Quick and Healthy Options Naturopathic medicine is a distinct … · 2011-07-26 · Naturopathic...

What is Naturopathic Medicine? Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that integrates modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. Symptoms of disease are seen as “warning signals” of improper functioning of the body and unfavourable lifestyle habits. Naturopathic Medicine emphasizes disease as a process rather than as an entity. Incorporate naturopathic medicine into your healthcare team to prevent and treat all forms of health concerns - from pediatric to geriatric, from irritating symptoms to chronic illness and from the physical to the psycho-spiritual. Treatment protocols are 100% natural and are developed individually to meet the specific physiological, structural, psychological, social, spiritual, environment and lifestyle factors for each patient. Treating both acute and chronic conditions, the philosophy is to stimulate the healing power of the body and treat the root cause of disease. For many patients, this difference in approach to health provides them with a new perspective and awareness. Your treatment may include any or all of the following: Botanical Medicine Prevention / Lifestyle Counseling Orthomolecular Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture) Clinical Nutrition IMS / Chronic Pain Management Homeopathy Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Guiding Principles of Naturopathic Medicine First do no harm (Primum Non Nocere) Utilize the healing power of nature (Vis Mediatrix Naturae) Identify and treat the cause (Tolle Causam) Heal the whole person (Tolle Totum) Physician as teacher (Docere) Prevention Quick and Healthy Options For the Most Important Meal of the Day Dr. Tamara Eriksen Naturopathic Doctor Tailor Made Wellness Clinic 200, 85 Cranford Way Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0H9 Phone: 780-464-5220 Email: [email protected]

Transcript of Quick and Healthy Options Naturopathic medicine is a distinct … · 2011-07-26 · Naturopathic...

Page 1: Quick and Healthy Options Naturopathic medicine is a distinct … · 2011-07-26 · Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that integrates modern scientific

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that integrates modern

scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. Symptoms of

disease are seen as “warning signals” of improper functioning of the body and

unfavourable lifestyle habits. Naturopathic Medicine emphasizes disease as a process

rather than as an entity.

Incorporate naturopathic medicine into

your healthcare team to prevent and

treat all forms of health concerns - from

pediatric to geriatric, from irritating

symptoms to chronic illness and from

the physical to the psycho-spiritual.

Treatment protocols are 100% natural

and are developed individually to meet

the specific physiological, structural,

psychological, social, spiritual,

environment and lifestyle factors for

each patient. Treating both acute and

chronic conditions, the philosophy is to

stimulate the healing power of the body

and treat the root cause of disease. For

many patients, this difference in

approach to health provides them with a

new perspective and awareness.

Your treatment may include any or all of the following:

� Botanical Medicine � Prevention / Lifestyle Counseling

� Orthomolecular Medicine � Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture)

� Clinical Nutrition � IMS / Chronic Pain Management

� Homeopathy � Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Guiding Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

� First do no harm (Primum Non Nocere)

� Utilize the healing power of nature (Vis Mediatrix Naturae)

� Identify and treat the cause (Tolle Causam)

� Heal the whole person (Tolle Totum)

� Physician as teacher (Docere)

� Prevention

Quick and Healthy Options For the Most Important Meal of the Day

Dr. Tamara Eriksen Naturopathic Doctor Tailor Made Wellness Clinic 200, 85 Cranford Way Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0H9

Phone: 780-464-5220 Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Quick and Healthy Options Naturopathic medicine is a distinct … · 2011-07-26 · Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that integrates modern scientific

Dr. Eriksen’s Biography

Dr. Eriksen’s undergraduate training was at the UofA in biological sciences, with a focus on genetics and microbiology. Thereafter, she attended the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM.) In her final year of naturopathic medical training, Dr. Eriksen enjoyed a very busy internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic (North America’s largest Naturopathic Medical facility) and completed a rotation at the Sherbourne Clinic for HIV+ patients.

Upon graduating in 2008, Dr. Eriksen obtained a naturopathic medical license in Alberta, and maintains membership in good standing with the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA) and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND.) She is currently in general practice at Tailor Made Wellness Clinic in Sherwood Park, AB.

