Quiz Lit CARDS

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Transcript of Quiz Lit CARDS

  • 7/25/2019 Quiz Lit CARDS


    1. abate v. subside or moderate

    2. aberrant adj. abnormal or deviant

    3. abrasive adj. rubbing away; tending to grind down

    4. abridge v. condense or shorten

    5. absolute adj. complete; totally unlimited; certain

    6. abstemious adj. sparing in eating and drinking; temperate

    7. abstract adj. theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational

    8. abstruse adj. obscure; profound; difficult to understand

    9. accessible adj. easy to approach; obtainable

    10.acclaim v. applaud; announce with great approval, also n. acclaim, acclamation

    11.accolade n. award of merit.

    12.acknowledge v. recognize; admit.

    13.acquiesce v. assent; agree without protesting.

    14.acrimonious adj. bitter in words or manner

    15.acute adj. quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe

    16.address v. direct a speech to; deal with or discuss

    17.adherent n. supporter; follower

    18.adjacent adj. neighboring; adjoining

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    19.adroit adj. skilled, nimble

    20.adulation n. flattery, admiration

    21.adversary n. opponent

    22.adverse adj. unfavorable; hostile

    23.advocate v. urge; plead for, also a supporter or defender

    24.aesthetic adj. artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful

    25.affable adj. easily approachable; warmly friendly

    26.affinity n. natural liking; kinship; similarity

    27.affirmation n. positive assertion; confirmation

    28.aggressor n. attacker

    29.alienate v. make hostile; separate

    30.alleviate v. relieve

    31.aloof adj. apart; reserved; standoffish

    32.altruistic adj. unselfishly generous; concerned for others

    33.ambiguous adj. unclear or doubtful in meaning

    34.ambivalence n. the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes

    35.ameliorate v. improve; make more satisfactory

    36.amend v. correct; change, generally for the better

    37.amorphous adj. formless; lacking shape or definition

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    38.ample adj. abundant

    39.analogy n. similarity; parallelism

    40.anarchist n. person who seeks to overturn established government

    41.anecdote n. short account of an amusing or interesting event

    42.animosity n. active enmity

    43.antagonistic adj. hostile, opposed

    44.antidote n. medicine to counteract a poison or disease

    45.antiquated adj. old-fashioned, obsolete

    46.antithesis n. contrast. direct opposite of or to

    47.apathy n. lack of caring; indifference

    48.apocryphal adj. untrue, made up

    49.appease v. pacify or soothe; relieve

    50.appreciate v. be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of

    51.apprehension n. fear; discernment;

    52.arable adj. fit for growing crops

    53.arbitrary adj. unreasonable or capricious

    54.archaic adj. antiquated

    55.ardor n. heat; passion; zeal

    56.arid adj. dry; barren

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    57.arrogance n. pride, haughtiness

    58.articulate adj. effective, distinct

    59.artifact n. object made by human beings either hand made or mass produced

    60.artisan n. manually skilled worker; craftsman, as opposed to artist

    61.ascendancy n. controlling influence

    62.ascetic adj. practicing self-denial; austere

    63.aspire v. seek to attain;

    64.assuage v. ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger)

    65.astute adj. wise; shrewd

    66.atrophy v. waste away

    67.attentive adj. considerate; thoughtful; paying attention

    68.attribute v. ascribe, explain

    69.audacious adj. daring, bold

    70.augment v. increase; add to

    71.austerity n. sternness, severity, strict economy, lack of luxuries

    72.authentic adj. genuine

    73.authoritarian adj. favoring or exercising total control, nondemocratic

    74.autonomous adj. self-governing

    75.aversion n. firm dislike

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    76.banal adj. hackneyed, commonplace, trite

    77.bane n. cause of ruin

    78.belie v. contradict, give a false impression

    79.belittle v. disparage, make fun of

    80.belligerent adj. quarrelsome

    81.benevolent adj. generous, charitable

    82.benign adj. kindly, favorable, not malignant

    83.bequeath v. leave to someone by a will, hand down

    84.biased adj. slanted, prejudiced

    85.bland adj. soothing, mild, dull

    86.blasphemy n. irreverence, sacrilege, cursing

    87.bolster v. support, reinforce

    88.braggart n. boastful person

    89.brawn n. muscular strength, sturdiness

    90.brevity n. conciseness, briefness

    91.buttress v. support, prop up

    92.cacophonous adj. discordant, inharmonious

    93.cajole coax, wheedle

    94.calculated adj. deliberately planned, likely

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    95.candor n. frankness

    96.capricious adj. fickle, incalculable

    97.caricature n. distortion, burlesque

    98.censorious adj. critical

    99.censure v. blame, criticize

    100. certitude n. certainty

    101. charlatan n. quack; pretender to knowledge

    102. chronicle v. report; record in order

    103. civil adj. having to do with citizens or the state; courteous and polite

    104. clamor n. noise

    105. clemency n. disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather

    106.coercion n. use of force to get someone to obey

    107. commemorate v. honor the memory of

    108. compelling adj. overpowering; irresistible in effect

    109. compile v. assemble; gather; accumulate

    110. compliance n. readiness to yield; conformity in fulfilling requirements

    111. composure n. mental calmness

    112. comprehensive adj. thorough; inclusive

    113. concede v. admit; yield

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    114. conciliatory adj. reconciling; appeasing; amiable

    115. concise ask. brief and compact

    116. conclusive adj. convincing; decisive

    117. concur v. agree in opinion

    118. condone v. overlook voluntarily; forgive

    119. confirm v. corroborate; verify; support

    120. conflagration n. great fire

    121. confound v. confuse; puzzle

    122. confront v. face; challenge

    123. conscientious adj. scrupulous; careful

    124. consensus n. general agreement

    125.consistency n. absence of contradictions; dependability; uniformity; degree

    of thickness

    126. constraint n. compulsion; repression of feelings

    127. contagion n. infection

    128. contemporary n. person belonging to the same period

    129. contend v. struggle; compete; assert earnestly

    130. contentious adj. quarrelsome

    131. contract v. compress or shrink; make a pledge; catch a disease

    132. converge approach; tend to meet; come together

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    133. conviction n. strongly held belief

    134. cordial adj. gracious; heartfelt

    135. corroborate v. confirm; support

    136. corrosion n. destruction by chemical action

    137. credibility n. believability

    138. criterion n. standard used in judging

    139. cryptic mysterious; hidden; secret

    140. credulity n. belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naivete

    141. cursory adj. casual; hastily done

    142. curtail v. shorten; reduce;

    143. cynic n. one who is skeptical or distrustful of human motives

    144.daunt v. intimidate; frighten

    145. dawdle v. loiter; waste time

    146. debilitate v. weaken;enfeeble

    147. debunk v. expose something as nonsensical or false

    148. decorum n. propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners

    149. defame v. harm someone's reputation; malign

    150. deference n. courteous regard for another's wish

    151. defiance n. refusal to yield;resistance

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    152. degenerate v. become worse; deteriorate

    153. degrade v. lower in rank or dignity; debase

    154. deliberate v. consider; ponder

    155. delineate v. portray; depict; sketch

    156. denounce v. condemn; criticize

    157. deny v. contradict; refuse

    158. depict v. portray; describe

    159. deplore v. regret strongly; express grief over

    160. depravity n. corruption; wickedness

    161. deprecate v. express disapproval of; protest against; belittle

    162. deride v. ridicule; make fun of

    163.derivative adj. unoriginal; derived from another source

    164. despondent adj. depressed; gloomy

    165. despot n. tyrant; harsh; authoritarian ruler

    166. detached adj. emotionally removed; calm and objective; indifferent

    167. deterrent n. something that discourages; hindrance

    168. detrimental adj. harmful; damaging

    169. devious adj. roundabout; erratic; not straightforward

    170. devise v. think up; invent; plan

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    171. didactic adj. teaching; instructional

