Prostate Cancer Canada 1 in 6 Brochure


Transcript of Prostate Cancer Canada 1 in 6 Brochure

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Prostate Cancer Canada’s vision is to be a global leader in the fight against prostate cancer, earning the enthusiasm and support of Canadians through integrity, compassion and innovation.


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Prostate Cancer Canada raises funds for the development of programs related to awareness, public education, advocacy, support of those affected, and research into the prevention, detection, treatment and cure of prostate cancer.


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Prostate Cancer Canada’s website offers a wealth of useful information regarding prostate cancer. In addition, the site has a special quiz to help men assess their risk, as well as interactive tools that help the recently diagnosed learn about treatment options.


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No one thing causes prostate cancer, but research has pinpointed a variety of factors that may lead to the disease.

Diet: A low fat diet may help prevent prostate cancer. Research suggests that fat increases creation of the hormone testosterone, which may help prostate cancer cells grow. The so-called “Western diet” that is high in red meat and animal fats and low in fiber, fruits and vegetables is linked to an increased risk of certain cancers.


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Weight: Gaining weight early in life seems to put men with prostate cancer at greater risk for developing an aggressive form of the disease. Regular exercise is an important part of preventing prostate cancer and slowing the disease’s growth.

Age: It is very rare (although possible) to be diagnosed with prostate cancer before age 40, but a man’s risk increases quickly after age 50. More than 80 percent of all prostate cancers are diagnosed in men over 65 years old; 90 percent of men who die from the disease are in this age group.


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• Ethnicity: A man’s chance of being diagnosed with prostate cancer can be very different depending on his ethnicity and the country he lives in. The disease is most common and deadly among those of African or Caribbean descent, followed (in order) by white non-Hispanics, white Hispanics, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans.

• Family History: Ten to 15 percent of men with prostate cancer have a family history of the disease. Men with a family history tend to develop prostate cancer at an early age (under 55 years old). Men who have one first-degree relative with prostate cancer have a two-fold increased risk of developing the disease. Talk to your doctor.


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Three main conditions affect the health of the prostate: prostatitis and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS); benign prostatic hyperplasia or enlargement of the prostate (BPH); and prostate cancer.

All three of these conditions may eventually cause problems with the urinary system and overall health. However, prostatitis or a benign enlarged prostate, may affect a man more noticeably than does early-stage prostate cancer.

Early stage prostate cancer usually has no symptoms. Even metastatic disease may exist without causing symptoms.


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By the time prostate cancer causes symptoms the tumour is typically quite far advanced. A number of treatments are available for advanced prostate cancer, but as yet, there is no cure.

If symptoms do occur, you may experience any of the following:• dull pain in the lower pelvic area

• problems with urination such as inability, pain, burning, weakened urine flow, frequent urination

• blood in the urine or semen

• painful ejaculation

• general pain in the lower back, hips or upper thighs

• loss of appetite and/or weight; and persistent bone pain (If you experience any of the above problems speak with your Doctor.)


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Any of the symptoms from the previous slide can be caused by non-cancerous conditions. Prostatitis and LUTS may cause discomfort, fever, and/or lower back pain even in a young man. After going to the doctor, usually, a three to six week course of antibiotics will be prescribed to bring relief.

Men with BPH generally notice changes in urination – hesitant stream, urgency, night time frequency; there are medications and procedures that can help. An open conversation with your doctor is important, as neglecting BPH can lead to conditions such as kidney failure.

Don’t wait for symptoms like these before talking with your doctor.


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Prostate Cancer Canada advises that men and their doctors take the time to discuss the merits of prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood testing followed by a digital rectal examination (DRE) for the early detection of prostate cancer. We also strongly recommend that men consider the following schedule for prostate cancer monitoring using PSA blood testing.


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AGE 40: Establish a baseline PSA value. While the threat of prostate cancer is minimal at this age, it also precedes the onset of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), the natural enlargement of the prostate that commonly occurs with age. The onset of BPH often results in rising PSA over time, and can be confused with the onset of prostate cancer. Your doctor can observe whether your PSA levels have risen, and if so, how quickly.

Unless your resulting baseline PSA score is of concern to your doctor, the PSA need only be repeated every 5 years until age 50. Men at higher risk of prostate cancer (e.g. men whose father and/or brother developed prostate cancer and/or those of African or Caribbean descent) should begin annual PSA and DRE monitoring at age 40.


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AGE 50: All men should begin annual or semi-annual PSA monitoring if they have not yet done so. A minimal increase in PSA levels against your baseline score often (in consultation with your physician) requires no further action until your next annual test. A significant increase should prompt a discussion with your doctor or urologist about follow-up PSA blood tests.

The PSA blood test not only helps diagnose prostate cancer, but it also helps monitor for the recurrence of prostate cancer after treatment. It allows a patient and his doctor to monitor if cancer is suspected, if lifestyle changes have had an impact or if cancer has regressed or spread.


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Following a prostate cancer diagnosis, every man will have different questions for his doctor depending on his unique situation. The following are some sample questions that recently diagnosed men can use as a guide.– What treatment will give me the best chance for a long life?– What other treatment options are available?– What is the likelihood of a cure with each of the treatment

options?– What are the major side effects of treatment?– How will various treatment options affect my quality of life? And for

how long?– What are the risks if my cancer is not treated?


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– If the cancer spreads beyond my prostate, is it still curable?– At what hospital will I be treated? How long until treatment can

begin?– What are my options if I can’t be treated for the cancer right away?– What is your opinion on hormone treatment in association with

surgery or radiation therapy?– What are your thoughts on hormonal therapy compared to surgery

for advanced prostate cancer?– What treatment option would you choose if you were in my shoes?– What will happen if my PSA levels begin to rise after treatment?– How often should I go for checkups (PSA testing and DRE)

following treatment?


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