Proposal to update the: Curriculum of the Bachelor of...

Proposal to update MIS Curriculum By the MIS Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee i King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals College of Industrial Management Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems Proposal to update the: Curriculum of the Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems (B.S. in MIS) Prepared by: The MIS Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee

Transcript of Proposal to update the: Curriculum of the Bachelor of...

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Proposal to update MIS Curriculum By the MIS Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee


King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals College of Industrial Management

Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems

Proposal to update the:

Curriculum of the Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems

(B.S. in MIS)

Prepared by: The MIS Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee

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Executive Summary

The Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems (MIS) degree program, through its curriculum combines the study of business processes with a solid foundation in the technical and business sides of Information Technology (IT). It stands out as an interdisciplinary program with well-rounded knowledge and skills. It offers students immediate economic value and a sound educational base compatible with the industry needs. From a humble beginning in the fall semester of the academic year, 1992-93, and with its first extensive and strategically oriented revision implemented in the fall semester of the academic year, 1998-99, the MIS program has rapidly progressed into being the one of the fastest within KFUPM. While the Department of Accounting & MIS is proud of its currently deployed MIS program, which has been accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the rapidly evolving expectations of stakeholders and the frequent changes in IT demand frequent evaluation and revision of the program. The MIS Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee (MIS CAAC), cognizant of this fact, and in line with the Department’s policy of revising its academic programs every four years and its commitment to enhancing the quality of its MIS program, undertook this revision process of the MIS curriculum. This revision proposal includes a number of changes including restructuring some courses, and re-engineering the area of system analysis and design. The proposed revision includes also relocating some core courses to elective courses and vice versa, adding new and deleting existing ones. MIS CAAC team also performed a comprehensive review of the structure of all MIS courses resulting in new and updated course descriptions and course syllabi. The elective list was expanded. Additionally, the course pre-requisite list was restructured to accommodate the program changes. These proposed changes expounded in the body of this proposal and the attached appendices are prepared and structured in accordance with the guidelines for developing academic programs prescribed by KFUPM's Deanship of Academic Development (DAD).

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I – THE REPORT .................................................. II

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................... III

LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................... V

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................. 7

1.1 NEEDS FOR PROGRAM REVISION ....................................................................................................... 7 1.1.1 Internal Factors: ....................................................................................................................... 8 1.1.2External Factors: ....................................................................................................................... 8


3. PROGRAM MISSION ...................................... 10

3.1 MISSION AND GOALS OF THE UNIVERSITY, COLLEGE AND THE DEPARTMENT............................... 11 3.1.1 Vision & mission of KFUPM .................................................................................................. 11 3.1.2Vision &Mission OF CIM ........................................................................................................ 12


5. STRUCTURE OF THE PROPOSED PROGRAM ........................................................................ 17

6. DEGREE PLAN ................................................. 30

7. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ............................. 30

8. SUMMARYAND JUSTIFICATIONSOF THE PROPOSED CHANGES ................................... 33

8.1 RESTRUCTURING OF COURSES ......................................................................................................... 33 8.1.1 Restructure of database course and addition of lab .............................................................. 33 8.1.2Re-structuring the area of systems development ..................................................................... 34

8.2INTRODUCING NEW COURSE MIS 405: IS PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................................. 34 8.3DELETING COURSES 34 8.4 REVISINGCOURSE DESCRIPTIONS AND TOPICAL SYLLABI ................................................................ 36 8.5EXPANDINGELECTIVE LIST ............................................................................................................... 36 8.6ALIGNING PRE-REQUISITES ............................................................................................................... 36 8.7 CHANGING THE COURSE TITLE OF MIS 415 .................................................................................... 37 8.8NEW MIS ELECTIVE COURSES: ........................................................................................................ 37


9.1 MIS COURSES AND THEIR PRE-REQUISITES..................................................................................... 38 9.2 IMPACT ON THE PROGRESS OF CURRENT STUDENTS ....................................................................... 38

10. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ......................... 40

10.1IMPLEMENTATION LAUNCH ............................................................................................................ 40 10.2 COURSE EQUIVALENCY AND SUBSTITUTION ................................................................................. 40 10.3 NEW CORE COURSE ....................................................................................................................... 40 10.4 ADDITIONAL ELECTIVE COURSES: ................................................................................................ 40 10.5 CANCELLED COURSES ................................................................................................................... 40 10.6 CHANGES IN COURSE TITLES ......................................................................................................... 41 10.8 CHANGES IN PRE-REQUISITES / CO-REQUISITES ............................................................................ 41

11. CONCLUSION ................................................ 41

II - THE PROGRAM ............................................ 42

PROGRAM MISSION .......................................... 43

2.1 MISSION AND GOALS OF THE UNIVERSITY, COLLEGE AND THE DEPARTMENT ........................ 44 2.1.1 Vision & mission of KFUPM ................................................................................................ 44 2.1.2Vision &Mission OF CIM ...................................................................................................... 45

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III – THE APPENDICES ...................................... 54


APPENDIX A: LIST OF COURSES IN PROPOSED CURRICULUM ................................................ 25 APPENDIX B: PROPOSED DEGREE PLAN......................................................................................... 28 APPENDIX C: IMPLEMENTATION SCENARIOS FOR MIS STUDENTS SHIFTING TO THE

PROPOSED PROGRAM ................................................................................................................ 29 APPENDIX D: COURSE OFFERING PLAN ......................................................................................... 30 APPENDIX F-1: SUMMARY MATRIX ABOUT MIS PROGRAMS IN SELECTED US

UNIVERSITIES (SOURCE: US NEWS, DEC 2011) .................................................................... 31 APPENDIX F-2: SUMMARY MATRIX ABOUT PURE MIS PROGRAMS IN SELECTED U.S.

UNIVERSITIES ............................................................................................................................... 32 APPENDIX H: MIS COURSE STRUCTURE ......................................................................................... 33 APPENDIX I: MAPPING WITH IS 2010 CURRICULUM MODEL .................................................... 35 APPENDIX J: COMPARISON OF CONFORMITYWITH THEIS 2010 IN SOME LEADING

UNIVERSITIES ............................................................................................................................... 37 APPENDIX K: COURSE SYLLABI........................................................................................................ 38 MIS 215: PRINCIPLES OF MIS .............................................................................................................. 39 MIS 300: FUNDAMENTALS OF E-COMMERCE ................................................................................ 41 MIS 301: BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYSIS & DESIGN .................................................................... 43 MIS302: BUSINESS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................... 45 MIS311: BUSINESS DATA MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................... 48 MIS315: MIS INNOVATIVE AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................... 50 MIS320: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 52 MIS325: HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS .............................................................. 54 MIS345: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY .................................................................... 56 MIS351: MIS COOPERATIVE WORK ................................................................................................... 58 MIS355: ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS ......................................................................................................... 59 MIS 365: ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................... 61 MIS 375: HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTER SYSTEMS DESIGN ................................................. 63 MIS 405: IS PROJECT MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 65 MIS 410: MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SYSTEMS ................................................................................ 67 MIS 411: DATABASE APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT ................................................................. 69 MIS 415: COMPUTER SUPPORTED COLLABORATIVE WORK .................................................... 71 MIS 490: INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ................................................................ 73 MIS 499: SELECTED TOPICS IN MIS ................................................................................................... 75


LEARNING GOALS ....................................................................................................................... 15 TABLE 3: STRUCTURAL COMPARISON BETWEEN THE OLD AND PROPOSED

CURRICULUM ............................................................................................................................... 17 TABLE 4: MIS PROGRAM REQUIREMENT ....................................................................................... 18 THE COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF ALL THE COURSES IS LISTED IN APPENDIX A: LIST OF

COURSES IN PROPOSED CURRICULUM. ................................................................................ 18 TABLE 5: NEW PRE-REQUISITE CHART ........................................................................................... 38 TABLE 6: COURSE SUBSTITUTION CHART ..................................................................................... 40 TABLE 7: COURSE EQUIVALENCY CHART ..................................................................................... 40 TABLE 8: PRE-REQUISITES CHANGES ............................................................................................. 41

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List of Supplements Alumni Feedback Current Students’ Feedback Comments from Internal Reviewers Comments from External Reviewers Deanship of Academic Development Review Employers’ Feedback Additional Lab Requirements

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1. Introduction The Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems (MIS) degree program (hereinafter referred to as the MIS program), offered by the Department of Accounting & MIS, provides a rigorous course of study comprising general education, business, computer science, computer engineering, and MIS disciplines. With careful planning and foresight from its original developers, the MIS program, was at its very inception, designed as an interdisciplinary degree. The overall aim is to empower graduates with well-rounded knowledge, skills and abilities to enable them to efficiently and effectively support and lead the technical environment they are attached to, as well as to create value in other parts of their employing organizations by applying Information Technology (IT) innovatively. The MIS program at KFUPM can be considered as one of the academically sound MIS programs in the world, let alone the region. It commenced in the Fall Semester of the academic year, 1992-93. With its first extensive and strategically oriented revision implemented in the fall semester of the academic year, 1998-99, it has experienced and continues to experience exponential student growth despite its strict admission standards. The adherence of its curriculum to the educational requirements prescribed in internationally recognized curriculum models, the affirmation of its quality through its accreditation by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), its ever increasing student population, the quality of faculty members, and the lucrative remuneration offers made by leading employer organizations in attracting/retaining its graduates, provide solid attestations to the success of the MIS program. Nevertheless, it is a well-established fact that no academic program is immune to change, and this is distinctly true with the MIS and cognate disciplines. Complacency is not an option with respect to the maintenance of the MIS curriculum, as the loss of currency and relevancy is very rapid within the highly dynamic MIS field. Hence, the MIS Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee (MIS CAAC) has continuously fine-tuned its curriculum to better prepare students for the market place. One noteworthy change, since its first revision, is the addition of two elective courses in the area of e-commerce, an area noted for being strategically important for the economic development of the Kingdom. There comes a point, however, not ad hoc or incremental improvements, but rather a comprehensive evaluation and review becomes necessary to ascertain the need for a major revision to address the tactical and strategic needs of all stakeholders. The factors that have driven the comprehensive evaluation and review, and associated proposed changes, are presented in the next section.

1.1 Needs for Program Revision The following internal and external factors provide the rationale behind this overall evaluation and revision of the program:

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1.1.1 Internal Factors: The Department’s commitment to enhance/maintain the international standing of

the MIS program by ensuring that the curriculum continues to meet educational requirements prescribed by the AACSB. NCAAA and widely accepted MIS curriculum models;

The feedback on the program obtained from general student meetings and advisor/advisee interactions as well as feedback from the prominent employers in the Kingdom and the Eastern Province in particular;

The recently modified mission and vision statements and strategy of CIM and the need to ensure the consistency of the curriculum with the same;

The MIS faculty members’ dedication and commitment to develop, maintain and deliver a curriculum that is academically rigorous and responsive to the rapidly changing business and societal environment;

The policy of the Department of Accounting & MIS to review and revise its curriculum every four years, and

The need to adapt our program to our local context.

1.1.2External Factors: The ever changing expectations and needs of the computing industry (from both

private and public sectors) fueled by the rapid and staggering advancements in IT; The new and emerging business paradigm domains arising from academic

research and industry initiatives and practices, such as Internet Computing, E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government;

The emergence of the latest version of the internationally renowned MIS-related curriculum model, that being IS 2010: Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems (hereinafter referred to as the IS 2010 Curriculum Model). It is important to note that the work on this model commenced in the early 1970s and has matured over a thirty-five (35) year period. It is also noteworthy that this model curriculum’s latest and immediately preceding versions (IS 2002, and1997) are the outputs of the collaborative efforts of the Association for Computer Machinery (ACM), Association for Information Systems (AIS), Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP), and more than a hundred (100) reviewers from academia and industry . These features add great credence and prominence to the guidelines prescribed in the model curriculum;

The short-term and long-term MIS educational needs associated with the Government’s decision to adopt IT as a means of achieving its development goals and preparing the Nation’s future generation to meet contemporary challenges, and the ensuing heavy investment in IT-related infrastructure;

The government’s identification of the development of E-Government as an important National goal;

The national focus on IT education evident in the policies and strategies manifested in the National IT Plan;

The preference of the industry for multi-skilled professionals; and Alumni feedback from returning Co-op students as well as discussions with their

employing organizations.

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2. Benchmarking the new revised program with other MIS Programs In order to benchmark with other competing MIS programs in the world, and to evaluate the new revised program, a comparison was made with similar programs offered by several U.S. universities. Many sources were used to gather information about these universities, mainly, US News and World Report Ranking (, web sites of selected universities, university database archives available at the KFUPM library, in addition to personal experiences of some faculty members in the Committee. The purpose of the comparison was to ensure that the MIS program is up-to-date and in line with prominent MIS programs in top universities in the U.S. The selection of U.S. universities was based on two factors: First, the academic programs, the technological advancements, and the business environment are of highest standards in the world. Second, the academic and administrative systems at KFUPM are primarily based on U.S. standards. Accordingly, U.S. universities were selected based upon US news and US World Ranking of MIS Programs, and Pure MIS Program in Selected American Universities, five of which are top ranking (According to US News ranking) and the remaining universities were mainstream U.S. universities. Some of the best schools were excluded because programs offered by them are not pure MIS programs. Instead they are hybrid programs. Most of the selected universities offer exclusively a bachelor’s degree of Science in Management Information Systems. All these comparisons are reflected in following appendices.

Appendix F-1: Summary Matrix about MIS programs in selected US universities (Source: US News, 2011)

Appendix F-2: Summary Matrix about PURE MIS programs in selected U.S. universities (SOURCE: us News, 2011)

The following are the findings of the comparison: KFUPM’s revised MIS program is in-line with most MIS programs of the selected

universities in terms of the total number of credit hours, the number of major courses, and the number of electives.(See appendix F-1, F-2) ;

KFUPM’s revised MIS Program is in-line with the IS2010 Curriculum Model as well. The mapping of the courses with the Model are depicted (Appendix I: Mapping with IS 2010 Curriculum Model)

The Committee went one step further to map the courses with leading universities in the US to ascertain the relevance, acceptance and validity of the model. (Appendix J: Comparison of Conformity with the IS 2010 Curriculum Model in some leading universities)

KFUPM’s revised MIS Program offers a co-op program where students leave the university for a 28 week period for practical training. Only two out of twelve universities surveyed offer similar co-op program; and

KFUPM’s revised MIS Program is comparable to the top MIS programs in terms of program structure, content, and adherence to the industry needs.

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3. Program Mission The college of Industrial Management (CIM) existence is justified by its mission to be a prominent provider of management education through high quality up-to-date teaching programs supported by high quality multicultural faculty body and modern college and university support facilities in order to educate the future leaders of the Kingdom. The new program is carefully developed in order to support the CIM and the University mission challenges. The latest AACSB recognition is pure certification of the recent achievement of the CIM and its ongoing alignment with the university and college missions. The proposed changes are expected to ensure that the MIS program is current and relevant, has a structure that is academically sound, and represents an integrated body of knowledge, with a good balance between breadth and depth, theory and practice. The knowledge and skills that will not only open up a broad range of career options to them, but also enhance their chances of securing lucrative employment within a short span of time and help them make a smooth transition from student to professional life. The program is designed to empower and equip graduates with:

a) A most up-to-date, comprehensive, well-founded set of technical knowledge and skills – knowledge and skills that will not only open up a broad range of career options to them, but also enhance their chances of securing lucrative employment within a short span of time and help them make a smooth transition from student to professional life;

b) Technical and managerial knowledge in business analysis, study of processes, re-engineering, simplification and re-design with the help of automation;

c) Interpersonal, communication, analytical/reasoning, and problem-solving skills - skills that are essential for success in their chosen careers, as well as in their future ability to make efficient and effective contributions in collaborative endeavors;

d) Business application development techniques by using different methodologies, testing, implementation, project management, and post implementation review;

e) Comprehensive study of system analysis and design, database development and management support systems and their applications to business problem solving;

f) Knowledge to develop leaders who are confident of themselves, able to present and defend their ideas, enjoy team spirit, systematic, creative, sensitive to both economic and non-economic factors, ethical, and responsible in all their endeavors; and

g) Technical educational foundation that facilitates continuous learning and that will enable them to surmount the challenges they will encounter in managing information services later in their professional activities, and to sustain their technical strengths in their chosen careers.

Through a holistic approach to teaching, modern learning, and effective assessment mechanisms, the program supports MIS fundamentals, programming, development of systems, industry based learning and managing Information Resources. (Appendix H: MIS Course Structure)

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The program current review took into consideration the AASCB and NCAAA quality standards at each level and does not deviate from them. The Knowledge and skills requirement are all respected at the general education, the College and the MIS major levels. These requirements are stressed and are highlighted in Table 1 which indicates how learning objectives are achieved by the learning goals and how the program learning objectives match the learning goals. Furthermore, the present program review follows the recommendations of the College Curriculum Standing Committee which reviewed the college general education requirements so that it fits the AACSB and NCAAA quality standards. Finally, the program is designed to meet the Kingdom’s IT educational needs, and to measures up to reputable international academic standards through conformity with the IS 2010Curriculum Model.

