-fearing.'

السنة في جاء وماذاحامد المدرس الصوم؟ عن النبوية

شهادة :خمس على اإلسالم بني ' :وسلم عليه الله صلى النبي قال وإيتاء الصالة، وإقام ورسوله، عبده محمدا وأن الله إال إله ال أن

.رمضان وصوم البـيت، وحج الزكاة،


What came in the

Prophetic tradition

about fasting?


The Prophet said, 'Islam is based on five things: (1)

Testifying that there is no god except Allah and Muhammad

is His slave and His prophet. (2) Establishing prayer. (3)

Paying obligatory charity. (4) Performing pilgrimage of the

House (of Allah), and (5) Fasting during Ramadan.WordExplanationWordExplanationWordExplanation

9thرمضان The teacherالمدرس month الصيامFasting, plural of صوم

It cameجاء Our lessonدرسناطالب .Students, singالطالب

ترب نة FastingالصومIt came nearاقـ السEstablished practice

Related to Prophetالنبوية It was made obligatoryكتب Monthشهر

The Result

Compare your translation. Each line carried ten marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

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المدرس أستاذ؟ يا المريض يصوم أأحمد قال .المسافر على وال المريض، على الصوم يجب ال

ة سفر على أو مريضا منكم كان فمن :تعالى الله فعد .أخر أيام من

AhmadO teacher, should a sick

person fast?Teacher

Fasting is neither obligatory on the sick nor on

the traveler. Allah, the Exalted said, 'So whoever

of you is sick or traveling, he should count

(fasting) in other days.'

ة تـعالى قـوله معنى ماحامد ام من فعدأي يصوم رمضان في - مثال –أيام أربـعة المريض أفطر إذاالمدرس أخر؟

.المسافر وكذلك .رمضان غير في أيام أربـعة


What is the meaning of His

saying 'he should count

(fasting) in other days.'


If , for instance, a sick person has left fasting for

four days during Ramadan, he should fast for

four days in (the months) other than Ramadan.

Similar is for the traveler.

.والفطر الصوم له يجوز بـلى،المدرس يصوم؟ أن للمسافر يجوز أال بالل

BilalIs it not allowed for the

traveler to fast?TeacherYes, it is allowed for him to fast or leave fasting.


For exampleمثال Travelerالمسافر It is builtبني

Otherغير Travelسفر He fastsيصوم

ة Sickالمريض عدCountingبـلىYes, but

It is allowedيجوز OtherأخرTeacherأستاذ

Not fastingالفطر He did not fastأفطر It is not obligatoryال يجب

Lesson 6: Dialogues

Rule of the Day

In Arabic, a group of people is usually

considered feminine although the individual

members of that group are masculine.

Face the Challenge! What is the significance ofالموصول اسم in Arabic? Why they are used?

Do you know?

Topics of Pre-Islamic Arab poetry and speech

were limited. They used to talk about the objects

around them e.g. camel, desert etc. In addition to

that, inter-tribe wars were a major topic of their

poetry and prose. Describing the attributes of their

tribe was a favorite topic for Arab poets.

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ـفـر الس.وبركاته اهللا ورحمة السالم وعليكم بالل .وبركاته اهللا ورحمة عليكم السالم أحمد

AhmadPeace be upon you and Allah’s

blessings and His benedictionsBilal

And the peace, Allah’s blessings and

His benedictions may also upon you.

.الله شاء إن السبت يـوم مسافر أنا .نعم بالل هذا؟ أصحيح مسافر أنك سمعت أحمد

AhmadI have heard that you are going to

travel. Is it right?Bilal

Yes, I am going to travel on Saturday, if

Allah wills.

باكستان إلىبالل تسافر؟ أين إلىأحمد AhmadTo where are you traveling?BilalTo Pakistan.

التذكرة واشتـريت حجزت نعم،بالل أحجزت؟أحمد

AhmadHave you reserved ( a flight)?BilalYes, I have reserved and I have bought

the ticket.

رة أخذت أحمد لباكستان الدخول تأشيرة وكذلك نعم،بالل والعودة؟ الخروج تأشيـ

AhmadHave to taken the visa to go out and


Yes, similarly (I have taken) the visa to

enter Pakistan.

شاء إن ظهرا الواحدة الساعة الطائرة تـقلع بالل الرحلة؟ موعد متىأحمد تـعالى الله

AhmadWhat is the time of departure?BilalThe airplane will take off at 1 ‘o’ clock

afternoon, if Allah, the Exalted wills.


You tookأخذت You travelتسافر I heardسمعت

Visaتأشيرة You reservedحجزت Rightصحيح

Returnالعودة I reservedحجزت Yesنعم

Enteringالدخول I boughtاشتـريت Saturdayالسبت

Promised timeموعد Ticketالتذكرة He willsشاء

Lesson 6: Dialogues

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خيرا الله جزاكبالل .والترحال الحل في السالمة رافـقتك أحمد

AhmadPeace might be your companion in all of your

actions.BilalAllah may give you better reward.


محمد !اليوم هذا الطقس أجمل ماحسن انظر صديقي يا الربيع فصل هذا كل في واألزهار الخضرة إلى


HassanWhat a beautiful weather today!Muhammad

This is spring seasons, my

friend, look at the greenery

and flowers everywhere.

الزهور هذه إلى لينظروا فرحون وهم الناس خرج لقد حسن يدوم الربيع ليت محمد الخضراء األشجار تلك تحت وليجلسوا المتـفتحة


People have come out, they are happy to see

these full blown flowers and to sit under these

green trees.

MuhammadI wish that the spring

remains forever.


Placeمكان He rewarded youجزاكTravelالرحلة

More or the mostأجمل It takes offتـقلع

beautifulThey became happyفرحون

So that they seeلينظرواWeatherالطقس Airplaneالطائرة

زهرة Flowers, plural ofالزهور Seasonفصل Hourالساعة

Full blownالمتـفتحة Springالربيع Afternoonظهرا

So that they sitليجلسواMy friendصديقيIt accompanies youرافقتك

شجر Trees, plural ofاألشجار Lookانظر Peace, safetyالسالمة

الحل والترحال

In all of your actions

(in travel and while


I hopeليت Greeneryالخضرة

It remains foreverيدوم زهرة Flowers, plural ofاألزهار

Lesson 6: Dialogues

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حسن تاء ففي رحمة، الفصول اختالف في إن وفي بـرد الش

فاكهة فصل كل وفي حر الصيف وفي مطر الخريف مختلفة وخضروات

خلق الذي الله سبحان محمد الجمال هذا كل!


Surely there is (Allah’s) mercy in change of

weather. During winter, it is cold, In autumn, there

is rain and in summer, it is hot. In each season,

there are different fruits and vegetables.


Allah is Exalted Who

has created all this


بدر وادي إلىرحلةبدر وادي في اآلننحن أبنائي، ياالمدرس

TeacherO my sons, we are now at the valley of Badr.

كيلومتر ومائة وخمسون ثالثة المسافة المدرس وبدر؟ المنورة المدينة بـين المسافة كم خالد

KhalidWhat is the distance between the

Enlightened Madina and Badr?TeacherThe distance is 153 kilometers.

المسلمين بـين معركة أول كانت هنا نـعم،المدرس المعركة؟ كانت أهناصالح والكفار

SalehWas here the battle (took place)?TeacherYes, here was the first battle between

the Muslims and the infidels.


ValleyواديSummerالصيف Differenceاختالف

NowاآلنHotحر فصل Seasons, plural ofالفصول

تاء الشWinter فاكهةFruits المسافةDistance

Battleالمعركة Vegetablesخضروات Coldبـرد

HereهناDifferentمختلفة Autumnالخريف

Wasكانت Beautyالجمال Rainمطر

Lesson 6: Dialogues

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أعظمها ما حقا .عظيمة معركة بدر معركة إن صالح الكفار على للمسلمين نصر أول كان وهناعمر !معركة من

TeacherHere was the first help (of God) for

the Muslims against the infidels.Teacher

Surely, the battle of Badr was a great

battle. It is true that no battle was greater

than it.

.الشام من راجعة لقريش قافلة أن المنـورة المدينة في المسلمون علم المدرس

TeacherThe Muslims knew at the Enlightened Madina that the caravan of Quraish was returning from


هم الكفار أخذه ما بـعض يستعيدون لعلهم لها يـتعرضوا بأن وسلم عليه الله صلى الرسول فأمرهم ا .مكة في منـ سمع ولم .القافلة ونجت آخر طريق في سار بذلك القافلة قائد

So the Prophet ordered to face it in order to recover whatever the infidels (of Makkah) have taken from

them at Makkah. When the leader of the caravan heard that, he traveled to another way and the caravan


ابع اليـوم في و .المسلمين لقتال مسرعين مكة من فخرجوا بالخبر قـريش علمت نة رمضان شهر من عشر الس انية للسالث .بدر وادي في الجيشان التقى الهجرة من

When Quraish got this information, they came out of Makkah and moved quickly to fight with the

Muslims. On the 17th Ramadan 2H (calendar starting from the Prophet’s migration), the two armies faced

each other at the valley of Badr.

.معهم تقاتل المالئكة وأرسل عددهم قلة مع عظيما نصرا المؤمنين عباده الله ونصرAnd Allah sent a great help for His believer slaves, although their number was small. He sent angels to

fight along with them.


