Protective Monitoring

Secure Hosting Service The security challenges faced by organisations are well known. Threats to networks and systems include theft of proprietary information, financial fraud, insider and outsider system penetration and sabotage of data networks. Implementing an in-house function to mitigate and protect against these threats around the clock is a major undertaking with considerable cost implications. Outsourcing to a trusted 3rd party, experienced and capable of providing seamless round the clock protection is the preferred option of many global organisations. QinetiQ’s Secure Hosting Service is for businesses and organisations that value the availability and integrity of their data assets and who need to ensure maximum protection against hacking and defacement. The service can provide a complete website or application solution which combines the functionality customers expect with the security and resilience needed. QinetiQ’s Secure Hosting Service is for customers who want to outsource the proactive analysis, protection and management of their secure digital data to a trusted third party. • Optimal availability, integrity and security • Geographically diverse Secure Hosting Sites • Additional protection provided by QinetiQ digital security services • Service Desk Support • Operated and administered by security-cleared personnel


We offer a full hosting and protective monitoring service for those sensitive information and communication systems where security and availability are critical. It is a service valued by customers ranging from government. visit for more info @

Transcript of Protective Monitoring

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Secure Hosting Service

The security challenges faced byorganisations are well known. Threatsto networks and systems include theftof proprietary information, financialfraud, insider and outsider systempenetration and sabotage of datanetworks.

Implementing an in-house function tomitigate and protect against thesethreats around the clock is a majorundertaking with considerable costimplications.

Outsourcing to a trusted 3rd party,experienced and capable of providing

seamless round the clock protection isthe preferred option of many globalorganisations.

QinetiQ’s Secure Hosting Service is forbusinesses and organisations thatvalue the availability and integrity oftheir data assets and who need toensure maximum protection againsthacking and defacement.

The service can provide a completewebsite or application solution whichcombines the functionality customersexpect with the security and resilienceneeded.

QinetiQ’s Secure Hosting Service is for customerswho want to outsource the proactive analysis,protection and management of their secure digitaldata to a trusted third party.

• Optimal availability,integrity and security

• Geographically diverseSecure Hosting Sites

• Additional protectionprovided by QinetiQdigital security services

• Service Desk Support

• Operated andadministered bysecurity-clearedpersonnel

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content using our staging serverapplication and to view their site orinformation prior to release. Thesuccess of a web site can bedetermined by demand and theQinetiQ service allows the customer tohave easy access to online statisticsand reports, which can help in futureplanning or help predict peaks oftraffic to a web site. The flexible designof the infrastructure means thatscalability is easy and it supportsburstable bandwidth to sustain thosepeaks of traffic.

Scalable SolutionsWe provide customers with threechoices of hosting.

Virtual hosting which is a keenly pricedand easily set up service, perfect forcustomers who require availability andsecurity, but whose information is notparticularly sensitive.

Dedicated hosting can be deployedwhen security is key and physicalseparation is essential. This serviceprovides the physical separationcustomers require and does notcompromise availability or reliability.

High availability is an extra specialservice and provides protection forextremely sensitive and valuableinformation. It ensures that the serviceis robust with no single points offailure. This service can still functioneffectively even with a loss of up to50% of the hardware.

Customer IntegrationThis service seamlessly integrates withcustomers existing business operation.Availability and integrity are importantto the customers in the protection oftheir digital data assets and thisservice ensures that customers havean uninterrupted business presencewith high levels of performance,reliability, resilience and availability.

For more information please contact:

Customer Contact TeamQinetiQCody Technology ParkIvely Road FarnboroughHampshire GU14 0LXUnited KingdomTel +44 (0) 8700

Copyright © QinetiQ ltd 2008QinetiQ/AT/DS/PUB0800751

Best of Breed DeploymentChoosing QinetiQ to provide yoursecure hosting solution meanschoosing a company with atechnological heritage and reputationfor providing innovative solutions toexacting problems. Whichever hostingservice you select we can provideunexcelled levels of performance andresilience to conduct online businesswith confidence, security and totalpeace of mind.

QinetiQ Proprietary MethodologyThe service is designed, managed andmonitored by information assuranceand security specialists, trained andexperienced in providing a range ofinformation security services to high-profile government departments,where the availability and protectionof sensitive information is a crucialbalancing act.

QinetiQ sites are physically secure toList X standards. The hostingequipment is housed within an accesscontrolled building compliant to thestringent requirements of the MoD tosecurity standard JSP 440.

The security of the service is ensuredthrough the use of hardened Linux orWindows® operating systems andprotection is supplemented by regularpenetration testing. We further ensurethe security of the service by deployingour Managed Intrusion DetectionService which is provided incompliance with CESG Memo 37.

QinetiQ can also provide a number ofsupplementary services such as email,mail forwarders, Domain Name Server(DNS) registration, SSL (Secure SocketLayer) Certificate Management, anti-virus and anti-spam.

Maintaining ownership and control ofsite content is very important tocustomers and our infrastructureallows customers to upload their own

Total SupportQinetiQ is the UK’s leadinginternational defence and securitytechnology company developinginnovative technology-based solutionsand products and providingtechnology-rich support services formajor government organisations, suchas the UK MoD, the US DoD and forcommercial customers around theworld.

We provide our customers withproactive analysis, protection andmanagement of their digital dataassets and achieve this with theapplication of a range of offerings:

• Information Security and AssuranceConsultancy

• Management Intrusion DetectionService

• Managed Vulnerability Assessmentand Alerting Service

• Penetration Testing Service• Secure Hosting Service• Digital Forensics Service