Quantum Spin Dynamics in Time-Varying Magnetic Fields … · 2015. 10. 23. · UTRIP 2015 Abstract...

Quantum Spin Dynamics in Time-Varying Magnetic Fields Modelling Electron Spin Resonance Harriet Walsh Trinity College Dublin at Miyashita Group University of Tokyo UTRIP 2015 Abstract The mechanism of Electron Spin Resonance, widely used in experiment o investigate free radicals in materials, is examined theoretically. The resonance phenomenon is discussed intuitively, and then in terms of the phenomenological Bloch equations and the theory of linear response. Using a simple model of a single electron weakly coupled to a boson bath at thermal equillibrium, the spin dynamics are found from rst principles by a quantum master equation. Hence the relaxation time parameters of the Bloch equation are thus expressed in terms of microscopic parameters of the system. The master equation dynamics were analysed by means of a numerical simulation. 1 Introduction The Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) phenomenon is widely applied in the investigation of materials containing free radicals. Under a static magnetic eld H applied in the z-direction, Zeeman splitting with Hamiltonian H Z = g B H S= g B HS z (1) causes the two-fold degeneracy of electron energy states to be lifted so that the state with spin parallel to the static eld has lower energy (a paramagnetic interaction), as illustrated in gure 1. The system is then ‘probed’ by introducing a small sinusoidal magnetic eld transverse to the static one, typically by electromagnetic waves in the radio frequencies. We may express the eld as H (t) = ( h cos!t; h sin !t; H ): (2) The system then exhibits resonance behaviour when the frequency of the probing eld is tuned to the energy gap, that is, ~! =g B H: (3) At resonant frequencies, peaks of Lorentzian curves are observed in the absorption spectrum (gure 2). Thus ESR can be employed to nd values of g, Lande’s degeneracy factor, present in the material. This encodes information about the angular momentum available to free radicals. 1.1 Rabi oscillation We consider the basic mechanism for ESR by looking at the spin dynamics of a single isolated electron under the Zeeman interaction (1) and the magnetic eld (2), where h is assumed to be much smaller than H , and ! is assumed to be small. The Schr odinger equation can be expressed in terms of the raising and lowering operators, as i~ g B @ @t j i = [ h (cos!tS x sin !tS y ) HS z ]j i = h 2 e i!t S + +e i!t S HS z j i 1

Transcript of Quantum Spin Dynamics in Time-Varying Magnetic Fields … · 2015. 10. 23. · UTRIP 2015 Abstract...

  • Quantum Spin Dynamics in Time-Varying Magnetic Fields

    Modelling Electron Spin Resonance

    Harriet Walsh

    Trinity College Dublin

    at Miyashita Group

    University of Tokyo

    UTRIP 2015


    The mechanism of Electron Spin Resonance, widely used in experiment o investigate free radicalsin materials, is examined theoretically. The resonance phenomenon is discussed intuitively, and thenin terms of the phenomenological Bloch equations and the theory of linear response. Using a simplemodel of a single electron weakly coupled to a boson bath at thermal equillibrium, the spin dynamicsare found from first principles by a quantum master equation. Hence the relaxation time parametersof the Bloch equation are thus expressed in terms of microscopic parameters of the system. Themaster equation dynamics were analysed by means of a numerical simulation.

    1 Introduction

    The Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) phenomenon is widely applied in the investigation of materialscontaining free radicals. Under a static magnetic field H applied in the z-direction, Zeeman splittingwith Hamiltonian

    HZ = −gµBH · S = −gµBHSz (1)causes the two-fold degeneracy of electron energy states to be lifted so that the state with spinparallel to the static field has lower energy (a paramagnetic interaction), as illustrated in figure 1.The system is then ‘probed’ by introducing a small sinusoidal magnetic field transverse to the staticone, typically by electromagnetic waves in the radio frequencies. We may express the field as

    H(t) = (h cosωt,−h sinωt,H). (2)

    The system then exhibits resonance behaviour when the frequency of the probing field is tunedto the energy gap, that is,

    ~ω = gµBH. (3)At resonant frequencies, peaks of Lorentzian curves are observed in the absorption spectrum (figure2). Thus ESR can be employed to find values of g, Landé’s degeneracy factor, present in the material.This encodes information about the angular momentum available to free radicals.

    1.1 Rabi oscillation

    We consider the basic mechanism for ESR by looking at the spin dynamics of a single isolated electronunder the Zeeman interaction (1) and the magnetic field (2), where h is assumed to be much smallerthan H, and ω is assumed to be small. The Schrödinger equation can be expressed in terms of theraising and lowering operators, as


    ∂t|Ψ〉 = [−h (cosωtSx − sinωtSy)−HSz] |Ψ〉




    (eiωtS+ + e−iωtS−




  • Figure 1: Zeeman split energy levels Figure 2: Peak in energy absorption at resonance

    The gyromagnetic ratio gµB~ will be denoted by γ. The static field will cause |Ψ〉 to process aboutthe z-axis, so we transfrom the equation to a rotating frame

    |Ψ〉 = eiωtSz

    |φ〉, (4)



