Questions Creation Evolution English

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  • 8/3/2019 Questions Creation Evolution English


    Questions on the origins of the evolution Theory

    And its scientific probalibity

    How can someone know what is true or false?

    Can truth be found by what someone feels is truth?Does someone's opinion make his opinion to be true?

    Does the majority's opinion make their belief truth?

    Does a careful and deep study an a given subject without preconcived opinion to know what is truth

    is a good way to know what is truth?

    Does asking someone's opinion on a topic make it that we should follow their opinion as truth?

    Or should someone seek for themselves for what is truth rather than take someone's word for it?

    Was science created by evolutionists?

    Were there scientists before Darwin?

    Why were they all creationists?

    Are Pascal, Pasteur, Isaac Newton good exemples of creationist scientists?

    Is all science evolution? And what part of science is evolution and what part of science is facts?Did anyone ever prove the non existence of God?

    Did anyone ever prove the non veracity of the Bible?

    If evolution is true where does intuition come from?

    Is the distance between the Earth and the sun being 1 astronomic unit or 149.597.870Km something

    that proves evolution or is it just a scientific fact?

    Is it true that the two only ways the universe came to be is a) the universe made itself or b) God

    created the universe?

    Where do laws come from, like the law of gravity is the theory of evolution is true?

    Who made these laws?

    Where does matter come from?

    Where does the energy to make the universe run come from?How can someone know the difference between right and wrong if the theory of evolution is true?

    Where does conscience comes from if the evolution theory is true?

    Where do thoughts come from?

    How did the evolution theory invent love?

    Why would someone love someone or hate someone if the evolution theory is true?

    How do migrating birds know exactly thousands of miles away where their exact destination is?

    If man is more evolved than birds why do men, if he has evolved still gets lost?

    Who makes the bones is a baby and childrens grow?

    Who make the heart beat?

    If evolution is true, why did man not evolve to perfection and moral purity?

    Why is crime and violence getting worse if man evolves?

    Why did man not evolve to a lifespan of thousands of years if man has been on earth for millions of

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    If the evolution theory is true and man began as a monkey and evolved as a human being, why is

    not man 40 ft tall if man has been on Earth millions of years?

    If the evolution theory is true, why did the Niagara falls not erode completely yet, as the Niagara

    falls erode 3 feet per year?

    In all creatures that ever lived no creature ever came out of nothing. They all have parents.

    How is it that something came out of nothing?

    When in fact the 1st law of thermodynamics says matter cannot be created or destroyed?

    Why did Darwin said 150 times in his book: 'If my theory is true?'

    Why did Darwin say: 'To say that the eye came from natural selection if i agree an impossibility'If the evolution theory is true and species slowly transformed themselves into different species, why

    is there not millions of transitional fossils all over the earth?

    Darwin said that this above fact is the most powerful argument to prove his theory wrong!

    During the 1980 'Chicago evolution conference' 160 leading evolutionist scientists got together and

    asked themselves questions like. Where do the stars, moon and sun come from?

    How were they formed?

    Hundreds of such questions were asked, and the large majority of scientists at this and other

    succeding evolution conferences agreed that the Neo-Darwinian mechanism was no longer regarded

    as scienfitically valid or tenable! (Roger Lewin 'evolution under fire')

    How did the clouds transform themselves into stars?

    How did the linear momentum of the big bang transform itself into circultar momentum, and how

    did it begin circling?

    If the big bang is true and all matter came out from a spinning object, then according the physical

    laws, all the planets should be rotating in the same direction. Why are there 3 planets in our system

    turning the wrong direction?

    Why are there 9 of the 91 moons turning the wrong direction?

    Why are there whole galaxies turning the opposite direction?

    If the moon is separating itself from the Earth a little bit each year.

    Why is the moon not a lot further from the earth is the evolution theory is true?

    If man appeared on Earth 2.5 million years ago. Why are there not billions uoon billlions of human

    beings all over the Earth?If the evolution theory is true and man appeared 2.5 Millions years ago, where are the graves and

    the skeletons of the billions of dead human beings?

    If man started as an ape and grew, why do we find all over the earth many skeletons of giant human

    beings 20 feet tall? See (youtube: bible giants)

    If the evolution theory is true and the 2 nd law of thermodynamics says 'everything tends to chaos

    erosion and disorder'

    How can things evolve yet everything in real life erodes?

    If the evolution theory is true, why did someone find the 'Guadeloupe woman' in the Guadeloupe

    island in very deep strata which was thought to be a lot older than the age when human being


    If the evolution theory is true how can the genetic barrier between one specie to another be crossed?Occording to the findings of evolutionist scientific Gregor Mendel the crossover of genes from one

    specie to another is not possible!
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    How did nothing explode in the big bang? How did this nothing came to be?

    Why was'the origin of species' was released when Louis Pasteur's experiments proved that

    'spontaneous generations' taught in Darwin's book was an impossibility?

    Spontaneous generation cannot be true, the findings of Leopold Weismann proved it wrong:

    During these experiments, Leopold Weismann cut the tail of 901 mices for 19 generations in a row.

    The succeding generation of mices still grew tails like the first ones!If trilobites and coelacanth ar the oldest creatures ever to have lived, then why was a live coelacanth

    found in South Africa on december 25th of 1938,

    Did the Hiroshima bombing bring about beneficial mutation?

    Did the Chernobyl nuclear explosion bring about beneficial mutations?

    If the evolution theory is true, then how come William Meister the evolution scientist find trilobites

    fossils with human fossils in the same strata? In a cambrian layer, which is supposed to be the oldest

    layer possible?

    As the moon is in direct contact with the sun without ultraviolet protection, which eroses the top

    layers of the rock and turns them into dust. Why are there not now 60 miles of dust on the surface of

    the moon?

