NMC 2017 Justice. Mercy. Humility. Winnipeg, June 28-July 1

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Justice. Mercy. Humility.

Winnipeg, June 28-July 1

Childrens Program Schedule

Thursday 8:40am - 12:00 & 6:40pm - 9:00

Friday 8:40am -2:30pm & 6:40pm - 9:00

Saturday8:40am - 12:00 & 4:40pm - 8:00

Locations:0-3 yr olds St Boniface Rm - 4-11 yr olds Kildonan Rm

12-17 yr olds Charleswood A

Contacts:Teresa Galashan (0 to 3 yr olds): 1-204 485-4812 Kim Hildebrand daytime contact person 204 771-0439Kristie Sidwall evening contact person 204 298-6496

Information:drop off times: 20 mins before sessions/workshops start at childcare rooms** some exceptions - see belowpick up times 20 mins after session ends at childcare rooms** some exceptions -see below

• ** Thursday evening is an outing so all children/youth (ex-cept 0 - 3 year olds) should be dropped off at the hotel lobby. Leaders will meet you there. Pick up after the activ-ity will be in the hotel lobby.

• Friday morning till 2:30 is an outing to the YFC activity building so all children and youth (except 0 to 3 year olds) should be dropped off at the hotel lobby. Leaders will meet you there. Pick up after the activity will be in the hotel lobby.

• Friday evening is an outing to a park so all children and youth (except 0 to 3 year olds) should be dropped off in the hotel lobby. Leaders will meet you there. Pick up after the activity will be in the hotel lobby.

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Welcome to the YFC Canada National Ministry Conference

This conference has been intentionally designed with YOU in mind! Over the course of the year, YFC Canada Staff have been working closely with local chapter leadership to shape each workshop track and plenary session topic with the aim of helping you grow your ministry.

This conference has its foundation in prayer and we want you to be an ambassador of that. In as many conversations as you have this week, look for a way to pray with the people you are seeing again or meeting for the fi rst time. Let’s be a people who are known as saturated in prayer.

The People Development Team has worked hard to create workshop tracks that will help you go further faster in your area of ministry or deepen your intimate walk with the Fa-ther. Have a look through the workshops and pick three for you and invite someone to go with you. We aim for 100% participation in workshops!

Finally, YFC Canada would like to thank Westman YFC (Brandon), Winnipeg YFC and Steinbach YFC for all of the work they have put in to planning and executing this won-derful conference in beautiful downtown Winnipeg.

Welcome to the Heart of Canada, on Canada Day weekend with Youth for Christ Canada!

In Christ,

Dave Brereton – National DirectorThe YFC Canada Team

Thursday Workshops 11:00am-12:00pm

Track #1 Working with Indigenous YouthSo, what now?The non-Indigenous path towards better. Room - RBC TheatrePresented by Tim Huff and Cheryl Bear

A workshop on Indigenous truth, understanding and sacred-ness in Canada, led by a middle-aged white guy from Toronto!? Sounds wrong, right? Tim Huff agrees, but with Cheryl Bear’s blessing, he will make sure it leads well into her sessions to follow. The “Dear Parents and Teachers” letter from the book they co-authored – The Honour Drum: Sharing the Beauty of Canada’s Indigenous People with Children, Families and Class-rooms, will be used to open up the fl oodgates of honesty and transparency required for non-Indigenous sisters and brothers to get their heads and hearts past the “So, what now?” ques-tion. (All attendees will get a free copy of The Honour Drum.)

Track #2 Health and ResilliencyStrengthening Couple ConnectionRoom - Fort Garry, DeltaPresented by Wayne Friesen

When the relationship with our partner is good, everything feels smoother and easier but staying connected is easier said than done! In this workshop you will gain an understanding of some underlying factors that will help you to keep a strong connec-tion with your partner and reduce seasons of disconnection.

Track #3 The Art of Herding Cats: Supervision Skills for Working with Highly Independent PeopleFlight from SavoRoom - St. James, Delta

Presented by Brett Andrews & Shaun FunkIn this workshop participants will observe and experience the 5 basic supervisory skills in action as they work together to solve a signifi cant and challenging crisis simulation. Please note that this workshop will be limited to the fi rst 18 par-ticipants!