3.1 Mission and Goals of the University, College and the Department The program objectives are derived from the University, College and Dept. of Acct & MIS missions. These missions are specified as follow:

3.1.1 Vision & mission of KFUPM


To be a vibrant multicultural University of international repute focused on quality education and innovative research that prepares professionals and entrepreneurs to lead social, economic and technical development in the region.


KFUPM is an institution of higher learning committed to:

a) Preparing professionals empowered with the knowledge, skills, values and confidence to take a leadership role in the development of the Kingdom in the fields of science, engineering, environmental design and business.

b) Producing research that contributes to the knowledge and sustainable development of the Kingdom and region by providing innovative solutions to identified economic and technical problems and opportunities.

c) Providing a stimulating campus environment for the welfare of its students, faculty and staff, and offering outstanding professional services and out-reach programs to the society at large.

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3.1.2Vision &Mission OF CIM


To be among the best in the world as a center for excellence in management education, research and community service that actively addresses the needs of stakeholders.


To be a prominent provider of management education through high-quality teaching reinforced by experiential learning for students who will play significant and productive roles in the development of the Saudi economy within the global business environment.

To actively contribute to Saudi business, industry, and community through relevant high-quality research, professional services, and dissemination of knowledge responsive to evolving stakeholder needs.

4. Program Learning Goals and Objectives for the MIS Major Intended learning goals and objectives, envisaged competencies, and tasks that graduates are expected to perform have been taken into consideration in the proposed changes which were based on the following MIS program main evaluation criteria:

a) Placing top priority on the current and future IT educational requirements of

the Kingdom that have been manifested in various official or governmental communiqués, in particular the National IT Plan;

b) Using KFUPM, CIM, and Department’s mission, statements and strategy as guidelines;

c) Considering professional views and concerns of all MIS Faculty members; d) Studying the degree of compliance with the IS 2010 Curriculum Model; e) Comparing MIS program of KFUPM with equivalent programs of leading U.S

Universities; and f) Giving due considerations to the inputs of students, alumni, internal and

external reviewers, and employers of MIS graduates. The evaluation efforts revealed that the current curriculum of the MIS program, in broad terms, is very much conceptually sound, technically satisfactory, and holds its local relevance and international recognition as well. In light of this conclusion, the MIS CAAC carried out the necessary revision work, not by revamping the existing program, but by building on its high quality, and highly successful and stable core curriculum. Learning goals and objectives for the B.S. in MIS program are shown in Table 6. Consistent with AACSB guidelines, the goals and objectives are classified into three categories: general education, management-specific (i.e. business-specific), and discipline-specific (i.e. MIS-specific) goals and objectives as shown in Table1.

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Table 1: Program Learning Goals and Objectives Learning goals Learning objectives College General Education Learning Goals and Objectives

1. Communication Abilities Ability to communicate business ideas effectively both orally and in writing

1. Students will be able to write reports that (a) are grammatically correct and (b) incorporate logical, complete, and articulate thoughts

2. Students will be able to make effective oral presentations on business topics. For example, they will (a) conduct themselves professionally, (b) speak clearly, (c) maintain eye contact with their audience, and (d) convey the main ideas.

2. Team Work Skills Ability to function effectively as a member or leader of a team in performing group tasks in business and professional organizations

1. Students will be able to work effectively in group settings

2. Students will be able to lead group work

3. Reflective Thinking Skills Ability to apply logic and exercise sound judgment in making decisions

Students will be able to show good judgment in making choices and decisions

4. Analytic/Quantitative Skills Ability to understand, analyze and use quantitative data to make business decisions and/or solve business problems

1. Students will be able to identify quantitative characteristics of business problems

2. Students will be able to examine and interpret numeric business data

3. Students will be able to analyze numeric business data to derive conclusions

5. Ethical Understanding Ability to recognize, understand and evaluate ethical issues in business situations

1. Students will be able to recognize and understand ethical issues in business situations

2. Students will be able to evaluate ethical issues presented to them and to make responsible choices and/or decisions

6. Use of Information Technology Ability to use information technology as a business enabler

1. Students will be able to use basic IT software tools, such as spreadsheets, database management, and presentation software

2. Students will be able to use software tools to solve accounting, financial and quantitative problems

3. Students will be able to use software tools to meaningfully select, manipulate and process data to make business decisions

4. Students will be able to use information technology (e.g. research databases and/or the Internet) to obtain information

7. Leadership Ability to take initiative, show confidence and exercise leadership in business and professional organizations

Students will be able to demonstrate that they are proactive, have confidence, and have potential for leadership in their coop experience and the capstone courses

8. Multicultural and diversity understanding

Students will be able to deal effectively with people from diverse social, economic, and religious

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Awareness and understanding of cultural issues that impact business operations in a global society


College Management-Specific Learning Goals and Objectives

9. General Business Knowledge Ability to apply concepts and theories from business functional areas appropriately

1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the functional areas of business and their inter-relationships.

2. Students will be able to integrate basic functional area competencies to critically evaluate information and make decisions

Discipline-Specific (MIS) Learning Goals and Objectives

10. Systems analysis, design and project management concepts Design and implement information technology solutions that enhance organizational performance

1. Students will be able to analyze, design, implement, and maintain MIS applications

2. Student will be able to plan, coordinate, monitor, and control MIS development projects

11. Role of MIS Understand the MIS strategic role in integrating, supporting, and enabling organizational capabilities

3. Student will be able to support business and MIS managers in their management activities and IT enabled decision making process

4. Student will be able to evaluate strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage MIS resources

5. Student will be able to apply MIS Ethical and societal issues

These Program Learning Goals and Objectives are mapped with the courses proposed in the MIS Curriculum in Table 2 as follows:

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Table 2: Mapping of Courses in Proposed MIS Curriculum to Program learning Goals College General Education Goals Business

Goals MIS Specific Goals

COURSES 1. Communication

2. Team work

3. Reflective thinking

4. Analytic thinking

5. Ethical


6. Information Technology

7. Leadership

8. Multicultural


9. General

business knowledge

10. Systems analysis, design and project management


12 MIS Roles

ENGL 101 ENGL102 ENGL214 x IAS101 IAS 111 x IAS 201 IAS 212 IAS 301 IAS 322 x MATH 101 MATH 102 MATH 131 PE 101,102 x x ACCT101 x ACCT102 x ECON101 x ECON 102

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COURSES 1. Communication

2. Team work

3. Reflective thinking

4. Analytic thinking

5. Ethical


6. Information Technology

7. Leadership

8. Multicultural


9. General

business knowledge

10. Systems analysis, design and project management


11. MIS Roles

ECON 306 x FIN250 MIS215 x MGT210 x MGT301 MGT311 x MGT412 x x MGT449 x x MKT250 x x OM 210, 310 STAT211,212 ICS102 MIS 301 MIS 311 COE 353 x xMIS 405 MIS 410 MIS 490 MIS 351 x x x

NOTE: “” indicates that the course has major responsibility in achieving the goal; “x” indicates minor responsibility

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To measure Program Learning Goals, evaluation methods (exams, quizzes, projects, articles analysis, or reports writing assignments, participations, etc.) were created and mapped for every individual course. (Please see Appendix K: Course Syllabi)

5. Structure of the Proposed Program

The total number of credit hours of the new program is 127~128..All recommendations of the College Curriculum Committee (CCC) are incorporated by adding, dropping, or readjusting the courses at GER, College, and Major requirement levels. These changes are specified in the Table4: List of Courses. General Education Requirements and Business Administration Requirements are increased by 6and 12 credit hours respectively, whereas MIS Major Requirements are reduced by 15 credit hours. Table 3below provides structural comparison of the number of credit hours between the old and proposed programs: Table 3: Structural Comparison between the old and proposed Curriculum

Program Component

OLD Curriculum

(credit hours)

Proposed Curriculum (credit hours)

Change Details Net Chang

e (credit hours)

Addition credit hours

Deletion credit hours

General Education

Requirements (GER)

40 43~44

XXX xxx* MATH 101 MATH 102 GS xxx I GS xxx II

+3~4 +4 +4 +3 +3

IAS 4XX SE 100 MGT 448 MATH132 MGT 210

-2 -3 -3 -3 -3

43~44-40*= +3~4

+17 -14 +3~4

Core Requirements in Business


42 54

MGT 210 ECON 206 MGT 412 OM 310 XXX xxx^

+3 +3 +3 +3 +3

MIS 105


54 – 42 = +12

+15 -3 +12

Major Requirement

46 30 30–46= -16

(a) Core Courses 28 21

MIS 405


ICS 201 MIS 401 MGT 410

-4 -3 -3

+3 -10 -7

(b) Elective Courses 9 3

XXX xxx**

+3 MIS xxx I MIS xxx II MIS xxx III

-3 -3 -3

+3 -9 -6

©Cooperative Program 9 6

0 -3 0 -3

Total Hours 128 127~128 Net Change in Program Credit Hours: 128 – 127~128 = -1 or +0

*This is a Science and Engineering elective. The hours can be floating depending upon student choice of Science or Engineering elective credit hours of 3 or 4 hours ** Any elective course from the MIS approved list ^ Has to be a 3xx or 4xx level courses taken from the College of Industrial Management except MIS level courses.

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Table 4: MIS Program Requirement

Course Courses Credit Hours

1. General Education Requirements 43~44 Communication Skills ENG 214; IAS 101, 201, 301 9 English ENGL 101, 102 6 Islamic and Arabic studies IAS 111, 212, 322 6 Mathematics MATH 101, 102, 131 11 Physical Education PE 101, 102 2 Science& Engineering Elective XXX xxx

1 3~4

GS Electives GS xxx I & II 2 6

2. Core Requirements 54 Accounting ACCT 110, 210 6 Business Communications MGT 210 3 Economics 101, 102, 206 9

Finance FIN 250 3 Management Information Systems MIS 215 3 Management MGT 301, 311, 412, 449 12 Principles of Marketing MKT 250 3 Operations Management OM 210, OM 310 6 Statistics STAT 211, 212 6 College Business Elective XXX xxx

3 3

3. MIS Major Requirements 30 (a) Required Courses (21) 21 Introduction to Computing ICS 102 3 Business Systems Analysis & Design MIS 301 (Lab Component Added) 3 Business Data Management MIS 311 (Lab Component Added) 3 Fund. Of Computer Communications COE 353 3 IS Project Management MIS 405 3 Management Support Systems MIS 410 3

Information Resource Management MIS 490 3 (b) Elective Course (3) 3

To be taken from the following approved list

COE 307, 385, 441, 442, 445, 446 ICS 481, 483, 484, 485 MIS 300, 302, 315, 320, 325, 345, 355,365, 375, 411, 415, 499 SE 429, 443, 449, 464 SWE 422, 423, 444

© MIS Cooperative Work (6) MIS 351 6

Total Credit Hours 127~1284

1Science & Engineering Elective (3~4 credit hours) 22 GS Electives from the GS Elective List 3 Has to be a 3xx or 4xx level courses taken from the College of Industrial Management except MIS level courses. 4 Total credit hours may vary depending upon Science or Engineering elective credit hours of 3 or 4 hours. The comprehensive list of all the courses is listed in Appendix A: List of Courses in Proposed Curriculum.

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6. Degree Plan The Degree Plan of the proposed program is provided in Appendix B: Proposed Degree Plan. According to the proposed degree plan, the student progress in the program is now smoother and is optimal in terms of utilizing the available faculty resources. The student course load at the senior level in the last semester is reduced to 14 to enable students to concentrate more on capstone courses, COOP final reports, and will have more time available to find a suitable job. 7. Course Descriptions It is worth mentioning that the course descriptions of all program courses (core and electives) were revisited. The Committee went through a comprehensive exercise of updating all course descriptions by adding new components and dropping obsolete ones. This exercise has contributed significantly to improving the quality of the proposed program. Additionally more integration and less overlap between the courses were also sought. The following is a list of the new proposed course descriptions:

MIS 215: Principles of Management Information Systems (3-0-3) Information systems concepts and principles with managerial emphasis. Information systems for operational, tactical and top management. Strategic impact of technologies on organizations. Prerequisite: None MIS 300: Fundamentals of Electronic Commerce (2-2-3) E-Commerce fundamentals; E-Commerce business models; infrastructure; electronic payment systems and E-commerce security; Development, implementation, marketing and managing E-Commerce applications. Benefits and limitations, legal, ethical and global issues. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 301: Business Systems Analysis & Design (2-2-3) Examining the design of information systems from a problem-solving perspective. Providing a methodological approach to developing computer systems including feasibility studies, systems planning, analysis, design, testing, implementation, and maintenance. Emphasis is on the strategies and techniques of systems analysis and design for producing logical methodologies for dealing with complexity in the development of information systems. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 302: Business Applications Development (3-0-3) Programming process with emphasis on program design and quality assurance and control. End user systems versus traditional systems development issues. Advanced HCI concepts and principles. Common business topics: data validation, report taxonomy, files and database processing. RAD methodologies, techniques, and tools.RAD success and risk factors. User documentation development techniques and tools. Application deployment issues. Emphasis on the development of end-user-

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focused, high quality business applications with user-centered-design and using RAD methodologies, techniques, and tools. Prerequisite: ICS 102 MIS 311: Business Data Management (2-2-3) Data resource management concepts. Database support for various levels of management. Relational database model. Database life cycle. Conceptual data modeling. Database logical and physical design. Database integrity. Database languages and technologies. Data and database administration. Prerequisite: ICS 102 MIS 315: MIS Innovation and New Technologies (3-0-3) Introduction to MIS Innovation and New Technologies. Nurturing an Entrepreneurial Innovative Environment. Understand the Business Value of Innovation. Innovation with Online Communities; Social Web Networks. Re-engineer business processes with Innovations and New Technologies. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 320: Knowledge Management (3-0-3) Introduction to Knowledge Management (KM) – Knowledge Management (KM) to gain competitive advantage. KM for innovation, KM’s emerging systems (Enterprise 2.0, Semantic Web), E-Knowledge Management.KM Development Methods. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 325: Human Resources Information Systems (3-0-3) Introduction to Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS): Strategic role of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) in the effective management of organizations, HRIS capabilities and limitations, Organizational needs for HRIS, Evaluation and selection factors of an appropriate HRIS, HRIS software application packages for management decision-making. Role of HRIS in current Information Technology topics (Internet, Privacy, Security). Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 345: Information Technology in Society (3-0-3) Impact of IT on individuals, organizations, society, and quality of life. Social and ethical considerations. Computer and Internet crimes. Intellectual property rights. Risks of IT. Human computer interaction. Data protection. National and international legal environment of IT.E-Government issues. Health and work hazards related to IT. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 351: MIS Cooperative Work (0-0-6) A 28 week industry-based learning for MIS students to get practical experience in the area of Management Information Systems with reputable business organizations as approved by the Department and guided by a coop advisor. Evaluation of performance through submission of progress reports, employer’s feedback, final report, and presentation. Student’s defense of his coop work by a panel of faculty members inclusive of the coop advisor. Prerequisite: None

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MIS 355: Enterprise Systems (3-0-3) Architecture, setup, configuration, operations and management of system that is of "enterprise class". Fundamentals of business process and business process re-engineering concepts. Selection, process mapping, GAP analysis, and implementation of enterprise systems. Enterprise modules and decision analysis tools. Use of project management techniques to emphasize team dynamics and management skills. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 365 : Enterprise Architecture (3-0-3) Introduction to Enterprise Architecture: Enterprise architecture frameworks, Systems integration, Infrastructure and content management, System administration, Data/information architecture and data integration, Risk management, Software as a service. Emerging technologies. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 375 : Human Computer Factors in Systems Design (3-0-3) Factors related to both people interaction with technology, and the ways of technology effects on humans’ performance. An introduction to human related to the design of information systems. Emphasis on the human component of human-computer interaction (HCI), and the process of user-centered design and evaluation. Develop knowledge and skills of creating enhanced human-computer interfaces and user-computer interaction designs. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 405: IS Project Management (3-0-3) Project management fundamentals and strategies. Project management body of knowledge. Human aspect of project management. Project Management processes, methods, techniques, tools, and implementation issues. Systematic methodology for initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing projects in team based environment. Prerequisite: MIS 301 MIS 410: Management Support Systems (2-2-3) Introduction to Management Support Systems (MSS): Decision Support Systems, Collaborative Work Systems, Executive Support Systems, Expert Systems, and Neural Networks. Impact of MSS on decision making. Exposure to MSS tools and development methods. Integration of MSS. Team projects to develop MSS. Prerequisite: MIS 311 MIS 411: Database Applications Development (3-0-3) Multi-tier application architecture concepts and technologies. Advanced SQL including procedural, embedded SQL, client-side and server-side SQL. Transaction management, consider multi-user system including concurrency control and security. Advanced database concepts including distributed and object-oriented databases, and data warehouse. Database application implementation issues Special emphasis is on development of client/server database applications. Prerequisite: MIS 311

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MIS 415: Computer Supported Collaborative Work (2-2-3) Comprehensive overview of Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW),Group Dynamics, Collaboration Architectures, Groupware and Group Tools, Asynchronous and Synchronous Collaboration, Video in Collaboration, Web-based Collaboration, Collaborative Virtual Environments, Facilitation and leadership, Integration with other computerized systems, Exposure to literature and cases and Team-based projects. Prerequisite: MIS 311 MIS 490: Information Resources Management (3-0-3) Theories and practices in the management of organizational information systems resources. Frameworks for introduction, evolution and assimilation of information systems into an organization. Align IT strategy with business strategy. Roles of IT and people using, developing. Managing systems. Global concepts of IT. Societal and ethical issues. Pre-requisite: MIS 405 MIS 499: Special Topics in MIS (3-0-3) Coverage of the contemporary and advanced MIS topics such as data management, information processing, decision making, social implications of IT, and emerging technologies. Prerequisite: MIS 311 8. Summary and justifications of the proposed changes

Proposed changes are numerous and multi-dimensional. They include restructuring several courses and re-engineering the whole area of systems analysis and design. The changes also include introducing new courses and deleting others. The electives list was expanded to include new courses as well as some courses were shifted from core courses to elective ones. The following is the taxonomy of these changes:

8.1 Restructuring of Courses Following courses are re-structured:

8.1.1 Restructure of database course and addition of lab MIS 311: Business Data Management

Enterprise wide data is considered as one of the most valuable assets for the success and strategic positioning of an organization. Cost-effective management of data in these organizations is accomplished by using databases. Therefore these organizations rely heavily on database experts to develop and maintain high quality data infrastructure. It is also evident that most of our co-op students develop systems by using databases. In line with industry needs, and to better equip students with comprehensive conceptual knowledge of databases, and with sufficient technical depth and practical exposure, the course is restructured to contain a lab component, that is, with a course format of (2-2-3).

