Questionnaire - Act as species NOT as nations!

Dear Madam/ Dear Sir, On the occasion of the Project entitled “Act as Species Not as Nations!”, I kindly ask you to answer the questions in the questionnaire below as sincerely and carefully as possible. The questionnaire having been filled in, please send it to the email address below: [email protected] Note: all the answers are compulsory and they are NOT anonymous; because we do not want to influence the quality of the answers, depending on their size, at the end of the campaign, all the answers shall be posted on the Facebook page of I Belive in You Association and/ or a website whose address shall be made public on the 12/12/2014 on the Facebook page of I Belive in You Association;


Act as species NOT as nations!

Transcript of Questionnaire - Act as species NOT as nations!

Dear Madam/ Dear Sir, On the occasion of the Project entitled “Act as Species Not as Nations!”, I kindly ask you to answer the questions in the questionnaire below as sincerely and carefully as possible. The questionnaire having been filled in, please send it

to the email address below:

[email protected]


all the answers are compulsory and they are NOT


because we do not want to influence the quality of the answers, depending on their size, at the

end of the campaign, all the answers shall be posted on the Facebook page of I Belive in You

Association and/ or a website whose address shall be made public on the 12/12/2014 on the

Facebook page of I Belive in You Association;

all the answers shall be posted in the order they were received, except for the answers offered

by the Presidency of Romania, the Parliament and Government of Romania; these shall be

posted first, in the order they were enumerated;

all the answers shall be translated in at least two international languages, and the results shall

be presented to the European Parliament, the European Council, to the governments

throughout the world, to the national and international mass-media etc.;

depending on the result, we hope to carry out this campaign worldwide.

In case of institutions:

• the questionnaire shall be filled in by the legal representative;

• the questionnaire may be forwarded (and we encourage this) to other institutions subordinated

to the institution contacted by us;

• the questionnaire may be filled in by the employees of the respective institution in their capacity

as natural persons, as well as by their relatives and friends provided they are at least 18 when

completing it.

In case of trading companies:

• the questionnaire shall be filled in by the legal representative of the company;

• the questionnaire may be filled in by the employees of the respective institution in their capacity

as natural persons, as well as by their relatives and friends provided they are at least 18 when

completing it.

We respectfully remind the legal persons that this questionnaire requires an answer within the term

stipulated by Law No. 233/2002 for the adoption of the Govern Ordinance No. 27/2002.

You are: <Choose from the drop list>

1. Please tick the domain of activity

2. Do you believe that the survival of the human species is above other interests?

3. Do you believe that the human being, despite being gifted with intelligence, on numerous

occasions, acts instinctively generating disasters and tragedies

4. Do you agree that the human’s lack of responsibility in his relation with the environment and his

tendency towards an irrational consumption of resources may lead to the extinction of other

species, including the human species?

5. If you, because of various reasons, offer a house (apparently free of charge) to a person, and

the respective person breaks the windows and damages the walls of the house, do you evacuate


6. Hypothetically:

a) If you are offered a six-roomed house for you to live with your family for a non-determined

period, do you believe that:

You have to devote your life to the person offering you the house and you have to thank him/ her for the rest of your life;

Once you were offered the house, you are the legal owner and you can do what you want, you even have the right to vandalize the house;

You are grateful and try to build your own house in the shortest time.

b) If you live in a six-roomed house together with you family, do you believe it is normal to act

individually and impose all kinds of restrictions, including the right to go from a room into another?

c) If, through your qualities, you manage to make the room in which you live a lot more beautiful

than the rest of the rooms in which your family members live, seen from the outside, the house is

more beautiful?

d) The house is under the attack of very dangerous individuals. Do you believe that your survival

chances are higher when facing such a threat if you act as a family?

e) It is winter and one or more of your family members break(s) one of the windows of the house

and/ or make(s) a hole in the wall accidentally or on purpose. Taking into account the fact that you

have the best room in the house, do you believe that this situation affects you?

f) Taking into account that you acted on your own, you did not manage to gather the crop and your

family do not have enough resources to survive through the winter period. Under these conditions:

You kill your family, anyway they were loafers and deserve to die; they spent all their time partying;

You die together with your family;

You do all the efforts so that as many family members as possible to be able to survive through winter time, and next year you will act as a family.

g) Do you believe that the situation would have been totally different if you had acted as a family

from the beginning?

7. If the human being creates a computer, do you agree with the statement that the human being

wants to have total control and imposes certain limits to the respective computer?

8. If, according to our belief, God created the human being and gave him a house-Planet Earth-

and the human’s actions, according to the latest report drawn up by the World Wide Fund For

Nature (WWF), led, in 40 years, to the extinction of half of the wild animals on Terra, do you

believe that God has reasonable grounds to evacuate the human being from the house?