    ∂t|Ψ〉 =



    + eiωtSz




    = γ



    (eiωtS+ + e−iωt





    ⇒ i ∂∂t|φ〉 = e−iωtS

    z[(ω − γH)Sz − γh


    (eiωtS+ + e−iωtS−




    Since Sz commutes with itself, and demanding ω is very small, such that eiωt ≈ 1, we may write


    ∂t|φ〉 =

    [(ω − γH)Sz − γh


    (S+ + S−

    )]|φ〉 = [(ω − γH)Sz − γhSx] |φ〉

    and at the resonant frequency ω = γH, that is, the frequency of a photon with the energy of the gapdue to Zeeman splitting, the solution in the rotating frame is

    |φ(t)〉 = e−iγhSxt|φ(0)〉

    andΨ(t) = eiγHS

    zte−iγhSxt|Ψ(0)〉. (5)

    To generalise to a statistical system, a mixed state is described using a density matrix ρ(t) (definedfollowing Toda et. al.[1] in appendix A). For a system under a time-varying magnetic field H(t), thequantum Liouville equation yields


    ∂tρ = [−γH · S, ρ]

    〈Ṡ〉 = TrṠρ= TrSρ̇

    ⇒ i ∂∂t〈S〉 = −γTrS ([HxSx, ρ] + [HySy, ρ] + [HzSz, ρ])


    ∂t〈Si〉 = −γTr

    (Hx(SiSxρ− SiρSx


    (SiSyρ− SiρSy


    (SiSzρ− SiρSz


    Since the trace is additive and TrAB = TrBA, this gives

    ∂t〈S〉 = γ〈S〉 ×H (6)

    by the commutator relation [Sα, Sβ ] = �αβγiSγ . This is the Euler equation.

    The Liouville equation for the Hamiltonian of our system can be expressed in the basis of Paulispin matrices

    Sx =1


    (0 11 0

    )Sy =



    (0 −ii 0

    )Sz =



    (1 00 −1



  • Figure 3: System in a dissipative environment


    ∂tρ =


    i~[H, ρ] = iγ

    [(H he−iωt

    heiωt −H

    ), ρ


    1.2 Heuristic descriptions of resonance

    The Rabi oscillation described by equation (5) is energy conserving, so there should be no net powerabsorption or emmission over all time. The absorption spectra obtained by ESR can be explained bytwo different stories: energy dissipation due to the environment, and approximation of the responseover a very short time.

    Spin-lattice relaxation, where a two state system interacts with a bath at equillibrium, can beregarded in terms of the the populations N− of the lower energy state and N+ of the higher energystate (figure 3). Following an argument presented by Slichter[2], we assume there is a process allowingtransition between each state, with probabilities W↑ of a transition N− → N+ and W↓ of a transitionN+ → N−. Then

    ∂tN+ = N−W↑ −N+W↓

    and since at thermal equillibrium the populations will not change,

    0 = [N−W↑ −N+W↓]eqN−N+


    = eβγH

    by the Boltzmann distribution, where the states are split by a field H. The unequal upward anddownward transition probabilities are allowed because of the thermal bath, which can provide energyto, or absord energy from, the system. In terms of the total population and the difference betweenstate populations, N = N− +N+, n = N+ −N−,

    ∂tn = N (W↑ −W↓)− n (W↑ +W↓) .

    By putting

    n0 = NW↑ −W↓W↓ +W↑


    T= W↑ +W↓

    the rate equation is∂

    ∂tn =

    n0 − nT

    so the difference in state populations decays to the equillibrium difference as

    n = n0 +Ae−t/T .

    If we additionally consider transitions resulting from the application of an oscillating magneticfield to the system, this should be an energy conserving process with equal probability W for upwardsand downwards transition (figure 4). Just considering the isolated system,

    ∂tN+ = W (N+ −N−) ⇒

    ∂tn = −2Wn.

    With both effects considered,∂

    ∂tn = −2Wn+ n0 − n



  • Figure 4: Balancing of level populations by an energy conserving process

    Figure 5: Energy absorbing time interval

    and the steady state solution (such that ∂∂tn = 0) gives a rate of energy absorption

    ∂tE = n∆EW = n0∆E


    1 + 2WT. (8)

    The absorption of energy when the field is at the resonant frequency can be predicted consideringonly the isolated system. Considering the time evolution of the spin state in Rabi oscillation at theresonant frequency (3), determined by (5), in the limit as h, the oscillating field amplitude, tends to0, the period of rotation about the x axis tends to infinity. Hence the part of the motion that weobserve in a finite time will only be energy absorbing (figure 5).

    2 Two models of resonance

    2.1 Bloch Equation

    Where the single electron two-state system is within a larger material, the interaction of spins causestransverse relaxation, and tunnelling between Zeeman levels causes longitudinal relaxation. This ismodelled phenomenologically by

    ∂t〈S〉 = γ〈S〉 ×H− τ−1 (〈S〉 − χH) (9)

    where τ is the relaxation time tensor, which has xx and yy components equal to the transverserelaxation time T2 and zz component equal to the longitudinal relaxation time T1, which are notpredicted by this model. χ is the isothermal susceptibility.

    This is the energy conserving equation of motion (6) with dissipative terms that simply modelthe systems tendency to reach the equillibrium state 〈S(t)〉 = H(t). If the interaction of local spins ismodelled as random frequency modulation, in the motional narrowing limit the relaxation becomessimple exponential decay, consistent with this equation[3].