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8.1.2Re-structuring the area of systems development MIS 301: Business Systems Analysis & Design

The MIS program, since its inception, had two-course sequence (MIS 301: Business Systems Analysis & Design I and MIS 401: Business Systems Analysis & Design II) in the area of analysis and design. MIS 301 was focused on analysis and logical design, whereas MIS 401 concentrated on physical design and implementation. Emergence of new technologies such as prototyping techniques, data-centered approach, Rapid Application Development (RAD), Joint Application Design (JAD), CASE/Tools etc., increased the possibility of covering the logical and physical aspects of system analysis and design effectively in a single course. In addition, many of the universities studied in our evaluation and review work, have only one course in this area. Part of the effort was to eliminate or minimize redundancies and inconsistencies in the program. In order to an enable an utilization of the available teaching/learning opportunities, and to comply with recent academic trends, the following became necessary:

a) Combine the analysis and design components of MIS 301 and 401 into a single course, that is, within MIS 301;

b) Delete MIS 401 from the curriculum; and rename MIS 301 as Business Systems Analysis & Design, that is, drop number “I” from the course title as there will be only one course on systems analysis and design in the proposed program, and.

c) Add lab component for practicum

8.2Introducing new course MIS 405: IS Project Management Organizations are transforming their business processes into integrated business solutions and to provide better services to their customers through business process redesign. The evaluation and review of the program in conjunction with the IS 2010 Curriculum Model revealed that the current program lacks the body of knowledge associated with project management, which is a core requirement, recommended in the model. In addition as per current academic research and industry practices, project management principles, techniques, and tools are being emphasized in information systems development, deployment, and maintenance related work. In order to fill this significant gap, the new course, MIS 405: IS Project Management, is proposed to be added as a core course in the MIS program. It will encompass Project Management Institute Body of Knowledge (PMBOK).

8.3 Deleting courses

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MIS 105: Introduction to Computer Applications

The MIS course was deleted based on the professional assessment of the Committee members as well as the recommendation by the College Curriculum Committee (CCC). The CCC decided to drop MIS 105. Justifications for the deletion include:

Computer skills traditionally taught in the course are now taught to a satisfactory level in Saudi high schools.

Much of the substance of the course is interjected within other MIS courses.

The course is deleted from the CIM General Educational Requirements (GER), so keeping the course as a department requirement will create a lot of confusion with no material benefit. This deletion was based on recommendations from many industry leaders and MIS scholars in Saudi Arabia.

SE 100, though it is not in the GER requirement, can still be taken as a Science or Engineering elective.

ICS 201: Introduction to Computer Science

Most of the ranking universities including IS2010 Curriculum Model recommendation for one programming course as entry level. Since ICS 102: Introduction to Computing (Java programming) fulfill this requirement, henceforth it is decided to drop ICS 201 and utilize this reduction to accommodate College Curriculum Requirements’ of more business and non-business electives to give more breadth to the program.

MIS 401: Systems Analysis & Design II (core course)

As a result of the re-engineering efforts, described in 8.3, it is proposed that MIS 401 be deleted from the program. MIS402: E-Commerce Project (elective Course) This course is deleted as MIS 300: Fundamentals of E-Commerce includes E-Commerce Project as a group project. .

MIS 420: Computer Control and Audit (elective course)

This course was deleted because it is offered as ACCT 303 under the newly revised Accounting program.

MIS 425: End User computing (elective course)

The body of knowledge represented in end user computing has become an integral part of almost all the courses in the MIS curriculum. Students are exposed to end user computing concepts virtually throughout the program, particularly, wherever user friendly applications are analyzed or developed using Graphical User Interface (GUI), and prototyping or rapid application development tools. In fact, end users play important roles in user-developed

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systems and information systems projects. Hence, end user computing does not warrant being a distinct course.

MGT 410: Organizational Behavior & Design (elective course)

Since the CCC has introduced MGT 412 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management as a core requirement in business administration. Therefore, it is imperative to drop MGT 410 from the major requirement (which can still be taken as a business elective) to achieve balance in the interdisciplinary nature of the program.

8.4 Revising course descriptions and topical syllabi Course descriptions and topical syllabi for all courses (current and new ones) have been modified to ensure that the body of knowledge represented in the courses is up-to-date, consistent with the educational needs of stakeholders, and also articulated clearly, and without redundancies and inconsistencies. 8.5Expandingelective list Additional electives, from the pool of courses within KFUPM to provide further opportunities to students to enhance the in technical depth and widen the inter-disciplinary exposure obtained from undertaking and completing the MIS program. Refer to Appendix A: List of Courses in Proposed Curriculum G and H MIS Elective Pools.

8.6Aligning pre-requisites Based on the experience of the MIS faculty members and in order to ensure that students have adequate knowledge and skills to complete subsequent and advanced courses successfully and to acquire maximum value from the same, the following refinements have been made to the pre-requisites:

MIS 405: Pre-requisite MIS 301 In this course, students are required to have the knowledge of system development to apply IS project management concepts and its core areas. Therefore MIS 301 is made a pre-requisite for this course.

MIS 351: Pre-requisites None Knowledge of systems development and data communications, skills in report writing and presentations, and overall high degree of educational maturity are essential for completing MIS 351 successfully. To this end and in line with the curriculum changes in the form of re-engineering of the development system courses (described above), the existing list of pre-requisites for MIS 351 has been replaced with SR Standing, ENGL 214, MIS 311, and COE 353.

These proposed pre-requisite changes are depicted in Appendix G: Proposed pre-requisite chart.

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8.7 Changing the Course Title of MIS 415 The title of the course has changed from “Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)” to the new title “Computer Supported Collaborative Work”. The previous title highlights the utilization of a narrow domain of DSS software, while the new name broadens the umbrella of coverage to include a wider range of solutions addressing various kinds of collaborative works. 8.8 New MIS Elective Courses: Following electives are added to strengthen the elective list and to offer breadth of the program to MIS and business students to choose from the latest topics in the MIS in particular and business in general to enhance their knowledge base in the area of Information Technology. MIS 315: MIS Innovation and New Technologies (3-0-3) This course is inducted to equip students with new and innovative technology in the field of MIS, as information systems is ever changing field and technology becomes obsolete very frequently. This course is also suggested in IS 2009: Draft Curriculum Model by ACM/AIS. MIS 320: Knowledge Management (3-0-3) Knowledge management is an integral part of decision making. This course will add the value to student knowledge about data warehousing, data mining, knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation and decision making process by using internal and external knowledge. MIS 325: Human Resources Information Systems (3-0-3) Human Resources in Saudi Arabia have become very important due to Saudization, attrition, retention of skilled workers, and expatriate influence in the job market. In most of the countries, human skill inventory is introduced and vast resources of human skills, expertise, knowledge pools, and other issues are managed by human resources information systems. This course will deal above issues with reference to Saudi Arabia. MIS 355: Enterprise Systems (3-0-3) Most of the businesses are integrating their heterogeneous, desperate functional systems into an integrated system, which can enable them to better control of their operations, control of information, improved decision making, and strategic advantage in their respective field of business. Enterprise systems are those systems, which can provide above capabilities with standard industry practices. MIS 365: Enterprise Architecture (3-0-3)

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Introduction to Enterprise Architecture: Enterprise architecture frameworks, Systems integration, Infrastructure and content management, System administration, Data/information architecture and data integration, Risk management, Software as a service, Emerging technologies.Pre-requisite:MIS 215 MIS 375: Human Computer Factors in Systems Design (3-0-3)

Human factors related to both people interaction with technology, and the ways of technology effects on humans’ performance. An introduction to human factors related to the design of information systems. Emphasis on the human component of human-computer interaction (HCI), and the process of user-centered design and evaluation. Develop knowledge and skills of creating enhanced human-computer interfaces and user-computer interaction designs. 9. Implementing the new program Once this revised program is approved, it will be fully applicable to new students. Current students will have to undergo a transitional stage and will be treated based on the course equivalency presented below. 9.1 MIS Courses and their Pre-requisites The following table presents the list of course prerequisites. Some of the old course pre-requisite relations were severed, and new pre-requisite relationships were instated. Both situations were based on technical and delivery standards having in mind student progression in the program.

Table 5: New Pre-requisite Chart

Course Number Prerequisite MIS 215 None MIS 300 MIS 215 MIS 301 MIS 215 MIS 302 ICS 102 MIS 311 ICS 102 MIS 315 MIS 215 MIS 320 MIS 215 MIS 325 MIS 215 MIS 345 MIS 215 MIS 355 MIS 215 MIS 351 None MIS 405 MIS 301 MIS 411 MIS 311 MIS 415 MIS 410 MIS 410 MIS 311 MIS 490 MIS 405 MIS 499 MIS 311

9.2 Impact on the Progress of Current Students Assuming that the new program is operational at the start of the academic year 2011-

12, the implementation plan will allow for a one year transition period comprising of

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the semesters 111, 112, and 113. After this period, the currently running program will

be terminated and all students will be switched to the new program. During the

transition period, the following points will be considered:

For non-MIS Students, Since the College Curriculum Committee dropped

MIS 105 from the College requirements; those who have completed MIS 105

can be given the waiver for one of the GER requirements.

For MIS Students, the main source of problems for students shifting from the

current to the new program stems from the changes in some of the pre-

requisites, dropping of MIS 401, introducing a new course (MIS 405).The cut-

off point to the revised program will start from MIS 401. In a nutshell, if a

student passes MIS 401, he will stay in the old program otherwise he has to be

shifted to the new program.

If a student has taken SE 100, MATH 132, ICS 201, or MGT 410, equivalent business or non-business electives can be waived after formal petition. In case of IAS 311, a waiver can be provided for the course IAS 322.

The following are detailed scenarios for current MIS students shifting to the new program:

1. Students who passed MIS 105 only will have to shift to the new program immediately, and they will be given a waiver for one of the GER electives in lieu of MIS 105.

2. Students who passed MIS 105 and ICS 102 will have to shift to the new program immediately.

3. Students who passed MIS 105, ICS 102, and ICS201 will have to shift to the new program immediately.

4. Students who passed MIS 105, ICS 102, ICS201, and MIS215 will have to shift to the new program immediately.

5. Students who passed MIS 105, ICS 102, ICS 201, MIS 215, and MIS 301 will shift to the new program immediately.

6. Students who passed MIS 105, ICS 102, ICS 201, MIS 215, MIS 301 and MIS 311 will shift to the new program immediately.

7. Students who passed MIS 105, ICS 102, ICS 201, MIS 215, MIS 301, MIS 311, and MIS 401 will continue with the old program.

The above implementation structure is graphically depicted in Appendix C: Implementation Scenarios for MIS Students Shifting to the Revised Program. During the transition period courses have to be offered in a proper manner to allow for a successful transition. A course offerings plan is depicted in Appendix D (Course Offerings).

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10. Implementation Plan An implementation plan for the revised B.S. in Management Information Systems was developed with the objective of better utilization of resources. The guidelines for implementation of academic curricula from the Deanship of Admissions and Registration have been followed in the preparation of the plan. 10.1Implementation Launch The revised MIS curriculum is sought to be implemented after the final approval of the program by the University Board.

10.2 Course Equivalency and Substitution Table 6 and 7 gives course equivalency and substitution of the courses in existing and proposed program. Table 6: Course Substitution Chart

Existing Program Proposed Program Remarks Course

Code Course Title Course Code Course Title

MIS 301 Business Systems Analysis & Design I (3-0-3)

MIS 301 Business Systems Analysis & Design (2-2-3)

Title Change

MIS 311 Bus Data Management (3-0-3) MIS 311 Bus Data Management (2-2-3) Format Change MGT 449 Business Policy MGT 449 Strategic Management Title Change Table 7: Course Equivalency Chart

Existing Program Proposed Program Remarks Course

Code Course Title Course Code Course Title

MIS 105 Introduction to Computer Applications

XXX xxx Science & Engineering Elective

MIS 401 Business Systems Analysis & Design II

MIS 405 IS Project Management New Course

MGT 410 Organization Behavior and Design

XXX xxx Business Elective

MGT 448 Project Feasibility Studies MGT 412 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Mgt.

10.3 New Core Course Following is a list of new course in the revised curriculum: MIS 405 IS Project Management (3-0-3) Prerequisite: MIS 301

10.4 Additional Elective Courses: Elective list is revised to include additional electives. There will be two pools of electives i.e. MIS Elective pool and Approved MIS elective pool. There are 12 courses belongs to MIS elective pool and 17 courses to Approved MIS Elective Pool. Refer to Appendix A: List of Courses in Proposed Program 10.5 Cancelled Courses MIS 105 Introduction to Computer Applications MIS 401 Systems Analysis & Design II

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MIS 420 Computer Control and Audit MIS 425 End User Computing 10.6 Changes in Course Titles MIS 301 Business Systems Analysis & Design (Dropped the number “I”) from

the title, as it is the only course in systems analysis and design after dropping MIS 401, the second course in the area)

MIS 415 Computer supported Collaborative Work. Old title Group Decision Support System was too specific and tool based)

10.8 Changes in Pre-requisites / Co-requisites

Table 7 summarizes the changes in the pre-requisite/co-requisite structure.

Table 8: Pre-requisites changes

Course(s) Old Pre-requisite(s) New Pre-requisite(s) MIS 301 MIS 215 or Departmental Approval ICS 102, and MIS 215 MIS 351 ENGL 214, MIS 301, and SR. standing ENGL 214, MIS 311, COE 353 MIS 345 MIS 215, Junior Standing MIS 215 MIS 405 MIS301 MIS 490 COE 353, and MIS 311 MIS 405 MIS 410 MIS 301, MIS311 MIS 311

For all other MIS courses which will be retained from the current program, the pre-requisites will remain the same. 11. CONCLUSION The assessment and the review processes of the current MIS program were very demanding in terms of time and effort. The MIS committee which includes all MIS faculty, worked very hard to make sure the work is done in a professional manner. The next phase of the process, the implementation phase, will be much more complex and will require plenty of man power in order to make sure that the required human and technology resources are in place prior to operation. We hope that the management at KFUPM will accept to make this work fruitful and operational by responding positively to its required resources.