Quickly movingمسرعين They recoverيستعيدونHelpنصر

Fightingقتال He caught himأخذه He made it bigأعظمها

نة Leaderقائد Caravanقافلة السYear

He metالتقىHe traveledسار The tribe of Prophetقريش

Two armiesالجيشان Wayطريق Returningراجعة

He escapedنجت They exposedيـتعرضوا

Lesson 6: Dialogues

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Lesson 7: Conduct of Ummat-e-Muslimah

.مسلمون وأنـتم إال تموتن وال تـقاته حق الله اتـقوا آمنوا الذين أيـها ياO believers! Be fearful to Allah in the way you should be fearful to Him. Do die except in the state of

being a Muslim (one who has submitted himself to Allah.)

.تـفرقوا وال جميعا الله بحبل واعتصمواFirmly hold Allah’s rope collectively and don’t divide yourself into sects.

.إخوانا بنعمته فأصبحتم قـلوبكم بـين فألف أعداء كنتم إذ عليكم الله نعمة واذكرواRemember Allah’s blessing upon you when you were enemies (of each other). Then He developed love inyour hearts, so you became brothers due to His blessing.

ها فأنـقذكم النار من حفرة شفا على وكنتم .تـهتدون لعلكم آياته لكم الله يـبـين كذلك .منـYou were on the threshold of a big hole full of fire, so He protected you from it. In the same way, Allah

clarifies His signs for you, so that you are rightly guided.

The Result

Compare your translation. Each line carried ten marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.


Be fearful toاتـقوا الله

AllahBrothersإخوانا Rememberاذكروا

The best way forحق تـقاته

being God-fearing Threshold of a bigشفا حفرة Allah’s blessingsنعمة الله


ال تموتنDon’t die كنتمYou were كم أنـقذ فSo He rescued you

He clarifiesيـبـين Enemiesأعداء Hold firmlyاعتصموا

.Allah’s rope i.eبحبل الله

Islam, Soألف ف He developed

loveSo thatلعلكم

You are rightlyتـهتدون So you becameفأصبحتم Collectivelyجميعا


Don’t be dividedال تـفرقوا

into sectsWithه نعمت ب His blessings

Rule of the Day: Masculine numbers are used with feminine nouns while

feminine numbers are used with masculine nouns.

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Lesson 7: Conduct of Ummat-e-Muslimah

هون بالمعروف ويأمرون الخير إلى يدعون أمة منكم ولتكن هم وأولئك المنكر عن ويـنـ.المفلحون

There should a group among you, calling towards piety, advising for the right and forbidding from evil

practices. They are ones who are successful.

.عظيم عذاب لهم وأولئك البـيـنات جاءهم ما بـعد من واختـلفوا تـفرقوا كالذين تكونوا والDon’t be like those who divided themselves into sects, and fall into disputes after clear signs came to

them. For them, there is a great punishment.

يض يـوم العذاب فذوقوا إيمانكم بـعد أكفرتم وجوههم اسودت الذين فأما وجوه وتسود وجوه تـبـ.تكفرون كنتم بما

On the day when some faces will turn white and some will turn black. To those whose faces turned black,

(it will be said:) 'Did you denied after having your faith? So taste the punishment because you used to


.خالدون فيها هم الله رحمة ففي وجوههم ابـيضت الذين وأماAnd those whose faces will turn white, they will be in (the light of) Allah’s mercy. They will remain in it



يضThe successful المفلحون There should beلتكن It turns / willتـبـ

turn white

It turned blackاسودت Don’t beال تكونوا A groupأمة

They call / theyيدعون

will call They divided intoتـفرقوا

sectsSo tasteفذوقوا

They instruct orيأمرون

suggest or request ,For whatبماThey disagreedاختـلفوا


Forالمعروف the known

right practices You used toكنتم تكفرون The clear signsالبـيـنات


هون They forbid / theyيـنـ

will forbid تسودIt turns / will turn

blackIt turned whiteابـيضت

Living foreverخالدون The evil practicesالمنكر

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0247

Lesson 7: Conduct of Ummat-e-Muslimah

لوها الله آيات تلك للعالمين ظلما يريد الله وما بالحق عليك نـتـThese are Allah’s signs that We are reciting upon you in truth. Allah does not intend for any injustice to

(the people) of all worlds.

)109-3:102 عمران ال( .األمور تـرجع الله وإلى األرض في وما السموات في ما ولله

Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, is for Allah. All matters are referred back to Him.

موات خلق في إنيل واختالف واألرض السهار اللاأللباب ألولي آليات والنـSurely, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of day and night, there are signs for

the people of Wisdom.

واألرض السموات خلق في ويـتـفكرون جنوبهم وعلى وقـعودا قياما الله يذكرون الذين Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting and laying on their sides and ponder into the creation

of the heavens and the earth (and think:)

النار عذاب فقنا سبحانك باطال هذا خلقت ما ربـناO our Lord! You have not created this useless. You are Exalted. So please protect us from the punishment

of Hellfire.


لو They think, theyيـتـفكرون The dayالنـهار We recite it هانـتـ


Forألولي األلباب He intendsيريد the people

of wisdomYou createdخلقت

Forلعالمين ل the worlds يذكرونThey remember باطالVoid

It is returned, it isتـرجع

referred back / You are exaltedسبحانك Standingقياما



differenceSoنا ق ف نا، ق ف Sittingقـعودا protect us

Lying on theirهم على جنوب The nightالليل


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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0248

Lesson 7: Conduct of Ummat-e-Muslimah

أنصار من للظالمين وما أخزيـته فـقد النار تدخل من إنك ربـناO our Lord! Surely, the person You will enter in the Hellfire, truly You have made him shameful. There is

no helper for the offenders.

سيئاتنا عنا وكفر ذنوبـنا لنا فاغفر ربـنا فآمنا بربكم آمنوا أن لإليمان يـنادي مناديا سمعنا إنـنا ربـنااألبـرار مع وتـوفـنا

O our Lord! Surely we have listened the call of one inviting (us) to Faith: 'Believe in your Lord.' So we

believed. Our Lord! Please forgive our sins and remove our bad deeds from us and cause us to die with

pious people.

الميعاد تخلف ال إنك القيامة يـوم تخزنا وال رسلك على وعدتـنا ما وآتنا ربـناO our Lord! Provide us what You have promised us through your prophets. Don’t make us shameful on

the Day of Judgment. Surely You do not violate the promise.

.بـعض من بـعضكم أنـثى أو ذكر من منكم عامل عمل أضيع ال أني ربـهم لهم فاستجاب So their Lord accepted and responded to them: 'Surely, I will not waste the performance of a performer,

male or female. You are from each other.


The promiseالميعاد Remove from usكفر عناYou enterتدخل

You made himه أخزيـت

disgracedSoلهم استجاب ف Our sinsسيئاتنا He replied to


I do not wasteال أضيع Cause us to dieتـوفـناHelpersأنصار

With piousمع األبـرار Callerمناديا

people Performance ofعمل عامل

a performer

Male or femaleأنـثىذكر أو You promised usوعدتـنا He callsيـنادي

Don’t make usال تخزناSo We believedفآمنا


Ourناذنوبـ sins ال تخلفYou don’t


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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0249

Lesson 7: Conduct of Ummat-e-Muslimah

هم ألكفرن وقتلوا وقاتـلوا سبيلي في وأوذوا ديارهم من وأخرجوا هاجروا فالذين سيئاتهم عنـ الثـواب حسن عنده والله الله عند من ثـوابا األنـهار تحتها من تجري جنات وألدخلنـهم

So those who migrated, driven out from their homes, tortured in My way, fought and were killed, I will

definitely remove their mistakes from them. I will definitely enter them in gardens (of the Paradise)

having rivers flowing underneath, the reward from Allah!. The best reward is with Allah.

المهاد وبئس جهنم مأواهم ثم قليل متاع البالد، في كفروا الذين تـقلب يـغرنك الArrogant movement of unbelievers in the cities should not mislead you. It is a small enjoyment (for them),then their ultimate home will be the Hell. What a bad place to live!

وما الله عند من نـزال فيها خالدين األنـهار تحتها من تجري جنات لهم ربـهم اتـقوا الذين لكن ر الله عند لألبـرار خيـ

But for those who feared their Lord, there will be gardens (of the Paradise) having rivers flowing

underneath. They shall remain there forever. A blessings for their Lord! Whatever is with Allah is the best

for the pious people.


They migratedهاجروا

(for God sake) Definitely, I willهم نـ دخل أل

enter themA littleقليل متاع


بـعضكم من بـعض

Some of you

from some i.e.

members of

one community

جنات تجري من تحتها


Gardens with

rivers flowing


Theirهم مأوا ultimate

living place

What a badالمهاد بئس

dwelling place

Living foreverخالدين Rewardثـوابا Their homesديارهم

They wereأوذوا

torturedA giftنـزال Good, the bestحسن

They fight andقاتـلوا وقتلوا

killed نك ال يـغرIt should not

mislead you For the piousلألبـرار


Definitely, Iن كفر أل

will remove Movingتـقلب

arrogantly They wereأخرجوا

driven out

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0250

Lesson 7: Conduct of Ummat-e-Muslimah

ه يـؤمن لمن الكتاب أهل من وإنه خاشعين إليهم أنزل وما إليكم أنزل وما بالليشتـرون ال لل الحساب سريع الله إن ربهم عند أجرهم لهم أولئك قليال ثمنا الله بآيات

Surely, there are some people from the People of Book (i.e. Jews and Christians) who believe in Allah and

what was revealed to them. They are God-fearing. They do not sell Allah’s verses for a small (worldly)

price. They are the ones for whom, a reward is their near their Lord. Surely, Allah is fast in account.

