log tieer! made in the payment sum of ilcmey secured by an £ag«, bearing date the seventh , A- D. 1119, and eieeutcd by Dan Treat, of Gotham* in th« o, to Walter Titos, John 8. D. Weeks, of the city, county -York; lud all the right, title, ,ud dema|id of the said Walter b verj-%ntf R«hirt i>. Weefct to e of oaoiigage, and toe pretn- lued« ha nog beeo duly voted r by asigument; Notice is |i?en*. Itilt by virtue of a power contain*jd, and of the statute i andp4|videdl ait the follow* sees iiial parcel* of land vut. i uact oi|parcel of land Mtuale atd, beuiit-part of lot No. forty- ; No. uu|te m the second raiige aid county of Ontatio. bounded »eginoiog|fio the centre oi the oriheastlsoroernl said tract, it jufbeast fjcornef of Oliver Hsc- ience ahpg the centre of the irteeadejgceeseast three chains ienee softh seventy-seveti de- natos aoj eighty links ; thence ii and \m links? thence north ees east three chains and ninety ) place of beginning, containing irty-six mercbes of land: Also, xty-two|u township No. nine JJJ oi towolhips to the county of sd and bounded as follows : be- irttiea« p m e r of a part 'offtajb] Vitl/am Kanomg, runuiog thence sog tbep'ghway »r» a stake and the goulWasi corner of fifty convey e l to Lemuel Raymond; he son t bf tine of said Ray mood's md stole* on the west line of south oi the original line there* i g|ones,|*hicb is also the north- Mhaua Panning** land; thence of begi»|tng, containing one hun- res, beibe tame more or Jess: :ertaio finer tract or parcel of the tcvWu of Gorbam, iu said no, known and distinguished by ro in tofothip No. nine, in the towns In said coeuty* contain- o the survey of Jabe* French, ed and ipy-one acres and three ere of land, eacept tog therefrom i five acles of said lot heretofore ae Johnspn, William Fanning and d lingular the appurte- reof as shall be ogees* II the snms of money mortgage, and secured ,od the. interest thereon, ges of this foreclosure, mblte vIndue, at the court house Caoaodiaigua, in tbe county of of September next, at ion. March 1. 1825. LEMUEL MORSE. 6a.49 ritb all part. satisfy the sai< >e,ppid, iftd chs first d be fore IB. Alt' avjO£ b|:-.o made iu the payment m sum | o f money, secured to be entnre hf morigage executed by i Randall Andrews, of the town !y of Ontario and Hate of New- anley, shearing date tbe second er, in me- year 1818. which said sen dull assigned to Gideon Pitts son-i-Npttce is therefore given, if a ipof er in said mortgage coo- punuiaffee of the statute in such provided, we shall expose to sale on or fjreiidoe, at tbe boose now ilomonf Frost, innkeeper .in the Be Id) i | said county, oo the 10th her rielt, at ten o'clock in the rat cerlun tract or parcel of land jwo of pnstol aforesaid iu town* tne in. |be fourth range of town* > say, (liie piece bounded as fol- teg inn tig on tbe road at tbe east, st by kfjnd of George Codding fifty >rth folir rods and tweoty link?, Y rods, |he|nce south fonr rods and ;o the place of beginning, being r, containing halt an acre her parcel of land in tbe ing a part of lot number y the northeast corner of esitead farm, bounded as iber fo one ^hip. formerf g's hoij t—beg injng at a stake one rod ithwestf corner of tbe abeve des- !and. therjcG soutbfifty-1wode- elve rdjds and twenty links to a east u/raliel with tbe north line tventv (fine rods to a stake, thence . tiveocfk east eighteen rods to the lied) thence north four rods to the »id JotA thence 'west oo tbe «aia i rods In tbe place of beginning, and three fourths of an acre of ime metre or less, being tbe same to saidl mortgage. Dated March \tlL DEO^I PITTS, and ( Jtti<rnt ION DfCRSON, \A™8M jkson, mek Att'y. 6m49 navingfheen made ID tbe pavment no «un|kof| money secured to be suture ?0>f 1 mortgage, executed by a, of Btonrnfield, in tbe county of j^of Nc&r-fork. to Clark Peck, of ce, belriug dale the first: day of be fern oi oar Lord lo 1 !.*—which k thas sjnee die&, having first made mting lie lobscrlber bit executor, era testamentary en the estate of He Pe|kJ deefiied, bate *eea ii therefore given, tbat r | in said mortgage con- lo the itatute io tocb 'ifteti* .^- shall ^expose to ••odue, at tbe house BOS- Ftost, innkeeper io » in laid county, oo tbe r oept, at ten o'clock in W-jst-Bloomfield, one fudf house, o» tbe feo*b f m as follows, beginojog a po jursuin md p aucti rbfSo loomfi Bptemb; ilftbat lemee HUl* ia*t ®mmmw®M,PUBLISHED BIT BEJIIIS,judmsE&^AEi; WEDJVMWdY, MJY25, 18^ OK THE REt'OSIT ,, tillage sub«cnb«rt, wh* hate the Fa J ^p^Wl»^ll»riti^«K«.Boo*»tore,.|». ^®%^pa^Mo* l iiot^ii«fcai*tin»|l»«». • ^^teji»it*fes* evtnty nine de ^a»d»l^^*»"W F , , m^^m ere asvJ M t kaedrwi bethtiis landd 5tb # 1«!^ of •en orf#«s, andbe- ii §mi r MaotttMt.9* ffW Fl?"~ JSWrlW* T P ^ P > fY. of said «Ve«ated. ^^^mmdt £r.fyCo. ^•jp^idassoftrotsnt of spring and summer f j d f t i i , | » wbtch tbey invito the att^fltipn of their friends and. ttie public. Among thdw arritr- m %•'•-. GROCERIES. T HE Subscribersi have for sale, and keep con- stantly on hand, an extensive assortment of the following Goods, which they w»i dispose of ^^^-...;-... . _„„„. ^ H .. ## . # t0 ^alera in the country and others,on as liberal |gp|jfb^«wl,|%paj^^il|«^w t e rnis as C a n be procured in the city of New- Teas of all descriptions, in chests, balf chests, and catty boxes; Wines, a general assortment in pipes, hhds. quarter casks and half or. casks.; Jamaica Spirits and St. Croix Rum, in punch* eons, different brands; Holland Gin, in pipes, 1st and 3d proof; 100 hhds. Molasses, superior quality for retail- ing; 10,000 lbs. Loaf and Lump Sugar, in hhds tierces, boxes and barrels; 90 hhds. Miucovado and St. Croix;sugar; 100 kegs plug tobacco, best brand ; White Havanoa gugar in boxes; Coffee, different kinds and qualities, in bags andbbjs. ~- Pepper