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Program Mission The college of Industrial Management (CIM) existence is justified by its mission to be a prominent provider of management education through high quality up-to-date teaching programs supported by high quality multicultural faculty body and modern college and university support facilities in order to educate the future leaders of the Kingdom. The new program is carefully developed in order to support the CIM and the University mission challenges. The latest AACSB recognition is pure certification of the recent achievement of the CIM and its ongoing alignment with the university and college missions. To ensure that the MIS program is current and relevant, has a structure that is academically sound, and represents an integrated body of knowledge, with a good balance between breadth and depth, theory and practice. The knowledge and skills that will not only open up a broad range of career options to them, but also enhance their chances of securing lucrative employment within a short span of time and help them make a smooth transition from student to professional life. The program is designed to empower and equip graduates with:

a) A most up-to-date, comprehensive, well-founded set of technical knowledge and skills – knowledge and skills that will not only open up a broad range of career options to them, but also enhance their chances of securing lucrative employment within a short span of time and help them make a smooth transition from student to professional life;

b) technical and managerial knowledge in business analysis, study of processes, re-engineering, simplification and re-design with the help of automation;

c) interpersonal, communication, analytical/reasoning, and problem-solving skills - skills that are essential for success in their chosen careers, as well as in their future ability to make efficient and effective contributions in collaborative endeavors;

d) business application development techniques by using different methodologies, testing, implementation, project management, and post implementation review;

e) comprehensive study of system analysis and design, database development and management support systems and their applications to business problem solving;

f) knowledge to develop leaders who are confident of themselves, able to present and defend their ideas, enjoy team spirit, systematic, creative, sensitive to both economic and non-economic factors, ethical, and responsible in all their endeavors; and

g) Technical educational foundation that facilitates continuous learning and that will enable them to surmount the challenges they will encounter in managing information services later in their professional activities, and to sustain their technical strengths in their chosen careers.

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Through a holistic approach to teaching, modern learning, and effective assessment mechanisms, the program supports MIS fundamentals, programming, development of systems, industry based learning and managing Information Resources. (Appendix H: MIS Course Structure) The program current review took into consideration the AASCB, and NCAAA quality standards at each level and does not deviate from them. The Knowledge and skills requirement are all respected at the general education, the College and the MIS major levels. These requirements are stressed and are highlighted in Table 1 which indicate how learning objectives are achieved by the learning goals and how the program learning objectives match the learning goals. Furthermore, the present program review follows the recommendations of the College Curriculum Standing Committee which reviewed the college general education requirements so that it fits the AACSB and NCAAA quality standards. Finally, the program is designed to meet the Kingdom’s IT educational needs, and to measures up to reputable international academic standards through conformity with the IS 2010Curriculum Model.

Mission and Goals of the University, College and the Department The program objectives are derived from the University, College and Dept. of Acct & MIS missions. These missions are specified as follow: Vision & mission of KFUPM Vision

To be a vibrant multicultural University of international repute focused on quality education and innovative research that prepares professionals and entrepreneurs to lead social, economic and technical development in the region.

Mission KFUPM is an institution of higher learning committed to:

a) Preparing professionals empowered with the knowledge, skills, values and confidence to take a leadership role in the development of the Kingdom in the fields of science, engineering, environmental design and business.

b) Producing research that contributes to the knowledge and sustainable development of the Kingdom and region by providing innovative solutions to identified economic and technical problems and opportunities.

c) Providing a stimulating campus environment for the welfare of its students, faculty and staff, and offering outstanding professional services and out-reach programs to the society at large.

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Vision &Mission OF CIM

Vision To be among the best in the world as a center for excellence in management education, research and community service that actively addresses the needs of stakeholders.

Mission To be a prominent provider of management education through high-quality teaching reinforced by experiential learning for students who will play significant and productive roles in the development of the Saudi economy within the global business environment.

To actively contribute to Saudi business, industry, and community through relevant high-quality research, professional services, and dissemination of knowledge responsive to evolving stakeholder needs.

Program Learning Goals and Objectives Learning goals Learning objectivesCollege General Education Learning Goals and Objectives

12. Communication Abilities Ability to communicate business ideas effectively both orally and in writing

3. Students will be able to write reports that (a) are grammatically correct and (b) incorporate logical, complete, and articulate thoughts

4. Students will be able to make effective oral presentations on business topics. For example, they will (a) conduct themselves professionally, (b) speak clearly, (c) maintain eye contact with their audience, and (d) convey the main ideas.

13. Team Work Skills Ability to function effectively as a member or leader of a team in performing group tasks in business and professional organizations

3. Students will be able to work effectively in group settings

4. Students will be able to lead group work

14. Reflective Thinking Skills Ability to apply logic and exercise sound judgment in making decisions

Students will be able to show good judgment in making choices and decisions

15. Analytic/Quantitative Skills Ability to understand, analyze and use quantitative data to make business decisions and/or solve business problems

4. Students will be able to identify quantitative characteristics of business problems

5. Students will be able to examine and interpret numeric business data

6. Students will be able to analyze numeric business data to derive conclusions

16. Ethical Understanding Ability to recognize, understand and evaluate ethical issues in business situations

3. Students will be able to recognize and understand ethical issues in business situations

4. Students will be able to evaluate ethical issues presented to them and to make responsible choices and/or decisions

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17. Use of Information Technology Ability to use information technology as a business enabler

5. Students will be able to use basic IT software tools, such as spreadsheets, database management, and presentation software

6. Students will be able to use software tools to solve accounting, financial and quantitative problems

7. Students will be able to use software tools to meaningfully select, manipulate and process data to make business decisions

8. Students will be able to use information technology (e.g. research databases and/or the Internet) to obtain information

18. Leadership Ability to take initiative, show confidence and exercise leadership in business and professional organizations

Students will be able to demonstrate that they are proactive, have confidence, and have potential for leadership in their coop experience and the capstone courses

19. Multicultural and diversity understanding Awareness and understanding of cultural issues that impact business operations in a global society

Students will be able to deal effectively with people from diverse social, economic, and religious backgrounds.

College Management-Specific Learning Goals and Objectives

20. General Business Knowledge Ability to apply concepts and theories from business functional areas appropriately

3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the functional areas of business and their inter-relationships.

4. Students will be able to integrate basic functional area competencies to critically evaluate information and make decisions

Discipline-Specific (MIS) Learning Goals and Objectives

21. Systems analysis, design and project management concepts Design and implement information technology solutions that enhance organizational performance

6. Students will be able to analyze, design, implement, and maintain MIS applications

7. Student will be able to plan, coordinate, monitor, and control MIS development projects

22. Role of MIS Understand the MIS strategic role in integrating, supporting, and enabling organizational capabilities

8. Student will be able to support business and MIS managers in their management activities and IT enabled decision making process

9. Student will be able to evaluate strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage MIS resources

10. Student will be able to apply MIS Ethical and societal issues

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Under the auspices of the MIS Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee, the MIS program is set to achieve its objectives by continuously developing and enhancing all the resources used in executing the program. Accordingly the strategy is demonstrated through the following avenues:

• Maintaining top quality faculty members via encouragement of self enhancement, conference attendance, provision of unlimited access to best research journals in the MIS field; as well as recruiting new faculty members who have established records in the MIS field

• Maintaining computer and e-commerce laboratories and providing students with broadband linkage to the Internet, the KFUPM’s Intranet, as well as many other IT educational resources and Extranets.

• Encouraging the use of Instructional resources as means of enhancing faculty-student interaction and peer interaction.

• Maintaining close relationships with international accrediting agencies including the AACSB and other international organizations.

• Establishing a high research profile through encouraging and motivating faculty members to publish their research work in renowned research journals.

Career Opportunities

The MIS program is designed for students who wish to pursue careers as:

• Information systems analyst • Information systems designer • Information systems manager • Information center specialist • Manager of information services • Business computer consultant • Website administrator • Database administrator • ERP Consultant • Or other related IT positions

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MIS Program Requirement

Course Courses Credit Hours

1. General Education Requirements 43~44 Communication Skills ENG 214; IAS 101, 201, 301 9 English ENGL 101, 102 6 Islamic and Arabic studies IAS 111, 211, 322 6 Mathematics MATH 101, 102, 131 11 Physical Education PE 101, 102 2

Science& Engineering Elective XXX xxx1 3~4

GS Electives GS xxx I & II 2 6

2. Core Requirements 54 Accounting ACCT 110, 210 6 Business Communications MGT 210 3 Economics 101, 102, 206 9

Finance FIN 250 3 Management Information Systems MIS 215 3 Management MGT 301, 311, 412, 449 12 Principles of Marketing MKT 250 3 Operations Management OM 210, OM 310 6 Statistics STAT 211, 212 6 College Business Elective XXX xxx

3 3

3. MIS Major Requirements 30 (a) Required Courses (21) 21 Introduction to Computing ICS 102 3 Business Systems Analysis & Design MIS 301 (Lab Component Added) 3 Business Data Management MIS 311 (Lab Component Added) 3 Fund. Of Computer Communications COE 353 3 IS Project Management MIS 405 3 Management Support Systems MIS 410 3 Information Resource Management MIS 490 3 (b) Elective Course (3) 3

To be taken from the following approved list

COE 307, 385, 441, 442, 445, 446 ICS 481, 483, 484, 485 MIS 300, 302, 315, 320, 325, 345, 355,365, 375, 411, 415, 499 SE 429, 443, 449, 464 SWE 422, 423, 444

© MIS Cooperative Work (6) MIS 351 6 Total Credit Hours 127~128


1Science & Engineering Elective (3~4 credit hours) 22 GS Electives from the GS Elective List 3 Has to be a 3xx or 4xx level courses taken from the College of Industrial Management except MIS level courses. 4 Total credit hours may vary depending upon Science or Engineering elective credit hours of 3 or 4 hours.

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Degree Plan


Freshman Year

IAS101 Practical Grammar 2 0 2 IAS 111 Beliefs and its Consequences 2 0 2 PE 101 Health and Physical Education I 0 2 1 PE 102 Health and Physical Education II 0 2 1 MATH 101 Calculus I 4 0 4 MATH 102 Calculus II 4 0 4 ECON 101 Principles of Economics I 3 0 3 MATH 131 Finite Mathematics 3 0 3 ACCT 110 Introduction to Financial Accounting 3 0 3 ECON 102 Principles of Econ II 3 0 3 ENGL 101 An Intro. to Academic Discourse 3 0 3 ACCT 210 Introduction to Managerial Accounting 3 0 3

ICS 102 Intro to Computing 2 2 3 ENGL 102 Intro. to Report Writing 3 0 3

17 4 19 18 2 19

Sophomore Year

IAS 201 Writing for Professional Needs 2 0 2 IAS 212 Professional Ethics 2 0 2 XXX xxx* Science or Engineering Elective* 3 0-2 3~4 OM 210 Operations Management 3 0 3 STAT 211 Statistics for Business I 3 0 3 STAT 212 Statistics for Business II 3 0 3 FIN 250 Financial Management 3 0 3 ECON 206 Economy of Saudi Arabia 3 0 3 ENGL 214 Academic & Prof Communication 3 0 3 MKT 250 Principles of Marketing 3 0 3

MIS 215 Intro. to MIS 3 0 3 MGT 210 Business Communication 3 0 3

17 0~2 17-18 17 0 17

Junior Year IAS 301 Oral Communication Skills 2 0 2 IAS 322 Human Rights in Islam 2 0 2 XXX xxx Business Elective 3 0 3 OM 310 Quantitative Methods for Management 3 0 3 GS xxx I GS Elective I 3 0 3 MGT 311 Legal Environment 3 0 3 MGT 301 Principles of Management 3 0 3 GS xxx II GS Elective II 3 0 3 COE 353 Fund. Of Comp. Comm. 3 0 3 MIS 311 Bus. Data Management 2 2 3

MIS 301 Business Systems Analysis. & Design 2 2 3 MIS 405 IS Project Management 3 0 3

16 2 17 16 2 17

Summer Session

MIS 350 MIS Coop Work 0 0 0

Senior Year

MIS 351 Coop Work (continued) 0 0 6 MGT 449 Strategic Management 3 0 3 XXX xxx MIS Approved Elective 3 0 3 MGT 412 Entrepreneurship & Small Bus. Mgt. 3 0 3 MIS 410 Mgt. Support Systems 2 2 3 MIS 490 Information Resources Management 3 0 3

0 0 6 14 2 15

Total credit hours required in Degree Program: 127~128*

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Course Descriptions It is worth mentioning that the course descriptions of all program courses (core and electives) were revisited. The Committee went through a comprehensive exercise of updating all course descriptions by adding new components and dropping obsolete ones. This exercise has contributed significantly to improving the quality of the proposed program. Additionally more integration and less overlap between the courses were also sought. The following is a list of the new proposed course descriptions:

MIS 215: Principles of Management Information Systems (3-0-3) Information systems concepts and principles with managerial emphasis. Information systems for operational, tactical and top management. Strategic impact of technologies on organizations. Prerequisite: None MIS 300: Fundamentals of Electronic Commerce (2-2-3) E-Commerce fundamentals; E-Commerce business models; infrastructure; electronic payment systems and E-commerce security; Development, implementation, marketing and managing E-Commerce applications. Benefits and limitations, legal, ethical and global issues. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 301: Business Systems Analysis & Design (2-2-3) Examining the design of information systems from a problem-solving perspective. Providing a methodological approach to developing computer systems including feasibility studies, systems planning, analysis, design, testing, implementation, and maintenance. Emphasis is on the strategies and techniques of systems analysis and design for producing logical methodologies for dealing with complexity in the development of information systems. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 302: Business Applications Development (3-0-3) Programming process with emphasis on program design and quality assurance and control. End user systems versus traditional systems development issues. Advanced HCI concepts and principles. Common business topics: data validation, report taxonomy, files and database processing. RAD methodologies, techniques, and tools.RAD success and risk factors. User documentation development techniques and tools. Application deployment issues. Emphasis on the development of end-user-focused, high quality business applications with user-centered-design and using RAD methodologies, techniques, and tools. Prerequisite: ICS 102 MIS 311: Business Data Management (2-2-3) Data resource management concepts. Database support for various levels of management. Relational database model. Database life cycle. Conceptual data modeling. Database logical and physical design. Database integrity. Database languages and technologies. Data and database administration. Prerequisite: ICS 102

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MIS 315: MIS Innovation and New Technologies (3-0-3) Introduction to MIS Innovation and New Technologies. Nurturing an Entrepreneurial Innovative Environment. Understand the Business Value of Innovation. Innovation with Online Communities; Social Web Networks. Re-engineer business processes with Innovations and New Technologies. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 320: Knowledge Management (3-0-3) Introduction to Knowledge Management (KM) – Knowledge Management (KM) to gain competitive advantage. KM for innovation, KM’s emerging systems (Enterprise 2.0, Semantic Web), E-Knowledge Management.KM Development Methods. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 325: Human Resources Information Systems (3-0-3) Introduction to Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS): Strategic role of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) in the effective management of organizations, HRIS capabilities and limitations, Organizational needs for HRIS, Evaluation and selection factors of an appropriate HRIS, HRIS software application packages for management decision-making. Role of HRIS in current Information Technology topics (Internet, Privacy, Security). Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 345: Information Technology in Society (3-0-3) Impact of IT on individuals, organizations, society, and quality of life. Social and ethical considerations. Computer and Internet crimes. Intellectual property rights. Risks of IT. Human computer interaction. Data protection. National and international legal environment of IT.E-Government issues. Health and work hazards related to IT. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 351: MIS Cooperative Work (0-0-6) A 28 week industry-based learning for MIS students to get practical experience in the area of Management Information Systems with reputable business organizations as approved by the Department and guided by a coop advisor. Evaluation of performance through submission of progress reports, employer’s feedback, final report, and presentation. Student’s defense of his coop work by a panel of faculty members inclusive of the coop advisor. Prerequisite: None MIS 355: Enterprise Systems (3-0-3) Architecture, setup, configuration, operations and management of system that is of "enterprise class". Fundamentals of business process and business process re-engineering concepts. Selection, process mapping, GAP analysis, and implementation of enterprise systems. Enterprise modules and decision analysis tools. Use of project management techniques to emphasize team dynamics and management skills. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 365 : Enterprise Architecture (3-0-3) Introduction to Enterprise Architecture: Enterprise architecture frameworks, Systems integration, Infrastructure and content management, System administration,

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Data/information architecture and data integration, Risk management, Software as a service. Emerging technologies. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 375 : Human Computer Factors in Systems Design (3-0-3) Factors related to both people interaction with technology, and the ways of technology effects on humans’ performance. An introduction to human related to the design of information systems. Emphasis on the human component of human-computer interaction (HCI), and the process of user-centered design and evaluation. Develop knowledge and skills of creating enhanced human-computer interfaces and user-computer interaction designs. Prerequisite: MIS 215 MIS 405: IS Project Management (3-0-3) Project management fundamentals and strategies. Project management body of knowledge. Human aspect of project management. Project Management processes, methods, techniques, tools, and implementation issues. Systematic methodology for initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing projects in team based environment. Prerequisite: MIS 301 MIS 410: Management Support Systems (2-2-3) Introduction to Management Support Systems (MSS): Decision Support Systems, Collaborative Work Systems, Executive Support Systems, Expert Systems, and Neural Networks. Impact of MSS on decision making. Exposure to MSS tools and development methods. Integration of MSS. Team projects to develop MSS. Prerequisite: MIS 311 MIS 411: Database Applications Development (3-0-3) Multi-tier application architecture concepts and technologies. Advanced SQL including procedural, embedded SQL, client-side and server-side SQL. Transaction management, consider multi-user system including concurrency control and security. Advanced database concepts including distributed and object-oriented databases, and data warehouse. Database application implementation issues Special emphasis is on development of client/server database applications. Prerequisite: MIS 311 MIS 415: Computer Supported Collaborative Work (2-2-3) Comprehensive overview of Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW),Group Dynamics, Collaboration Architectures, Groupware and Group Tools, Asynchronous and Synchronous Collaboration, Video in Collaboration, Web-based Collaboration, Collaborative Virtual Environments, Facilitation and leadership, Integration with other computerized systems, Exposure to literature and cases and Team-based projects. Prerequisite: MIS 311 MIS 490: Information Resources Management (3-0-3) Theories and practices in the management of organizational information systems resources. Frameworks for introduction, evolution and assimilation of information systems into an organization. Align IT strategy with business strategy. Roles of IT

