Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical...

Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes occur gradually but eventually affect all organ systems of a woman’s body. Psychological changes occur in response to physiologic alterations. Pregnancy represents wellness not illness.

Transcript of Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical...

Page 1: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and

physical changes to the woman and her partner.

Physiologic changes occur gradually but eventually affect all organ systems of a woman’s body.

Psychological changes occur in response to physiologic alterations.

Pregnancy represents wellness not illness.

Page 2: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.
Page 3: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Diagnosis of Pregnancy

Marks a major milestone.

Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy:• least indicative of pregnancy, could indicate

other conditions

• subjective-experienced by the woman

– breast changes, nausea, vomiting, amenorrhea, frequent urination, fatigue, uterine enlargement, quickening, linea nigra, melasma, stria gravidarum.

Page 4: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Probable Signs of Pregnancy

Signs that can be documented by the examiner

Serum laboratory tests:

• hCG in urine or blood serum of the women.

• accurate 95% to 98 % of the time.

• home pregnancy tests are 97% accurate.

• women taking psychotropic drugs may have a false positive result on pregnancy test.

• discontinue oral contraceptives 5 days before the test.

Page 5: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

• Chadwick’s sign

• Goodell’s sign

• Hegar’s sign

• Sonographic evidence of gestational sac

• Ballottement

• Braxton Hicks sign

• Fetal outline felt by examiner

Page 6: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Positive Signs of Pregnancy • Sonographic evidence of fetal outline

– week 6-8

• Fetal heart audible

– week 18-20

• Fetal movement felt by examiner

– week 20-24

Page 7: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Psychological Changes of Pregnancy

Psychological Changes of Pregnancy:The woman’s attitude toward the pregnancy depends

on the environment in which she is raised.Social influences• Pregnancy is not an illness, now the family is

included. • Use of birthing centers has increased.• Demedicalize childbirth.Cultural influences • How active a role she wants to take.• Certain beliefs and taboos may place restrictions

on her behaviors and activities.

Page 8: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Psychological Changes of Pregnancy

Family influences

• Viewed in a positive or negative light.

• Stories about pain and endless suffering in labor.

• People love as they have been loved.

Individual influences

• Ability to cope with or adapt to stress.

• Secure in her relationship.

• Pregnancy takes away her freedom.

Page 9: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.
Page 10: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Psychological Tasks of Pregnancy

1st Trimester:Accepting the Pregnancy

• 50% of all pregnancies are unintended, unwanted or mistimed. Surprise!

• Women sometimes experience disappointment, anxiety or ambivalence.

• Partner may go through some changes also.

• Partner should give emotional support.

• May feel proud, happy, jealous or loss.

Page 11: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Psychological Tasks of Pregnancy

2nd Trimester

Accepting the Baby:

• Second turning point is often quickening.

• Proof of the child’s existence.

• Anticipatory role playing.

• May accept at conception, at birth or later.

• How well she follows prenatal instructions.

• Partner may feel left out, he may increase his work, he has misinformation.

• Educate both partners.

Page 12: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Psychological Tasks of Pregnancy

3rd Trimester:

Preparing for Parenthood

• “nest building”

• attending prenatal classes or parenting classes.

Page 13: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Reworking Developmental Tasks• working through previous life experiences.• woman’s relationship with her parents,

particularly her mother.• fear of dying.• Needs confidence in health care providers.• Men may need to reconcile feelings toward

fathers and learn a new pattern of behavior.

Page 14: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Psychological Tasks of Pregnancy


Role-playing and Fantasizing:

• Second step in preparing of parenthood.

• Spend time with other mothers to learn how to be a mother. Needs good role models.

• Father may need to change his carefree individual to a member of a family unit.

• Nurturing roles.

Page 15: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Emotional Responses to Pregnancy

• Ambivalence

• Grief

• Narcissism

• Introversion versus Extroversion

• Body Image and Boundary

• Stress

• Couvade Syndrome

• Emotional Lability

• Changes in Sexual Desire

• Changes in the Expectant Family

Page 16: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Physiologic Changes of PregnancyLocal changes - confined to the reproductive


Systemic changes - affecting the entire body.

Both subjective (symptoms) and objective (signs) findings are used to diagnose and mark the progress of the pregnancy.

Page 17: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy

Reproductive System Changes: Uterine changes:• Increase in size, length, depth, width, weight,

wall thickness and volume.Length-from 6.5 to 32 cm.Depth-increases from 2.5 to 22 cm.Width-expands from 4 to 24 cm.Weight-increases from 50 to 1,000 g.

Uterine wall thickens from 1 cm to 2 cm by the end of pregnancy, the wall thins so it is supple and 0.5 cm thick.Volume of uterus increases from 2 mL to 1,000 mL. It can hold a 7 lb. fetus plus 1,000 mL of amniotic fluid. Total 4,000 g.

