Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限 - Spicebox...

Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限

Transcript of Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限 - Spicebox...

Page 1: Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限 - Spicebox …...TrueGreens是營養豐富美味粉劑,由青豆、螺旋藻、綠球藻、 小麥葉及苜蓿等超級食物提煉而成。TrueGreens含有8種益生菌,

Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限

Page 2: Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限 - Spicebox …...TrueGreens是營養豐富美味粉劑,由青豆、螺旋藻、綠球藻、 小麥葉及苜蓿等超級食物提煉而成。TrueGreens含有8種益生菌,

Probiotic+ is an all natural, delicious tasting, food-based supplement designed for daily use to support a healthy gut and immune system. Healthy probiotic bacteria can be beneficial in preventing bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBS related symptoms, urinary tract infections, skin irritations, and vaginal flora imbalances. Probiotic+ contains a multi-strain probiotic formula that provides a high probiotic count (25 billion/serving). All ingredients are bio-fermented and freeze dried to preserve optimal probiotic count and stability. No refrigeration required.


25 billion

Probiotic + 蜜路卡蜂蜜益生菌

Page 3: Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限 - Spicebox …...TrueGreens是營養豐富美味粉劑,由青豆、螺旋藻、綠球藻、 小麥葉及苜蓿等超級食物提煉而成。TrueGreens含有8種益生菌,

TrueGreens是營養豐富美味粉劑,由青豆、螺旋藻、綠球藻、 小麥葉及苜蓿等超級食物提煉而成。TrueGreens含有8種益生菌, 有助排毒養顏及提升消化系統。每日一杯能提能確保身體攝取適量的高質葉綠素。可與果汁,冰沙等混合飲用,或直接加水沖調。

TrueGreens is a nutrient-rich green food powder made from all-natural bio-fermented whole superfoods, including wheatgrass, spirulina, alfalfa grass and chlorella. TrueGreens contains both prebiotics and probiotics, and is designed to detoxify the body and promote a healthy digestive system. Supplementing with TrueGreens every day is a perfect way to ensure that you obtain a daily dose of high quality greens. TrueGreens has a mild flavor, which makes it ideal for mixing into juices, smoothies or water.


Page 4: Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限 - Spicebox …...TrueGreens是營養豐富美味粉劑,由青豆、螺旋藻、綠球藻、 小麥葉及苜蓿等超級食物提煉而成。TrueGreens含有8種益生菌,

MagC is a balanced calcium and magnesium mineral supplement drink with vitamin C, containing the ideal 2:1 ratio of calcium gluconate and magnesium carbonate. Vitamin C is added to create the precise pH balance enabling increased absorption by the body. Designed for athletes who push their bodies to the limits; working professionals functioning in high stress environments; those of us who have trouble sleeping; and that time of the month where women may not feel their best.

鎂質鈣2:1組合,加上維他命C以平衡pH值,從而令人體更以吸收, 鎂質能鬆弛神經,適合運動員、長期抵受工作壓力的專業人員、失眠患者,以及受經期綜合症困擾的女性服用。

Magnesium & Calcium鎂鈣C沖劑

Page 5: Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限 - Spicebox …...TrueGreens是營養豐富美味粉劑,由青豆、螺旋藻、綠球藻、 小麥葉及苜蓿等超級食物提煉而成。TrueGreens含有8種益生菌,

OmegaMe is a powerful Omega 3 supplement, superior to regular fish oil, providing a rich source of antioxidants (astaxanthin) and anti-inflammatory agents, including Omega-3 fatty acids EPA + DHA, and choline, all essential nutrients needed by the body for optimal brain and heart health. Made from 100% Antarctic krill oil, each batch of krill comes with GPS tracking coordinates indicating where they were harvested. These krill are caught in pristine waters, free from pollutants and toxins present in farmed fish. Easily absorbed and odorless, with no fishy after taste.

磷蝦是生活在海底的甲殼類小蝦,是高質量歐米加3脂肪酸的主要來源。磷蝦油比較一般魚油提供更豐富抗氧化物及抗炎症元素,包含飽和脂肪EPA+、DHA及維他命B等成分,有助於增強記憶、健腦、 穩定激素、平衡情緒及保護心臟。所有磷蝦捕獲物均有GPS追蹤、 確保百分百由南極洲獲取,不受污染及毒素感染。容易被人體吸收,進食後沒有魚腥味。

Omega3 Krill Oil 純天然南極深海磷蝦油

Page 6: Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限 - Spicebox …...TrueGreens是營養豐富美味粉劑,由青豆、螺旋藻、綠球藻、 小麥葉及苜蓿等超級食物提煉而成。TrueGreens含有8種益生菌,

PRIME is an all-natural drink powder designed to energize the body and mind. Green tea extract in PRIME is a natural source of ca�eine and contains high amounts of antioxidants. In addition to green tea extract, PRIME also contains acetyl L-carnitine and 3 billion probiotics per serving. Acetyl L-carnitine has been shown to help with weight loss and fat burning. This product is an ideal alternative for anyone on the go who needs an extra energy boost without the crash associated with other sources of ca�eine. No refrigeration required.

