Protecting endangered plant and animal species


Transcript of Protecting endangered plant and animal species

Protection and Conservation of Rare and Economically Important Species

Top Six reason for losing our Biodiversity

1. population pressure,2. destruction of wildlife habitats (e.g. tropical forests, coral reefs, wetlands),

3. Invasive Species4. hunting for foods, sports or medicines (using to many resources)5. Pollution.

6. Climate Change

Endangerment of Species more than 1,000 animal species are

endangered worldwide today. Extinct:

a species is extinct when there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual has died.

Critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable: species which face high risk of extinction

in wild in the near future, with decreasing risk level from critically endangered to vulnerable.

Factors affecting Risk Level of Endangerment

Population size of the species, Size of habitats, Number of mature individuals,

Examples of Endangered Species

Endangered Species In the Philippines1. Philippine Eagle (scientific name: Pithecophaga


2. 2. Philippine freshwater crocodile (scientific name: Crocodylus mindorensis)

3. Tamaraw (scientific name: Bubalus mindorensis)

4. Walden's hornbill (scientific name: Aceros waldeni)


5. Visayan warty pig (scientific name: Sus cebifrons)

6. Philippine cockatoo (scientific name: Cacatua haematuropygia)

7. Negros bleeding-heart (scientific name: Gallicolumba keayi)

8. Philippine naked-backed fruit bat (scientific name: Dobsomia chapmani)


Scientific Name: EretmochelysimbricataCommon Name:pawikan

10. Philippine forest turtle (scientific name: Siebenrockiella leytensis)

Why do we need to save endangered species? [1]

Humans depend on ecosystems.

The nature provides us water and air.

Why do we need to save endangered species? [2]

Ecosystem will become unstable Loss of valuable natural resources Species have rights to survive

What should be done? Pollution control Reduce the use / recycle natural

resources Ban or restrict activities that cause

harm to the nature, e.g. hunting Act of Endangered Species

International Treaties and National Government Law and Policies

• CITES- 1975 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

• 175 countries ban the hunting, capturing and selling of threatened or endangered species.

• 900 Species that cannot be commercially traded or studied as live specimen

• 5,000 animals and 28,000 plant species are also protected from being traded in the international market

• Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)• Resulted in making 191 countries agree to the

convention which aims to commit and reduce the global rate of losing biodiversity

• Objectives

• To achive conservation of biological diversity

• To make biodiversity sustainable in the long term

• To share fairly the benefits from the use of genetic resources (in plant breeding and biotechnology)

• Philippine Endangered Species act ( Republic Act No. 9147) also known as the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act

• Ensures to conserve our country’s wildlife resources and their habitats for sustainability

• Objectives• Conserve and protect wildlife • Regulate the collection and trade of wildlife• To pursue, with due regard to the national interest• To initiate or support scientific studies on the

conservation of biological diversity

Other ways to help

• Zoo and breeding centers- provides temporary shelters for animals

• Philippine Eagle Center – successfully bred 21 Philippine Eagle

• Cabuaya Forest in Davao

• Taft Forest Wildlife Sanctuary in Samar Island

• Philippine Carabao Center in Science City, Munoz, Nueva Ecija- successfully produced the first test tube buffalo using reproductive technology in 2004

• Manila Ocean park

Activity1. Together with your Group compose a song about Saving

the Environment.

2. Write your song on a colored paper design your work

3. Present your song in front of the class

The following Criteria are as follows

Originality and Creativity - 40%(applied songwriting style, technique, skill)

Lyrics - 40%(effectiveness, message, appropriateness of the theme)

OverallAppeal - 20%

The nature/scale of remedial measures needed to reverse current trends:

1. International efforts through the activities of groups such as World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace.

2. International agreements arrived at partly as a consequence of their lobbying e.g. Convention on International Trading of Endangered Species (C. I. T. E. S.) and the agreements that restrict whaling.


If dinosaurs were still alive in the world, should we conserve them?

For endangered species that threaten our life, should we conserve them? How to judge, decide and make a balance?

“Human is selfish for exploiting the life of so many species”, do you agree?


Keeping animals in zoo is one way to protect and keep valuable species. What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses body parts of animals to cure illnesses. How do you feel? What could be done?

If the protection of endangered species will cause unemployment and hardship of the people in the developing country, what should be done?

Relevant Websites [1]

Endangered Species Program, U.S. Fish & wildlife Service (

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora – CITES (

Endangered Species on EE-Link Endangered Species (

A SeaWorld Education Department Resource ( Endangered Species


Relevant Websites [2]

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department ( Conservation


Example of endangered species that could be used in Traditional Chinese Medicines (

Examples of plant species included in the Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance (