QQ--MMOONNIITTOORR V4transcat-plm.com/pub/tcsoft/qmonitor414/doc/Q-Monitor_KV... · 2012. 8....


Transcript of QQ--MMOONNIITTOORR V4transcat-plm.com/pub/tcsoft/qmonitor414/doc/Q-Monitor_KV... · 2012. 8....




  • Instruction symbols used in this guide

    The following symbols are used in this guide; these should enable you to navigate throughout the text with greater ease:

    Warning triangle

    The warning triangle refers to cr i t ical c i rcumstances , which should be considered in order to avoid any problems in your work.

    Hint symbol

    The light bulb relates to h ints , which provide you with practical examples to simplify your work.

    Note symbol

    The hand symbol relates to notes , which you should pay attention to in order to assure that you can work without problems .

    Information symbol

    The information symbol relates to information, which illustrates a situation.

    Work steps symbol

    The work steps symbol relates to a step-by-step instruct ion sheet.

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    Q-MONITOR in the Internet http://www.q-checker.com/

    Q-MONITOR hotline Phone: +49 721 97043 100 E-Mail: [email protected]

    © TR A N S CA T PLM GmbH, 2012

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  • T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 3 Q-Monitor V4

    Table of Contents

    1. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    1.1 Additional prerequisites ....................................................................................... 4

    1.2 Files in the delivery .............................................................................................. 4

    2. General introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    2.1 Storing Q-Checker data to database by SOAP-Axis2 Framework ............................ 5

    2.2 Q-Monitor database access with SOAP Axis2 integration ..................................... 6

    2.3 Configuration of Apache Tomcat using HTTPS ..................................................... 6

    3. Customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    3.1 Installation of Axis2 Framework ........................................................................... 7

    3.2 Customize QCheckerV5(.vbs) to call QCheckerDB-SOAP-Client ............................ 9

    3.3 Install QCheckerDB-SOAP-Service on Tomcat-Server ......................................... 10

    3.4 Customize Q-Monitor to use TCAJdbcDriver ....................................................... 11

    3.5 Install TCAJdbcDriver-Service on Tomcat-Server.................................................. 12

    3.6 One Way https: Server Certificate is proofed by Client ......................................... 13

    3.7 Two Way https: Server Certificate is proofed by Client and Client Certificate is proofed by Server ................................................................................................ 14

    4. Legal Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    * * *

  • P R E R E Q U I S I T E S

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 4 Q-Monitor V4

    1. Prerequisites

    1.1 Additional prerequisites

    For all webservices, in addition to Q-Monitor prerequisites, the following software is


    JAVA runtime min. 1.5

    Apache Tomcat min. 5.5



    1.2 Files in the delivery

    All additional files are located in the Q-Monitor's “service“ folder

    Folder Description

    service\Axis2\axis2-1.5-war.zip Axis2 Framework for Apache Tomcat

    service\QCheckerDB\Client Database storing client

    service\QCheckerDB\Service Database storing client

    service\Q-Monitor\Client Q-Monitor JDBC tunnel client side

    service\Q-Monitor\Service Q-Monitor JDBC tunnel service side

  • G E N E R A L I N T R O D U C T I O N

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 5 Q-Monitor V4

    2. General introduction

    This documentation only describes the installation and configuration of Q-Services and

    Clients. The tasks can be splitted into four parts:

    1. Installing Axis2 Framework on Apache Tomcat —see section 3.1.

    2. Storing Q-Checker data to database by SOAP-Axis2 Framework

    3. Q-Monitor database access with SOAP Axis2 integration

    4. Configuration of Apache Tomcat using HTTPS

    2.1 Storing Q-Checker data to database by SOAP-Axis2 Framework

    The workflow can described as following list:

    Q-Checker writes its database XML to file system

    Q-Checker starts the QCheckerV5(.vbs)

    QCheckerV5(.vbs) starts the QCheckerDB-SOAP-Client

    QCheckerDB-SOAP-Client transfers the XML file to the QCheckerDB-SOAP-Service

    by SOAP-Axis2 framework and stores this into the database by the database JDBC


    Additional to the general administrative tasks (see

    Q-Monitor_KV4_Installation_Guide.pdf) there are two more tasks to do:

    (1) Customize QCheckerV5(.vbs) to call QCheckerDB-SOAP-Client —see section 3.2.

