P.T. ASURANSI JIWA Flobamora Kamar Single Double Rp 30.000 Rp 65.000 Maumere Losmen Wisata Kamar...

P.T. ASURANSI JIWA Nama: Alamat: Tanggal berangkat: Tujuan: Tanda tangan: Tanggal lahir: Nornor telepon: Tanggal kembali: Tumlah biava: Tumlah hari: Biaya Asuransi Istimewa Sedang Ekonomi - Biaya Sampai 5 hari Sampai 9 hari Sampai 12 hari Sampai 16 hari Sampai 23 hari Sampai 32 hari Sampai 5 minggu Sampai 6 minggu Sampai 2 bulan Sendiri Rp 69.000 81.000 91.000 103.000 135.000 158.000 178.000 199.000 222.000 Keluarga Sendiri Keluarga Sendiri Keluarga Rp Rp Rp Rp Rp 134.000 56.000 106.000 48.000 91.000 161.000 70.000 138.000 50.000 94.000 180.000 83.000 153.000 64.000 119.000 200.000 98.000 179.000 74.000 138.000 254.000 116.000 223.000 89.000 175.000 298.000 134.000 253.000 101.000 200.000 328.000 150.000 269.000 117.000 223.000 363.000 160.000 306.000 125.000 249.000 423.000 194.000 360.000 159.000 317.000

Transcript of P.T. ASURANSI JIWA Flobamora Kamar Single Double Rp 30.000 Rp 65.000 Maumere Losmen Wisata Kamar...

Page 1: P.T. ASURANSI JIWA Flobamora Kamar Single Double Rp 30.000 Rp 65.000 Maumere Losmen Wisata Kamar Single Double Rp 15.000 Rp 25.000 Hotel Sarinah Kamar Single Double Rp 40.000 Rp 85.000




Tanggal berangkat:


Tanda tangan:

Tanggal lahir:

Nornor telepon:

Tanggal kembali:

Tumlah biava:

Tumlah hari:

Biaya Asuransi

Istimewa Sedang Ekonomi


Sampai 5 hari

Sampai 9 hari

Sampai 12 hari

Sampai 16 hari

Sampai 23 hari

Sampai 32 hari

Sampai 5 minggu

Sampai 6 minggu

Sampai 2 bulan












Keluarga Sendiri Keluarga Sendiri Keluarga

Rp Rp Rp Rp Rp

134.000 56.000 106.000 48.000 91.000

161.000 70.000 138.000 50.000 94.000

180.000 83.000 153.000 64.000 119.000

200.000 98.000 179.000 74.000 138.000

254.000 116.000 223.000 89.000 175.000

298.000 134.000 253.000 101.000 200.000

328.000 150.000 269.000 117.000 223.000

363.000 160.000 306.000 125.000 249.000

423.000 194.000 360.000 159.000 317.000

Page 2: P.T. ASURANSI JIWA Flobamora Kamar Single Double Rp 30.000 Rp 65.000 Maumere Losmen Wisata Kamar Single Double Rp 15.000 Rp 25.000 Hotel Sarinah Kamar Single Double Rp 40.000 Rp 85.000

PLN Kapol Laut — JadwalTujuan Hari Kelas dan Biaya

Kupang - Maumere

Maumere - Ujungpandang

Ujungpandang - Denpasar

Denpasar - Mataram

Denpasar - Kupang

Berangkat Tiba Kelas 1

Senin Senin Rp 70.000

Selasa Rabu Rp 110.000

Kamis Sabtu Rp 112.000

Sabtu Sabtu Rp 35.000

Minggu Selasa Rp 130.000

Merzati Airlines — Jadwal PenerbanganTujuan

Kupang - Maumere

Maumere - Ujungpandang

Ujungpandang - Denpasar

Denpasar - Mataram

Denpasar - Kupang

KupangFatalatu HomestayKamarSingle DoubleRp 7.500 Rp 15.000Hotel FlobamoraKamarSingle DoubleRp 30.000 Rp 65.000

MaumereLosmen WisataKamarSingle DoubleRp 15.000 Rp 25.000Hotel SarinahKamarSingle DoubleRp 40.000 Rp 85.000

Kelas 2

Rp 40.000

Rp 60.000

Rp 62.000

Rp 15.000

Rp 90.000


Kelas 3

Rp 20.000

Rp 45.000

Rp 47.000

Rp 7.500

Rp 60.000


Biaya Hari Berangkat

Rp 95.850 Selasa Jumat

Rp 191.700 Senin Rabu

Rp 193.610 Rabu Jumat

Rp 82.430 Setiap hari

Rp 277.965 Kamis Sabtu

MataramFasilitas• Kipas angin• Shower• Makan pagiFasilitas•AC• Air panas• Makan pagi• Restoran dan bar

Wisma Bunga RayaKamar.Single DoubleRp 5.000 Rp 10.000Hotel Granada IndahKamarSingle DoubleRp 31.000 Rp 66.000


Fasilitas• Kipas angin• Makan pagi

FasilitasACAir panasMakan pagiRestoran dan barTerletak di pusat kota

Wisma MurniKamarSingle DoubleRp 8.500 Rp 16.000Hotel TangoKamarSingle DoubleRp 27.000 Rp 43.000





Fasilitas• Makan pagi




• Terletak dekat TerminalBus

Fasilitas•AC• Makan pagi• Restoran dan

Fasilitas• Makan pagi• Kipas angin

Fasilitas•AC• Air panas• Makan pagi


DenpasarDhyana Pura CottagesKamarSingle DoubleRp 18.500 Rp 32.000Hotel Bali BagusKamarSingle DoubleRp 56.000 Rp 87.000

Fasilitas• Kipas angin• Makan pagi

Fasilitas• Full AC• Restoran dan• Air panas• Makan pagi


Page 3: P.T. ASURANSI JIWA Flobamora Kamar Single Double Rp 30.000 Rp 65.000 Maumere Losmen Wisata Kamar Single Double Rp 15.000 Rp 25.000 Hotel Sarinah Kamar Single Double Rp 40.000 Rp 85.000

Menginap di Mana?

Learner AYou are in Kupang and you wish to visit Maumere, Ujungpandang,Mataram and Bali. You are on a tight budget and tight schedule. Youhave just 4 weeks. The number of days you spend in each of thesecentres is up to you. Plan your itinerary and then book yourdomestic nights and accommodation at the Merzati office. Youshould also take out some insurance. You may like to travel with apartner to save on accommodation expenses.

You also have the option of going by ship. See the PLN Kapal Lautagent for more details. Be warned: travelling by ship takes a littlelonger although it is cheaper.


Learner BYou are the local Merzati agent in Kupang. Use the informationprovided to assist your customers. They wish to travel to severaldifferent destinations. Departure times are not listed so it is up toyou to create your own.

Learner CYou are the local PLN Kapal Laut agent in Kupang. Use theinformation provided to assist your customers. They wish to travel toseveral different destinations. Departure times are not listed so it isup to you to create your own.

Learner DYour job in the Merzati office is to book accommodation. A list ofaccommodation available in selected cities in Indonesia is provided.

Learner EYour job is to sell insurance. Ask questions of your clients in order tocomplete the details on the form provided.