    172. diffuse adj. wordy; rambling; spread out

    173. digression n. wandering away from the subject

    174. diligence n. steadiness of effort; persistent hard work

    175. diminution n. lessening; reduction in size

    176. disband v. dissolve; disperse

    177. discerning adj. mentally quick and observant; having insight

    178. disclose v. reveal

    179. discordant adj. not harmonious; conflicting

    180. discount v. disregard

    181. discredit v. defame; destroy confidence in; dis believe

    182.discrepancy n. lack of consistency; difference; contradiction

    183. discriminating adj. able to see differences; prejudiced

    184. discursive adj. digressing; rambling

    185. disdain v. view with scorn or contempt

    186. disinclination n. unwillingness

    187. disinterested adj. unprejudiced

    188. dismantle v. take apart

    189. dismiss v. put away from consideration; reject

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    190. disparage v. belittle

    191. disparity n. difference; condition of inequality

    192. dispassionate adj. calm; impartial

    193. dispel v. drive away; scatter; cause to vanish

    194. disperse v. cause to break up; scatter

    195. disputatious adj. argumentative; fond of arguing

    196. disseminate v. distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds)

    197. dissent v. disagree

    198. dissipate v. squander; waste; scatter

    199. dissonance n. discord; disagreement

    200. dissuade v. persuade not to do; discourage

    201.distant adj. reserved or aloof; cold in manner

    202. divergent adj. differing; deviating

    203. diverse adj. many and different; distinctly unlike

    204. divulge v. reveal

    205. doctrine n. teachings, in general; particular principle (religious, legal, and

    so on) taught

    206. document v. provide written evidence

    207. dogmatic adj. opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal

    208. dormant adj. sleeping; lethargic; latent

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    209. dubious adj. questionable; filled with doubt

    210. duplicity n. double-dealing; hypocrisy

    211. duration n. length of time something lasts

    212. dutiful adj. respectful; obedient

    213. ebb v. recede; lessen

    214. eccentric adj. odd; whimsical; irregular

    215. eclectic adj. selective in choosing from a variety of sources

    216. eclipse v. darken; extinguish; surpass

    217. effervescent adj. exuberant; bubbly and excited

    218. egotistical adj. excessively self-centered; self-important; conceited

    219. elated adj. overjoyed; in high spirits

    220.eloquence n. expressiveness; persuasive speech

    221. elusive adj. evasive; baffling; hard to grasp

    222. embellish v. adorn; ornament

    223. emulate v. strive to equal or match, especially by imitating

    224. endorse v. approve; support

    225. enduring adj. lasting; surviving

    226. enervate v. weaken

    227. engender v. cause; produce

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    228. enhance v. advance; improve

    229. enigma n. puzzle; mystery

    230. enmity n. ill will; hatred

    231. enumerate v. list; mention one by one

    232. ephemeral adj. short-lived; fleeting

    233. epic n. long heroic poem, or similar work of art

    234. epicure n. connoisseur of food and drink: someone who appreciates good

    food and drink

    235. episodic adj. loosely connected; divided into incidents; occurring at


    236. equanimity n. calmness of temperament; composure

    237. equivocal adj. ambiguous; intentionally misleading

    238. erratic adj. odd; unpredictable; wandering

    239. erroneous adj. mistaken; wrong

    240. erudite adj. learned; scholarly

    241. esoteric adj. hard to understand; known only to the chosen few

    242. espouse v. adopt; support

    243. esteem v. respect; value; judge

    244. ethereal adj. light; heavenly; unusually refined

    245. eulogy n. expression of praise, often on the occassion of someone's death

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    246. euphemism n. mild expression used in place of an unpleasant one

    247. euphonious adj. pleasing in sound

    248. euphoria n. feeling of great happiness and well-being (sometimesexaggerated)

