Q1 evaluation

In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? My film product was in the genre of Crime Thriller. From researching a lot on thriller films and its typical conventions, I could take some of those aspects and put them into my film but with my own take on it. This was the title of my film which appeared after the first murder. I thought it would create a bigger impact after the first section as it would explain the title ‘The Cure’, also creating a dramatic ending to the ‘murder’. From watching other thriller films, I found this style of title was popular within this genre. My two characters in the film are competing to take

Transcript of Q1 evaluation

In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My film product was in the genre of Crime Thriller. From researching a lot on thriller films and its typical conventions, I could take some of those aspects and put them into my film but with my own take on it.

This was the title of my film which appeared after the first murder. I thought it would

create a bigger impact after the first section as it would explain the title ‘The Cure’, also creating a dramatic ending to the ‘murder’. From watching other thriller films, I found this style of title was popular within this genre.

My two characters in the film are competing to take all the credit from finding the cure. They both ‘attempt ‘to murder each other to look like an accident to take the award. I think this storyline

conforms to typical thrillers because it’s twisted and they want revenge which is a common theme for thrillers. I wanted the characters to both look innocent and nice, so it wouldn’t look like they are capable of committing the crime, so it’s uncharacteristic from these scientists. We only focus on these two characters who are the criminals in this instance, which also is usual for thrillers having the central topic around the murders.

As thriller films included lots of suspense, so I tried to create some suspense and tension in with this part in my film. As Sophie collapses on the floor, I wanted to create a dramatic slow hand fall, exaggerating the ‘death’, as she reappears at the very end for revenge.

At the end of that scene, I asked Sophie to slightly move her head, which is a small indication that she isn’t really dead. I thought this would fit into the thriller conventions, but this could be taken as a mistake from not cutting the clip and letting my actor move.

The location I set this first part was in a science room in my school. It set the location that they are scientists doing research, especially with the white lab coats. From watching thrillers set in a lab, it looked a lot more mysterious, whereas mine is well lit and quite normal looking. It doesn’t fit to thriller locations, but it contrasts the scenes later to make them look much darker. This science room wouldn’t too look predictable for a murder.

This is one of my last scenes where Sophie is behind her. I chose this location in this corridor as the lighting was much different to a normal classroom, especially with light reflecting off the walls and floor. As this was the final image of my film with Sophie about to strangle Lauren, I wanted it to have a big, dramatic, ending with impact. Right before she touches the unsuspecting Lauren, it cuts right off to black. Also as you cannot see Sophie’s face, the audience is left wondering who it was, as this clip is so short creating even more suspense.

My film opens with a blank screen but you can hear a conversation happening between two people. They think they have cracked the cure, which then goes to showing a computer screen, believing they think they’ve definitely done found it. This starts the story line off, which at this point can seem innocent so the next parts could seem unsuspecting to the audience, creating mystery to get the audience wondering.

It doesn’t come clear it’s a thriller film till a murder actually happens but there are subtle hints before it happens, such as this look Lauren gives when she takes a sip. It’s not clear as its starts off in a science room, which suggests it could be a sci-fi film, due to the findings and lab coats. As the story moves on quickly, it would hopefully

interest the audience in what they are going to watch.