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and people using, developing. Managing systems. Global concepts of IT. Societal and ethical issues. Pre-requisite: MIS 405 MIS 499: Special Topics in MIS (3-0-3) Coverage of the contemporary and advanced MIS topics such as data management, information processing, decision making, social implications of IT, and emerging technologies. Prerequisite: MIS 311

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Appendix A: List of Courses in Proposed Curriculum Course Code Course Title Credit HrsA) General Education Requirements1. ENGL 101 An Introduction to Academic Discourse 3

2. ENGL 102 Introduction to Report Writing 3

3. ENGL 214 Academic and Professional Communication 3

4. GS xxx I General Studies Elective I 3 5. GS xxx II General Studies Elective II 3 6. IAS 101 Practical Grammar 2

7. IAS 111 Belief and its Consequences 2

8. IAS 201 Writing for Professional Needs 2

9. IAS 211 Professional Ethics 2

10. IAS 301 Oral Communication Skills 2

11. IAS 322 Human Rights in Islam 2

12. MATH 101 Calculus I 4

13. MATH 102 Calculus II 4

14. MATH 131 Finite Mathematics 3

15. PE 101 Health and Physical Education I 1

16. PE 102 Health and Physical Education II 1 17. XXX xxx Science and Engineering Elective 3~4 Sub-total 43~-44 B) Core Requirements 18. ACCT 110 Introduction to Financial Accounting 3 19. ACCT 210 Introduction to Managerial Accounting 3 20. ECON 101 Principles of Economics I (MICROECONOMICS) 3 21. ECON 102 Principles of Economics II(MICROECONOMICS) 3 22. ECON 206 Economy of Saudi Arabia 3 23. FIN 250 Financial Management 3 24. MGT 210 Business Communication 3 25. MGT 301 Principles of Management 3 26. MGT 311 Legal Environment 3 27. MGT 412 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 3 28. MGT 449 Strategic Management 3 29. MIS 215 Principles of Management Information Systems 3 30. MKT 250 Principles of Marketing 3 31. OM 210 Operations Management 3 32. OM 310 Quantitative Methods for Management 3 33. STAT 211 Statistics for Business I 3

34. STAT 212 Statistics for Business II 3

35. XXX xxx Business Elective * 3

Sub-total 54

C) MIS Major Requirements

36. ICS 102 Introduction to Computing 3

37. MIS 301 Business Systems Analysis & Design 3

38. MIS 311 Business Data Management 3

39. COE 353 Fundamentals of Computer Communication 3

40. MIS 405 IS Project Management 3

41. MIS 410 Management Support Systems 3

42. MIS 490 Information Resources Management 3

43. MIS xxx MIS Elective from MIS or Approved MIS Elective List 3

Sub-total 24 44. MIS 351 MIS Coop Work 6

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Elective Pools

D) General Studies (GS) Elective Pool45. GS 220 Information Searching Skills 3 46. GS 221 Work and Society 3 47. GS 318 World Civilization (History) 3 48. GS 321 Principles of Human Behavior (Psychology) 3 49. GS 355 Cultural Anthropology (Anthropology) 3 50. GS 420 Personality Psychology (Psychology) 3 51. GS 423 International Relations 3 52. GS 434 Media and Society (Sociology) 3 53. GS 447 Globalization (International relations) 3 E) Science & Engineering Elective Pool54. ARE211 Building Materials 3

55. ARE431 Building Economy 3

56. BIOL 101 Introduction to Biology 4

57. BIOL 102 Ecology and Environment 3

58. CHEM 101 General Chemistry I 4

59. COE341 Data and Computer Communications 3

60. GEOL 201 Physical Geology 3

61. GEOL 202 Applied Geosciences for Scientists and Engineers 3

62. ICS 103 Computer Programming in C 3

63. MATH232 Introduction to Sets and Structures 3

64. MATH260 Intro to Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 3

65. MATH305 Development of Mathematics 3

66. PHYS 101 General Physics I 4

67. PHYS 133 Principles of Physics 4

68. SE 443 Human Factors Engineering 3

69. SE 465 Industrial Safety 3

F) Business Elective Pool 70. ACCT 3xx All 300-level Accounting courses 3

71. ACCT 4xx All 400-level Accounting courses 3

72. ECON 3xx All 300-level Economics courses 3

73. ECON 4xx All 400-level Economics courses 3

74. FIN 3xx All 300-level Finance courses 3

75. FIN 4xx All 400-level Finances courses 3

76. HRM 3xx All 300-Level Human Resources Mgt. Courses 3

77. HRM 4xx All 400-Level Human Resources Mgt. Courses 3

78. MGT 3xx All 300-level Management courses 3

79. MGT 4xx All 400-level Management courses 3

80. MKT 3xx All 300-level MKT courses 3

81. MKT 4xx All 400-level MKT courses 3

82. OM 3xx All 300-level Operations Management courses 3

83. OM 4xx All 400-level Operations Management courses 3

G) MIS Elective Pool 84. MIS 300 Principles of E-Commerce 3

85. MIS 302 Business Application Development 3

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86. MIS 315 MIS Innovation and New Technologies 3

87. MIS 320 Knowledge Management 3

88. MIS 325 Human Resources Information Systems 3

89. MIS 345 Information Technology in Society 3

90. MIS 355 Enterprise Systems 3

91. MIS 365 Enterprise Architecture 3

92. MIS 375 Human Computer Factors in System Design 3

93. MIS 411 Database Applications Development 3

94. MIS 415 Computer Supported Collaborative Work 3

95. MIS 499 Topics in MIS 3

H) Approved MIS Electives Pool 96. COE 307 Computer Hardware 3

97. COE 385 Personal Computers 3

98. COE 441 Local Area Network 3

99. COE 442 Computer Networks 3

100. COE 445 Internet Information Services 3

101. COE 446 Mobile Computing 3

102. ICS 481 Neural Network 3

103. ICS 483 Computer Vision 3

104. ICS 484 Arabization of Computers 3

105. ICS 485 Knowledge Based Systems 3

106. SE 429 Maintenance Planning and Control 3

107. SE 443 Human Factors Engineering 3

108. SE 449 Special Topics in Industrial Engg. & Operations Research 3

109. SE 464 Industrial Information Systems 3

110. SWE 422 Real-Time Software Systems 3

111. SWE 423 Multi Media Systems 3

112. SWE 444 Internet and Web Application Development 3

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Appendix B: Proposed Degree Plan


Freshman Year

IAS101 Practical Grammar 2 0 2 IAS 111 Beliefs and its Consequences 2 0 2 PE 101 Health and Physical Education I 0 2 1 PE 102 Health and Physical Education II 0 2 1 MATH 101 Calculus I 4 0 4 MATH 102 Calculus II 4 0 4 ECON 101 Principles of Economics I 3 0 3 MATH 131 Finite Mathematics 3 0 3 ACCT 110 Introduction to Financial Accounting 3 0 3 ECON 102 Principles of Econ II 3 0 3 ENGL 101 An Intro. to Academic Discourse 3 0 3 ACCT 210 Introduction to Managerial Accounting 3 0 3

ICS 102 Intro. to Computing 2 2 3 ENGL 102 Intro. to Report Writing 3 0 3

17 4 19 18 2 19

Sophomore Year

IAS 201 Writing for Professional Needs 2 0 2 IAS 212 Professional Ethics 2 0 2 XXX xxx* Science or Engineering Elective* 3 0-2 3~4 OM 210 Operations Management 3 0 3 STAT 211 Statistics for Business I 3 0 3 STAT 212 Statistics for Business II 3 0 3 FIN 250 Financial Management 3 0 3 ECON 206 Economy of Saudi Arabia 3 0 3 ENGL 214 Academic & Prof Communication 3 0 3 MKT 250 Principles of Marketing 3 0 3

MIS 215 Intro. to MIS 3 0 3 MGT 210 Business Communication 3 0 3

17 0~2 17-18 17 0 17

Junior Year IAS 301 Oral Communication Skills 2 0 2 IAS 322 Human Rights in Islam 2 0 2 XXX xxx Business Elective 3 0 3 OM 310 Quantitative Methods for Management 3 0 3 GS xxx I GS Elective I 3 0 3 MGT 311 Legal Environment 3 0 3 MGT 301 Principles of Management 3 0 3 GS xxx II GS Elective II 3 0 3 COE 353 Fund. Of Comp. Comm. 3 0 3 MIS 311 Bus. Data Management 2 2 3

MIS 301 Business Systems Analysis. & Design 2 2 3 MIS 405 IS Project Management 3 0 3

16 2 17 16 2 17

Summer Session MIS 350 MIS Coop Work 0 0 0

Senior Year

MIS 351 Coop Work (continued) 0 0 6 MGT 449 Strategic Management 3 0 3 XXX xxx MIS Approved Elective 3 0 3 MGT 412 Entrepreneurship & Small Bus. Mgt. 3 0 3 MIS 410 Mgt. Support Systems 2 2 3 MIS 490 Information Resources Management 3 0 3

0 0 6 14 2 15

Total credit hours required in Degree Program: 127~128*

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Note: only the affected courses are listed. All unlisted courses are to be completed by student as per degree plan.

Appendix C: Implementation Scenarios for MIS Students Shifting to the Proposed Program


Courses CompletedCourses to be Completed in the

New Program

MIS 105

ICS 102

ICS 201

MIS 215

MIS 301

MIS 311

MIS 401

MIS 490

ICS 102

MIS 215

MIS 301

MIS 311

MIS 405

MIS 410

MIS 490 Remarks


New Program

2 New Program

3 New Program

4 New Program

5 New Program

6 New Program

7 Old Program

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Appendix D: Course Offering Plan Based on the current student enrollment in the MIS program and to provide the provision for business elective to non MIS major students, the course/section offering plan will be as follows: A) First Semester Course No. No. of Sections No. of Labs Contact Hours Credit Hours

MIS 215 6 0 6*3=18 6*3=18 MIS 301 2 2 2*2 + 2*2=08 2*3=06 MIS 311 2 2 2*2+2*2=08 2*3=06 MIS 405 2 0 2*3 =06 2*3 =06 MIS 410 2 2 2*2+2*2=08 2*3= 06 MIS 490 2 0 2*3 = 06 2*3 = 06 MIS 300 2 2 2*3+2*3 = 12 2*3 = 06 MIS xxx 1 0 1*3 = 03 1*3 = 03 MIS xxx 1 0 1*3 = 03 1*3 = 03 MIS xxx 1 0 1*3 = 03 1*3 = 03 MIS499 1 0 1*3 = 03 1*3 = 03

Semester total 22 8 78 66 B) Second Semester Course No. No. of Sections No. of Labs Contact Hours Credit Hours

MIS 215 6 0 6*3 = 18 6*3 = 18 MIS 301 2 2 2*2 + 2*2 = 08 2*3 = 06 MIS 311 2 2 2*2+2*2 = 08 2*3 = 06 MIS 405 2 0 2*3 = 06 2*3 = 06 MIS 410 2 2 2*2+2*2 = 08 2*3 = 06 MIS 490 2 0 2*3 = 06 2*3 = 06 MIS 300 2 2 2*3+2*3 = 12 2*3 = 06 MIS xxx 1 0 1*3 = 03 1*3 = 03 MIS xxx 1 0 1*3 = 03 1*3 = 03 MIS xxx 1 0 1*3 = 03 1*3 = 03 MIS499 1 0 1*3 = 03 1*3 = 03

Semester total 22 8 78 66

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Appendix F-1: Summary Matrix about MIS programs in selected US universities (Source: US News, Dec 2011)

1 Courses are delivered in unit measurement rather than credit hours (1 credit hour = 3 units).

University name U.S. News University

rank Program name Degree offered Total Program hours

Number of major

credit hours

Number of elective credit

hours Comments

1. MIT1 1 Management Science with concentration in IT

Bachelor of Management Science with concentration in IT 109 12 6 Not a pure MIS


2. Carnegie Mellon University1 2

Business Admin. Concentration on Computing & IT

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration 121 18 6 Not a pure MIS


3. University of Arizona, Tucson 3 Management

Information Systems BSBA in MIS Min Req: 120

Prog. Specific Req: 123

18 3

4. University of Texas, Austin 4 Management

Information Systems B.B.A. in Mgmt. Information Systems 121 21 3 Co-op program

exists 5. University of

Minnesota, Carlson School of Management

5 Management information system

Bachelor of Science in Business with major in MIS 120

16 4

6. University of Maryland-College Park-Smith 6

Decision and Information Technologies

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration-IS 121

24 18 to 21

7. Georgia State University-Robinson 7 BBA

BBA in Computer Information Systems

120 21 6-12

8. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

8 Jarome Fisher Program in Management and Technology

Operations and Information Management 117

12 24

9. University of Michigan- Ann Arbor 9 BBA Business Information Technology 120 At least 45 At least 54

10. Georgia Institute of Technology

10 Information Technology

Management B.S. in Business Administration 122 12


11. KFUPM, (Current program) Management

Information Systems B.S. in MIS 128 46 9 Co-op


12. KFUPM, (Proposed program) Management

Information Systems B.S. in MIS


22 3

Co-op Program (9 credit hours)

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Appendix F-2: Summary Matrix about PURE MIS programs in selected U.S. universities

University name U.S. News University

rank Program name Degree offered Total Program hours

Number of major credit hours

Number of elective credit

hours Comments

Carnegie Mellon University2 2 Business Admin. Concentration on Computing & IT

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration 121 18 6

The University of Arizona 3 MIS B.S.B.A in MIS Min Req: 120

Prog. Specific Req: 123 27 3

University of Texas, Austin 4 Management Information Systems

B.B.A. in Mgmt. Information Systems 121 21 3

Co-op program exist

University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management

5 Management information system

Bachelor of Science in Business with major in MIS 120

16 4

University of Maryland, College Park 6 Decision and Information

Sciences B.S. in Decision & Information Sciences 120 18 6

University of North Carolina – Chappell Hill Information Science BS in Information Sciences 120 30 18 No Coop

Program University of Nebraska, Omaha Information science and

technology BS in Mgt. Information Systems Min. Req: 125

Prog. Specific Req: 129 21 12 Co-op program

exist University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign3 Business Administration BS in Business Administration

(Concentration in MIS) 124 21 6 No Coop Program

New York University, Stern School of Business4

Information Systems BS in Information Systems 128

12 9 No Coop Program

The University of Alabama Management Information Systems

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Mgmt. Information Systems 124 27 3

Pittsburgh Statue University Major in MIS B.B.A. with major in IS 124 24 3

2 Courses are delivered in unit measurement rather than credit hours (1 credit hour = 3 units).

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APPENDIX G: Pre-Requisite Chart


MIS CURRICULUM (Pre-Requisite Chart)

ICS 102

Level Term




AN 1s


IAS 101ENGL 101

MATH 101

ACCT 110


101ICS 102




AN 1s


IAS 101ENGL 101

MATH 101

ACCT 110


101ICS 102

ECON 102




AN 1s



IAS 101ENGL 101

MATH 101

ACCT 110

MATH 131

IAS 111

PE 101

PE 102ENGL 102

MATH 102

ECON 101

ACCT 210

ECON 102





2nd MATH

131IAS 111 PE 102

ENGL 102

MATH 102

ACCT 210

ECON 102

MIS 215STAT 211











1st ENGL

214IAS 201

MATH 131

IAS 111 PE 102ENGL 102

MATH 102

FIN 250

ACCT 210

XXX xxx^ MIS 215STAT 211






1st ENGL

214IAS 201 FIN 250XXX xxx^ MIS 215

ECON 206

STAT 211








ENGL 214

IAS 201 FIN 250XXX xxx^

MKT 250

MGT 210

STAT 212







2nd MKT

250MGT 210

STAT 212

OM 210IAS 212

MIS 301

ECON 206

MGT 301









2nd MKT

250MGT 210

IAS 301

STAT 212

OM 210IAS 212

XXX xxx! COE 353

GS xxx I MIS 301MGT 301




IAS 301 XXX xxx! COE 353

GS xxx I MIS 301MGT 301





IAS 301

IAS 322 OM 310 MIS 405MIS 311GS xxx IIMGT 311

XXX xxx! COE 353

GS xxx I




IAS 322 OM 310 MIS 405MIS 311GS xxx IIMGT 311

MIS 351





IAS 322 OM 310





MIS 405MIS 311GS xxx IIMGT 311



MIS 490MGT 449

MGT 412

MIS 410MIS xxx>





MIS 490MGT 449

MGT 412

MIS 410MIS xxx>




Course Pre-requisite(s) Course Pre-requisite (s) COE 307, 385, 441, 442, 445, 446

