Pyro by David Byrne, Jr. David Byrne, Jr. 7500 Roswell Rd. #104 Sandy Springs, GA 30350 (706) 338-8932 [email protected]

Transcript of PYRO

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byDavid Byrne, Jr.

David Byrne, Jr.7500 Roswell Rd. #104Sandy Springs, GA 30350(706) [email protected]

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DEVON, 8, lugs a rusted metal can of gasoline through the eerily empty woods.

Gasoline splashes from the nozzle as he shifts the burdensome weight to the other hand.

Steps ahead of him is his brother, LUKE, 10.

LUKECome on, it’s just up ahead.

Luke’s excitement carries him into a sprint while Devon once again changes hands and marches on.


The boys stand side by side marveling at the two-story dilapidated house.

Every board rotted; every window broken... a ghost house.

LUKEYou gonna do it or not?

DEVONI don’t think we should.

Luke snatches the gas can from his brother.

LUKEQuit being such a baby.

He begins dousing the edges of the house soaking every inch he can in gasoline.

LUKE (CONT’D)You got the matches?

Devon bloodlessly nods his head as he pulls out a small box of matches.

His hands shake as he strikes one against the coarse surface.

The match head SEARS into life.

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Devon immediately becomes transfixed by the intimate flame letting it burn down to the tips of his fingers.

Luke quickly swipes it out of his hand, and the match tumbles to the ground.

A blazing inferno ignites knocking the boys back a step.

The fire clamors uncontrollably up the side of the house.

Luke grins stupidly as he playfully elbows Devon in the side who stands unmoved.


Flames dance savagely across his pupils as he takes in the destructive beauty.

His eyes almost salivating until... the BLOOD-CURLING SCREAMS of a YOUNG GIRL. His eyes radiate terror.


The GIRL’S SCREAMS continue to ring out from somewhere deep inside the house.

Luke quickly looks at Devon frozen by fear.

LUKEWhat do we do?!

In a moment of sheer panic, Luke runs off into the woods.

LUKE (CONT’D)Come on, Devon!

His DESPERATE PLEAS are ultimately drowned by the EAR-PIERCING SCREAMS as he disappears further into the woods.

As the fire’s rage grows more ferocious, Devon finds himself slowly drawn towards the burning house.

The SCREAMS subside followed by a FIT OF COUGHING.

SADIEHelp me!


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Devon approaches the fire fearless of its brutal power.



A cigarette lingers in a cheap ashtray after burning there all night. Nestled next to it is a tarnished gold lighter with an unreadable inscription.



Devon, 28, sits shirtless on the edge of his bed hunched over in the dead of morning.

He stares absently at the floor of the claustrophobic trailer. His thoughts somewhere distant.

Devon reaches into a bedside drawer and pulls out a folded-up newspaper clipping. The creased edges heavily frayed.



The picture shows a girl with jet black hair and green eyes.


Devon quietly grips the paper reading and reflecting over every word.

A LOUD POUNDING shockingly RATTLES the rustic trailer home.

LUKE (O.C.)Devon, get the hell up!

Devon ashamedly hurries to hide the article again in the back of the drawer.


I’ll be out in a sec.


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Luke POUNDS on the side of the trailer once more, and Devon is left alone in the quiet.

He slides on a pair of work boots and stands to reveal an upper body consumed by thick burn scars.

Devon throws on a faded work shirt and snatches up his lighter off the bedside table.


Luke’s truck sits IDLING just outside.

Devon kicks open the door and stumbles down the steps. A morning cold enough to freeze the marrow.

His every breath fogs as he climbs into the cab of the truck.

The headlights cut across the edge of a dark wood as it pulls onto a dirt road surrounded by acres of withered farmland.


The two ride in silence as the morning sky bleeds fiery red.

Devon pulls out a pack of cigarettes and with the greatest of ease he flicks open his lighter. A flame leaps out.

He lights his cigarette and holds the lighter for a brief moment before snapping it shut.

Devon inhales deeply letting out a calming breath as smoke wisps and spirals through the tiny cab.

Luke cracks his window.

LUKEI thought you were going to quit smoking?

DEVONThis is my last pack.

LUKEI’ve heard that before.

DEVONI promise this time I’m quitting.


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LUKEHow can you keep smoking those things when mom’s laying up in the hospital bed?

DEVONI said I was quitting. Why don’t you get off my back?

(beat)And, roll your window up, it’s freezing out there?

LUKEI’ll roll it up when you throw that out.

Devon takes another long drag as he rolls down his window and flicks out the remains.

Luke turns down another road filled with endless farms. The harsh winter has left the crops brittle and the trees barren.

Devon leans his head against the cold glass and aimlessly watches as rows of shriveled cotton race past.

The morning dew burns off with the rising sun.


The truck drives through the small, rural town.

A devastating landscape of businesses left vacant and boarded up. A result of hard times in a tough economy.


Devon stares out the window with a sense of remorse for the once proud town.

He notices as they pass the hardware store. A large sign posted outsides reads: CLOSED THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS.

DEVONWhen did the hardware store close?

LUKELast week?


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DEVONWhat happened?

LUKESame thing that’s happened to everyone else. This town’s dying little by little.

DEVONLeast the Mill ain’t closing anytime soon.

LUKEJust means more people willing to work longer hours for less pay.

Devon continues to quietly scour over the empty streets.

DEVONTwenty years.

(beat)Twenty years ago today.

LUKEWhat’s that?

Devon looks back at Luke, a fire in his eye.

DEVONYou know exactly what.

Luke turns his stare back to the road. A white-knuckled grip on the cracked leather steering wheel.

DEVON (CONT’D)We haven’t told a single person.

LUKEAnd, we’re not going to.

DEVONHow does that not eat you up inside?

LUKEI’ve worked hard to get where I’m at, and I’m not going to spend the rest of my life paying for the sins of the past.


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DEVONThis isn’t something you can just runaway from. There’s no escaping it or this town. They’ll haunt us forever.

LUKEAnd, I’ve told you before that I’m through talking about it.

Devon frustratingly leans his head against the glass and rolls his lighter through his hands.


The truck drives through a chain link gate and approaches a massive steel mill.

It’s a cold, dark place where every inch of rust harkens to a tumultuous past.

Heavy black clouds billow into the atmosphere while two towering stacks light the way with eternal roaring flames.


The two sit back and quietly watch as a host of RURAL BLUE-COLLAR WORKERS shuffle into the hellish mill.

LUKEGrab a beer tonight?

There is no response. The tension between them grows increasingly thick.

LUKE (CONT’D)Listen, I’m sorry about back there. It isn’t easy. I try everyday to forget it ever happened.

Devon climbs out of the truck and leans on the hood without saying a word.


Luke stares down his brother as he gets out of the truck.


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LUKEBut, if you need to get this off your chest I understand.

Devon looks up at Luke. A small sense of thanks.

DEVONYeah, I’ll grab a beer tonight.

LUKECome on, we can’t afford to get docked our pay.

Luke swings around to the other side of the truck and playfully throws Devon in a head lock.

Devon pushes him off and the two playfully box each other.


Molten iron pours into an industrial vat. Fiery sparks shower down like rain.

Steam spreads out from every crevice.


WORKERS move like drones as they run through the various processes of making steel.

Luke drives an industrial machine that loads materials into a furnace.

Devon works on the main floor. He is covered in a layer of fire retardant clothing.

A welder’s mask shields his face as he repetitively stokes the main furnace.

The intense glow of the fire becomes entrancing as Devon continues to build up the fire.

Devon becomes unaware of his surroundings and is quickly lost in the fire.

Something manages to capture his attention out of the corner of his eye.


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The ghost of the little girl, SADIE, is bloodlessly gazing at Devon through dark eyes.

Black soot stains her once porcelain skin; her dress now smoldered and tattered.

He tries ignoring her unnerving presence and stokes the fire without abandon hoping that she will disappear.

An ALARM RINGS OUT to signal an overheating, but Devon cannot stop himself.

JAY and MIKE, two roughnecks, look up from their posts.


(beat)Shut it down!

It is no use Devon cannot hear them over the ROAR OF THE BURNING FURNACE, the LOUD SIREN, and his own racing thoughts.

The Mill is endanger of a deadly explosion.

Mike rushes over shoving Devon aside while Jay comes behind with a pressurized cooling hose.

He sprays the fire with water. It HISSES and SIZZLES as it begins to cool down.

The Mill shuts down all operations hushing the alarm.

MIKE (CONT’D)Are you trying to get us all killed?!

All eyes focus intently on Devon as he quickly searches for the little girl.

Mike follows his frantic eye line and finds nothing.

MIKE (CONT’D)What the hell is your problem?!

Devon picks himself up only to find the imposing threat of Mike’s hot temper as he pushes him.

MIKE (CONT’D)I’m talking to you.


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Devon turns back in retaliation but before he can throw a punch, Luke grabs a hold and pulls him back.

Mike LAUGHS in his face.

MIKE (CONT’D)Big brother comes to the rescue once again. You know he won’t always be able to protect you.

Devon tries to fight his way through Luke’s grip.

A DEEP SINISTER VOICE ECHOES from the loud speakers.

TERRENCEYou boys want to fight... fight on your own time.

Everyone casts their attention upward.

The Mill Boss, TERRENCE, 50’s, stands on the overlooking catwalk. A ghastly creep worn to a shadow.

His dark, sunken eyes lock onto Devon’s every move.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)I’ve got a factory to run and I’ll be damn if I’m going to let one you stop me.

(beat)Now get back to work!

The Mill slowly returns back to production.

Devon breaks out of his brother’s grip and shrugs off the bitter stares of his coworkers.

As Devon returns to the furnace, he glances over his shoulder to still find Terrence’s scalding stare.

Devon returns to stoking the fire as it builds in intensity.


Devon sits down in front of his locker and strips off the layers of protective gear.

He takes a deep breath and wipes the sweat from his brow.


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At the end of his row, Mike and Jay open their lockers sneering to each other.

MIKEMust be really hard being such a screw up your whole life.

Jay offers up a PESTERING LAUGH in response that grates like NAILS ON THE CHALKBOARD.

JAYYeah, how can one brother fall so far from the tree?

Devon ignores the harassments.

He hangs up all of his gear and SLAMS his locker shut.

As he tries to passively pass by them, they continue their verbal assault.

MIKEYou’re a real danger to every one of us out there.

JAYYou do something like today again, and I’ll kill you myself.

Jay’s maniacal laughter follows closely behind Devon’s footsteps.

MIKEHey, Devon.

He stops just shy of the door.

MIKE (CONT’D)Didn’t your mother ever tell you that if you play with fire you’re going to get burned?

Despite the tightening of every muscle fiber in his body, Devon exercises restraint and calmly walks back.

He stands toe-to-toe with the bullish Mike.