)200-3:190 عمران ال( .تـفلحون لعلكم الله واتـقوا ورابطوا وصابروا اصبروا آمنوا الذين أيـها يا

O believers! Be steadfast, compete (each other or unbelievers) in becoming steadfast, strengthen each

other and be fearful to Allah so that you become successful (in this world and the Hereafter).


,Link to each otherرابطواFastسريع God-fearingخاشعين

strengthen each other

/ They don’t buyال يشتـرون

exchange ,Countingالحساب

calculation Compete each other inصابروا

being steadfast

A smallقليال ثمنا priceاصبرواBe steadfast, be


Face the Challenge!

Identify the metaphors in this lesson.

Do you know?

Islam had a great impact on the poetry and prose of Arabs. The

poetry, which was full of lust and vulgarity, was used to describe

high ethical values. Islam also had a sound impact on the prose and

poetry of Persian, Turkish, Hindi and other languages.

Worth Reading

Suspicion is the major reason for our disputes. How to avoid the

suspicion? http://www.mubashirnazir.org/PD/English/PE02-0007-


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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0251

ثنا رنا :قال نافع بن الحكم اليمان أبو حد ◌ مسعود، بن عتبة بن اهللا عبد بن اهللا عبيد أخبرني :قال الزهري عن شعيب أخبـ بن اهللا عبد أن :أخبـره حرب بن سفيان أبا أن أخبـره، عباس

Abul-Yaman Hakam Ibn Nafi’ described to us and said, Shuaib described on behalf of Zuhri, he said,

U’baidullah Ibn A’bdullah Ibn U’tbah Ibn Mas’ud informed me that A’bdullah Ibn A’bbas informed him

that Abu Sufyan Ibn Harb informed him:

ارا وكانوا قـريش، من ركب في إليه أرسل هرقل أنأم، تجة في بالش تي المدوسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول كان ال ،ار سفيان ابا فيها مادوكف :فقال بترجمانه، ودعا دعاهم ثم الروم، عظماء وحوله مجلسه، في فدعاهم بإيلياء، وهم فأتوه قريش،

That Hercules sent (a messenger) to a caravan of Quraish who came to Syria as traders, during the period

in which the Allah’s Prophet had an agreement. Abu Sufyan and other infidels of Quraish were in (that

caravan). They came to him at Jerusalem. He called them in his court, the chiefs of Rome were around

him. Then he called them and also called his translator and said:

'.نسبا أقربـهم أنا فـقلت ' :سفيان أبو فقال 'نبي؟ أنه يـزعم الذي الرجل بهذا نسبا أقرب أيكم''Which one of you is the nearest in the family to that man who claims that he is a prophet?' Abu Sufyan

said, 'I said that I am the nearest in family in all of these people.'


Hercules, a famousهرقل

Roman kingHis translatorترجمانه So bring himفأتوه

Arabic name ofإيلياء He sentأرسل

‘Jerusalem’Which one of youأيكم

His place of sitting, hisمجلسه Caravanركب

councilThe nearestأقرب

Family chainنسباAround himحوله Tradersتجارا

He claimsيـزعم عظيم Chiefs, the plural ofعظماء Syriaالشأم

مادHe made an agreement ومالرRome

Lesson 8: The Opinion of Prophet’s Enemies about Him

The Result

Compare your translation. Each line carried ten marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

Do you know?

In Pre-Islamic Arabia, Arabs used to travel from Yemen to Syria

for trading. There were certain tribes who adopted the profession

of robbing trade caravans. These robbers did not use to rob the

caravans of Quraish due to their respect for the Holy Ka’aba.

Face the Challenge!

Based on your knowledge of

English prepositions, prepare a

list of Arabic prepositions used in

this lesson. Get the help of your


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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0252

فإن الرجل، هذا عن سائل إني لهم قل' :لترجمانه قال ثم .ظهره عند فاجعلوهم '.أصحابه وقـربوا مني، أدنوه ' :فقالبني بوه كذ يأثروا أن من الحياء لوال فواهللا '.فكذ عنه لكذبت كذبا علي.

He said, 'Bring him near me and also bring his companions near to him and ask them to sit behind his

back.' Then he asked his translator: 'Ask them that I am going to ask some questions from this man. If he

tells a lie, then deny him.' By God, if I were not ashamed that they will associate falsehood to me,

definitely I would have told a lie.

منكم القول هذا قال فـهل' :قال '.نسب ذو فينا هو ' :قلت 'فيكم؟ نسبه كيف ' :قال أن عنه سألني ما أول كان ثم أم يـتب◌عونه الناس فأشراف ' :قال'.ال' :قلت 'ملك؟ من آبائه من كان فهل' :قال '.ال' :قلت ،'قبله؟ قط أحد

'.يزيدون بل' :قلت 'ينقصون؟ أم أيزيدون ' :قال '.ضعفاؤهم بل ' :فقلت 'ضعفاؤهم؟Then the first question he asked me about him (the Prophet) and said: 'What about his family in you?' I

said, 'He belongs to a respected family in us.' He said, 'Anyone has claimed the same (Prophethood) in

you before him?' I said, 'No.' He said, 'Was there any king from their ancestors?' I said, 'No.' He asked,

'Whether the people of high rank follow him or weaker of them?' So I replied, 'But their weak people.' He

asked, 'Are they increasing or decreasing?' I said, 'They are increasing.'

يقول أن قبل بالكذب تـتهمونه كنتم فهل' :قال '.ال' :قلت 'فيه؟ يدخل أن بعد لدينه سخطة منهم أحد يرتد فهل' :قالة في منه ونحن ال،' :قلت 'يغدر؟ فهل' :قال '.ال' :قلت 'قال؟ ما ي ولم' :قال'.فيها فاعل هو ما ندري ال مدتمكن

ر شيئا فيها أدخل كلمة '.الكلمة هذه غيـHe asked, 'Whether anyone of them has left his religion after entering in it due to dissatisfaction?' I said,

'No.' He asked, 'Before his claim (of Prophethood), did you use to accuse him for telling a lie?' I said,

'Never.' He asked, 'Does he breaks his promise?' I said, 'No. But now we have a contract with him, we

don’t know whether he fulfils it or not.' He (Abu Sufyan) said, 'It was not possible for me to add anything

except these words (against the Prophet).'


Bring (!O you all)قـربوا

near! Person belonging to aذو نسب

family chainDissatisfactionسخطة

Their enteringأن يدخل EverقطMake / keep them اجعلوهم

The one who asks aسائل

question ,People of high rankأشراف

plural of همونه شريفتـتYou accused him

بني كذHe tell a lie to me ب◌عونهيـتThey follow him يغدرHe breaks promise

بوه كذ(O you all!) Deny

him The weak people, pluralضعفاؤهم

of ة ضعيف مدPeriod, contract

We do not knowال ندريThey increaseيزيدون They quoteيأثروا

They decrease inينقصون False, telling a lieكذبا

numberIt was not possible for meلم تمكني

Lesson 8: The Opinion of Prophet’s Enemies about Him

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0253

ونـنال منا يـنال سجال، وبينه بينـنا الحرب ' :قلت 'إياه؟ قتالكم كان فكيف ' :قال '.نعم' :قلت 'قاتلتموه؟ فهل' :قال بالصالة ويأمرنا آباؤكم، يـقول ما واتركوا شيئا، به تشركوا وال وحده اهللا اعبدوا' :يقول :قلت 'يأمركم؟ ذا ما' :قال '.منه

.والصلة والعفاف والصدق He said, 'Have you fought with him?' I said, 'Yes.' He asked, 'What about your war with him?' I replied,

'The war is a rivalry between us and him. Sometimes he takes it from us and sometimes we take it from

him.' He said, 'What does he teach?' I said, 'He says – ‘Worship Allah alone, don’t associate anyone with

Him, leave what your forefathers say’ – He instructs us for prayer, truth, chastity and being generous to

kith and kin.

وسألتك .قومها نسب في تبعث الرسل فكذلك نسب، ذو فيكم أنه فذكرت نسبه عن سألتك ' :له قل :للترجمان فقال قيل بقول يـتأسي رجل لقلت قبله، القول هذا قال أحد كان لو فقلت ال، أن فذكرت القول، هذا منكم أحد قال هل .أبيه ملك يطلب رجل قلت ملك، من آبائه من كان فلو :قلت ال، أن فذكرت ملك، من آبائه من كان هل وسألتك .قبله

الناس على الكذب ليذر يكن لم أنه أعرف فـقد ال، أن فذكرت قال، ما يقول أن قبل بالكذب تـتهمونه كنتم هل وسألتك .اهللا على ويكذب

He said to the translator – tell them: 'I asked you about his family, so you told that he belongs to a noble

family. Like that, the prophets are send in the best family in the nation. I asked you whether anyone from

them has made such claim before, you told me ‘no’. So I say that if anyone had made such claim before,

then I was able to say that this main replicating the claim which was made before.

I asked you whether there was a king in his forefathers, you told me ‘no’. If there was a king in his

forefathers, I was able to say that the man is demanded the country of his father. I asked you have you

ever accused him for telling a lie, you told me ‘no’. I already know that if he does not tell a lie for people,

he will definitely not tell a lie about God.