MIS 300 MIS 215 MIS 355, 365, 375 MIS 215 ICS 481, 483, 484, 485

MIS 302 ICS 102 MIS 411 MIS 311 SE 429, 443, 449, 464

MIS 315, 320 MIS 215 MIS 415 MIS 410 SWE 422, 423, 444

MIS 325, 345 MIS 215 MIS 499 MIS 311

^ Any Science or Engineering Elective (3~4 credit hours)

! Any 3xx or 4xx Non MIS college level course

MIS Approved Electives

Total Credit Hours 127~128


MIS 490MGT 449

MGT 412

MIS 410

> Any MIS Approved Elective

MIS Electives

MIS xxx>




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Appendix H: MIS Course Structure MIS Core Courses

Course Number Course Title Knowledge Area

ICS102 Introduction to Computing MIS Foundational Knowledge Skills Area

MIS 215* Principles of MIS MIS Foundational Knowledge Skills Area

MIS 301 Business Systems Analysis & Design MIS Specific Knowledge Skills Area

MIS 311 Business Data Management MIS Specific Knowledge Skills Area

COE 353 Fundamentals of Computer Communications MIS Specific Knowledge Skills Area

MIS 351 MIS Co-operative Work Industry-Based Learning

MIS 405 IS Project Management MIS Domain Fundamentals

MIS 410 Management Support Systems MIS Domain Fundamentals

MIS 490 Information Resources Management MIS Domain Fundamentals

MIS 215*

MIS 410 MIS 351

COE 353 MIS 311 MIS 301

ICS 102

MIS 405

MIS Foundational Knowledge Skills Area

MIS Specific Knowledge Skills Area

MIS Domain Fundamentals

Industry Based Learning MIS 490

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MIS Elective Courses MIS 300 Principles of E-Commerce

MIS 302 Business Applications Development MIS Foundational Knowledge Skills Area

MIS 315 MIS Innovation & New Technologies MIS Specific Knowledge Skills Area

MIS 320 Knowledge Management MIS Specific Knowledge Skills Area

MIS 325 Human Resources Information System MIS Specific Knowledge Skills Area

MIS 345 Information Technology in Society Management

MIS 355 Enterprise Systems MIS Domain Fundamentals

MIS 365 Enterprise Architecture MIS Domain Fundamentals

MIS 375 Human Computer Factors in Systems Design MIS Domain Fundamentals

MIS 411 Database Applications Development MIS Specific Knowledge Skills Area

MIS 415 Computer Supported Collaborative Work MIS Domain Fundamentals

MIS 499 Topics in MIS MIS Domain Fundamentals

*Pre-Major Course

Appendix I: MAPPING WITH IS 2010 Curriculum Model

Course Details of Courses shown in the chart:

IS 2010.1 Foundations

Information Systems MIS 215

IS 2010.2 Data and Information

Management MIS 311

IS 2010.3 Enterprise

Architecture MIS 365*

IS 2010.4 IS Project

Management MIS 405

IS 2010.5 IT Infrastructure

COE 353^ MIS 410^

IS 2010.6 Systems Analysis

& Design MIS 301

IS 2010.7 IS Strategy

Management, and Acquisition

MIS 490

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Course Number Course Title

MIS 215 Principles of MISMIS 301 Business Systems Analysis & DesignMIS 311 Business Data ManagementCOE 353^ Fundamentals of Computer Communications (Partial Coverage) MIS 365* Enterprise Architecture (Elective)MIS 405 IS Project ManagementMIS 410^ Management Support Systems (Partial Coverage)MIS 490 Information Resources Management

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Appendix J: Comparison of Conformity with the IS 2010 in some leading universities







of Texas

at Austin


of Arizona







Conformity with the IS2010 Curriculum Model






Deviation from the IS2010 Model

+ Research Methods course - Enterprise Architecture

+ Strategic IT Management and BPR course - Enterprise Architecture

+ ERP course - Hardware and systems software course -Enterprise Architecture

- IS Project management + Enterprise Architecture

- Enterprise Architecture

Structure Total credit hours, Core, Electives

121 , 18 , 6

121 , 21 , 3

123 , 27 , 3

128 , 46 , 9

129 , 23 , 6

Program Emphasis

Balance of technical skills in systems development plus one concentration area

Balance of technical skills in systems development, BPR, and IS Management

Provides technical depth in systems development, especially O-O approach

Balance of technical skills in systems development, and IS Management

Balance of technical and managerial skills in MIS discipline

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Appendix K: Course Syllabi MIS 215: Principles of MIS MIS 300: Fundamentals of E-commerce MIS 301: Business Systems Analysis & Design MIS 302: Business Application Development MIS 311: Business Data Management MIS 315: MIS Innovation and New Technologies MIS 320: Knowledge Management MIS 325: Human Resource Information System MIS 345: Information Technology in Society MIS 351: MIS Co-operative Work MIS 405: IS Project Management MIS 411: Database Applications Development MIS 410: Management Support Systems MIS 415: Computer Supported Collaborative Work MIS 490: Information Resources Management MIS 499: Topics in MIS

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MIS 215: Principles of MIS Course No: MIS 215 Course Title: Principles of Management Information Systems Format:(3-0-3)

Course Description: Information systems concepts and principles with managerial emphasis. Information systems for operational, tactical and top management. Strategic impact of technologies on organizations.

Prerequisite(s): none Course Objectives: After completing the course, students should:

Possess theoretical foundation of information systems Be able to apply information systems’ knowledge in professional activities Have an understanding of how competitive advantage can be enhanced

through the innovative application of IT Understand the role of MIS in supporting operational, tactical, and strategic

levels of management Have a broad knowledge of the roles of critical technologies such as

telecommunications and databases in the construction, application and management of information systems

Learning Objectives:

Study and evaluate business processes for re-eng./ automation (EM1-6)

Plan, coordinate, monitor, and control MIS development Projects (EM1-


Coordinate with user community in MIS requirements analysis/design

activities (EM2-6)

Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS (EM1-6)

Evaluation Methods: EM1. Class Performances 5% EM2. Quizzes 15% EM3. Project(s) 7% EM4. First Major Exam 18% EM5. Second Major Exam 25% EM6. Final Exam 30%

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Suggested Textbook: Management Information Systems for the Information Age, 8th Ed., Stephen Haag and Maeve Cummings, McGraw-Hill (international edition), 2010,ISBN 978-0-07-016709-4 Topical Syllabus: Topics Week(s)Introduction to Information Systems 2 Information Systems in Organizations 2 Telecommunications and Databases 2 Internet, Intranets, and Extranets 2 TPS and MIS 2 Management Support Systems 2 Security, Privacy, & Ethical Issues 1 Other Instructional Resources: None.

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MIS 300: Fundamentals of E-commerce Course No: MIS 300 Course Title: Fundamentals of Electronic-Commerce Format:(2-2-3)

Course Description: E-Commerce fundamentals; E-Commerce business models; infrastructure; electronic payment systems and E-commerce security; Development, implementation, marketing and managing E-Commerce applications in a project. Benefits and limitations, legal, ethical and global issues. Prerequisite(s): MIS 215

Course Objectives: After completing this course successfully, students should:

Have a broad understanding of Internetworking and E-Commerce technologies Appreciate the benefits and limitations of E-Commerce Understand business strategies for E-Commerce Create an innovative E-Commerce/E-Business idea supported by a business plan Understand the IT and management infrastructure requirements for E-Commerce Understand the ethical, legal, security, confidentiality and reliability and ethical

issues of E-Commerce Analyze E-Commerce and Internet computing trends

Learning Objectives:

Apply modern tools, techniques, and technology (EM2-3)

Study and evaluate business processes for re-eng/automation (EM 1-6)

Plan, coordinate, monitor, and control MIS development Projects (EM 1-6)

Coordinate with user community in MIS requirements analysis/design

activities (EM 1-6)

Support MIS managers in their management activities EM (1-6)

Evaluate strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage

MIS resources

Able to work in team environment and learn group dynamics

Apply theory to practice through industry-based learning

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Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS

Evaluation Methods:

EM1. Quizzes 10% EM2. Project (s) 15% EM3. Lab Work 10% EM4. First Major Exam 15% EM5. Second Major Exam 20% EM6. Final Exam 30%

Suggested Textbook(s): Lecture: Schneider, G. (2011), Electronic Commerce, 9th Edition, Course Technology. Lab: Latest E-Books, podcasts (via iTunes) and online tutorials from the industry’ leading web development portals. Topical Syllabi: Lecture Syllabus: Topics Week(s) Introduction to E-Commerce E-Commerce Business Models E-Commerce Technologies Building an E-Commerce application - Design Development and Management Internet & Social media marketing E-Payments E-Commerce Security Saudi Arabian E-Commerce scenario

2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

Lab Syllabus: Overview of Internet/E-Commerce TechnologiesClient side/server side technologies Web development overview Web application engines /platforms Overview E-Commerce applications Project work (E-Commerce website development and deployment)

2 1 3 3 1 5

Other Instructional Resources:

Web server(s): MS Internet Information Server (MS IIS) & Apache HTTP Server RDBMS(s): MySQL, MS SQL Server MS SharePoint 2010 Server ( tutorials)

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MIS 301: Business Systems Analysis & Design

Course No: MIS 301 Course Title: Business Systems Analysis & Design


Course Description: Examining the design of information systems from a problem-solving perspective. Providing a methodological approach to developing computer systems including feasibility studies, systems planning, analysis, design, testing, implementation, and maintenance. Emphasis is on the strategies and techniques of systems analysis and design for producing logical methodologies for dealing with complexity in the development of information systems. Prerequisite(s): MIS 215 Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, student should: Possess fundamental knowledge and skills in various system development

methodologies, techniques and tools. Have the necessary educational foundation to apply both traditional and object

oriented approaches in system development environments. Have a good understanding and working knowledge for commonly used analysis

and design tools in traditional system development approach like data flow diagram, data dictionary, entity relationship diagram, structure chart and process specifications.

Apply development methodologies, tools and techniques discussed in classroom in a real life group project.

Learning Objectives: Examine the concept of a system and what it means to develop and implement an

information system in an organization (EM1-8) Examine the major phases of the systems development life cycle (EM3-5)

Examine techniques for identifying the information and processing needs of an organization (EM1-8)

Use basic modeling tools for representing the analysis and the design of an information system (EM1-8)

Design a system from the specifications including the user interface, system module structure, etc. (EM1-8)

Able to work in team environment and learn group dynamics (EM1,4)

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Evaluation Methods:

EM1. Class Performances 10% EM2. Quizzes 10% EM3. Group Project and Lab Work 25% EM4. First Major Exam 15% EM5. Second Major Exam 20% EM6. Final Exam 20%

Suggested Textbook(s): Systems Analysis & Design in a Changing World, International Edition, 5th Ed. 0324593775 by Satzinger/Jackson/Burd, Cengage Lab: The lab provides the instruction on the course project, exercises, and general discussion. Topical Syllabus: Lectures Topics Week(s) An overview of system development process 2 Details of system analysis and design processes 1 Project Initiation and Planning Phase (Gantt, PERT/ CPM) 1 Information Gathering Techniques 1 Data Modeling Techniques with emphasis on Entity Relationship Diagrams 2 Process Modeling Techniques with emphasis on Data Flow Diagrams 2 Data Dictionary 1 Process Specifications 1 Designing System User Interface using Human Computer Interface (HCI) design principles 1 Structured Program Design using Structure Chart 1 Comparing traditional and object oriented approaches of system development using a case study 2 Lab Topics: Systems Analysis Lab2 Feasibility Analysis Lab2 Requirements Analysis Lab2 Use-Case Analysis Lab2 Data Modeling Lab2 Process Modeling Lab2 Database Design Lab2 Process Analysis Lab1 Other Instructional Resources:

Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool (Oracle Designer from Oracle Corp.)

Prototyping tool (Microsoft Access from Microsoft Corp.) Project Management Tool (Microsoft Project from Microsoft Corp.)

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MIS302: Business Application Development Course No: MIS 302 Course Title: Business Applications Development Format:(2-2-3) Course Description: Programming process with emphasis on program design and quality assurance and control. End user systems versus traditional systems development issues. Advanced HCI concepts and principles. Common business topics: data validation, report taxonomy, file and database processing. RAD methodologies, techniques, and tools. RAD success and risk factors. User documentation development techniques and tools. Application deployment issues. Emphasis on the development of end-user-focused, high quality business applications with user-centered-design and using RAD methodologies, techniques, and tools. Suggested Laboratory Work: Application of RAD theoretical framework and industrial-strength RAD technologies to develop and deploy end-user-focused business applications. Prerequisite: ICS 102 Course Objectives: After completing this course successfully, students should: Have a sound understanding of HCI concepts and principles and apply them appropriately in GUI development Possess a strong theoretical foundation in RAD methodologies, techniques, and tools Understand the advantages and limitations of RAD in different information systems

development contexts Understand the importance of quality control within RAD and apply a quality

assurance feedback loop to the methods used Be able to develop high quality, end-user-focused business applications using RAD

methodologies, techniques, and tools Learning Objectives:

Apply modern tools, techniques, and technology (EM3-4) Analyze, design, implement, & maintain Information Systems (EM1-6) Study and evaluate business processes for re-eng./ automation (EM 1-6) Coordinate with user community in MIS requirements analysis/design

activities (EM3-4) Apply theory to practice through industry-based learning (EM 1-6)

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Evaluation Methods:

EM1. Class Performances 10% EM2. Quizzes 10% EM3. Lab Exams 15% EM4. Group Project 20% EM5. Mid-term Exam 20% EM6. Final Exam 25%

Suggested Textbooks: Lecture: Programming Visual Basic 2008: Build .NET 3.5 Applications with Microsoft's RAD Tool for Business, Tim Patrick, O'Reilly Media, 2008 ,ISBN-10: 0596518439 978-0596518431 Lab: Programming in Visual Basic 2010, Julia Case Bradley, Anita C Millspaugh, McGraw-Hill,July 2010, ISBN 0073517259 / 9780073517254 Topical Syllabi: Lecture Syllabus: Topics Week(s) Programming process and design 2 Quality control and assurance 1 SDLC’s relationship with end user computing 1 HCI: concepts and principles 2 Common Business Topics Data Validation: completeness, format and range checks, and ensuring conformity of data to business rules 1 Reports Taxonomy: Detail, Group-Control, Summary, and Drill-down reports 1 File Accessing and Organization Methods: Sequential, ISAM, and VSAM 1 Rapid Application Development Methodologies and tools 2 RAD Success and Risk factors: quality, completeness, and functionality 1 Application deployment issues: Testing and implementation 2 Post Implementation Review 1 Lab Syllabus: Topics Week(s)

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Introducing Microsoft Visual Studio IDE and VB. NET 1 Writing simple programs 1 Application of structured programming principles using sequence, selection, and iteration control structures 1 Data validation programming 1 User interface implementation 2 File and database access programming 1 Lab Exam: Basic coding skills 1 Implementing Rapid Application Development (RAD) techniques using business cases 2 Practicing application quality assurance and control techniques using business cases 1 User documentation: user manual, online help, and error messages 1 Application installation package construction using business cases 1 Application deployment issues: software rollover, user training, and maintenance using business cases 1 Lab Exam: Application development skills 1 Other Instructional Resources: Latest version of Microsoft Office Latest version of Visual Studio.NET

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MIS311: Business Data Management Course No: MIS 311 Course Title: Business Data Management Format:(2-2-3) Course Description: Data Resource management concepts. Database support for various levels of management. Relational database model. Database life cycle. Conceptual data modeling. Database logical and physical design. Database integrity. Database languages and technologies. Data and database administration. Suggested Laboratory Work: Utilization of industrial-strength RDBMS, data modeling tools, database languages, database access technologies, and application program interfaces to design and implement databases, and to develop simple database applications.Prerequisite: ICS 102

Course Objectives: After completing this course successfully, students should: Possess knowledge of the key concepts behind data resource management Have a sound understanding of the terminologies and concepts associated with

relational databases and RDBMS Have a good understanding of the various kinds of databases and the support they

provide to different levels of management Be able to apply data analysis and modeling techniques including entity-relationship

diagramming and normalization, and produce well structured, complete, correct, and flexible database models

