
Ask the students to repeat the simple words like: 'tip', 'dip', 'tuck', 'duck‘ Order the students to pay lips and tongue motion attention and throat vibration by putting their hand on it. Teach by visual media also benefit for students to read many symbols of the phonetic in order to be able to differentiate between phonemes that are written the same but sound different; the 'th' in the two words 'thanks' and 'there', for example.

Transcript of Pronunciation..

Page 1: Pronunciation..

Ask the students to repeat the simple words like: 'tip', 'dip', 'tuck', 'duck‘

Order the students to pay lips and tongue motion attention and throat vibration by putting their hand on it.

Teach by visual media also benefit for students to read many symbols of the phonetic in order to be able to differentiate between phonemes that are written the same but sound different; the 'th' in the two words 'thanks' and 'there', for example.

Page 2: Pronunciation..

There are many ways to teach and improve our students pronunciation skill.but we have discussed

and we have got the conclusion.Introducing phonemes or full methodThe phoneme is the one sound which makes the distinct difference between similar words

•Using phonemes to teach pronunciation focuses on these distinct units of sound. The best way to begin is by having students listen for and identify these differential sounds. •Introduce phonemes in pairs for the best results, like /t/ and /d/.

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Full of PracticingAfter students undrestand the concept of

and can identify phonemes, they will need to practice making the sounds accurately. This is where pronunciation diagrams can be helpful. Many sounds like 'r' and soft 'g' are articulated inside the mouth and they can be frustrating for students to try and duplicate. Diagrams of the correct positioning of the mouth and tongue for these sounds can be found in many books

Page 4: Pronunciation..

Diagram of the phonetic

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When we start the new step that is dialogue and pay the accent attention, we find new obstacles, they feel nerveous and afraid of failure or for the simple obstacles is afraid to make wrong.

We can manage it by asking them to sing a song or many structural activities like games can relieve much of this pressure and allow the students to concentrate on the pronunciation. Or may be ask them to come forward to improve their confidence.

And dont forget to give the reward for them, eventough only a little progress.