Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index...

Proper way to Floss Your pediatric dentists Indianapolis remind you that it is detrimental to your oral and overall health that you floss your teeth daily. As important as flossing is, it is even more important to ensure that you are flossing the proper way. Picking out your Floss: The first step to correctly flossing is choosing the best dental floss for yourself. There are different kinds, and you may like one better than the other. For example, there is waxed and unwaxed dental floss –the unwaxed kind may slide better between your teeth. There is also flavored and unflavored dental floss. The best dental floss for you really depends on your own personal preference. Length of Floss: When using a piece of dental floss, try and cut off approximately 18 inches worth of floss. Most of this will be wrapped around your index fingers. This helps you to better control the movements of the floss between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your pediatric dentists Indianapolis just remind you to be sure to get every tooth. Slide the floss gently between your teeth and the gum line—be sure to be gentle so you do not cause bleeding. Cleaning along the Gum Line: When cleaning near your gums, it is best to move the floss in the motion of a “C.” Using a gentle up and down motion in addition to that should help to remove the plaque and bacteria from between your teeth. Brushing removes 65% of plaque and bacteria, and flossing will remove the remaining 35%. It is extremely important to repeat these steps once every day. Failure to do so will result in a buildup of plaque and bacteria and can lead to oral issues. Those with poor oral hygiene habits are more likely to suffer from dental decay and gum disease. For a demonstration on the proper way to floss, contact your pediatric dentists Indianapolis by calling (317) 241-9876 to schedule an appointment. Cleaning Dentures If you have dentures Indianapolis, it is possible that they will get dirty over time, especially if you don’t clean them often enough. Cleaning dentures is fairly simple. There are many different ways that you can clean dentures—some may work better for you than others. Rinsing Dentures:

Transcript of Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index...

Page 1: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

Proper way to Floss

Your pediatric dentists Indianapolis remind you that it is detrimental to your oral and overall health that

you floss your teeth daily. As important as flossing is, it is even more important to ensure that you are

flossing the proper way.

Picking out your Floss:

The first step to correctly flossing is choosing the best dental floss for yourself. There are different kinds,

and you may like one better than the other.

For example, there is waxed and unwaxed dental floss –the unwaxed kind may slide better between

your teeth. There is also flavored and unflavored dental floss. The best dental floss for you really

depends on your own personal preference.

Length of Floss:

When using a piece of dental floss, try and cut off approximately 18 inches worth of floss. Most of this

will be wrapped around your index fingers. This helps you to better control the movements of the floss

between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers.

Flossing your Teeth:

It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your pediatric dentists Indianapolis just remind you to be

sure to get every tooth. Slide the floss gently between your teeth and the gum line—be sure to be

gentle so you do not cause bleeding.

Cleaning along the Gum Line:

When cleaning near your gums, it is best to move the floss in the motion of a “C.” Using a gentle up and

down motion in addition to that should help to remove the plaque and bacteria from between your

teeth. Brushing removes 65% of plaque and bacteria, and flossing will remove the remaining 35%.

It is extremely important to repeat these steps once every day. Failure to do so will result in a buildup of

plaque and bacteria and can lead to oral issues. Those with poor oral hygiene habits are more likely to

suffer from dental decay and gum disease.

For a demonstration on the proper way to floss, contact your pediatric dentists Indianapolis by calling

(317) 241-9876 to schedule an appointment.

Cleaning Dentures

If you have dentures Indianapolis, it is possible that they will get dirty over time, especially if you don’t

clean them often enough. Cleaning dentures is fairly simple. There are many different ways that you can

clean dentures—some may work better for you than others.

Rinsing Dentures:

Page 2: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

A hardcore cleaning isn’t necessary every time you eat. However; you may want to at least rinse them

off between meals. The best way to do this is to remove them from your mouth and rinse them under

hot water. This will help to remove food particles and debris.

You may want to place a cloth at the bottom of your sink. Dentures can be fragile, and if you drop them,

a cloth can help to soften the fall and prevent them from breaking.

Cleaning your Mouth:

It is best for clean dentures to be placed in a clean mouth. Remove your dentures and clean out your

mouth with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Be sure to clan the roof of your mouth, your cheeks, and your

tongue as well.

Brushing your Dentures:

It is important to brush your dentures Indianapolis at least once daily. This will help to prevent them

from staining and discoloring. You should soak your dentures and then brush them with a nonabrasive

denture cleaner.

If you use a denture adhesive, be sure to clean the grooves along your gums to remove any of the

remaining adhesive.

Soaking Dentures Overnight:

Most dentures require moisture in order to maintain their shape. Keep your dentures in water or in a

mild-denture soaking solution overnight. If you aren’t sure which is best for your dentures, be sure to

ask your Indianapolis dentists.

Rinsing Dentures in the Morning:

Always rinse off your dentures before placing them back in your mouth, especially if they were sitting in

a denture-soaking solution.

If you have dentures Indianapolis, be sure to schedule regular checkups to ensure the dentures fit

properly and to have them professionally clean. This will also allow your dentist to ensure the inside of

your mouth is healthy.

To schedule an appointment for a checkup, or if your dentures feel loose fitting, contact Westside

Family Dental by calling (317) 241-9876.

Manual Vs. Electric Toothbrush

As pediatric dentists Indianapolis, we have had many people ask which kind of toothbrush is the best

and most effective. There are so many options to choose from, and some are better than other. The first

decision you should make is: manual or electric?

Page 3: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

Manual and electric toothbrushes both have their pluses and minuses. If the proper brushing technique

is used, then both should be equally effective. In certain circumstances, however, one may be

recommended over the other. The goal of a toothbrush is to remove dental plaque and bacteria and

prevent dental decay, cavities, and tooth loss; manual or electric, both do so!

Manual Toothbrush

Manual toothbrushes were around long before electric ones. They are lightweight and very affordable.

One of the big plusses for manual toothbrushes is that they are easy to travel with. Since it is lightweight

and less bulky than an electric toothbrush, you can take it with you wherever you go. This will also help

to encourage better dental health habits while on vacation.

Manual toothbrushes are sold everywhere, no matter where you are! If you go somewhere and forgot

your toothbrush, not to worry, you can pick one up at a local store. They are also great for children to

use when learning how to properly brush teeth.

Another benefit of using a manual toothbrush is that it places less pressure on the teeth and gums. It is

easier to feel how much pressure you are placing on your mouth when using a manual toothbrush. Too

much pressure can cause the enamel to wear out even faster!

Electric Toothbrush

There are some people who are just not able to master the technique required for manual tooth

brushes. In some situation, dentists may recommend electric toothbrushes. For people that cannot

effectively brush with a manual one, electric may be the way to go.

Electric toothbrushes are often better for children and elderly. Often time’s elderly do not have the

dexterity needed to complete an effecting brushing. An electric toothbrush can assist them to ensure

that they have removed the plaque and bacteria from their teeth successfully.

