Public Relations Writing Introduction

Public Relations Writing What Is PR? PR Writing Introduction



Transcript of Public Relations Writing Introduction

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Public Relations Writing

What Is PR?PR Writing Introduction

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What is PR?

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“Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations

and their publics.” - PRSA

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PR Elements

PR Elemen



Social Media

Conventional Media


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Why are writing skills important?

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Why are writing skills important?

26.2% of college graduates produce writing that rates as deficient.1

1 Partnership for 21st Century Skills

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Why are writing skills important?

Poor writing cost employers $3.1 billion per year.1

$3.1 Billion

1 National Commission on Writing

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The Framework of Public Relations Writing

O Four components to public relationsO Research, Planning, Communication,

EvaluationO Writing is part of the communication

componentO Writers are communication technicians

O Perform tactical roles including:O Writing news releasesO Formulating feature storiesO Pitch stories to the media

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Preparation for WritingO Objectives

O Advocacy, not objectivityO Inform, persuade, and motivate O Congruent with organizational goals

O AudiencesO Numerous and specializedO Tailor information to audience interests &

concernsO Channels

O Numerous and variedO Select most effective for specific audience

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The Public Relations Writer

O Extensive research is key to effective writing

O Use search enginesO Google, Yahoo!, Bing

O Search TipsO Use specific words or phrases, nouns are

bestO Use electronic databases to find in-

depth info.O Ex. Academic Search Premier

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Writing GuidelinesO Establish purpose

O Is the writing consistent with organizational goals and objectives?

O Writing TipsO Write succinct sentences and concise

paragraphsO Use simple wordsO Write with active verbs in present tense

O Include visual descriptions

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Errors to AvoidO Typos and misspellings decrease credibilityO Jargon complicates messagesO Spell check doesn’t catch correctly spelled

wrong wordsO Be careful of homonyms, similarly spelled

words, and redundanciesO Exaggeration damages credibility and

believability of messageO Bias, stereotypes and politically incorrect

language reduce clarity, and accuracy of communication

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10Ways to Become a Better PR Writer

1. Discover stories2. Make business data compelling3. Look for milestones4. Listen to companies and employees at all levels5. Have confidence when you know something is

not a story6. Capture attention7. Write for SEO8. Writing for social media9. Know the place for jargon10. Revise, review & edit

John Forrest Ales, PR News Online