    249. evanescent adj. fleeting; vanishing

    250. exacerbate v. worsen; embitter; aggravate

    251. exacting adj. extremely demanding

    252. exalt v. raise in rank or dignity; praise

    253. execute v. put into effect; carry out

    254. exemplary adj. serving as a model; outstanding

    255. exemplify v. serve as an example of; embody

    256. exhaustive adj. thorough; comprehensive

    257. exhilarating adj. invigorating and refreshing; cheering

    258. exonerate v. acquit;, pronounce not guilty of criminal charges; to free from


    259. expedient adj. suitable to achieve a particular end; practical; politic

    260. expedite v. hasten

    261. expertise n. specialized knowledge; expert skill

    262. explicit adj. totally clear; definite; outspoken

    263. exploit n. deed or action, particularly a brave deed

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    264. exploit v. make use of, sometimes unjustly

    265. expository adj. explanatory; intended to explain

    266. extant adj. still in existence

    267. extol v. praise;glorify

    268. extraneous adj. not essential; superfluous

    269. extricate v. free; disentangle

    270. exuberance n. overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm

    271. facile adj. accomplished; ready or fluent; superficial

    272. facilitate v. help bring about; make less difficult

    273. fallacious adj. false; misleading

    274. fanaticism n. excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause

    275.fastidious adj. difficult to please; squeamish

    276. feasible adj. practical

    277. fervor n. glowing ardor; intensity of feeling

    278. fickle adj. changeable; faithless

    279. figurative adj. not literal, but metaphorical; using a figure of speech

    280. flagrant adj. conspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous

    281. flippant adj. lacking proper seriousness

    282. florid adj. excessively ornate; flowery; reddish

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    283. fluctuate v. waver; shift

    284. foolhardy adj. rash; heedless

    285. foresight n. ability to foresee future happenings; prudence

    286. forestall v. prevent by taking action in advance

    287. forsake v. desert; abandon; renounce

    288. forthright adj. outspoken; frank

    289. fortuitous adj. accidental; by chance

    290. foster v. rear; encourage; nurture

    291. founder v. fail completely; sink

    292. founder n. person who establishes (an organization, business)

    293. frail adj. weak

    294.frivolous adj. lacking in seriousness; self-indulgently carefree; relatively


    295. frugality n. thrift; economy

    296. fundamental v. basic; primary; essential

    297. furtive adj. stealthy; sneaky

    298. futile adj. ineffective; fruitless

    299. galvanize v. stimulate by shock; stir up; revitalize

    300. garbled adj. mixed up; jumbled; distorted

    301. garrulous adj. wordy; talkative; loquacious

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    302. genre n. particular variety of art or literature

    303. germane adj. pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand

    304. glacial adj. like a glacier; extremely cold

    305. glib adj. fluent; facile; slick

    306. glutton n. someone who eats too much; greedy person

    307. gorge n. small, steep-walled canyon

    308. grandiose adj. pretentious; high-flown; ridiculously exaggerated;


    309. gratify v. please

    310. gratuitous adj. given freely; unwarranted; unprovoked

    311. gravity n. seriousness

    312. gregarious adj. sociable

    313. grievance n. cause of complaint

    314. grudging adj. unwilling; reluctant; stingy

    315. guile n. deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning

    316. gullible adj. easily deceived

    317. hackneyed adj. commonplace; trite

    318. hallowed adj. blessed; consecrated; venerated

    319. hamper v. obstruct

    320. harass v. annoy by repeated attacks; torment

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    321. hardy adj. sturdy;robust; able to stand inclement weather

    322. haughtiness n. pride; arrogance

    323. hedonist n. one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim of life

    324. heed v. pay attention to; consider

    325. heresy n. opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted


    326. heterodox adj. unorthodox; unconventional

    327. heterogeneous adj. dissimilar; mixed

    328. heyday n. time of greatest success; prime

    329. hiatus n. gap; interruption in duration or continuity; pause

    330. hierarchy n. arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body divided

    into ranks

    331. hindrance n. block; obstacle

    332. hoard v. stockpile; accumulate for future use

    333. homogeneous adj. of the same kind

    334. hone v. sharpen

    335. hostility n. unfriendliness; hatred

    336. humane adj. marked by kindness or consideration

    337. husband v. use sparingly; conserve; save

    338. hyperbole n. exaggeration; overstatement

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    339. hypocritical adj. pretending to be virtuous; deceiving

