QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… ·...


Transcript of QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… ·...

Page 2: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

Su n c r e s t Ho m e s i s a n aw a r d - w i n n i n g c u s t o m h o m e

b u i l d e r i n t h e P i t t s b u r g h , Pe n n s y l v a n i a a r e a . We

o f f e r a w i d e v a r i e t y o f c u s t o m a n d s e m i - c u s t o m

h o m e s f r o m t r a d i t i o n a l t o n e w m o d e r n t o c r a f t s m a n .

We a r e a l s o a l i c e n s e d Pe n n s y l v a n i a r e m o d e l e r ( l i c e n s e n o.

PA 0 7 8 3 3 9 ) , w e c a n h e l p y o u u n c o v e r t h e h i d d e n p o t e nt i a l o f

y o u r e x i s t i n g h o m e . Wi t h o u r d e v e l o p m e nt t e a m , w e c r e a t e

l i v a b l e l i f e s t y l e c o m mu n i t i e s .


Page 3: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and


Page 4: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and
Page 5: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and


It ’s r e a l l y n o t j u s t a b o u t t h e c o l o r o f y o u r w a l l s ,

i t ’s a b o u t t h e w ay y o u l i v e y o u r l i f e . W h e n y o u s t e p

i n t o a S u n c r e s t Ho m e , y o u’r e w a l k i n g i n t o a h o m e

t h at b o t h r e f l e c t s a n d e n h a n c e s y o u r l i f e s t y l e . We

b r e a k t h r o u g h t h e b o u n d a r i e s s e t b y o t h e r b u i l d e r s ,

b e c au s e w h e n i t c o m e s t o b u i l d i n g t h e p e r f e c t h o m e ,

n o t h i n g i s t o o g o o d f o r o u r c l i e nt s .

W h e n y o u w o r k w i t h S u n c r e s t , y o u h av e f r e e d o m

t o c h o o s e e v e r y a s p e c t o f y o u r f u t u r e h o m e . F r o m

c o l o r s , t r i m a n d r o o m d e s i g n , t o t h e o v e r a l l s t y l e . At

S u n c r e s t Ho m e s , w e w a nt y o u r i np u t a t e v e r y s t a g e

o f c o n s t r u c t i o n t o e n s u r e t o t a l s a t i s f a c t i o n .

Page 6: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and


Page 7: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

We w o r k e x t r e m e l y h a r d t o p r o v i d e q u a l i t y, s e r v i c e a n d v a l u e . O u r t e a m s t ay s i n c o n s t a nt c o nt a c t

w i t h y o u f r o m s t a r t t o f i n i s h s o y o u k n o w w h at ’s g o i n g o n a t e v e r y s t a g e o f t h e p r o c e s s . O u r

r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h o u r c u s t o m e r s d o e s n o t e n d a t t h e c l o s i n g t a b l e . We p r o v i d e a c o mp r e h e n s i v e

o r i e nt a t i o n s e s s i o n p r i o r t o m o v e - i n s o o u r c u s t o m e r s u n d e r s t a n d t h e c o mp l e t e f u n c t i o n a l i t y o f

t h e i r n e w h o m e .

Page 8: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and
Page 9: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

S u n c r e s t m e t i c u l o u s l y p l a n s e a c h s t a g e o f t h e h o m e

b u i l d i n g p r o c e s s . O u r p l a n i s t h e r o a d - m ap t o b u i l d i n g

y o u r h o m e a n d w e m a k e s u r e w e d o n’t m i s s a ny t h i n g

a l o n g t h e w ay. C o m mu n i c a t i o n i s o n e o f o u r c o r e

v a l u e s . We a r e i n c o n s t a nt c o m mu n i c a t i o n w i t h y o u s o

y o u k n o w e x a c t l y w h e r e w e a r e a n d w h at ’s g o i n g o n i n

e v e r y s t a g e o f t h e p r o c e s s .

We w o r k w i t h q u a l i t y c r a f t s m e n t o b u i l d y o u r h o m e .

F r o m t h e f o u n d at i o n t o t h e f r a m e t o t h e r o o f , w e p u t

i t a l l t o g e t h e r. Q u a l i t y i s b u i l t i n t o e v e r y s t a g e o f o u r

p r o c e s s . Ev e r y h o m e i s s o m e t h i n g w e a r e t r u l y p r o u d

t o p u t o u r n a m e o n .