PRIME是全天然粉末飲料,主要成份由綠茶葉提煉而成,含豐富 抗氧化物及咖啡因,提供源源不絕的生活動力,每一杯PRIME含有 L-Carnitine及30億益生菌,能夠有效消脂,使身型保持窈窕。


Page 7: Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限 - Spicebox …...TrueGreens是營養豐富美味粉劑,由青豆、螺旋藻、綠球藻、 小麥葉及苜蓿等超級食物提煉而成。TrueGreens含有8種益生菌,

VC is a vitamin C supplement, made from premium grade ascorbic acid and natural rosehip extract. Each capsule contains 1000 mg of Vitamin C and 30 mg of rosehip extract. Premium grade ascorbic acid and rosehip extract, VC is GMO free, and contains no animal products or by-products. Suitable for vegetarians, vegans, adults of all ages and teenagers who can safely swallow tablets.

VC 由抗壞血酸及天然玫瑰果提取物煉製,含有1000微克的維他命C,比一般的化學維他命來得更天然、更容易被人體吸收。適合素食者、成人及小童提升免疫力,預防傷風感冒。

Vitamin C 維他命C

Page 8: Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限 - Spicebox …...TrueGreens是營養豐富美味粉劑,由青豆、螺旋藻、綠球藻、 小麥葉及苜蓿等超級食物提煉而成。TrueGreens含有8種益生菌,

Baby Probiotic+ is a uniquely formulated product that provides 10 billion probiotics and prebiotics per gram, derived from 10 di�erent strains of healthy bacteria. These probiotic strains have been chosen specifically to safely meet the metabolic and intestinal needs of infants up to toddlers. Baby Probiotic+ is ideal for balancing the gut flora of babies and small children. Baby Probiotic+ is delivered in powder form, making it easy to give to babies and small children. Baby Probiotic+ is freeze-dried and stable at room temperature, requiring no refrigeration.

由十種有益細菌所組成,每克含有100億益生菌及菌益生,輔助嬰兒 建立健康微生物群,增強腸道及免疫系統健康。緩解皮膚過敏問題(如濕疹、牛皮癬) 。 粉末狀益生菌容易被嬰兒及小童吸收。 無需冷藏。

Baby Probiotic+ 寶寶益生菌

Page 9: Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限 - Spicebox …...TrueGreens是營養豐富美味粉劑,由青豆、螺旋藻、綠球藻、 小麥葉及苜蓿等超級食物提煉而成。TrueGreens含有8種益生菌,

Body Awakening’s flagship Cleansing and Detox Kit is an ideal program that is safe, effective, and designed to help kick-start your healthy living ambitions. Suitable for adults of all ages looking to increase their overall well-being, the Body Awakening cleanse is customizable to fit each person’s individual needs. Designed to be done independently by you at home, at the office, or anywhere on the go. It is a comprehensive program with all the necessary information and guidance for you to complete a successful cleanse.

Body Awakening 旗艦產品,全方位為各類人士提供潔淨排毒療程, 採用全天然高級食材,共有9樽產品包括純綠五青汁、螺旋藻口服片、綠球藻口服片、番瀉茶、枸杞子紅棗茶、杞子菊花茶、洋車前子、純蜂蜜及亞麻籽。整個療程只需五天,能潔淨體內沈殿已久的 廢物及毒素,令身心有煥然一新的感覺。

Cleansing and Detox Kit 潔淨排毒塑身療程套裝(五天)

Page 10: Pushing city limits 挑戰城市人極限 - Spicebox …...TrueGreens是營養豐富美味粉劑,由青豆、螺旋藻、綠球藻、 小麥葉及苜蓿等超級食物提煉而成。TrueGreens含有8種益生菌,

We directly source all raw materials and oversee the manufacturing process of all our products. We use only the highest quality ingredients, as well as adhere to the most stringent manufacturing standards in the industry. We encourage you to use our products daily to keep yourself and your family healthy. We are strong believes that ultimate freedom lies within a healthy, happy body and mind.


Learn more at:www.Body-Awakening.com

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