You were sent (passiveتبعث We obtain, we takeنـنال You have conducted warقاتلتموه


(!O you all)اعبدواYour warقتالكم

WorshipHe followsيـتأسي

He demandsيطلب Leave (!O you all)اتركواOnly with himإياه

I knowأعرف Truthالصدق The warالحرب

He was notلم يكنChastityالعفاف ,Competition, rivalryسجال

Being generous toالصلة He obtains, he takesيـنال

kith and kinHe leaves / will leaveيذر

He tells a lieيكذب You describedذكرت

Lesson 8: The Opinion of Prophet’s Enemies about Him

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0254

أنهم فذكرت ينقصون، أم أيزيدون وسألتك الرسل، أتباع وهم اتبعوه، ضعفاؤهم أن فذكرت ضعفاؤهم، أم اتـبـعوه الناس أشراف وسألتك تخالط حين اإليمان وكذلك ال، أن فذكرت فيه، يدخل أن بعد لدينه سخطة أحد أيرتد وسألتك .يتم حتى اإليمان أمر وكذلك يزيدون، وال اهللا تعبدوا أن يأمركم أنه فذكرت يأمركم، بما وسألتك .تغدر ال الرسل وكذلك ال، أن فذكرت يغدر، هل وسألتك .القلوب بشاشته :والعفاف والصدق بالصالة ويأمركم األوثان، عبادة عن وينهاكم شيئا، به تشركوا

I asked you whether people of high rank follow him or weak people (are his followers). You told me that

the weaker of them are following him. This is the case of the followers of the prophets. I asked you

whether they are increasing or decreasing. You described that they are increasing. The matter of faith is

like this till it becomes perfect. I asked you did anybody left high religion after entering in it due to

dissatisfaction, you told me ‘no’. The faith is like it when its cheerfulness mixes with the hearts. I asked

you whether he breaks a promise, you told me ‘no’. Like that Prophets never break their promise. I asked

you what he orders. You told me that he commands you to worship Allah and to not associate anything

with Him. He forbids you from worshipping idols. He orders you for prayer, truth and chastity.

إليه، أخلص أني أعلم أني فلو منكم، أنه أظن أكن لم خارج، أنه أعلم كنت وقد هاتـين، قدمي موضع فسيملك حق◌ا تـقول ما كان فإن إلى الكلبي دحية مع به بـعث الذي وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول بكتاب دعا ثم'.قدمه عن لغسلت عنده كنت ولو لقاءه، لتجشمت

:فيه فإذا فـقرأه، هرقل، إلى فدفـعه بصرى، عظيم If you have told me the truth, then soon he will become the owner of the place which is under my these

two feet. I already knew that he is going to appear. I didn’t use to thing that he will be from you. If I had

known it, I would have become loyal to him and bear all troubles to meet him. If I were with him, I had

definitely washed his feet. Then he called for bringing the letter of Allah’s Prophet that he sent by Dahya

Kalbi to the governor of Busra and he forwarded it to Hercules. He read it. It was (written) in it:


Followers of prophets, pluralأتباع الرسل

of اتابعحقTruth أخلصI become / will

become loyal to

يتمIt completes, it becomes

perfectSoonيملك س he will

become owner Definitely I wouldلتجشمت


Meetingلقاءه Placeموضع It mixes / will mix withتخالط

Definitely I willلغسلت My footقدميIts cheerfulnessبشاشته


Book, a written◌كتاب These twoهاتينقلب The hearts, plural ofالقلوب


,Coming outخارج She (or you) break promiseتغدر

appearing بـعثHe sent

Chief of Busra, aعظيم بصرىI was notلم أكن He forbids youينهاكم

town in Syria

He forwarded itدفـعه I thinkأظنIdols (for worshipping) األوثان

Lesson 8: The Opinion of Prophet’s Enemies about Him

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Quranic Arabic Program Module AT0255

بدعاية أدعوك فإني بعد، أما الهدى، اتـبع من على سالم :الروم عظيم هرقل إلى ورسوله اهللا عبد محمد من الرحيم، الرحمن اهللا بسم ( ين، إثم عليك فإن توليت فإن مرتـين، أجرك اهللا يؤتك تسلم، أسلم إلسالم، وبينكم بينـنا سواء كلمة إلى تـعالوا الكتاب أهل يا :و اليريسيـ

.مسلمون بأنا اشهدوا فـقولوا تـولوا فإن اهللا دون من أربابا بعضا بعضنا يـتخذ وال شيئا به نشرك وال اهللا إال نعبد ال أن In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful. From Muhammad, Allah’s slave and His Prophet,

towards the Hercules, the leader of Rome. Peace be upon him who followed the right. After that:

I call you towards the call of Submission (Islam). Submit yourself (to Allah), you will be safe. Allah will

give you double reward. If you turn your face, then the sin of your followers will be on you. And:

'O People of Book! Come towards a word that is common between us and you that let we do not worship

anyone except Allah and we do not associate anything with Allah. Let we not make each other a god other

than Allah. So now if they turn your face, then say, Be witness! We are the submitters.'

فعت الصخب عنده كثـر الكتاب، قراءة من وفـرغ قال، ما قال فلما :سفيان أبو قال حين ألصحابي فقلت وأخرجنا، األصوات وارتـ.اإلسالم علي اهللا أدخل حتى سيظهر أنه موقنا زلت فما .األصفر بني ملك يخافه إنه كبشة، أبي ابن أمر لقد :أخرجنا

Abu Sufyan said; When he said whatever he was saying and became free from reading the letter, noise

increased near him and sounds were raised and we were driven out. I said to my companions while we

were coming out, 'Now the matter of Ibn Abi Kabsha has increased a lot. The king of Romans fears him. I

did not leave my opinion until Allah entered me into Islam.


It increasedكثـر !Come (!O you all)تـعالواHe read itقـرأه

Noiseالصخب Equal, commonسواء I call youأدعوك

It raisedارتـفعت He makes / will makeيـتخذ Callدعاية

Sounds, plural ofاألصوات Each otherبعضنا بعضاSubmit yourselfأسلم


False gods other thanأربابا من دون اهللا You will be safeتسلم

Allah. We were driven outأخرجنا

/ He gives youيؤتك

will give youHe feared himيخافه If they turn their faceتـولوا

Be (!O you all)اشهدواYour rewardأجرك

witness! Yellow nation, theبني األصفر


You turn yourتوليت

faceI never leftما زلت Submittersمسلمون

He became free (fromفرغ Sin, crimeإثم

some work)My opinionموقنا

Lesson 8: The Opinion of Prophet’s Enemies about Him

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خبيث يوما أصبح إيلياء، قدم حين هرقل أن يحدث الشام، نصارى على أسقفا وهرقل، إيلياء صاحب الناطور، ابن وكان حين لهم فقال النجوم، في ينظر حزاء هرقل وكان :الناطور ابن قال هيئتك، استنكرنا قد :بطارقته بعض فقال النفس،األمة؟ هذه من يختتن فمن ظهر، قد الختان ملك النجوم في نظرت حين الليلة رأيت إني :سألوه

Ibn Natur, the governor of Jerusalem and friend of Hercules, the bishop of Syrian Christians, describes

that when Hercules entered Jerusalem, he (came to his court) in the morning with a worried personality.

Some of his council members said to him, 'We are founding your personality changed.' Ibn-e-Natur said,

'Hercules was an astrologist. He used to observe starts.' When they asked him, he replied, 'I have seen

tonight when I observed starts that the king of circumcised people appeared. So (tell me) who circumcise

in this nation?'

هم فبينما '.اليـهود من فيهم من فـيقتـلوا ملكك، مدائن إلى واكتب شأنـهم، يهمنك فال اليـهود، إال يختتن ليس ' :قالوا.وسلم عليه اهللا صلى اهللا رسول خبر عن يخبر غسان ملك به أرسل برجل◌ هرقل أتى أمرهم، على

They said, 'Nobody circumcise except the Jews. So don’t worry about their condition. Write to the

(governors of) the cities of your country, so that they will kill the Jews living in their cities.' While they

were discussing this matter in us. A man was brought to Hercules who was sent by the king of Ghassan

with information about Allah’s Prophet.


Soon he willسيظهر

dominate He circumcises / willيختتن Your form, your appearanceهيئتك


Don’t be worried at allال يهمنك Astrologistحزاء I enteredأدخل

Bishop, leader ofأسقف

ChristiansTheir positionشأنـهمHe observe / will observeينظر

!Writeاكتبنجم Stars, plural ofالنجوم Describesيحدث

مدينة Cities, plural ofمدائن I sawرأيت He cameقدم

He started hisأصبح

morningThey killيقتـلواThe nightالليلة

A worriedخبيث النفس

personalityHe was broughtأتى I observedنظرت

,King’s councilبطارقة

plural of الختان بطريقPeople who circumcise i.e.

Jews and Muslims An ancient state atغسان


We have foundاستنكرنا

changedHe informedيخبر He appeared / He dominatedظهر

Lesson 8: The Opinion of Prophet’s Enemies about Him

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ثوه إليه، فنظروا ال؟ أم هو أمختتن فانظروا أذهبوا :قال هرقل استخبـره فلما هم :فقال العرب، عن وسأله مختتن، أنه فحد '.ظهر قد األمة هذه ملك هذا' :هرقل فقال .يختتنون

When Hercules inquired, then he said, 'Go and see whether they are circumcised or not?' So they searched

for it and described that he was circumcised. He asked about the Arabs, he told that they circumcise.