To find out if you are using the best toothbrush for you, ask your pediatric dentists Indianapolis. Click to read more information on finding the best toothbrush. To schedule an

appointment at Westside Family Dental call (317) 241-9876 or click here.

3 Myths About Teeth Whitening

Many of our patients ask about teeth whitening Indianapolis IN. We have had quite a number of

patients that are hesitant to undergo the procedure. Many of these patients heard myths about the

treatment, and this affected their decisions.

If you are thinking about teeth whitening Indianapolis IN, be sure not to believe any of the following


1. Teeth whitening can make your teeth sensitive:

Page 4: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

This is typically not true. Your teeth may feel a bit sensitive temporarily after the procedure; however,

this usually only happens to patients with a history of sensitive teeth. Your dentist in 46241 will use a

special gel to prevent sensitivity during and after the procedure.

For those that do experience sensitivity after the procedure, it should subside between 24 to 48 hours

after the treatment has been completed. You can also have your dentist in 46241 prescribe a

desensitizing gel or mouthwash to help relieve any discomfort.

2. Teeth whitening Indianapolis IN can harm the enamel:

This is another myth that has often prevented patients from getting the treatment. The treatments used

by your dentist are absolutely safe and will not harm the enamel. All teeth whitening does is make the

teeth whiter and brighter, it will not alter the structure of your teeth.

3. It is a painful procedure:

Many people have heard that teeth whitening procedures are painful; however, they are not. These

type of treatments are safe and painless when done by a professional. The only discomfort you may feel

from the procedure is from the bleaching agent. However, to avoid this your dentist can apply a gel

between the gums and teeth.

This gel works as a barrier and helps to prevent the solution from coming in contact with the gums. In

certain cases, some patients may experience a minor ache within the first 10-12 hours following the

procedure; however this is rare and an over-the-counter pain medication can help to relieve any pain.

To find out more about teeth whitening Indianapolis IN, or to schedule an appointment to have your

teeth whitened, contact Westside Family Dental by calling (317) 241-9876.

Dentures or Implants?

Many people have dentures Indianapolis, but that may not always be the best choice. For many, dental

implants may be a better solution. Dental implants are not removable since they are infused into the

jawbone. This helps to make them look and feel more natural.

What are dentures?

Dentures Indianapolis are replacements used for missing teeth. They can be easily removed and put

back the wearer. They may take some time to get used to; however, today’s dentures are more

comfortable and natural looking than ever.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is another way to replace missing teeth. Unlike dentures Indianapolis, dental implants

are fused into your jawbone, and therefore, they cannot be removed. Dental implants may require

multiple dental visits and it can take a long time to complete the procedure.

Page 5: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

If you need to have your tooth extracted, your 46220 dentists will need to wait for the tissue to heal

before placing the root of the implant. Then once the root has been placed, the dentist will have to wait

for it to heal before placing the permanent crown.

Positives and Negatives:

Dentures Indianapolis may not be as comfortable. It may also make it more difficult to eat certain foods.

However, they tend to be a more affordable way to replace missing teeth than dental implants.

Dental implants may be more expensive; however, they not only look natural, they feel natural as well.

Patients who have had their teeth replaced with dental implants often rave about how natural they look

and feel. You also won’t have to worry about them falling out while speaking.

Dentures Indianapolis and dental implants are both great ways to replace missing teeth; however they

are not the only way. The best replacement varies depending upon your unique situation.

If you are missing teeth, contact Westside Family dental by calling (317) 241-9876 to schedule an

appointment and find out which is best for you.

Dangers of Fruit Drinks

Your pediatric dentists Indianapolis are concerned about the increasing amount of children suffering

from dental decay. Once of the main contributors to childhood carries is sugar. Certain snacks that you

are feeding you child may seem healthy, but they actually aren’t.

Many parents give their children squeezable fruit packets on the go for a snack or meal. Your pediatric

dentists Indianapolis warn that although these may seem healthy and nutritious, they are actually high

in sugar and not as nutritional as one may think.

With the fast-paced lives that many live today, these snacks are easy, quick, and convenient. If you insist

on giving your child these squeezable fruit drinks, have them rinse their mouth out with water after so

that the sugar does not linger.

Surprisingly, it isn’t necessarily what your child is consuming, but how they are consuming it. Apple juice,

for example, is okay for your child to drink. In fact, the ADA recommends 4 to 6 ounces of juice per day.

However, your pediatric dentists Indianapolis recommend giving them the juice in a regular cup.

It has been found that those that drink out of a sippy cup or bottle are more prone to dental decay. It is

best to limit the amount of the following foods and beverages that you give your child:

Peanut Butter

Foods High in Carbohydrates

Certain Fruits

Juices and Sodas

Page 6: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

Crackers and Potato Chips

It is also important not to allow you baby to go to bed at night with a bottle. This can contribute to early

childhood dental decay because your child will have prolonged exposure to sugar. Your pediatric

dentists Indianapolis recommend giving your child a pacifier instead.

For more information on how to keep your child from experience dental decay, or to schedule an

appointment, contact your pediatric dentists Indianapolis by calling (317) 241-9876.

Importance of Oral Health

Many people think of brushing and flossing when they hear the topic of “oral health;” however, what

many people feel to realize is that visiting their Sheridan IN dentist as recommended is just as

important. Brushing and flossing helps to maintain a clean and healthy mouth, but sometimes even with

careful brushing and flossing problems may arise.

How does brushing help?

Dental decay is caused by bacteria that make up a sticky film over your teeth, known as plaque. These

bacteria are constantly attacking the enamel, which protects the inner layers. Brushing your teeth twice

a day helps to remove some of the bad bacteria.

Your Sheridan IN dentist warns that if you do not brush as recommended, you are giving these bacteria

the opportunity to wear away your enamel. The longer time period that your teeth are exposed to

bacteria, the more likely you are to develop a cavity.

Why is flossing beneficial?

As important as brushing is, it unfortunately only cleans 65% of our mouths. Not to worry though,

because flossing helps to remove the remaining 35%. Your Sheridan In dentist reminds you to floss once

a day. It is best to floss before you brush.

Flossing helps us to access hard to reach places. Often the space between our teeth is too small for a

toothbrush to get between, and that’s where dental floss comes in. Floss can clean between the teeth

and along the gum line—areas often missed by the toothbrush.

Maintaining good oral hygiene and visiting your Sheridan IN dentist can also help to save you money in

the future. Dental checkups help to ensure that any problems are caught early on. Typically, if caught

early enough, damage is reversible.

Unfortunately even with brushing and flossing we can develop cavities. If you think that you may have a

cavity or another oral issue, contact your Sheridan IN dentist as soon as possible by calling (317) 241-

9876 to schedule an appointment.