DEVONDon’t ever talk about my mother.


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MIKEOh yeah, what you gonna do about it?

Devon violently erupts thrusting his forearm into Mike’s neck and pins him back against the lockers.

Mike’s face blisters into a dark purple. Veins bulge like spiderwebs on his forehead.

Jay tries to pull him off, but Devon remains hell-bent.

Mike starts to spit and foam at the mouth.

Terrence walks into the locker room unmoved by the struggle.

TERRENCEI’d drop him if I were you.

Devon doesn’t show any mercy.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)I can see to it that today’s your last day.

After hearing the commotion, Luke steps into the room just as Devon slowly steps back removing his forearm.

Mike drops to the ground GASPING FOR AIR.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)Devon, my office now. Everybody else get the hell out of here!

As he storms off, Devon catches Luke’s distressing stares.


Devon burst into the small office and sits across from Terrence’s empty desk.

He slouches deeper in the seat as he grows restless.

Terrence finally enters the office and remains standing against the shut door sending the hairs on the back of Devon’s neck rising up.

DEVONIf you’re going to fire me just go ahead with it.


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Terrence in an unsettling manner bolts the door and cautiously closes the blinds. The room instantly cloaked in darkness.

Once prying eyes are eliminated, he sits behind his desk.

DEVON (CONT’D)You gonna fire me or not?

Terrence reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a crumpled up pack of cigarettes.

He offers one to Devon. His hands deeply callused and powerfully strong.


No thanks are exchanged as Devon takes the cigarette.

Terrence reaches in a drawer pulling out a box of matches. He strikes one, and it SIZZLES TO LIFE.

The immediate smell of sulfur twinges Devon’s nostrils.

His breathing quickens as he leans forward to the light as it singes the tip of the cigarette.

The two men settle back into their chairs. Smoke hangs heavily in the decrepit office.

Devon timidly waits for the conversation to start.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)What happened on the floor today?

DEVONJust careless. Won’t happen again.

Terrence LAUGHS to himself not believing one word.

TERRENCEAgain? Do you think this is the first time you’ve fucked up?

DEVONI can’t lose this job.

TERRENCEI’ve been watching you.




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Been watching you for quite some time. Lately, you’ve been losing a grip with reality.

Terrence leans closer as a nervous sweat beads on Devon’s forehead.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)Something had you distracted today, and I want to know what it was.

DEVONIt was nothing.

TERRENCEI’ve got fifty men down there. They all come to work expecting to make it home alive at the end of the day. It’s my job to know if those men ain’t ever going to make it home.

DEVONI said it won’t happen again.

Terrence peers malevolently at Devon as he sizes him up.

TERRENCEHow long have you had it?

DEVONI’m sorry what’s this about?

TERRENCEI told you I’ve been watching you. You have a way with fire.

DEVONWe all do. Comes from working in the Mill your whole life.

TERRENCEWith you it’s different. It’s like the fire is a part of you.

(beat)I bet you’ve burned down a lot of things.



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DEVONListen, I need this job. Just tell me what I need to do to keep it.

TERRENCEIt’s good to know where you stand.

Terrence leans back grinding his cigarette in the ash tray.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)I’ve got a proposition for you.

Devon looks on with a quiet confusion.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)Burn down my house.

Devon furrows his burrow as his heart skips a beat.

DEVONYou’re not serious?

Terrence stands up and walks over to his window.

He peers through the blinds; the sunlight scorches his face.

TERRENCEI’m asking you to burn down my house.

Devon gets up from his chair in a panic turning for the door.

DEVONI can’t be a part of this.

TERRENCEI’ll pay you $10,000.

Devon stops dead in his tracks.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)Thought that might get your attention. That’s enough money to quit counting on your brother and move off the back of his farm.

Devon slowly climbs back into his chair.

DEVONWhat’s the catch?


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TERRENCEIt needs to look like an accident. That’s the only way the policy will payoff, and I can’t afford the cops looking too deeply into it.

(beat)Burn it down to the ground, and the money’s all yours.

DEVONHow do I know you’ll be good for it?

TERRENCEYou’ll just have to trust me.

Terrence leans back and flashes a sadistic smile wrapped in crooked, yellow teeth.

DEVONDo I have time to think it over?

TERRENCEYou’ve got the weekend. If you’re not interested then I suggest not bothering to show up on Monday.

Devon gets up from his chair with a numbing look.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)And, Devon... this will be our secret. We’ll take it to the grave.

Devon quietly leaves the small office under the heartless stare of Terrence.



A dirty white cue ball shatters a tightly racked triangle. The colored balls explode in all directions.


Luke watches as Devon steps back and eyes the results of his powerhouse break.


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The dimly lit hellhole is smothered in a haze of smoke as FACELESS STRANGERS hide under veils of shadows.

Devon lines up his next shot with confidence. A cigarette dangles from his bottom lip.

DEVON (CONT’D)Two ball, corner pocket.

He aggressively hammers the ball into the pocket.

LUKEWhat’s your problem?


Devon sinks another shot and runs the table.

LUKEWhat did Terrence say?

DEVONWanted to know what happened on the floor.

LUKEWhat did you say?

Devon crouches down against the table towards Luke.

DEVONTold him I got distracted.

LUKEAnd, did you?

DEVONI told him the truth.

LUKEWhy do you still let it get to you?

DEVONHow am I not suppose to?

Luke walks around to Devon’s side talking softly.


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LUKEIt was nothing but a stupid accident.

DEVONI still see her you know.

(beat)Every night when things get quiet, there she is screaming for help.

LUKEI told you to get some kind of help.

DEVONWhat am I suppose to tell them? I’m haunted by a girl that my brother and I killed. They’d lock us both up.

LUKELeast you wouldn’t have to worry about getting three square meals a day.

DEVONReal funny... but you swear you’ve never seen her since that day.

Luke SNAPS down his stick and looks his brother directly in the eye.

LUKEI didn’t see her that day, and I promise you I haven’t see her since. Now let’s at least quit fighting over it. Deal?

Luke offers out a hand to which Devon reluctantly shakes.

Luke manages to stifle a LAUGH.

LUKE (CONT’D)Next time you start daydreaming at work make sure I call in sick.

Devon eyes his next shot.


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DEVONIf I make this shot you buy the next round of beers.

He arrogantly takes aim but scratches the eight ball.

Without saying anything, Devon throws down his cue stick and heads to the bar.


Devon and Luke stupor out of the bar and cross the empty parking lot.

They climb into the truck and SLAM their rusted doors.


The moon cascades through the windshield as the two ride in comfortable silence.

DEVONWhat you’ve got going on tomorrow?

LUKEProbably take Sarah and Carey Ann down to the lake and do some fishing. You?

Devon leans back shrugging his shoulders.

LUKE (CONT’D)You should probably go see mom.

DEVONI just saw her.


DEVONIt was... whenever we went last.

LUKEThat was last winter. You know she’s not getting any better.


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DEVONI hate that damn place nothing but the smell of death. Plus, I spent enough months in that place to last a lifetime, and I’ve got the scars to prove it.

A tense silence fills the cab until Luke changes the subject.

LUKESarah found a nice place this week just upstate. Everything’s top of the line and real friendly-like.

Luke turns onto his farm and veers down the dirt road towards Devon’s trailer.

LUKE (CONT’D)We were thinking about putting mom there.

DEVONI see what tonight was all about. How much is it going to cost?

LUKEYour share would be a four hundred a month.

DEVONForget it.

LUKEGo see her tomorrow and talk to me then.

The truck comes to a skidding stop alongside the trailer.

Devon climbs out hanging onto the door for support. He leans curiously back into the cab.

DEVONHave you ever burned anything since that day?

LUKEBurned anything?

DEVONYeah, like something big.


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LUKEWhat are you getting at?

Devon shakes his head foolishly.

DEVONNever mind it’s nothing.

(beat)I’ll catch you later.

He SLAMS the door shut.

LUKEHey, Sarah wanted me to remind you that rent’s due next week.

Devon nods his head as he stumbles up the stairs. The WIND WHISTLING on his every footstep.

DEVONI didn’t forget!

The truck’s tail lights disappear into the frigid night.


Devon rummages through a broken down refrigerator and snatches up a beer bottle.

The fridge sheds light on the trailer’s disarray.

Once the door closes, Devon wades through the dark until he collapses on the edge of his bed.

He sits alone in the darkness drinking his beer.

As the HOWLING WIND begins to die down, the faint sounds of a GIRL SCREAMING ride along with the final gusts.

Soon the wind hushes leaving only the CRIES FOR HELP rolling in the distance.

Devon harshly rubs his temples as the SCREAMS grow silent.

He picks his head up slowly glaring out the window.

Standing inhumanly outside his window is Sadie. The unexpected sight of her startles him back.


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DEVONWhat do you want from me?!

As he claws back against the wall, she responds only with her TORTURED HOWLS.

Devon desperately reaches out for the bedside lamp.

The flash of light washes over the room driving back the SCREAMS as Sadie vanishes.

He slowly slides off the side of the bed and onto the floor as his terrified eyes lock onto the bedside table.

Devon reaches in and pulls out the frail newspaper clipping.

He holds the paper delicately as he rereads the article.

His hands creep under the dingy mattress digging up a buried treasure of fragile papers.

He rifles through countless articles and clippings that detail Sadie’s death and investigation.

Devon stops when he uncovers her yearbook photo.

Her innocent smile and forgiving green eyes show great promise of a bright future.

He reaches under the weight of the mattress again pulling out a black, nondescript VHS tape.

Devon wrestles it into a VCR and leans back against his bed cradling his beer bottle.



A local news station reports on the death.

NEWSCASTERIn tragic news, the body of eight year old Sadie Williams was found burned to death.

Over the NEWSCASTER’S shoulder is the same yearbook photo.


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NEWSCASTER (CONT’D)She was discovered after eye witnesses called in to report seeing black smoke in the area.


The report shows various clips of the burnt remains of the abandoned house. Black soot bleeds endlessly.

NEWSCASTER (O.S.)Sadie’s father commented on the situation.

BURL, Sadie’s father, a brutally strong man stands outside the house on the verge of losing control.

BURLWe lost our little girl today. If you know anything we’re begging you to please come forward.

(beat)And, to the person who did this know that I plan on spending the rest of my life hunting you down.


NEWSCASTERPolice have already launched a full blown investigation.

Devon stops the video and struggles to pick himself up as he turns over a plastic milk crate.

He rabidly stuffs every clipping and the tape into the crate.


Devon grips tightly to the crate as he tromps through the overgrown grass.

He approaches his battered car hoisted up on cinder blocks ashamedly missing one wheel.

Devon fumbles with a pair of keys until he finds the one that unlocks the trunk.