9. Do you believe that the human being was created in order to consume the resources on Terra

and destroy the planet?

10. As it is known, the Earth has less and less resources to cope with the human consumption.

Given that the bio-capacity of the Earth remained constant, the planet requiring a period of a year

and a half to regenerate the resources consumed by the people throughout a year, do you believe

that the reduction of the resource consumption could be made by:

Death of the people;


Another method.

If you ticked “Another method”, please describe the respective method


11. Hypothetically, by reductio ad absurdum, if people had to kill themselves in order to diminish

the resource consumption, who should die first?

All the people who have poor professional training;

All the people who committed crimes;

All the people who allocate much time to entertainment;

All the people who consume a great quantity of resources in order to satisfy personal needs or whims;

All the politicians who did not know how to administer the resources of Terra;

I do not know and I hope such a situation will never occur.

12. If there is a bill which offers the planet Earth a reasonable period to regenerate the resources

consumed by the people, diminishing the number of crimes, transforming the people in intelligent,

healthy, strong (literally), balanced and research-oriented people who manifest respect towards

the environment and their fellow men, with visible effects worldwide in maximum a year following

its approval, and the Legislative Council of the Romanian Parliament, incredibly, believes that the

purpose of this bill lacks importance and it is even mediocre, on a scale from 1 to 10, where do you

place the degree of trust the Romanians should have with regard to the willingness of the

Romanian Parliament towards settling the issues they are facing?

(1=minimum degree of trust; 10=maximum degree of trust)

13. With regard to the resource consumption efficiency at national level, how much (in per cent) of

the Romanian population represents a burden for the society, a useless consumption of



14. With regard to the resource consumption efficiency at global level, how much (in percent) of

the population on Earth represents a burden for the society, a useless consumption of resources?


15. The improvement of the quality of human resources for the survival of the human species is:

16. Do you consider that the educability of the human character is insufficiently used?

17. Do you agree with the statement that parents’ improper involvement in their children’s

upbringing and education, alongside the lack of development opportunities based on competence

criteria, represent the source of most of the crimes?

18. Do you agree with the statement that the lack of development opportunities based on

competence criteria leads to behavioural disorders with dramatic effects on the evolution of the

human species?

19. Do you believe that there are interconnections between the human beings and the


20. Imagine you are walking through a forest. Please describe what you are feeling.

21. Do you believe that there are interconnections between the members of the human species?


22. Let us take into consideration two situations:

a) Somewhere in Moldavia, as a consequence of child abuse and neglect, the parents were

imprisoned, the children’s father was sentenced to 4 and a half years, and their mother was

sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment with suspension for a period of 3 years, and the children

ended in a placement centre. You live in the farthest area of the country. Do you believe that

this situation affects you directly?

b) In the current context, if a trading company from Romania dismisses 500 employees, do you

believe that this should concern England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland etc.?

23. Do you agree with the statement that the reduction or neglect of the importance of

interconnections existing between the members of the human species and between the human

species and the environment lead to the extinction of other species, including the human species?

24. Do you believe that the people act better in a team rather than individually?

25. Do you agree with the statement that in most of the cases the people do not care of the

wellbeing of their fellow men (if they are fine, the rest do not matter)?

26. As it is known, there are countries wasting millions of litres of water and countries facing acute

shortage of water, there are countries dumping tons of food and countries with populations

suffering from malnutrition. Would you agree with the formation of an efficient global system to

distribute the resources of the planet in order to stop this situation?

27. Do you agree with the statement that certain people, through their social position, financial

situation or knowledge acquired in different activity domains certified with the Ph.D title, in most of

the cases tend to adopt a superiority attitude towards their fellow men?

28. Do you believe that there is life on other planets as well?

29. Do you agree with the fact that the people prefer to be told lies?

30. It is the year 2014, we live on planet Earth. Can you, please, say who our neighbours are and

which are their intentions? (the enumeration of the planets in our solar system is irrelevant)

31 Given that the people, regardless their social status, financial situation etc., do not know who

their neighbours are and their intentions, where do you place the evolution of the human species

on a scale from 1 to 10?

(1 = incipient development stage; 10 = he maximum development stage)

32. Ignoring Darwin’s theory, the one which frees us from the title of “tenants” and confers on us

the right of ownership over the planet Earth, hypothetically, if God asked us to leave the planet,

given that the majority of the people are incapable of leaving the planet and the ones who could

leave the planet, would not be able to survive in space long enough to colonize a planet, do you

agree with the statement that we are extremely non-evolved (we are not even able to “leave the

house”) ?

