
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Transcript of Q6

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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From the very start of my media AS level, my knowledge on technologies and the uses has greatly increased. When starting our recording we knew very little as to how to use software such as Adobe premiere 2.0 and how to use all the buttons on the camera effectively. However, as the days went buy my knowledge on the subject greatly improved, I watched many tutorial videos on youtube in order to learn how to edit with the software to the best of my ability. I learnt how to not only cut and put footage together, but also how to successfully use transitions for videos and music to make it seems as authentic and professional as possible. Along the way I had to use many other aspects of the internet for my media blog. For example, I have used a website called ‘slideshare’ to make this presentation that you are reading now. Other programmes I learnt to use were ‘prezi’ and how to successfully upload, share and embed videos from youtube. After getting the hang of these things it was a lot easier to develop and let my creativity flow.

I already had some knowledge of using some aspects of the technologies. For example I used twitter and facebook to help share my project on with my friends and family and just the wider world in general. We also used with knowledge Wikipedia and Google in order to do research for our film companies.

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Health and safety

As a group we managed to counter most health and safety problems very successfully, for example the transport of our equipment was done safely in a car and making sure the equipment was all tied up, we did this so we wouldn’t have to put the equipment on public transport which we also stated on our risk assessment. We also used very hot red head lights which from experience I have found out to be very hot. In order to have stopped all injuries when recording we made sure to always have someone standing by the light to ensure no one tripped over or that it fell. We also turned them of every 10 minutes to let them cool down a bit.

When recording we were also using a swimming pool of which we were dunking someone's head under water… we obviously got full consent from the actor (Etai Page) and told him to say if anything was wrong or if the situation was causing him to much distress. We also had an adult by the room incase he fell in and we needed help getting him out of the pool.

A logistical issue we had to sort out were the uses of music and copyright as well as use of film distributers and how long we were going to make our opening sequence. We managed to find a song that allowed copyright for educational use (you can find this earlier in my blog) and we sorted all other issues by using opinions from others and discussion as a group.

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Filming and Editing We edited with the software Adobe premiere 2.0, I found this was perfectly fine for all that we needed it to do as it allowed us to easily add titles and credits as well and perfectly line up our footage in the order we wished. After watching some tutorial videos I had the hang of the software and showed the rest of my group how to use the software well. We each did a big part of the editing process. A part edited by me was when Christopher's head was dunked underwater and the footage goes slow motion. I did this as I believed it would hook the audience and add to the suspense with the slowing down of time. Throughout the editing stage we had constant continuity editing the whole way through in order to receive the highest quality and best results. I also had a big part in changing the sound of the music at different times in the thriller to make it louder at some point for dramatic effect, yet quieter at other parts so that the diegetic sounds could clearly be heard.

I feel I spent a lot of time on the editing and filming, although at some point I found it very frustrating and had to re-edit parts the final result was perfect and worth my hard work.

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Dynamics and technical decisions

Our group’s dynamics were easily handled as at the very start we gave each other specific roles to carry out, such as finding a location, music, actors. As well as this, I had a role of taking out the equipment and keeping it at my house for the duration of time we needed it. We handled the deadlines by making specific dates for recording and if we had to change we made a group on WhatsApp (multi-media messaging service) so we could all stay in touch the whole time and update each other.

Overall, we were a very easy going group…however with all groups there's likely to be some arguments and we had a few when it came to the nature of recording and ideas. Sometimes we had conflicting views on shots that should be used or storyline ideas. However, we sorted these very quickly and decided on a storyline that we all enjoyed and on the day of recording we took multiple shots that we all thought would look good and then in the editing suit we chose the shots that looked best and most professional.

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Camera used was a Cannon XLS provided by our school. Allowed us to perform and record professional looking footage and camera shots. After regular practice around the school I got the hang of this piece of equipment in order to use for our final project.

Adobe premiere 2.0