Considering herself a "science geek from way back,” Dr. Eriksen makes a point of staying up on the cutting edge of medical science and alternative medicine. Her treatment philosophy is to lay the groundwork with sound medical science and to treat the cause whenever possible... and to always consider the psycho-social / emotional / spiritual health of individuals (and communities) which have a profound impact on physical health. The body/mind/spirit is inextricable. Dr. Eriksen also believes that her job as a physician includes educating patients about their health and current medical procedures so they can make healthy, informed choices. She refers to medicine as her “calling” and she approaches patient care (and life in general) with curiosity, kindness, enthusiasm, creativity and humour.

Selecting a protein powder Not all protein powders are created equally! Here are the basics so you can make

informed decisions when selecting your protein powder.

Vegetarian options

Soy. Soy is not a complete source of protein. If you’re incorporating animal milk

(cow, goat, sheep) in your smoothie (or eating meat at other times during the day), no worries you’re sufficiently rounding out the necessary proteins. If you’re going vegan, though, it’s important that you spend time thinking of COMBINING proteins. Beans + rice/grains together to create a full compliment of the essential amino acids your body needs to function optimally.

Hemp. Hemp IS a complete source of protein. (Hemp and quinoa are the only grains

that provide all of the essential amino acids.) However, hemp protein powders tend to have an acrid “green” taste that is off-putting for some individuals.

Animal proteins Whey. Animal proteins are always complete sources of essential amino acids.

Individuals with lactose sensitivity should have no problems with pure whey protein. And most individuals with casein sensitivity are also okay with whey (casein content is minimal to absent.)

Protein isolates. Provided you’re digesting properly, this “marketing technique” is

not necessary. Protein isolate supplements tend to be significantly more expensive, for no real (scientifically supported) advantage. Not generally worth the extra cost!

Comparing labels Compare the caloric content per scoop. When smoothie making, you’re adding sufficient carbohydrates (fruit/veg and sweetener) that you can use a low calorie protein supplement and still achieve the right balance for a meal replacement.

* * * You’ll want about 25g protein in your breakfast smoothie, * * * so pay attention to how much protein per scoop.

Read for additives and sugar/artificial sweeteners. Choose one that’s aspartame free and has the fewest unpronounceable words on the ingredient list. Less processing is always preferable!

Make your own “nut milks” (eg: almond, cashew, pistachio)

If you have a powerful blender, you can make almond milk by soaking 1 cup of raw

nuts for a few hours. When finished soaking, strain then blend them with 3 cups of

filtered water. Strain the resulting mixture through a nut milk bag or a few layers of

cheese cloth. You can add sweetener or vanilla for additional flavor. To store, place in

the refrigerator in an air-tight container.

Page 3: Quick and Healthy Options Naturopathic medicine is a distinct … · 2011-07-26 · Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that integrates modern scientific

Tropical Tofu Berry Smoothie Recipe * 1 cup vanilla yogurt * 1 cup skim milk * 1 banana * 3″ cube of soft tofu * 3/4 cup blueberries * 1 cup strawberries * sweeten to taste (honey, stevia, agave, maple syrup, cane juice, etc.) Put yogurt, milk, banana, tofu, and sweetener into blender and blend until smooth. Add berries and blend again until smoothie consistency is reached.

Tofu Smoothie Recipe * 1 cup Orange-Pineapple Juice * 2 cups frozen strawberries * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract * 1 pack silken tofu * 1 cup vanilla soymilk * 1 large banana * sweeten to taste (honey, stevia, agave, maple syrup, cane juice, etc.) * Optional - spike w/coconut rum! (Conga line mandatory after third smoothie.)

Blueberry Tofu Smoothie Soft and creamy silken tofu is the tofu of choice for smoothies and shakes. If it isn’t available, you can substitute 2/3 cup of plain yogurt. * 6 ounces silken tofu * 1 medium banana * 2/3 cup soy milk * 1 cup frozen or fresh blueberries * 1 tablespoon honey * 2 -3 ice cubes, optional Drain the silken tofu to remove excess water (silken tofu has a high water content). Peel and slice and freeze the banana (freezing helps make the smoothie thicker). Blend the banana, tofu and soy milk for 30 seconds. Add 1/2 cup of the frozen blueberries and process until smooth. Add the remaining blueberries, honey and ice cubes if using and process again until smooth. Enjoy!