Track #4 Critical Youth IssuesCaging the Lion: Journeying Well with High Con-fl ict YouthRoom - Assiniboia A, Delta

Presented by Matt Bergen & Jason HradowayWe all know the kid – the one who blows up regularly leaving collateral damage all around them. And usually, it’s some-one else’s fault! But high confl ict youth are also fi lled with confl ict inside and need the understanding and compassion a youth worker can bring. This workshop will provide you with some practical ideas for safely managing the blow ups for all involved and for stepping toward the hearts of high confl ict kids with the love of God.

Track #6 Operations at at Higher LevelYFC Benefi ts and Retirement PlanRoom - Cecil Richards, RBCPresented by Brian Girvan

The YFC Benefi ts and Retirement plan exists for you. Find out how you and your chapter can get the most out of the YFC benefi ts plan and how you can take positive steps to-ward planning and maximizing your retirement savings.

Track #7 Student Spiritual FormationTaking Opportunities to Share the GospelRoom - Assiniboia B, DeltaPresented by Ryan Rempel

In this workshop we are going to talk about WHY we share the Gospel, HOW we actually do it and WHAT constitutes an “opportunity” to share our faith. When we are pre-pared to be available to God, expect Him to do BIG things.

Justice. Mercy. Humility


Friday Workshops 11:00am-12:00pm

Track #1 Working with Indigenous YouthMother Earth and Other ThoughtsRoom - RBC TheatrePresented by Cheryl Bear

Cheryl will explore the simplicity and complexity associated with the indigenous understanding and respect towards cre-ation and creation care.

Track#2 Health and ResiliencyBrain Science and Loving Others and OurselvesRoom - Fort Garry, DeltaPresented by Valerie Wiebe

Our brains are wired to respond when we perceive threat or attack. This can help keep us safe from harm; however, many of us have developed default settings that keep us reacting to past threats in the present. This not only in-terferes with our ability to feel safe and love others freely, it also impacts our experience of God and our attitude towards ourselves. This workshop will explore ways to interrupt these patterns, develop resiliency and deepen our capacity to receive love and extend compassion.

Track #3 The Art of Herding Cats: Applying the 5 Skills of SupervisionRoom - St. James, Delta Presented by Brett Andrews & Shaun Funk

Picking up where we left off in Workshop 1: Flight from Savo, participants will now further explore the 5 supervisory skills by completing a self-assessment, critically refl ecting on what it takes to supervise well and learning to apply the 5 skills to their ministry settings. Please note that this work-shop will be limited to the fi rst 18 participants!



Track #4 Critical Youth Issues Messing With My Head: Understanding Kids with Mental Health ConcernsRoom - Assiniboia A, Delta lower level

Presented by Iona SnairWhen we talk about vulnerable teens, those with mental health diffi culties fi nd themselves near the top of our lists. So what does a youth worker who cares about them need to know to walk well with these kids? Come to this workshop and fi nd out.

Track #5 ED / BoardThe Ideal Team Player: tips for growing a hungry, humble and smart teamRoom - St. Vital, Delta

Presented by Tim ColesDo you want to work in a strong team environment where team members are all working together toward the same goals? Have you ever wondered why parts of your ministry seem to be pulling in diff erent directions, rather than rowing in the same rhythm toward the same goal? The Ideal Team Player, by Patrick Lencioni has some very simple and helpful tips to recognize and cultivate the three essential virtues of The Ideal Team Player. The fi rst 12 workshop attendees will receive a complementary copy of The Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni.

Track #6 Operations at a Higher LevelProfessional RelationshipsRoom - Cecil Richards, RBC Presented by Jamie Knight

In our actions and our relationships, each of us is represent-ing YFC and its mission in everything we do. As such, we need to set boundaries and, in doing so, we need to under-stand the kinds of boundaries that need to be set. Without boundaries, we put ourselves at risk, and we also risk the good name and hard-earned reputation of YFC itself. This workshop will help us establish an appropriate behavioural framework to free us to truly be a “model of good works” (Titus 2:7).