Page 10: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

2 0 1 6 B e s t S i n g l e - Fa m i l y Ho m e o f t h e Ye a r

2 0 1 6 Ho n o r a b l e Me nt i o n R e n o v at i o n

2 0 1 4 B e s t 5 0 + S i n g l e - Fa m i l y D e t a c h e d Ho m e

2 0 1 4 B e s t O u t d o o r L i v i n g P r o j e c t

2 0 1 2 B e s t S i n g l e - Fa m i l y Ho m e o f t h e Ye a r

2 0 1 2 B e s t 5 0 + S i n g l e - Fa m i l y D e t a c h e d Ho m e

2 0 0 9 B e s t S i n g l e - Fa m i l y C u s t o m Ho m e

2 0 0 8 B e s t R o o m Ad d i t i o n


“O v e r t h e l a s t e i g ht e e n m o nt h s o r s o my

w i f e a n d I h av e h a d t h e p l e a s u r e t o w o r k

w i t h S u n c r e s t Ho m e s t o b u i l d o u r n e w

h o u s e . Wi t h o u t h e s i t a t i o n w e c a n s ay t h a t

S u n c r e s t c o n s t r u c t e d a b e au t i f u l h o m e

f o r u s . We a r e c o mp l e t e l y h ap p y w i t h t h e

h o m e t h at S u n c r e s t b u i l t f o r u s a n d t h e i r

o n - g o i n g s u p p o r t . We w o u l d n o t h e s i t a t e

t o r e c o m m e n d t h e m t o o t h e r s w h o a r e

w a nt i n g t o b u i l d a q u a l i t y h o m e .”

- C h a r l e s a n d H i l a r y

Page 11: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

PO Box 34

Gibsonia, PA 15044

(412) 366-8200


Beacon Roofing Supply12 Western Pennsylvania Locations

(412) 389-7053


Owens Corning would like to

congratulate Suncrest Homes on 30

years of building prestigious and award

winning homes in the Pittsburgh area.

We at Owens Corning are greatful to

be part of Suncrest Homes success

throughout the years.



has grown to become

one of Western

Pennsylvania’s largest

and most recognized

commercial and

residential full service

stone masonry


6301 Butler Street | Pittsburgh, PA 15201

(412) 782-3300 | crescent-supply.com

Crescent Supply

The experience you want, the service you

expect, the value you deserve.






Page 12: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and
Page 13: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

At PGH Floors, we have over 35 years of experience in providing the right solution for all f looring

needs. We can install the perfect tile, carpet, wood and vinyl f looring you want for your home.

Our professional staff of designers and installers will give you the customer service, value and

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helps keep prices low for you.

5074 William Penn Highway | Monroeville, PA 15146 | (724) 493-2349 | pghfloors.com

PGH Floors

Page 14: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

Howard Hanna Real Estate119 Gamma Drive | Pittsburgh, PA 15238

(412) 276-5000 x 200 | howardhanna.com

F.N.B. Corporation provides a comprehensive range of

financial products and services through convenient

locations across Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland and North

Carolina. Clients of our premier Private Banking Group enjoy

sophisticated consultation and solutions designed exclusively

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Insurance Services.

For more information, please call (877) 635-3243

One North Shore Center | Pittsburgh, PA 15212 | fnb-online.com

Harris & Sons Plumbing

specializes in all various types

of plumbing services for new

construction, remodel and

service plumbing. We specialize

in plumbing rough-ins and

finishes. With Harris & Sons

Plumbing, your satisfaction is


2928 7th Street

Lower Burrell , PA 15068

(412) 445-2648

Page 15: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

R.I. Lampus CompanySince 1924, R.I . Lampus has been manufacturing high quality

concrete products and providing superior service to the Tri-State

region. We are the largest manufacturer of concrete block and

hardscape products in Western Pennsylvania. Most recently, R.I .

Lampus has strengthened its position as one of the largest

Tri-State distributors of clay brick and stone veneer products.


816 R.I. Lampus Avenue | PO Box 167

Springdale, PA 15144

(412) 362-3800 | lampus.com

D&M Mechanical Contracting, Inc. provides reliable,

professional HVAC services. We specialize in HVAC systems design,

customization and maintenance for new construction homes. We are

Energy Star certified professionals you can rely on 24/7.

835 Anderson Street | Newkensington, PA 15068 | (412) 793-2051

359 N 1st Street

Jeanette, PA 15644

(724) 523-3611


Our goal is to satisfy

all of your lighting

and electrical needs.

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do all that we can to

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Hummell Brothers Electric

Supply, Inc.

