Question 7. xx

Looking at a shot of my preliminary front cover (left) and my coursework front cover (right) there is not a drastic change in style. The colours used in my coursework task look to have been more thought out than in the preliminary task, and also the layout of the text and advertisements look more planned out. Overall I would say the overall layout, colour scheme and font is much more consistent on the coursework front cover and the preliminary task is all a bit hectic and what you would expect from someone that doesn't really know what Comparing

Transcript of Question 7. xx

Page 1: Question 7. xx

Looking at a shot of my preliminary front cover (left) and my coursework front cover (right) there is not a drastic change in style. The colours used in my coursework task look to have been more thought out than in the preliminary task, and also the layout of the text and advertisements look more planned out. Overall I would say the overall layout, colour scheme and font is much more consistent on the coursework front cover and the preliminary task is all a bit hectic and what you would expect from someone that doesn't really know what they are doing.


Page 2: Question 7. xx

Again when putting both the contents side by side, you can see a huge difference. The preliminary contents page (left) is again like the front cover not very consistent with colour scheme, the layout is all over the place, for example the text on the left hand side is not in line with the text on the right hand side, I feel I have become more consistent from that contents to this main coursework contents page (right) the colours in the coursework contents are consistent and relate to the rest of the magazine, also the fonts used are the similar and the layout is much more professional than the preliminary contents.

Page 3: Question 7. xx

PhotographyI was pleased with the outcome of both the images for the front cover of both magazines, I think with the preliminary task the image worked well and expressed what we wanted it to, as the image was of a student looking happy we wanted to express that being a student wasn’t all bad. For my coursework Front cover, I wanted to used someone who my target audience would be able to relate to as dressing and styling their hair/make-up in the same way they would, this was mainly done to attract my target audience. On my double page spread of my coursework magazine, I wasn’t overly pleased with the outcome of the photo, the models weren’t as good as I had hoped they would be as much as I tried to show them how I wanted them to pose they were unable to do so, and weren’t very cooperative.

Page 4: Question 7. xx

Looking at the styles of both magazines, it is easy to see they are much different with the main coursework, I had to keep the same style throughout, as I had a contents page and a double page spread to complete, which is different to the preliminary magazine as I only had the front page and contents to complete. It is clear after looking at both the styles of both magazines that I have improved from the first to the second, this is down to my more educated knowledge of the programmes used.
