Question 5

Q5. How did you attract and address your audience?

Transcript of Question 5

Q5. How did you attract and address your


Appealing to target audience

The trailer for an thriller and horror film has to include tense and dramatic music and sound effects to build up the suspense creating adrenaline and to catch the viewers interest and engage them, especially if they are a fan of this particular genre. It will often be shown before a film from a similar genre so that the appropriate audience is targeted so it appeals to them.The dark and sinister colours such as black, white and, red along with the type of fonts such as crime time which is what our group used to make the writing fit the genre better, these are being used to make them eye-catching and give the viewer what they expect to see when watching a horror film.To appeal to the target audience we also considered the variety of camera angles, shots and movement used in other horror films to give us an idea as to what to include in the opening sequence.

Feedback from Sinister Escape

Our group received feedback from both teachers and the class on ways to make our opening title sequence better and easier to understand the plot. We had to sort through and edit our scenes in order to make the storyline clear to let the viewer know what is going on and who the characters are. In terms of the locations of school and the park, it becomes clear that the characters are teenagers who become friends at school, but the audience know something is not right because the genre is Thriller/horror indicating that danger is ahead.

Our use of mise-en-scene worked well because we used fake blood throughout production to add a sinister element, in locations such as the parks we went to, the canal, and in and around college to the sequence as it hints at murder and death.

Once all the scenes we filmed were included in the opening title sequence, we had to place them in the correct order, in the hope that the storyline become more clear to the viewer so therefore, they get an idea of what is happening to the characters and what might happen in the end without giving too much information away too quickly.

We have reached our target audience successfully because we as a group have included a wide range of shots and camera movements, dark and horror-like filters through editing, and have used music and sound effects effectively to indicate horror and danger. Our opening title sequence for Sinister Escape has many aspects in it that you would expect to see with this genre, so this would appeal to the target audience because they are getting what they expect to see.