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The rusted trunk springs open to reveal a pyromaniac’s dream: gas cans, plastic jugs filled with lighter fluid, and small propane canisters. There is also a duffle bag sitting open with a random change of clothes packed away.

Devon tosses a jug of lighter fluid into the crate and grabs an old kerosene lantern.


Devon peers into the darkness at the edge of the woods.

He pumps the lantern and a flicker of light reveals a eroded pathway on the ground.

Devon searches for any onlookers then enters the woods disappearing amongst the towering pines.


Devon stumbles onto a small clearing in the woods.

Several rocks have been piled into a protective ring where a mound of ash hints at years of countless fires.

Devon sets the crate and lantern down as he collects firewood from a stack of already chopped wood.

He arranges them with the utmost precision inside the pit.

Devon grabs the lighter fluid carefully pouring the combustible fuel over the logs.

He bends down and ignites the pile with his lighter. The warmth is immediately comforting.

Devon sits down and draws his crate closer pulling out one of the newspaper clippings.

He gathers all of his strength and slowly holds the article over the fire.

His hands shake violently as the paper effortlessly dances with the fire’s spiraling energy.

As the fire kisses the edge of the paper, Devon yanks it back and surrenders to the flames again. A slave to fire.


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Tears swell in his eyes as he returns the article to the crate stowing it with the other painful memories.

He shoves it away from the fire’s all consuming reach and stretches out in the dirt.

Devon lies facing the fire nestling closer to its warmth.

He wipes away the tears as the fire lulls him to sleep.


Orange flames fade into seething blues.

The fire jumps rhythmically CRACKLING and HISSING.



Fluorescent bulbs pulse erratically down the sterile hallway while NURSES tend to dying patients.

Devon enters wearily through the sliding glass doors making his way through the medical maze.

He pauses outside his mother’s door to take a deep breath before entering the room.


A boiling light pours through the plastic blinds.

His mother, JEAN, lies in a catatonic state in her bed where an impression of her skeletal frame has been permanently carved into the mattress.

Devon closes the door behind him lightly rustling his mom from her sleep.

She returns a confused gaze at her son.

DEVON(speaking up)

Hi, mom.

Jean offers no sign of recognition as Devon moves to the foot of the bed.


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DEVON (CONT’D)It’s me, Devon.

(beat)Your son.

She smiles absently.

JEANMy sweet boy.

Jean drifts back into her sickly slumber.


Devon sits down in the chair by the side of her bed.

He stares at the vast array of monitors and support systems diligently working to keep her alive.

DEVON (CONT’D)Luke wanted me to come by. He says Sarah found you a nice place to live just upstate a little. How does that sound?

Devon checks for the slow rise and fall of her rib cage. He reaches out and gently touches her withered hands.

DEVON (CONT’D)Mom... I haven’t always been your sweet little boy. Luke and I did something a long time ago. A not so nice thing, and I don’t know how much longer I can keep it a secret.

Talking to his mother seems to alleviate some of the heavy burden that he carries with him. He shuts his eyes.

When he opens them, he is startled to find the inflaming, open-eyed stare of his mother. She peers right through him.

DEVON (CONT’D)Mom, is everything okay?

She MUMBLES inaudibly, and Devon moves much closer to her.

Jean unexpectedly snatches at his arm pulling him down.

She leans in towards him. A crazed glint in her eye.


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Kill me.

His mother lets go of her deathly grip and falls back into the bed. Her body starts to convulse wildly.


Her limbs arch in an ungodly manner.

Devon gets up and YELLS towards the door.

DEVON (CONT’D)We need some help in here!

He sits back down and tries to calm his mother.

DEVON (CONT’D)Anybody!

Devon painstakingly waits by her side.

TWO NURSES finally race in and start to subdue her as Devon gets pushed back against the window.

DEVON (CONT’D)What’s the matter?

NURSE #1She’s having a seizure.

They immediately wheel her out of the room.


Devon follows behind only to find the nurses disappear into another wing.

He stands shaken and reaches in his pocket for his cigarettes and lighter.

Devon escapes out the sliding glass doors and the CLICK OF HIS LIGHTER can be heard loudly.


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The Mill’s stack towers blast raging fires as the sun desperately tries to break free from its gloomy prison.


Devon once again stokes the furnace.

He looks over briefly watching as Luke operates his vehicle loading more steel into its powerful shovel.

As Luke lifts the massive weight, the crane arm jerks back and forth then jams.

Luke jumps off and grabs a small toolbox behind him.

Devon lays down his equipment and hurries over.

DEVONNeed a hand?

Luke looks up from under the equipment.

LUKEYeah, hold this wrench right here.

Devon buries his arm under the crane.

DEVONI’ve been thinking about what you said.

Luke grabs another wrench and tightens a series of bolts.

LUKEAbout what?


(beat)I want to put her in that place.

LUKEDoctor called me yesterday. Said you had quite a scare.


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DEVONThose damn nurses could’ve done more for her. They haven’t changed one bit since I was there.

LUKEWell, she’s better now... even told me she remembers seeing you.

DEVONI can get you the money, but it might take a couple of days.

(beat)And, tell Sarah I’ll get her the rent at the same time.

Luke grimaces as he tightens the last bolt.

LUKEYou planning on winning the lottery this week?

Devon musters a weak LAUGH.

DEVONI wish. Probably the only way out of this town.

A LOUD WHISTLE screams out.

Devon looks up as Terrence steps out onto the catwalk with a vicious stare.

LUKECome on, it's lunchtime.

DEVONI’m going to grab a smoke.

Luke shakes his head with a grin.

DEVON (CONT’D)I told you I was quitting.

He pats Devon on the back as they part ways.


Devon stands against a deteriorating brick wall and grabs his cigarettes and lighter.


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He lights one deeply inhaling his sweet nicotine release.

TERRENCE (O.C.)Got a light?

Devon turns to find Terrence right behind him. He flicks open his lighter and holds up the flame for Terrence.

They smoke in quiet. Devon shivers from the cold while Terrence stands utterly still.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)I take it that by you being here you’ve agreed to my offer.

Devon nods his head in affirmation.

DEVONI’m in.

(beat)What are the details?

Terrence talks cautiously not making eye contact with Devon.

TERRENCEI’m heading up to the mountains for a few days. I’m leaving tonight with some old fishing buddies.

(beat)I suggest you find someone you can trust who can verify your whereabouts if anyone comes snooping.

(beat)The house is over on Pinecrest. Three miles up on the left. It’s the only thing out there. The damn thing will probably burn to the ground before anyone calls it in.

Terrence LAUGHS boisterously to himself before quieting down.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)You make it happen and the money’s all yours.

DEVONTen thousand?


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TERRENCEYeah, all cash. I’ll leave it in your locker, and that’ll be the end of it. No questions and nobody knows. Do we have a deal?


Terrence reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper. He passes it discreetly to Devon.

TERRENCECall this number when it’s done.

Mike unexpectedly steps outside and eyes the two.

Terrence flicks down his remaining cigarette butt and extinguishes it with the heel of his boot.

He disappears back into the Mill.

Devon smokes the last of his cigarette deftly watching the rising fire from the stack towers.


Luke’s truck pulls onto the farm kicking up dust as the sun sets low in the sky.


Luke looks over and finds Devon staring out the window.

LUKEEverything alright?


Why’s everyone keep asking me that?

LUKESorry, Sarah wanted me to ask. She’s been worried about you. You never leave that trailer anymore.

DEVONWell, you can tell her I’m fine.


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The conversation stops abruptly.

LUKEWhy don’t you come over for dinner?

DEVONNo, thanks.

LUKESarah’s making her spaghetti casserole.

DEVONI’m going to work on the car tonight. It’s about time I get that thing running again.

Luke still shows a concerned look until Devon cracks a smile.

DEVON (CONT’D)I can’t always have my big brother driving me around town.

The truck pulls in front of the trailer.

DEVON (CONT’D)I’ll come over and have dinner tomorrow.

Devon climbs out of the truck.

DEVON (CONT’D)I won’t be needing a ride in the morning.

Luke cannot help but LAUGH as Devon SLAMS the door.

LUKEYou’ll never get that thing running.


Luke circles around in the grass and heads off towards his house as Devon walks around back.


A) Devon works intently over the engine.


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B) He hangs a work light on the hood.

C) Devon lies under the car adjusting parts.

D) He attaches a new tire and fastens the bolts.


Devon sits hunched over the wheel gripping tightly to the leather steering wheel.

He puts the key into the ignition and holds his breath as he tries to start it.

The car begins to turn over, but it starts to CHOKE.

DEVONCome on!

He cranks it again, and the engine slowly grows from a SPUTTER to a ROAR as he pumps the gas pedal.

Devon jumps out and quickly closes the hood.

As he tries to shut the trunk, he is held captured by the contents inside his trunk. His breathing becomes heavy.

The CAR BACKFIRES LOUDLY snapping him out it, and Devon SLAMS the trunk closed.


Devon’s car races down an empty country road under the blinding light of a harvest moon.


The car slows at the intersection for Pinecrest, a narrow dirt road leading deep into the woods.

Devon pulls off the road and parks his car hidden out of the way along the ditch.

He turns the car off and the seering red brake lights vanish into the night.

Devon checks his mirrors for any movement. Nothing.


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He starts down Pinecrest Road leaving behind all of his supplies in the trunk. His FOOTSTEPS ECHO on the dirt.


He walks along the empty road through the dead of the night.

Devon sees a pair of headlights cutting through the woods, and he scrambles into the thick.

He hides behind the branches from a fallen tree peering out as the unassuming car rattles down the dirt road.

Devon returns back to the road and waits for complete silence before walking again.


Devon can see Terrence’s house from the road.

Its a small two-story house that bares a striking resemblance to the house he burned down as a kid. Nearly ruinous.

An outside porch light offers guidance.

Devon walks into the protection of the surrounding woods until he is completely hidden.

He peers at the empty house taking in every angle.

Devon pulls out his lighter flicking it open and close repeatedly. A nervous tick.

After examining the house from afar, Devon slowly finds himself drawn to it.

He moves from the cover of the trees out into the open.


The wooden steps on the front porch CREEK and GROAN beneath his weight.

Devon runs his hands along the side of the house. The brittle paint crumbles to the touch.

He leans in and smells the musty wood siding stepping back in glowing admiration... possibly his finest fire.


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A TWIG SNAPS behind him, and Devon quickly turns around to find CLAIRE, 18, in the yard with a shotgun at her side.

CLAIREMister, I don’t know what you’re up to, but I suggest you get the hell out of here.

Claire steps closer into the light as she raises up the gun, and Devon quickly notices her striking features.

She has intense black hair and smoldering green eyes and at the moment she looks tough as nails.

Devon’s face grows ghastly white as he sees the uncanny resemblance to Sadie Williams.