Benefits of Fluoride

Page 7: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

Your pediatric dentists Indianapolis want to help you fight off dental decay in your children. A great way

to help prevent dental decay as well as to strengthen the teeth is to consume fluoride. Fluoride is a

mineral that occurs naturally in foods and water, and it can be extremely beneficial to both you and your


Fluoride comes in many different forms—you probably consume fluoride on a daily basis without even

knowing it. If, however, you are having a problem with dental decay or frequent cavities, you may need

to increase the amount of fluoride you have.

Your pediatric dentists in Indianapolis can either prescribe you fluoride tablets or liquid, or you can even

visit Westside Family Dental for in-office fluoride treatments. In-office fluoride treatments are a lot

stronger than other methods since they are done under the supervision of your pediatric dentists in


Does fluoride benefit children and adults?

The answer is yes, fluoride is beneficial to both children and adults. It is, however, more crucial for

children ages 6 months through 16 years to consume enough fluoride because that is the time period

when their primary and permanent teeth come. Fluoride helps to ensure that they will grow in healthy

and strong.

Fluoride can also be extremely beneficial for those suffering from certain conditions. If you have suffer

from any of the following, be sure to ask you pediatric dentists in Indianapolis about fluoride


Dry mouth History of frequent cavities Gum disease Presence of crowns. Bridges, or braces

For more information on great sources of fluoride contact your pediatric dentists in Indianapolis at

Westside Family Dental. If you would like to schedule an appointment, call (317) 241-9876 today!

Interested in Dentures?

Are you interested in Dentures in Indianapolis? Dentures are movable replacements for those who are

missing most or all of their teeth. There are two types of dentures: complete and partial dentures.

Partial dentures are used when there are some natural teeth remaining.

If you are missing all of your teeth dentures in Indianapolis are a great and affordable way to restore

your smile. Complete dentures require that there be no teeth left, so if you are interested in complete

dentures, you may need to have some teeth extracted.

There are two types of complete dentures, immediate and conventional. Immediate dentures are made

in advance and can be positioned as soon as all of the teeth are gone. These, however, have some

disadvantages over conventional and partial dentures.

Page 8: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

Immediate dentures in Indianapolis require more adjustments to fit properly after teeth have been

extracted. Unlike conventional dentures, however, immediate dentures can be placed in the mouth

immediately after the remaining teeth have been extracted.

A removable partial denture, also known as a bridge, is used when there are one or more natural teeth

remaining. Partial dentures in Indianapolis can fill the spaces of missing teeth and prevent the remaining

teeth from shifting and resulting in a painful bite.

How are dentures prepared?

The typical process for creating custom made dentures in Indianapolis consists of taking impressions of

the mouth. Then your dentist will examine your jaws—how they meet up and how much space in

between them.

Your dentist will then have models created in wax and/or plastic forms in the exact shape and position.

You will try out the models and then once the perfect fit is found, the final dentures in Indianapolis will

be cast.

Dentures may take some time to get used to. It may be difficult to chew, speak, and smile with them at

first, but over time they will begin to feel more comfortable. If you are interested in dentures in

Indianapolis contact Westside Family Dental by calling (317) 241-9876 to schedule an appointment.

Children with Dental Decay

Your pediatric dentists in Indianapolis are concerned about the increasing rate of children with dental

decay. Although this may be surprising, dental decay is the number one chronic illness amongst children.

A child is five times more likely to suffer from dental decay than asthma!

Dental decay, if left untreated, can become more severe and lead to issues beyond the mouth. A healthy

and white smile has been linked to confidence as well as a higher chance of success in the future. Not to

mention, dental decay can cause speech impediments, malnutrition, bacterial infections, and eventually


How can you help your child avoid dental decay?

Your pediatric dentists Indianapolis have a few tips to help you keep your child safe from dental decay.

The most important of which is oral hygiene and preventative dentistry. It is important that your child

be taught to brush and floss at a young age.

Teaching a child how to brush and floss at a young age can help encourage them to practice the habits

throughout adulthood. Not only should you teach them to brush twice a day and floss once a day, but

you should be sure to teach them the proper ways of brushing and flossing.

You can also try to keep your child on a healthier diet. Limiting their snacks between meals and

decreasing their sugar intake can go a long way in preventing decay. Also, be sure to ask your pediatric

dentists Indianapolis about dental sealants.

Page 9: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

It is extremely important to keep up with your child’s dental checkups. Visiting your pediatric dentists in

Indianapolis once every six months, at least, can help to detect any problems early on. The earlier a

problem is detected, the better chance you have at reversing any damage!

To schedule an appointment with your pediatric dentists in Indianapolis call (317) 241-9876. Ensure that

your child is free of dental decay!

Teeth Whitening Toothpaste

Many people get teeth whitening in Indianapolis IN to help improve the appearance of their teeth.

Teeth whitening is a great procedure if you have an upcoming event, or if you wish to improve your


Many times we have patients ask us about this procedure, however, for some it is more than they wish

to spend. If teeth whitening is too expensive, there are other things you can try. For starters, try to use a

whitening toothpaste!

Whitening toothpastes can help to whiten your teeth at an affordable price, but it is important not to

use them too often. If over used, whitening toothpastes can be damaging to your teeth. A safer method

of whitening your teeth would be to visit Westside Family Dental for our in-office teeth whitening in

Indianapolis IN.

Why is whitening toothpaste bad?

Whitening toothpastes tend to remove surface stains. In order to do so, they contain tiny particles that

scratch off the top surface of your enamel. This may help to remove stains, but if it removes your

enamel your teeth can become brittle and weak.

Side effects of whitening toothpastes:

Whitening toothpaste can wear away your enamel and increase your likelihood of experiencing dental

decay. Constantly using this type of toothpaste will eventually remove the natural shine of your teeth,

and, typically, once enamel has been worn away, it doesn’t grow back.

Constant use of special whitening toothpastes can also cause your teeth to become extremely sensitive.

As the enamel wears away, it exposes the inner layer of a tooth, known as dentin. The dentin is attached

to the nerve in the middle of the tooth, so once exposed, your teeth will be extra sensitive to hot and

cold temperatures.

If you strongly desire whiter teeth and insist on using whitening toothpaste, we recommend using a soft

bristled brush and alternating between regular and whitening toothpastes. For quicker results, you can

also ask us about your options for teeth whitening in Indianapolis IN.

If you desire a whiter smile call Westside Family Dental at (317) 241-9876 to schedule an appointment

and learn about all of your options.

Page 10: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

Kids that Fear the Dentist

As Pediatric dentists in Indianapolis, we have had many parents tell us that their children are scared to

come to the dentist. Regardless of whether or not your child is afraid of the dentist, it is still extremely

important that you take them. We do, however, have some tips for parents that have children giving

them a hard time about their dental checkups.

Taking your child to the dentist starting at a young age can help make it easier for them as they get

older. They will look at it as something they have to do, like taking a bath, instead of something they can

avoid. Create a dental home for your child at West Indy Dental so that they can get to know our

pediatric dentists in Indianapolis.

