QA Version 2 WIC Clinic Search Documentation

QA Version 2 WIC Clinic Search Documentation

Transcript of QA Version 2 WIC Clinic Search Documentation

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QA Version 2 WIC Clinic Search Documentation


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Application Summary

External users (Default page)

Types of searching

Show map

View All Clinics

Error page

Internal Users


Main menu

Change Password

Edit Clinic

Server Admin

Admin Menu

Add User

Edit User

Add Clinic

Edit Clinic Access

Inactivate Clinic


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Application SummaryThis is the QA version 2 of the WIC Clinic Search application. Version 2 includes upgrades to the existing application as well as new features requested.

Features added:

More intense mapping and information available for each clinic. Every clinic has a map Four different ways to search on clinics, including from user home address Zip code distance calculation is done in house and is reusable Login section for individual clinics to adjust the hours of operation and phone numbers Role provider for future assignment of edit permissions to other clinics Tracking of last edit on clinic User table with add/edit sections Clinic search metrics reporting All Clinic reporting / Statistical metrics information

Version 2 is a collaboration of the existing application and other parts of current applications in use by AZDHS. Specific persons involved:

Mohibal Kahn: Version 1 and Google Key acquisition Frank Caglio: Login and Role Provider

This collaboration of new and existing code reduced development time considerably.

Total calendar days to QA platform: 45

Color Codes:

red-error | orange-helpful information | grey - read only | yellow –User information | blue- verification


Google maps are extensively used in generating on demand maps as well as latitude and longitude points when adding new clinics. Risk assessment is low due to the fact that it is unlikely that Google maps will be unavailable in the near future.


Microsoft has mapping software that will provide the same services in the event that Google maps become non-functional in the future. This was not implemented due to required client silver light download along with project development in VS 2008 environment.

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External users (Default page)The default page is the page that users will come into contact with when searching for a clinic. There are four different ways to search for a clinic. (Spanish Version not shown)

Help can be viewed by either clicking the question mark icon or the link “How do I use this” located in the upper right. This AJAX feature allows for dynamic help screen to be generated. The below screen shot shows the help section open. To close the help section the user would click the link “Close Help” in the bottom left.

The four search types available are:

From street address with distance <30 miles By selected County By selected City By Zip code includes distance <5 miles to >30 miles

Grid results include the clinic name the phone number and a map icon along with a link “Click here for Details”.

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The first way to search for a clinic, the user can type in their home address or any street address along with selecting a city from the drop down and click “Find Clinic(s)”. After the user starts this type of search the system will attempt to locate the latitude and longitude from the address entered into the address text box. If the address look up fails the system automatically searches for all clinics that are located in the selected city.

Search By Address

When using the address search feature the system will check to see if you have entered in an address and selected a city from the drop down. If either of these is missing ,the yellow highlighted area displays to the user the required information.

If the address lookup fails and the selected city has zero results then the system will display a message informing the user that the address location could not be determined and offers a ‘view all clinics’ link.

If the address could be determined and a latitude and longitude was generated then the system compares the latitude and longitude of every clinic with the generated latitude and longitude. The results are displayed with the clinics having a distance of less than 30 miles. 30 miles is hardcoded at this time and can be changed if needed.

The process of determining zip code distances is based on latitude and longitude coordinates. Each clinic address has been researched for latitude and longitude coordinates and they are stored in the database.

This guarantees that every clinic will have a map along with being able to perform a distance calculation based on the saved latitude and longitude coordinates.(some clinics might need adjustments)

An example of a successful address search result set, notice how the grid is ordered by the shortest distance.

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To start searching by other ways the user would have to select a search option from the radio button listing; selections include county, city and zip code. Upon selection a preloaded drop down will be displayed and the user can select from the available items within the drop down to perform searching.

Search By County

The second way of searching is by selected county. The user would select a county from the county’s available in the drop down and click “Search County” if the user forgets to select a county then the system will display a message in red under the county drop down.

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A successful search will display results but without a distance calculation. If results are zero for the selected county then a message will be displayed for the user indicating the lack of results and giving the option of clicking on “view all clinics”

Search By City

The third way of searching is by selected city. The user would select a city from the city’s available in the drop down and click “Search City” if the user forgets to select a city then the system will display a message in red under the city drop down.

A successful search will display results but without a distance calculation. If results are zero for the selected city then a message will be displayed for the user indicating the lack of results and giving the option of clicking on “view all clinics”

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Search By Zip Code

The fourth way of searching is by selected zip code. The user would select a zip code from the zip codes available in the drop down and then click “Search zip code” if the user forgets to select a zip code then the system will search the default zip code drop down in the drop down. The user has the option to select a distance range from less than 5 miles, to greater than 30 miles. The default distance is less than 5 miles.