Be able to use SQL with confidence to implement a relational physical database model

Be able to develop simple database applications to maintain and access data in relational databases

Have an understanding of issues related to database planning, database administration, and role and function of the Data Base Administrator

Learning Objectives: Analyse, design, implement, & maintain Information Systems (MIS)


Analyze, design, manipulate, and implement relational databases (EM1-8)

Able to work in team environment and learn group dynamics (EM4-5)

Evaluation Methods: EM1. Class Work (minute paper writing) 20% EM2. Self-learning Essay 5% EM3. Quizzes 10% EM4. Group Project 5% EM5. Online Discussion Questions 5% EM6. First Major Exam 10%

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EM7. Second Major Exam 20% EM8. Final Exam 25%

Suggested Textbooks: Lecture: Suggested Textbooks: Database Systems, International Edition, 1st Edition, 1844807320 by Rob/Coronel/Crockett, Cengage Lab: Handouts and reference materials. Topical Syllabi: Lecture Syllabus: Topics Week(s) Data resource management concepts 2 Database support for various levels of management 1 Relational and other Database models 2 Relational database languages 1 Database life cycle 2 Conceptual Data Modeling 1 Relational Database design 2 Semantic database integrity 1 Application architecture and database implementation issues 1 Data/Database administration 2 Lab Syllabus: Topics Week(s) Overview of ACCESS applications development environment 1 Data management using SQL/T-SQL/PL-SQL 3 Integrity specification/implementation in ACCESS 1 Conversions of files to database tables in ACCESS 1 Forms/Sub Forms development in ACCESS 1 Event driven programming with VBA 2 ACCESS, SQL/Server and /or ORACLE connections using OLE DB and ODBC interfaces 1 Binding ACCESS forms to SQL/Server and/or ORACLE data 1 SQL/Server an/or ORACLE stored procedures 2 Development of database applications using VBA/VB.NET code and DAO and ADO data access technologies 2 Other Instructional Resources: Latest version of Microsoft Office Latest version of Visual Studio.NET Latest version of SQL/Server DBMS and/or ORACLE DBMS

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MIS315: MIS Innovative and New Technologies Course No: MIS 315 Course Title: MIS Innovation and New Technologies Format:(3-0-3) Course Description: Introduction to MIS Innovation and New Technologies, Nurturing an Entrepreneurial Innovative Environment, Understand the Business Value of Innovation, Innovation with Online Communities Social Web Networks, Re-engineer business processes with Innovations and New Technologies. Prerequisite(s): MIS 215 Course Objectives: This course is designed to introduce the student to innovative entrepreneurial MIS concepts, broaden their appreciation, and most importantly apply the knowledge into Saudi Arabian businesses and organizations. Make the student competent to deal with the challenges associated with new MIS technologies, innovations and entrepreneurial endeavors, such as business plan writing and starting a high technology firm. After successfully completing this course, students should learn to:

Apply the new technologies and innovations to nurture a more entrepreneurial society. How to unlock the potential of new experimentation technologies for productivity,

innovation, and value creation. Understand how innovations are increasing the ability of companies and organizations

to compete on a global level. Understand the concepts associated with network effects. Understand the role of web technologies such as online communities in the business

world, and how they deliver value to an organization. Understand the online social networking tools, to solve business issues and problems. Understand how the web as a platform enhances creativity, information sharing and e-

efficiency. Deal with challenges in organizations associated with new technologies and

innovations. Learning Objectives:

Apply modern tools, techniques, and technology (EM1-6)

Evaluate strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage MIS resources


Able to work in team environment, communication, interpersonal skills, and learn group

dynamics (EM2,3)

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Apply theory to practice through industry-based learning (EM1-6)

Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS (EM1-6)

Evaluation Methods:

EM1. Quizzes 5% EM2 Assignments 10% EM3 Project (s) 20% EM4 First Major Exam 15% EM5 Second Major Exam 20% EM6 Final Exam 30%

Suggested Textbook(s): David Bornstein (2004). How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneur and the Power of New Ideas, Oxford University Press Journal and industry magazine articles will be distributed as readings in class. Internet resources from the leading industry knowledge repositories (blogs and

websites). Business Plan Software, Internet / Web based tools and applications. Topical Syllabus: Topical schedule Topic week Globalization 1 Technologies that have shaped the electronic world 1 Process of MIS Innovation (Diffusion, Innovation cycles) 1 Entrepreneurial MIS 2 Innovation development process 1 Strategic importance of the web as a platform (web services, collective intelligence, social networking, and the real time web)


Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0 and Social software integration into the Organization


Creating a business plan for a high technology venture 2 Economies of digital goods and services (Wikinomics – the global free economy)


Future trends in innovation 1

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MIS320: Knowledge Management Course No: MIS 320 Course Title: Knowledge Management Format:(3-0-3) Course Description: Introduction to Knowledge Management (KM) – Knowledge Management (KM) to gain competitive advantage. KM for innovation, KM’s emerging systems (Enterprise 2.0, Semantic Web), E-Knowledge Management, KM Development Methods.

Prerequisite(s): MIS 215 Course Objectives: After successfully completing this course, students should learn to:

Understand the impacts of Enterprise 2.0 in Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) today. Understand knowledge management theory addressing the whole life cycle of knowledge: from

its creation and storage, to its dissemination, utilization, and evaluation. Understand the latest state-of-the-art topics and current trends such as: Enterprise 2.0 & KMS,

artificial intelligence, e-knowledge management, knowledge engineering, intelligent systems, and expert systems.

Understand knowledge engineering and mapping (expertise mapping, patent analysis and visualization).

Information management and digital infomediaries.

Understand the importance of and the application of data, text and web mining, using various software platforms.

Learning Objectives: Apply modern tools, techniques, and technology (EM1-6)

Evaluate strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage MIS resources


Able to work in team environment, communication, interpersonal skills, and learn group

dynamics (EM2,3)

Apply theory to practice through industry-based learning (EM1-6)

Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS (EM1-6)

Evaluation Methods: EM1 Quizzes 5% EM2 Assignments 10% EM3 Project (s) 20% EM4 First Major Exam 15% EM5 Second Major Exam 20% EM 6Final Exam 30%

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Suggested Textbook(s): David Bornstein (2004). How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneur and the Power of New Ideas, Oxford University Press. Book is the same as of MIS 315 Journal and industry magazine articles will be distributed as readings in class. Internet resources from the leading industry knowledge repositories (blogs and

websites). Software: Enterprise level/industry leading Knowledge Management platform and applications. Topical Syllabus: Topical schedule Topic Week

Introduction to Knowledge Management in Enterprise 2.0 1 Designing Knowledge Management Systems 2 The Technology of Knowledge Management 2 Knowledge Management Strategies 1 Business and Management Issues in Knowledge Management


Building Digital Knowledge Repositories 2 E-Data Mining / Web Mining 2 Creating the Culture of Learning and Knowledge Sharing in Saudi Arabian Organizations


Introduction to Knowledge Management in Enterprise 2.0 1 Designing Knowledge Management Systems 2

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MIS325: Human Resource Information Systems Course No: MIS 325 Course Title: Human Resource Information Systems Format:(3-0-3) Course Description: Introduction to Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS): Strategic role of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) in the effective management of organizations, HRIS capabilities and limitations, Organizational needs for HRIS, Evaluation and selection factors of an appropriate HRIS, HRIS software application packages for management decision-making. Role of HRIS in current Information Technology topics (Internet, Privacy, Security). Prerequisite(s): MIS 215

Course Objectives: This course is aimed to examine the strategic role of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) in the effective management of businesses and organizations. The focus of the course will be the examining of the organizational needs for HRIS, the factors that assist in the evaluation and selection of an appropriate HRIS as well as an introduction to software application packages that produce reports for management decision-making. Also explored in this course is the role of Human Resource Information Systems in current Information Technology topics such as the Internet, Privacy, Security, System Integration and Expert Systems. Students who complete this course should be able to:

Discuss the basic understanding of the terms and concepts of HRIS Determine the factors that influence organizations to change their level of strategic

thinking Prepare a competitive analysis of an organization HR practices. Determine the key HR competencies and key success factors in an industry Transition an HR function or process to a technology-based environment Analyze the challenges that are involved in the implementation and post-

implementation of HRIS

Learning Objectives:

Study and evaluate business processes for re-engineering/ automation (EM1-6) Support MIS managers in their management activities and IT enabled decision

process (EM1-6)

Evaluate the strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage MIS resources (EM1-6)

Able to work in team environment and learn group dynamics (EM3) Apply theory to practice through industry-based learning (EM1,3)

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Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS (EM 1-6) Evaluation Methods:

EM1. Class Performances 5% EM2. Quizzes 10% EM3. Group Project(s) 15% EM4. First Major Exam 20% EM5. Second Major Exam 20% EM6. Final Exam 30%

Suggested Textbook(s): “Human Resource Information Systems Basics, Applications, and Future Directions”, Michael J. Kavanagh , Mohan Thite ,SAGE Publications, February 2009, ISBN: 9781412944564 “Mastering HR Management with SAP”, Christian Krämer, Sven Ringling and Song Yang, SAP PRESS Publications, February 2006, ISBN: 9781592290505 Software: Leading Industry Platform and/or Open source software Topical Schedule: Topic week Role of Information Technology in Organizations: An Overview 1 Database Concepts and Applications in HRIS 1 Preparation for HRIS Implementation 2 Analysis of HRIS Needs 2 HRIS System Design 2 HRIS Acquisition 1 Change Management in a HRIS perspective 1 HRIS in an Internet Context 2 Information Security and Privacy in HRIS 1 Emerging Trends in HRM and IT 2

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MIS345: Information Technology in Society Course No: MIS 345 Course Title: Information Technology in Society Format:(3-0-3) Course Description: Impact of IT on individuals, organizations, society, and quality of life. Social and ethical considerations. Computer and Internet crimes. Intellectual property rights. Risks of IT. Human computer interaction. Data protection. National and international legal environment of IT. E-Government issues. Health and work hazards related to IT. Prerequisite(s): MIS 215 Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to: understand the impacts of information technology on organizations, individuals,

society and quality of life understand the organizational perspectives of the social and ethical ramifications

of privacy, piracy, accuracy and accessibility comprehend IT issues related to legislative responsibilities, IT laws, computer

crime, copyrights, patent, intellectual property rights, data protection, health risks and ergonomics

appreciate Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and its social impact. learn how to address the ethical issues of Information Systems throughout the

stages of system development understand e-government and related issues understand health hazards and ergonomics

Learning Objectives:

Support MIS managers in their management activities(EM1-4) Evaluate strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage

MIS resources (EM1-4) Able to work in team environment and learn group dynamics(EM2) Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS(EM1-4)

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Evaluation Methods:

EM1. Articles’ Analysis 20% EM2. Group Project 30% EM3. Mid Term Exam 20% EM4. Final Exam 30%

Suggested Textbook(s): Ethics in Information Technology, 3rd Edition, George W. Raynolds, Cengage Journal Articles, cases, research and surveys will be the main tools for the course delivery Topical Syllabi: Topics Week(s) Ethical issues 1 Impacts of IT 1 Security, privacy and freedom 2 Risks of IT and software standards 1 Computer and Internet crimes 2 Intellectual property rights 1 Data protection, disaster recovery, and backup 2 E-Government issues 1 IT laws 1 Human computer interaction 1 Health risks of IT and ergonomics 2

Other Instructional Resources: Related current articles (industrial and academic)

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MIS351: MIS Cooperative Work

Course No: MIS 351

Course Title: MIS Cooperative Work

Format: (0-0-6)

Course Description: A 28 week industry-based learning for MIS students to get practical experience in the area of Management Information Systems with reputable business organizations as approved by the Department and guided by a coop advisor. Evaluation of performance through submission of progress reports, employer’s feedback, final report, and presentation. Student’s defense of his coop work by a panel of faculty members inclusive of the coop advisor.

Prerequisites: None Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of the coop work, students should:

Have the ability to relate theory to the practice

Have enhanced interpersonal as well as group communication skills

Have the ability to work in a team-based environment

Have the ability to identify their career interests

Have the ability to create employment opportunities for themselves.

Learning Objectives:

Support MIS managers in their management activities (EM1-4)

Evaluate strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage MIS


Apply theory to practice through industry-based learning(EM1-4)

Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS(EM1-4)

Evaluation Methods:

EM1. Three Progress Reports & Communication with advisor 25% EM2. Coop Final Report 40% EM3. Coop Report Presentation 20% EM4. Coop Sponsor Evaluation 15%

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MIS355: Enterprise Systems Course No: MIS 355 Course Title: Enterprise Systems Format:(3-0-3) Course Description: Architecture, setup, configuration, operations and management of system that is of "enterprise class". Fundamentals of business process and business process re-engineering concepts. Selection, process mapping, GAP analysis, and implementation of enterprise systems. Enterprise modules and decision analysis tools. Use of project management techniques to emphasize team dynamics and management skills

Prerequisites: MIS 215 Course Objectives:

Enterprise Systems (ES) is an industry term for the multi-module application software. ES is a way to integrate the data and processes of an organization into one single system. Today's enterprise systems can cover a wide range of functions and integrate them into one unified database. For instance, Human Resources (HR), Material Management (MM), Accounting (ACT), Financials (FI), Manufacturing (MAN) and Warehouse Management (WM) functions were all once supported by department-based stand alone software applications, usually housed in the respective department with own database and network. Today, enterprise systems fit all functions under one umbrella. ES provides a single system for the organization and ensures information sharing across all functional levels and management hierarchies.

After successfully completing this course, students should:

Understand Enterprise Systems Architecture; Learn how business processes are mapped into enterprise system software and how to

conduct GAP Analysis; Develop working knowledge of business processes and enterprise system modules to

enable efficient use of the system and information access; Comprehend the challenge of Enterprise Information Integration and the need for

Business Process Re-engineering; Understand the method involving Data Migration from Legacy Systems to Enterprise

Systems; Develop competence in using decision support tools that draw data from the enterprise systems. Learning Objectives:

Plan, coordinate, monitor, and control MIS development Projects. [EM1 & 2] Support MIS managers in their management activities. [EM1 & 2] Evaluate strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage MIS

resources. [EM3 & 4] Able to work in team environment and learn group dynamics. [EM1 & 2] Apply theory to practice through industry-based learning [EM1 through 4]

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Evaluation Methods (EMs):

EM1: Class Assignments [CA] 30% EM2: Take-home Assignments 20% EM3: Midterm Exam (Lecture based) 15% EM4: Final Exam (Lecture based) 20% EM5: Quizzes (Six, lowest score dropped) 10% EM6: Class Attendance/Participation 5%

Course Materials [Books, Notes and Software]:

1) Required Text Book: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: Systems, Life Cycle, Electronic Commerce, and Risk (Hardcover)~ Daniel E. O'Leary. Publisher: Cambridge University Press (31 Jul 2000). ISBN-13: 9780521791526 | ISBN-10: 0521791529

2) Reference ERP Books: a) Ellen Monk and Bret Wagner, Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Third

Edition. ISBN-13: 9781423901792, Cengage Learning (2009). b) Enterprise Resource Planning. Mary Sumner. ISBN-10: 0131403435, ISBN-13:

9780131403437. Publisher: Prentice Hall [Copyright: 2005]

Software: ERP software will be used for Lab assignments.


Week 1 Course Introduction, Lecture - Introduction to Information Systems, Organizations, and Integration, Silos, Mousetraps, and Islands: A Chronicle of Information Systems in Organizations Week 2 Business Process &Business Process Re-engineering Week 3 Business Process &Business Process Re-engineering, GAP analysis & Challenge of Integration Week 4 Enterprise Architecture, Commercial Enterprise Systems - Navigation Week 5 Process view of Organization, Sales Order Process Week 6 Purchase Order Process, Purchasing, Receiving, Accounts Payables (A/P) Week 7Sales, Shipment, Invoicing, Accounts Receivables (A/R) Week 8 People in Enterprise Systems, Implementing Enterprise Systems Week 9 Data Migration, Enterprise Data Input / Output Week 10 Post Week 11 Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Week 12 Decision Analysis Tools: Scorecard for Reporting metrics, Decision Analysis Tools: Business Intelligence Week 13 Decision Analysis Tools: Executive Dashboard Week 14ERP and E-Commerce Week 15 Enterprise project: Success & Failure factors

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MIS 365: Enterprise Architecture Course No: MIS 365 Course Title: Enterprise Architecture Format: (3-0-3) Course Description: Introduction to Enterprise Architecture: Enterprise architecture frameworks, Systems integration, Infrastructure and content management, System administration, Data/information architecture and data integration, Risk management, Software as a service, Emerging technologies. Prerequisite(s): MIS 215

Course Objectives: This course explores the design, selection, implementation and management of enterprise IT solutions. The focus of the course is on matching the applications and infrastructure with the business by examining the strategies for infrastructure management, system administration, data/information architecture, content management, distributed computing, middleware, legacy system integration, system consolidation, software selection, total cost of ownership calculation, IT investment analysis, risk and security management, and emerging technologies. These topics are covered both within and beyond the scope of the organization. Students who complete this course should be able to:

Identify a variety of frameworks for enterprise architecture analysis and decision making.