You can also help ease their fear by preparing them for their visit. Do not give them too many details

about the visit because this will raise more questions. Also, remain positive while telling them that they

have an upcoming appointment, and never tell them “everything will be alright.” Telling them

everything will be alright will cause them to lose trust in both you and the dentist if they do have a cavity

or other dental issues.

Not only should you avoid using too many details when talking to your child about the dentist, but try

and avoid using words such as “shot,” “hurt,” and “pain.” Let your dental staff introduce dental

vocabulary to your child in child-friendly ways. You can tell your child that the dentist will just check

their smile and count their teeth if they keep asking you questions about it.

If none of the tips work, try having a “pretend” visit with you child. You can be the dentist and just open

their mouth and count their teeth. You can even use mirrors to look into their mouth! After you pretend

to be the doctor, let them practice being the doctor on you—just be sure to be a good patient!

If your child has a serious fear of the dentist, be sure to mention that when scheduling an appointment.

Do not, however, let them miss out on their check-ups because of their fears! To schedule an

appointment for your child, call (317) 241-9876.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

We know that many people, adults and children, have a phobia of the dentist which is why we offer

Sedation Dentistry in Indianapolis at Westside Family Dental. Sedation dentistry helps to encourage

those afraid of the dentist to face their fears; this can go a long way in bettering oral health.

It has been found that an estimated 30 to 40 million Americans avoid the dentist due to fears and

phobia. It is extremely important to decrease this number, and sedation dentistry definitely helps!

Avoiding the dentist can cause patients to experience severe oral health issues, and it may cause them

to eventually need expensive, time consuming, and painful dental procedures.

Visiting your dentist can help you to avoid these expensive procedures. If any oral issues are caught

early on, the procedure used to fix them (depending on the issue) is typically quick and painless. It can

also help to ask your dentist about their sedation dentistry options.

Page 11: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

There are four different types and levels of dental sedation. The first, and most commonly used, is

Anxiolysis; this type of sedation induces a light tranquility.

The second type of dental sedation is conscious sedation. This type of sedation uses either nitrous oxide

or IV sedation. These sedatives will help the patient be in a state of extreme relaxation while remaining

awake and conscious.

The third type of sedation, known as deep sedation puts patients between and unconscious and

conscious state.

The last and strongest type of dental sedation is referred to as unconsciousness. This type of sedation

dentistry uses anesthesia and patients will be completely unresponsive. Most patients that are give this

type of sedative will ned assistance with breathing. This type of sedation is typically only used during

oral surgery.

If you have a sever phobia of the dentist be sure to ask Westside Family Dental about their sedative

dentistry options. To schedule a dental checkup or other procedure, call (317) 241-9876 or click here.

Importance of Flossing

As a family dentistry in Indianapolis, dentists at Westside Family Dental have had a lot of patients that

don’t floss their teeth as recommended. As important as it is to brush your teeth, flossing is just as

important, maybe even more important! Flossing is detrimental to health of your teeth and your gums.

The American Dental Association recommends brushing twice a day and flossing once a day. While

brushing helps to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria from the surface of your teeth, flossing helps to

get the hard-to reach spaces—such as between your teeth.

Often bacteria, plaque, tartar, and food particles lodge between the teeth and along the gum line.

Flossing helps to remove these particles and it is extremely helpful in preventing tooth decay.

Maintaining a healthy mouth can also help to prevent many more serious illnesses.

While brushing your teeth twice a day is certainly helpful, it isn’t enough to keep your mouth as healthy

as can be. Toothbrushes cannot reach adequately between all of the teeth and they can’t clean the

plaque and bacterial that gets caught under the gums. Floss was specifically designed in order to reach

the places that a toothbrush could not.

It is recommended that your floss before you brush. Flossing prior to brushing loosens and removes the

tightly lodged particles. It always created more spaced for the fluoride to reach. The fluoride will help to

strengthen the enamel of your teeth as well as prevent tooth decay.

Flossing has many benefits aside from helping to maintain a clean mouth. It goes a long way as far as

preventative dentistry. It can help you to avoid expensive dental procedure down the line and can

prevent your from developing gingivitis. If you would like the dentist to demonstrate proper flossing

techniques, or if you need an appointment, call (317) 241-9876 today.

Page 12: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

Teeth Whitening in Indianapolis IN

There are many options for teeth whitening in Indianapolis IN, so how do you know which option is best

for you? First, it is important to know what exactly you want. Many people don’t realize that there is a

difference between whitening and bleaching.

Teeth whitening refers to cleaning dirt, debris, and stains off the teeth. This type of procedure typically

involves cleaning the surface area. Often bleaching is referred to as teeth whitening; however, teeth

whitening does not always include the use of bleach. Bleaching involves the use of chemicals to

drastically whiten and brighten the teeth. It is a very common and popular procedure done at our West

Indianapolis dentist office.

There are two different kinds of tooth stains, extrinsic and intrinsic stains. Extrinsic stained appear on

the surface of teeth and typically occur from natural wear and tear. They are more likely to occur from

continuous exposure to dark-colored beverages, tobacco, and certain foods. Intrinsic stains occur on the

interior of the teeth. These type of stains typically occur from trauma, aging, excessive ingestion of

fluoride, and sometimes even from exposure to certain minerals during tooth formation.

There are many different things that can be the cause of your tooth discoloration. Typically teeth

naturally discolor as we age from natural wear and tear. They may also appear discolored once the

enamel begins wearing off and the dentin (inner layer) shows through.

The most commonly used methods to whiten the teeth are in-office whitening sessions, and take-home

whitening kits. Take home whitening kits tend to take a bit longer to see results. These kits are done

without supervision from a professional, and therefore, they are not nearly as strong as in-office

whitening procedures.

In-office whitening procedures are the best option if you want to see results fast. For example, if you

have an upcoming event, you may want to consider in-office treatment rather than a take-home kit.

However, both typically produce great results!

To learn more about your options for whiter teeth call our office at (317) 241-9876 or click here to

schedule an appointment today.

Process for Dentures in Indianapolis

If you are getting dentures in Indianapolis, you may want to know what to expect for the procedure.

Since dentures are custom made to fit your mouth there are some complicated steps that your dentist

must take in order to prepare.

The first step of the denture process is to take measurements. In this step, the dentist will take a mold of

your mouth using a soft, putty-like material. The space between your jaws and the alignment will be

noted and measured as well. The measurements will be sent to a laboratory where your initial cast will

be created.

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The next step, after your dentist knows the correct dimensions of your mouth, is to create the initial

cast. The cast consists of false teeth made out of wax, and once it is prepared and ready, you will return

to the dentist to ensure that it is the proper shape, fit, and color.

The initial cast helps to determine if any changes need to be made before the final product is created.

Typically, the denture process takes 2-3 visits, sometimes even more.

Once you and the dentist are both satisfied and happy with the look, feel, fit, and shape of the denture it

will be sent off to the laboratory once more. This is when the final denture will be created.

