Propozitii Cu Verbe Modale

Postolache Gr.UI Modals Translate into English: 1.Nu pot sa fi ajuns déjà in centru, trenul lor a ajuns abia acum 10 min. They can’t have arrived downtown already, their train came in only 10 minutes ago 2. Nu putea sa fi raspuns sotul ei la telefon, e plecat din tara. Her husband couldn’t have answered the phone, he is out of the country. 3.Tom nu putea sa fi spart fereastra, a fost la scoala toata dimineata. Tom couldn’t have broken the window, he was in school all day. 4. Helen nu ar fi putut castiga competitia caci nu a participat. Helen coundn’t have won the competition, as she did not take part in it. 5.Nu pot inca merge pe bicicleta dar voi putea la anul pe vremea aceasta. I can’t ride the bike yet, but I will be able to at this time next year. 6.Numai cand s-a ridicat ceata am putut vedea unde ne aflam. Only when the fog lifted, were we able to see where we were. 7.La sfarsitul lunii va primi o nota de plata imensa pe care n-o va putea achita. At the end of the month he will get a huge bill which he won’t be able to pay. 8.Cand autocarul s-a rasturnat, doar soferul a putut sa iasa. When the coach rolled over, only the driver was able to get out. 9.A reausit sa ajunga la mal si apoi s-a prabusit. He was able to reach the shore and then he collapsed. 10. Puteai citi si scrie cand aveai 5 ani? Could you read and write when you were 5? 11. M-a rugat sa ii dau un sfat, dar intrucat nu vorbea decat germana, nu am putut s ail ajut. He asked for my advice but as he could only speak German, I wasn’t able to help him. 12. Putem fuma aici? Can we smoke in here? 13. Nu am pututt niciodata intelege ce o facea sa se poarte asa; s-ar fi putut casatori cu oricine ar fi dorit. I could never understand what made her behave like that. She could have married anyone she wanted. 14.Ma gandeam ca s-ar fi putut sa iti spuna ceva despre noua lui slujba. I thought he might have told you something about his new job. 15. E posibil ca aceasta batrana sa fie Helen? Nu putea sa se fi schimbat atat de mult. Can this old lady be Helen? She couldn’rt have changed so much. 16.Voi putea pleca la munte de indata ce voi termina examenele. I will be able to go in the mountains as soon as I finish my exams. 17.Dan nu putea sa scrie aceasta compunere, cred ca este a Elenei. Dan couldn’t have written this composition, I think it belongs to Helen. 18.Niciodata nu ar fi putut sa ghiceasca de ce Alice era suparata pe ea. She could have never guessed why Alice was upset with her.


verbe modale

Transcript of Propozitii Cu Verbe Modale

Page 1: Propozitii Cu Verbe Modale

Postolache Gr.UI ModalsTranslate into English:

1.Nu pot sa fi ajuns déjà in centru, trenul lor a ajuns abia acum 10 min.

They can’t have arrived downtown already, their train came in only 10 minutes ago

2. Nu putea sa fi raspuns sotul ei la telefon, e plecat din tara.

Her husband couldn’t have answered the phone, he is out of the country.

3.Tom nu putea sa fi spart fereastra, a fost la scoala toata dimineata.

Tom couldn’t have broken the window, he was in school all day.

4. Helen nu ar fi putut castiga competitia caci nu a participat.

Helen coundn’t have won the competition, as she did not take part in it.

5.Nu pot inca merge pe bicicleta dar voi putea la anul pe vremea aceasta.

I can’t ride the bike yet, but I will be able to at this time next year.

6.Numai cand s-a ridicat ceata am putut vedea unde ne aflam.

Only when the fog lifted, were we able to see where we were.

7.La sfarsitul lunii va primi o nota de plata imensa pe care n-o va putea achita.

At the end of the month he will get a huge bill which he won’t be able to pay.

8.Cand autocarul s-a rasturnat, doar soferul a putut sa iasa.

When the coach rolled over, only the driver was able to get out.

9.A reausit sa ajunga la mal si apoi s-a prabusit. He was able to reach the shore and then he collapsed.10. Puteai citi si scrie cand aveai 5 ani? Could you read and write when you were 5?11. M-a rugat sa ii dau un sfat, dar intrucat nu vorbea decat germana, nu am putut s ail ajut.

He asked for my advice but as he could only speak German, I wasn’t able to help him.

12. Putem fuma aici? Can we smoke in here?13. Nu am pututt niciodata intelege ce o facea sa se poarte asa; s-ar fi putut casatori cu oricine ar fi dorit.

I could never understand what made her behave like that. She could have married anyone she wanted.

