pronunciacion bertliz course plus

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest LESSON 1 /i/ LESSON 2 /i:/ LESSON 3 /i/ and / Para prodicir esta sonido pronuncisuena un poco deslizante la i de sin. Pero abriendo mas la boca y aflojado los musculos del cuello /i/ /i:/ /i/ /i:/ /i:/ /i/ /i:/ Por lo general una vocal es corta: 1.- si se encuentra antes de dos consonantes; bank /bæŋk/, hopping /hapiŋ/, mill /mil Por lo general una vocal es larga; 2.- si se escribe con dos vocales o con una vocal mas Y o W: coat /kout/, lease /li:s En ingles a menudo se añade el sonido /y/ entre los sonidos consonantes /f/, /k/, /m/ algunos ejemplos de consonantes mudas son letras ejemplo en igles pronunciacion kn know /nou/ mb dumb ship he Tim a ship teach Tim is on the team big teaching the winnig team a big ship he´s teaching Tim will be it´s a big ship me on the winning tea Itali he´s teaching me Tim will be on the from Italy speak it´s a big ship from Italy to speak he´s teaching me to speak these England these sheep in England we I see these sheep lives eat I see this ship lives in England we eat I see these sheep Bill three Bill lives in England we eat at three winter usually leave in the winter we usually eat at three leavig Bill lives in England in the winter he´s leaving she he´s leaving with Tim be he´s living with h Jim she will be Tim and Jim me sitting with me bill are sitting she will be with me the bill Tim and Jim are sitting tea the bill for the m window for tea by the window she will be with me for tea please Tim and Jim are sitting by the window please give me please give me the please give me the 2.- si se encuentra antes de una consonante al final de la palabra; hot /hat/, but /b 1- si se encuentra antes de una consonante y otra vocal; debate /dibéit/, hoping /hou 3.- si ocurre al final de una palabra: hello /hƐlou/, he /hi:/, hi /hai/ cube /kyu;b/; mule /muy:l/; pupil /pyu:pǝl/ /dǝm/


pronunciacion de los dialogos y conversaciones del fabulosos curso de bertliz plus.

Transcript of pronunciacion bertliz course plus

Page 1: pronunciacion bertliz course plus

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

LESSON 1 /i/ LESSON 2 /i:/ LESSON 3 /i/ and /i:/Para prodicir esta sonido pronuncie suena un poco deslizante la i de sin. Pero abriendo mas la boca y aflojado los musculos del cuello/i/ /i:/ /i/ /i:/

/i:/ /i/

/i:/ /i/

/i/ /i:/


Por lo general una vocal es corta:1.- si se encuentra antes de dos consonantes; bank /bæŋk/, hopping /hapiŋ/, mill /mil

Por lo general una vocal es larga;

2.- si se escribe con dos vocales o con una vocal mas Y o W: coat /kout/, lease /li:s/, boot /bu:t/, say /sei/

En ingles a menudo se añade el sonido /y/ entre los sonidos consonantes /f/, /k/, /m/, /p/ y /u/

algunos ejemplos de consonantes mudas sonletras sonido ejemplo en igles pronunciacionkn /n/ know /nou/mb /m/ dumbpn /n/ pneumonia

ship he Tim teama ship teach Tim is on the teambig teaching the winnig teama big ship he´s teaching Tim will beit´s a big ship me on the winning teamItali he´s teaching me Tim will be on the winning teamfrom Italy speakit´s a big ship from Italy to speak

he´s teaching me to speak these thisEngland these sheep this shipin England we I see these sheeplives eat I see this shiplives in England we eat I see these sheep on this shipBill threeBill lives in England we eat at threewinter usually leave livein the winter we usually eat at three leavig livingBill lives in England in the winter he´s leaving he´s living

she he´s leaving with his parentsTim be he´s living with his parentsJim she will beTim and Jim mesitting with me bill mealare sitting she will be with me the bill the mealTim and Jim are sitting tea the bill for the mealwindow for tea /i/ /i:/by the window she will be with me for tea please give meTim and Jim are sitting by the window please give me

please give me the billplease give me the bill for the meal

2.- si se encuentra antes de una consonante al final de la palabra; hot /hat/, but /bǝt/, cot /kat/

1- si se encuentra antes de una consonante y otra vocal; debate /dibéit/, hoping /houpiŋ/, extrem /Ɛkstri:m/