and pimento; Raisins in kegs and boxes; Spanishfloatand Gnatimala Indigo] Cassia in mats, mace, cloves and nutmegs, Ginger, currants, citron and almonds; Old Irish whiskey, in puncheons St* demijohns; White brandy, Salilad oil, olives and capers; Rice,London Porter,in quart and pint bottles; Bordeaux claret, in casks and bottles; Db. cordials in baskets; German liquor, cases \1 bottles each; Hamburg Demijohns, 5 gHs. tgll. and half gall. Snuff, in hladd's, velvet corks in bags; Wrapping paper, chocolate, English, mustard, in bottles; 9 tons patent shot,, No. 1 to 9, powder, &c. They also keep constantly on hand, a choice and well selected assortment of Old Wines, Bran- dy, Spirits, Gin, Teas, Sugars, Coffee, be. with which they will supply Public Houses, families and others, at reasonable rates. ELIAS MATHER S* Co. No. 63 State street, Albany. P. S. Country produce received as usual, in payment for Goods or on account. January 11,1825. 1 y 42 tor M.« L ' 4t J Is" •it V ^ (i <> »* t <\ l t.m Ltf-tw^'i JijWffl [wwii mm Mm* Ifl^'licit 9 colored Cambric Prints y l^i^-t black aiid wliite do* 1^ «qtttair do. %d i o|^ i p^ey,fia«a|s:f t.0t ,|^' Mfedrassr^lrdKfs*:.- \ . id rt Btlaiir <4o« •t 'l^/telt^B^iBaaeeii; f^TH 'Strfpfa/^Peinw^fk; i$atw*f * >» *** *r Hnen ; do. t » shaded Nankeen; t n striped da. I; „ Corset Jean; JO „ mull mull Muslin; il" , t 6-4 jaconet do. fit ,. ^ 4 PrencR eambrick; 0 '•' l p '4-4,6-4 sarsnet do^ «0 rt flounced Robes; 5:10- * super book Muslins; ; # :^ # Wack tabby Veryet j u $. •:•,:£ garment Dimity j * . ^ furnitur,e do. i 4 » tjfeeik Italian Crapes; ^#^whire* 5 -dOi ' do; v^*W Goods-have been selected With the teatest care, and wilt be sold upon the most } |'feeble terms* afidmost kinds of country Pro- I^dueeteceived to payment. 2,000 Yards Tow Cloth, • Por which a very liberal price Will he paid in ^'"GooSs.- .• Canandaigm, April 19. 4tf JfflWSTORE, W v- hi- WHOLESALE & RETAIL. T " P B subscriber respectfully informal tbe pub- ; lie tt.«it he has commenced business in the Ctaigfeof €Tanandaigua»and taken the Store for- f OTet^nccupied Iby Messrs. Hale & Lyon, near the Ontario Bank—where is now offered for sale, a choice and well selected assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Glassware, > Crockery, Hard-Ware, &c&c. f i w i l l be sufficient to state, that such arrange- ments have been made,, that he will be receiving frwb supplies, twe%, from the New-York Auc- i ^pOJ^Rooms, making the assortment at all times BOOTS, SHOES, &c. PARKER & EVERTSEN-wiL&ft/VT, H AVE removed to tbe North Market st. two doors north of Skin- ner's Mansion House, where.tbey are now re- ceiving, and offer for sale, 450 Cases, comprising as complete an assortment of BOOTS and SHOES as was ever offered in the State. Also, an extensive assortment of Writing and Wrapping PAFER, BONNET BO ARDS, &c. j White and Black Knapt HATjSJ; La Fayette and Common PIrfATTm* CTAlt0S;^n^o^ai«nt^vrmtisoi-«n* Rose SOAP; SOLE LEATHER, &c. The above goods have been received direct from the Manufacturers, and will be sold, in lots to suit purchasers, for Cash or approved paper, as low as can be bought in New-York Caoandaigua Hotel. WILLIAM BLOSSOM, R E S P E C T F U L L Y informs his friends and the public, that he hastnkrn the well estab- lished HOTEL, lately purchased, repaired and enlarged by Isaac Collins, of New-York, and for- merly kept by Amos Mead, in the village of Canandaigua; and having kept large establish- ments in the cities of New-York and New-Heaven, a short time since, flatters himself that he may, by bis exertions, give general satisfaction to such as may patronize bis House. Canandaigua, Dec. IS, 1824. S7tf T HE subscribers sortraentof ave a large and general as- of various patterns—silver mounted, plated, pol- ished steel and common, with single and double temples. There is no person but can be fitted from their assortment. Also—Real Dutch BOLTING CLOTHS, at New-York prices; £5 Chests very good HYSON SKIN TEA, at B wholesale; MILL IRONS ; POT-ASH KETTLES; MILL SAWS; GROUND PLASTER; COARSE and FINE SALT; together with a large and general as- sortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. r T. Beals & Co. Canandaigua, March 30,1825. 6m52 * Paints, Oils, &c. has for sale, on reasonable ! Spring Goods. *"" ' rBjIHE subscribers are now receiving their usual M\ large and well assorted stock, comprising a _ . very general variety of SPRING GOODS, some n P HE Subscriber is tbi« day operong^rti entire particulars of which will appear next week "'"" , " ~^ **fma t„ *u~ cs* .... -. i^^t^ avf^O MEW 4lh mo. 20, 1825. A.U.MOTT&CO. 3 JSfew and Splendid Scheme. NEW YORK STATE Literature Lottery, CLASS NUMBER ONE, FOR 1825. J. B. Yates k. A. M'Intyre, Manager*. Sixty numbm....Mne Bulloti to be drawn, BCSSSBS&a ^^^ ^SS^ ^BS^SB^^^S^SSf^SW^^^SS^BS^SWSv 1 Prize of $30,000 10,000 10,000 5,797 » 1 l 1 *o 30 30. 51 &1 1,734 11,475 iii 1,000 500 £00 100 09 22 11 • i 530,000 15,000 10,000 5,737 20,000 15,000 6,000 5,100 2,0DU 38,148 126,225 A new stock of GOO0S, in thefttWkteir occupied by F. & T. Palmer, consisting ofc Dry Goods, Croclsery, Groceries, Hardware* &c* All which" will be sold low for Cash. A, Munn. ; SPJL^NBIB 8XTMMEB. %©¥]&%&? Mtirts*. L PHELPS has the pleasure* of informing * his friends, that he has just received from New-York, a case o< this most elegant article, which be is willing to sell as reasonable ^as the present state of the markets will admit. He ha* also received a variety of other 4alOO!DS&, which be wil^describe next week* Ma#$. - ;&^. II I " ~ II II — — — . i l l ) I I'lll Ill • IIII—WW—•——»*)•» 13,395 Prizes, \ 20,825^J31anks, \ T HE subscriber terms, 10 bbls. Linseed Oil, A do. White Lead, Red Lead, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Yellow Oker, Spirits of Turpentine, and all other articles used in Painting. Also, Drugs, medicines, and Dye Stuffs, spacious {Stems S96 as usual. GEO. CLARKE. N. B. The highest price paid, in CASH, QIL or G o o n s , for F L A X SEED. Canandaigua, April 19,1825. 