The entire denture process may take a bit longer for some people than others. It may take a few tried

before you can get the fit, shape, and color exactly the way you want it.

Once it is complete, however, it is important to visit the dentist on a regular basis, or as directed by your

dentist. Small adjustments may need to be made even after the final product has been created. To find

out if dentures are right for you, call (317) 241-9876 to schedule an appointment.

Have a Loose Baby Tooth?

As your pediatric dentists in Indianapolis, we have had many patients ask us questions regarding their

children’s baby teeth coming up. Typically, a child’s baby teeth will fall out as their adult permanent

teeth start to grow in. This, however, is not always the case. There have been many times where a baby

tooth falls out too early, or there have even been some instances where the baby tooth won’t fall out on

its’ own!

It is best to let your child’s baby teeth fall out on their own; however, sometimes this is not possible. If

you pull a tooth out instead of letting it fall out on its’ own, there is a greater chance that the gums will

bleed, and an increased risk of infection.

If your child has a tooth that is barely hanging on, and they are freaked out about it, the best thing you

can do is encourage them to wiggle it. This can help to loosen the tooth, and with enough wiggling, the

tooth will most likely fall out on its own.You can even have your child bite into something such as an

apple! It is best to do this when a tooth is extremely loose so that the child does not swallow the tooth.

If you try both wiggling and biting into something hard and the tooth still will not come out, you can try

to gently pull it out.

To do this, use dry gauze or a tissue, grab hold of the tooth and gently pull. Only do this if the tooth is on

the verge of falling out on its’ own, otherwise, it may have come out too soon. If you are having trouble

pulling it, you can call (317) 241-9876 to schedule an appointment with Westside Family Dental and

have them take it out.

In most situations it is best to let a child’s tooth fall out on its’ own. It may take a little longer

sometimes, but most of the time it will eventually fall out. If you are concerned, call your dentist and

have him take a look at the tooth. For more information on what to do if your child’s tooth is loose but

won’t fall out, click here.

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Sleeping with Dentures

If you wear dentures in Indianapolis, or anywhere for that matter, it is important to take them out when

you sleep. Many people wear dentures to replace missing teeth, or if they have lost all their teeth.

Dentures can help to improve someone’s life by restoring their chewing, speaking, and smiling

functions! They are becoming increasingly popular, but like anything else, with dentures comes


Many people think of teeth sitting in a cup of water at bedside when they hear the mentioning of

dentures, however, it is more common than people think to wear dentures while asleep.

It is extremely important that people who wear dentures take them out at night. Having them soak

overnight in a disinfectant solution can help to kill bad bacteria. It has also recently been found that

those who sleep with their dentures are at higher risk for contracting Pneumonia.

In a recent study conducted in japan, of 453 participants 40.8% slept with their dentures. Twenty of

these participants died, and another twenty-eight of them were hospitalized from pneumonia.

Researchers believe this to be a result of the night denture-wearing patients experiencing difficulty

swallowing, and therefore potentially increasing their risk of respiratory problems and subsequent


Elderly denture wearers are even more at risk if they sleep with dentures. Taken your dentures out gives

you a chance to soak it in anti-bacterial and kill all of the bad bacteria. If makes it easier to breathe while

sleeping. It is extremely important to remember to take your dentures out before going to bed.

If you are in need of dentures, or are interested in learning more about them, call (317) 241-9876 to

schedule an appointment.

Learn About Teeth Whitening

If you want to learn more about teeth whitening in Indianapolis IN, Westside Family Dental has some

helpful information to share. To start, there is a difference between teeth whitening and dental


Dental cleanings involve the removal of dental plaque and other bacteria. Teeth whitening procedures

typically involve the use of chemicals in order to alter the color and shade of the teeth. Dental cleanings

can remove stains; however, they can’t change or alter the color of the dentin and inner layers behind

the enamel.

Teeth whitening is a safe and reliable way of making your teeth whiter and improving their appearance.

However, the results from this procedure do not last forever and you may need to have the procedure

re-done every few years.

There are different options for teeth whitening. There are many different systems that can be utilized,

and there are even take-home whitening kits that have been proven to be successful.

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There are a lot of positive and negative things about teeth whitening procedures. This procedure can be

costly and cause your teeth to be sensitive, however, it also makes your teeth look better and can give

you a more youthful appearance. The sensitivity is only temporary and dentists at Westside Family

Dental will work with you to create a payment plan to fit your unique situation.

Not everyone is a good candidate for teeth whitening: this includes in-office as well as at-home kits. It is

important to know if you are a good candidate before spending the money. If you have a lot of fillings,

crowns, and/or bridges teeth whitening procedures may not be recommended. This treatment will only

alter the color of your teeth and not the shape, so be sure it’s the color you are unhappy with before

opting for this procedure.

To learn more about your teeth whining options at Westside Family Dental in Indianapolis, call (317)


Permanent Dentures in Indianapolis

If you are missing any teeth, it may be a good idea to ask your dentists about dentures in Indianapolis.

There are two types of dentures: one is permanent and the other is not. Often permanent dentures are

referred to as types of dental implants. Permanent dentures, however, typically do not last as long as

dental implants and tend to be cheaper in cost.

It is important to replace missing teeth because not doing so can result in further issues. If you are

missing one tooth, all of your teeth may shift out of place and you may, as a result, have a painful bite.

In order to ensure adequate chewing and speaking it is important to have all 32 permanent teeth,

whether natural or not.

Permanent dentures, or dental implants, typically require more than one visit to your Indianapolis

dentist. At the first visit, an x-ray is taken so that the dentist can familiarize them-self with your unique

jaw structure. This will also indicate if you are eligible for permanent dentures, if you have any infected

teeth, and if you have gum disease.

Once the x-ray stage is completed your dentist will be able to determine where on you jaw they will

place the dental implant. The x-ray will be sent to a laboratory which will prepare your custom-fit

permanent dentures.

Permanent dentures may not be the best solution for you, however, if you are missing teeth you should

definitely ask your dentist in Indianapolis about them. They are cheaper than implants and help to

reinstate all natural functions of the teeth. Call (317) 241-9876 to find out if permanent dentures are the

best solution for you!

Bright White Smile

Teeth whitening in Indianapolis IN is becoming more and more popular as time goes on, and now,

Westside Family Dental offers a vast array of teeth whitening procedures to suit each patient’s needs.

Dentists at our Indianapolis Dental facility have been performing more whitening procedures than ever

Page 16: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

before. Whiter teeth have been linked to an increased confidence in patients and a more successful


Luckily, not only have the choices grown, but the materials now used for the procedures have come a

long way. The materials are a lot safer, more affordable, and less time consuming than in the past. The

average number of teeth whitening procedures completed in a day increased from 12 to 14! Since the

procedure is more affordable and less time consuming, more people are opting to have some teeth

whitening procedure in Indianapolis IN done.