Hercules said, 'This is the king of this nation who has appeared.'

ره وكان برومية، له صاحب إلى هرقل كتب ثم من كتاب أتاه حتى حمص يرم فلم حمص، إلى هرقل وسار العلم، في نظيـ له دسكرة في الروم لعظماء هرقل فأذن نبي، وأنه وسلم، عليه اهللا صلى النبي خروج على هرقل راي يـوافق صاحبه

:فقال اطلع ثم فغلقت، بأبوابها أمر ثم بحمص،Then he wrote to his friend at Rome. He was like him (Hercules) in the knowledge (of astrology).

Hercules went to Hims. He had not yet left Hims when the letter of his friend arrived. His opinion was inagreement to Hercules opinion about the appearance of the Prophet وسلم عليه اهللا صلى that he is the (true)

prophet. Hercules called the chiefs of Rome in his palace at Hims. He ordered to close the doors. Then he

informed them (about it) and said:


He receivedاستخبـره

informationHe sawراي Rome, capital of Italy◌رومية

ره !Go (!O you all)أذهبوا Coming outخروج His example, like himنظيـ

So he announcedن ◌ فأذ He visitedسار !Look at! Searchفانظروا

Palaceدسكرة A city of Syriaحمص A circumcised personمختتن

باب Its doors, plural ofأبوابهاHe did not yet leaveلم يرمOrأم

It was closedغلقت He came to himأتاه So they searched forفنظروا

He informedاطلع He agrees withيـوافق They circumciseيختتنون

Lesson 8: The Opinion of Prophet’s Enemies about Him

Rule of the Day! Certain nouns have the same form in both نصب و جر. They are called غير منصرف.

Some others remain the same in all three forms. They are called مبني.

Worth Reading

Positive attitude affirms the



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إلى الوحش حمر حيصة فحاصوا 'النبي؟ هذا فـتبايـعوا ملككم يـثبت وأن والرشد، الفالح في لكم هل الروم، معشر يا'، ردوهم' :قال اإليمان، من وأيس نفرتـهم، هرقل رأى فلما غلقت، قد فوجدوها األبواب، ي :وقال عليمقالتي قلت إن

تكم بها أختبر آنفا هرقل شأن آخر ذلك فكان عنه، ورضوا له فسجدوا رأيت، فقد دينكم، على شد.'O Romans! In order to (achieve) the success and the true path, and to protect your country, would you like

to pledge your alliance with this prophet?' They ran towards the doors like wild donkeys but they found

them closed. When Hercules saw their hatred, he became hopeless about their faith. He said, 'Return them

to me.' Then he said, 'I have said my previous words to test your firmness on religion. So I have seen it.'

They prostrated in front of him and became happy with him. This was the latest position of Hercules.

)7 بخاري،( .الزهري عن معمر بن ويونس كيسان بن صالح رواه :عبداهللا أبو قال

Abu Abdullah said, Saleh Ibn Kaisan and Yunus Ibn Ma’mar narrated it from Zuhri.


My previous wordsمقالتي آنفاRunningحيصة !O Peopleيا معشر

Wild donkeys, plural ofالوحش حمر Successالفالح

I testedأختبر حمار

Your firmnessشدتكمThey found itوجدوهاGuidanceالرشد

I sawرأيت Their hatredنفرتـهمTo protectأن يثبت

They becameرضواHe became hopelessأيس Your countryملككم


Pledge allegiance◌تـبايـعوا

to He narrated itرواهThey returned himردوهم

They ranحاصوا

Lesson 8: The Opinion of Prophet’s Enemies about Him

Do you know?

Like English, in Arabic, prepositions are used with

specific nouns and verbs. Rules for use of

preposition are different in different languages. In

one language, one preposition is used while in the

other one, some other preposition (not its

equivalent) is used. For example, in English 'By

God' is described in Arabic as واهللا.

Worth Reading

O God! Who is like you? An article for

invoking God’s love.



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ويستـنشق يـتمضمض .ثالثا كفيه يـغسل .الله بسم :يـقول .الوضوء يـنوي .الطهور الماء المسلم يحضر :الوضوء صفة .واحدة مرة األذنـين مع رأسه يمسح .ثالثا المرفـقين إلى يديه يـغسل .بالماء لحيته ويخلل ثالثا، وجهه يـغسل .ثالثا

.بالماء أصابعه ويخلل ثالثا، الكعبـين إلى رجليه يـغسل The Method of (Performing) Ablution: A Muslim takes clean water. He intends for ablution. He says,

'In the name of Allah.' He washes his both palms thrice. (Then) he rinse water out of his mouth and takes

water in his nose three times. (Then) he washes his face thrice and put his fingers wet with water in his

beard. (Then) he washes his hands including his both elbows thrice. They he wipes his wet hand on head

with both ears once. (Then) he washes his both feet including both ankles twice. Then he put his wet

(hand) fingers inside his (foot) fingers.

يمم يـنوي :التـيمم صفة ي .التـيه يضرب .'الله بسم ' :يـقول أي الله يسمتراب بكفاهر البهما يمسح .واحدة ضربة الط ر أو الماء، وجود عدم عند المسلم يـتـيمم .الرسغين إلى وكفيه وجهه خوف أو لمرض استعماله تـعذ .

The Method of (Performing) Tayammum: He intends for Tayammum. He pronounce Allah’s name i.e.

he says, 'In the name of Allah.' (Then) he strikes his both palms on pure soil once. Then he wipes both of

them on his face. (Then he strikes again and wipes on) both of his palms on the both wrists. The Muslim

performs Tayammum at the time of not finding water or due to having a reason for not using it due to

sickness or fear.


Hisه كفيMethod, attributesصفة both hand palms, تثنيةof المرفـقين كفThe two elbows, تثنية of


He rinses water out theيـتمضمض Ablutionالوضوء

mouth He anoints, he wipes withيمسح

his wet hands on

He takes water into hisيستـنشق He brings, he takesيحضر

noseHisه رأس head

تثنية ,His two earsاألذنـين Faceوجه Waterالماء of أذن

He places his fingersيخلل Clean, pureالطهور

insideHisه رجلي two feet, تثنية of جل ر◌

تثنية ,Two anklesالكعبـينBeardلحيت He intendsيـنوي of كعب

تثنية ,His both handsهيدي He washesيـغسل of ه أصابع يدHis fingers

Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage

The Result

Compare your translation. Each line carried ten marks. If your score is below 80%, repeat the test.

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ثى أو الذكر من بشهوة المني نـزول وهو األكبـر، الحدث :هي الجنابة :الجنابة من الغسل صفة أو بجماع األنـ يـتـوضأ .فـرجه فـيـغسل شماله، على بيمينه الماء يصب .ثالثا كفيه يـغسل .الله يسمي .الجنابة من الغسل يـنوي .نحوه كما الحاجة عند آخر مكان في قدميه يـغسل .ثالتا رأسه على الماء يحثي .بدنه على الماء يفيض .للصالة يـتـوضأ كما.األيسر ثم جسده من األيمن الجانب بغسل يبدأ أي :يـتـيامن .طينا األرض كانت لو

The Method of Taking a Bath in case of Janabat: Janabat is the bigger impurity. It means discharging

semen with sexual desire by male or female during sexual intercourse or similar to that. He intends to take

a bath. He provoke Allah’s name. Then he washes his both palms thrice. He pours water with his right

hand over his left hand. Then he washes his sexual organs. Then he performs ablution like the ablution for

prayers. Then he pours water on his body. Then he pours water on his head thrice (and start taking a bath).

(At last) he washes his both feet at some other place, if required as in case the land is muddy. He starts

from the right side i.e. he starts washing from the right organs of his body and then the left ones.


يمم التـPurification in absence

of waterHis right handيمينه Fearخوف

Washing, taking aالغسل It is namedيسمي

bathHis left handشماله

His sexual organsفـرجه Impurityالجنابة .It means, i.eأي

He performs WuduيـتـوضأImpurityالحدث He strikes, he beatsيضرب


He flows water overيفيض Bigger or the biggestاألكبـر Dust, soilالتراب

His bodyبدنهComing downنـزول Pure, cleanالطاهر

He pours (water orيحثيSemenالمنيBeating, striking ضربة


تثنية ,Two wristsالرسغين of شهوة رسغLust, sexual desire مكانPlace

He performsيـتـيمم

TayammumNeedالحاجةThe male, the penisالذكر

ثى In absence ofعدم وجود Clay, mudطينا The femaleاألنـ

ر تـعذHaving some reasonجماعSexual intercourse يـتـيامنHe starts from right

He startsيبدأ Like itنحوه Its useاستعماله

The sideالجانب He pours (water)يصبSickness مرض

Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage

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:وهي ، خمس المكتوبة الصلوات :المكتوبة الصلواتتـها .ركعتان وهي الفجر، صالة - .الشمس طلوع إلى الثاني الفجر طلوع من ووقـتها . ركعات أربع وهي الظهر، وصالة - .مثـله شيء كل ظل يصير أن إلى الشمس زوال من ووقـتها ، ركعات أربع وهي العصر، وصالة - رورة من ووقـ .الشمس غروب إلى مثـله شيء كل ظل صيـتها . ركعات ثالث وهي المغرب، وصالة - .األحمر الشفق مغيب إلى الشمس غروب من ووقـتها . ركعات أربع وهي العشاء، وصالة - .الليل نصف إلى األحمر الشفق مغيب من ووقـ

Obligatory Prayers: The obligatory prayers are five. They are:

� The Dawn Prayer: They are two Rak’at (prayer cycles). Its time starts from the second rising of dawn

till sunrise. (Dawn is the first light of the day that appears around 1.5 hours before sunrise)

� The Noon Prayer: They are four Rak’at. Its time starts from coming down of the sun (from its highest

point) till the time that the (length of the) shade of everything becomes equal to its height.