Discover the many health benefits of the

BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE Do you ever skip breakfast because you just don’t have time to put together a healthy

meal? How often do you grab a muffin and coffee and call it breakfast?

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. And if you’re skipping the

morning meal, you could be setting yourself up for all sorts of health problems, ranging

from low energy and mental fog to pain, inflammation and even endocrine disorders

like type 2 diabetes and multiple endocrine neoplasia.

Work a morning smoothie into your routine.

Your body will thank you!

� Increased energy, focus and concentration.

� Better job/sport/life performance!

� Reduce stress levels.

� Improve work/school performance.

� Improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control.

� Over time, pain and inflammation levels will decrease.

� Help with stubborn weight loss!

Short on time? Consider investing in a “Magic BulletTM” style blender and whip up your

smoothie in your to-go cup on your way out the door.

Having trouble establishing the routine? Involve your kids! If they’re old enough, let

them be responsible for making morning smoothies for the family! (But be prepared for

the occasional dodgy “creative smoothie extravaganza” experience. ☺)

Tofu is made from soy beans and, depending on moisture content, can range from very soft (like yogurt) to firm and meaty in texture. It has a very mild, slightly nutty flavour.

Not wild about tofu? Consider coconut milk, coconut milk based ice-cream or hemp ice cream as a yummy alternative!

Page 4: Quick and Healthy Options Naturopathic medicine is a distinct … · 2011-07-26 · Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that integrates modern scientific

Basic Ingredients Required for a Fruit Smoothie 1. Fruits/Veg: Before you learn how to make a smoothie, it is important to know the

basic components of the tasty drink. The most essential component of smoothie is the fruit/veg that forms the base. Depending on your choice you can select single or multiple fruits. Berries are a popular choice.

2. Liquid: Making fruit smoothie requires a liquid to ensure smooth blending of the fruit pieces. You can use fruit or veg juices/cocktails or milks (and don’t forget about dairy alternatives!)

3. Thickener: There are different choices of using thickener. Protein powder is an excellent thickening agent. Aim for 25g protein per person to make your smoothie a meal replacement. Also try ice, frozen fruit, avocado, yogurt or ice cream.

4. Proportion of the ingredients. 1 part fruit/veg, one part liquid and 2 parts “thickener” are the normal proportion for a tasty drink. Of course, there are no hard and fast rules, experiment with proportions and varieties/combinations of fruits and veg to discover the world of taste in smoothies.

To assemble your smoothie: � Put the frozen / chopped fruits into the container of the blender to crush them.

Pour the liquid into the container before closing the lid. The liquid makes it easy to blend the frozen fruits.

� Run the blender till the fruits are pureed. To avoid chunks interrupting your smoothie-drinking pleasure, ensure that all ingredients are completely pureed before transferring to your drinking vessel.

� You can add supplements like vitamin C powder, “greens” powder, wheat germ or ground flaxseed for added nutrition.

Let food be your medicine! � Chronic pain and inflammation are two sides of the same coin, so reducing

inflammation will ease pain levels. For added anti-inflammatory punch, add a 1” piece of grated ginger root and/or a heaping teaspoon of tumeric to your smoothie. (Note: Tumeric has very little flavour, but be aware that it will turn your smoothie dark yellow. And if you brush your teeth right after your smoothie, it will stain your toothbrush yellow, too. ☺)

� Cinnamon is a tasty spice that packs a big punch for blood sugar control! If you’re diabetic (or borderline diabetic) adding 1 generous teaspoon of cinnamon to your breakfast smoothie can help stabilize blood sugars and improve insulin sensitivity.

� Think outside the box! Try a variety of combinations of fresh or frozen fruit/veggies. As a general rule, the more colors you use in your cooking the better. Your only limitation is your imagination.