He puts his arms up in the air.

DEVONDon’t shoot.

CLAIREWho are you?

DEVONI’m Devon Meyers. You Terrence’s daughter?

CLAIRESo, what if I am?

DEVONI work with your father at the Mill.

CLAIREHe’s not here.

DEVONI know, he’s gone fishing. I was suppose to go with him. I came to see if they already left.

CLAIREI take it you missed him by a couple of hours.

She stands firm with the shotgun.


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CLAIRE (CONT’D)Where’s your car?

DEVONUp the road. I’ve got a busted headlight. These woods are too dangerous to be driving without lights.

Claire raises the gun even higher.

CLAIREI’m thinking there’s more dangerous things out here tonight.

DEVONIf you put the gun down I can explain a little better.

CLAIREI prefer it right where it is. Now I suggest you get back to walking, and we’ll just call it an evening.


Claire inches back as Devon steps down from the porch.

DEVON (CONT’D)I sure am sorry if I frightened you.

CLAIREDon’t worry... you didn’t.

She points with the gun off towards the road.

Devon tries to smile politely as he walks off into the darkness.


Devon’s car speeds wildly down the road.


He strangles the steering wheel as he glares ahead. His breathing becomes erratic.


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Sadie is slowly revealed to be sitting in the passenger seat of the car.

Devon sees her and shudders at Sadie incinerating stare.


Let the fire free you.

Under her careful eye, he speeds faster darting his attention to the sides of the road as he feverishly searches.

Devon flies by a junk yard and immediately SLAMS the brakes.

He throws the car in reverse stopping in front of the chain-link fence.

Devon jumps out of the car in a fury leaving Sadie behind.


The junk yard is a graveyard for once prized possessions now left to rust and decay.

In the middle of the yard is a broken down van shadowed by two towering heaps of trash. His eyes light up.

Devon opens the driver side door to the van and slowly soaks the bottom of the cloth seat in gasoline.

He flicks open his lighter and touches it to the edge of the seat. It burst into a fireball.

Devon staggers back a few steps to watch in amazement.

A calm ease takes over Devon as the fire spreads to the rest of the interior. It builds to a lovely glow.

A DOG BARKS in the distance followed by the SLAMMING OF A DOOR, and Devon picks himself up and sprints for the gate.

He piles into his car and peels out speeding off down the road. Sadie nowhere in sight.

Devon takes one last moment to marvel in the fiery wonder.


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Devon stands in front of a bathroom mirror and washes his face and hands. The room is putridly grotesque.

He stares at his reflection with a worried look. His clothes covered in dirt and gasoline.

Devon picks up the duffle bag from his trunk and changes clothes emptying his pockets onto the ledge above the sink.

He finishes getting dressed and looks back at himself.

In the mirror, he sees Sadie standing against the back wall.

Devon turns quickly looking behind himself, but she is gone.

He looks back to the mirror, and she has moved uncomfortably closer to him.

Devon tries to break free, but her stare is maddening.

The room grows disturbingly quiet.


Let the fire free you.

Devon slowly peers down at the piece of paper with Terrence’s phone number written on it.

He glances back up to find Sadie even closer. Her breathing crawls down his neck like spiders.

Devon punches the mirror and snatches up the phone number as he bolts out of the room.


Devon runs out into the parking lot of a gas station left ramshackled on a forgotten highway.

He catches his breath as he rips off a piece of his dirty shirt to bandage a bloody cut on his hand.

The rest of his clothes he balls up and tosses into a dumpster behind the station.

He walks back to his car parked next to a pay phone near the front of the station.


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Devon slides back the glass doors to a busted phone booth.

He reaches in his pocket for change and Terrence’s number.

The DIAL TONE BUZZES in his ear until he gathers the courage to call the number.

It RINGS only once, and the phone picks up. There is SILENCE on the other end.



Terrence sits in the shadows of a screened-in porch. Cigarette smoke pours from his grimy lips.

TERRENCEIs it done?


DEVONNot yet.

TERRENCEI thought I was clear that this line was reserved for one purpose.

DEVONYou forgot to mention one thing.

TERRENCEAnd, that is?

DEVONYou did not tell me your daughter would be at the house.

TERRENCEDamn it, Claire. She told me she’d be at a friend’s house.

DEVONWhat do you want me to do?


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TERRENCEShe didn’t suspect anything did she?

DEVONI don’t think so. I was only looking at the place.

TERRENCEGive me till tomorrow night. I’ll make sure to take care of Claire, but we proceed with the plan.

Without a goodbye Terrence hangs up the phone and once again the DIAL TONE BUZZES loudly in Devon’s ear.

Devon walks quietly back to his car.


Devon kicks open the door to his trailer just as the sun begins to crest over the horizon.

A morning haze hangs over the land.

He finishes sliding on his shirt and jacket with a single piece of dry toast hanging from his mouth.

Devon climbs into his car and drives off.


Luke steps out the side door just in time to see Devon’s car speed past.

He waves a hand, but Devon never sees it. Uncertainty washes over Luke’s face.


Devon enters a small mom-and-pop hardware store.

He grabs a small rickety shopping cart and begins to make his way up and down each aisle.


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A) Devon examines the strength and thickness of multiple spindles of rope and twine.

B) He bundles yard after yard of a thin piece of rope.

C) Devon collects various gas containers, plastic jugs, and rolls of tape.

D) He scans through industrial strength cleaning products with labels that exclaim “Highly Flammable”.


Devon loads everything into his trunk and as he SLAMS it shut a cop car passes by the store disturbingly slow.

BARRETT, mid-30’s cop, eyes the streets from behind impenetrable sunglasses taking clear notice of Devon as his vehicle passes.

Devon shakes it off as the engine ROARS to life.


Devon struggles along the worn pathway as he pushes a wheel barrow into the clearing.

The cold fog steams off his lips. His cheeks red; his lungs out of breath.

He unloads all of the supplies stationing them away from the fire pit including a small fire extinguisher.

Devon pulls out a pocket knife and cuts the top off one of the empty jugs.

He measures out three parts gasoline and one part epoxy.

Devon stuffs the bundle of rope into the mixture leaving it to soak as he builds a fire in the pit.

He takes a spray bottle full of gasoline and distilled vinegar and mists each log with the liquid.

Devon grabs the rope tying one end around a log. The remaining slack he pulls several feel away.


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He lights the makeshift wick, and it burns slowly as it snakes along the ground.

Once it reaches the fire pit, the logs burst into flames.

Devon races up and extinguishes the fire. He rolls all the logs away and rebuilds a new fire.

He combines bleach with kerosene spraying it over the logs.

Devon repeats the process with the wick and watches as the fire ignites rapidly again.

He extinguishes it and angrily rebuilds a new one.

This time Devon combines a white sulfuric powder with diesel.

As the wick touches the logs, it SIZZLES with delight.

A low blue flame slowly covers the entire surface area.

The logs then burst with a great fervor and the fire burns brighter and brighter.

Devon watches and smiles mischievously.


A harsh wind rustles through the trees as the sun sets over Luke’s house.

Devon’s car pulls along the side of the house.


Luke and SARAH work on putting the final touches on dinner.

SARAHRemember let’s try to be helpful.

LUKEI’m always helpful.

She gives him a playful glance just as Devon walks in the side door looking dishevelled.

Devon takes a big whiff of the air.


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DEVONSure smells good in here, Sarah.


Sarah gives him a quick hug.

SARAH (CONT’D)I hope you brought your appetite.

DEVONOh, I did.

Devon shakes hands with Luke who gives him a stern look.

LUKEWhere you been today?

DEVONI called in sick.

LUKETerrence know about that.

DEVONYeah, I talked to him about it.

LUKEI doubt that.

CAREY ANN, 5, comes running around the corner.

CAREY ANNUncle Devon!

She throws her arms around his legs and hugs them to death.

LUKECarey Ann, how about you give your Uncle Devon some time to clean up? He smells pretty bad.

She GIGGLES as Sarah shews her into the dining room.

SARAHYou can help me set the table.

Devon starts washing his hands.


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DEVONDid you know that Terrence had a daughter?


No, Devon, I didn’t.

DEVONShe’s a nice looking thing.

LUKEStop it.


LUKEWhen you’re in my house, I don’t want you talking like that in front of Carey Ann.

DEVONWhat’s gotten into you?

LUKEYou want to tell me why you reek of gasoline?

DEVONI was just burning a small trash pile out in the woods.

LUKEWe agreed a long time ago that when you had that urge to burn something you were suppose to give me a call.

DEVONI haven’t done anything.

LUKEYou haven’t done anything yet. I’ve seen that look in your eyes before. You’re up to something.

Devon throws up his hands in disgust.


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DEVONWhy are you always coming down on me?

LUKEBecause I care about you.

(beat)You know you’re just like dad sometimes.

DEVONI’m nothing like that man.

LUKEYou’re every bit of hard headed.

Devon passes by Luke bumping him on the shoulder as he walks to the door.

LUKE (CONT’D)Where are you going?

DEVONI’m going to get a drink.

(beat)Sorry, I ruined your dinner.

Devon charges through the door SLAMMING it shut behind him.

LUKEAnd, you’re good at leaving just like dad!


Luke watches as his brake lights fishtail down the farm road.


Devon sits at the bar with the other SHADOWY FIGURES.

The BARTENDER serves him another drink which he guzzles down his throat.

He motions for another which the bartender reluctantly pours.

BARTENDERYou planning on slowing down anytime soon?


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DEVONI pay you to keep them coming.

The wind rushes through the bar as someone opens the door.

Devon is the only one to turn to welcome the cold soul. It is Claire.

He watches her from the shadows as she gently brushes her hair back.

Claire makes her way to the empty pool table and starts racking up the pool balls.

Devon turns back to the bartender.

DEVON (CONT’D)I’ll take a beer with that.

The bartender rips the cap off a beer bottle and SLAMS his drinks down on the bar.

Devon swipes them up and glides over to the pool table.

DEVON (CONT’D)Are you even old enough to be in here?

CLAIRENo one stopped me.

Claire finishes racking and chalks up the straightest pool stick she can find.

Devon picks up a stick from the end of the row.

DEVONYou looking for someone to play?


A LOUD THUNDER claps out as she breaks sinking a solid and a stripe.

Claire lines up her next shot.

DEVONHope you don’t mind that I bought you a beer.


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He sticks the bottle directly in Claire’s pocket.

Claire stands back up and walks over to his side of the table.


She grabs the beer and takes a sip as she flashes a flirtacious smile.

Claire saunters back and bends over as she realigns her shot.

Devon watches her somewhat seductively. Claire cannot help but LAUGH.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)You’re going to get in a lot of trouble with a girl like me.

She sinks her shot with no difficulty.

DEVONWhy’s that? You’ve got nothing I haven’t already seen.

