Query 1

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Transcript of Query 1

Query 1: Retrieve

Query2:- retrieve the number of customers who are housewives by their occupation from customer table.

query 3:- retrieve the number of employees who are being payed less than 12000 form the employee table.

query 4:-retrieve all the customers whose sales quantity is equal to and more than 2 from the customer table.

query 5:-retrieve all the names of the manger under whom the department workers are less than 3 from the manager table.

query 6:- retrieve all the names of the customer whose name starts with r and pays a bill more than 5000 from the customer table.


query 8:- retrieve the names of the customer who commented as time saving in the feedback form from the customer table.

query 9:-retrieve the names of the customers who used cash as their mode of payment while paying the bill from customer table.

query 10:-retrieve the names of the members whose visting frequency in the store ismore than 5 from the member table.

query 11:- retrieve the names of the customers who filled the feedback form and were females from the customer table.

query 12:-retrieve the ID and names of the department whose manager's age is more than and equal to 35 from the department table.

query 13:-retrieve the names of the customer whose names start with d from the customer table.

query 14:-retrieve the names of the members whose name ends with a and is a housewife from the member table.

query 15:-retrieve the names of the department under which the employees working have a experience more than and equal to 3 from the department table.

query 16:- retrieve the customer ID and the sales ID whose bill amount is less than 8000 fro the sales table.

query 17:- retrieve the names of customer whose sales date was more than and equal to 21-05-2014 from the customer table.

query 18:-retrieve the product name whose quantity is between 3 and 5 from the product table.

query 19:- retrieve the name of the product who all are under the discount allowed 10% from the product table.

query 20:-retrieve the customer names whose sales quantity is more than and equal to 5 from the customer table.