Question 7 evaluation

Question 7: Looking Back at Your Preliminary Task, What do You Feel You Have Learnt in the Progression From it to the Full Product?

Transcript of Question 7 evaluation

  • 1. Question 7: Looking Back at Your Preliminary Task, What do You Feel You Have Learnt in the Progression From it to the Full Product?

2. Preliminary Task 3. Researching, Planning and Storyboarding Preliminary Task In the preliminary task, we did some brief planning before we went out to shoot the sequence. We made a storyboard which showed the shots we were going to film and it told us in notes underneath which type of camera angles and shots we were going to use. However, it was very brief because we wanted to create different effects but didnt really know how to until we actually went to film it. We planned which edits we were going to use and we knew we wanted to use a match on action shot as well but we didnt plan any of the mise en scene or the sound to the film, therefore we used a soundtrack behind the film which we found on iMovie, but we didnt develop it at all from what it already was. 4. Preliminary Task Storyboard 5. Researching, Planning and Storyboarding Final Product In our final product, we did a lot more planning for our film, and it was a lot more detailed than what we had done previously. We included ideas of who to cast for our film, where we were going to film it, each shot type, drafts of the script and make up and costume ideas. We also did practice shots which we edited together to see what effect it would create to the audience if we presented it in a specific way. We also researched other products similar to ours such as Scream, The Cabin in the Woods and Friday 13th. There were also other products which related or contrasted to ours such as Devil and The Woman in Black. This is how we found out about the conventions of horror films to use or to contrast in our own. I think the planning for our final product was a lot more detailed and clear as to exactly what we wanted to achieve. 6. Working in a Group Working in a group for our preliminary task was easier than it was when it came to our final product. When we did the preliminary task our group communicated well and we were quite organised so everyone knew what we were doing and we all had an equal part to play in the group. This ended up being successful because we managed to create a sequence which included everything that was required and there were very few difficulties to face which we could resolve quite quickly. However, in the process of producing our final piece, I think my group was quite bad with communication to each other and this lead to poor organisation throughout the process. We couldnt rely on each other all the time for agreed pieces of work and it lead to some bad quality work, therefore we worked independently for a lot of it. So, if I was to do this task again, I would take more of a leadership role to ensure that the group had everything we needed to have in order to create a product of the best quality that we could. 7. Using Camera Shots, Movements and Angles to Create Effect In the preliminary task, we managed to figure out the camera shots, movements and angles when we planned, but we could also experiment with shots to see if other techniques created a better effect, so I learnt a lot about how to use these angles in this task, which helped with the production of the full product. In the full product, we used some of these shots and more different ones as I continued to learn about the different techniques and the effect it created. For example, the shot where the villain is looking at the tent from behind the tree was a good example of learning about point of view shots. We wanted to use a smooth tracking shot in our film as well, but from the preliminary task we decided it wouldnt look completely smooth because these shots are hard to achieve, however we managed to do a jolted tracking shot which is in the point of view of the villain so we could still incorporate it into our final product. By looking back at the shots in the editing process, we could evaluate how well the shots turned out and what we needed to re-shoot in order for it to look more effective. 8. Learning About Camera Shots, Angles and Movement We used a tracking shot in the preliminary task to show the actions of the main character but changed this in the final production to a long shot because it wouldnt look smooth or neat. We continued to use the rule of thirds to make sure the audience focuses on the subject straight away by placing them on one of the vertical lines. 9. Learning About Camera Shots, Angles and Movement In the final product, we used a point of view shot of the villain behind the tree, focusing on the tent, this shows what the subject is but also leaves mystery to the audience because they want to know who is looking. This is similar to in the preliminary task as there is an over the shoulder shot of one of the characters. We only see the back of her head so we can see the character we have already been introduced to but there is a mystery of who the other character is. 10. Editing Raw Footage When editing the footage of the preliminary task we wanted it to have a linear narrative as we didnt want it too complicated for our first task which was very short anyway. We made sure to use the 180 degree rule and we used match on action of the door opening which made it look more advanced but overall the editing was quite simple. In our final product, the editing was a lot more advanced as there was a longer narrative and also flashes of what is going to happen to the girl before she dies. We used more transitions such as fade to white and fade to black, and there is a better use of match on action in some places which makes the film seem tense to make it suit the genre. 11. Editing Raw Footage Examples The match on action shots were more effective in the final product. In the preliminary task, there wasnt really a reason for using it, however in the final product we used it to show significant actions. For example when she stands on the cigarette packet, it shows rebellion as a teenager and this is significant for later on in the film. 12. Editing Raw Footage Examples In our preliminary task, we used shot reverse shot to show the conversation between the two characters which was effective because it shows the relationship between them. We didnt use this in the opening of our film but I think we could have incorporated it to show the relationship between the group of friends instead of just using long shots. 13. Planning to Film and Shooting Footage In the preliminary task, our group was successful in agreeing what we wanted to film and we had organised different roles for each of us within the filming and editing of the footage. This meant we could make the video with little difficulty and we were all happy with our roles. Although, this wasnt the same case when filming the final product. Because of the differences between us in our group, when relying on other people to meet at a certain place at a certain time we werent so successful. This is because there were different inconveniences for each of us that meant we found it difficult to find a day which was suitable, as well as trying to get more actors to come with us as well. This was one of our main drawbacks in creating the film, but also one of the most important parts which I think pulled us back. 14. Creating and Using Music for Effect In the preliminary task, our music was very simple. We used a soundtrack which we found on iMovie and put it in the background of our film, the only development on this being the volume of the music in different places so you can hear the dialogue. In the final product, we had higher aspirations therefore it was a lot harder. We created basic sound for the movie but it wasnt enough to build up the right amount of tension a horror film should have. I think the music was the most difficult stage of the production of our film because it is very specific depending what effect we were aiming to achieve. It is hard to suit the music to the scene as well as using non-diegetic sounds that fit as well, this is something we could improve on.