Page 18: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Physiologic Changes of PregnancyUterine growth is due to formation of a few

new muscle fibers and stretching of existing muscle fibers (2 to 7 times longer).

Week 12 the fetus is palpated just above the symphysis pubis.

Week 20 or 22 the fetus is at the umbilicus.

Week 36 should touch the xiphoid process which causes some SOB.

Page 19: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.
Page 20: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.


Primigravida - woman in her 1st pregnancy.

Multipara - a woman who has had 1 or more children.

Page 21: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy

Lightening - 2 weeks before term (week 38) the fetal head settles into the pelvis to prepare for birth and the uterus returns to the height it was at on the 36 week.

• This permits better lung expansion and easier breathing.

• This is predictable in 1st birth but not others.

• Uterine growth is a presumptive sign of pregnancy.

Page 22: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy

As the uterus increases in size it:

• pushes the intestines to the side

• elevates the diaphragm and liver

• puts pressure on the bladder

Uterine blood flow increases:

• before pregnancy - 15 to 20 mL/ min.

• by the end of pregnancy - 500 to 750 mL/min. with 75% going to the placenta.

• Uterine bleeding can be a major blood loss.

• Uterus is anteflexed, larger and softer.

Page 23: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy

Hegar’s sign - extreme softening of the lower uterine segment. The wall can not be felt or it feels as thin as tissue paper with bimanual exam.

Ballottement - on bimanual exam, tapping of lower segment the fetus is felt to bounced or rise in the amniotic fluid up against the to top examining hand (week 16 to 20).

Braxton Hicks contractions - practice contractions. Week 12 until term. Waves of hardness or tightening across the abdomen.

Page 24: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy

• They serve as warm-up exercise and increase placental perfusion.

• False labor, the do not cause cervical dilation.

Amenorrhea - absence of menstruation due to suppression of FSH.

• Presumptive sign.

Cervical changes:

• Cervix more vascular and edematous.

• Increased fluid between the cells causes

Page 25: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy

the cervix to soften and increased vascularity causes it to darken from pale pink to a violet hue.

• A tenacious coating of mucus fills the cervical canal.

• Operculum - mucous plug - seals out bacteria during pregnancy.

• Goodell’s sign - softening of the cervix.

– Nonpregnant cervix is like the nose.

– Pregnant is like earlobe.

Page 26: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy

• Just before labor the cervix becomes soft like butter and is “ripe” for birth.

Vaginal changes:

• vaginal epithelium become hypertrophic and enriched with glycogen which results in white vaginal discharge throughout pregnancy.

• Chadwick’s sign - vaginal walls are deep violet color due to increased circulation.

• pH 4 to 5 (from pH over 7) favors growth of Candida albicans (yeast like fungi).

Page 27: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy

• due to Lactobacillus acidophilus a bacteria that grows freely in glycogen environment, so this increases the lactic acid content.

Ovarian changes:

• ovulation stops.

• Corpus luteum increases in size until week 16 and then the placenta has taken over as provider of progesterone and estrogen.

Page 28: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy

Changes in the breasts:

• result of estrogen and progesterone production. (1st change)

• feeling of fullness, tingling or tenderness.

• Size increases due to hyperplasia of mammary alveoli and fat deposits.

• aerola darkens and diameter increases to 3.5 cm to 5 or 7.5 cm (1 1/2 to 3 inches)

• blue veins become prominent.

• Montgomery’s tubercles-sebaceous glands

Page 29: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy

of the areola enlarge and become protuberant.

• secretions keep the nipple supple and help prevent cracking and drying during lactation

• week 16 colostrum-a thin, watery, high protein fluid can be expelled from the breast

Systemic Changes:

Integumentary System

• Abdominal wall must stretch

• Striae gravidarum - pink or reddish streaks on sides of abdomen and thighs.

Page 30: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

• Caused by rupture and atrophy of the connective layer of the skin.

• After birth this lightens to silvery-white color. (permanent)

• Diastasis-rectus muscles separate, will appear after pregnancy as a bluish groove.

• Umbilicus stretches until it is smooth.

• Extra pigmentation on abdominal wall.

• Linea nigra - brown line from umbilicus to symphysis pubis.

Page 31: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

• Melasma - darkened areas on face due to melanocyte-stimulating hormone secreted by the pituitary.

• Vascular spiders - small fiery-red branching spots on thighs, increases estrogen.

• Palmar erythema - redness and itching.

• Increased sweat gland activity.

• Scalp hair growth increases.

Page 32: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

Respiratory System


• Chronic respiratory alkalosis compensated by chronic metabolic acidosis.

• Diaphragm is displaced by 4 cm upward.

• Vital capacity does not decrease.

• Total O2 consumption is increased by 20%.

• Mild hyperventilation.

• Polyuria - increased urination due to plasma bicarbonate excreted by the kidneys.

Page 33: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

• respirations > 20/min.