Visit One Of Our Stunning Brick & Stone Veneer Showrooms:

2321 Todd Road

Aliquippa, PA 15001

(724) 375-6637

6104 Grand Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15225

(724) 410-2333

13 Rich Hill Road

Cheswick, PA 15024

(412) 828-8046

Page 16: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

Allegheny Millwork & Lumber offers the region’s best

selection in millwork products; it’s our reputation

for quality and excellence that brings contractors

and homeowners to us first. Located in the historic

South Side, we carry the finest products available

at competitive prices, with the most skilled and

professional staff in the business.

We stock a complete line of custom hardwood and

engineered mouldings. Over 400 different profiles to

choose from, and if we don’t have it, we can make it.

Specializing in quality windows and doors in a vast

range of styles, we can provide entire systems for

convenience. We stock stair parts, railing, decking,

hardware, reclaimed weathered wood and much

more. We’ve recently added kitchen design and sales

to our line rounding out our offerings. The depth of

our inventory is incredible and we strive to be on the

forefront of trends.

1001 Muriel Street | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | (412) 431-4224 | alleghenymillworklumber.com


Page 17: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

1001 Muriel Street | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | (412) 431-4224 | alleghenymillworklumber.com

9334 Saltsburg Road | Pittsburg, PA 15239 | (412) 848-3858 | beallslandscaping.com

Beall's Nursery & Landscaping

Beall's Landscaping and Nursery has been recognized as one

of the premier landscape, design, installation and nursery

centers in the Pittsburgh area.

With a focus on customer service and satisfaction,

Beall 's Landscaping and Nursery has helped many local

area residents turn their backyards into neighborhood

masterpieces – and we continue to be a trusted partner.

Make Beall's your top resource for all your DIY projects,

gardening supplies, plants, trees and shrubs, and complete

landscape design services.

Cerutti Electric

is a residential electrical contractor. We specialize in residential electrical

system design, lighting design and installation. After being in business for

over 34 years, you can rely on our professional expertise.

5318 Foxtail Court | Export, PA 15632 | (412) 817-4914

At Trademark Cabinet Company, our trademark is providing our

customers with personalized service from the initial kitchen design

consultation to the completion of the project. We specialize in

creating custom kitchen cabinet solutions for all of your cabinetry

needs. Whether you are new construction or updating your existing

kitchen, we will make your dream kitchen a reality.

2205 Reiman Avenue | White Oak, PA 15131 | (412) 901-1412 | trademarkcabinet.com

Trademark Cabinet Company

Page 18: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

Manor House Kitchens is family-owned-and-operated and has

focused on serving the Pittsburgh area since 1966. To experience

the latest trends in kitchens & baths, visit one of our 3 showrooms

in the Greensburg, Murrysville/Monroeville, and North Hills areas.

With more than 100 dedicated employees, three showroom

locations, a casework shop, warehousing, and "The Granite Factory",

Manor House Kitchens boasts a reputation based on exceeding the

expectations of their valued customers.

Whether your project is new construction or a remodel

of the Kitchen, Bathroom, Bar, or Entertainment Center,

we have found that controlling all aspects of the design,

ordering, manufacturing, warehousing, installation, and

service, in house, allows us to achieve that goal.

2067 Route 286 | Pittsburgh, PA 15239 | (724) 733-2444 | manorhousekitchens.com

Page 19: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

PO Box 696 | Uniontown, PA 15401

(724) 415-2132 | occluss.com

O.C. Cluss Lumber Was Founded

in 1918 And Supplies Professional

Builders, Do-It-Yourselfers And

Homeowners With Quality Lumber

And Building Materials. Cluss

Remains a Firmly Established Major

Regional Supplier. Recognized

As A Leader In The Industry, Cluss

Sells Name Brand Products At

Competitive Prices.

Throughout The Tri-State Area.

Our Fleet Of "Cluss Orange" Trucks

Can Be Seen Delivering Quality

Materials To The Job Sites Of Our

Loyal Customer Base.

O.C. Cluss Lumber

Page 20: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

The Vac Shop, Inc.605 Merchant Street

Ambridge, PA 15003

(412) 877-3997

4114 Old William Penn HighwayMonroeville, PA 15146

(412) 374-1330tndofpgh.com

For over 40 years, our professional team has been offering audio

visual equipment installation and customization for both homes

throughout Greensburg, Ligonier, and Murrysville. From custom

home theater systems to complete home automation you truly

can have a fully customized home experience. Let us introduce

you to the latest advancements in technology to make your

home entertainment and automation unlike anything you have

experienced before.

201 E Pittsburgh Street | Greensburg, PA 15601

(724) 834-2074 | thestereoshopinc.com


T-N-D OF PITTSBURGH, INC.For a Guaranteed Dry Basement!

