Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums

Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums Marco Mason Marco Mason
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Transcript of Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums

Page 1: Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums

P r o t o t y p i n g a n d I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y C o l l a b o r a t i o n

i n D i g i t a l M e d i a D e s i g n P r a c t i c e f o r M u s e u m s

Marco MasonMarco Mason

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Page 3: Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums

Institute of emerging Issues NCSU

Gallery One, CMA

Behind the Scenes, MFA

Infinity of Nations, Smithsonian Inst.

Native American Voices Penn Museum

Tenement Museum, NYC

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Case study - Institute of Emerging Issues at the NCSU, Raleigh NC IEI team Wendy Burkland, Melinda Walke Anita Brown-Graham Second Story Interactive Studios David Waingarten and Brad Johnson Chris Dewan Daniel Meyers, David Brewer, Thomas Wester, Michael Godfrey, Sorob Louie, Jennifer Dolan, Kirsten Southwell, Norman Lau, Alex Cho, Marc Lehman, Jinu Yang, Swanny Mouton, Sam Jeibmann, Philippe Laulheret, Matthew Fargo, Donald Richardson Gallagher & Associated Sujit Tolat, Cybelle Jones !Case study (gathering data) - Gallery One at the CMA, Cleveland CMA team Jane Alexander, Caroline Goeser, Seema Rao, Jennifer Foley Meghan Stockdale , Elizabeth Bolander , Andrea Bour, Niki Krause, Mary Suzor, Thomas Barnard Local Projects Jake Barton !Case study (under analysis) - Behind the Scenes at the MFA, Boston Museum of Fine Arts Barbara Martin, Jenna Fleming, Lynn Courtney, Elliot Davis, Erica Hirshler Richard Lewis Media Group Richard Lewis, Stephanie Stewart, Diana Bonfilio. !


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The 47th

Ann Karash Kimura Small Design David Small, Jenna Fizel !Case study (gathering data) - Infinity of Nations at the Smithsonian Institution Earprint Production Jason Reinier and Catherine Girardeau Smithsonia Institution Daniel Davis Independent consultant and designer Sandy Goldberg !Case study (under analysis) - Native American Voices at the Penn Museum Penn Museum, Philadelphia Kate Quinn , Yuan Yao, Lucy Fowler Williams, Allison Francies, Kevin Schott, Courtney O’Brien, Jenn Reifsteck Bluecadet Interaction Josh Goldblum, Troy Lachance, Aaron Miller, Kim Quinn, Mark Llobrera, Stacey Martens, Aaron Richardson, Victoria Jones, Paul Rudolph


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Case study - Tenement Museum - NYC Tenement Museum Annie Polland Nick Capodice Potion Design studio Philip Phillip Tiongson Abby Palmer Jonathan Bobrow   !Interviews for the preliminary research MIT Museum and MIT Museum Studio team (Allan Doyle, Seth Riskin, Deborah Douglas), Ed Rodley , Caroline Burke, Dana Mitroff Silver, Peter Samis, Patrick Newbery, Adam Broidy, Nathan Shedroff, Chris Noessel ,Graham Plumb, Susan , Peter Samis , Keir Winesmith, Nina Simon, Chia Shen. !!


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Digital media design



The research objective

We aim for the theory but we are actually looking at the existing digital media design practice for heritage institution

“We aim for the theory but we are actually looking at the existing digital media design practice for heritage institution.”

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Significance theoretical reflection on design is necessary to transfer knowledge. - education setting - Scientific community (PhD) - Museums practitioners - Designers & Design practice


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Page 10: Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums
Page 11: Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums

design areas & skill

prototypes, artifacts and documentation

design activities

design process

members and collaboration

Page 12: Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums

members and collaboration

design areas & skill

prototypes artifacts and documentation

design activities

design process

Page 13: Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums

Digital media design for heritage institutions involves constant negotiation among many experts in different fields, and visitors as well.

D e s i g n i n g t h r o u g h C o l l a b o r a t i o n

Page 14: Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums

W h a t t y p e s o f P r o t o t y p e s ?