Track #7 Student Spiritual FormationTaking the SCARE out of SHARE (Part 1)Room - Assiniboia B, Delta lower levelPresented by Paul Emmer & Ryan Galashan

In a world gone mad, students are hungry for spiritual con-versations. Are you ready? Do you want more tools to helpmake it easier? So do your staff , students and volunteers.This workshop is about getting into some crazy fun tools thatcan help you create life changing conversations and equipstudents and volunteers to share what they believe

Friday Workshops 1:30-2:30pm

Track #1 Working with Indigenous YouthIndigenous Worldview, Culture and ValuesRoom - RBC TheatrePresented by Cheryl Bear

This workshop will explore some of the beauty and mystery of indigenous worldview, culture and values. It will help par-ticipants to be able to appreciate, without fear, as well as broaden awareness and deepen respect.

Track#2 Health and ResiliencyExperiencing Freedom in SinglenessRoom - Fort Garry, DeltaPresented by Shaunna Goode

How do you wear your singleness? Is it a burden or a blessing? Are you simply surviving or are you thriving? We take a holistic look at singleness & explore what it means to live a balanced, healthy, contented single life.

Track #3 The Art of Herding CatsCaring for and Developing our Staff PersonsRoom - St. James, Delta Presented by Wayne Friesen & Kevin Hamp

In this workshop participants will explore a structure for conducting supervisory meetings, & learn more about tools & resources for caring about our staff ’s health, resiliency & eff ectiveness.

Track #4 Critical Youth IssuesTrauma and Loss: Stepping into the PainRoom - Assinoboia A, Delta lower levelPresented by Kent Dueck

Kids who have experienced trauma are often left stuck, and shut down emotionally as a result. Trauma can be the cause of many of the troubling behaviours we see. This workshop recognizes that as youth workers it can be diffi cult to know how to address these experiences, but we can acknowledge their impact and the pain that comes with them. And we can acknowledge the impact that walking with trauma-fi lled kids has on us, as we walk together toward hope and healing.

Track #5 ED / BoardDirect and Protect: tips & tools for keeping your YFC ministry strongRoom - St. Vital, DeltaPresented by Tim Coles

How are you evaluating your chapter’s eff ectiveness? Do you have a strategic plan with specifi c measurable goals? How are you measuring the eff ectiveness of the Board, leadership, staff care and development, fundraising and ministry models? Sometimes to get to the right answers to these, we need to start by asking ourselves some simply pointed questions. Participants will leave the workshop with a Chapter Self As-sessment Tool and an eagerness to begin taking steps toward greatness as a chapter!

Track #6 Operations at a Higher Level10 Tips for Silent Partner Cloud to its full potentialRoom - Cecil Richards, RBCPresented by Scott Brereton and Keli Chiu

The Silent Partner Cloud has become an integral tool for YFC Staff Members across Canada. Our informative and fun ses-sion will focus on how you can get the most out of the Silent Partner Cloud. This workshop is open to anyone already using Silent Partner and to any staff who want to learn more about how this program can help track and communicate with their partners. Explore how you can get the most out of the in-cluded Reports, CRM, Communication and other features.

Track #7 Student Spiritual FormationTaking the SCARE out of SHARE (Part 2)Room - Assiniboia B, Delta lower levelPresented by Paul Emmer & Ryan Galashan

Let’s see how God surprises us when we learn from our peers. In this workshop, we’ll have round table discussions on the discipleship tools you have found to be eff ective with your students. Plus, we’ll look at a new discipleship system that can deliver content, solicit feedback and create con-nection using the one piece of technology that never leaves their side – their cell phone. In addition, we’ll be joined by representatives from Alpha Canada.

Plenary Speakers

Gord PennerGord Penner loves motivating college stu-dents and church groups to dig deeper into the Word. He has spent the past 30 years teaching Bible courses at Steinbach Bible College as well as in many churches throughout North America. Gord grew up as a “missionary kid” in Northern Manitoba and

inherited a love for the communities and the people of the North which continues to infl uence his ministry and his teach-ing. Gord and his wife Laura have four married children, who love music, ministry, and “living loud”.

Their son, Allen, now brings that love of ministry to his role with YFC in Steinbach where he has been serving for the past two years.

Cheryl BearCheryl Bear is well known as an important and respected voice on behalf of Canada’s Indigenous peoples. Although, she is a multi-award-winning singer/songwriter and a highly revered speaker and teacher, her heart is best known in the quietness of time spent with her people. Her doctoral work,

presents an approach to First Nations ministry from the foun-dations of indigenous worldview and values that she believes will help leaders to be more eff ective in cross-cultural minis-try.