    Writing in terms of the macroscopic parameter, the net magnetisation M =≡ 〈s〉, for the field(2) the equations are

    ∂∂tMx = γ (MyH +Mzh sinwt)− M

    x−χh coswtT2

    ∂∂tMy = γ (−MxH +Mzh coswt)− M

    y+χh sinwtT2

    ∂∂tMz = γ (−Mxh sinwt−Myh coswt)− M



    Neglecting transient effects, the system is expected to be stationary in a frame rotating with the


  • field (4), so there is the following special solution (expressed in terms of ω0 = γH and ω1 = γh):

    Mx =1+ω0(ω0−ω)T22 +ω


    1+(ω0−ω)2T22 +ω21T1T2

    χh cosωt

    + ωT21+(ω0−ω)2T22 +ω


    χh sinωt

    My = ωT21+(ω0−ω)2T22 +ω


    χh cosωt

    − 1+ω0(ω0−ω)T22 +ω


    1+(ω0−ω)2T22 +ω21T1T2

    χh sinωt

    Mz =1+(ω0−ω)2T22 +(ω0−ω)ω

    −10 ω


    1+(ω0−ω)2T22 +ω21T1T2


    and for a weak transverse field h, the ω21 terms may be neglected, leaving no dependence on T1, thelongitudinal relaxation time.

    This model assumes that the rotation of the field is sufficiently slow that the spin may rotatealong with the field. If the rotating field is weak and fast, the spin may instead tend to go intoequillibrium with the static field only. The phenomenological equations then become

    ∂∂tMx = γ (MyH +Mzh sinwt)− M


    T2∂∂tMy = γ (−MxH +Mzh coswt)− M


    T2∂∂tMz = γ (−Mxh sinwt−Myh coswt)− M



    (10)known as the Bloch equations.

    In the limit where Mz is in its equillibrium state, say M0, an analytic solution may be found, aspresented by Slichter[4]. Using the rotating frame (4), in which the field (2) is

    H̃ = (h̃, 0, H̃),

    the equations transform as

    ∂tM̃x =e−iωt

    ∂tMx − iωM̃x

    =γe−iωt[(MyHz −MzHy)−



    ]− iωM̃x

    =γM̃yH̃ −(


    T2− iω


    ∂tM̃y =γ




    T2+ iω


    In terms of M̃+ ≡ 〈S+〉 ≡ M̃x + iM̃y the equation of motion is

    ∂tM̃+ = −M̃+


    T2+ iγH̃ − iω

    )+ iγh̃M̃z

    and allowing M̃z = M0, and noting that H̃ = H, h̃ = h,

    M̃+ = Ae−t/T2e−i(γH−ω)t +iT2γhM0

    1 + iT2(γH − ω).

    In the laboratory frame, the magnetisation is

    Mx = M̃x cosωt+ M̃y sinωt

    and so at a time long after the rotating field is first applied when the first term is sufficiently decayedto be negligeable, putting ω0 ≡ γH, the x magnetisation is

    M̃x = γM0T2(ω0 − ω)T2

    1 + (ω − ω0)2T 22h.

    The absorption of energy is typically measured in terms of the magnetic susceptibility χ, ameasure of the degree to which the field magnetises the system, by the relation

    M(t) = χH(t); χ = χ′ + iχ′′, (11)

    where the admittive and absportive parts of the susceptibility are labelled χ′ and χ′′ respectively.Expressing the rotating field as hr(t) = he

    iωt, there is a relation

    Mx(t) = χhr(t) ⇒ Mx(t) = (χ′ cosωt+ χ′′ sinωt)h (12)


  • so the absorptive part of the susceptibility is

    χ′′ =




    1 + (ω − ω0)2T 22. (13)

    This is the familiar Lorentzian curve centred on the resonant frequency, and can be compared toequation (8) derived by simple intuition. However this accuracy is only phenomenological: it remainsto relate the relaxation time parameters T1, T2 to some physical proprties of the system.

    2.2 Kubo formula

    In the small probing field limit, we can approximate the perturbation to the system at equillibriumcaused by the oscillating field to first order, and hence employ the theory of linear response, inparticular the Kubo formula.

    Following Kubo[5], we consider a system in equillibrium with HamiltonianH, to which an externalgeneralised force K(t) is applied. In order to neglect transient effects, we let the force be appiedfrom t = −∞. Let A be the dynamic quantity conjugate to K, so that the total Hamiltonian is

    Ht = H−AK(t). (14)

    Treating this force as a perturbation, the Liouville equation of motion

    ∂tρ =


    i~[Ht, ρ] = iLtρ

    is solved to first order of the external force (see appendix B). The system starts in equillibrium,determined by the Boltzmann distribution:

    ρ(−∞) = ρeq = Ce−βH.

    Putting ρ(t) = ρ(−∞) + ∆ρ(t) + . . ., we have

    ∆ρ(t) =

    ∫ t−∞

    dt′ei(t−t′)LiLext(t′)ρeq =

    ∫ t−∞

    dt′e(t−t′)[H,ρ]/i~ 1

    i~[AK(t′), ρeq].