Page 15: Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums

W h a t t y p e s o f P r o t o t y p e s ?

!Idea, Appearance, Content, Functionality, Interactivity, Spatial structure

* Lim, Youn-Kyung, "The anatomy of prototypes: Prototypes as filters, prototypes as manifestations of design ideas."

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credit: Dana Mitroff Silver - Rethinking artwork object labels with a prototype at the Getty Villa.  Image © P.M. Carlson

W h a t t y p e s o f P r o t o t y p e s ?

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W h a t t y p e s o f P r o t o t y p e s ?

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W h a t t y p e s o f P r o t o t y p e s ?

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credit: Bluecadet Design

W h a t t y p e s o f P r o t o t y p e s ?

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t h e v a l u e o f p r o t o t y p i n g i n c o l l a b o r a t i v e d e s i g n p r o c e s s e s

Page 21: Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums

t h e v a l u e o f p r o t o t y p i n g

Background picture, credit: Dana Mitroff - Design Insights

for example: to generate many ideas, quickly! to help communication amongst design and museum team members to catch mistake early on in the process to test a system of interactions

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Rational Problem Solving

*Dorst, K. (2006) Understanding Design, BIS Publishers.

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problem(s) Solution

*Farrell, Robert, and Cliff Hooker. “Design, Science and Wicked Problems.” Design Studies 34, 6 (Nov 2013): 681–705.

Rational Problem Solving

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wicked problems

design problem

Solution 1

Solution 2

Solution 3

Solution x

*Rittel and Webber. “Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning.” Policy Sciences, 4 (1973): 155-169.

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*Dorst and Cross. “Creativity in the Design Process: Co-Evolution of Problem–solution.” Design Studies 22, 5 (Sep 2001)

co-evolution problem/solution

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*Dorst and Cross. “Creativity in the Design Process: Co-Evolution of Problem–solution.” Design Studies 22, 5 (Sep 2001)

co-evolution problem/solution

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Problem/Solution Problem/Solution Problem/Solution

*Dorst, K. (2004) The problem of design problems – problem solving and design expertise. Journal of Design Research, 4(2).

co-evolution problem/solution

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Case studies

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Preece, Jenny, Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, David Benyon, Simon Holland, and Tom Carey. Human-computer interaction. Addison-Wesley Longman Ltd., 1994.

Saffer, Dan. Designing for interaction: creating innovative applications and devices. New Riders, 2010.

D. Mitroff Silvers, E. Lytle-Painter, A. Lee, J. Ludden, B. Hamley and Y. Trinh, From Post-its to Processes: Using Prototypes to Find Solutions. In Museums and the Web 2014, N. Proctor & R. Cherry (eds). Silver Spring, MD: Museums and the Web. Published February 1, 2014.


McKenna-Cress, Polly, and Janet Kamien. Creating Exhibitions: Collaboration in the Planning, Development, and Design of Innovative Experiences. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.

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Warfel, Todd Zaki. Prototyping: a practitioner's guide. Rosenfeld media, 2009.

Practical insights

Snyder, Carolyn. Paper prototyping: The fast and easy way to design and refine user interfaces. Newnes, 2003.

Page 31: Prototyping and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Digital Media Design Practice for Museums

Dorst and Cross (2001). “Creativity in the Design Process: Co-Evolution of Problem–solution.” Design Studies 22(5)

Dorst, K. (2004) The problem of design problems – problem solving and design expertise. Journal of Design Research, 4(2).

Rittel and Webber (1973). “Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning.” Policy Sciences, 4: 155-169. Lim, Youn-Kyung, !Erik Stolterman, and Josh Tenenberg. "The anatomy of prototypes: Prototypes as filters, prototypes as manifestations of !design ideas." ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 15, no. 2 (2008): 7.

Farrell, Robert, and Cliff Hooker (2013) “Design, Science and Wicked Problems.” Design Studies 34(6): 681–705.

Dorst, K. (2006) Understanding Design, BIS Publishers.

a little bit of design theory

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[email protected]

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