Evaluate thoroughly architecture alternatives. Assess and plan for the integration of emerging technologies. Handle a variety of issues related to systems administration. Manage growth of volume content. Understand and evaluate data/information architecture design. Understand the integration between inter-organizational partners and enterprise

systems. Evaluate the benefits and risks associated with service oriented architecture.

Learning Objective:

Study and evaluate business processes for re-engineering/ automation (EM1-6) Support MIS managers in their management activities and IT enabled decision

process (EM1-6) Evaluate the strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage

MIS resources (EM1-6) Able to work in team environment and learn group dynamics (EM3) Apply theory to practice through industry-based learning (EM1,3) Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS (EM 1-6)

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Evaluation Methods:

EM1. Class Performances 5% EM2. Quizzes 10% EM3. Group Project(s) 15% EM4. First Major Exam 20% EM5. Second Major Exam 20% EM6. Final Exam 30%

Suggested Textbook(s): “Enterprise Architecture as Strategy” by Jeanne W. Ross, Peter Weill, and David C. Robertson, Harvard Business Press 2006. ISBM: 978-1-59139-839-4. Topical Schedule: Topic weekAn Introduction to Enterprise Architecture 1Precepts of Enterprise Architecture 1 Enterprise Architecture Principles and Methodologies 1 The Role of Process in Ensuring Successful Enterprise Architecture Deployment 1 Enterprise Architecture Frameworks and Tools; Maturity Models 2 Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Virtualization 2Legacy Systems and System Integration 2Outsourcing and Vendor Management 2Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Performance Testing, and Monitoring 1Fault Tolerance and Recovery 1Emerging technologies 1

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MIS 375: Human Factors in Computer Systems Design Course No: MIS 375 Course Title: Human Factors in Computer Systems Design Format:(3-0-3) Course Description: Human factors related to both people interaction with technology, and the ways of technology effects on humans’ performance. An introduction to human factors related to the design of information systems. Emphasis on the human component of human-computer interaction (HCI), and the process of user-centered design and evaluation. Develop knowledge and skills of creating enhanced human-computer interfaces and user-computer interaction designs. Prerequisite(s): MIS 215

Course Objectives: In this course students develop knowledge, skills and learn a set of techniques that, if used appropriately, enable the design of enhanced human-computer interfaces and user-computer interaction designs that can be achieved using just personal judgments. The objectives of this course are to: Understand the role of human factors in the design of information systems. Develop an understanding of basic human factors concepts such as affordances, mental

models, mappings, feedback and visibility. Be able to apply those basic concepts to the design of physical objects and computer

systems. Be familiar with the constraints on perception, attention and memory that are critical to a

usable design. Know how to evaluate a device or system using a usability engineering approach.

Understand the human factors involved in current HCI areas including computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW).

Intended Learning Outcome:

Apply modern tools, techniques, and technology Analyse, design, implement, &maintain Management Information Systems (MIS) Coordinate with user community in MIS requirements analysis/design activities Evaluate the strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage

MIS resources (EM1-6) Able to work in team environment and learn group dynamics (EM3) Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS (EM 1-6)

Evaluation Methods:

EM1. Class Performances 5% EM2. Quizzes 10% EM3. Group Project(s) 15%

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EM4. First Major Exam 20% EM5. Second Major Exam 20% EM6. Final Exam 30%

Suggested Textbook(s): Shneiderman, B. and Plaisant, C. (2010) Designing the user interface: Strategies for effective Human-Computer Interaction, 5th Edition. ISBN: 0321537351. Sharp, H., Rogers, Y., and Preece, J., (2007) Interaction Design: Beyond Human- Computer Interaction, 2nd Edition. USA: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 978-0-470-01866-8. Topical Schedule: Topic Week(s) Why Good Design Matters: Overview of Systems Design 1 The Design of Everyday Things & Mental Models 1 Understanding the Needs of Users 1 Establishing Requirements through Data Gathering 1 Design Methodologies & Design Principles 1 Prototyping and Construction 1 Evaluation Techniques 2 Internationalization of Interfaces 1 Direct Manipulation & Virtual Environments 1 Menus and Form Filling 1 Interaction Devices 1 Quality of Service and User Frustration 1

User Support and Help 1 Information Search and Visualization 1

Other Instructional Resources: None.

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MIS 405: IS Project Management Course No: MIS 405 Course Title: IS Project Management Format:(3-0-3) Course Description: Project management fundamentals and strategies. Project management body of knowledge. Human aspect of project management. Project Management processes, methods, techniques, tools, and implementation issues. Systematic methodology for initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing projects in team based environment. Prerequisite(s): MIS 301 Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, student will be able to:

Initiate, specify, and prioritize information systems projects and to determine various aspects of feasibility of these projects.

Understand the foundations of project management, including its definition, scope, and the need for project management in the modern organization.

Understand the phases of the project management lifecycle. Manage project teams, including the fundamentals of leadership and team motivation. Initiate projects, including project selection and defining project scope. Manage

project schedules with appropriate techniques and tools. Manage project resources, including human resources, capital equipment, and time. Manage project quality, including the identification of the threats to project quality,

techniques for measuring project quality. Manage project risk, including the identification of project risk, and the techniques.

Manage the project procurement process, including understanding external acquisition and outsourcing.

Manage project execution, including monitoring project progress and managing project change, and appropriately documenting and communicating project status.

Control projects through information tracking and cost and change control techniques.

Close projects, including administrative, personnel, and contractual closure. Understand the mechanisms for dealing with legal issues in complex project contexts.

. Learning Objectives:

Apply modern tools, techniques, and technology (EM3)

Study and evaluate business processes for re-eng./ automation (EM1-6)

Plan, coordinate, monitor, and control MIS development Projects(EM1-6)

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Able to work in team environment and learn group dynamics(EM3)

Apply theory to practice through industry-based learning (EM1-6)

Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS (EM1-6)

Evaluation Methods: EM1. Class Performances 5% EM2. Quizzes 10% EM3. Group Project 15% EM4. First Major Exam 20% EM5. Second Major Exam 25% EM6. Final Exam 25%

Suggested Textbook(s):Managing IT Projects, Cathy Schwalbe, 2010, Course Technology Topical Syllabi: Topics Week(s) Introduction to IS project Management 1 Project management Life Cycle in context of IS1 IS project selection and approval 1 Project Scope Management 1 Project Time Management 2 Project plan: GANTT, CPM, PERT, simulation of project scheduling 2 Project estimation: planning process, software estimation, methods 2 Project Cost Management, FPA, COCOMO, SLOC 2 Project risk management: failures, risk, control, post implementation review 2 Project implementation issues: CSF, quality control, risk 1 Other Instructional Resources:

Microsoft Project latest version

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MIS 410: Management Support Systems Course No: MIS 410 Course Title: Management Support Systems Format:(2-2-3) Course Description: Introduction to Management Support Systems (MSS): Decision Support Systems, Collaborative Work Systems, Executive Support Systems, Expert Systems, and Neural Networks. Impact of MSS on decision making. Exposure to MSS tools and development methods. Integration of MSS. Team projects to develop MSS. Prerequisite(s): MIS 311

Course Objectives: This course is designed to introduce the student to the technologies of management support systems (MSS): Decision Support Systems (DSS), Networked and Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS), Enterprise Decision support Systems (EDSS), Knowledge Management Systems (KMS), Expert Systems (ES), and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). By the end of the course, the student should be able to understand the synergetic effects that may result from the integration of these independent systems in supporting managerial decision making. After successfully completing this course, students should learn:

Overview of Management Support Systems Decision support systems, modeling and analysis Business Intelligence, Data warehousing, mining Artificial Intelligence, Expert systems, KB systems Knowledge Acquisition, Representation, & reasoning Advanced Intelligent systems Integration, impact, and future of MSS Collaborative Computing Technologies: GSS Enterprise Information Systems and Portals

Learning Objectives: Support MIS managers in their management activities (EM1-7)

Evaluate strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage MIS

resources (EM1-7)

Able to work in team environment and learn group dynamics(EM3)

Apply theory to practice through industry-based learning (EM1,2,3,5)

Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS(EM 1-7)

Evaluation Methods:

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EM1 Participation 5% EM2 Homework Assignments 10% EM3 Term Project 20% EM4 Quizzes 15% EM5 Article Analysis 5% EM6 Mid-term exam 20% EM7 Final Exam 25%

Suggested Textbook(s): Turban, E., J. Aronson, and Liang (2007). Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 8th Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc. USA Management Support software: EXCEL, LINDO, Visual DSS, Expert Choice, EXSYS, EASYNN (Neural network) Topical Syllabus: Topical schedule Topic week Management Support Systems: An Overview 1 Decision Making, Systems, Modeling & Support 1 Decision Support systems: An Overview 1 Modeling and Analysis 2 Business Intelligence, Data warehousing, mining 1 Decision Support System Development 2 Artificial Intelligence, Expert systems, KB systems 1 Knowledge Acquisition, Representation, & reasoning 1 Advanced Intelligent systems 1 Intelligent systems over the internet 1 Integration, impact, and future of MSS 1 Collaborative Computing Technologies: GSS 1 Enterprise Information Systems 1

Lab Schedule Topic week Excel, Solver, Goal searching optimization OLAP 2 Linear Programming Optimization (LINDO) 1 Decision Support systems – (Visual DSS) 3 Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), (Expert choice) 3 Rule Based Systems EXSYS 3 Artificial Neural Network (EASYNN) 3

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MIS 411: Database Applications Development Course No: MIS 411 Course Title: Database Applications Development Format:(3-0-3) Course Description: Multi-tier application architecture concepts and technologies. Advanced SQL including procedural, embedded SQL, client-side and server-side SQL. Transaction management, consider multi-user system including concurrency control and security. Advanced database concepts including distributed and object-oriented databases, and data warehouse. Database application implementation issues Special emphasis is on development of client/server database applications. Prerequisite: MIS 311

Course Objectives: After completing this course successfully, student should: Have a sound understanding of multi-tier application architecture concepts Possess broad knowledge of the technologies and other resources required to

develop multi-tier applications Understand the concepts and principles of distributed databases and its role in co-

operative processing Be able to design and implement data warehouse and object-oriented databases Appreciate the importance of and be able to implement concurrency control and

security Be able to develop client/server database applications using a toolset that includes

procedural, embedded, client-side, and server-side SQL, database connectivity and access technologies, and a popular business programming language

Learning Objectives:

Analyse, design, implement, &maintain Information Systems (MIS) (EM


Analyze, design, manipulate, and implement relational databases (EM1-6)

Able to work in team environment and learn group dynamics (EM3)

Evaluation Methods:

EM1. Class Performances 5% EM2. Quizzes 10% EM3. Group Project 15% EM4. First Major Exam 20%

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EM5. Second Major Exam 25% EM6. Final Exam 25%

Suggested Textbook: Database Systems: The Complete Book, by Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, and Jennifer Widom. Prentice Hall. 2002.

Topical Syllabus: Topics Week(s) Introduction to course and review of database concepts 1 Multi-tier application architecture fundamentals 2 Transaction management 1 Concurrency control and security 2 Database connectivity and access technologies 1 Procedural, embedded, client-side, server-side SQL 2 Data warehouse concepts and design 1 Object-oriented database concepts 1 Distributed database concepts 1 Client/Server database application development and implementation 3 Other Instructional Resources: Latest version of Microsoft office Latest version of Visual Studio.NET Latest version of SQL/Server DBMS and/or ORACLE DBMS

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MIS 415: Computer Supported Collaborative Work Course No: MIS 415 Course Title: Computer Supported Collaborative Work Format:(2-2-3) Course Description: Comprehensive overview of Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW), Group Dynamics, Collaboration Architectures, Groupware and Group Tools, Asynchronous and Synchronous Collaboration, Video in Collaboration, Web-based Collaboration, Collaborative Virtual Environments, Facilitation and leadership, Integration with other computerized systems, Exposure to literature and cases and Team-based projects. Co-requisite(s): MIS 410

Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, student should: learn how to design decision support systems learn how to design and use group support systems cover the environment of collaborative work understand team- based project management learn how to lead virtual teams assess the benefits of team workLearning Objectives:

Support MIS managers in their management activities (EM 1-6)

Evaluate strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage

MIS resources (EM 1-2, 4-6)

Able to work in team environment and learn group dynamics(EM4)

Apply theory to practice through industry-based learning(EM 1-6)

Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS (EM1-6)

Evaluation Methods:

EM1. Class Performances 10% EM2. Quizzes 10% EM3. Lab Exams 15% EM4. Group Project 20% EM5. Mid-term Exam 20% EM6. Final Exam 25%

Suggested Textbook(s): Lecture: M. L. Liu, Distributed Computing: Principles and Applications, Pearson

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Addison-Wesley, 2004 Lab: Group Systems software developed by University of Arizona Topical Syllabus: Topics The conceptual foundation for Decision Support Systems Developing and using Decision Support Systems application The architecture for Decision Support applications Group Decision Support Systems Creating the Decision Support Environment Review of Groupware Products How Lotus Notes Supports Workgroups The benefits of Group support Systems Managing collaborative work in the virtual world Assessing the performance of Team-based project


1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

Lab Syllabus:

Week (s)

The architecture of DSS Getting familiar with Lotus Notes or Microsoft Exchange Use of GDSS to support team based projects

3 6 6

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MIS 490: Information Resources Management Course No: MIS 490 Course Title: Information Resources Management Format:(3-0-3) Course Description: Theories and practices in the management of organizational information systems resources. Frameworks for introduction, evolution and assimilation of information systems into an organization. Align IT strategy with business strategy. Roles of IT and people using, developing. Managing systems. Global concepts of IT. Societal and ethical issues. Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing

Course Objectives:

To explore and debate critical issues related to managing and administering the IS function.

To investigate the overall information needs of an organization and the role of IS in providing them.

To examine alternative ways and to match the IS function to the structure and behavior of the organization

Learning Objectives:

Coordinate with user community in MIS requirements analysis/design


Evaluate strategic impact of MIS and emerging technologies and manage

MIS resources(EM1-7)

Apply Ethical, privacy and societal issues in MIS(EM1-7)

Evaluation Methods:

EM1. Class Participation 5% EM2. Online Discussion Topics 5% EM3. Article Summary and Analysis/critique 5% EM4. Case Study Analysis 15% EM5. Quizzes 10% EM6. Mid-Term Exam 25% EM7. Final Exam 35%

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Suggested Textbooks: McNurlin, B.C and Sprague, R.H (2006), Information Systems Management in Practice, 7th edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, USA.

Topical Syllabus:

Topic Week(s) Importance of Information Systems Management 1 The Top MIS Job 1 Strategic Use of IT 1 Information Systems Planning 1 Managing Telecommunications 1 Managing Information Resources 2 Managing Operations 2 Technologies for Developing Systems 1 Management Issues in Systems Development 1 Supporting Decision Making 1 Supporting Collaboration 1 Supporting Knowledge Work 2 The Challenges Ahead 1

Other Instructional Resources: none

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MIS 499: Selected Topics in MIS Course No: MIS 499 Course Title: Selected Topics in MIS Format:(3-0-3) Course Description: Coverage of the contemporary and advanced MIS topics such as data management, information processing, decision making, social implications of IT, and emerging technologies.

Prerequisite(s): MIS 311

Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, student will be able to:

Possess deep knowledge about the particular IS topic Cover a wide range of different applications of the Topic Understand problems surrounding the implementation of the IS concept Study the external environment that might impact directly or on directly the success

of the MIS concept Have strong background about the topic which would help him peruse his higher

education at the Master and eventually the PhD levels Understand the different perspectives on the study of the topic Implement a prototype of the system in case the focus of the study is more on project


Learning Objectives: Since it is a special topic a suggestive Intended learning outcome is suggested, which may vary according to the topics being offered.

Literature Review case studies ( EM1, EM3, EM4) Research Article preparation (EM1, EM3) Term Paper preparation on selected topic (EM2) Comprehensive Knowledge Testing (EM5)

Evaluation Methods:

EM1 Discussions & Literature Review 10% EM2 Term Paper 20%

EM3 Research Article 20% EM4 Saudi Arabia: Case Study Analysis 20% EM 5Final Exam 30%

Suggested Textbook(s): Independent reading and research, case studies and literature review Theme Introduction ( 1 week) Electronic database search (1 week) Reading research articles (2 weeks) Literature review on the selected topic and discussion (part 1) (3weeks) First report on literature review (2 weeks) Detailed literature review on the selected topic and discussion (part 2) (3weeks) Case studies analysis(2 weeks) Second Report on Literature( 1 week)