    340. hypothetical adj. based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed

    341. iconoclast n. one who attacks cherished traditions

    342. idiosyncrasy n. individual trait, usually odd in nature; eccentricity

    343. ignominy n. deepdisgrace; shame or dishonor

    344. illicit adj. illegal

    345. illuminate v. brighten; clear up or make understandable; enlighten

    346. illusory adj. deceptive; not real

    347. imbalance n. lack of balance or symmetry; disproportion

    348. immaculate adj. spotless; flawless; absolutely clean

    349. immune adj. resistant to; free or exempt from

    350.immutable adj. unchangeable

    351. impair v. injure; hurt

    352. impartial adj. not biased; fair

    353. impassive adj. without feeling; imperturbable; stoical

    354. impeccable adj. faultless

    355. impecunious adj. without money

    356. impede v. hinder; block; delay

    357. impel v. drive or force onward

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    358. imperceptible adj. unnoticeable; undetectable

    359. imperious adj. domineering; haughty

    360. impervious adj. impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed

    361. impetuous adj. violent; hasty; rash

    362. implausible adj. unlikely; unbelievable

    363. implement v. put into effect; supply with tools

    364. implication n. something hinted at or suggested

    365. implicit adj. understood but not stated

    366. impoverished adj. poor

    367. impromptu adj. without previous preparation; off the cuff; on the spur of the


    368. impudence n. impertinence; insolence

    369. inadvertently adv. by oversight; carelessly or unintentionally

    370. inane adj. silly; senseless

    371. inaugurate v. start; initiate; install in office

    372. incense v. enrage; infuriate

    373. incentive n. spur; motive

    374. incessant adj. uninterrupted; unceasing

    375. incidental adj. not essential; minor

    376. incisive adj. cutting; sharp

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    377. incite v. arouse to action; goad; motivate; induce to exist

    378. incline n. slope; slant

    379. inclined adj. tending or leaning towards; bent

    380. inclusive adj. tending to include all

    381. incoherent adj. unintelligible; muddled; illogical

    382. incongruous adj. not fitting; absurd

    383. inconsequential adj. insignificant; unimportant

    384. incontrovertible adj. indisputable; not open to question

    385. incorrigible adj. uncorrectable

    386. indefatigable adj. tireless

    387. indict v. charge (legal term)

    388.indifferent adj. unmoved; lacking concern

    389. indigenous adj. native

    390. indigent adj. poor; destitute

    391. indiscriminate adj. choosing at random; confused

    392. indolent adj. lazy

    393. indomitable adj. unconquerable; unyielding

    394. indubitable adj. unable to be doubted; unquestionable

    395. induce v. persuade; bring about

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    396. indulge v. humor; treat leniently

    397. industrious adj. diligent; hard-working

    398. ineffectual adj. not effective; weak

    399. inept adj. unsuited; adsurd; incompetent

    400. inequity n. unfairmess

    401. inert adj. inactive; lacking power to move

    402. inexorable adj. relentless; unyielding; implacable

    403. infamous adj. notoriously bad

    404. infer v. deduce; conclude

    405. infiltrate v. pass into or through; penetrate an organization sneakily

    406. infinitesimal adj. exceedingly small; so small as to be almost nonexistent

    407.infraction n. violation

    408. ingenious adj. clever; resourceful

    409. ingrate n. ungrateful person

    410. inherent adj. firmly established by nature or habit; intrinsic

    411. inimical adj. unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental

    412. initiate v. begin; orginate; receive into a group

    413. injurious adj. harmful

    414. innate adj. inborn

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    415. innocuous adj. harmless