Dave BreretonDave and his wife Katy have been involved with YFC since 1995. They live in Montreal, Quebec and Dave has been the National Di-rector since 2006.

Wilma DerksenSince the abduction and murder of daughter Candace in 1984, Wilma Derksen has infl u-enced victims, off enders and the community by telling her story.

Wilma is an international speaker and con-sultant on victimization and criminal justice.

She has presented to hundreds of audiences who describe her as inspiring, insightful, vulnerable, integral, comforting, warm, and as an insightful storyteller. She has a wonderful ability to put groups at ease, create a warm atmosphere, and move people emotionally.

She has received numerous awards, including the Order of Manitoba in 2015 and the Nellie McClung Award in 2016. She has written a number of books on criminal victimization, trauma, and the criminal justice system. Her most recent book, The Way of Letting Go is based on the fi fteen ele-ments of the aftermath of violence, exploring each issue and ways of letting go.

Geordan RendleGeordon Rendle is the Global Youth Advo-cate of Youth for Christ. Canada. Geordon and his wife, Marilyn, have served together on behalf of this mission in many diff erent countries over the past 20 plus years.

As co-preneurs, Geordon and Marilyn pio-neered Youth for Christ in Venezuela and Argentina, recruit-ing indigenous staff and board members and assisting in the growth of ministry to youth in these nations. The Rendles have been married for 28 years and have four beautiful children - Jordan, Joshua, Jolyn & Joy).

Workshop Leaders

Track #1 Working with Indigenous Youth

Tim Huff

After thirty years of full-time social-justice ministry work across Canada - predominant-ly focussed on “binding up the broken-heart-ed”, with his name on six award-winning books, a simple Tim Huff bio is no longer easy to process. While he is the creative lead for Youth Unlimited Toronto’s Compas-

sion Series program, Tim’s latest event speak bio-ed him in a succinct way that he humbly appreciates most: “Author, Artist, Advocate, Speaker, Peacemaker, Doer”.

Track #2 Health and Resiliency

Wayne Friesen

Wayne Friesen has been working with YFC since 1998 in a variety of capacities and is also an individual and couple thera-pist. Wayne loves hearing people’s sto-ries and enjoys working with couples to help them discover new ways of relat-ing which lead to deeper connection.

Valerie Wiebe

Valerie Wiebe has been a Marriage & Family Therapist for over 25 years. She works with her clients to address a wide range of is-sues including how trauma interferes with a person’s well-being and experience in their world. In addition to her work as a thera-pist, Val is the Clinical Director at Recovery

of Hope in Winnipeg.

Shaunna Goode

Shaunna Goode has been with YFC since November 2012 and has been involved with church ministry for over 15 years. A passion for teaching others and a deep desire to share the love of God with those around her has provided Shaunna with continual inspiration to learn as much as

she can about living a life dedicated to God alone.

Track #3 The Art of Herding Cats: Supervision Skills for Working with Highly Independent People

Brett Andrews

Dr. Brett Andrews’ passion is caring for and developing people. He has 29 years of experience in diff erent frontline and leadership capacities within YFC and is currently the Director of People Devel-opment for YFC Canada. He also serves as the chair of the youth ministry de-

partment at Emmanuel Bible College. Brett is married to Joanne and has two sons named Brendan (married to Katie) and Chris.

Shaun Funk

Shaun Funk’s passions are youth and de-velopment. Educated as a teacher, Shaun transitioned to homeless youth ministry 5 years ago as a youth worker and is cur-rently the Uturn Program Director with Westman YFC. Shaun loves Jesus, his wife of 12 years, his 2 kids, playing vol-

leyball and any opportunity where he is engaged in learning with those around him.

Kevin Hamp

Kevin Hamp has served with YFC since 2001. He loves teens, the YFC family, and is passionate about strengthening our staff for resilient service. Kevin is com-mitted to journeying alongside our staff and helping them navigate the challenges they face on their mission of raising up

lifelong followers of Jesus. He is currently the Member Care Coordinator for our Global Engagement department and serves as a psychotherapist at Cornerstone Counseling Foun-dation in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Track #4 Critical Youth Issues

Matt Bergen

Matt Bergen and his wife, Elya, live in North Surrey, BC – where Matt works for Youth Unlimited. Matt spends most of his time hanging out with young men in the community, many of whom are living in group homes, are gang affi liated and/or have spent time locked up – or currently

are. He has a passion for working in and around the justice system – threading the Gospel like a needle to youth and their families in desperate need of truth, hope and redemp-tion.