    (2) Install QCheckerDB-SOAP-Service on Tomcat-Server —see section 3.3.

  • G E N E R A L I N T R O D U C T I O N

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 6 Q-Monitor V4

    2.2 Q-Monitor database access with SOAP Axis2 integration

    Use TCAJdbcDriver to tunnel all JDBC requests and data flow from and to Q-Monitor

    through a SOAP-Axis2 protocol.

    Additional to the general administrative tasks (see

    Q-Monitor_KV4_Installation_Guide.pdf) there are two more tasks to do:

    (1) Customize Q-Monitor to use TCAJdbcDriver —see section 3.4.

    (2) Install TCAJdbcDriver-Service on Tomcat-Server —see section 3.5.

    2.3 Configuration of Apache Tomcat using HTTPS

    There are two possibilities to autentificate in a secure way:

    (1) One Way https: Server Certificate is proofed by Client —see section 3.6.

    (2) Two Way https: Server Certificate is proofed by Client and Client Certificate is

    proofed by Server —see section 3.7.

  • C U S T O M I Z A T I O N

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 7 Q-Monitor V4

    3. Customization

    3.1 Installation of Axis2 Framework

    This section describes the installation of Apache Axis2 in WINDOWS XP SP3 32BIT

    environment using APACHE TOMCAT as container.

    D e p l o y m e n t o f t h e A p a c h e A x i s 2 W A R

    (1) Open the “axis2-1.5-war.zip“ with a zip unpacker e.g. 7ZIP

    (2) Select the “axis2.war” and click “Extract”

  • C U S T O M I Z A T I O N

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 8 Q-Monitor V4

    (3) In the following window select the path of your APACHE TOMCAT installation which you have set during installation and add the folder “webapps” to the extraction path

    (4) After the file has been extracted you can close the zip unpacker

    (5) Now the Apache Tomcat needs to be restarted, so first terminate the Apache Tomcat Service if its running, simply click “Stop” in the “Monitor Tomcat” program

    (6) Now click “Start” to start the Apache Tomcat

    (7) If the installation of Apache Axis2 was successful you can see the following website in a browser using http://localhost.8080/axis2 as address


  • C U S T O M I Z A T I O N

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 9 Q-Monitor V4

    3.2 Customize QCheckerV5(.vbs) to call QCheckerDB-SOAP-Client

    I n s t a l l a t i o n o f T C A Q S C Q C h e c k e r D B

    (8) Copy “TCAQSCQCheckerDB.jar”, “TCAQSCQCheckerDB.properties” and the folder “axis2” to “QChecker-Installationpath\load”

    (9) Open “qcheckerV5.vbs” located in your “QChecker-Installationpath” with an editor like NOTEPAD or any text editor

    (10) Add following lines after section “FTP booking”


    '# SOAP booking


    '#QCHECKER_JAVA_CLASSES = "C:\WINNT\ServicePackFiles\i386\classes.zip" '# Java version 1.1

    QCHECKER_SOAP_EPR = "http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/TCAQSRQCheckerDB" '# Java vers 1.6


    QCHECKER_SOAP_CLASSES = """" & "C:\Programme\Java\jre6\lib\rt.jar" & """" '# Java vers 1.6

    QCHECKER_SOAP_BOOK = """" & QCHECKER_LOAD_JAVA & "\TCAQSCQCheckerDB.jar " & """"

    QCHECKER_SOAP_CALL = """" & "C:\Programme\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" & """"

    Property Purpose

    QCHECKER_SOAP_EPR Endpoint Reference of TCAQSRQCheckerDB

    QCHECKER_SOAP_TRANSFERMODE Use “MTOM” or “Text” to transfer report


    (11) Add following lines at the end of the function “qchecker_db_connect ()”