3mo3 A. SLEGHT, ttAX&OR, I NFORMS his friends and the public, that he 34,220 Tickets, PBJCE BV CERTIFICATE. $0 Whole Tickets can be had for 20 Half to Quarters $0 Eights PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS Wholes Halves Quarters Eighths ft^" Orders (post-paid) enclosing the Cash, for a Package or a Single Ticket, will meet immedi- ate attention, if addressed to ROBERT POMEROY, or S. C. WARD. 5273,760 595,85 47,92 23,96 11,98 9,00 4,50 2,25 1, 12 FURNACE. T HE subscriber has his FURNACE constant- ly in operation, at Manchester village, where he has a constant supply of Plough Castings on band; also will be cast to order, any kind of Ma- chinery and Mill Gearing, at short notice. All castings which are made from pig iron, and old ware, are received in payment. idfcc, PLOUGHS, of the most approved pat- terns, on hand. JONATHAN MAYHEW. Manchester, Marcb-SOx 1825. 3m52 MMW GOODS. ALBERT BAklMm I S now receiving at the NEW SWRE^a&V joining the Bookstore^ a new and extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, which will be sold cheap, at wholesale or retail, for Cash, approved Credit or country Produce. Also, Groceries, Crockery and Hardware, Glassware. His stock of Goods on band is too extensive to enumerate articles in an advertisement. All that wish to put chase, are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. Canandaigua, JlprU 26, 1625. fjf. T. Palmer's store, where be will continue the TAILORING business, in all its variety. He has just returned from New-York, where he ob- tained the latest fashions for Gentlemen's wearing -j . . ippareh Military and plain work will be done N. B. Merchants are respectfully invited to lccorr ji n & to order; and he will cut clothes when ' called upon. His employers may rest assured of his best efforts to please, and he intends to merit a share of patronage. Canandaigua, May S, 1825. * 1 y5 T } For Sale, or to Let, HE Brick STORE, adjon Xiercester Tireips,- TrtrtTils to F. k T Canandaigua, Feb. 22, 1825. nM *SL VII the Store of Tage. Apply PALMER. 47 tf 9w3 >' 5 « I landaigua. Jitne 1, 1824. 9tf tyjf, Ik—-Tavern Keepers are particularly invited * tl!a1t and examine the GROCERDSS. NEW GOODS. CHAPEN is now opening a new and exten- sive assortment of MERCHANDIZE, ^listing of almost every article wanted in tbe 4§9BtEyv which he offers as low as ean be pur- illSied in thU village. ^anantjhiigua, Oct. 26, 1824. »° tf •hi'i iimliiifium call Albany, April 11, 1825. To Tavern Keepers. P. Towiwmd, Jr. 8f Co. UAVE JUST RECEIVED, 1 pipe Holland Gin, very superior, 2 " real Cognac Brandy, 2 hhds. Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, And a general assortment of GROCERIES, all of which they will sell very low, in lots to suit purchasers Canandaigua, Jkpnl 19,1825 Stf PATENT PLOUGHS. «~ pr IJT^Farmers, look at this.«£jQ -l^flBBB subscriber will pay Cash for tbe following Jk articles, viz: 5000 Bushels of Wheat, 0000 do. of Rye, 3000 do. of Corn, 1000 do. of Flax Seed, U00#. of Butter. Arid wilt purchase the Produce of tlif Farmer g«St»e*aJ!y, for which the highest price will ataii times be paid, oi &e JVftss^Slpre. t 7^ 5 I. EVERTSEN. %&$l%^Jtok>l $ 1825. 44tf > •***: lHWflfiir •4t ash for Wheat. m subscriber! will pay Six Shillings, -|3^wih#fbftiaaiy quantity of the first <w*ality tM *%% ^i0e&&$hmt% Mill»j or attheir Potash Kettles. *T&0&&M % % &n Co. w& ^supply, on tite ^ ve assortment of ription. ^Muiaerfte WMiiniiii fit ^> C##<5»*nywUl IMWOO wm AND CLOTHIER'S SCREWS. T HE subscriber has now on hond, and will continue to receive, STOVES of all kinds and sizes; among which are several patterns of various sizes Cooking, Franklin, Hall, Ovm and Box Stoves;—Boilers and Pipes to suit purchas- ers—all of which will be sold very cheap for ready pay. He also continues the manufacture of SffilLLSt BOILERS, WORMS and KETTLE* of all sizes, of Copper, Iron or Tin, at his old stand, opposite J. O. Bemis & Co's Bookstore. fi3^» Cash paid for old Copper and Pewter* John W. Beak. Canandaigua, August 3.5, 1824. 21 ^^^^^________. " ' '- 1 —'— iii|i NOTICE. T HE firm of Wm. U. T6WMSEMD b CO. will he dissolved on the 10th of February next, a s W m . BE. T o w n s e n d at tbat time leaves tb^cotiotry} but previous to his departure it be- comes necessary to close the present concern J therefore it is hop«d that those who are indebted will liquidate their accounts without further pro- icraatinaiion* From that period the'business will be eo«aitctcJj tioflier thefirmof Peter Toumsmd, jm\ttq*. - * ' ! JP^nj|ttali^» > l)iSe.22,l824. 88tf « gUKMlHi (».liniiil)iliig 1 iiiilifl l iii l i,ii|Hii)i l II.II ; jji | mi I..J, in 1? ;; $$% ^mmn Vm Insurance »,•*-*,!. •»* C o m p a n y . M * rweeting ^f the Director* of thii Com- pany, m wrpjLcl»>l of Becemher* t««4* ._ r ,^ Mtod^frfcto Nw>ber of Director! gW«Vth« an election for th« choice of nine |H ? 1 ?«#»ftr $mm*f$m 4m^$9t%womm^ B wllt|# btdd at tWoflW^ on the first Tue»d*y of Junewrtt Tli«|^wffllw<)pe0ed at 10 o'clock, *»# ww be ^Sr m n&£*k. ntb*** P TOWNSEND, JR. &. CO. have just re- • ceived, a superior lot of Wood if Brandage's PATENT PLOUGHS, manufactured from the best materials, and warranted superior, in point of strength and durability, to any now in use; and if upon trial, they do not please, they can be return- ed. They will be sold upon good terms, and a long credit. A supply of extra Points and Land Sides, will be kept constantly on band. Canandaigua| March 16, 1825. 