� Going dairy free? No problem! Try almond, soy, rice and coconut milk. Consider coconut, soy or hemp ice cream instead of yogurt. Give silken tofu a try (you’ll typically find tofu products with the Asian veg case in your local supermarket’s produce department.)

Most Awesome Breakfast Smoothie Rich in vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, omega-3 fats, monounsaturated fats, soy protein, and so much more! * 1 banana * 1/2 apple * 1 kiwi, peeled * 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries * 1 cup orange juice * 1/2 cup soy milk

* 1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt * 1/2 cup tofu * 3 tablespoons unsalted natural peanut butter * 2 tablespoons aloe vera juice * 2 tablespoons flaxseed oil * 1 teaspoon barley grass powder (optional) In a blender, combine banana, apple, kiwi, mixed berries and orange juice. Blend until smooth. Add soy milk, yogurt, tofu, peanut butter, aloe vera juice, flaxseed oil, and barley grass powder. Blend again until well blended.

Healthy Breakfast Smoothie * 1 cup of frozen berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and/or strawberries) * 1 scoop of whey powder * 1 Tbs. flaxseed oil * 1Tbs. ground flaxseed * 2 tsp. lemon juice * 1 tsp. unsweetened cranberry juice * sweeten to taste (honey, stevia, agave, maple syrup, cane juice, etc.) * 8 ice cubes * 1 cup water Blend until smooth and if needed you can add a few ice cubes to thicken it up. Makes a little over sixteen ounces, so it will be a good size to go cup and you can take a quick shot of the extra before you head out the door.

Strawberry Peach Carrot Smoothie Try swapping out the yogurt for a banana or add an extra carrot for sweetness. * 1 medium carrot (peeled) * 1 fresh peach * 6 or so frozen strawberries * 1/2 container of vanilla greek yogurt * 1 Tablespoon flax seed oil Blend blend blend until somewhat runny (the frozen strawberries make this more like a frozen yogurt when first combined, needs a little more blending action to make it drinkable.)

Page 5: Quick and Healthy Options Naturopathic medicine is a distinct … · 2011-07-26 · Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that integrates modern scientific

Awesome Strawberry Smoothie * 5 large strawberries * 6 oz. light (reduced sugar) fat-free strawberry frozen yogurt (This is * one container of Yoplait) * 4 oz. Crystal Light or other sugar-free lemonade * 1 packet Equal sweetener or 2 teaspoons of sugar (1 gram) Put all ingredients into blender. Blend until smoothie consistency is reached! Serves 1.

Just Dew It Smoothie * 1 cup Honeydew chunks * 1 medium orange * 1/2 medium peach, pitted * 1/2 cup fresh pineapple chunks, core can be included * 1 cup ice cubes Start blender at low and increase slowly to high. Blend for 45 seconds or until desired smoothie-ness is reached. ☺ Should yield about 2 servings (3 1/4 cups)

Banana Raspberry Yogurt Smoothie Mixing raspberries with other fruits helps develop a more velvety texture. * 6 oz French vanilla yogurt * 1 1/2 cups soymilk or almond milk * 1 cup unsweetened frozen or fresh raspberries * 1 medium banana * add a few ice cubes if you don’t use frozen raspberries You know the drill… Place ingredients in blender or food processor. Cover; blend on high speed about 30 seconds or until smooth. Serves 2.

Banana Split Smoothie Too lazy to eat a banana split? How about drinking a banana split? Bananas are great smoothie ingredients so why not bring the split to the smoothie? You can add a scoop of vanilla ice cream if you wish, but it tastes great without it. * 2 bananas * 8 oz. crushed pineapple, drained * 1 1/4 cup of milk * 1/2 cup of unsweetened strawberries (frozen or fresh) * 2 tbs. honey * 6 ice cubes * 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream (optional) Combine bananas, pineapple, milk, strawberries and honey in a blender. Blend until smooth. Start adding ice slowly and blend until slushy. Garnish with whipped topping, chocolate syrup and maraschino cherries! The perfect banana split in a glass.