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A successful search will display results with a distance calculation and is ordered by the shortest distance. If results are zero for the selected zip code then a message will be displayed for the user indicating the lack of results and giving the option of clicking on “view all clinics”

When using zip code distance calculation, data from list of all available zip codes in Arizona has been utilized for this application. Possible new zip codes or other minor errors might be encountered due to census information derived in 2000.

After the user generates a result that is satisfactory to them they have the option of clicking the map icon or the link “Click Here For Details”. Either link will open a new window displaying all the information about the clinic including a map.

The map has many features; you can view by street view, satellite view or a hybrid view. In addition to different views you can zoom in or out of the map using the zoom toolbar located in the upper left of the map.

Some clinics have the option of a panoramic view. This option allows the user to view the surrounding area of the clinic by left clicking and dragging within the window. Not all clinics have this option, currently less than 45% clinics display a panoramic view but as Google maps improves so will the availability of pictures.

The user also has the option to click on the Print this page link for a print out of the map along with clinic information.

The screen shot below of an example of the default show map page along with a panoramic view of the location.

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The screen shots that follow contain different map view options of the same location including an image of what the screen will look like when the user clicks the “Print This Page” link.

The last screen shot shows a possible error that will result with page URL manipulation.

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The last screen shot shows a possible error that will result with page URL manipulation.

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View All Clinics

The view all clinics page is a complete listed of all the WIC clinics in Arizona ordered by county. This feature can be helpful if the user is having difficulty searching for a clinic or simply wants to know where all the clinics are located in Arizona.

The features are the same as when searching for clinics. The user can click the icon or the link “Click Here For Details” and a map will be generated in a new window.

Error page

The error page is needed for user notification. The end user will be directed to the error page if an error occurs. This gives the end user the opportunity to understand how and what may have caused the error. The user always has the option to navigate back and try again. (Spanish version is coded as well)

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Internal UsersInternal users are users who will be maintaining information about WIC clinics. This information changes often and a separate way of adjusting that information is required.

Internal users will need an account within the WIC Clinic Search application. Users can be added or removed by the server admin. Once a user is in the system they can login with a username and password after agreeing to the disclaimer.

The user will enter in there username and password (screen shot 1), upon three unsuccessful attempts the system will make the user enter in a computer generated number within a graphic (Screen shot 2). If the user fails three times to enter the image number correctly the system will display the message “Access Denied” and attempt to close the window (Screen Shot 3). The only way to re-attempt login is to close the window and restart a browser session.

A flow chart is attached to show the logic of the design.

Screen Shot 1

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The system will inform the user upon an unsuccessful login attempt

Screen Shot 2

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Screen Shot 3

In IE 6 the window will automatically close, IE7 you will receive the dialog box as in the screen shot

Main Menu

Upon successful login the user will be directed to a basic menu page for navigation. Options can be added in the future. Currently the user can change their password, edit clinics assigned to them and contact the server admin for help in an area the do not have access to.

In addition to these options there is a help file available for easy reference of how to perform these actions step by step.

Change Password

The change password option is available for any user that wishes to change their password. This is not mandatory but is helpful for the user.

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Edit Clinic

To Edit / update a clinic the user must first be assigned to that clinic. If the user is not assigned to edit/ update the clinic the user will be unable to edit/update the clinic.

When the user navigates to this page, all available clinics the user has access to will be displayed in a grid. The user simply selects the clinic they wish to edit and the screen will change. The updated screen will show the all current information. Information that has a grey background is read only and can only be changed by the server admin.

The user can edit / update hours of operation, phone FAX numbers and add a notes if they choose to do so. (This process is covered in depth in the admin help file)


Server Admin

The server admin role has the most privileges in the application. The server admin can edit / update / delete any clinic as well as add / edit/ delete users. The server admin role can run reports and get statistical information provided by the system. Each option will be coved in the order they appear on the menu. Additional items may be added in the future.

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Admin Menu

View all users allows the server admin to view and edit user profile information currently in the application.

Add User

Edit User

Add Clinic

The server admin can add clinics to the WIC Clinic Search application. There are some required fields that are needed for the clinic to generate a map for the public to view. When adding a clinic, the server admin does not need to assign anyone edit privileges to the clinic but it is helpful. The add clinic page is displayed below.