    The system’s response is observed in the change in an observable B,

    ∆〈B(t)〉 = TrB∆ρ(t) = 1i~

    ∫ t−∞

    dt′K(t′)Trρeq[A(0), B(t− t′)]

    where B(t) = e−iLtB = eitH/~Be−itH/~ is the time evolution of B in the unperturbed system. Theresponse function φBA(t) is defined as

    φBA(t) =1

    i~Trρeq[A,B(t)] =


    i~〈[A,B(t)]〉eq =


    i~Tr[ρeq, A]B(t)

    so that

    ∆〈B(t)〉 =∫ t−∞

    dt′K(t′)φBA(t− t′).

    So the expression for the response ∆〈B(t)〉 is linear in K and is the superposition of delayed effects.For a periodic force

    K = K0eiωt,

    the response can be written as∆〈B(t)〉 = χBA(ω)K0eiωt

    with the admittance defined by the Laplace transformed response function,

    χBA(ω) =

    ∫ ∞0

    φBA(t)e−iωtdt =

    ∫ ∞0


    i~〈[A,B(t)]〉eq e


    The Fourier transform of the correlations of two quantities X,Y are related by the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger relation (derived in section 3.1, at equation (18)):∫ ∞

    −∞〈X(0)Y (t)〉e−iωtdt = eβ~ω

    ∫ ∞−∞〈Y (t)X(0)〉e−iωtdt. (15)


  • So, ∫ ∞−∞〈[X(0), Y (t)]〉e−iωtdt = (1− e−β~ω)

    ∫ ∞−∞〈X(0)Y (t)〉e−iωtdt

    By (11), the magnetic susceptibility χ measures the magnetisation of a system responding to anexternal magnetic field (2), to which M(0) is conjugate. For the imaginary, absorptive part,

    χ′′(ω) =1


    ∫ ∞0

    〈[M(0),M(t)]〉eq cos(ωt)dt

    and as both cosine and the commutator

    [M(0),M(t)] = [M(−t),M(0)] = [eitHM(0)e−itH,M(0)] = [M(0),M(−t)]

    are even in time, by (15) we can write

    χ′′BA(ω) =1

    2~(1− e−β~ω)

    ∫ ∞−∞〈M(0)M(t)〉eq e

    −iωtdt. (16)

    This formula can be explicitly evaluated using the set of eigenvectors and corresponding eigen-values, {|n〉, En}Dn=1 of the Hamiltonian[6],

    H|n〉 = En|n〉

    . Then, using Mx(t) = e−iHtMxe−iHt,

    〈Mx(0)Mx(t)〉eq =∑n

    〈n|Mxe−iHtMxe−iHt|n〉/Z =∑m,n


    Fourier transforming,∫ ∞−∞〈Mx(0)Mx(t)〉eq e

    −iωtdt =∑m,n

    |〈m|Mx|n〉|2e−βEn∫ ∞−∞



    |〈m|Mx|n〉|2e−βEn2πδ(ω − (Em − En))/Z

    and the spectrum is given by an ensemble of delta functions:

    χ′′(ω) =1− e−βω



    |〈m|Mx|n〉|2e−βEn2πδ(ω − (Em − En))/Z

    For our two state system where the splitting is due to a field H, and only considering ω > 0, thisis

    χ′′(ω) = π1− e−β~ω

    1 + e−β~ωδ(ω − γH) = π tanh β~ω

    2δ(ω − γH). (17)

    3 An approach from first principles

    To derive a model for the process of ESR from first principles, we look at a single electron, Zeemansplit and probed by a magnetic field (2) that is coupled to a bath of bosons. Assuming the coupling isweak, the evolution of the system can be determined by treating the bath interaction as a perturbationto second order, that is, by a quantum master equation.

    3.1 Derivation of a quantum master equation

    The total Hamiltonian of the system (S) and the bath (B) has the form

    HT = HS +HB + λHI

    where λ is the coupling coefficient, and the equation of motion is

    ∂tρ =


    i~[HT , ρ] ≡ iLρ.

    The behaviour of the electron will be described by the reduced density matrix ρS , which is the pro-jection of the information in the NS×NB dimensional Hilbert space of total system and environment


  • onto the NS dimensional Hilbert space of the system. Since the electron has two spin state, NS = 2,while the boson bath has an infinite dimensional Hilbert space, NB =∞. We define

    ρS = Pρ = TrBρ

    where TrBρ contracts the density matrix ρ to an operator on the NS states of the system, by ‘tracingout’ using ρB , the density matrix operator on the NB states of the bath at thermal equillibrium.The dissipative equation of motion will have the form

    ∂tρS =


    i~[HS , ρs] + Γ(ρ) = iLS + Γ(ρ).

    Putting P ′ = 1− P, the equation of motion is seperated as

    ∂tPρ = PiLPρ+ PiLP ′ρ

    ∂tP ′ρ = P ′iLPρ+ P ′iLP ′ρ

    and solving for P ′iLPρ by ∂∂tx = Ax+B ⇒ x(t) =

    ∫ tt0e(t−τ)AB(τ)dτ + e(t−τ)Ax(0),

    Γ(ρ) = PiL∫ Tt0

    e(t−τ)P′(iL)P ′iLPρ(τ)dτ + PiLe(t−t0)P

    ′(iL)P ′ρ(0).