    ElseIf (QCHECKER_DB_METHOD = "SOAP" ) Then

    set objShell = wscript.createObject("wscript.shell")


    cmd = QCHECKER_SOAP_CALL & " -classpath " & CLASSPATH & "

    com.transcat.client.QCheckerDB_SOAPClient " & " " & arg.Item( 1 ) & " " &



    (12) Open “TCAQSCQCheckerDB.properties” with an editor like NOTEPAD or any text editor

    # TCAQSCQCheckerDB properties

    # use SSL ( 0 = no ssl, 1 = one way, 2 = two way )

    TCAQSCQCheckerDB.SSL = 1

    # server keystore (java keystore *.jks)

    TCAQSCQCheckerDB.ServerCert = C:\\certificates\\server.jks

    # client keystore (java keystore *.jks) containing the client certificate

    # and private key

    TCAQSCQCheckerDB.KeyFile = C:\\certificates\\client.jks

    # passphrase according to server keystore

    TCAQSCQCheckerDB.ServerPass = password

    # passphrase according to client keystore

    TCAQSCQCheckerDB.ClientPass = password

  • C U S T O M I Z A T I O N

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 10 Q-Monitor V4

    # debug output for ssl ( 1 OR 0 )

    TCAQSCQCheckerDB.debugSSL = 0

    # create logfile ( 1 OR 0 )

    TCAQSCQCheckerDB.log = 1

    # where to store logfile

    TCAQSCQCheckerDB.logfile = c:\\tmp\\ log\\TCAQSCQCheckerDB.log

    Property Purpose

    SSL 0 = disable SSL, 1 = one-way SSL, 2 = two-way SSL

    ServerCert The java keystore containing the server certificate

    KeyFile The java keystore containing the client certificate

    ServerPass The password of the java keystore containing the server certificate

    ClientPass The password of the java keystore containing the client certificate

    debugSSL Enable debugging for SSL communication

    log Enable/disable logging

    logfile Set the destination path and filename for logging

    3.3 Install QCheckerDB-SOAP-Service on Tomcat-


    I n s t a l l a t i o n o f T C A Q S R Q C h e c k e r D B

    (1) Copy “TCAQSRQCheckerDB.jar” to Tomcat's “webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\services” folder

    (2) Copy “Q-CHECKERDB.jar” and your database JDBC driver to Tomcat's “webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\lib” folder

    (3) Wait some seconds for Tomcat's hot deployment

  • C U S T O M I Z A T I O N

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 11 Q-Monitor V4

    3.4 Customize Q-Monitor to use TCAJdbcDriver

    I n s t a l l a t i o n o f T C A Q S C J d b c

    (1) Copy “TCAQSCJdbc.jar”, “TCAQSCJdbc.properties” and the folder “axis2” to “QMonitor-Installationpath”

    (2) Open “qmonitor.bat” located in your “QMonitor-Installationpath” with an editor

    @echo off

    REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    REM Q-Monitor start script

    REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    set QMONITOR_APPL=".\qmonitor*.x.x.x.jar"

    set QMONITOR_JDBC=".\TCAQSCJdbc.jar"

    set JAVAPATH="java"


    REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    %JAVAPATH% -Xmx1024m -classpath %CLASSPATH% qmon.QMonitor .\qmonitor.ini

    REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    (3) Open “TCAQSCJdbc.properties” with an editor like NOTEPAD or any text editor

    # TCAQSCJdbc properties

    # use SSL ( 0 = no ssl, 1 = one way, 2 = two way )

    TCAQSCJdbc.SSL = 1

    # one/two way ssl

    ## server keystore (java keystore *.jks)

    TCAQSCJdbc.ServerCert = c:\\certificates\\server.jks

    ## passphrase according to server keystore

    TCAQSCJdbc.ServerPass = password

    # two way ssl

    ## client keystore (java keystore *.jks) containing the client certificate and private key

    TCAQSCJdbc.KeyFile = c:\\certificates\\client.jks

    ## passphrase according to client keystore

    TCAQSCJdbc.ClientPass = password

    # debug output for ssl ( 1 OR 0 )

    TCAQSCJdbc.debugSSL = 0

    # create logfile ( 1 OR 0 )

    TCAQSCJdbc.log = 1

    # where to store logfile

    TCAQSCJdbc.logfile = c:\\tmp\\TCAQSCJdbc\\log\\TCAQSCJdbc.log

    Property Purpose

    SSL 0 = disable SSL, 1 = one-way SSL, 2 = two-way SSL

    ServerCert The java keystore containing the server certificate

    KeyFile The java keystore containing the client certificate

    ServerPass Password of the java keystore containing the server cert.