� The Afternoon Prayer: They are four Rak’at. Its time is becoming the shade of everything equal to its

height till sunset.

� The Sunset Prayer: The are three Rak’at. Its time is from the sunset to the disappearing of the red light

on the horizon.

� The Night Prayer: They are four Rak’at. Its time is from disappearing of the red light till the half night.


رورة RisingطلوعThe rightاأليمن Becomingصيـ

Disappearing, sunsetغروب Noonالظهر His bodyجسده

,Many prayer cyclesركعات The leftاأليسر

plural of المغربركعةThe time or place of


Sunset, the time or placeمغيبComing downزوال The written, obligatoryالمكتوبة

of sunset

The he red light atالشفقTo becomeأن يصير Dawnالفجر

horizon after sunset

تثنية ,Two prayer cyclesركعتان of

Redاألحمر Shadeظل ركعة

تـها Nightالعشاء Like himمثـله Its timeوقـ

Halfنصف Afternoonالعصر

Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage

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لة يستـقبل .الصالة يـنوي - :الصالة صفة .ويكبـر أذنـيه، فـروع إلى أو منكبـيه، حذو يديه يـرفع .قائما يستوي .القبـ وتـبارك وبحمدك اللهم سبحانك ' :يـقول أن مثل االستفتاح، دعاء يـقرأ .الصدر على اليسرى يده على اليمنى يده يضع

رك إله وال جدك وتـعالى اسمك .منها تـيسر ما أو أخرى، وسورة الفاتحة سورة يـقرأ .' غيـThe Method of Prayer: He intends for the prayer, faces towards the prayer direction and stands straight.

He raises both of his hands parallel to his both shoulders or till the edge of his ears and says, 'Allah o

Akbar.' He puts his right hand on his left hand on his chest. He reads the opening prayer like that he says,

'O Allah! You are glorified, with Your praise, Your name is blessed, Your glory is exalted, and there is no

god except You.' He recites the 'Surat-ul-Fatihah' and another Surah, or whatever he can (recites) easily.

يكبـر .' الحمد ولك ربـنا حمده، لمن الله سمع ' :ويقول يـقوم - .ثالثا 'العظيم ربي سبحان ' :ويقول ويركع يكبـر .ثالثا 'األعلى ربي سبحان ' : يقول و ويسجد،

يكبـر .ثالثا 'األعلى ربي سبحان ' :ويقول ثانية ويسجد يكبـر .' لي اغفر رب لي، اغفر رب ' :ويقول ويجلس يكبـر .الثانية للركعة ويقوم .األولى صلى كما الثانية الركعة ويصلي . ركعة هذه

He says, 'Allah is the Greatest' and bows down and say thrice, 'My Great Lord is free from any weakness'.

(Then) he stands and says, 'Allah has listened the one who has praised Him. Our Lord! Praise is for you.'

Then he says, 'Allah is the Greatest' and prostrates and say thrice, 'My Highest Lord is free from any

weakness.' Then he says, 'Allah is the Greatest', sits and says, 'O Lord! Forgive, O Lord! Forgive me.'

Then he says 'Allah is the Greatest', prostrates again and says, 'My Highest Lord is free from any

weakness.' Then he says, 'Allah is the Greatest' and stands for the second Rak’at. This is one Rak’at. Then

he performs the second Rak’at as he performed the first one.


He says, 'Allah oيكبـر

Akbar'Lower part of hisه أذنـي فـروع

both earsWhat he can do easilyتـيسر

He bows downيركع His right handيده اليمنىHe faces towardsيستـقبل

لة He standsيـقوم His left handيده اليسرىThe prayer directionالقبـ

اهللا أكبر He saysيكبـر The chestالصدر He becomes straightيستوي

He prostratesيسجد He readsيـقرأ Standingقائما

,Call, invitationدعاء He raisesيـرفع

prayerHe sitsيجلس

At the level of hisه منكبـي حذو both

shouldersA prayer cycleركعة Openingاالستفتاح

Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage

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.' الله ورحمة عليكم السالم ' :فيقول يساره وعن يمينه عن يسلم ذلك وبعد .للتشهد يجلس الثانية السجدة وبـعد After the second prostration (in the second Rak’at) he sits to recite 'Tashahud'. After that he salutes on his

right and left and says, 'Peace and Allah’s Mercy be upon all of you.'

جلس ثم األوليـين الركعتين في صلى كما ويصلى .الصالة ليتم التشهد بـعد فـيـقوم غيرها، في أما .الثـنائية الصالة في هذا عذاب من بالله يـتـعوذ ثم وسلم، عليه اهللا صلى النبي على يصلي التشهد قراءة وبعد الصالة نهاية في األخير للتشهد

و يمينه عن يسلم ثم شاء بما يدعو ثم الدجال، المسيح فتنة ومن والممات المحيا فتنة ومن القبر عذاب ومن جهنم .يساره

This is performed in the prayer having two Rak’ats. In others, he stands up again after the 'Tashahud' to

complete the prayer. He prays like the two earlier Rak’ats, then he sits for the last Tashahud at the end of

the prayer. After reciting Tashahud he prays for the Prophet. Then he seeks refuge from the Hell’s

punishment, the punishment of grave, the test of life and death and from the test of Antichrist. Then he

calls (Allah) for whatever he wants. Then he salutes on his right and on his left.

ر، يـنوي :الميت علي الصالة صفة ر .الفاتحة يـقرأ و ويكبـي و يكبـر .وسلم عليه اهللا صلى النبي على يصليكبـ .يسلم و يكبـر .للميت ويدعو

The Method of Prayer for the Dead Person: He intends and says, 'Allah is the Greatest.' Then he recites

'Surat-ul-Fatihah'. Then he says 'Allah is the Greatest' and pray for the Prophet. Then he says 'Allah is the

greatest' and pray for the dead person. Then he says 'Allah is the greatest' and salutes.


Deathالممات Otherاألخير He performed prayerصلى

Antichristالمسيح الدجال Endنهاية To testifyتشهد

السالم He salutes, he saysيسلم He calls, he seeksيدعوHe seeks refuge fromيـتـعوذ عليكم

from Allah

He wantedشاء The Hellجهنم On his leftيساره

Duet, (prayer having twoالثـنائية

Rak’ats)The dead personالميت The graveالقبر

ليتمSo that he completes فتنةTesting, persecution

تثنيه ,The first twoاألوليين of المحياأولLife

Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage

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قسمان هي -- ال◌مواقيت :والعمرة الحج: أما .فيها إال الحج أعمال من شيء يصح ال الحجة، ذي من وعشر القعدة، وذو ، شوال :وهي ، زمانية مواقيت )أ(

. وقت كل في فـتصح العمرة :وهي .والعمرة الحج أراد من منها يحرم التي األماكن وهي ، مكانية مواقيت )ب(فة، ذو -1 A).المدينة أهل ميقات وهو الحليـ place in outskirts of Madina, 400km from Makkah)

A) .الشام أهل ميقات هي و ، الجحفة -2 coastal town at Red Sea150 North West of Makkah)

A) .اليمن أهل ميقات وهي يـلملم، -3 place about 100 km South West of Makkah)

A) .نجد أهل ميقات وهو المنازل، قـرن -4 place about 80km South East of Makkah)

A) .العراق أهل ميقات وهي عرق، ذات -5 place about 100 km North East of Makkah, see map)

The Major and Minor Pilgrimage: Limits are of two types:

� Time Limit: They are: Shawwal, Zul Qa’dah and 10 days of Zul Hajj. It is not right to perform the

rituals of the Major Pilgrimage except these. The Minor Pilgrimage is allowed at any time.

� Place Limits: These are the places from where it is essential to wear the Ihram for the one who intends

to perform the Hajj or U’mrah . They are:

� Zul Hulaifah: It is the limit for the people of Madina.

� Juhfa: It is the limit for the people of Syria (coming from North)

� Yalamlam: It is the limit for the people of Yemen (coming from South)

� Qarn-ul-Manazil: It is the limit for the people of Najd (coming from East)

� Dhat-ul-I’rq: It is the limit for the people of Iraq (coming from North East)


الحجThe obligatory

Pilgrimage12thذو الحجة month of the lunar

calendarإحرام He wearsيحرم

It is correct (forيصحAdditional pilgrimage العمرة

masculine) Unstitched dress forاإلحرام


تثنيه ,Two typesقسمان of أعمال قسمDeeds, rituals, plural of

He intended, heأراد عمل


It is correct (forتصحBy time زمانية

feminine)People of countriesأهل البالد

10thشوال month of the lunar

calendar Appointments plural ofالمواقيتBy placeمكانية


11thذو القعدة month of the lunar

calendar The area in East ofنجد مكان Places, plural ofاألماكن


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Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage

Map of Miqats around Makkah

TawafSatanic Pillars (جمرات) at Mina

Safa and Marwah: View of the exterior and interior of the gallery for سعى

The dress for

pilgrimage إحرام

Satellite Map of Mina, Muzdalifah and Arafat

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هذه :أي .' والعمرة الحج أراد لمن أهلهن غير من عليهن أتى ولمن لهن هن ' : وسلم عليه اهللا صلى النبي قال من للحج يحرمون مكة أهل .والعمرة الحج ألداء مكة إلى متجها بها مر لمن وكذلك المذكورة، البالد ألهل المواقيت

.الحل أدنى من للعمرة ويحرمون مكة،The Prophet said, 'They are for them (the people living at these boundaries) and for the one other than the

residents of these areas who comes to them with an intention to perform Hajj or U’mrah.'

