Proyecto profesora Carmen Muñoz


Transcript of Proyecto profesora Carmen Muñoz

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To improve my ELT throughout the implementation of project work based on the students’ interests, likes, needs, levels, etc. To make my students participate in the creation of the classroom activities. To make them responsible and committed about what they can learn. To make them interact each other using the four skills. To be a guide for them, about the language itself and the way of using it correctly in a specific context.To create an atmosphere conducive to learning English, but having fun. An environment where the students can combine what they learn in real life with the English language structures, which allow them to go observing their own achievements. To motivate them to show their successes to the educational community including their parents, through different English social activities.

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MANUEL JOSE CAYZEDO SCHOOL This educational institution is located at the number 29-82, in the 50th street, in Buenos Aires neighborhood. It has 900 students .It attends kindergarten, primary and high school in a coeducational environment. It was founded 70 years ago.There are three English teachers with me in secondary. This school has very few resources for the English class. I chose to carry out my project the 9th 02 course. These students are between 13 and 16 years old. They like English classes, they like to participate, they are motivated in the classroom, they like to ask when they have doubts, they propose different activities, etc. There is not parents´ involvement.the students learn English because they like or because they have to.

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I found students in 9°, 10° and 11° grade with a very low English level. The English syllabus was not created to work according to the needs of these students.These students were only used to translate texts in the English class. They did not do different activities in order to explore the other Basic English skills.

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Another frequent interruption is the disrespect of some teachers entering or leaving the classroom without asking any permission, breaking the development of the topic and causing the distraction of the students. As well as the students who are walking around the school hallways because some teachers do not have control over them.

I am not sure but I think this story is very common in public schools, and the good teachers have to overcome all this.

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“Since integrated skills use coincides the way we communicate in real life, and integrating the skills can bring plenty of benefits to English teaching, it is a worthwhile experiment in a communicative classroom despite its higher demanding for teachers” Jing, Wu (2006)

Most of the time in our English teaching procedures, because of many factors such as lack of time, a not well prepared syllabus, outdated teachers, lack of interest or just laziness, English teachers usually work with one or two isolated skills, which can be good in some senses, but this is not enough, whereas that they could not communicate in a real context which demands the integration of the four skills.

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“Listening, speaking, reading and writing are means of communication ” Jing, Wu (2006) Reflecting on this and on the idea of changing my way of teaching my students arose in me, my intention is to achieve that my class becomes a meaningful communicative environment . And I think that a means to carry out this is working together the four skill integration and the project work approach. “ Project-based learning should be viewed as a versatile vehicle for fully integrated language and content learning” L. Stoller, Fredrika (1997).


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Haines (1989)

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Supported on these project work features and the integrative approach benefits for a communicative classroom, such as variety of activities, dynamic and interactive lessons, oppxdortunities for students to participate in class, different learning styles, learning English willingly and comfortably (WANG, 2000: 147), I consider, I can achieve my goals.

“Teachers have been studying the ways of enabling learners to use English freely, effectively, and as far as possible accurately, in realistic communication, which has become not only the major goal of all English language teaching, but also the students’ main concern when they make their efforts to study English.” Jing, Wu (2006).

I finish with this reflection because I think that more than teachers, we must be facilitators for our students, to share with them our knowledge our experiences in order to motivate them to have more confidence in themselves and to make them start to believe that learning English is not as difficult as they think.


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The results that I hope to get through the development of this project have been focused on two perspectives.

Teaching and learning. Teaching because in the course of this project I want to improve my teaching process, as well as my students´ learning.

¤ I want to implement new teaching strategies.

¤ I want to learn how to work by means of project work in class. And I would like them to learn to work through projects too.

¤ I would like to plan my own English syllabus, taking into account, the level of my students, their interests, their needs, their likes, etc.

¤ I would really like integrate the four basic skills in class.

¤ I want to teach all my class in English and that my students could understand at least the 80% of this.

¤ I would like to generate in them a sense of responsibility and commitment, because the project work strategy requires to do so.


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DOCENTE: CARMEN MUÑOZ LOZANO. FECHA: ________NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE: _____________________CURSO:______OBJETIVO: Conocer las necesidades e intereses de los estudiantes de los grados 8°,9° y 10° de la Institución, y a quienes estén interesados en aprender inglés y pertenecer al ENGLISH STUDENTS’ CLUB en horario extendido de clases.

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•Preguntas abiertas de interés general. ( Respóndelas brevemente pero con sinceridad)1. ¿Por qué crees que es importante aprender inglés?2..¿Para qué te serviría aprender inglés en Colombia?3.¿Qué te gusta y te disgusta de la clase de inglés?4.¿Cuáles crees que son tus fortalezas y tus debilidades en la clase de inglés?.5.¿Qué estrategias utilizas para reforzar, practicar o aprender inglés fuera de clases?6.¿Cómo te gustaría que se desarrollara la clase de inglés(diferentes actividades) ?7.Trabajar a través de proyectos es escoger un determinado tema general, por ejemplo en un periodo, y desarrollar diferentes aspectos del inglés tales como vocabulario relacionado con el tema general, estructuras gramaticales, actividades lúdicas, desarrollo de habilidades básicas, etc. Con base en esta información, estarías interesado en trabajar por proyectos. Justifica tu respuesta.8.Te gustaría hacer parte de un club de inglés en horario contrario de clases. Responde sí o no y ¿por qué?


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•Preguntas con opción múltiple. (Escoge la respuesta que más se acomode a tus necesidades e intereses personales y que te gustaría desarrollar en la clase de inglés).9.¿Qué tema(s) te parece(n) más interesante(s)?•Música•Deportes •Programas de televisión.•Famosos•Libros•Caricaturas•Culturas•Países•Naturaleza•humor•Otro. ¿Cuál/cuáles? ___________________________________________

10.¿Qué clase de música te gusta?•Rock•Pop/romántica•reggaetón•reggae•Alternativa•Popular•Tradicional•Free style•Hip hop•Rap•Otro. ¿Cuál/cuáles? _________________________________________


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11.¿Qué clase de programas de televisión o películas prefieres ver?RománticasEntretenimientosVideos divertidosAcciónTerror/suspensoComediasDocumentalesSeriesRealitiesNovelasHistóricas NoticiasOtro. ¿Cuál/cuáles? _________________________________________ 12¿Qué tipos de lecturas te parecen interesantes?ModadeportesMúsicaFamososHumorNoticiasNaturalezaSuperación personalNovelasCulturasAstrologíaInvestigaciónCuriosidadesOtro. ¿Cuál/cuáles? _________________________________________


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13¿Qué actividades prefieres desarrollar en clase de inglés?Role plays.Escuchar cancionesVer pelicular, videos ,programas de televisiónJuegos de palabras (busca palabras, sopas de letras, crucigramas, el ahorcado, etc.)DramatizacionesExposicionesEntrevistasJuegos de adivinanzas (concéntrese, adivinar parejas, etc) Manualidades/dibujosCompetenciasOtro. ¿Cuál/cuáles? _________________________________________     


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