Pumpkin Smoothie While this is a great smoothie for the Fall or over Thanksgiving, it is also a great smoothie any time of the year. I won’t lie though it makes a great Thanksgiving Day treat either before or after your large turkey dinner, plus it will most likely be the healthiest thing you put in your body that day. Try it with other squashes, like leftover butternut or acorn squash. Even sweet potato! Roast the squash with cinnamon, nutmeg and a sprinkle of brown sugar for added sweetness and great flavour. * 1 cup of canned pumpkin (or leftover squash!) * 1 cup fresh cut apricot or frozen. * 1 tbs sugar * 1 cup 2% milk * 1 pinch of cinnamon * 1 pinch of nutmeg * 1 cup of ice * sweeten to taste (honey, stevia, agave, maple syrup, cane juice, etc.)

Lemon Kiwi Cooler Smoothie When life gives you lemons, make lemonade… or so the saying goes. Better yet, make a lemon smoothie! If you like a tart flavor then you are already a fan of the lemon or even the lime and this smoothie meets tarty expectations. The kiwi and the grapes counter with some sweetness that make the lemon really come alive. And if you like, try it with lime in place of (or in addition to) the lemon. Tart it up!! * 2 cups grapes (red or green, preferably seedless) * 1/2 lemon, peeled and seeded * 1/2 kiwi, peeled (trust me, peel it or you’ll have the hairiest smoothie ever) * 3 cups of ice. Preparation time: about 5 minutes, yields about 5 cups.

Tropical Pina Colada Smoothie This is a great breakfast smoothie with plenty of vitamins and protein to get your day started right and make you feel as if you are on vacation in some tropical paradise. Try substituting mango for the apple for a nice twist. * 1/2 pineapple * 1 apple * 3 Tbs coconut milk * 1 banana * 1 orange Blend and serve. If you want to get fancy add a cocktail umbrella and garnish with pineapple! (Conga line optional.)

Page 6: Quick and Healthy Options Naturopathic medicine is a distinct … · 2011-07-26 · Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that integrates modern scientific

Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie * 4-5 apple bananas (2-2 1/2 regular banana) * 4 spoonfuls of peanut butter (creamy preferred) * 1 can of sprite * 7-15 pieces of ice (depending on how thick you want your smoothie) Mix together the bananas, peanut butter, and Sprite first. (Careful not to over-fill, the Sprite will fizz a bit when you blend it.) When that is fully blended together you add in the ice.

Groovy Green Smoothie A great way to get your kids to eat greens! You will be amazed by this yummy fruity smoothie. Experiment with different amounts or types of fruit. * 1 banana, cut in chunks * 1 cup grapes * 1 (6 ounce) tub vanilla yogurt * 1/2 apple, cored and chopped * 1 1/2 cups fresh spinach leaves Place the banana, grapes, yogurt, apple and spinach into a blender. Cover, and blend until smooth, stopping frequently to push down anything stuck to the sides. Pour into glasses and serve.

Dan’s Breakfast Smoothie This one’s excellent for good health and weight loss. * 3 scoops natural chocolate whey protein powder * 1 cup frozen strawberries * 4 tbsp. Psyllium husks * 8 ice cubes * sweeten to taste (honey, stevia, agave, maple syrup, cane juice, etc.) * 2 cups filtered water High in protein and relatively low in calories.

Healthy Green Coconut Smoothie Coconut oil, said to be “healthiest oil on earth” is extremely good for for you and adds a unique taste you will enjoy. Some people find the coconut oil flings to the outside and sticks to the glass instead of blending in. Try adding the coconut oil between frozen fruit and fresh fruit. It helps make things blend smoothly. * 2 bananas, frozen 2 HUGE handfuls spinach (you won’t even taste it) 1 cup milk (coconut milk if you’re hard core. Almond or soy are good, too.) 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon coconut oil Add all ingredients into a blender. Blend until mixed. Serve in tall glasses with a thick straw… and make yummy noises while sipping.