Interestingly, studies have shown that women are more concerned about the appearance of their teeth

than men. It is more common for women to have cosmetic procedures, such as teeth whitening, than


Teeth whitening procedures not only can give patients a more youthful appearance, but they can make

patients feel more confident about themselves as well. If you have a job interview or a special event

coming up, be sure to ask your dentist about teeth whitening treatments. Show off your smile!

Both in-office and take-home whitening kids are offered from our Indianapolis dentist office. To learn

more about your teeth whitening options call (317) 241-9876. Teeth whitening procedures are quick,

painless, and more affordable than ever.

Temporary Fix

It is well known and understood that person’s smile can have a huge effect on self-confidence, so what

can you do if you need permanent dentures in Indianapolis? You can contact your West Indianapolis

dentist at Westside Family Dental and ask them about temporary dentures!

Many people lose their teeth for a variety of reason. Some it is simply because of old age and genetics,

for others they experience dental emergencies, and for some their teeth are decayed and require their

teeth to be extracted.

If you have missing teeth and are embarrassed, there are a lot of solutions. One common solution is

dentures. Sometimes, however, permanent dentures may take a long time to prepare. If this is the case,

temporary dentures, also known as partial dentures, may be the best immediate solution for you!

If a person is in need of permanent dentures, they may have difficulty chewing and may need to avoid

certain foods. Many patients also complain of embarrassment, nervousness, and low self-confidence.

This can cause them to feel emotional pain. They may also feel physical pain from their bite and from


People with missing teeth may need to take special precautions and avoid certain foods, however, now

with permanent and partial dentures, they don’t have to worry so much! Partial and permanent

dentures can help correct many of the problems and concerned associated with missing teeth.

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Don’t let your smile suffer. If you are missing teeth, or if your teeth are extremely decayed, dentures in

Indianapolis may be the solution for you. To schedule your appointment call (317) 241-9876, or click

here. Ask your doctor is dentures in Indianapolis are right for you!

Protect your Teeth with Dental Sealants

As the best family dentistry in Indianapolis, we want to be sure that you are well educated on dental

sealants. We recommend that all candidates receive dental sealants.

What is a dental sealant?

A dental sealant is a thin film that is painted onto the teeth to protect the hard to reach areas from

accumulating food particles and bacteria. Dental sealants have been found to be 100% effective from

preventing teeth from cavities. Once a tooth falls out and there is a break in the sealant, however, they

are no longer effective.

Once the sealant is no more effective, the teeth are no more susceptible to cavities than they would

have been without. They usual last several years before they need to be re-applied. They are easily

applied and the procedure is painless; it usually takes approximately 45 minutes depending on how

many teeth are being sealed.

Why do I need dental sealants?

You don’t necessarily need dental sealants, but they are highly recommended. Brushing and flossing go

a long way, but there are parts of the mouth that are still difficult to reach. Dental sealants help to

ensure that your teeth will be at their healthiest and won’t decay.

Are sealants only meant for kids?

No, sealants can be used and b3eneficial to both children and adults. Sealants are, however, typically

applied to children at early ages because at that point their teeth haven’t suffered much, if any, damage.

Not everyone is a candidate for dental sealants. If you are interested in obtaining dental sealants for

yourself or your child, contact your family dentistry in Indianapolis, Westside Family Dental. To schedule

your appointment call (317) 241-9876, or click here.

Teeth Whitening for your Special Event

Many people understand what the outcome of Teeth Whitening in Indianapolis IN should be, but they

don’t understand exactly how it works. It is easy to stain our teeth; the things we eat and drink are

typically the cause of stains. But, most people don’t understand how the stains get there.

Teeth are made up of enamel and dentin. The enamel is a porous type of material, and certain things

can protrude into the enamel and cause the teeth to appear discolored. It isn’t necessary bad if your

teeth are discolored, but some people don’t like the way it looks.

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If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, you should consider Teeth Whitening in Indianapolis In.

Our in office procedures have been very successful in the past, and continue to advance each and every


Sometimes simply brushing and/or having your teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist can do the trick, but

other times the discoloration can be too severe. If this is the case, a bleaching chemical can be used by

your dentist for in-office teeth whitening procedures.

In-office procedures typically require only one visit, and usually they take less than an hour. The results

vary depending on each patient, but the teeth can become between 4-6 shades whiter in just 40


If you have an event coming up soon, in-office whitening treatments are probably the best option. They

are quick and efficient, and produce immediate results. Take home whitening kits typically whiten the

teeth over an extensive time period, and they take a lot more time and effort than in-office treatments.

If you are interested in any type of teeth whitening in Indianapolis IN, contact Westside Family Dental to

find out which procedure is best for you. Call (317) 241-9876 to schedule an appointment for your white


Battling Bullies

As your pediatric dentists in Indianapolis, we want you and your child to be confident and as happy and

healthy as can be. It is well known that healthy teeth can benefit your health overall, but did you know

that it can greatly increase self-confidence as well? Especially in kids and young adults!

At young ages children can be nasty to each other. Bullying is an ongoing phenomenon occurring

between children all over the world. Surprisingly, studies have shown that kids with crooked or bad

teeth have been known to be bullied more so than others.

Bullying can have severe impact on children, especially as they enter adulthood. It can contribute to

many other problems that they may experience throughout life, and for this reason, it is important to

teach your children proper ways of caring for teeth.

If taught at young ages how to care for their teeth, children may have health and strong smiles as they

get older. If their teeth are crooked, it is highly recommended for both health and personal reasons to

see your pediatric dentist in Indianapolis. As your kids’ dentist, we can help to recommend different

options, and whether or not you should see an orthodontist.

Studies have gone on to show that having well-aligned teeth can influence our ability to make friends

and progress in our careers. Children do understand the gist of this and how important teeth aligned in a

straight line are in looking good. They know that this makes them look attractive and often times this is

perceived as a yardstick by those around them.

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Increase your child’s confidence and schedule an appointment to have their teeth looked at by their

pediatric dentist in Indianapolis. Don’t wait until they have already been ridiculed and put down. We

only want to see smiles on our patients faces! Call (317) 241-9876 to schedule an appointment.

Dirty Dentures

Are tobacco stained dentures in Indianapolis a problem for you? Well, not to worry, just follow these

tips from Westside Family Dental, and your dentures can look as good as new!

First, it is important to understand why the tobacco stains dentures. The tobacco contains bacteria that

stick on to the teeth and cause them to appear tinted and dirty. There are a few steps you can take to

whiten them. Simply brushing them and using denture solution may help, but that is not always enough.

To take more action towards whitening your dentures, read the following advice:

-Purchase a medicated mouthwash, for example Listerine. These will not only help to clean and whiten

the dentures, but it will also help to remove any food particles that remain after a meal. As an added

benefit, it can also help to freshen your breath.