    416. innovation n. change; introduction of something new

    417. inopportune adj. untimely; poorly chosen

    418. insatiable adj. not easily satisfied; greedy

    419. insightful adj. discerning; perceptive

    420. insinuate v. hint; imply; creep in

    421. insipid adj. lacking in flavor; dull

    422. insolvent adj. bankrupt; unable to repay one's debts

    423. instigate v. urge; start; provoke

    424. insularity n. narrow-mindedness; isolation

    425. insuperable adj. insurmountable; unbeatable

    426.insurgent adj. rebellious

    427. intangible adj. not material; not able to be perceived by touch; vague;


    428. integral adj.. complete; necessary for completeness

    429. integrity n. uprightness; wholeness, honesty, high moral standards; an

    unimpaired condition, completeness, soundness

    430. intermittent adj. periodic; on and off

    431. intervene v. come between

    432. intimidate v. frighten

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    433. intractable adj..unruly; stubborn; unyielding

    434. intransigence n. refusal of any compromise; stubbornness

    435. intrepid adj. fearless

    436. intricate adj. complex; knotty; tangled

    437. intrinsic adj. essential; inherent; built-in; natural

    438. introspective adj. looking within one's self

    439. intuition n. immediate insight; power of knowing without reasoning

    440. inundate v. overwhelm; flood; submerge

    441. invert v. turn upside down or inside out

    442. irascible adj. irritable; easily angered

    443. ironic adj. relating to a contradiction between an event's espected result

    and its actual outcome; sarcastic

    444. irrational adj. illogical; lacking reason; insane

    445. irrelevant adj. not applicable; unrelated

    446. irreproachable adj. blameless; impeccable

    447. irresolute adj. uncertain how to act; weak

    448. irreverence n. lack of proper respect

    449. jargon n. language used by a special group; technical terminology;


    450. jocular adj. said or done in jest; joking

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    451. judicious adj. sound in judgment; wise

    452. justification n. good or just reason; defense; excuse

    453. kindle v. start a fire; inspire

    454. labyrinth n. maze

    455. laconic adj. brief and to the point

    456. lament v. grieve; express sorrow

    457. lassitude n. languor; weariness, a feeling of lack of interest or energy

    458. laud v. praise

    459. lavish adj. liberal; wasteful; extravagant

    460. legacy n. a gift made by a will

    461. lethargic adj. drowsy; dull

    462.levity n. lack of seroiusness

    463. linger v. loiter or dawdle; continue or persist

    464. list v. tilt; lean over

    465. listlessness n. lack in spirit or energy

    466. loathe v. detest

    467. lofty adj. very high

    468. loquacious adj. talkative

    469. lucid adj. easily understood; clear; intelligible

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    470. lurid adj. wild; sensational;; graphic; gruesome

    471. magnanimous adj. generous

    472. magnate n. persosn of prominence or influence

    473. maladroit adj. clumsy; bungling

    474. malevolent adj. wishing evil

    475. malice n. hatred; spite

    476. malign v. speak evil of; bad-mouth

    477. marred adj. damaged; disfigured

    478. martinet n. rigid disciplinarian; strict military officer

    479. materialism n. preoccupation with physical comforts and things

    480. meager adj. scanty; inadequate

    481.meander v. wind or turn in a course

    482. medley n. mixture

    483. meek adj. quiet and obedient; spiritless

    484. melancholy adj. gloomy; morose; blue

    485. mercenary adj. interested in money or gain

    486. mercurial adj. capricious; changing; fickle

    487. merger n. combination of two business corporations

    488. methodical adj. systematic

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    489. meticulous adj. excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous

    490. minute adj. extremely small

    491. misanthrope n. one who hates mankind

    492. miserly adj. stingy; mean

    493. misnomer n. wrong name; incorrect designation

    494. mitigate v. appease; moderate

    495. mock v. ridicule; imitate; often in derision

    496. mollify v. soothe

    497. momentous adj. very important

    498. monotony n. sameness leading to boredom

    499. morbid adj. given to unwholesome thought; moody; characteristic of


    500. morose adj. ill-humored; sullen; melancholy