14.Ma gandeam ca s-ar fi putut sa iti spuna ceva despre noua lui slujba.

I thought he might have told you something about his new job.

15. E posibil ca aceasta batrana sa fie Helen? Nu putea sa se fi schimbat atat de mult.

Can this old lady be Helen? She couldn’rt have changed so much.

16.Voi putea pleca la munte de indata ce voi termina examenele.

I will be able to go in the mountains as soon as I finish my exams.

17.Dan nu putea sa scrie aceasta compunere, cred ca este a Elenei.

Dan couldn’t have written this composition, I think it belongs to Helen.

18.Niciodata nu ar fi putut sa ghiceasca de ce Alice era suparata pe ea.

She could have never guessed why Alice was upset with her.

19.Nu-mi vine sa cred. I can’t believe it.20.Trebuie sa vezi piesa aaceasta, este extraordinar de buna.

You must see this play, it is really good.

21.Trebuie sa fie deja tarziu, s-a facut intuneric. It must be already late, it has got dark.22. Nu trebuie sa traversezi cand semaforul este rosu. You mustn’t cross the street when the traffic light is

red.23. Nu trebuie sa mai cumperi paine, avem destula. You needn’t buy anymore bread, there is plenty.23. Trebuie sa dau examenul luna aceasta? Must I take the exam this month?24. De ce trebuie sa merg si eu cu tine? Why must I join you?25. Nu ar fi trebuit sa uzi florile, caci va ploua in curand.

You needn’t have watered the flowers as it will rain soon.

26. Nu a trebuit sa plece devreme caci l-a dus Tom cu masina.

He din’t need to leave early, as Tom gave him a lift.

27. Nu ar fi trebuit sa inveti acest capitol, profesorul nu ni l-a cerut.

You needn’t have learned this chapter, the teacher did not require it.

28. Nu a fost nevoie sa mai imprumute bani caci avea destui.

She didn’t need to borrow any money, as she had enough.

29. Am platit banii si vreau sa vad spectacolul. I paid my money and I will see the show.

Page 2: Propozitii Cu Verbe Modale

30. Cine e la usa? Trebuie sa fie Mary. ( Ar putea fi Mary)

Who is at the door? It must be Mary. (It might/could be Mary)

31. Sta ore in sir sub batranul stejar si priveste marea. He will sit for hours under the old oak tree and watch the sea.

32. L-am rugat sa plecam mai devreme dar el nici nu a vrut sa auda.

I asked him to leave earlier but he wouldn’t hear about it.

33. Daca ati avea amabilitatea sa ma ascultati, v-as putea sugera o solutie.

If you would listen to me I could suggest a solution.

34. Niciodata nu face ce i se spune. He will never do what he is told.35.Copiii sunt copiii. The children will be children.36.Mereu se intampla accidente. Accidents will happen.37.Desigur ca te dor ochii daca plangi tot timpul. Of course you eyes will hurt if you cry all the time.38. Sa deschid putin fereastra sau sa dau drumul la aerul conditionat?

Shall I open the window or shall I turn on the air conditioning?

39. Promit ca nu se va mai intampla niciodata. It shall never happen again.40.Ce sa fac dupa aceea? What shall I do afterwards?

Postolache Modals UITranslate into English using a modal in each sentence:

1.E posibil ca dormeam cand ai venit tu caci nu am auzit soneria.

I may have been asleep when you came as I haven’t heard the bell.

2.Nu aveti voie sa aduceti dictionare in sala de examen.

You may not/must not bring dictionaries into the examination room.

3.Daca ii faci semn cu mana s-ar putea sa ne duca cu masina.

If you wave to him he may give you a lift.

4.Pot sa imprumut umbrela ta? Can I borrow your umbrella?5. Nu gasesc friptura, e posibil sa o fi furat pisica. I can’t find the steak, the cat may have stolen it.6.Dupa ce a fost decorat pomul de Craciun, copiilor li s-a permis sa intre in camera.

After the Christmas tree was decorated the children were allowed to enter the room.

7.I se va permite sa plece in vacanta de indata ce termina ultimul examen.

He will be allowed to go on holiday as soon as he finishes the last exam.

8.Nu mai pot duce valiza asta, e prea grea. I can’t carry this suitcase anymore, it’s too heavy.9.Putem sa ne oprim o clipa? Can we stop for a minute?10.Tom putea sa scrie sis a citeasca cand avea 5 ani.

Tom could read and write when he was 5.

11.E imposibil ca el sa fie pe strada acum, ploua cu galeata.

He can’t be in the street now, it’s pouring.