-As an additional step, you can also try to consume large quantities of yogurt and dairy products. The

live culture bacteria contained in yogurt can help to counteract the bad bacteria living inside of your

mouth. This will also help to remove tobacco stains from dentures and to freshen your breath.

-Talk and move your mouth! This will help the saliva flow throughout your mouth and will prevent your

breath from smelling bad. The saliva helps to keep your teeth moist and can remove some of the stains

that have come from your last meal.

-Try swishing tomato juice throughout your mouth. The acidic properties of the tomato juice will help to

remove stains if rubbed against dentures.

Don’t let your stained dentures in Indianapolis give you a dull smile. For more advice on how to clean

dirty and stained dentures, contact your dentists at Westside Family Dental. Call (317) 241-9876 to

schedule an appointment.

Teeth Rubbing and Tooth brushing

As your pediatric dentists in Indianapolis, we recommend rubbing toothpaste using your finger onto

your babies’ teeth and gums. Many of our patients are already aware to do this; however, they may not

be aware that we recommend adults do this to themselves as well.

Cavities typically occur after eating a meal. Food increases the likelihood of developing cavities, but is it

really necessary or convenient to brush between every meal?

Brushing between meals can be a hassle for many people. Carrying a toothbrush around may not be the

easiest thing, but not to worry, there are other steps you can take to prevent cavities! If you can’t brush

between every meal, simply just gently rubbing toothpaste onto the teeth and gums can be an extreme

Page 20: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

help. This will increase the amount of fluoride exposure, and it will also help to remove and remaining

food particles and plaque.

Many people think of rubbing toothpaste on teeth and gums as something you do for babies. Studies

have proven that this greatly benefits adults as well. It is easy, simple, and can be done multiple times a


Although this teeth cleaning method may be beneficial and helpful, it is not an alternative to brushing

your teeth. This method will only help to prevent dental caries and other oral issues. Rubbing toothpaste

on gums and teeth alone is not enough. It is still extremely important to brush twice a day and for two

minutes each tooth brushing session.

Be sure to check out other advice from your pediatric dentists in Indianapolis by reading our blogs!

Follow our tips to ensure that you and your family have the healthiest teeth possible. Call (317) 241-

9876 to schedule an appointment.

Relieving Your Phobias with Sedation Dentistry

If you have an extreme fear of the dentist, our sedation dentistry in Indianapolis has given you a reason

to relax. Sedation dentistry allows patients that fear the dentist to remain calm throughout their

appointments. It is typically used for any procedure, whether it is a simple teeth cleaning, or a more

advanced procedure such as root canal therapy.

Sedation dentistry is often highly preferred over anesthesia. It allows the patient to remain awake and

competent throughout the procedure, however, they will not feel anything, and most of the time they

don’t remember anything afterwards.

People have feared the dentist for many years, and some people would rather have a toothache than

see a dentist. This can have severe negative outcomes on the mouth, and it can cause people to

completely lose all of their teeth. If you have an oral problem, it is important that you see your dentist. If

you are scared, go to an office such as Westside Family Dental, which offers sedative dentistry options.

Be sure when you are inquiring about sedation dentistry to ask about the different levels. There are

quite a few different levels ranging from moderately sedated to extremely sedated. The different levels

include: Minimal sedation -- you are awake but relaxed.

Moderate sedation (formerly called "conscious sedation") -- you may slur your words when speaking

and not remember much of the procedure.

Deep sedation -- you are on the edge of consciousness but can still be awakened.

General anesthesia -- you are completely unconscious.

Don’t let your fear affect your health. Be sure to go to the dentist, but consider sedation dentistry. To

find out more on sedation dentistry, click here. You can also ask your dentists at Westside Family

Sedation dentistry in Indianapolis what they think. Call (317) 241-9876 to schedule an appointment.

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Advantages of a Family Dentist

If you and your child are in need of a checkup and/or other dental procedures, schedule an appointment

together with your family dentist in Indianapolis. One of the benefits of being a family dentist as

opposed to a general dentist is that we can treat both you and your child.

In many other dental fields, there is a patient age minimum and/or maximum. Some dentists only

service children, and others only service both. Here at Westside Family Dental, however, we serve the

entire family!

Children are recommended to go see a dentist as young as 1. By taking your child to a family dentist in

Indianapolis you can go with them, and they can have the same dentist throughout their lifetime. This

will establish a strong and trusting relationship between the child and the dentist, and the child will

grow up having pleasant memories and experiences at the dentist office.

Family dentists and general dentists are very similar; however, there are slight differences. The main

difference is that family dentists treat a broader age range of patients. Both doctors, in order to receive

their DMD or DDS, have gone through dental school, and have had the same general dental training.

They typically handle the more simple procedures, but family and cosmetic dentists can do almost all


Make sure that you and your family see your dentist every 6 months. If a family member is overdue for

an appointment, or is going to need one soon, be sure to call your family dentists in Indianapolis at (317)

241-9876 to schedule an appointment.

Appreciating Today’s Dental Knowledge

Your pediatric dentists in Indianapolis at Westside Family Dental want to make sure that you and your

family realize how lucky we are to have toothbrushes and tooth paste. Did you know that before the

toothbrush was invented, people used really weird things as a substitute?

In 1498, the Emperor of China implanted hog bristles in a bone handle. This style of hogtoothbrush

became popular throughout Asia and Europe. However, because of the cost of hog bristles, poor people

could not afford individual toothbrushes, so a whole family would share the same toothbrush. Luckily

toothbrushes are extremely affordable, and not only do we have our own toothbrushes, but we can get

a new one every three months easily!

Like toothbrushes, compounds for cleaning teeth and freshening breath have been used since ancient

times. Early Egyptians, Chinese, Greek, and Roman writings describe different mixtures for toothpastes

and powders. The more tasty ingredients used back then included powdered fruit, honey, and dried

flowers. The less appetizing ingredients included mice and lizard livers! Modern toothpastes began to

appear in the 1800s. A dentist named Dr. Peabody was the first person to suggest adding soap to

toothpaste. Just be sure when buying your next tube of toothpaste that the ingredients don’t include

liver….just kidding! Luckily we don’t have to worry about that because we now have much more

knowledge and other compounds.

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People have been cleaning between their teeth for more than 5,000 years. As early as 3500 B.C., the

ancient Babylonians used toothpicks to remove food particles from their teeth. Dental floss was

invented in 1840 by Dr. Levi Parmly, a dentist from New Orleans. Dr. Parmly recommended that patients

use a waxed, silken thread passed between their teeth to dislodge food particles that toothbrushes

could not reach.

Be sure to take advantage of our dental advancements of this century. Now that is easy to access the

proper tools needed to clean teeth, there are no excuses. Don’t take flossing and brushing for granted.

Also, make sure you attend your dentist every 6 months! If you are in need of a checkup, or other dental

procedure, call your pediatric dentists in Indianapolis at (317) 241-9876 to schedule an appointment.