Perfect Purple Detox Smoothie The smoothie detoxing ingredients are extensive and may be hard to find, so feel free to substitute where you need to. The cayenne powder gives it a spicy punch that intensifies the rest of the flavors, such as sweet-tart raspberries, antioxidant-rich wild blueberries, tangy apple cider vinegar, smooth almond milk, sweet acai juice, nutty flax seed meal and the coconut water ice cubes. * 12 ounces Acai Juice * 6 ounces almond, coconut or soy milk * 1 Tbsp soy creamer * 1 cup frozen wild blueberries * 1 banana (frozen) * 1/2 cup frozen raspberries * 1 Tbsp Whole Ground Flaxseed Meal * 1 cup ice cubes (coconut water ice cubes pref’d) * 1 Tbsp Macro Greens powder * 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar * 1-3 dashes cayenne powder Serves 2 healthy people in need of detox.

Stress Reliever Strawberry Smoothie Strawberries are good source of vitamins and nutritional value. Stress can deprive us of some nutrients and drinking fruit smoothies containing strawberries can help replenish us and keep us healthy. * 2 1/2 cups strawberries * 1/2 cup strawberry nectar * 1 pitted peach * 1 cup plain yogurt or strawberry yogurt if you don’t have the nectar. * 2 cups ice

Cilantro Surprise Smoothie Okay, okay, you are reading this and thinking, “Cilantro Smoothie”? Well, me too. But what is life without trying new things and that means trying new smoothies. You will see some familiar ingredients such as strawberries and papaya. Did you know that cilantro is excellent for heavy mineral detox? Mercury in particular. So all you canned tuna fans – no need to be deprived. Just make cilantro smoothies a semi-regular habit. * 1 cup almond milk * 1 cup coconut water * 1 cup papaya * 1 cup cilantro * 8 large strawberries * 4 dates

Page 7: Quick and Healthy Options Naturopathic medicine is a distinct … · 2011-07-26 · Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that integrates modern scientific

Plush Purple Grape Smoothie If your blender isn’t really powerful, you may want to peel the grapes first. I like the texture of the grape peels… but it’s not for everyone. * 2 cups seedless black grapes * 1 cup yogurt * 1 cup milk * sweeten to taste (honey, stevia, agave, maple syrup, cane juice, etc.) * ice-cubes or crushed ice (optional)

Orange Smoothie Who knows, this may actually be the recipe for the fabulous “Orange Julius.” * 1 cup orange juice * 1 cup water * 2 egg whites * 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract * 1/4 cup sugar * 1 heaping cup ice Combine all of the ingredients in a blender set on high speed for 15-30 seconds. Makes 2 drinks.

Banana Berry Smoothie Recipe One of the the most popular smoothie franchises has created one of the best smoothies out there. Try this one for a Jamba Juice favorite. * 1/2 cup apple juice * 3/4 cup strawberry nectar * 1 cup frozen blueberries * 1 banana * 1 scoop of raspberry sherbet * 1 scoop fat-free vanilla frozen yogurt * 1 cup of ice Combine all ingredients in a blend and blend until smooth. Drink and enjoy this 24 ounce delicious smoothie.

Caesar Smoothie This one’s a bit of a stretch for me… but tomatoes are a great ingredient because of their antioxidant properties. * 2 cups tomatoes (Stewed or chopped. * 1/2 cup tomato juice * 1/4 cup apple juice * 1/2 cup carrots * 1/4 cup (chopped) celery * Tabasco or hot sauce to taste * 2 cups ice

Berry Healthy Breakfast Smoothie While just about all smoothies are packed with vitamins since their ingredients are usually fruits and vegetables, there are some healthy smoothies that are healthier and more rich in vitamins than others. This is one of the best healthy smoothies I have come across and its taste can’t be beat. I usually prefer frozen fruit for a better texture and consistency, but frozen or fresh this will be a delicious and healthy breakfast smoothie or anytime smoothie. * 1/2 cup blueberries * 1/2 cup strawberries * 1/2 cup blackberries * 1 medium carrot * 1 cup low-fat milk * 1 cup pomegranate (cranberry is an okay substitute) * 2 cups ice Easily 2 servings, but don’t feel too guilty if you finish it by yourself, it is that good.

