Question 1 part 3


Transcript of Question 1 part 3

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Page 2: Question 1 part 3

Song I used was The Zuton’s ‘Secrets’ which is used to help the audience understand the storylines but also as it links really well. I purposely edited the songs lyrics at the point in which cards stating words appeared upon the lyric. From my audience feedback I gained positive comments.

Overall from my personal feeling and audience feedback the music was a success to the reason for the use of certain lyrics and the starting beat of the song. However I struggled with music for the middle and end of the trailer as sound and beat kept slowing which wasn’t what I wanted. Next time I would use ‘Garage band’ to help me so I wouldn't spend too much time on it.

Non-digetic sound was used to play over the phone. With the beat mimicking as if the mobile phones were going off on the alarm. Throughout the trailer we use digetic sound of dialogue to enable the audience to understand what is going on, which .


I also used my editing skills to fluctuate the volume of the soundtrack when dialogue is used but also increased and decreased to add tension.

Page 3: Question 1 part 3

On location in restaurant, the use of natural light to create realism to give the audience the feel they are there. I felt as if using a addition high key lighting or low key could takeaway the sense of realism.

The use of low key lighting at the start of trailer is used to add the effect of a dusk morning to exaggerate to the audience for the type of day.

The use of props to show the generics of my own programme such as Blackberry phone to show wealth.

In restaurant use of wine glasses and champagne coolers to also show wealth as they are portrayed by this through peers and social media. This is known as hegemony.

Costumes are really important in my trailer as they both portray ideologies of character, moods and all show wealth. As a whole it was important to get the messages across to the audience for example Sierra is wearing black to show as evil, but also as a ghost which is what her character is portrayed to be. The use of costumes and props highlights the characters ideology and feeling with stereotypical styles. (I created a character slide on ideologies)

Lighting, Props and Costumes