50tf TO MERCHANTS. T H E subscriber would inform Merchants, that he has now for sale, GOODS of every des- cription, recently received, comprising as exten- sive an assortment as was ever offered in this place, which will be sold at fVholtsale at a small advance from tjie New-York prices, and on the most liberal terms. I. EVERTSEN. Canandaigua, Feb. 1, 1825. - 44tf ; MERCHANTS LIJYE PLOUGHS. f p H E Subscriber has for sale Wood's P A T E N T I PLOUGHS, which will be sold cheap for cash or approved credit. L EVERTSEN. April 6. 1__ Cabinet Ware House* V* R*NSgELAER» A^f*. L. B. BARNUM, R ESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and the public, that be continues to manufactures at bis stand one door north of H. Church's tavern, in the village of Canandaigua, the following arti- cles of Cabinet Ware, to wit i Sideboards, Secretaries, Bureaus^ high post,field*French aod^i common Bedsteads, Ta- bles, Stands, &c.&c. ' He pledges himself that his work "shall be made •ubstanfiat and faihionabb|, and aold as cheap as stf any ttherestablishment in the western countrj. Those who wish to purchase, are respectfully so- licited to call andexatoirie hi*: work. Rl Wautea |wwe|i|te|r a mpto of tei* soneel Cherjgr BQards, iind Maple Jtc^tling, for «i^iii#iiiilMtiN^^A.m ". €arMda1itt<,^rc1h^^ . **ti <i inlll HMniVnil NOTICE* eWjjIo^ he 6*n hivi it hy ttflini $t^Q*tom For FreigYit and Passengers. A BOAT belonging to the above line, well fit- ted up for Passengers, and running night and day, with relays of horses every IS miles, will leave Rochester for Albany every morning (Sundays excepted) at 7 o'clock, and every eve- nting at 8 o'clock, and wiil run through in less thtzn foot days, or at tbe rate of 60 miles every 24 hours. First boat will start this week Thursday morn- in|g. NORT0W, GOOPWAW & Co. Rochester TROTTER, D O D S L A S £C C O . > /»ri.„_„. D o n > Albany. AVIS » CENTER S S. THOMPSON & Co. Black Bock. TowNSENn & COIT, Buffalo. 0^*" The above mentioned boats will pass Pal- inyra, every morning and evening at 5 o'clock. Canandatgua, AprU 4,182&. ltf WESTERN ; IN CANANDAIGUA. T HIS Company is incorporated with a capital of Two Hundred and Fifty T^otaand M- tdrsj of which £220,000 has been paid m. ' The Company will Insure against Loss or Dam- age by Fire, on as favpr^oietetmsa» ariv similar institution part of the Buffalo Hiansion House* J. LANDOV, I NFORMS Ms, former patrons, and bis friends and tbe public gener- ally, tbat he has re-occupied his old STAGE HOUSE and TAVERN STAND, in the village of Buffalo, where he will be happy to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom* Tbe house is large, commodi- ous, and in complete repair. Its spacious piazzas furnish tbe most extensive, rich and varied pros- pects of land and water—overlooking Buffalo Har- bor, the Niagara river, Fort Erie and the Lake, and tbe extensive landscapes on both the Canada and American shores. R is the nearest public house to the Steam-Boat Wharf. His extensive Yards, Gardens. and Shrubbery, will furnish st pleasant and refreshing retreat to Ladies and Gen- tlemen, after the fatigues of travelling. Carriages, with safe drivers and at moderate fare, will be furnished at all times, for men of business, or par- ties of pleasure, wishing to travel out of the usual stage routes. His Stables and Pastures are large and conven- ient ; his House will at all times be supplied with the fruits of the season, and tbe best Liquors and Provisions the country affords; and he trusts tbat bis approved experience, punctual attendance, and good servants, will keep up the Ions establish* ed character of the house, and give general satis* faction to the public Jprtt 16, 1825. §w6 SUJLPHUH SPRINGS. T HE subscriber continues to keep the " SUL- PHUR SPRINGS HOUSE," which is now open for tbe reception of company. He ac- knowledges the liberal patronage of his friends during tbe last season, and hopes, by additional exertions on bis part, to merit a continuance of their favors. J. D. Nottingham. N. B. A good COOK and table WAITER are wanted at $he above house, to whom liberal wages will be given. 5tf LYMAN HULL, Carriage and Wagon Maker, R ETTJRNS his sincere thanks to bis friends and customers for the liberal encouragement he has received in tbe line of his business, and begs leave to inform them that he will use his utmost endeavors to merit a continuance of their favors. As his lumber room is well tilled with the best ofeeasoned Timber, he is better nrepared for any part of the above business than lie nastier before been. M B.—He has on hand a number flf One and Two Horse WAGONS, which be will sell very cheap for Cash. Canandaigua, May 9.1, 1824. 8tf LOST, OR STOLEN^ F ROM the subscriberjapromissorv A&&, given by Henry Burdine to 4}ad Suttiei^or bearer, for One Ifimtrred Dollars, or niore, with interest, dated the 24th of June, 182% and payable,the 1st of March, J«25u Whoever will return Jaid Note to the subscriber^ shall be, liberait| lewardedf *nd the said Henry Burdine is hereby forbid paying the nmmmf oDtetojniiwpeitV SwT* - i**A©£U!PLIBF; Danmlle, (SttubtA mi ®m *%r ISP. A N }away f*pm the subscriber, OTT the in the""S*: Appiicattons from any) **' **>^j£jff*> f m^mm State, i«co|i|»l>!p *H1i> o^^W|A|l^w^^^ ! * ^ : ^ ^ r me^rope^«erea#^**^* n ^ *ltt*«ce>yi rompt attention. ^ JM «^ ! .*« * .„ m -mTrW»1I0W|5£&, President. DIRECTORS F-brusry 9, ll«5 vi: m' lhrigkt s tern, . W*^S"I * yR» W9MPPW* " 0UHH9 JIMGSHIWlfj *• xiitt frwfPiJfV - Rt*im8*iftt HSk « n . i i i » ^ ^uly 1IM wlioeverwdl return him shall beeotiUedtotbe above reward, but lid charges. ^ _ . HATH ANIEL WTO CorAw, Jlfey 10, t8$&. S*&«**ZJ*msb* $*<%. i 1 M --& <Hv ^ ^ + 3 ^ >< '1 V > St -si -ft ; AJfiff l-B tiw meeount., }tf ,d^liEt!|ft^hit-d|««*'i r .. ... . JI*B^ JP^pnent mw^ •1 ** - J % •^r m - i £. J •'3Ui ,»-. . / * ' ^