3.- si ocurre al final de una palabra: hello /hƐlou/, he /hi:/, hi /hai/

cube /kyu;b/; mule /muy:l/; pupil /pyu:pǝl/


Page 2: pronunciacion bertliz course plus

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

ps /s/ psychologyLESSON 5 /ei/ LESSON 6 /Ɛ/ and /ei/

se acerca a la e de bello, pero se pro- tiene un sonido semjante a al ei de nuncia con la boca mas abierta y el reinacuello mas relajado/Ɛ/ /ei/ /Ɛ/ /ei/



/Ɛ/ /ei/


/Ɛ/ /ei/

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarestla letra /e/ al finla de la palabra es mudalive /liv/, like /laik/, life /laif/letra se pronuncia antes de como en

i, e /g/ otras letras (exepto i, e) o al final

de la palabrac /s/ i, e, y city /siti:/ icy /aisi;/ face /feis/ /k/ otras letras (exepto i, e, y) o al final car /kar/ critic /kritik/

de la palabralos sonidos b/ d y g son siempre duros en ingles

/saikolǝdʒi:/LESSSON 4 /Ɛ/

pen late let latethe pen train let him come latethe pencil don´t let him come latetne pen and the pencildesk trainon the desk the train friend the pen and the pencil are on the desk the train was late your friend

Spain don´t let your friend come latewent the train from Spainrestaurant the train from Spain was late todayI went to the restaurant todayseven stay don´t let your friend come late todayat seven mayI went to the restaurant at seven you may stay

stay pepper paperfriend day pass the peppermy friend for a day pass the paperexpect you may stay for a dayexpecting May please pass the pepper and the paperI´m expecting my friend in Mayten you may stay for a day in Mayat ten test tasteI´m expecting my friend at ten wait test the wine

plane taste the winewait for the plane I´m testing the winegate I´m tasting the wineat the gate I´m testing the wine by tasting the winewait for the plane at the gateeightuntil eightwait fot the plane at the gate until eight

g /dʒ/ gin /dʒin/huge /hyu:dʒ/

Page 3: pronunciacion bertliz course plus

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

LESSON 7 /a/ and /ai/es similar a la palabra hay suena como las letras ae pero cortas

a modo de que suene juntas, algunosles suena como el balido de oveja

/a/ /æ/ /a/ /æ/




/a/ /æ/

la g tiene un sonido como "gato" y nunca como /j/la h suena como una "j" suavela y suena como "ll" fuerte

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

/d/ dura ladder /lædǝr/ /d/ suave lather /læδǝ/ suena como th/b/ dura cupboard /kǝbǝrd/ /b/ suave covered /kǝvǝrd/ suena como v

LESSON 8 /æ/ LESSON 9 /a/ and /æ/

dollar man hot hatfather that man it´s too hot for hatmy father standingmy father has a dollar that man is standingwallet taxi notin his wallet back it´s not too hotmy father has a dollar in his wallet in back it´s not too hot for a hat

in back of the taxiwant that man is standing in back of /æ/stop the taxi perhapsI want to stop perhaps it´s not too hotpark ask perhaps it´s not too hot for a hatI want to stop and park matchcar I asked for a match /æ/I want to stop and park the car class packet pocket

after class a packet in my pocketI asked for a match after class

five /æ/ties ann matchbuy dance matcheslike dancing a packet of matchesI´d like to buy ann was dancing a packet of matches in my pocketI´d like to buy five tise man have

handsome I have a packet of matches in my fly a handsome man pocket flying ann was dancing with a handsome jacketI´m flying man the pocket of my jacketMiami I have a packet of matches in the I´m flying to Miami pocket of my jacketFridayon Fridayon Friday night Bob backI´m flying to Miami on Friday night Bob came back

bottlehanda bottle in his handBob came back with a bottle in his hand

Page 4: pronunciacion bertliz course plus

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

LESSON 10 /u/ LESSON 11 /u:/ LESSON 12 /u/ and /u:/se parece a la u de uso, pero los suena deslizantelabios ligeramente menos redondea-dos/u/ /u:/ /u:/ /u/



