Question 2

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups

Transcript of Question 2

Page 1: Question 2

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups

Page 2: Question 2
Page 3: Question 2

•Taal targets both males and females aged between17-24• With this in mind my media product represents this particular social group in a positive way as people aged between this age range are thought to be fun, and whiling to experience new things.•I have adhered this stereotype by using more colloquial language within my interviewees responses, reinforcing the stereotypical language of people ages between 17-21 in order to identify my target audience. •However this colloquial language would not appeal to an older audience aged between 22-24, in order to address this issue I limited my use of colloquial language. •Particular features of the magazine are typical of this social group, an example of this is the two people playing the Dhool, this is typical as this instrument is seen to me more desired by this generation as it produces a more upbeat sound, that this generation is able to dance to as they are seen to be energetic at this age. The photo also shows the rebellious side of this age group as they are outside playing the instrument, this could be seen as rebellious as it disturbs others in the surrounding, epically because it not a quite instrument.•The font I used for the masthead, title of the content page and in the double page was “Titania” this curvaceous font is more sophisticated. I feel the typography has a strong relationship to Asian music and its style.•The image of the artist on the front cover who is dressed in a green and red traditional outfit, this would help me to relate my target audience as they are familiar with Asian fashion. She is wearing a green and red outfit these two colours are contrasting, similar to her style of music as she mixes contemporary music with more classical music. It could also suggest peoples contrasting views of her music. The colour red connotes love but at the same time danger out or anger, these multiple connotations could represent the ever changing mood of teenagers as one minute they are happy and the next they are angry . This reinforces the representation of young people as being unpredictable.•In the double page the artist is represented in a different manor as she is seen to be more traditional and cultured and in touch with her heritage with a close family unit. This however is a very unlikely in most young people today as they are seen too be less involved with their family, and forgetting there heritage whereas Malika is trying to hang onto her heritage as well as moving with the times. •In the photograph the model on the front cover and double page appears to be innocent which subverts stereotypes as young people are seen to be deviant.