    Up to second order in the coupling parameter λ, where 1i~ [λHI , ρ] ≡ iλLIρ and

    1i~ [HS +HB , ρ] ≡


    ∂tρ(2)S =iLSρ


    + λ2TrBiLI∫ tt0

    e(t−τ)iL0 iLIρBρ(2)S (τ)dτ

    + λ2TrBiLIe(t−t0)iL0∫ 10

    dxP ′e−x(t−t0)iL0(t− t0)iLIP ′ex(t−t0)iL0P ′ρ(t0)

    and the third term may be disregarded, as it should be negligeable after integration.We can write explicitly

    Γ(ρ(2)S ) = TrB


    )2 [HI ,

    ∫ tt0

    e−i(t−τ)(HS+HB)[HI , ρBρ(2)S (τ)



    The interaction Hamiltonian shall be adopted as

    HI =∑i


    where {Xi} are the operators of the system, corresponding to operators {Yi} on the bath. Thecommutator can be untangled and, since bath operators commute with system operators, written

    Γ =− λ2



    ∫ tt0



    (2)S (τ)e


    − Yie−i(t−τ)HBρBYjei(t−τ)HBXie−i(t−τ)HSρ(2)S (τ)Xjei(t−τ)HS

    − e−i(t−τ)HBYjρBei(t−τ)HBYie−i(t−τ)HSXjρ(2)S (τ)ei(t−τ)HSXi

    + e−i(t−τ)HBρBYjei(t−τ)HBYie

    −i(t−τ)HSρ(2)S (τ)Xje


    It is convenient to express the bath operators in terms of their correlations, using the interactionrepresentation,

    〈Yi(t− τ)Yj〉 = TrBe−i(t−τ)HBYie−i(t−τ)HBYjρB .

    By e−i(t−τ)HSρ(2)S (τ)e

    i(t−τ)HS = ρ(2)S (t) we can write Γ in terms of u = t− τ as

    Γ = −λ2


    ∫ 0t−t0

    (〈Yi(u)Yj〉XiXj(−u)ρ(2)S (t)− 〈Yj(−u)Yi〉Xiρ

    (2)S (t)Xj(−u)

    − 〈Yi(u)Yj〉Xj(−u)ρ(2)S (t)Xi + 〈Yj(−u)Yi〉ρ(2)S (t)Xj(−u)Xi



  • Figure 6: Exchange between system and bath

    The correlations of the bath can be expressed in terms of its frequency spectrum,

    Φij(u) ≡ 〈Yi(u)Yj〉 =∫ ∞−∞

    dωeiωuΦij [ω],

    and noting

    〈Yj(u)Yi〉 = TrBeiuHBYje−iuHBYiρB= TrBe


    i(u+iβ~)HBYjρB = Φij(−u− iβ~)

    ⇒ Φij [ω] = e−β~ωΦji[−ω]. (18)This is the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger condition, and is a fundamental characteristic of the quantummechanical regime, as e−β~ω tends to unity at the classical limit.

    We now employ a Markov approximation: assuming that the system-bath interactions occur on atime scale much faster than the evolution of the system, we suppose they have been in contact sincethe infinite past, so that the range for the integration over u become [0,∞) (using the stationarityproperty). This type of time-coarsing is common to the derivation of all Langevin-type equations[3].The dissipative term becomes

    Γ = −λ2


    ∫ ∞0


    ∫ ∞−∞


    [XiXj(−u)ρ(2)S (t)Φij [ω]−Xiρ

    (2)S (t)Xj(−u)Φji[−ω]

    −Xj(−u)ρ(2)S (t)XiΦij [ω] + ρ(2)S Xj(−u)XiΦji[−ω]


    Where the bath is made up of bosons, the spectrum is that of independent harmonic oscillators,

    HB =∑α

    ~ωαb†αbα, (19)

    where b†α, bα are the creation and annihilation operators on the bath, respectively. As we consider thedynamics for a small probing field, only the system operators due to the static field are consideredin the interaction with the bath. In particular this allows a Markov approximation to be made,as it is still valid if the field oscillates on a timescale similar to the system-bath interaction. TheHamiltonian of the system with only the static field is

    HS = −~γH(Sz +



    )= −~γHS+S−

    and the system’s ladder operators S+, S− correspond to those of the bath, bα and b†α. So theinteraction Hamiltonian may be written

    HI =∑α

    (καS+bα + κ

    †αS−b†α) = S

    +B + S−B†, (20)

    encoding boson creation and annihilation in the bath when the system goes between its two states(figure 6).


  • The average population of an excited state at energy ~ωα, 〈n〉 = TrB e−βHBZB

    b†αbα is found by

    recalling the eigenvalue relations for the ladder operators[8], so that the probability of boson absorp-tion, say |n〉 → |n+ 1〉, is n|bα|2 and the probability of emission |n+ 1〉 → |n〉 is (n+ 1)|bα|2. As thebath is in equillibrium, the absorption and emission rates for an level must be equal for any level, soletting Nn+1 be the number of bosons in state |n+ 1〉, Nn be the number of bosons in state |n〉,

    Nn〈n〉|bα|2 = Nn+1(〈n〉+ 1)|bα|2

    ⇒ 〈n〉〈n〉+ 1 =Nn+1Nn

    = e−~ωα


    ZBb†αbα =


    eβ~ωα − 1

    and by similar argument for a grand state, 〈n〉 = TrB e−βHBZB

    bαb†α , finds

    〈n〉 − 1〈n〉 =


    = e−~ωα


    ZBbαb†α =


    1− e−β~ωα .