It means that these are the boundaries for the people of these towns and for those who passes through

these boundaries heading towards Makkah for performing Hajj and U’mrah. People of Makkah wear

Ihram for Hajj from the Makkah and for U’mrah, they wear it from the nearest point at the boundary of

Makkah’s Protected Area.

.والمروة الصفا بـين السعي )3( .بالكعبة الطواف )2( .اإلحرام )1( :وهي ، أركان ثالثة لها :العمرة U’mrah (the Minor Pilgrimage): It has three components. They are: (1) Wearing Ihram. (2) Walking

around the Holy Ka’aba. (3) Walking briskly between Safa and Marwah

عة بالكعبة ويطوف مكة إلى يذهب .ويلبي وينوي الميقات، من المعتمر يحرم :العمرة صفة بالحجر مبتدئا أشواط سبـ يـقصر، أو رأسه، يحلق .أشواط سبعة والمروة الصفا بـين يسعى .السالم عليه إبراهيم مقام خلف ركعتـين يصلي .األسود .إحرامه من ويـتحلل

Method of Performing U’mrah: The person performing U’mrah should wear Ihram from the

(respective) Meeqat, he should intend for it and say 'I am at your service, my Allah!, I am at your service.'

Then he goes to Makkah, walk around seven times around the Ka’aba starting from the Black Stone (the

starting point). He performs two Rak’at behind the place of Prophet Abraham. He walks briskly between

Safa and Marwah seven times. He shaves his head or cuts (his hair), then he comes out of Ihram.


الحجر To walk brisklyالسعي Describedالمذكورة األسود

The black stone fixed in

the wall of the Holy

Ka’aba مرHe passed المعتمرThe person performing


يـلبيGoing to in direction ofمتجها He recites the لبيك اللهمBehindخلف لبيك

He runs, he walks brisklyيسعىلبيك اللهم لبيك Sayingالتـلبية Performingأداء

He shavesيحلق He goesيذهب إحرام They wearيحرمون

He reduces, he cutsيـقصر He walks aroundيطوف Minimum (nearest)أدنى

Boundary of Makkah’sالحل

Protected Area أشواطCycles, plural of ل شوطيـتحلHe leaves the إحرام

To walk around the Holyالطواف

Ka’abaStarting withمبتدئا

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التـلبية في ويستمر يـلبي، ثم .' عمرة اللهم لبـيك ' :فيقول ويحرم، الميقات، يأتي :الميقات من اإلحرام صفة لبية هذه .الكعبة إلى يصل حتى يك :التـلبـ هميك، الل يك لبـيك، لك شريك ال لبـ لبـ عمة الحمد إن ال والملك لك والنـ

لبية في ويستمر .' حجا اللهم لبـيك ' :يقول بالحج المحرم .' لك شريك ى التـرمي قـبل ويقطعها .العاشر اليوم حت .الجمار

Method of wearing Ihram at Meeqat: The person comes at Meeqat and wear the Ihram. He says, 'O

Allah, I am at your service for U’mrah.' Then he recites 'Talbeeh' and continues saying it until he reaches

at the Holy Ka’aba. The Talbeeh is: 'I am at your service, O Allah! I am at your service. There is no

associate to You. I am at your service. Surely the blessings are Yours and the Kingdom (of entire universe)

is Yours. There is no associate to You.' The person wearing Ihram for the Hajj should say, 'O Allah, I am at

your service for Hajj.' He continues reciting it till the 10th Zul Hajj. He ends it before throwing stones to

the Satanic Pillars.

عة بها ويطوف الكعبة، يأتي :الطواف صفة واهللا اهللا بسم' :ويقول ويـقبـله، فـيستلمه األسود، بالحجر بادئا أشواط سبـ .بيده إليه أشار وإال ذلك، أمكنه إذا ويـقبـله فـيستلمه أخرى، مرة األسود الحجر إلى يصل أن إلى بالكعبة يطوف .'أكبـر والحجر اليماني الركن بـين ويقول .ويدعوه تعالى الله يذكر الطواف أثناء وفي .األشواط بقية يتم وهكذا ، شوط هذا

نيا في آتنا ربنا ' :األسود ار عذاب وقنا حسنة اآلخرة وفي حسنة الدالن'. The Method of Walking Around (Ka’aba): He (the person performing Hajj or U’mrah) comes to the

Holy Ka’aba and walks around it seven times starting from the Black Stone. He indicates (with his hands)

towards it (the Black Stone), kisses it (if possible) and says, 'In the name of Allah, Allah is the greatest)'.

He walks around Ka’aba until he reaches again to the Black Stone. Then he indicates towards it and kisses

it, if possible. Otherwise he can just indicate by his hand. This is one cycle. Similarly he completes the

remaining cycles. During the 'Tawaf', he remembers Allah, the Exalted, and calls Him. While (walking)

between the Yemeni Corner and (the corner) of the Black Stone, he says: 'O our Lord! Give us good things

in this world and good things in the Hereafter and protect us from the punishment of Hellfire.'

Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage


At the time ofأثناء Initiatingبادئا He comesيأتي

He indicates withيستلم I am here at your serviceلبـيك

his hand Yemeni Corner ofالركن اليماني


يستمرHe continuously do ليقب◌He kissesآتناGive us, provide us

Goodحسنة It is possibleأمكن He joins, he reachesيصل

Protect usقناHe signalsأشار He cuts itيقطعها

Throwing pebbles orرمي

arrowsSpecialخاص Cycleشوط

The Satanic Pillars pluralالجمار

of ة جمرةبقيRemaining يسنIt is an established


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يستر ال أن هو و ، االضطباع القدوم طواف في ويسن .شاء بما يدعو أن وللمسلم هذا، غير خاص دعاء للطواف ليس .األولى الثالثة األشواط في يـرمل أن وكذلك .األيمن كتفه

There is no special prayer other than this. A Muslim can call for whatever he wants. It is an established

practice during the initial Tawaf to do 'Idtiba’a'. It means that he should not veil his right shoulder.

Walking with moving shoulders in the first three cycles is similar to this.

لة ويستـقبل عنده، يقف أو فـيـرقاه الصفا جبل يأتي الطواف بعد :السعي صفة هذا ويكرر .ويدعو يديه يرفع ثم .القبـ جدار على .الخضراء العالمة يـرى وعندما .المروة إلي يمشى و الصفا، من يـنزل ثم . مرات ثالث والدعاء الذكر،

عندها، يقف أو ، فـيـرقاها المروة، إلى يصل حتى يمشي ثم الثانية، الخضراء العالمة إلى يصل حتى يسرع المسعى .الصفا على قال كما ويقول

The Method of Performing Sa’ee: After Tawaf, he comes to the Safa mountain, then either he climbs on

it or stays near it and face towards the Prayer Direction (i.e. Ka’aba). Then his raises his both hands and

pray. Then he comes down from Safa and walks towards Marwah. When he sees the green sign on the

wall of the gallery of Sa’ee, he walks briskly until he reaches at the other green sign. Then he walks

(normally) until he reaches at the Marwah. Then either he climbs or stays near it and recites as he recited

at Safa.

يحلق السعي من االنتهاء وبعد .والدعاء الذكر من يكثر السعي أثناء وفي .الباقية األشواط يكمل وهكذا . شوط هذا.إحرامه من ويتحلل شعره، يـقصر أو رأسه، المعتمر

This is one cycle. Similarly he completes the remaining cycles. During Sa’ee, he remembers (Allah) and

prays a lot. After completing the Sa’ee, the person performing U’mrah shaves his head or cuts his hair,

and comes out of his Ihraam.


He repeatsيكرر Arrivalالقدوم

المسعىThe place between

Safa and Marwah

where people walk Rememberingالذكر Naked shoulderاالضطباع

He increasesيكثر مرة Times, plural ofمرات He veils, he hidesيستر

Endاالنتهاء He comes downيـنزل Shoulderكتف

He walks with movingيـرمل

shouldersHe shavesيحلق He walksيمشى

He cuts his hairشعره يـقصر The wallالجدار He climbs on itيـرقاه

إحرام He comes out theيتحلل He moves quicklyيسرع He staysيقف

GreenالخضراءالعالمةHe completesيكمل He raisesيرفع sign

Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage

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:وهي .تحلله وقـبل إحرامه بعد يـفعلها أن للمحرم يجوز ال التي المنهيات هي :اإلحرام محظورات عر يحلق ال المحرم(1) م وال .الشاألظفار يـقل. .رأسه يـغطي وال(2) .الخفين وال الجوربـين يـلبس ال وكذلك والسراويل، القميص مثل المخيط يـلبس وال(3) .يـتطيب ال و(4) .البـر صيد يـقتل وال(5) .يخطب وال يـنكح، وال يـنكح، وال(6).يباشر وال .يجامع وال(7)

Forbidden Acts during Ihram: These are the acts which are not allowed for the person wearing Ihram to

do after wearing his Ihram and before unclothing it:

1. The person wearing Ihram does not cut his hair. And he does not trim the nails.

2. He does not cover his head.

3. He does not wear the stitched cloths like shirt and trousers. Similarly he does not wear socks or leather


4. He does not use perfumes.

5. He does not kill the game at the land. (At sea, it is allowed.)

6. He does not marry or be married. And he also does not propose.

7. He does not perform sexual intercourse. He does not touch his naked skin (with that of his wife for

sex). (Due to these restrictions, keeping Ihram is a difficult act.)