CLAIREFor starters, if my dad finds out he’ll totally kick your ass.

Claire misses her next shot and takes a sip of her beer as Devon examines the table.

DEVONYou don’t plan on telling him do you?


DEVONAnd, neither do I.

A cold breeze whistles across the table. The heavy smoke swirls under the pool light.

Devon, fully concentrated on the game, shoots and makes a seemingly difficult shot.

He looks up arrogantly towards Claire, but his expression disintegrates when he sees her volatile stare.


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Devon follows her eyes up to the bar where Barrett is now talking to the bartender.

He stands unstable as the bartender whispers to Barrett pointing back in their direction.

Barrett moves with an uneasy and intimidating presence, and Devon awaits his doomed fate. His heart like gunfire.

BARRETTAre you Claire Mallard?

Devon’s eyes shockingly dart over to Claire.


Barrett immediately reaches for his handcuffs.

BARRETTYou’re under arrest.

Claire looks at Barrett with a vicious flare.

In a split second decision, she tries to make a run for it, but it is no use. Barrett manhandles her small frame.

She kicks and screams as he cuffs her.

CLAIRELet me go!

He drags her way as they disappear into the cold.

Devon stands motionless under the haze of the pool light staring at the now closed door.


Devon’s car pulls excitedly in front of the trailer.

He stumbles out of the car and up the steps.


Devon looks through his refrigerator only to find a glaring white light blistering back at him.


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He finds a gallon of water on the floor and takes it with him as he falls on the edge of his bed.

Devon forces every drop down his throat.

As he finishes, Devon cannot help but notice the crate at the foot of the bed.

Sadie’s yearbook picture resting on top. He brings himself to pick it up.

Devon stares at the innocent face and the similarity between Sadie and Claire is now even more staggering.

He stuffs the picture back under the mattress and slowly shoves everything else underneath with it.

Devon pulls open his bedside drawer tossing everything around until he finds a white envelope full of cash.

He quickly fans through all the bill.

DEVONGod, I must be crazy.

Devon stuffs the envelope in his pocket as he leaves.


A DISPATCHER sits alone at his desk filing the day’s reports.

Devon enters the Station heading directly for the desk. He leans on the counter.

DEVONI want to post bail.


DEVONMallard. Claire Mallard.

The Dispatcher looks up from his papers.

DISPATCHERYou her father?


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(beat)Just a friend.

DISPATCHERHer daddy’s not gonna like her having a friend like you.


How much?

The Dispatcher shuffles through the files.

DISPATCHERThat will be $400.

Devon reaches into his pocket pulling out the white envelope and counts through several bills placing them on the counter.

DISPATCHER (CONT’D)You can go sit over there.

The Dispatcher points to a Waiting Room on the other side of the Station.

DISPATCHER (CONT’D)It’ll be awhile.


Devon sits in the empty room turning his lighter over endlessly in his hand.

The overhead lights flutter and BUZZ.


Devon uncomfortably leans back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest as he drifts in and out of sleep.

As he closes his eyes once more, the door to the Waiting Room busts open.

Barrett leads Claire into the depressing room. She flaunts a resilient and rebellious spirit.


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BARRETTShe’s free to go.

Devon slowly lifts himself from the chair stretching out his aching muscles.

Barrett takes off her cuffs and turns his focus to Devon moving intimidatingly closer to him.

BARRETT (CONT’D)There’ve been several reports of fires lately. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?

DEVONSorry, I sure don’t.

COPAnd, I am sure you wouldn’t know anything about the fire down at McCullen’s junk yard last night either?

Devon shrugs his shoulders innocently.

Barrett gives him a forbidding look before backing down.

COP (CONT’D)I’ve got my eye on you.

Devon and Claire pass by Barrett’s fierce eye as they exit.


They walk down the steps of the station and onto the empty sidewalks of the small town.

Traffic lights dangle as they flash a cautionary yellow.

CLAIREGod, is there anywhere we can still get a drink in this town?

DEVONNot likely, sun’ll be coming up soon.

Claire looks around quickly at the barren streets.


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DEVON (CONT’D)How you getting home?

She doesn’t say anything.

DEVON (CONT’D)Need a ride?



DEVONCome on, I’m just up ahead.

The two walk side by side. Their footsteps echoing in the cold night.

CLAIREYou know you didn’t have to do that back there.

DEVONI couldn’t stand the thought of you spending the night in jail.

CLAIREWouldn’t be the first time.

(beat)And, you hardly know me anyway.

DEVONI know you far too well.

She thinks nothing of the comment as they unconsciously huddle closer together for warmth.


The two ride silently unsure where to take the conversation.

CLAIREYou can go ahead and ask me. I see you’re dying to.

DEVONFigured it was none of my business.


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CLAIREIf it was none of your business then you wouldn’t have bailed me out.

DEVONOkay then... why were you arrested?

CLAIREI can’t believe you actually asked.


You basically told me to.

CLAIREDevon, I’m just kidding with you.

(beat)I was a no show for court. Judge put a warrant out for my arrest.

DEVONWhy were you going to court?

Claire dodges the next question.

CLAIREYou got a cigarette.

DEVONThere’s a pack in the glove box.

Claire opens the overly stuffed glove box and a pack falls into her lap.


Devon reaches into his pocket and passes his lighter to her.

She briefly fumbles with the mechanics, but eventually kindles a spark.

Claire turns over the lighter in her hand and rubs the worn inscription.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)What did it use to say?


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DEVONHebrews Chapter 7, Verse 8... My God is a consuming fire.

CLAIREWhat’s it mean?

Devon keeps his eyes on the road ahead.

DEVONMy mom gave me that as a graduation present. I think she thought it might...

Devon stops as he struggles for an answer.


DEVONI guess she thought it might be able to help me.

Claire quietly passes the lighter back to Devon just as he turns off the main road and down Pinecrest.

CLAIREWhy did that Cop think you would know something about those fires?

DEVONBarrett’s been out to get me for quite some time.

CLAIREWhat’s his deal?

Devon doesn’t say anything.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)Oh come one, don’t play shy now.

DEVONI’ve burned a few things in my past, and he’s never been able to prove it.

CLAIREDid you cause that junk yard fire?

Devon focuses more intently on the dark road ahead.


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Claire grows excited prying further.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)What did you burn?

Devon turns into the clearing in front of Terrence’s house.

He parks the car while Claire waits with bated breath.

DEVONI burned a car.

CLAIREThat’s it?

DEVONI’ve burned worst.

CLAIREWhy did you do it?

Devon retreats deeper inside, and Claire can sense his growing agitation.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)You don’t have to say if you don’t want to.

(beat)Thanks again for bailing me out.

She climbs out of the car.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)It was drugs.

Devon responds a puzzled expression.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)I was suppose to be in court because of drugs.

DEVONWhat kind?


Devon gives her a condescending father-like stare.


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CLAIRE (CONT’D)Don’t worry I don’t use the stuff I just see it. Only way I know how to get out of this town.

(beat)Well anyway, I’ll see you around.

Claire offers a slight wave and smile as Devon pulls off.


Devon sits in front of his locker and hangs up his gear. A great ease washed over him.

Devon pulls out a cigarette until Luke enters the room.

LUKEYou quit yet?

He stashes the cigarette back in his pockets as the two brothers share a distant acknowledgement.

Luke opens his locker and glances back at Devon with a guilty conscience

He sits down next to Devon and pulls off some of his protective clothing.

LUKE (CONT’D)Things ain’t ever been easy between us. When dad left, I felt I needed to fill his shoes.

Devon continues to load his final items into the locker.

LUKE (CONT’D)I left you that day, and I spent the rest of my life trying to make sure no one else ever left you.

(beat)You’ve got to understand that last night had nothing to do with you.

Devon closes up his locker and turns towards his brother.

LUKE (CONT’D)Things have been a little stressful since mom got sick. I didn’t mean to take it all out on you.


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Devon extends out his hand.

DEVONNo hard feelings.

Luke shakes his hand and Devon throws his arm around him as they leave the locker room.


The two file out with the other workers.

Devon holds his head up despite the blast from the cold breeze. He breathes in deeply exhaling with a restful sigh.

LUKEWhat’s got you in a good mood?

Devon tries to shake him off.

DEVONIts nothing.

Luke playfully elbows his brother in the ribs.

LUKECome on, this isn’t the brother I know?

DEVONI met someone.

LUKEDo I know her?

DEVONI don’t think so.

LUKEYou’ll have to bring her over for dinner some night.

DEVONWe’ll see.

They maneuver through the cars to the back of the lot.

Luke stops dead in his tracks when he sees Devon’s car.


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Devon looks up to find Claire leaning against the hood. Her body shivers to keep warm.

Luke looks over at Devon enraged as he charges past him and hurries to his truck.

The workers avert their attention towards the taboo affair.

Luke climbs into his truck and angrily peels off.

Devon keeps staring at Claire moving slowly closer to her.

CLAIREWe going to go or not. Its freezing out here.

Devon unlocks his car.

DEVONWhere we going?

CLAIREYou said you like to burn things. Well let’s go burn something.

Devon motions for her to get into the car.

Claire smiles gleefully as she slides into her seat.

The two drive out the parking lot marked by countless coldhearted stares particularly from Mike.


Devon’s car is over shadowed by an abandoned factory that looms towards the bleak skies.

Red bricks crumble, tin siding sits bored through by rust.

He drives into the factory through massive loading doors.


The EXHAUST ECHOES LIKE THUNDER in the cavernous factory.

Through dirt covered windows, the sun shines down like a cathedral.

Claire get out of the car in bewilderment.


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CLAIREWhere are we?

DEVONThe old grain factory, closed a couple of years back.

(beat)Its one of those places people forget about. Nobody cares to remember the past.

Devon opens the trunk of his car.

DEVON (CONT’D)What do you want to burn first?

He pulls out a red gasoline can holding it over his head.

CLAIREI don’t know you’re the pyro.

Devon takes the can and walks further into the open space.

He carefully pours gasoline onto the ground.

DEVONMany people think fire is uncontrollable.

Devon begins walking in an inward spiraling pattern.

DEVON (CONT’D)But, with a little careful preparation.

He sets the can down at the end of his spiral then almost superstitiously dances over the streaks of gasoline.

Devon pulls out his lighter and holds tightly to the flame.

DEVON (CONT’D)Its destructive power can be tamed.

He reaches down with the lighter and touches the end of his spiral. It erupts magnificently speeding in towards the awaiting gasoline can.

Devon steps back towards Claire as the fire reaches the can.

The plastic melts then explodes with raw power.


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Devon’s face gleams with joy.

DEVON (CONT’D)See that!

He points to one of the outer rings.

DEVON (CONT’D)With nothing to sustain it, the fire has already started to die.