12. Nu te cred, nu se poate sa fi facut asa ceva. I don’t believe you, he can’t have done such a thing.

13.Mi-ati putea arata drumul spre posta va rog? Can you show me the way to the postoffice,please.14.Ar fi putut sa ma ajute dar a spus ca nu are timp. He could have helped me but he said he didn’t have

time.15. Mama spune ca laptele nu poate sa mai fie bun dupa atatea zile.

Mother says the milk can’t be good after so many days.

16.Mama a spus ca mancare nu putea sa fi fost buna, din moment ce toti s-au imbolnavit.

Mother said the food couldn’t have been good since everybody got sick.

17. Nu se poate sa-ti mai fie sete, abia ai baut o cana de apa.

You can’t be still thirsty, you have just had a glass/cup of water.

18.Nu au cum sa fi ajuns déjà, trenul abia a sosit de 5 minute.

They can’t have arrived already, the train only got here 5 minutes ago.

19.Nu se poate sa fi raspuns Jane la telefon, este la Paris de o luna.

Jane couldn’t have answered the phone, she has been in Paris for a month.

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20. Nu avea cum sa fi spart el ferestra, nu a fost aici toata ziua.

He couldn’t have broken the window, he wasn’t here all day long.

21.Se poate schia pe aceste partii incepand cu luna octombrie.

You/one can ski on these slopes starting in October.

22.Cand autobuzul s-a rasturnat in rau, numai soferul a putu iesi.

When the bus/coach rolled over into the river, only the driver was able to get out.

23.A putut ajunge la mal inainte de a lesina. He was able to get to the shore before he fainted.

24.Ai fost in stare sa mergi pe picioarele tale dupa accident sau au trebuit sa duca cu targa?

Were you able to walk after the accident or did they have to carry you (on a litter)?

25.S-ar fi putut casatori cu oricine ar fi vrut, nu inteleg de ce l-a ales pe John.

She could have married anyone she wanted, I can’t understand why she chose John.

26.Putem fuma aici? Can we smoke in here?27.Stiam ca ma pot increde in tine. I knew I could trust you.28.Ma gandesc ca s-ar fi putut sa iti spuna ceva despre noua lui slujba.

I think he may/might have told you something about his new job.

29.Nu face nimic, se poate intampla oricui. It’s ok, it can/may happen to anyone.30. Am sa pot pleca la munte dupa ce se opresc ploile.

I’ll be able to go in/to the mountains as soon as the rains stop.

31.Nu l-am mai vazut pe baiat in ultima vreme, s-ar putea sa fie plecat din oras.

I haven’t seen the boy lately, he may/could be out of town.

32.Nu te culca inca, Ana s-ar putea sa vina cu trenul de nopate.

Don’t go to bed yet, Ana might/may come by the night train.

33.Trenul pleaca la ora 6 deci trebuie sa fim la gara la 17.45.

The train leaves at 6, so we must/have to be at the station at 5.45.

34.El este in spital, trebuie sa mergem sa il vizitam. He is in hospital, we must go and see/visit him.35. Elevii nu sunt in clasa, probabil ca sunt in sala de sport.

The students are not in their classroom, they must be in the gym.

36.Nu e nevoie sa ajungi la 7 fix, toata lumea va ajunge tarziu.

You needn’t come at 7 sharp, everybody will be late.

37. Daca isi cumpara masina trebuie sa invete sa sofeze.

If he buys a car he will have to learn how to drive.

38.Calatorii nu au voie sa urce intr-un vehicol care este in miscare.

Passengers are not allowed to/must not climb into a moving vehicle.

39..Nu trebuie sa ne grabim, e abia ora 5. We needn’t hurry, it’s only 5.40. Elevii trebuie sa poarte uniforme la scoala. Students must/shall wear uniforms at/in school.41.Trebuie sa merg acolo chiar azi? Nu, nu e nevoie.

Must/Need I go there today? No, you needn’t.

42. Nu aveti voie sa fumati in avion. You are not allowed to smoke in the plane.43.Trebuie sa stea in pat pana ii scade temperature. He must stay in bed till his temperature lowers/goes

down.44..Ar trebui sa citesti mai mult. You should/ought to read more.45.Vrei niste fructe? Will you have some fruit?46.. Sa-ti aduc un pahar cu apa? Shall I get you a glass of water?47. Daca vrei sa astepti putin am sa caut hartia care iti trebuie.

If you will wait for a moment I will look for the paper you need.

48. Usa asta nu vrea sa se deschida. The door won’t open.49.Usa nu voia sa se deschida asa ca am intrat pe fereastra.

The door wouln’t open, so we got in through the window.

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