    The equation of motion may be written explicitly in the terms of the reduced density matrix,

    ρS =

    (ρ11 ρ12ρ21 ρ22


    Where h and ω are small, and Rabi oscillation occurs, from (7) the term for the isolated system is

    ∂tρS = iγ


    H he−iωt

    heiωt −H


    (ρ11 ρ12ρ21 ρ22

    )]= −iγ

    (−ρ12heiωt + ρ21he−iωt 2ρ12H − he−iωt(ρ11 − ρ22)−2ρ21H + heiωt(ρ11 − ρ22) ρ12heiωt − ρ21he−iωt

    )To find explicitly the dissipative term, we note that for each bath operator correlation


    only 〈B†B〉 and 〈BB†〉 contribute, and they have corresponding system operators S+S− and S−S+.So writing Γ as

    Γ =− λ2

    ~2(Γ1 + Γ2 + Γ3 + Γ4)

    =− λ2


    ∫ ∞0

    (〈Yi(u)Yj〉XiXj(−u)ρ(2)S (t)− 〈Yj(−u)Yi〉Xiρ

    (2)S (t)Xj(−u)

    − 〈Yi(u)Yj〉Xj(−u)ρ(2)S (t)Xi + 〈Yj(−u)Yi〉ρ(2)S (t)Xj(−u)Xi


    the four matrices of the sum are found taking the continuous limit of the spectrum of the thermalbath, and are expressed in terms of the Pauli spin matrices.

    Γ1 =

    ∫ ∞0

    [S+S−(−u)ρ(2)S 〈B(u)B

    †〉+ S−S+(−u)ρ(2)S 〈B†B(u)〉



    ∫ ∞0


    [(1 00 0


    (ρ11 ρ12ρ21 ρ22



    1− e−β~ωα


    (0 00 1


    (ρ11 ρ12ρ21 ρ22



    eβ~ωα − 1


    (ρ11 ρ120 0

    )∫ ∞0

    dωD(ω)|κ(ω)|2 11− e−β~ω

    ∫ ∞0



    (0 0ρ21 ρ22

    )∫ ∞0

    dωD(ω)|κ(ω)|2 1eβ~ω − 1

    ∫ ∞0


    and the real part of Γ1 is

    Re[Γ1] = πD(γH)|κ(γH)|2[


    1− e−β~γH

    (ρ11 ρ120 0



    eβ~γH − 1

    (0 0ρ21 ρ22



  • (The contribution from the Cauchy principle part has been shown to represent the Lamb shift dueto dynamic renormalisation[7], and shall be neglected here).


    Γ2 =

    (ρ22 00 0

    )∫ ∞0

    dωD(ω)|κ(ω)|2 1eβ~ω − 1

    ∫ ∞0



    (0 00 ρ11

    )∫ ∞0

    dωD(ω)|κ(ω)|2 11− e−β~ω

    ∫ ∞0


    The real part is then

    Re[Γ2] = πD(γH)|κ(γH)|2[


    1− e−β~γH

    (0 00 ρ11



    eβ~γH − 1

    (ρ22 00 0



    Γ3 =

    (ρ22 00 0

    )∫ ∞0

    dωD(ω)|κ(ω)|2 1eβ~ω − 1

    ∫ ∞0



    (0 00 ρ11

    )∫ ∞0

    dωD(ω)|κ(ω)|2 11− e−β~ω

    ∫ ∞0


    Γ4 =

    (ρ11 0ρ21 0

    )∫ ∞0

    dωD(ω)|κ(ω)|2 11− e−β~ω

    ∫ ∞0



    (0 ρ120 ρ22

    )∫ ∞0

    dωD(ω)|κ(ω)|2 1eβω − 1

    ∫ ∞0


    The dissipative term then has a real part

    Re[Γ] = −2λ2πD(γH)|κ(γH)|2

    ~2(eβ~γH − 1)


    β~γH − ρ22 ρ12 eβ~γH+1



    2ρ22 − ρ11eβ~γH


    3.2 Analysis and simulation

    In analogy with the Bloch equations (10), the time evolution of each component of the electron’sspin in the Bloch sphere is found, from the equation of motion

    ∂tρ(2)S =− iγ

    (−ρ12heiωt + ρ21he−iωt 2ρ12H − he−iωt(ρ11 − ρ22)−2ρ21H + heiωt(ρ11 − ρ22) ρ12heiωt − ρ21he−iωt

    )− 2λ


    ~2(eβ~γH − 1)


    β~γH − ρ22 ρ12 eβ~γH+1



    2ρ22 − ρ11eβ~γH

    )by the relation

    〈Ȧ〉 = TrρȦ = Trρ̇A.Denoting the prefactor of the dissipative term by

    C(γH) ≡ λ2πD(γH)|κ(γH)|2

    ~2(eβ~γH − 1) ,

    then (using normalisation ρ11 + ρ22 = 1)

    〈Ṡx〉 =12

    (ρ̇12 + ρ̇21)