• congestion of nasopharynx - increased estrogen levels


• increased for 16 weeks due to secretion of progesterone from the corpus luteum, returns to normal once the placenta takes over.

Page 34: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

Cardiovascular System:

Changes are extreme and significant to the health of the fetus.

Blood volume

• increases by 30 to 50 %

• blood loss at birth-300 to 400 mL

• cesarean birth-800 to 1,000 mL

• increase blood volume peaks at week 28 to 32

Page 35: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes • Pseudoanemia - concentration of

hemoglobin and erythrocytes decline.

Iron needs

• fetus requires 350 to 400 mg to grow.

• Mother has an increase in RBC needing an additional 400 mg of iron.

• Prenatal vitamins and foods supply needs.


• cardiac output increases by 25 to 50 %

• heart rate increases by 10 beats/ min.

• heart is shifted more transverse

Page 36: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

• Innocent heart murmurs due to positioning.

• Palpitations SNS

Regional blood flow:

• 3rd trimester blood flow to lower extremities is impaired due to pressure on veins and arteries.

• leads to edema and varicoaities.

Blood pressure:

• does not normally rise

• may decrease in 2nd trimester

Page 37: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic ChangesSupine hypotension syndrome:

• when woman lies supine the weight of the uterus presses on the vena cava obstructing blood return to the heart.

• risk fetal hypoxia

• lightheadedness, faintness and palpitations.

• rest on left side.

Blood constitution:

• level of circ. fibrinogen increases 50%.

• Factors VII, VIII, IX, X and platelets increase.

Page 38: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

• Blood lipids increase by 1/3 • cholesterol level increase 90 to 100 %Gastrointestinal systemUterus displaces the stomach and intestines

toward the back and sides of the abdomen.• Pressure slows peristalsis and the emptying

time of the stomach.• Leads to heartburn, constipation and

flatulence.• Nausea and vomiting in early morning

when hCG and progesterone begin to rise.

Page 39: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

• May be a systemic reaction to increases estrogen or decreased glucose levels.

• Subsides after 3 months

• Generalized itching due to reabsorption of bilirubin into the mother’s blood stream due to decreased emptying of bile from the GB.

• Hypertrophy of the gumlines and bleeding.

• Peptic ulcers improve.

Page 40: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic ChangesUrinary System

• Effects of estrogen and progesterone activity.

• Compression of the bladder and ureters.

• Increased blood volume

• Postural influences

Fluid retention:

• total body water increases to 7.5 L

• increase sodium reabsorption

Page 41: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

• Increased aldosterone production.

• Potassium remains adequate.

• Water retension increases blood volume to serve as a source of nutrients to the fetus.

Renal Function:

• Kidneys change size.

• Urinary output increases by 60 to 80 %.

• GFR and renal plasma flow increase.

• Creatinine clearance tests for renal function.

Page 42: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

Ureter and Bladder Function

• ureters increase in diameter due to increased progesterone.

• bladder capacity increases to 1,500 mL

• pressure on the urethra may lead to poor bladder emptying and infections.

• May lead to kidney infection.

Page 43: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

Skeletal System

• Calcium and phosphorus increase for fetal skeleton.

• Softening of pelvic ligaments and joints.

• Relaxin (ovarian hormone) and placental progesterone.

• Separation of symphysis pubis-3 to 4 mm.

• Stand straighter and taller - lordosis

• Center of gravity is changed.

Page 44: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

Endocrine System

Almost all aspects of the endocrine system increase.

• Placenta is an endocrine organ

• Produces estrogen, progesterone, hCG, human placental lactogen,relaxin, prostaglandins.

Pituitary Gland

• there is a halt to FSH and LH due to high estrogen and progesterone levels.

Page 45: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

• Increase in production of growth hormone and melanocyte-stimulating hormone.

• Late in pregnancy it produces oxytocin and prolactin.

Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands

• thyroid enlarges and BBM (metabolism) increases by 20%

• iodine and thyroxine are elevated.

• Parathyroid enlarges due to increased calcium requirements.

Page 46: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

Adrenal Gland

• Elevated levels of corticosteroids and aldosterone are produced.

• Aids in suppressing an inflammatory reaction or helps to reduce the possibility of rejection of the fetus.

• Regulates glucose metabolism.

• Promotes sodium reabsorption and maintaining osmolarity in fluid retained.

• Safeguards blood volume and perfusion

Page 47: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes


• Increases insulin production in response to high glucocorticoid production.insulin is less effective then normal because estrogen, progesterone and hPL are antagonists to insulin.

• Diabetic needs more insulin.

• Maternal glucose levels are usually higher.

• Fat stores and available glucose are utilized.

Page 48: Psychological and Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings both psychological and physical changes to the woman and her partner. Physiologic changes.

Systemic Changes

Immune System

• Competency decreases (IgG) to not reject the fetus.

• Increase in WBC to counteract the decrease.