Transcript of PUBLISHED BIT BEJIIIS,judmsE&^AEi; JijWffl WEDJVMWdY...

log tieer! made in the payment sum of ilcmey secured by an £ag«, bearing d a t e t h e s e v e n t h

, A- D. 1119, and eieeutcd by Dan T r e a t , of Gotham* in th« o, to Walter Titos, John 8. D. Weeks, of the city, county

-York; lud all the right, title, ,ud dema|id of the said Walter bverj-%ntf R«hirt i>. Weefct to e of oaoiigage, and toe pretn-lued« ha nog beeo duly voted r by a s i g u m e n t ; N o t i c e is

|i?en*. Itilt by virtue of a power contain*jd, and of the s t a t u t e

i andp4|videdl ait the follow* sees iiial parcel* of land vut. i uact oi|parcel of land Mtuale atd, beuiit-part of lot No. forty-; No. uu|te m the second raiige aid county of Ontatio. bounded »eginoiog|fio the centre oi the oriheastlsoroernl said tract, it jufbeast fjcornef of Oliver Hsc­ience ahpg the centre of the irteeadejgceeseast three chains ienee softh seventy-seveti de-natos aoj eighty links ; thence ii and \m links? thence north ees east three chains and ninety ) place of beginning, containing irty-six mercbes of land: Also , xty-two|u township No. nine JJJ oi towolhips to the county of sd and bounded as follows : be-irttiea« p m e r of a part 'offtajb] Vitl/am Kanomg, runuiog t h e n c e sog tbep'ghway »r» a stake and the gou lWas i corner of fifty

convey e l to Lemuel Raymond; he son t bf tine of said Ray mood's md stole* on the west line of south o i the original line there* i g|ones,|*hicb is also the north-Mhaua Panning** land; thence of begi»|tng, containing one hun-res, be ibe tame more or Jess: :ertaio finer tract or parcel of

the tcvWu of Gorbam, iu said no, known and distinguished by ro in tofothip No. nine, in the towns In said coeuty* contain-o the survey of Jabe* French, ed and ipy-one acres and three ere of land, eacept tog therefrom i five acles of said lot heretofore ae Johnspn, William Fanning and

d lingular the appurte-reof as shal l be ogees* II the snms of money mortgage, and secured

,od the. interest thereon, ges of this foreclosure,

mblte vIndue, at the court house Caoaodiaigua, in tbe county of

of September next, at ion. March 1. 1825.


ritb all part. satisfy

the sai< >e,ppid, iftd chs

first d be fore

IB. Alt '

avjO£ b|:-.o made iu the p a y m e n t m sum |of money, secured to be entnre hf morigage executed by i Randall Andrews, of the town !y of Ontario and Hate of New-anley, shearing date tbe second er, in me- year 1818. which said sen dull assigned to Gideon Pitts son-i-Npttce is therefore given, if a ipof er in said mortgage coo-punuiaffee of the s ta tu te in such

provided, we shall expose to sale on or fjreiidoe, at tbe boose now ilomonf Frost, innkeeper .in the Be Id) i | said county, oo the 10th her rielt, at ten o'clock in the rat cerlun tract or parcel of land jwo of p n s t o l aforesaid iu town* tne in. |be fourth range of town* > say, (liie p iece bounded as fol-teg inn tig on tbe road at tbe east, st by kfjnd of George Codding fifty >rth folir rods and tweoty link?, Y rods, |he|nce south fonr rods and ;o the place of beginning, being

r, containing halt an acre her parcel of land in tbe ing a part of lot number y the northeast corner of esitead farm, bounded as

iber fo one

^hip. formerf g's hoij t—beg injng at a s take one rod ithwestf corner of tbe abeve des -

!and. therjcG soutb fifty-1wo de-elve rdjds and twenty links to a

east u/raliel with tbe north line tventv (fine rods to a s take , thence . tiveocfk e a s t e i g h t e e n r o d s to the

lied) thence north four rods to the »id JotA thence 'west oo tbe «aia i rods In tbe place of beginning, and three fourths of an a c r e of

ime metre or less, being tbe same to saidl mortgage . D a t e d March

\tlL DEO^I PITTS, and ( Jtti<rnt ION DfCRSON, \A™8M jkson, mek Att'y. 6m49

navingfheen made ID tbe pavment no «un|kof| money secured to be suture ?0>f1 mortgage, executed by a, of Btonrnfield, in tbe county of j of Nc&r-f ork. to Clark Peck, of ce, belriug dale the first: day of be fern oi oar Lord lo1!.*—which k thas sjnee die&, having first made mting lie lobscrlber bit executor, era testamentary en the estate of He Pe|kJ deefiied, bate *eea

ii therefore given, tbat r | in said mortgage con-

lo the itatute io tocb 'ifteti* .^- shal l ^expose t o

••odue, at tbe house BOS- F t o s t , innkeeper i o

» in laid county, oo tbe r oept, at ten o'clock in W-jst-Bloomfield, one fudf

house, o» tbe feo*b f m as follows, beginojog

a po jursuin md p

aucti rbfSo loomfi Bptemb; ilftbat lemee HUl* ia*t



,, tillage sub«cnb«rt, wh* • hate the Fa

J ^p^Wl»^l l»r i t i^«K«.Boo*»tore, . |» . ^®%^pa^Mo*liiot^ii«fcai*tin»|l»«». •

^^te j i» i t* fes*

evtnty nine de ^a»d»l ^*»"WF, ,

m^^m ere asvJ Mt kaedrwi betht i i s landd



•en orf#«s, andbe-

i i §mir MaotttMt.9* ffW F l ? " ~ JSWrlW* T P ^ P > fY.

of said «Ve«ated.