Claire watches the fire in Devon’s eyes. She grows fond of his severe passion.

DEVON (CONT’D)Watch the color as they fade.

(beat)The inner circle still burns blue. Its the strongest and most intense. The colors get weaker until you reach the end where the dying embers lie.

Claire turns towards Devon stepping closer as she leans in and kisses him. He returns the affectionate gesture.

They kiss passionately as the remains of the fire leap and dance at their feet.


Devon and Claire lay entangled in each other’s arms in the back seat of his car. The fire has died.

The final rays of light fade from the factory’s windows. Darkness approaches.

Claire stretches out her arms reaching across the seat for the glove box’s cigarettes.

She waits for Devon’s lighter and shows much improvement in handling it as she lights one for both of them.

Devon pulls her closer as the smoke swims inside the car.

CLAIREYou know it was my dad who called the cops. He’s never wanted me around.


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DEVONWhy don’t you leave?

CLAIREI did once... I ran away when I was fourteen.

DEVONHow long were you gone?


A solid month.(beat)

But, then the money ran out and I went back home.

DEVONWhat happened then?

CLAIREMy dad made sure of it that I never left again.

DEVONWhy do you put up with him?

CLAIREHe’s all I’ve ever known, but that’s what got me into selling drugs. Once I get enough money, I’m gone.

(beat)You ever thought about where you’d go?

DEVONNo. I never actually saw myself escaping this place.

CLAIREI see you going some place warm... like the beach.

Devon LAUGHS at the suggestion and settles further back into the seat with Claire.

DEVONYeah, I could do the beach.


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CLAIRECould you do it with me?

He turns towards Claire gently holding her face and warmly kisses her.


The sun’s light has all but faded away, and the silhouettes of Devon and Claire disappear into the shadows.


The intense heat of the Mill rises up to the rafters.

Devon works feverishly stoking the fires stopping only to catch his breath and stretch his back.

He leans against his shovel and catches the prying eyes of his coworkers as they peer from under hard hats.

WHISPERS grow deafening and in the midst of it, Devon finds Mike and Jay. Their stares sinister and motivated.

A LOUD WHISTLE rattles the foundation, and Devon races for outside. Lunch time.


Devon pries back all of his gear as if it had been suffocating him.

He clamors desperately in his pocket for his cigarettes but more importantly his lighter.

The fire from the lighter soothes him and the smoky nicotine eases him down ever further.

He takes a deep breath. All is quiet.

The peaceful moment is broken as Mike and Jay step outside.

They stare intently at him as they pull out their smokes and soon a thick cloud envelopes the three.

MIKEYou’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face around her.


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DEVONI’ve done nothing wrong.

MIKEScrewing around with the boss’s daughter?

JAYThe girl’s barely eighteen.

DEVONWhat I do outside these walls is my business.

MIKEYou know what? Keep fucking that girl cause maybe Terrence will finely fire your ass.

Terrence eerily appears at the mention of his name. He stares coldly at the three men.


Mike and Jay don’t put up a fight and leave. Mike takes the opportunity to shoulder Devon as they pass.

Terrence waits till they have cleared the area.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)Let’s take a walk.


Devon and Terrence walk alongside the chain link fence that borders the property.

Terrence stops them by one of the exits.

He stares at the fence looking it up and down. He firmly grips some of the links and shakes it.

Terrence refuses to make eye contact with Devon as he talks.

TERRENCEThis fence’s been here since this place opened. Don’t look like much but just thin pieces of metal looped together.



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I tell you it's remarkable how well it keeps things out. Do you get what I’m saying?

Devon nods his head slightly.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)If that house doesn’t burn to the ground I’ll see to it you spend the rest of your life on the other side of this fence.

Terrence finally looks Devon dead in the eyes.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)I told you I’ve been watching you, and I know you’ve got demons from your past that still haunt you.

Devon trembles at the comment.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)This is a small town... no one can keep secrets forever.

Terrence flashes his crooked smile matching it with his SINISTER LAUGH. He grips to the fence as his laugh subsides.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)And, don’t think I haven’t heard about you and Claire.

Terrence shakes the fence again eyeing it once more.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)Yes sir, this fence ain’t much, but you don’t stop that right now you’re gonna need every bit of this fence to keep me from killing you.

He walks back to the Mill. His LAUGH carried with the wind.

TERRENCE (CONT’D)I trust you’ll do the right thing.

A pungent rage builds behind Devon’s eyes as he watches Terrence disappear into the Mill.



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Luke hangs up his gear drained from the hard work.

Devon barrels into the locker room in a fury and throws Luke up against his locker.

DEVONWho the hell you’ve been talking to?

Luke catches his balance.

LUKEWhat are you talking about?

The other coworkers stop and stare.

DEVONTerrence knows.

Luke feeling the presence of his coworkers inches closer.


I haven’t told a soul.

Devon stares down his brother then turns away leaving the locker room.


Devon’s car pulls into the parking lot of the gas station.

Several FACELESS STRANGERS meander in and out through the sliding glass doors.

Devon climbs out of his car and storms inside.


The CASHIER gives Devon an uncomfortable smile as he continues to suspiciously eye all of his customers.

Devon moves towards the back of the store and straight to the refrigerated wall of beer.

As he grabs the cheapest case he can find, he hears a FAMILIAR VOICE.


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Devon looks up to the rounded security mirror hanging in the corner. The warped reflection shows Mike and Jay.

He closes the frosted glass door and heads quietly back to the cashier.

Mike spots Devon immediately laying into him like a hotspur.

MIKELook at what we’ve got here.

Devon throws the beer up on the counter and grabs his wallet.

MIKE (CONT’D)I don’t know how you didn’t get fired, but I’ll take care of you myself.

Devon finishes paying the cashier.

DEVONLast time I checked I had you begging for your life.

MIKEWhat’s stopping you now?

Devon says nothing and quietly takes his beer out the store.


Devon escapes into the parking lot throwing the beer in the trunk.

When he shuts it, Mike and Jay are frighteningly revealed.

Jay snaps first and grabs hold of Devon, and Mike pounces next sucker punching Devon in the ribs.

Jay continues to hold Devon through Mike’s rampage.

Jay looks over and catches a glimpse of Devon’s trunk.

Stunned by the contents, he drops Devon.

JAYWhat the hell?

Mike lands one more punch sending Devon to the ground.


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He joins Jay in exploring inside the trunk and pulls out one of the gas containers.

MIKEWhat kind of freak are you?

As Mike turns towards Devon with the container, Devon manages to get up tackling Mike to the ground.

The container falls to the ground as Devon becomes berserk and attacks Mike furiously.

Jay tries to pull him off, but Devon grabs the gas can wildly swinging it around.

It lands squarely across Jay’s temple. Knockout.

Devon looks down at Mike’s bloody face and punches him once more breathing like a wild animal.

He clamors to his feet and falls into his car, and Devon peels off into the night.


Devon’s headlights flood the inside of the dark trailer then the ENGINE CUTS OFF. His DOOR SLAMS followed by the RUSTY TRUNK.

Devon stumbles inside immediately ripping open the case of beer as he falls on the edge of his bed.

He chokes down several sips then presses the cold can firmly to his split lip.

Out of the corner of his eye, he catches a terrifying glimpse of Sadie peeking into the trailer window.

It chases him back, but a closer look reveals that it is actually Claire.

He motions for her to come inside, and Claire quickly sneaks into the trailer. Her eyes bloodshot.

Claire leans against the door with her arms tightly crossed. Her body quivers not from the cold, but out of fear.

DEVONYou alright?


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CLAIREMind if I grab one of those beers?

Devon motions towards the case and Claire quietly takes one.

She sits down next to Devon taking solace in the alcohol.

As Claire looks up to him, she gently runs her finger over his lip.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)What happened to you?

Devon tries to shrug it off.

DEVONRan into some trouble in town.

CLAIREI’m sure I had something to do with that.

DEVONDon’t worry about it. Those guys were just looking for a reason.

She returns to nursing her beer.

DEVON (CONT’D)You sure everything’s okay?

CLAIREI’m real sorry to come over so late, but I don’t know where else to go.

DEVONWhat happened with your dad’s?

Claire stands up timidly lifting off her top and tosses it aside.

She ashamedly hides her face to the side.

Her attractive pale frame now vulnerably exposed and spotted with repulsive welts and bruises.

Devon moves protectively closer.

DEVON (CONT’D)He did this to you?


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Claire lets down her guard and wipes away a tear from the corner of her eye as she meekly nods her head.


CLAIREBecause of you. He wanted to make sure I never saw you again.

Claire picks up her top slipping it back on.

DEVONCall the cops on him.

CLAIREAnd, do like he did me? That’ll only make things worse when he gets out.

DEVONWhat are you going to do about it?

CLAIREI don’t know anymore. I grabbed all the cash and whatever drugs were left.

DEVONHow much do you have?

CLAIREAbout $3,000.

(beat)That’s enough, right? Enough to get out here and forget this place ever existed.

DEVONFor your sake, I hope it is.

Claire rolls her now empty beer bottle through her hands.

CLAIRECan I ask you something?



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CLAIREWhat were you doing outside my house that night?

DEVONI told you I was seeing if your dad had left already.

CLAIREAnd, I know you’re lying to me. Why were you there?

Devon gets up and stands next to Claire.

DEVONYour father sought me out.

(beat)He asked me to... to burn down your house.

Claire staggers backwards.

CLAIREI don’t understand.

DEVONIt was for the insurance money.

CLAIREBut, why you?

DEVONHe knows about my love of fire.

CLAIREAnd, he asked because he thought you’d make it look like an accident.


CLAIREWhat did you tell him?

DEVONI told him I would do it.

Claire’s face grows pale.


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CLAIREDevon, that’s just crazy.

DEVONI didn’t have any other choice.

She inches slowly towards the door keeping a firm distance between them.


CLAIREI’m not sure I can be here any longer.

Devon reaches out a hand for her to stay, but she makes a leap for the door escaping into the night.

Devon’s muscles fail, and he falls back onto his bed.

He snatches his lighter and throws it angrily across the trailer. It is lost in the clutter.

Devon opens another beer and swallows it as fast as he can wiping the froth from his lips. He contemplates his actions.

He slowly picks himself up and begins searching through the junk to find his lighter.

Devon finds it and immediately a flame jumps out. A slave to fire.

He snaps it shut and turns off the light.


A LOUD RAPPING on the trailer startles Devon from his sleep.

He gathers his wits about him as the THUNDEROUS KNOCKING continues in a troublesome pattern.

Devon rolls out of bed to find Barrett standing at his doorstep. His strong frame eclipses the sun.

Barrett RATTLES the side of the trailer once more with the end of his night stick.

Devon relaxes his posture a little leaning against the interior wall.


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DEVONWhat can I do for you?