    =− iγH(ρ12 − ρ21) + γh(ρ11 − ρ22) sinωt− C(γH)eβ~γH + 1

    2(ρ12 + ρ21)

    =γ〈Sy〉H + γ〈Sz〉h sinωt− C(γH)eβ~γH + 1


    〈Ṡy〉 =12

    (−iρ̇12 + iρ̇21)

    =− γH(ρ12 + ρ21) + γh(ρ11 − ρ22) cosωt− C(γH)eβ~γH + 1

    2(−iρ12 + iρ21)

    =− γ〈Sx〉H + γ〈Sz〉h cosωt− C(γH)eβ~γH + 1



  • 〈Ṡz〉 =12

    ( ˙ρ11 − ˙ρ22)

    =− iγh(−ρ12eiωt + ρ21e−iωt

    )− C(γH)


    β~γH − ρ22)

    =− γ〈Sy〉h cosωt− γ〈Sx〉h sinωt− C(γH)(〈Sz〉(eβ~γH + 1)− (eβ~γH − 1)


    Thus, the arbitrary relaxation times introduced in the Bloch equations may be related to thecoupling between the system and its surroundings and the density of states at resonance. Thetransverse relaxation time T2 is found as



    ~2D(γH)|κ(γH)|2 coth β~γH

    2. (21)

    The longitudinal relaxation brings the system into the system equillibrium state determined by theFermi distribution,

    〈Sz〉eq = Tr(

    1 00 −1



    0 11+e−β~γH

    )= tanh


    , (22)




    ~2D(γH)|κ(γH)|2 coth β~γH



    T2. (23)

    This relates the rates absorption due to spin-spin interaction (transverse) and due to tunnelingbetween Zeeman levels (longitudal).

    The special solution of the Bloch equation (13) in the t → ∞ limit as 〈Sz〉 reaches equillibriummay be applied. Using the values in (21) and (22), this is

    χ′′(ω) =

    (γ~2 tanh β~γH


    2λ2πD(γH)|κ(γH)|2 coth β~γH2

    )1 + (ω − γH)2


    λ2πD(γH)|κ(γH)|2 coth β~γH2

    )2 .In the λ→ 0 limit as the system becomes uncoupled from the bath, the behaviour predicted by theKubo formula is recovered, and the absorptive susceptibility is given by (17).

    The equations of spin motion were numerically integrated, from an initial state spin-up along thez axis. By (11) and (12), the absorption of energy by the system and environment is observed as thephase lag between the oscillating field and transverse magnetisation. Hence, the absorption curvewas found by numerical computation of the first Fourier sine coefficient:

    χ′′(ω) =ωπ


    ∫ t0+2π/ωt0

    〈Sx(t)〉 sin(ωt)dt. (24)

    The numerical integration was carried out at large t0 to avoid transient effects (figure 8).The Kubo formula behaviour (17) was also found numerically, where the coupling parameter λ

    was set to zero, and where the probing field magnitude h was small. The time evolution of 〈Sz〉 inthe small h regime shows the accuracy of a linear response approximation, and it can be understoodthat the evaluation of (24) was carried out in a finite time interval in which power was absorbed.Beyond this regime, there was no absorption observed. This is again explained by the plot of 〈Sz(t)〉,although it should be noted that such a plot is somewhat spurious the equations of motion assumeRabi oscillation occurs and so are only valid for small h (figure 9).

    4 Conclusions

    The quantum master equation method outlined here cannot universally accurately determine thedynamics of systems in dissipative environments. The perturbative approach is only valid for weakcoupling, and the Markov approximation makes large assumptions about the nature of the spin-bathinteraction.

    Nonetheless, the electron spin resonance phenomenon can be quite successfully modelled by amaster equation, and in this way the dynamics predicted by Langevin type phenomenological equa-tions and by linear response theory can be related to the microscopic behaviour of the system.


  • Figure 8: Time evolution of 〈Sx(t)〉, simulated for oscillating fields near and at the resonant frequency, with the absorptioncurve found by the (24)

    Figure 9: Plot of 〈Sz(t)〉 for small h, left, where Kubo formula behaviour is observed in the isolated system, and for largeh, right, where energy absorption is not observed


  • Acknowledgments

    I wish to very sincerely thank Professor Seiji Miyashita for his extensive help and guidance, as wellas all the members of Miyashita group for their generosity and help. It was a privilege to learn fromthis group.Thank you also to the Graduate School of Science, in particular the International LiaisonOffice, for making UTRIP the wonderful thing it was.

    Appendix A Density matrix formalism

    The density matrix formalism succinctly expresses expectation values from both quantum mechanicalstate vectors and statistical ensemble averages. Let {|φn〉} be an orthonormal basis, so that thenormalised state vector of the system may be expressed as |ψ(t)〉 =

    ∑n cn(t)|φn〉. An observable A

    of the system will have expectation value

    〈A〉 = 〈ψ(t)|A|ψ(t)〉 =∑n,m


    and matrix representationAmn = 〈φn|A|φn〉

    so that〈A〉 =



    We define the density operator,

    ρ̂(t) = |ψ(t)〉〈ψ(t)| =∑n,m

    cnc†m|φn〉〈φm| ⇒ 〈A〉 = TrAρ̂.