^^^mmdt £r. fy Co. ^•jp^idassoftrotsnt of spring and summer

fjdft i i , |» wbtch tbey invito the att fltipn of their friends and. ttie public. Among thdw arritr-



GROCERIES. THE Subscribersi have for sale, and keep con­

stantly on hand, an extensive assortment of the following Goods, which they w»i dispose of

^^^-...;-... . _ „ „ „ . ^ H . . # # . # t 0 ^alera in the country and others,on as liberal

| g p | j f b ^ « w l , | % p a j ^ ^ i l | « ^ w t e r n i s a s Can be procured in the city of New-

Teas of all descriptions, in chests, balf chests, and catty boxes;

Wines, a general assortment in pipes, hhds. quarter casks and half or. casks.;

Jamaica Spirits and S t . Croix R u m , in punch* eons, different brands;

Holland Gin, in pipes, 1st and 3d proof; 100 hhds. Molasses, superior quality for retail­

ing; 10,000 lbs. Loaf and Lump Sugar, in hhds

tierces, boxes and barrels; 90 hhds. Miucovado and St. Croix;sugar; 100 kegs plug tobacco, best brand ; White Havanoa gugar in boxes; Coffee, different kinds and qualities, in bags

andbbjs. ~-Pepper and pimento; Raisins in kegs and boxes; Spanish float and Gnatimala Indigo] Cassia in mats, mace, cloves and nutmegs, Ginger, currants, citron and almonds; Old Irish whiskey, in puncheons St* demijohns; White brandy, Salilad oil, olives and capers; Rice,London Porter,in quart and pint bottles; Bordeaux claret, in casks and bottles;

Db. cordials in baskets; German liquor, cases \1 bottles each; Hamburg Demijohns, 5 gHs. tgll. and half gall. Snuff, in hladd's, velvet corks in bags; Wrapping paper, chocolate, English, mustard,

in bottles; 9 tons patent shot,, No. 1 to 9, powder, &c. They also keep constantly on hand, a choice

and well selected assortment of Old Wines, Bran­dy, Spirits, Gin, Teas, Sugars, Coffee, be. with which they will supply Public Houses, families and others, at reasonable rates.

ELIAS MATHER S* Co. No. 63 State street, Albany.

P. S. Country produce received as usual, in payment for Goods or on account.

January 11,1825. 1 y 42

tor M.«L '

4t J Is"

•it V


( i <>

»* t <\lt.m Ltf-tw^'i JijWffl

[wwii mm Mm*

Ifl^'licit 9 colored Cambric Prints y l ^ i ^ - t black aiid wliite do*

1 ^ «qtttair do.

%d io|^ ip^ey,fia«a|s:f t.0t ,|^' Mfedrassr^lrdKfs*:.- \ .

id rt Btlaiir <4o« •t 'l /telt B iBaaeeii; f TH 'Strfpfa/ Peinw fk; i$atw*f

* >» *** *r Hnen ; do. t » shaded Nankeen; t n striped da. I; „ Corset Jean;

JO „ mull mull Muslin; i l " ,t 6-4 jaconet do. fit ,. ^ 4 PrencR eambrick; 0 '•' lp '4-4,6-4 sarsnet do «0 rt flounced Robes;

5:10- * super book Muslins; ; # :^# Wack tabby Veryet j u $. •:•,:£ garment Dimity j

* . ^ furnitur,e do. i 4 » tjfeeik Italian Crapes; ^#^whire*5-dOi ' do; v^*W Goods-have been selected With the teatest care, and wilt be sold upon the most

} | ' feeble terms* afidmost kinds of country Pro-I^dueeteceived to payment.

2,000 Yards Tow Cloth, • Por which a very liberal price Will he paid in

'"GooSs.- .• Canandaigm, April 19. 4tf

JfflWSTORE, W v-hi-


T" PB subscriber respectfully informal tbe pub-; l ie tt.«it he has commenced business in the

Ctaigfeof €Tanandaigua»and taken the Store for-f OTet^nccupied Iby Messrs. Hale & Lyon, near the

Ontario Bank—where is now offered for sale, a choice and well selected assortment of

D r y Goods, Groceries, Glassware,

> Crockery, Hard-Ware , &c&c.

f i w i l l be sufficient to state, that such arrange-ments have been made,, that he will be receiving frwb supplies, twe%, from the New-York Auc-

i ^pOJ^Rooms, making the assortment at all times


HAVE removed to tbe North Market st. two doors north of Skin­

ner's Mansion House, where.tbey are now re­ceiving, and offer for sale, 450 Cases, comprising as complete an assortment of BOOTS and S H O E S as was ever offered in the State. Also, an extensive assortment of Writing and Wrapping PAFER, BONNET BO ARDS, &c. j White and Black Knapt HATjSJ; La Fayette and Common PIrfATTm* CTAlt0S;^n^o^ai«nt^vrmt i so i -«n* Rose SOAP; SOLE LEATHER, &c. The above goods have been received direct from the Manufacturers, and will be sold, in lots to suit purchasers, for Cash or approved paper, as low as can be bought in New-York

Caoandaigua Hotel. WILLIAM BLOSSOM,

RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he hastnkrn the well estab­

lished HOTEL, lately purchased, repaired and enlarged by Isaac Collins, of New-York, and for­merly kept by Amos Mead, in the village of Canandaigua; and having kept large establish­ments in the cities of New-York and New-Heaven, a short time since, flatters himself that he may, by bis exertions, give general satisfaction to such as may patronize bis House.

Canandaigua, Dec. IS, 1824. S7tf

TH E subscribers sortraentof

ave a large and general as-

of various patterns—silver mounted, plated, pol­ished steel and common, with single and double temples. There is no person but can be fitted from their assortment.

Also—Real Dutch BOLTING CLOTHS, at New-York prices; £5 Chests very good HYSON SKIN TEA, atB wholesale; MILL IRONS ; POT-ASH KETTLES; MILL SAWS; GROUND PLASTER; COARSE and FINE SALT; together with a large and general as­sortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE.

r T. Beals & Co. Canandaigua, March 30,1825. 6m52

* Paints, Oils, &c. has for sale, on reasonable

! Spring Goods. *"" ' rBjIHE subscribers are now receiving their usual M\ large and well assorted stock, comprising a _ .

very general variety of SPRING GOODS, some n P H E Subscriber is tbi« day operong^rti entire particulars of which will appear next week "'""," ~^ **fma t„ *u~ cs*....-. i^^t^

avf^O MEW

4lh mo. 20, 1825. A . U . M O T T & C O .


JSfew and Splendid Scheme. NEW YORK STATE

Literature Lottery, CLASS NUMBER ONE, FOR 1825.

J . B . Yates k. A . M'Intyre, Manager*.

Sixty numbm....Mne Bulloti to be drawn, BCSSSBS&a ^ ^ ^ ^ S S ^ ^BS^SB^^^S^SSf^SW^^^SS^BS^SWSv

1 Prize of $30,000 10,000 10,000


» 1 l 1

*o 30 30. 51 &1

1,734 11,475

• i i i

1,000 500 £00 100 09 22 11

• i

530,000 15,000 10,000

5,737 20,000 15,000

6,000 5,100 2,0DU

38,148 126,225

A new stock of GOO0S, in thefttWkteir occupied by F. & T. Palmer, consisting ofc

Dry Goods, Croclsery, Groceries, Hardware* &c*

All which" will be sold low for Cash.