BARRETTReports say that Mike Williams got the shit kicked out of him last night.

DEVONSorry to hear that.

BARRETTDon’t play dumb with me. We’ve got several witnesses all describing you.

DEVONWell, I’m sure Mike had what was coming for him.

Barrett inches closer drowning out all light.

BARRETTI don’t care too much about Mike Williams. I’m here because things are making their way around town.

(beat)People talking about what you got stored in that trunk of yours and the sorts of things you do out here.

DEVONYou know how small towns are... once a rumor gets started, it spreads like wild fire.

Barrett rushes into Devon hitting him in the back of the shin with the night stick.

Devon falls back into the trailer as Barrett pins him down by the throat.

Barrett grits his teeth spitting with each word.

BARRETTI don’t like you. You’re nothing, but a cancer to this town.

Luke’s truck pulls up in front of the trailer.


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BARRETT (CONT’D)I’m going to see that you burn for all you’ve done. Isn’t that what you want me to do? Burn you till there’s nothing left. Just a pile of worthless ash.

Luke enters the trailer ripping Barrett off Devon.

BARRETT (CONT’D)Mind your business, Luke. This ain’t none of your concern. Police business.

LUKEYou got a warrant?

Barrett responds by clenching his night stick even tighter.

LUKE (CONT’D)Without a warrant you’ve got no right to be here.

BARRETTYou know I can get a warrant.

LUKEWell until you do, I want you off my property.

BARRETTI’ll tear this place apart right down to the foundation.

Luke steps aside as Barrett bulls his way out of the trailer and back to his squad car.

Luke reaches a hand down to help up Devon.

DEVONI didn’t need your help.

LUKEDon’t worry I’ve got no plans of helping you.

DEVONThen why are you here?


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LUKEMom died last night... hate to break it to you like this.

The blood rushes from Devon’s face at the announcement.

LUKE (CONT’D)There’s going to be a small service tomorrow at the house.

(beat)And Devon, I need to ask a favor.

Devon looks up mournfully at his brother.

LUKE (CONT’D)They need one of us to be present this afternoon at the cremation. Sarah’s got me getting everything ready for tomorrow. There’s no way I’m going to be able to do it.

Devon sympathetically nods head.

DEVONI’ll be there.

Luke gives Devon a quick pat on the shoulder as he heads back to this truck.

DEVON (CONT’D)Hey, Luke?

Luke turns around with his hands stuffed in his pocket.

DEVON (CONT’D)You got a suit I can borrow?

LUKEYeah... come by the house tonight. I’ll make sure Sarah’ll have it cleaned and ironed for you.

Devon steps onto the front steps as Luke’s drives off.


The DIRECTOR of the crematory leads Devon down into the basement.

The room is univiting. Lights shine down like spotlights.


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In the center of the room is the coffin-like box set aside with his mother’s body.

DIRECTORReal sorry for your loss. I’ll give you a moment alone.

The Director motions for Devon to continue into the room as he slowly shuffles back up the stairs.

Devon stands mortified at the sight of the lone coffin.

He moves slowly towards it letting his fingers trace the box’s outline.

DEVONHi, mom. It’s Devon.

Devon swallows nervously and clears his throat.

DEVON (CONT’D)I’m not too sure what to say.

He looks back towards the stairs in hopes that the Director has returned. All alone.

DEVON (CONT’D)I guess I could say... I’m sorry. You had such high hopes for us, and I’m afraid we’ve done nothing but let you down.

Devon’s eyes grow teary as he finally lets down his guard.

DEVON (CONT’D)I’m sorry you had to die in that place, mom. Luke and I were trying to get you in a home. You should have seen it. It was beautiful.

The sound of the Director COMING DOWN THE STEPS shakes him from his confession.

Devon wipes his eyes dry.

DIRECTORIts time, son.

Devon steps back as the Director pushes the casket along a metal track into the belly of the furnace.


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He SLAMS the heavy steel doors locking them in place.

Devon can see the furnace through a small viewing window.

The Director throws a switch igniting the furnace. Great flames grow and crawl up the side.

Devon stares at the fire as his mother’s casket is engulfed.

As he looks on a FAINT SCREAM starts to call out. It is the screams of Sadie.

SADIEHelp me! Please!

Devon backs away from the window. His body trembling in fear as the SCREAMS continue to grow louder.

When they become piercing and all consuming, Devon breaks for the door as he races up the stairs.


A GATHERING OF PEOPLE wander about the modest house talking mostly in small groups telling wild rumors.

Luke tries to visit with them all as they express their condolences.

Devon sits by himself on the couch dressed in his brother’s suit and cleaned up as best as possible.

The people read the distress on Devon’s face and leave him alone. His stare absent.


Luke sees off the last person as they leave the house.

He walks back into the house and picks up his mother’s urn off a table full of old photos.

Luke lightly kicks Devon nudging him from his deprived state.

LUKECome on... let’s get this over with.


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Devon watches as Luke heads out the front door. He gathers his strength, picks himself up, and follows after him.


A small pond lies hidden on the edge of Luke’s farm.

The reflection of the sun against the water shimmers like crystals while Devon and Luke stand respectfully on the water’s edge.

Devon pulls out his lighter and cigarettes. Luke watches as he unconsciously lights a new cigarette.

Luke cannot help but LAUGH uncontrollably.

LUKEYou and those damn cigarettes.

Devon smiles at his brother’s building delirium.


I told you I was quitting.

LUKEShut up and just give me one.

Devon offers him one, and Luke takes a long deep pull exhaling a chest full of smoke.

LUKE (CONT’D)Damn that’s good.

DEVONNow you know why I have such a hard time quitting.

The two enjoy a quick moment of relaxation.

LUKEI guess I should say a few words.

(beat)This was one of mom’s favorite places. It seems only fitting that her ashes be spread here.

Luke opens the top to the urn holding it genuinely.


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LUKE (CONT’D)You were a great mother and wonderful woman. I know you’re looking down on us now from some better place. I hope that we will see you one day again, but until then may you rest in peace.

Luke turns over the urn and lets the ashes slowly fall into the water.

LUKE (CONT’D)Love you, mom.

Luke takes one final pull off of his cigarette then flicks it to the ground.

Devon watches the embers singe a blade of grass.

LUKE (CONT’D)You know Barrett’s going to come looking again.

DEVONYeah, I know.

Luke extinguishes the smoldering tip with the heel of his boot grinding it deep into the dirt.

LUKEWhat are you thinking about doing?

Devon looks like he might have an answer but responds only with shrugging his shoulders.

LUKE (CONT’D)I’ll tell you what you need to do. You need to get rid of it. Get rid of all of it. I don’t care how, but you know he ain’t gonna stop till he sees you behind bars.

Devon tosses down his cigarette and stomps it out.

Luke throws his arm around Devon’s shoulder.

LUKE (CONT’D)Let’s see if there’s anything left for us to eat.


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The two walk side by side back towards Luke’s house.


Devon drives down the dirt road to his trailer.

As he turns the wheel, his headlights find Claire sitting alongside the trailer.


As he parks, she gets up to meet him at his car.

DEVONDidn’t expect to see you around.

CLAIREI heard what happened, and I just wanted to say I’m sorry.

DEVONI appreciate it.

Devon immediately loosens his tie and tosses it on the bed as he unbuttons his collar.

CLAIREIts not a bad look on you.

DEVONDon’t get use to it. The suit goes back to Luke in the morning.

(beat)You want to come in?

Claire nods as she pulls her hair back and follows Devon inside.


Devon sits down on the bed with an exhausted deep breath while Claire pulls up a chair from the kitchen.

CLAIREIs there anything I can do? I know it can’t be easy.


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DEVONHonestly, I’m just glad it's all over. She’s not suffering anymore, and we don’t have to deal with everybody pretending to feel sorry for us. Especially when I know they’re just talking behind my back.

CLAIREYeah, I’ve heard some things.

DEVONWhat are they saying this time?

CLAIREEverybody knows you’ve got this addition to fire, but a few of them think that maybe you...

She stops herself unsure of how to respond.


CLAIREThey say you’ve killed someone.

Devon grows obviously disturbed by the comment.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)So, is it true?


Devon hangs his head, but Claire is there to pick it up.

CLAIREI’m sorry I didn’t meant to pry.

She holds Devon tightly trying to calm him.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)Would you do it again?

Devon pulls back from her embrace.

DEVONWould I what?


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CLAIREKill someone.

(beat)If they truly deserved it would you kill someone?


Is there someone you had in mind?

CLAIREDevon, I’m being serious.

She peaks Devon’s interest.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)Its my dad.

(beat)Will you help me kill my dad.

DEVONKill him?

CLAIREYou’ve seen what he’s done to me, and you’ve never witnessed the horrible things he’s done in the past.

DEVONI can’t believe what you’re asking me to do.

CLAIREYou’re willing to burn down everything we’ve ever owned, but this is where you draw the line.

DEVONIt's more than that.

CLAIREIs it just because of the money? Burn it down with him inside, and I’ll get all the money. We could leave this place together.

DEVONThis is different.


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CLAIRETell me how.

Devon’s shoulders slump with the weight of the world.

He reaches under his mattress unearthing all of his clippings and saved mementos.

Devon sets them down at Claire’s feet.

Claire reaches curiously for them while Devon turns away nervously.

She reads the first startling headline with a confused stare.

Claire searches for answers but only finds the terrified expression on Devon’s face.

She goes to the next article then the next building into a frantic pace as she shuffles through every last one.

When she reaches the end, Claire holds the burdensome weight in her hands. Speechless.

DEVONI’ve never shared that with anyone.

CLAIREJesus, Devon... you had to been just a boy.


(beat)I was ten, and Luke was twelve. We never told a soul.

Devon begins to break down.

CLAIREWhat happened?

DEVONI tried to save her, but I was too late. The fire got out of control.

CLAIREYou can’t punish yourself about this. You were only a kid.


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DEVONClaire, I killed a girl.

(beat)That’s how this is different. You do this and it will haunt you the rest of your life. There’s no running away from this.

The two stare silently at each other until Devon’s PHONE RINGS OUT LOUDLY until he answers it.


LUKE (O.S.)Some headlights just turned onto the property.

Devon leans back peering through his window. He spots a pair of headlights about four hundred yards away.

LUKE (O.S.) (CONT’D)If you’ve got time I’d get out of there now.

Devon quickly hangs up the phone and starts collecting all of the newspapers articles.

DEVONWe’ve got to get out here now!

He starts stuffing everything wildly into his milk crate. Claire gets up and looks out the window.

CLAIREWho is that?

Devon hands her the crate.

DEVONIt's Barrett with a warrant to search this place. We’ve got to go now.

He bolts for the door.


He quickly opens his trunk scrambling to gather all the flammable evidence he can get into his hands.