    Why were the first people to land on the moon afraid to sink into dust and the nasa comet build toprevent sinking into dust?

    Why is there now only3/4 th of an inch of dust on the moon?

    If the evolution theory is true, then why is there not millions of of of deposits in the Mississippi


    How is it that we find petrified trees going throuth different earth's layers which are supposed to

    have evolved throuth billions of years? How do we know the age of the fossils? By the age of the


    How do we know the age of the layers? By the age of the fossils.

    Isn't that circular reasoning?

    How can we know if the carbon 14 to date anything that is found reliable?

    Do people know that carbon 14 can only work if the electromagnetic filed of the earth has been aconstant?

    Do people know that legs of mamooth has been dated 12 million years old and the head of the same

    animal has been dated 20 million of years old?

    Do people know that carbon 14 has dated living human being 10 million years old?

    Knowing that the carbon 14 dating is wrong? Are the very old dating accurate?

    Being generous, is it possible that the most intelligent person on Earth knows 5% of evrything there

    is to know? Is it possible that God is in the 95% we don't know?

    If the evolution theory is true and the Earth is slowing down. If the earth is billions of years old no

    life could have existed on Earth

    Why was the piltdown man in science book for years? The piltdown man was later found to be a


    How do we know that lucie is not a monkey? Why were the skull and the knee coming from two

    different animals which were found 2 miles appart?
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    Why is ther not more and more blonds on the earth if the evolution theory is true and man is

    evolving and natural selsction eradicates the so called lower species?

    How did sex slowly evolve? If sex was not there at the beginning and slowly evolved, then how did

    creatures reproduce for millions of years?

    How is it that the billions of stars don't hit each other and clash against each other very often?

    Would it be that someone is precisely managing all the universe?

    How can some stars like Saturn have rings if the evolution theory is true?

    Why would the evolution theory make rings? Why are these rings not falling away from these stars?How did stars like saturn evolve?

    If the universe is expanding, why aren't all stars evenly spaces throuth the sky?

    Where do the clusters of stars come from?

    If the universe expands then why aren't the stars in the outer edge more evolved with heavier

    elements? As they are supposed to be the oldest stars.

    Why does sickness still exist? Why do people still die if we are evolving?

    Why does baldness still exist? Where does the voice comes from?

    Why does crime and vilence still increases if the evolution theory is true and man if evolving?

    Where does singing comes from if the evolution theory is true?

    How did the evolution theory create the ability to speak?

    Where does hearing comes from? How did natural selection create the eye?Who has invented the mouth and the ability to eat?

    How could the evolution theory think of creating food?

    How could the evolution theory know that man would need to eat?

    How could the evolution theory create the digestive system?

    How could the evolution theory know that man would need proteins, carbs, vitamins ect?

    How did the evolution theory invent carbs, vitamins and proteins?

    Where does color comes from if the evolution theory is true?

    If the evolution theory is true, why are the muscles exactry where we need them to carry things to

    bend over, to turn the head?

    How did the evolution theory create the hands and fingers and know that man would need hands?

    What if man had no hands? What if man had no arms?

    What if man had no brains? (and some evolution scientist do)

    What if man had no heart? What if man had no liver?

    Who created the veins? Did all this come by chance? Or was there a designer?

    If we see a Ferrari we know it had a designer.

    If we see a boeing 747 we know someone designed it.

    If we see a house we know someone built the house

    When we see the universe and the human body what do we see?

    We see that there is a master designer, the God of the Bible!

    If the evolution theory is true, how come there is just the right amount of oxygen in the air for life?

    If the earth was just a little bit further from the sun, no life could exist on earthIf the earth was just a little bit closer to the earth no life could exist on earth.

    Who thought about putting the earth in just the exact location for life to exist?
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    Who gives the animals the sense of love, loyalty, repentence, forgiveness?

    If the evolution theory is true, why is there friendship, love, caring, planing?

    Where does faith comes from if the evolution theory is true?

    How could the evolution theory know that man would needed to drink water?

    How did the evolution thery create water? Why do we still find contaminated water on the earth if

    everything evolves to prefection?

    According to the pangea theory all continents used to fit together and be one continent.

    What happens if we take the water out of the oceans now? Is there dirt underneath and land?

    Are the continent now connected? (No comment on this one)

    "Often a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself whether I may have not devoted

    myself to a fantasy."

    Charles Darwin,

    The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin,

    1887, Vol. 2, p. 229

    ' For myself, also, I rejoice profoundly; for, thinking of so many cases of men pursuing an illusion

    for years, often and often a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself whether I

    may not have devoted my life to a phantasy.' The Writings of Charles Darwin

    2 Pe 3-7 'Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking,

    following after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since

    the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation. For when they

    maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the

    earth was formed out of water and by water, through which the world at that time was destroyed,

    being flooded with water. But the present heavens and earth by His word are being reserved for

    fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.'

    Jesus made the universe. Jesus died on the cross for you. Whether you beleve it or not Jesus is

    coming back again. Foolishness for the unbelivers, but the power of God unto them that believe.

    Those who believe in Jesus will go to heaven! Where do you want to send eternity Heaven or

    eternally destroyed?

    Jn 3:16 'for God so loved th world that He gave His only begotten son, tat whosoever believeth in

    Him should not perish but have everlasting life.'

    Find out more and hundreds of free amazing videos at: receive the amazing 992 Pages book 'The evolution cruncher' Over 3000 scientific facts 43

    pages of illustrations. Send 10.95 $ to: 2342 Treasure isle dr Palm beach gardens

    33410 Florida (With your return adress)
  • 8/3/2019 Questions Creation Evolution English