A, Munn. ;


%©¥]&%&? M t i r t s * . L PHELPS has the pleasure* of informing

* his friends, that he has just received from New-York, a case o< this most elegant article, which be is willing to sell as reasonable as the present state of the markets will admit. He ha* also received a variety of other 4alOO!DS&, which be wil^describe next week*

Ma#$. - ;&^. II I " ~ II II — — — . i l l ) I I ' l l l Ill • I I I I — W W — • — — » * ) • »

13,395 Prizes, \ 20,825^J31anks, \

THE subscriber terms,

10 bbls. Linseed Oil, A do. White Lead, Red Lead, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Yellow Oker, Spirits of Turpentine,

and all other articles used in Painting. Also, Drugs, medicines, and Dye Stuffs,

spacious {Stems S96 as usual. GEO. CLARKE. N. B. The highest price paid, in CASH, QIL

or G o o n s , for F L A X S E E D . Canandaigua, April 19,1825. 3mo3


INFORMS his friends and the public, that he

34,220 Tickets,

PBJCE BV CERTIFICATE. $0 Whole Tickets can be had for 20 Half to Quarters $0 Eights

PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS Wholes Halves Quarters Eighths ft^" Orders (post-paid) enclosing the Cash, for

a Package or a Single Ticket, will meet immedi­ate attention, if addressed to



595,85 47,92 23,96 11,98

9,00 4,50 2,25 1, 12


THE subscriber has his FURNACE constant­ly in operation, at Manchester village, where

he has a constant supply of Plough Castings on band; also will be cast to order, any kind of Ma­chinery and Mill Gearing, at short notice. All castings which are made from pig iron, and old ware, are received in payment.

idfcc, PLOUGHS, of the most approved pat­terns, on hand.

JONATHAN MAYHEW. Manchester, Marcb-SOx 1825. 3m52


IS now receiving at the NEW SWRE^a&V joining the Bookstore^ a new and extensive

assortment of DRY GOODS, which will be sold cheap, at wholesale or retail, for Cash, approved Credit or country Produce. Also,

Groceries, Crockery and Hardware, Glassware.

His stock of Goods on band is too extensive to enumerate articles in an advertisement. All that wish to put chase, are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves.

Canandaigua, JlprU 26, 1625. f j f .

T. Palmer's store, where be will continue the TAILORING business, in all its variety. He has just returned from New-York, where he ob­tained the latest fashions for Gentlemen's wearing

-j . . ippareh Military and plain work will be done N. B. Merchants are respectfully invited to l c c o r r j i n & to order; and he will cut clothes when

' called upon. H i s employers may rest assured of his best efforts to please, and he intends to merit a share of patronage.

Canandaigua, May S, 1825. * 1 y5

T} F o r Sale, or to Let,

HE Brick STORE, adjon Xiercester Tireips,- TrtrtTils

to F. k T Canandaigua, Feb. 22, 1825.


the Store of Tage. Apply

PALMER. 47 tf


>' 5 «


landaigua. Jitne 1, 1824. 9tf tyjf, Ik—-Tavern Keepers are particularly invited * tl!a1t and examine the GROCERDSS.

NEW GOODS. CHAPEN is now opening a new and exten­sive assortment of

MERCHANDIZE, ^listing of almost every article wanted in tbe

4§9BtEyv which he offers as low as ean be pur-

illSied in thU village. ^anantjhiigua, Oct. 26, 1824. » ° t f

•hi'i iimliiifium


Albany, April 11, 1825.

T o Tavern Keepers. P. Towiwmd, Jr. 8f Co.

UAVE JUST RECEIVED, 1 pipe Holland Gin, very superior, 2 " real Cognac Brandy, 2 hhds. Jamaica and St. Croix Rum,

And a general assortment of GROCERIES, all of which they will sell very low, in lots to suit purchasers

Canandaigua, Jkpnl 19,1825 Stf


«~ pr

IJT^Farmers, look at this.«£jQ -l^flBBB subscriber will pay Cash for tbe following

Jk articles, viz: 5000 Bushels of Wheat, 0000 do. of Rye, 3000 do. of Corn, 1000 do. of Flax Seed, U 0 0 # . of Butter.

Arid wilt purchase the Produce of tlif Farmer g«St»e*aJ!y, for which the highest price will ataii times be paid, oi &e JVftss Slpre.

t 7^5 I. EVERTSEN. %&$l%^Jtok>l$ 1825. 44tf


•***: lHWflfiir

•4t ash for Wheat. m subscriber! will pay Six Shillings,

-|3^wih#fbftiaaiy quantity of the first <w*ality tM*%% ^i0e&&$hmt% Mill»j or attheir

Potash Kettles.

*T&0&&M % % •

&n Co.


^supply, on tite ve assortment of ription. ^Muiaerfte





I M W O O wm



THE subscriber has now on hond, and will continue to receive, STOVES of all kinds

and sizes; among which are several patterns of various sizes Cooking, Franklin, Hall, Ovm and Box Stoves;—Boilers and Pipes to suit purchas­ers—all of which will be sold very cheap for ready pay.

He also continues the manufacture of SffilLLSt BOILERS, WORMS and KETTLE* of all sizes, of Copper, Iron or Tin, at his old stand, opposite J. O. Bemis & Co's Bookstore.

fi3^» Cash paid for old Copper and Pewter* John W . Beak.

Canandaigua, August 3.5, 1824. 21 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . " ' ' - 1 — ' — i i i | i


THE firm of Wm. U. T6WMSEMD b CO. will he dissolved on the 10th of February

next , as W m . BE. Townsend at tbat t ime leaves tb^cotiotry} but previous to his departure it be­comes necessary to close the present concern J therefore it is hop«d that those who are indebted will liquidate their accounts without further pro-

icraatinaiion* From that period the'business will be eo«aitctcJj tioflier the firm of Peter Toumsmd, jm\ttq*. - * ' ! JP^nj|ttali^»>l)iSe.22,l824. 88tf « gUKMlHi (».liniiil)iliig1iiiiliflliiili,ii|Hii)il II.II ; j j i | mi I..J, i n 1?

;; $$% ^mmn Vm Insurance »,•*-*,!. •»* Company.

M * rweeting ^f the Director* of thii Com­pany, m wrpjLcl»>l of Becemher* t««4*

. _ r , ^ Mtod^frfcto Nw>ber of Director! gW«Vth« an election for th« choice of nine |H?

