Pumbobs chapter 6

The Plumbobs – an OWBC Chapter 6

Transcript of Pumbobs chapter 6

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The Plumbobs – an OWBCChapter 6

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Hey there people! I know you’re out there, I can see you! Welcome to another update about me and my family and our attempt at an Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge. I am Teresa Plumbob and my eldest son and Heir, Brody, is currently at Uni, leaving me with the missus and our other 5 kidlets, who aren’t really kids anymore come to think of it.

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Oscar is all grown up now and able to leave, once he finishes the Bug Me Not challenge and collects 30 different bugs. I feel bad that it’s taking him so long, I didn’t realise it would be such a challenge. His LTW is being totally neglected because there is no time for dating, and as a result he’s really not a very happy bunny.

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The Bad Apple, Oona, is getting on much better than Oscar actually. Even though she came home from school one day with the flu she still took it upon herself to clean the bathroom, while Elliot stood idly by. I guess that’s because she spends her free time dancing, painting and playing computer games, where as Oscar spends all his time hunting bugs, which he doesn’t particularly enjoy.

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I’m still working on my novel, it’s an autobiography of sorts. Hopefully people will want to read about a challenge founder who had 6 kids and became a World Class Ballet Dancer, I know I would!

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Mel is almost a World Class Ballet dancer too actually, and now that she’s maxed her enthusiasm for Tinkering she can concentrate on getting those last few skill points she needs for a promotion.

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Oscar does take a few hours off every now and then and has a few cheap as chips matchmaker dates to boost his aspiration. For that and because Mel keeps going on about how she wants to see all 6 of her children get married. I think she just makes him feel bad if I’m honest.

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Oona’s diet has gone a little backwards recently. I know she can cook, Boolprop knows I’ve seen her! But she’s now taken to drinking juice from the bar and milk straight from the carton!

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Woo Flamingo’s! All 21 of them. They’re a little lonely without Captain Gnomington to guard them. He’s be gone for so long now I can’t even remember when he went missing.

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Oona has left for University now, and Genesis left the night after due to them being so close in age. I hope Genesis and Brody look after Oona. She might struggle with Uni work seeing as her siblings have always helped with her homework.

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The same night that Oona left Elliot snuck out. He did a pretty good job of sneaking actually and I never would’ve known if it wasn’t for his friend not being quite so sneaky. Her dad Bradley Tellerman rang me. Do you remember him, that smexy redhead I met on my very first day here? Incidentally, all of his and Caryl’s children stunning, and it’s adorable that all our kids and theirs know each other.

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With the kids being so young still Mel needed to drink some elixir if she was going to live to see all of them get married.

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It wasn’t long after the girls left that I finished my Autobiography, it was a best seller!

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After that there wasn’t that much to do. Elliot hung out with his friends from school, like Lydia Deppiesse. I swear all the kids he brings home from school are girls!

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There was plenty of time for family meals too. It was the first time in years that the whole household could fit around the table and be fed with just one plate of food. Not that it happens very often still.

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And Oscar, of course, continued bug hunting, catching butterflies and going on hikes. He has 28 bugs, the last two must be pretty rare because he’s been searching for them for days with no luck at all.

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I’m not surprised the twins have so many lady friends, just look at those cheeky grins! Although it doesn’t mean they can just get away with anything, most girls do not like to play catch with them.

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One evening I finally maxed out my enthusiasm for Science. That was the last thing I needed to achieve for the challenge, the rest is up to Brody and his children, and their children.

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I then had a lot of time to spend with Mel, even if it was spent skilling.

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I tell you, the number of times I’ve spied Isaac posing in the mirror! For someone who is camera shy, he sure doesn’t mind staring at his reflection.

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Isaac and Elliot didn’t have long before heading off to Uni, so they both got themselves an expensive matchmaker date, to see if they could find a soul mate.

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Isaac got a young girl from just down the road actually, called Riley O’Feefe. She’s one of quads, all girls, and all adorable. I can’t imagine how Edwin and Delilah cope with them!

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Elliot got a girl from the next town, Amy Carr. She was downright beautiful too, but neither of the couples kept seeing each other after those dates, not much chemistry they said.

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That same night Oscar decided to give up on his life time want of dating 50 women, and go all in for one fab date with his perfect women. It turned out his ideal woman was a vampire. Actually, she was a Countess. I must say, I was intimidated by her at first, but she was actually lovely, and she and Oscar really hit it off.

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Well, that’s my part of the challenge over. Brody will take over when he gets back from Uni, maybe I’ll get some grandbabies! All that’s left to do before Brody gets home is …

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For the twins to finish up on their studying …

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Get their scholarships sorted …

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And go off to Uni.

So I’ll bid you all a fond farewell. I’ll still be here when you next come back of course, as will Mel and Oscar, but it will be Brody’s story you’ll be reading.

Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed my story, I’ve certainly enjoyed telling it. Teresa Plumbob, over and out!