PSM Post Class

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  • 7/25/2019 PSM Post Class


    1) The frst case o communicable disease introduced into a defnedpopulation

    is termed as (2014 Supplementary)a) Index caseb) Primary case

    c) Secondary cased) Suspected casee) Probable case

    Answer: b...And the First case came to the attention o theInvestigator is called Index case

    2) In case control study conoundin bias can be pre!ented by"a) #andomi$ationb) %atchin

    c) &ouble blindind) Triple blindine) Samplin


    *) ' public health physician ants to study the load o hypertension in Pun+ab to

    establish special screenin and treatment ser!ice, -hich desin is more useul

    or this.a) /ross sectionalb) /ase series

    c) /ohortd) /ase controle) xperimental

    Answer: a (Load o disease, burden o disease, prevalence o disease all

    carr same meaning and can be determined b cross sectional stud)

    4) -hen a ne treatment is de!eloped that delays deaths but does not produce

    reco!ery rom a chronic disease hich o the olloin ill occur" (2014 ' and S)a) Pre!alence o the disease ill decreaseb) Incidence o the disease ill increasec) Pre!alence o the disease ill increase

    d) Incidence and pre!alence o the disease ill decreasee) Incidence o the disease ill decrease

    Answer: c, !ote:actors increasing the prevalence o disease are, long

    duration o disease, decrease the cure rate o disease, decrease the death

    rate due to the disease and decreasing the incidence o disease

  • 7/25/2019 PSM Post Class


    ) The time period re3uired beteen inestion o an inectious blood meal and !iral

    replication in sali!ary tissue o the /T5# su6cient or transmission to occur is

    called (201*' 72014 S)a) 8atent periodb) 8ead timec) Intrinsic incubation periodd) xtrinsic incubation period

    'nser" &,

    9) The natural history o a disease is best established by"a) %orbidity indicatorb) Pre!alence studiesc) xperimental studiesd) /ohort studies

    Answer: d" cohort study is also called lonitudinal study or incidence study

    :) The most easible desin to assess the relationship beteen breast cancer and

    ris; actor can be established by"

    a) /ohort studyb) /ase control studyc) /ross sectional studyd) #andomi$ed triale) ) ?roup o people or;ed at uranium mines or years amon them e

    de!eloped cancer due to uranium exposure, -hich type o association ould it

    be. (201* ')a) ioloical plausibilityb) /oherence o associationc) Temporal associationd) Specifcity o associatione) Spurious association

    Answer: c

    @) Permanent reduction o incidence o a disease to $ero as a result o deliberate


  • 7/25/2019 PSM Post Class


    ciarette smo;in as then compared on the to roups, -hat type o study

    as this. (201* S)a) Prospecti!e cohort studyb) /ase control studyc) #etrospecti!e studyd) xperimental studye) /ase series study

    Answer: b

    11) Population at ris; is used as denominator in calculation o " (201* S)a) mortality rateb) incidencec) pre!alenced) relati!e ris;e) none o them

    Answer: b

    12) -hich o the olloin study desin i!e you the incidence

    a) /ase control studyb) /ohort studyc) #/Td) &escripti!e cross sectionale)

  • 7/25/2019 PSM Post Class


    d) Cield trial

    Answer: a

    19) The purpose o double blind study is to"a) '!oid sub+ect biasb) '!oid obser!er bias and samplin !ariationc) #educe the eAect o samplin !ariation

    d) '!oid sub+ect bias and samplin !ariation

    Answer: b

    1:) '!erae number o dauhter a ne born irl ill bear durin lie time

    assumin fxed ae specifc ertility and mortalitis"( 2014 ')a) ?ross reproductions rateb)

  • 7/25/2019 PSM Post Class


    c) 2,1 birth persond) 2, birth person

    Answer: c

    22) -hat is most suitable hormonal contracepti!e or post partum lactatin


    a) /ombined oral pillsb)

  • 7/25/2019 PSM Post Class


    a 6ardiac diseaseb 7clampsiac 8emorrhaged Abortione epsis

    Answer: a)9 2ultiload device contains:

    a 6opperb incc 1rogesteroned ;olde ilver

    Answer: a

    )' 6ontraindication o Iammator diseasec 1revious ectopic pregnancd 6ancer o cervix?uterus

    e All o the aboveAnswer: e)- Failure rate o contraceptive method is determined b :

    a ullivan0s indexb !umber o accidental pregnancc 1earl indexd 8al lie

    Answer: c@* asectom is associated with :

    a Impotencb 6omplete inertilit

    c 1artial inertilitd Loss o libidoe %esticular atroph

    Answer: b