Are Dentures the Best for you?

If you are in need of dentures in Indianapolis, Westside Family Dental Center can assist your unique

needs. Complete and partial dentures are typically chosen to replace missing teeth. They are a

removable remedy and tend to cost less than a permanent fix.

Although dentures are beneficial in many circumstances, you should discuss your options with you

Indianapolis Dentist. Dentures can reduce bite force, decrease chewing deficiency, and limit food intake

options. If worn for years, dentures can have many negative effects. Patients with dentures tend to have

97% less chewing efficiency compared to patients with a full set of natural teeth; this may cause

digestive disorders in patients. Due to the limitations on food, many people may experience poor


If you are concerned with utilizing dentures in Indianapolis, consult your dentist about dental implants.

Dental implants are a lot more comfortable and predictable. They tend to last long and withstand more,

however, they also tend to cost more. To learn all of your options and which is best for you, contact

your Indianapolis dentist at Westside Family Dental by calling (317) 241-9876 to schedule an


Seven Most Used Procedures

There are seven procedures most often utilized by your emergency dentist in Indianapolis:

Procedure 1: Dental fillings - often used to repair teeth and correct cavities.

Procedure 2: Root Canal Treatment – this procedure eliminates the infection and dead tissue to protect

the unaffected tooth structure.

Procedure 3: Dental crowns are typically used to cap the damaged tooth and/or implant, or to replace

single or few missing teeth.

Procedure 4: Fixed Partial Denture – Also known as a dental bridge, this procedure is ideal for patients

wishing for a permanent fix for missing teeth.

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Procedure 5: Porcelain Veneers – A dental revolution containing the use of paper thin material to

restore uneven and/or widely spaced teeth.

Procedure 6: Inlays and Onlays – A superior dental repair option that nullifies the risk of tooth fracture

owing to frequent dimensional changes.

Procedure 7: Dental Implants – This is a perfect and permanent solution to a missing tooth. Implants

keep the bone level from resorbing and aids in keeping the overall dental health intact.

If you need any of the listed procedures, or if you need an emergency dentist in Indianapolis, call (317)

241-9876 to schedule an appointment.

15 Fun Dental Facts

If you’re looking for pediatric dentists Indianapolis, Westside Family Dental can serve your unique needs.

We love to inform our patients of cool and interesting dental facts, which is why our dentists are sharing

these 15 fun dental facts about/for kids!

Fact 1: Every year on 9/20 in China large scale dental campaigns are carried out to prompt people to

care for their teeth. This day is called “Love Your Teeth Day,” and all schools are closed!

Fact 2: Kids smile a lot! Kids smile at least 400 times a day whereas adults do so only 15 times each day!

Fact 3: Majority of people, regardless of age, tend to use blue tooth brushes.

Fact 4: Even crocodiles take care of their teeth! A bird called the Egyptian Prover (also known as the

Crocodile Bird) makes its’ way into the Nile crocodiles mouth and works as a living dental floss! Don’t

worry, the crocodile intentionally leaves its’ mouth open for the bird.

Fact 5: Sir Isaac Newton’s tooth was purchased by an aristocrat in the city of London at a price of $35,


Fact 6: The Blue Whale, known for being the largest and longest, has no teeth because it swallows its

food without chewing.

Fact 7: Elephants receive 6 new sets of teeth throughout a time span of roughly 10 years!

Fact 8: The components found in chees increase saliva flow and help to keep bacteria from clinging to

the teeth.

Fact 9: Roughly $1 billion is spent every year on chewing gum!

Fact 10: Dentists recommend keeping your toothbrush at least 6 feet from the toilet to keep it clean.

Fact 11: Before the invention of toothpaste, people used textured items that contained crushed egg

shells, coral powder, pumice, and even iron rust. Chalk and ashes were also used for teeth cleaning!

Fact 12: Before people had toothbrushes they would use thin twigs, animal bones, and bird feathers!

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Fact 13: There are a few animals, such as rabbits and horses, with teeth that are always growing.

Fact 14: Germans thought that kissing a donkey was an effective way of relieving a toothache!

Fact 15: George Washington’s teeth weren’t made of wood, they were actually made of a combination

of walrus teeth, hippopotamus, and cow teeth!

Your pediatric dentists in Indianapolis love sharing fun things with patients all the time. To schedule an

appointment for you or your child call (317) 241-9876.

Dental History Museum

It is recommended by the best Family Dentistry in Indianapolis to take a trip to Maryland to visit the Dr.

Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry. This museum will teach people learn all about the

history of dental cares and concerns. This museum teaches its’ visitors why a healthy and beautiful smile

is important.

This 7,000-square-foot exhibition space offers visitors an extraordinary array of historic artifacts and

interactive exhibitions that inspire people to make healthy choices about oral health. Operated by the

University of Maryland School of Dentistry, this museum makes learning fun and interesting.

“Opened in 1996, the museum received Congressional designation as the official museum of the dental

profession in the United States. The museum's extensive 40,000 object collection of dental instruments,

furniture and artwork is one of the most important and oldest in the world. A substantial portion of the

core collection traces its roots to the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, the world's first college of

dentistry, which was founded in 1840.

Highlights include: George Washington's ivory denture, Queen Victoria's personal dental instruments

and an extraordinary collection of toothbrushes ranging from the 1800s to the present. The museum is

also a center for learning for children, featuring school tours throughout the year, and entertaining and

interactive exhibits that teach the importance of oral health to a healthy life.”

If you have the chance to visit, don’t hesitate! In the meantime, be sure to keep your mouth healthy by

visiting your family dentistry in Indianapolis, Westside Family Dental. If you are in need of a checkup, call

(317) 241-9876 to schedule an appointment.


Caring for Your Gums

Your dentists near 46220 can’t stress enough how important it is to floss and brush your teeth. Another

extremely important task to maintain proper oral hygiene is to make sure you are cleaning your gums.

Gums can be very sensitive, and it is important to know and understand the proper ways of cleaning


Page 25: Proper way to Floss · between your teeth. You can also use your middle fingers if not your index fingers. Flossing your Teeth: It doesn’t matter where you begin to floss, your

Brushing your gums can be done with or without toothpaste, however, it MUST be down with a soft-

bristle toothbrush or you can place yourself in danger of gum disease and other severe dental issues.

Use the toothbrush to gently massage the gums. Be very gentle and use soft movements to avoid your

gums from tearing.

If you are trying to clean your baby’s gums, use a moist wipe and wrap it around your finger. Then,

gently massage the baby’s gum area. Toothpaste should not be used for this. Even though your baby

may not have teeth, it is still important to clean their gums. Once their teeth do come in, which is

typically at an unexpected time, have clean gums will lessen the likelihood of bacteria entering.

If you think you may have the start of gum disease, or if you think you aren’t taking proper care of your

gums, contact your dentists near 46220 by calling (317) 241-9876 to schedule an appointment.