Banana Crunch Breakfast Smoothie Don’t want to sit down and eat your breakfast out of a bowl? This breakfast smoothie is great for those of us who are running late for work and prefer to drink our breakfast on the road. This smoothie for breakfast has it all: breakfast cereal, milk and fruit. * 1 banana * 1 cup milk (or milk substitute) * 2 Tbs. of honey or sugar-free honey substitute * 1/2 cup granola * 1/2 cup of ice It can seem weird drinking granola, but it really just gives the drink a nice texture. You also might want to try adding 1/4 or 1/2 cup of plain yogurt to add a bit of tart flavor or to help smooth it out.

Crunchy Granola Smoothie No time for a bowl of granola cereal? Take a granola smoothie to go. Great breakfast smoothie. * 1 cup milk (or milk substitute) * 1 banana * 2 Tbs honey * 3/4 cup granola * 1/2 cup ice

Barry Zito Protein Smoothie * 2 cups of assorted frozen berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries) * 2 cups of vanilla rice milk * 2 scoops of whey protein * sweeten to taste (honey, stevia, agave, maple syrup, cane juice, etc.) Simply blend all the ingredients until smooth and pour into a glass.

Page 8: Quick and Healthy Options Naturopathic medicine is a distinct … · 2011-07-26 · Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that integrates modern scientific

Jamaican Ginger Smoothie 1 banana chopped fresh ginger (according to taste) 4-5 large strawberries 1 cup of cranberry juice 1 1/2 - 2 cups of ice Put everything into a blender. Blend on high speed until ice is smooth. For an added touch, garnish with mint leaves. (Or throw the mint right in! Yum!)

Delish Mango-berry Smoothie 1 large ripe mango Half a punnet of strawberries 1 banana Place all ingredients into a blender and pour in half a glass of mango juice. Blend until smooth, the smoothie will be thick but DELICIOUS! This is a very filling yummy smoothie. Enjoy!

Cherry and Apple Pie Smoothie approx. 20 cherries 1 apple 1 banana 1 kiwi 1 handful of blueberries cloudy apple juice Stone the cherries and put into the blender. Add the chopped apple, banana, kiwi and blueberries. Blend with a generous splash of apple juice to loosen.

Peachy-Narna Smoothie 1 medium sized tin of peaches 1 large organic banana small cup of fresh orange juice This free smoothie recipe is easy to make. Break up the banana and put in your blender. Next add the tin of peaches (drained of syrup). Then add enough orange juice to cover your banana pieces, blend until desired consistency, then serve and enjoy.

Just Peachy Beet Smoothie 1 peach, pitted and cut in 1 inch slices (can use canned or frozen!) 1 banana, peeled 1 cup blueberries, frozen 1 packed cup beet tops, frozen 1 dropper of Valencia Orange flavored stevia 1 1/2 cups water Toss the fresh ingredients in the blender first with the frozen ingredient on top. Blend away! Serves 1-3

Simply Summer Smoothie Recipe 2 bananas chopped 450gm tin of mixed/summer fruits 3 ice-cubes To make this simply summer smoothie recipe place tinned fruits in blender, add in the bananas. Mix for 40 seconds, smooth for 20 seconds. Serve with ice cubes.

Super Creamy Green Smoothie 1/2 avocado 5 broccoli leaves, small 5 kale, stems removed 1 large handful of spinach 1/2 lemon, peeled and seeded 1 1/2 scoops berry-flavored green drink OR frozen berries 2 cups water 8 ice cubes Blend all ingredients until completely smooth. Serves 1-2

Refresher Smoothie 2 good slices of fresh pineapple 2 pears (skin and centre removed) 4 strawberries splash of juice (either orange or apple) To make this free fruit smoothie recipe simply add all fruit into the blender and whiz for around 30 seconds. Pour and enjoy.

Bright Morning Smoothie Recipe 1/2 melon (chopped into cubes) 14 raspberries 1 cup (approx) apple juice for the base liquid squeeze of fresh lemon pinch of salt (optional) Combine the chopped melon, raspberries, apple juice, squeeze of lemon in the smoothie maker and blast on full power for around 30-40 seconds, add the salt at the end (to taste.)