Forbidden things, plural ofالمنهيات

He uses perfumesيـتطيب He coversيـغطيمنهية

He killsيـقتل Prohibitionsمحظورات It is not allowedال يجوز

The person who has wornالمحرم

Hunting at landصيد البـرHe wears يـلبس إحرام

He marriesيـنكح Sewn / stitched clothsالمخيط To do itأن يـفعلها

He is married (passiveيـنكح Shirtالقميص إحرام Coming out ofتحلل


عر الشHairاويلالسرTrousers, plural of He proposes (forيخطب سروال


Her performs sexualيجامع SocksالجوربـينHe cutsيـقلم


He touches wife’s skinيباشر Leather socksالخفينThe nailsاألظفار

for sex)

Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage

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.والسعي )4( .اإلفاضة وطواف )3( .عرفة ووقوف )2( . اإلحرام )1( :وهي ، أربـعة الحج أركان :الحج أركان Components of the Pilgrimage: Components of the Pilgrimage are four: (1) Wearing Ihram; (2) Staying

at A’rafat; (3) Thorough Circumambulation; (4) Walking between Safa and Marwah

يحرم أن هو و القران، )2( .فقط بالحج الحاج يحرم أن هو و اإلفراد، )1( :وهي ، ثالثة الحج أنواع :الحج أنواع العمرة، بعد ويـتحلل الحج، أشهر في بالعمرة يحرم أن وهو التمتع، )3( .العمرة بعد يـتحلل ال وأن معا، والحج بالعمرةقى .الحجة ذي من الثامن اليوم في بالحج يحرم ثم مكة، في ويـبـ

Types of the Pilgrimage: The Pilgrimage has three types, the are: (1) Single Pilgrimage: In it, the pilgrim

wears Ihram for the Hajj only. (2) Joining Pilgrimage: In it, he wears the Ihram for U’mrah and Hajj

together. He does not come out of Ihram after U’mrah. (3) Benefit Pilgrimage: In it, he wears the Ihram

for U’mrah during the months of Hajj. He comes out of Ihram after the U’mrah and remain at Makkah.

Then he wears the Ihram again for the Hajj on the 8th day of Zul Hajj.

(It is called the benefit pilgrimage because the pilgrim take advantage of both Hajj and U’mrah in one


العمرة، بعد إحرامه من ويـتحلل الحج، أشهر في الحج إلى بالعمرة التمتع أراد من يـعتمر :التمتع - الحج صفة قى .الفجر صالة بعد منى إلى ويت◌وجه منزله، من بالحج يحرم الحجة ذي من الثامن اليوم وفي .مكة في حالال ويبـ

.التاسع اليوم من والفجر والعشاء، والمغرب والعصر الظهر به ويصليMethod of Performing the Benefit Pilgrimage: The person who intends for getting benefit of U’mrah

with Hajj during the months of Hajj, he comes out of Ihram after (performing) the U’mrah. He remains in

lawful (condition) at Makkah (i.e. he can perform the forbidden acts for Ihram). On 8th day of Zul-Hajj, he

wears Ihram for Hajj from his home. He moves towards Mina after the Fajr prayer. He perform the Zuhr,

A’sr, Maghrib, I’sha and Fajr of 9th day there.


Parts, components, pluralأركان

Onlyفقط Thoroughnessاإلفاضة ركن

Types, kinds, plural ofأنواع Stayingوقوف

Combining (Hajjالقران نوع

with U’mrah)

Arafat, a vast piece of landعرفة

near Makkah ,Taking benefitالتمتع Separation, being singleاإلفراد


Mina, a piece of land atمنى

Makkah الحاجPilgrim performing HajjأشهرMonths, plural of


Land situated between◌ مزدلفة

Arafat and Mina

Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage

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يقف ثم .وإقامتـين واحد بأذان وقصرا جمعا والعصر الظهر يصلي وهنالك .الشمس طلوع بـعد عرفة إلى يـتـوجه ذلك بعد وهناك مزدلفة، إلى ويتوجه ، عرفات يـغادر بقليل الشمس غروب وبعد .الشمس غروب حتى ويدعوه الله ويذكر بعرفة .بها يبيت و وإقامتـين، واحد بأذان وقصرا جمعا والعشاء المغرب يصلي

After that, he moves towards Arafat after sunrise. There, he performs the Zuhr and A’sr prayers in

combined and short (format) with one Azan (first call for prayer) and two Iqamats (second call for prayer).

A short after sunset, he leaves the Arafat and moves towards Muzdalifah. There he performs Maghrib and

I’sha prayers in combined and short (format) with one Azan and two Iqamats. He stays at night there.

طلوع قبل منى إلى يـتوجه ثم يسفر حتى الله ويدعو الحرام المشعر عند ويقف الفجر، يصلي العاشر اليوم صباح وفيرى الجمرة يرمي وهناك .الشمس ويـتحلل .يـقصر أو يحلق ثم يذبح، ذلك بعد .الشمس طلوع بعد حصيات بسبع الكبـ

ل األعمال هذه بعد الحاج◌حلل التاألو له فـيحل ساء إال شيء كلاإلفاضة، طواف ويطوف مكة، إلى يذهب ثم .الن .والمروة الصفا بين ويسعى

At the morning of 10th day, he performs the Fajr prayer and stays near the Holy Monument and pray from

Allah till he starts his journey. Then he moves towards Mina before the sunrise. There he throws seven

pebbles to the biggest Satanic pillar after sunrise. After that he slaughters (the sacrifice). Then he shaves

(his head) or cuts (his hair). The pilgrim comes out of Ihram after these rituals. This is the first coming out

of Ihram, so everything becomes lawful for him except (the sexual intercourse) with women (i.e. wife).

Then he goes to Makkah and perform the thorough circumambulation (i.e. the circumambulation essential

during Hajj days) and Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah.

تـعجل من وأما يـتـعجل، لم لمن هذا .بلياليها أيام ثالثة به ويـبقى منى، إلى يرجع ثم .النساء حتى شئ كل له يحل وحينئذ .فـقط عشر الثاني اليوم في يرميها فإنه

Now everything becomes lawful for him including (sexual intercourse) with wife. Then he returns to Mina

and remains there for 3 nights. This is for the one who does not hurry (to return home). The one who

wants (to return) early, he has to throw pebbles (to the all Satanic pillars) till 12th day only. (One who is

not in hurry has to throw pebbles on the 13th day as well.)

See words table on the next page.

Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage

Rule of the Day

The noun doing a work (the Subject) will

always be in رفع while the person on whom

the work is performed (the Object) will

always be in نصب .

Do you know?

Arabs used to sing certain songs while

traveling to increase the speed of their camels.

Face the Challenge!

Prepare a list of Arabic conjunctions from the

studies you’ve taken.

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يغادرها أن وقبل .مكة إلى يرجع تأخر لمن عشر الثالث اليوم وفي للمتـعجل عشر الثاني اليوم في الجمار رمي وبعد.الوداع طواف يطوف

After throwing pebbles to the Satanic pillars on the 12th day, one who is in hurry returns to Makkah, the

one who wants to stay long (return) on 13th day. Before he leaves it, he performs the final


روية يوم ' )8( الحجة ذي من الثامن اليوم يسمى :الحج أيام اسع واليوم .' التـالعاشر واليوم .' عرفة يوم ' )9( الت .' التشريق أيام ' - )12،13 ،11( عشر، والثالث عشر، والثاني عشر، الحادي -الثالثة واأليام .'النحر يوم ' )10(

The Days of Hajj: The 8th Zul Hajj is named 'The Day of Meditation'. The 9th day is named 'The Day of

A’rafat'. The 10th day is named 'The Day of Sacrifice'. And three days, 11th, 12th and 13th are called 'The

Days of Shine'.

Note: This lesson is adapted from the Arabic Language Course of the International Islamic University, Madina.

Lesson 9: The Cleanliness, the Prayer and the Pilgrimage


رمي الجمار


pebbles on the

pillars of Satan

at Mina

رويةTo leave itأن يغادرها التـMeditation

Sacrificeالنحر Last (before leaving at place)الوداع

One who isالمتـعجل

hurryingيوم Days, plural ofأيام It is namedيسمى

اهللا اكبر اهللا اكبر ال اله إال اهللا واهللا اكبر اهللا اكبر و هللا الحمد :Shining, sayingالتشريق He delayedتأخر


He comes out ofيحلAt morning صباح Combiningجمعا


He runs, he walksيسعىA monument at Muzdalifahالمشعر الحرامReduced formatقصرا


Thenحينئذ He travelsيسفر First call for prayerأذان

Two final calls forإقامتـين

prayerHe returnsيرجع He throws (pebbles)يرمي

رىHe staysيقف Atهالياليب The biggest Satanic pillarالجمرة الكبـ its night time

He hurries / willيـتـعجل حصاة Pebbles, plural ofحصيات He leavesيـغادر


He stays thereبهايبيت at night يذبحHe slaughters لتـعجHe hurried