Exterior Froundation Waterproofing

Professionally installed waterproofing by experienced crews.

Peace of mind from the new and improved 30 year transferable warranty.

The Vac Shop has been in

business since 1987 and

sells and services every

major brands of vacuum on

the market. We give free

estimates on all repairs

and provide quick turn

around time on all tune

ups and warranty repairs.

Page 21: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

4091 Saltsburg Road, Suite D | Murrysville, PA 15668 (412) 793-2090 | emcosprinkler.com


Sam DaDamo Contracting is a

full service painting company.

We specialize in offering both

residential and commercial

painting services. We also provide

wall coverings. We have been

family owned for 45 years.

PO Box 14112

Pittsburgh, PA 15239

(724) 337-0481

500 Logan Street

Carnegie, PA 15106

(412) 279-2522

Closet Pro

specializes in closet

organization systems,

along with shower

doors and mirrors. We

are expert craftsmen

and stand behind

our high quality

guaranteed work.

EMCO Sprinkler Company Inc. EMCO Sprinkler Company has been custom designing and

installing irrigation systems for over 40 years. We will visit your home or office to design a custom system using only the best sprinkler products available to specifically meet your needs.

Page 23: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and


AAA Stone Age, Inc.PO Box 34Gibsonia, PA 15044(412) 366-8200stoneageinc.net

Allegheny Millwork & Lumber1001 Muriel StreetPittsburgh, PA 15203(412) 431-4224alleghenymillworklumber.com

Beacon Roofing Supply12 Western Pennsylvania Locations(412) 389-7053beaconroofingsupply.com

Beall's Nursery & Landscaping9334 Saltsburg RoadPittsburg, PA 15239(412) 848-3858beallslandscaping.com

Cerutti Electric5318 Foxtail CourtExport, PA 15632(412) 817-4914

Closet Pro500 Logan StreetCarnegie, PA 15106(412) 279-2522

Crescent Supply6301 Butler StreetPittsburgh, PA 15201(412) 782-3300crescent-supply.com

D&M Mechanical Contracting, Inc.835 Anderson StreetNewkensington, PA 15068(412) 793-2051

Emco Sprinkler Company Inc.4091 Saltsburg Road, Suite DMurrysville, PA 15668(412) 793-2090emcosprinkler.com

First National BankPrivate Banking GroupOne North Shore CenterPittsburgh, PA 15212(877) 635-3243fnb-online.com

Harris & Sons Plumbing2928 7th StreetLower Burrell , PA 15068(412) 445-2648

Howard Hanna Real Estate119 Gamma DrivePittsburgh, PA 15238(412) 276-5000 x 200howardhanna.com

Hummell Brothers Electric Supply, Inc.359 N 1st StreetJeanette, PA 15644(724) 523-3611hummellbrothers.com

James Hardie Building Products231 South Lasalle Street, Suite 2000Chicago, IL 60604(412) 277-6181jameshardie.com

Manor House Kitchens, Inc.2067 Route 286Pittsburgh, PA 15239(724) 733-2444manorhousekitchens.com

O.C. Cluss LumberPO Box 696Uniontown, PA 15401(724) 415-2132occluss.com

Owens Corningowenscorning.com

PGH Floors5074 William Penn HighwayMonroeville, PA 15146(724) 493-2349pghfloors.com

PPG Paintsppgpaints.com

R.I. Lampus CompanyPO Box 167 / 816 R.I . Lampus AvenueSpringdale, PA 15144(412) 362-3800lampus.com

Sam DaDamo ContractingPO Box 14112Pittsburgh, PA 15239(724) 337-0481

The Stereoshop, Inc.201 E Pittsburgh StreetGreensburg, PA 15601(724) 834-2074thestereoshopinc.com

The Vac Shop, Inc.605 Merchant StreetAmbridge, PA 15003(412) 877-3997

T-N-D of Pittsburgh, Inc.4114 Old William Penn HighwayMonroeville, PA 15146(412) 374-1330tndofpgh.com

Trademark Cabinet2205 Reiman AvenueWhite Oak, PA 15131(412) 901-1412trademarkcabinet.com


Page 24: QUALI QUALITY CUSTOM HOMESYsuncresthomespa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Suncrest_7.26.1… · Closet Pro specializes in closet organization systems, along with shower doors and

3819 Old Wil l iam Penn Highway #400 | Murrysvi l le , PA 15668 | (724) 327-1844 | suncresthomespa.com

©Another Custom Creation by Premiere Marketing, Inc. | (800) 245-5919 | www.premieremarketinggroup.com