Jason Hradoway

Jason Hradoway spends his working days in the Downtown Eastside community of Vancouver, and journeys alongside street-involved and street-entrenched youth. He’s a member of the Street Life Out-reach team, which helps to provide hope and a safe space of belonging for youth

who struggle with issues of poverty, homelessness, gang af-fi liation, addiction, FASD, and more.

Kent Dueck

Kent Dueck is the Executive Director and Founder of Inner City Youth Alive in Winni-peg. For the past 30 years, ICYA has been serving kids and families in the North End of Winnipeg, which is one of the poorest and most underserved areas in Canada. ICYA provides hope by giving kids who ex-

perience poverty, abuse and neglect a safe place to drop in, have healthy meals, experience wilderness camping, meet with mentors, and be taught life and job skills.

Iona Snair

Iona Snair and her husband Rob are the directors of Lifeteams in Abbotsford, BC. They get to walk with a team of young adults who spend 8 months living and learning together while stepping into the lives of vulnerable young people. Iona is passionate about relationships, Jesus and

a good piece of homemade pie … and not necessarily in that order.

Track #5 ED / Board

Tim Coles

Tim has been with YFC since 1994, serving in a variety of ministry capacities includ-ing Executive Director of Kawartha. Tim is now serving new and existing chapters in the area of strategic planning, board governance, Executive Director mentor-ing and chapter development. Tim and his

wife Christine and their two children live in the Peterbor-ough Ontario area.

Track #6 Operations at a Higher Level

Brian Girvan

Brian Girvan has been the Treasurer on the YFC National Board since 2003. He is a CPA and is the Executive Vice President of Burke & Company Limited, a Pension and Benefi ts Consulting Firm. Brian is a former full-time staff member of Power to Change Ministries where he worked in

the role of Treasurer and Chief Financial Offi cer in Langley, BC for 10 years. He currently lives in Toronto with his wife, Lori and their three teenage children, Holly, Kyle and Shaelyn.

Maureen Pryce

Maureen Pryce serves as Human Resources & Partner Development Director with YFC Canada and holds a CFRE (Certifi ed Fund-raising Executive) designation. Maureen has worked for non-profi t organizations (both Christian and secular) for the past 20 years and is excited about sharing her

expertise with YFC staff across the country.

Jamie Knight

Jamie Knight is a partner working out of both the Hamilton and Toronto offi ces of Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP. For several years, he has provided legal sup-port and advice to YFC on a pro bono basis. Jamie is a leading expert representing and advising management in workplace human

resources issues. He also serves as President of the Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers and is the form Chair of CACE’s Human Rights Committee.

Track #7 Student Spiritual Formation

Ryan Rempel

Ryan Rempel is the director and founder of Give the Word, a ministry that provides free access to Bibles that are specifi cally designed for outreach. His heart is to help Christians experience joy that is found when we make ourselves available for Christ to use us for the kingdom. Ryan has

spoken in churches across Canada on the importance of the command that Christ gave us to share our faith.

Ryan Galashan

Ryan Galashan has served as the satellite director for YFC in Selkirk, MB for the last 8 years. In sharing the Gospel with teens, Ryan’s desire is that youth will discover that Jesus not only has the power to give them eternal life, but to also give them in-credible hope for today; as well as, joy and

peace in the midst of their struggles, healing for their many wounds and a reason to live.

Paul Emmer Paul Emmer is a passionate and energet-ic follower of Jesus. He’s on a mission to know Jesus and make Him known. Paul currently serves as the satellite director for YFC in Stonewall, MB.



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Justice. Mercy. Humility.

Winnipeg, June 28-July 1

The new Alpha Youth SeriesComing October 2017

Text “YOUTH” to 778-655-8391 to find out more.

The new Alpha Youth SeriesComing October 2017

Text “YOUTH” to 778-655-8391 to find out more.