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Add Clinic Required fields:

Clinic Name & agency name >5 characters Address Latitude & longitude (hopefully generated from the address) County, City, Zip code Phone number A selection of hours of operation (call clinic for hours is the easiest way)

Without the entry of the required fields the clinic will not be added. The ongoing screen shots will display how to enter the fields on the form. As with all pages a help screen in built in.

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Adding in the clinic name along with the agency name is self explanatory. When adding the street address the possibility for error is great. Google maps uses the address you enter and attempts to find the latitude and longitude (after zip code entry). Before the system will attempt latitude and longitude lookup the county, city and zip code must first be entered.

When selecting the county the cities are automatically populated within that county. The same is the same when the city is selected, all available zip codes are populated in the zip code drop down list. In the screen shot below you will see a successful address find.

If address look up fails it could means a couple of different things. The first thing to check is the address entered. Is it correct? If not correct it, then click the button “Re -check address” If the address still does not generate a latitude and longitude you can enter one. Caution when entering in latitude and longitude wrong numbers could place the map in China. In any case you can call Ryan for assistance 602-542-2821

After the address is added the phone number would be next. The phone number is divided into four parts. The parts are area code, prefix, suffix and the extension if any. There is a range validate if non

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numeric characters are input. The extension will have an ‘X’ automatically assigned to it for uniform listing in the search grid results.

The Fax number input is the same as the phone number with the exception of having a check box when a FAX number is not available. This will display “N/A” in the search grid for the FAX number. The system will indicate that a FAX number must be entered or check the check box indicating that no FAX is available.

The next step is to enter in the hours of operation. A selection of hours of operation is required for adding a clinic. There are three choices when entering in hours of operation. The first option is “M-F-S hours”. This stands for Monday-Friday and Saturday hours option. This will generate a 1-2 lines of text indicating the hours of operation.

EX(Mon-Thu: 8:00am-3:330pm)

The start day and the end day must be selected. Then select the time open and indicate AM or PM. Follow the same steps for time close. If the clinic is open Saturday then check the yellow check box and the Saturday hours drop downs will be available. Follow the same steps as for time open and close.

If a special message or notes are needed for the end user such as lunch times, then enter the notes into the special notes text box. The maximum charter limit is 250. When hours of operation entry is complete click “Preview” and the system will generate a preview of the hours of operation including the special notes section. This is how the hours of operation will be displayed in the map for the end user. (The orange highlight will not be visible in the end user display)

To add or remove hours or adjust special notes simply do so and re-click “Preview” until satisfied. If an error is detected such as not completely filling out the hours the system will indicate this in an error message. Fix the error and click “Preview”


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The second way of entering hours of operation for a clinic is “Special Daily Hours”. This option allows for specific daily hours of operation. The steps are the same as setting the hours of operation for M-F-S.

A preview of special hours of operation. If an error is detected such as not completely filling out the hours the system will indicate this in an error message. Fix the error and click “Preview”


The last option for hours of operation is the “Call Clinic For Hours” This is the easiest way to enter the hours of operation and entails only selecting the option and a default message of call clinic for hours will display on the end user map. This is not recommended but for ease of adding the clinic in hopes that the clinic representative will alter the clinic hours after adding the clinic is the idea.

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The last step is optional but recommended, the assignment of users to edit this clinic. Keep in mind that users must first be in the system to assign edit privileges. Select from the drop down list of users and click “Add User” this will add the user to a list box. Additional users may be selected. If a mistake is made simply highlight the user name in the list box and click “Remove User” and the user will be removed from the list box. No limit for users to be added. There is no need to add the server admin role, this role can edit any clinic.

When all clinic information has been added click the button “Add Clinic” the system will check for any errors and display an error message. If an error is displayed attempt to correct the error(s). If this is not possible please call 602-542-2821 for assistance.

Upon successful clinic add the system will generate a confirmation message in blue indicating the clinic was added.

Inactivate Clinic

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To inactivate a clinic translates to having the clinic available for searching and map generation by an end user. Clinics who are not active will not be displayed in the end user search function. As always a help menu is available for assistance.

To activate or inactivate a clinic select from the list of available clinics and click the “Edit” button on the far right in the row selected. The row will change from into a editable row where a drop down will appear. The drop down will have the options of activate or inactivate. 0 is inactivated, 1 is activated.

If the selection is not the intended clinic click “Cancel” and the page will refresh with no changes being made. If this is the intended clinic to edit, make the appropriate selection from the drop down and click the “update” button. This will change the status of the clinic to the option selected in the drop down.

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If this operation is successful then the system will display a blue confirmation message indicating the clinic has been updated.