    Consider the matrix representation of the Hamiltonian, Hnl = 〈φn|H|φl〉. The Schrödingerequation,

    i~ ∂∂t|ψ〉 = H|ψ〉 ⇒ ~ ∂

    ∂tcn =



    so as Hij = H†ji (Hermitian),

    i~ ∂∂tcnc†m =



    †m − cmc†lHlm


    With this formalism, an observable may be averaged over a statistical ensemble, that is, manysystems of the same structure under the same microscopic conditions. A mixed state is representedby weighting each state with its probability. If the state |ψi(t)〉 has probability pi, the density matrixshall be generalised as

    ρ(t) ≡∑i



    The quantum Liouville equation is

    i~ ∂∂tρ = [H, ρ].

    This preserves probability, analogous to the preservation of phase volume by the classical Liouvilletheorem[1].

    Looking at an observable A (Hermitian) in the Heisenberg picture, we put

    〈Ȧ(t)〉 = TrρȦ(t) = Trρ i~

    [H, A]

    and since TrAB = TrBA, this is equivalent to


    i~[H, ρ] = Trρ̇(t)A

    in the Schrödinger picture.


  • Appendix B Time-dependent perturbation theory

    For a system with total Hamiltonian

    H(t) = H0 + αV (t),

    whereH0 has no time dependence and α is a constant parameter, we seek to expand the wavefunction|ψ(t)〉 as a power series in α. We employ the interaction representation

    |ψ(t)〉int = eiH0t/~|ψ(t)〉; |ψ(0)〉int = |ψ(0)〉

    to express the Schrödinger equation as

    i~ ∂∂t|ψ(t)〉int = eiH0t/~αV (t)e−iH0t/~|ψ(t)〉int = αVint(t)|ψ(t)〉int.

    Introducing a time evolution operator Uint(t, t0), such that

    |ψ(t)〉int = Uint(t, t0)|ψ(t0)〉int ⇒ i~∂

    ∂tUint(t, t0)|ψ(t0)〉int = αVint(t)Uint(t, t0)|ψ(t0)〉int.

    Then, by the boundary condition Uint(t0, t0) = I there is a self-consistent equation

    Uint(t, t0) = I−i


    ∫ tt0


    ′, t0),

    which may be substituted into itself giving

    Uint(t, t0) = I−i


    ∫ tt0


    [I− i


    ∫ t′t0


    ′′, t0)


    and repeating this substitution we have an expression

    Uint(t, t0) =



    )n ∫ tt0

    dt1 · · ·∫ tn−1t0

    dtnVint(t1)Vint(t2) · · ·Vint(tn).

    Expanding in basis functions {|n〉}, among which |i〉 is the initial state, the coefficients cn(t) suchthat

    |ψ(t)〉int =∑n


    are expanded as

    Uint(t, t0)|i〉 =∑n

    |n〉〈n|Uint(t, t0)|i〉 =∑n


    ⇒ cn(t) = δni − αi


    ∫ tt0

    〈n|Vint(t′)|i〉 − α1


    ∫ tt0

    dt′∫ t′t0

    dt′′〈n|Vint(t′)Vint(t′′)|i〉 . . .

    and the c(0)n terms with no α dependence are constant in time, representing the initial state[9].

    The same approach may be taken in the density matrix formalism, where the Liouville equationis

    ∂tρ =


    i~[H0 + αV (t), ρ] = i (L0 + αL(t)) .

    As the density matrix is composed of the cn(t) components, the expansion is, to first order,

    ρ(t) = ρ(t0) + αi

    ∫ tt0

    dt′Lint(t′)ρ(t0) +O(α2)

    = ρ(t0) + αi

    ∫ tt0

    dt′ei(t−t′)L0L(t′)ρ(t0) +O(α2).


  • References

    [1] M. Toda, R. Kubo and N.Saito, Statistical Physics I: Equillibrium Statistical Mechanics, 2ndEd. (Springer, 1992), p. 17.

    [2] C.P. Slichter, Principles of Magnetic Resonance, 3rd Ed. (Springer, 1996), p. 16.

    [3] R. Kubo, M. Toda and N. Hashitsume, Statistical Physics II: Nonequillibrium Statistical Me-chanics, 2nd Ed. (Springer, 1991), p. 128.

    [4] C.P. Slichter, Principles of Magnetic Resonance, 3rd Ed. (Springer, 1996), p. 32.

    [5] R. Kubo, Rep. Prog. Phys. 29 (255), (1966).

    [6] H. Ikeuchi, Miyashita Laboratory Handout (Unpublished).

    [7] T. Mori and S. Miyashita, Miyashita Laboratory Handout (Unpublished).

    [8] R. Feynman, R. Leighton and M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume III (Cali-fornia Institute of Technology, 1965), p. 4-4.

    [9] B. Simons, Time-dependent perturbation theory, Cavendish Laboratory Handout (WWW Doc-ument, http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~bds10/aqp/handout_dep.pdf).



    IntroductionRabi oscillationHeuristic descriptions of resonance

    Two models of resonanceBloch EquationKubo formula

    An approach from first principlesDerivation of a quantum master equationAnalysis and simulation

    ConclusionsDensity matrix formalismTime-dependent perturbation theory