If the answer is positive, I kindly ask you to provide relevant information with

regard to their galaxy and planet, if they intend to visit our planet in the near

future, if they are peaceful and which would be the purpose and duration of their


(In case they are already here, we would like to meet them)

33. Given that the discovery of intelligent life on other planets will open the way towards

questions about the relation of the human with God, please describe which would be, in your

opinion, the attitude of the Church and how could the decisions of the church influence the future

of the human species?


34. Given that people lack adequate education, please describe their reaction to a possible

encounter with Intelligent Biological Entities of Extraterrestrial Origin (I.B.E.E.O.)


35. In case the I.B.E.E.O. want to talk to the leader of the planet for a potential collaboration, is

there a leader unanimously recognized worldwide who can negotiate on behalf of all the humans

on Earth a potential collaboration with these entities?

36. If the representatives of certain countries contest the capacity as leader unanimously

recognized worldwide of the person who will want to honour the request of I.B.E.E.O. with regard

to a potential collaboration with the human species, is there the risk of being perceived by

I.B.E.E.O. as being disunited and easily to conquer?

37. In case the objective of I.B.E.E.O. is to invade the Earth and exterminate the human race, are

we capable of dealing with such an attack as nations?

38. In case the I.B.E.E.O. are aiming to invade the Earth and exterminate the human race, do you

believe that the humans’ chances to survive increase if they are united?

If your answer is positive, please give details (maximum 50 words). DELETE


39. Do you agree with the statement that only the fear of an invasion would determine the people

to overcome the differences existing between them and become united?

40. Do you agree with the statement that an insufficiently developed intellect represents the reason

why people are more receptive to the fear stimulus?

41. Do you believe that the formation of the European Union was a mistake?

42. Do you believe that the formation of a Global Government which functions according to the

model of the European Union is a mistake, a danger to the human’s independence?

43. If people act better as a team and can evolve much faster, do you believe that the people’s

fear with regard to the formation of a World Government (The New World Order) was induced?

44. If the formation of a World Government meant the cessation of all the wars, the end of famine

and so on, do you believe that the people would be delighted with regard to the formation of a

World Government?

45. Do you agree with the formation of a World Government which functions according with the

principles of the European Union (or in accordance with a lot more improved principles)?

46. Do you agree with a planet without frontiers?

47. In the context of the unification of the nations, of a planet without frontiers and formation of a

World Government which functions in accordance with the principles of the European Union (or in accordance with a lot more improved principles), ignoring the poor quality of the human resources (they shall be improved, in this respect a bill has already been presented to the Romanian Parliament by Mr. Gheorghe STAN [personally], entitled STAN Law regarding the Improvement of the Quality of Human Resources – the first law in the world which benefits from a video preamble (video account of reasons), the first law in the world which is incredibly explained in 4 pictures. Further information can be found on the facebook page of this bill, with the mention that the respective law shall be sent as a suggestion to all the world governments (The law may be modified/ adapted to the needs of each country),taking into account that it did not lead any conquering wars but only defended its territory, taking into account the geographical position, the existence of the 4 seasons, and all the relief forms and the fact that it is the only country in the world in which in a certain period there were no thefts, a symbol of justice in the relation with I.B.E.E.O., do you believe that ROMANIA is the perfect candidate to become the CAPITAL of the PLANET?

48. In the context of the unification of the nations, of a planet without frontiers and formation of a

World Government which functions in accordance with the principles of the European Union (or in

accordance with a lot more improved principles), please enumerate 5 countries which in your

opinion meet the necessary conditions to become the capital of the planet.

DELETE and type the first country

DELETE and type the second country

DELETE and type the third country

DELETE and type the forth country

DELETE and type the fifth country

49. Please describe the advantages of creating a World Government in the evolution process of

the human species taking into account the domain in which you carry out your activity.


50. Please describe the disadvantages of creating a World Government in the evolution process

of the human species taking into account the domain in which you carry out your activity.


51. Are the Muslims, Christians, Jews etc. able to overcome the religious differences and pray in

the same place?

52. What bothers you the most in a person?

The skin tone?

The political beliefs?

The religious beliefs?

Caracterul si comportamentul acestuia in societate?His/ her character and behaviour in society?

53. On a scale from 1 to 10, how ridiculous do you believe an action sustaining the idea that people should unite and act as a team in order to survive is? (1 = very ridiculous; 10 = is not ridiculous)

54. How do you appreciate the initiative of I Believe in You Association- The Drop which Makes

the Difference! – represented by Mr. Gheorghe STAN?

Filling in date: dd/mm/yyyy

(click and type the date)

To be filled in by individuals

Full name:



To be filled in by legal entities


Full name:



Thank you for the time allocated to filling in this questionnaire and do not forget to save the

questionnaire with your answers before sending it to the e-mail address:

[email protected]