    ClientPass Password of the java keystore containing the client cert.

    debugSSL Enable debugging for SSL communication

    log Enable/disable logging

    logfile Set the destination path and filename for logging

  • C U S T O M I Z A T I O N

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 12 Q-Monitor V4

    (4) Set the database connection in Q-Monitor as it will be on the Tomcat server (this data will be send to the Tomcat server, which will connect to the database, using this data)

    3.5 Install TCAJdbcDriver-Service on Tomcat-Server

    I n s t a l l a t i o n o f T C A Q S R Q J D B C

    (1) Copy “TCAQSRJDBC. jar” to tomcat's “webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\services” folder

    (2) Copy your database JDBC driver to Tomcat's “webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\lib” folder. Restart Tomcat!

  • C U S T O M I Z A T I O N

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 13 Q-Monitor V4

    3.6 One Way https: Server Certificate is proofed by Client

    C o n f i g u r a t i o n h t t p s S e r v e r

    (1) Go To the installation folder of APACHE TOMCAT

    (2) Open the “conf” folder

    (3) Open the “service.xml” with an editor

    (4) Check if the “Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 ” section is uncommented and port is set to “8443”

    Parameter Purpose

    clientAuth False for one-way SSL, true for two-way SSL

    keystoreFile Keystore containing the server certificate

    keystorePass Password of the keystore containing the server certificate

    keystoreType Type of the keystore (.jks java keystore)

  • C U S T O M I Z A T I O N

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 14 Q-Monitor V4

    3.7 Two Way https: Server Certificate is proofed by Client and Client Certificate is proofed by Server

    C o n f i g u r a t i o n h t t p s S e r v e r & C l i e n t

    (1) Go To the installation folder of APACHE TOMCAT

    (2) Open the “conf” folder

    (3) Open the “service.xml” with an editor

    (4) Check if the “Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 ” section is uncommented and port is set to “8443”

    Parameter Purpose

    clientAuth False for one-way SSL, true for two-way SSL

    keystoreFile Keystore containing the server certificate

    keystorePass Password of the keystore containing the server certificate

    keystoreType Type of the keystore (.jks java keystore)

    truststoreFile Keystore containing the trusted certificates

    truststorePass Password of the truststore

    truststoreType Type of the keystore (.jks java keystore)

  • L E G A L N O T I C E S

    © TRANSCAT PLM GmbH 15 Q-Monitor V4

    4. Legal Notices

    CATIA, Q-Checker are registered trademarks of Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiaries in the US, other countries or both. U.S. Government Users Restricted Right Commercial Computer Software. Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA Schedule Contract or, under DFARS Subpart 227.4 only: subject to “Restricted Rights” at 252.227-7013(c)(l)(ii)

    All other company names and product names mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The software may include the following open source components licensed under the Apache license:


    Apache Tomcat

    * * *

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    Q-MON I T OR on the Internet :



    © TR A N S CA T PLM GmbH, 2012


    1. Prerequisites1.1 Additional prerequisites1.2 Files in the delivery

    2. General introduction2.1 Storing Q-Checker data to database by SOAP-Axis2 Framework2.2 Q-Monitor database access with SOAP Axis2 integration2.3 Configuration of Apache Tomcat using HTTPS

    3. Customization3.1 Installation of Axis2 Framework3.2 Customize QCheckerV5(.vbs) to call QCheckerDB-SOAP-Client3.3 Install QCheckerDB-SOAP-Service on Tomcat-Server3.4 Customize Q-Monitor to use TCAJdbcDriver3.5 Install TCAJdbcDriver-Service on Tomcat-Server3.6 One Way https: Server Certificate is proofed by Client3.7 Two Way https: Server Certificate is proofed by Client and Client Certificate is proofed by Server

    4. Legal Notices