1 ?«#»ftr $mm*f$m 4m^$9t%womm^ B wl l t | # btdd at tWoflW^ on the first Tue»d*y of

Junewrtt Tli«|^wffllw<)pe0ed at 10 o'clock, *»# ww be ^ S r m n&£*k. ntb***

P TOWNSEND, JR. &. CO. have just re-• ceived, a superior lot of Wood if Brandage's

PATENT PLOUGHS, manufactured from the best materials, and warranted superior, in point o f strength and durability, to any now in use; and if upon trial, they do not please, they can be return­ed. They will be sold upon good terms, and a long credit.

A supply o f extra Points and L a n d Sides , will be kept constantly on band.

Canandaigua| March 16, 1825. 50tf


TH E subscriber would inform Merchants, that he has now for sale, G O O D S of every des­

cription, recently received, comprising as exten­sive an assortment as was ever offered in this place, which will be sold at fVholtsale at a small advance from tjie New-York prices, and on the most liberal terms. I. EVERTSEN.

Canandaigua, Feb. 1, 1825. - 44tf


PLOUGHS. f p H E Subscriber has for sale Wood's PATENT

I P L O U G H S , which will be sold cheap for

cash or approved credit. L EVERTSEN.

April 6. 1__

Cabinet Ware House*

V* R*NSgELAER» A f*.


RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and the public, that be continues to manufactures

at bis stand one door north of H. Church's tavern, in the village of Canandaigua, the following arti­cles of Cabinet Ware, to wit i

Sideboards, Secretaries, Bureaus^ high post, field* French aod^i

common Bedsteads, Ta­bles, Stands, &c.&c. '

He pledges himself that his work "shall be made •ubstanfiat and faihionabb|, and aold as cheap as stf any ttherestablishment in the western countrj. Those who wish to purchase, are respectfully so­licited to call andexatoirie hi*: work.

R l Wautea |wwe|i|te|r a mpto of tei* soneel Cherjgr BQards, iind Maple Jtc^tling, for

«i^iii#iiiilMtiN^^A.m ". € a r M d a 1 i t t < , ^ r c 1 h ^ ^ . **ti

<i inlll HMniVnil


eWjjIo he 6*n hivi it hy ttflini $t^Q*tom

For FreigYit and Passengers.

A BOAT belonging to the above line, well fit­ted up for Passengers, and running night

and day, with relays of horses every IS miles, will leave Rochester for Albany every morning (Sundays excepted) at 7 o'clock, and every eve­nting at 8 o'clock, and wiil run through in less thtzn foot days, or at tbe rate o f 6 0 miles every 2 4 hours.

First boat will start this week Thursday morn-in|g.

NORT0W, GOOPWAW & Co. Rochester T R O T T E R , D O D S L A S £C C O . > /»ri.„_„.

D o n > Albany. AVIS » CENTER S

S . T H O M P S O N & C o . Black Bock. TowNSENn & COIT, Buffalo.

0^*" The above mentioned boats will pass Pal-inyra, every morning and evening at 5 o'clock.

Canandatgua, AprU 4,182&. ltf



TH I S Company i s incorporated with a capital of Two Hundred and Fifty T^otaand M-

tdrsj of which £220,000 has been paid m. ' The Company will Insure against Loss or Dam­

age by Fire, on as favpr^oietetmsa» ariv similar institution part of the

Buffalo Hiansion House* J. LANDOV, INFORMS Ms, former patrons, and

bis friends and tbe public gener­ally, tbat he has re-occupied his old STAGE HOUSE and TAVERN

STAND, in the village of Buffalo, where he will be happy to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom* Tbe house is large, commodi­ous, and in complete repair. Its spacious piazzas furnish tbe most extensive, rich and varied pros-pects of land and water—overlooking Buffalo Har­bor, the Niagara river, Fort Erie and the Lake, and tbe extensive landscapes on both the Canada and American shores. R is the nearest public house to the Steam-Boat Wharf. His extensive Yards, Gardens. and Shrubbery, will furnish st pleasant and refreshing retreat to Ladies and Gen­tlemen, after the fatigues of travelling. Carriages, with safe drivers and at moderate fare, will be furnished at all times, for men of business, or par­ties of pleasure, wishing to travel out of the usual stage routes.

His Stables and Pastures are large and conven­ient ; his House will at all times be supplied with the fruits of the season, and tbe best Liquors and Provisions the country affords; and he trusts tbat bis approved experience, punctual attendance, and good servants, will keep up the Ions establish* ed character of the house, and give general satis* faction to the publ i c

Jprtt 16, 1825. §w6


THE subscriber continues to keep the " SUL­PHUR SPRINGS HOUSE," which is

now open for tbe reception of company. He ac­knowledges the liberal patronage of his friends during tbe last season, and hopes, by additional exertions on bis part, to merit a continuance of their favors.

J. D. Nottingham. N. B. A good COOK and table WAITER

are wanted at $he above house, to whom liberal wages will be given. 5tf

LYMAN HULL, Carriage and Wagon Maker,

RETTJRNS his sincere thanks to bis friends and customers for the liberal encouragement

he has received in tbe line of his business, and begs leave to inform them that he will use his utmost endeavors to merit a continuance of their favors.

As his lumber room is well tilled with the best ofeeasoned Timber, he is better nrepared for any part of the above business than lie nastier before been.

M B.—He has on hand a number flf One and Two Horse WAGONS, which be will sell very cheap for Cash.

Canandaigua, May 9.1, 1824. 8tf

LOST, OR STOLEN^ FROM the subscriberjapromissorv A&&, given

by Henry Burdine to 4}ad Suttiei^or bearer, for One Ifimtrred Dollars, or niore, with interest, dated the 24th of June, 182% and payable,the 1st of March, J«25u Whoever will return Jaid Note to the subscriber^ shall be, liberait| lewardedf *nd the said Henry Burdine is hereby forbid paying

the nmmmf oDtetojniiwpeitV SwT* - i**A©£U!PLIBF; Danmlle, (SttubtA mi ®m *%r ISP.

A N }away f*pm the subscriber, OTT the

in the""S*: Appiicattons from any) * * ' **>^j£jff*> f m^mm State, i«co|i|»l>!p *H1i> o ^ ^ W | A | l ^ w ^ ^ ^ ! * ^ : ^ ^

rme^rope^«erea#^**^*n^ *ltt*«ce>yi rompt attention. ^JM«^!.*« * .„ m

- m T r W » 1 I 0 W | 5 £ & , President. DIRECTORS

F-brusry 9, l l«5




tern, .

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" 0UHH9 JIMGSHIWlfj *•

xiitt frwfPiJfV -Rt*im8*iftt •

HSk « n . i i i »

^ ^uly 1IM

wlioeverwdl return him shall beeotiUedtotbe above reward, but lid charges. ^ _ .

HATH ANIEL W T O CorAw, Jlfey 10, t8$&. S*&«**ZJ*msb*


i 1 M



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