Pugsley Vita.mn Winter Cover Story

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  • 8/6/2019 Pugsley Vita.mn Winter Cover Story



  • 8/6/2019 Pugsley Vita.mn Winter Cover Story



  • 8/6/2019 Pugsley Vita.mn Winter Cover Story



    Bikemessenger -,James Hastingsruns withhisbikeat the first-everStupor Bowl, then!mown as the Min neapol is Winter AI leycat In vitational,back in 1998.JOEYMCLEISTERA c

    Cyclists flock this weekend to the coldest two-wheeled race in the,nation.


    I Story by AMBERSCHADEWALDvery year, onthe weekend of SuperBowl Sunday, Minneapol is hosts one of the largest,longest-ru nning bike races of its kind. It attract s riders from across the country and gainsattention from bike communi ties worldwide.What race is this, you ask? Shhh. It's a secret.

    i The first rule of this race is: Do not talk about the race.But what happens when an underground event cele

    brates its 12th ye.ar an d grows to nearly 400 participants?It's only natural that it will muster some outside curiosity,Ian d come to a crossroad s. The name of th e race (read quiI etly). th e Stupo r Bowl, which takes place on Saturday.

    Acquiring information for a story on th e event was alegitimate pain. Dozens of voice mails and e-mails went

    II unanswered, an d this year's organizers refused to com-I ment. Fans of th e race seemto have made a pact of silence,citingvalid concernsof being shutdown if th e race gets too" big. Racers are also worried about legal issues an d policeinterference, especially after seeing th e popular Critical

    Mass group rides turned into a police-led parade. With all that said, this Stupor Bowl is an incredible eventV that bike enthusiasts from east to west mark on their cal

    endars. It's a race that people join for bragging rights, forfriendships, maybe for a trophy, and most important, forthe chance to be part of somethingcompletelyinsane.

    The first Stupor Bowl, in 1998, ha d about 50 registeredriders, an d although the years have brought more participants, tile process hasn't changed. The bowl is like anyother bike-messenger-run alleycat race, just with a lot of

    . snow and for some, similar amounts of booze.Riders have tw o choices: to race competitively, or to ride

    in th e drunk race for the title of Stupor Champ.Those whochoose th e first option get a list of 14to 18 locatio ns wherethey must ge t a confirmation stamp.The first to obtain allof th e stamps an d cross th e finish line wins. Those in th edrinking race have fewer stops,but must finish a drink before receiving a stamp. In th e end, there are three winners- one for speed, plus a male and female Stupor Champ.

    Brad Emery, a barista at One on One Bicycle Studio, hasraced in all bu t two Stupor Bowls and organized the eventonce.The bike messenger of 13 years says th e bowl startedas a wa y for messengers to have fun with their day jobs.He's not worried about th e race's future.

    "Regardless if people talk about it or don't, the StuporBowl will happen," he says, sipping his coffee. "I don't seeit ever no t happening."

    As for safety or police issues, Bmery says it's a matterof being responsible adults. Riders are expected to followtrafficlaws, an d to not drink more than they can hand I, -.Emery claims that last year an off-duty polirr- offin I "" "in the Stupor Champ race. "There's no qu est i011 "VI" y, III "has stories ofgood tim es when th. -race i:; "V"I',"II

  • 8/6/2019 Pugsley Vita.mn Winter Cover Story


    THEFREESTUPORBOWLXII .What: One ofthe largest andlongest-runningalleycat bike racesin N orth America.Registration: 11a.m.-2 p.m.Sat.,One on One BicycleStudio ,117Washington Av.N.,Mpls. $20.Race: 3 p.rn.Sat.Info:www.myspace.com/stuporbow112

    Bike messengerJames Hastingsruns with his bikeat the first-everStupor Bowl, thenknown as th e Min neapolis WinteI AI leycat Invitational,back in 1998.JOEYMCLEISTER

    cCyclists flock this weekend to the coldest two-wheeled race in the,nation.may sound, the Minnesota coldis exactlywhat draws outvery y('; 1r,on the weekend of Super Bowl Sunday, Minneapolis hosts one of the largest, of-towners to this unparalleled event.Last year's Stupor Bowl winner, Susan Lee, 24, and her!oll!',I':;I-rll l l l l ing bike races of its kind.It attracts ridersfrom across the countryand gains accomplice/boyfriend , Landon Bouma, 31, say th e key:11 I. 'I IIll1n from bike communities worldwide.What race isthis, you ask? Shhh.Il's n :;(e:rel. to riding is layering in ridiculous amounts. "You need awool-based layer,"says Lee."Cotton is th e worst because itTI\(' l ir :;Ilulc ollhis race is:Do nottalk abou t the race. gd s wcl /'Boum a wears mountain-climber milll'll ::, a la l'l'

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