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CLAIREWhere are we going to go?

DEVONFollow right behind me. You’ve got to trust me.

Devon takes off running without any lights into the woods and down his hidden path.

Claire always behind him.


The two run quickly through the woods their breaths pumping heavily with adrenaline.

The moon sheds just enough light to see in the dark.


Devon reaches the clearing first and collapses onto the ground panting hard. He drops everything in his hands.

Claire sets down the crate and tries to catch her breath.

CLAIREWhere are we?

Devon throws a finger over his mouth hushing her

Barrett’s voice rips through the night.

BARRETT (O.S.)I know you’re out there!

Devon stares back towards his trailer.

BARRETT (O.S.) (CONT’D)You can’t hide forever!

They can hear his CAR DOOR SLAM and his ENGINE START as he drives off.

Devon turns to find Claire looking through the newspaper articles. This time taking the time to read everything.


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DEVONAfter it happened, I started following her dad around. I wanted to know her better and that was the only way I knew how.

(beat)The guy was tough as nails. I’m sure he noticed me all those times probably thought I was just some dumb kid.

CLAIREWhere’s he now?

DEVONHe died a couple of years ago. Massive heart attack... I think he finally accepted the fact she was never coming back.

(beat)Its funny I use to know everything about her. I’d get my hands on whatever I could and memorize it line by line. I guess I thought that if someone was taking the time to read it then---

CLAIREIt was a way of keeping her alive.



She still haunts me to this day.

Claire turns one of the articles over and finds the girl’s yearbook picture. She stares at the innocent girl looking back at her.

DEVON (CONT’D)I see her in the dead of night. I see her at work. I see her when I close my eyes. There’s no escaping what I’ve done.


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CLAIREYou ever think she haunts you because you’re the only one still holding on to her. Maybe it's time you release her.

DEVONDon’t you think I’ve tried everything?

CLAIREYou have the burn all of this. Every last picture.

Devon turns away from her.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)Devon, it's the only way.

He picks up the crate and stares down at all the paper. He carries it to the fire pit and sits down in the cold dirt.

Devon holds one of the articles and his hands tremble.

DEVONYou don’t know how many times I’ve tried to do this.

CLAIREThat’s why I’m here. I’m here to help you.

Claire sits down on the dirt alongside Devon and gently places a hand on his back in loving support.

His trembling hand slowly moves the article into the fire pit while Clair grabs a stack of papers. She passes them to Devon.

Devon takes his lighter and slowly lights the tattered edges of one of the sheets.

The fire crawls along the ink as words begin to melt together.

Claire grabs the yearbook picture from the crate.

CLAIRE (CONT’D)Do you think I look like her?

Devon looks up from behind teary eyes.


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DEVONJust like her.

He takes the picture from her and immediately tosses it into the fire.

Devon huddles tightly and watches it all burn.

Claire inches close till they are pressing against each other.

He turns and kisses her softly on the lips. Claire kisses him back, but stops herself pulling just far enough away to talk.

CLAIREI need you to help me now, Devon.

(beat)We have to kill him.

Devon sadly accepts nodding his head before dropping it towards the ground.

Claire delicately raises a hand and lifts up his face. She kisses him warmly.

They continue to kiss as the last of the paper burns and the fire dies out. All is dark again.


The trunk to Devon’s car opens to reveal him as he carefully loads in only his essentials.

He suspiciously glances in all directions then SLAMS down the heavy piece of metal.


The cold night air spreads over the barren farmland like a virus.

The full moon hides ominously behind roving black clouds. Its light bleak.

Devon’s car RUMBLES through hushing the crickets.


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Devon and Claire ride in silence deeply concentrated on the consequences of the task at hand.

CLAIREWhat’s it going to be like?

DEVONIts better not to think about it.

CLAIREIf I’m going to do this I want to be prepared for the worst.

Her words hang heavily in the car.

DEVONIt’ll be like a heat you’ve never felt before. It won’t be just a fire, but it will be a wild animal that will roar ferociously and attack. Stand to close and you’ll feel it reach into your lungs and steal your breath.

CLAIREAnd, is that what will happen to my dad?

DEVONFar worse.

Devon’s face grows intense while Claire waits in bleak anticipation

DEVON (CONT’D)When the fire first hits him, his clothes will catch quickly engulfing him in flames. His skin will start to sear boiling his insides. As his body starts to blister, he’s going to pray to a God to kill him right there, but that God isn’t going to answer him.




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That’s when the real screaming will start and nothing will ever make you forget those torturous howls of a man knowing now he’s going to die.

Devon glances over at Claire who looks frighteningly out the window.

DEVON (CONT’D)And, this is what you want to do?

Claire slowly looks back at him and responds in a quiet voice as she wipes away a tear.


They both return their stares straight ahead and continue to drive under the cold veil of night.


The car slows down pulling off on the side of the main road.

Devon and Claire climb out and walk around to the back of the car.

He unloads his gear passing some to Claire as they take off into the woods.


The two walk closely in step with each other ducking around downed trees and branches.


Devon and Claire stop at the edge of Terrence’s driveway.

Several lights inside provide a clear glimpse into the house as Terrence walks from the kitchen to the living room.

A beer gripped firmly in his hand as he sits down in front of the television.

DEVONNow’s the time.



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Claire nods her head.

DEVON (CONT’D)Go ahead inside and keep him distracted.

She turns and swiftly kisses Devon on the cheek before hurrying up to the house.

He watches as she stands on the front porch taking a deep breath then nonchalantly enters the house.

Once inside, Devon collects his equipment and stealthily moves through the yard.

He stops on the side of the house and peers inside to find Terrence angrily confronting his daughter.

Devon pulls out a rag lightly soaking it with one of his flammable liquids.

Claire tries to stand strong against her father, but his words break her down.

She objects to his arguing and without warning Terrence rears back hitting her across the face.

Devon finally sees Terrence for the true monster that he is and moves swiftly inside.


Devon bursts in the door to find Terrence standing over Claire as she clutches the side of her face.

Terrence turns around quickly at the sound of the ambush, but Devon has the upper hand.

He wraps the rag around Terrence’s face smothering him in the toxic fumes.

His eyes roll back into his head as he muscles give way and he falls limp to the ground.

Devon races back outside grabbing his supplies.

He returns passing Claire a gas container as he starts pouring out gasoline from his jug.


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DEVONFollow the walls and pour this where it meets the floor.

Devon disappears into the next room carefully pouring the fuel. Claire starts in the opposite direction along the wall.


The two eventually wind their way back together meeting each other in the kitchen.

He smiles at her and she responds nervously with a smile.

DEVONOkay... help me move your father into his chair.

They head back to the living room.


As they enter the room, Claire freezes in fear dropping her gas can.

Terrence is missing.

CLAIREWhere is he?

Devon quietly moves closer to where Terrence was laying.

He bends down to examine the floor but turns to Claire without a clue.

Devon is immediately tackled by Terrence. The two men wrestle to the ground.

They both struggle for the advantage. Terrence out muscles him and maliciously pounds his face.

There seems no hope for Devon until Claire hits Terrence in the back of the head with her gas can.

It is enough of a distraction for Devon to smother Terrence’s face once again in the fuel soaked rag.

As he falters, Devon guides him down into his chair.


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Claire moves to check on Devon, but he pushes her away.

DEVONCome on we have to hurry.

Devon grabs a plastic jug and pulls out a rope soaked in fuel.

He ties it around Terrence’s waist knotting it tightly.

DEVON (CONT’D)Feed me the slack.

Claire stands hypnotized by everything.

DEVON (CONT’D)Claire! The rope.

She snaps out of it and takes hold of the rope.

Devon wraps it around Terrence several more times then he loops the rope around the back of the chair. Chaining him to his death bed.

Devon pulls out a knife from his pocket and cuts the rope.

He opens another plastic jug and pulls out four pieces of already cut rope. He gives Claire one of the ends.

DEVON (CONT’D)Run this to the back corner of the living room.

Claire obliges and stretches the rope out.

They extend the remaining strands to the three corners in the room.

Devon holds all the ends and picks up the slack from Terrence’s chair.

He twists them together tightly fashioning a long wick.

As Terrence starts to stir, Devon grabs his lighter.

He flicks it open and a flame leaps out.

Devon turns to Claire and passes her the lighter. She doesn’t say anything. She’s petrified.


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CLAIREDevon, I can’t.

DEVONYes you can.

She reaches out slowly with trembling hands for the lighter.


(beat)What are you doing, baby doll?

Claire drops the lighter when she sees the possessed eyes of her father glaring at her.

Devon picks up the lighter and pulls Claire close to him.

DEVONHe’s not going to hurt you anymore.

TERRENCEDon’t listen to him, Claire.

Devon gives her the lighter again.

DEVONThis is the only way to free yourself from him.

TERRENCEI’m the only one who could ever love you, Claire.

Claire looks up at Devon.

CLAIREDo it with me?

Devon calmly shakes his head and holds the makeshift fuse.

Claire flicks open the lighter and sparks a flame. The fuse is lit.

DEVONLet’s go!

Devon leads her out the house despite the DESPERATE PLEASE from Terrence as he watches the approaching flame.


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Devon gathers up all of his stuff erasing any evidence of their presence.

He and Claire hurry back to the woods stopping at the fringe.

They turn to witness the gloriousness of the fire as it catches.

Terrence can he heard SCREAMING FOR HELP.

As the fire grows in fervor, Terrence’s SCREAMS are slowly drowned out.

When they can no longer be heard over the ROAR OF THE FIRE, Devon and Claire escape in the darkness.


An air of peace fills the car. A weight has been lifted.

A slight smile on both their faces as the sun begins to crest over the horizon.

CLAIREHave you seen her at all?

Devon ponders the question curiously then LAUGH to himself.

DEVONNo, I haven’t. Maybe she wasn’t really haunting me at all.

As they drive past the Steel Mill, a fire engine speeds down the road. It passes them with SIRENS BLARING and lights flashing.

CLAIRESo, where do we go from here?

DEVONWe’re free to go whereever we want.

Devon glances in his rear view mirror at the fleeting truck. He LAUGHS quietly to himself.

The fires of the smoke stacks continue to burn endlessly.


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Luke opens his screen door to a beautiful morning. The fog hanging on his breath.

As he steps outside onto his front porch, he notices something sitting on the banister.

He finds a pack of cigarettes and Devon’s lighter.

Luke picks them up with a smile and looks out onto the field.

Off in the distance, Luke sees the ghost of Sadie standing alone in the field.

She basks in the warm glow of the rising sun then vanishes.

Luke steps back onto his porch grabbing a cigarette. With a flick of the lighter, the flame jumps out.

He lights his cigarette and inhales the smoke deep into his lungs. A sigh of relief.

Luke flips the lighter over and over again in his hand.