/i:u://u:/ /u/

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

book you two booksyour book do two bookslook at your book how do you do?could i look at your book? how are you?foot how are you? I´m fine, too. tookfootball I took two booksyour book on football shoecould i look at your book on football new

her shoes are new schoolcook suit to schoolgood blue I took two books to schoola good cook her suit is blue Lukewoman her shoes are new and her suit is blue Luke took two booksthat woman Luke took two books to schoolthat woman is a good cook

viewcushion beautiful shoes tookthat cushion the view is beautiful I took my shoeson that cushion usually put roomfoot the view is usually beautiful I put them in my roomyour foot I took my shoes and put them in myput your foot on that cushion room

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Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

LESSON 14 /ou/ and /au/ LESSON 15 /a/, /ou:/ and /Ɔ/no tiene equivalente en el español. empieza con la o parecida a oso y es parecido a la o de oso, pero con los termina con la u deslizantelabios sin redondear y boca abierta/Ɔ/ /ou:/ /Ɔ/ /ou/

/Ɔ/ /ou:/

/ou:/ /Ɔ/

/Ɔ/ /a/


Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest


taught no caught colddaughter he caught a coldI taugt my daughter no toldwalk snow he told us he caught a coldto walk cold called coldI taugt my daughter to walk the snow is cold he called and told us

blow he called and told us he caught a coldtalk blowinglong the wind si blowinga long talk the wind si blowing and the show is bought boatWe had a long talk cold he bought a boatPaulwith Paul oceanWe had a long talk with paul hotel snow boss

the hotel by the ocean he snowed it to his bosswalk open he bought a boat and snowed it to hishall November bosswalking in the hall open in NovemberI was walking in the hall the hotel by the ocean is open incall November cost clockI heard you call the cost of the clockI was walking in the hall when I heard do you know the cost of the clock?you call how house ought

you ought to know the cost of the clockhouseourour housesouthour house is in the southhourtownour house in the south is an hourfrom town

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Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

LESSON 17 /a/, /ǝ/ and /ou/el sonido es similar a la a en hablo, /Ɔi/ es similar a la palabra hoyla letra suena corta como cuando setitubea en medio de una oracion./ǝ/ /ai/







/ai/ /Ɔi/



LESSON 16 /ǝ/ LESSON 18 /ai/ and /Ɔi/

/ǝ/ /a/come duck dockone a duck on the dockcome at one There´s a duck on the dockbusthe bus widethe bus will come at one rock my tie is wide

on a rockmoney he´s sitting on a rockcup There´s a duck on the dock and he´s liketne money is in the cup sitting on a rock I´d likemuch I´d like to buy a tiehow much /a/ /ǝ/ highhow much money top cup pricehow much money is in the cup? the top of the cup the price is high

I´d like to buy a tie but the price is highbrothercoming hotmy brother is coming the top of the cup is hot noisesupper boysfor supper the noise from the boysmy brother is coming for supper much joyce

enjoysjoyce enjoys the noise from the boys

hottoo hotmuch too hot tie toytne top of the cup is much too hot he´ll buy a tie

he´ll buy a toy/ǝ/ /ou/ he´ll buy a tie or a toyrun slowslowlyrun slowly boy

the boy will buy a tie or a toy

roadon this roadrun slowly on this road

/ǝ/ /ou/

Page 7: pronunciacion bertliz course plus

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

LESSON 19 /s/ LESSON 20 /z/ LESSON 21 /s/ and /z/es similar a la letras s en seca es similar al sonido que hace un mos- 1.- la /s/ se utiliza para el plural books

quito (zzz) 2.- para el sufijo verbal de la 3° personajohn reads (juan lee)

/s/ /z/ 3.- el sonido /s/ se pronuncia según el final de la palabra que se agrega a) despes de consonantes mudas pro- nuncie -s como /s/bike + s = bikes baiksrope + s = ropes roupssafe + s = safes seifs b) despues de vocales y consonantes sonoras pronuncie -s como /z/car + s = cars karzpea + s = peas pi:zwing + s = wings

pronuncie la -s como /ìz/box + es = boxes baksìzwash + es = washesbus + es = buses

eyes icehis eyes were like iceeyes facethe eyes on his face were like freezing ice

close closeclose to the doorclose the doorI went close to the doorI closed the doorI went close to the door to close the door

bikes cars busesthere are lots of bikes, cars and busesstreet streets

muddy roadrun slowly on this muddy road

Sam zerocity zerosSam is in the city three zerosSan Francisco tousandSam is in the city of San Francisco ona tousand

one thousand has three zerosicepiece knowspiece of ice I know he knowsjuice namesin the juice my name our names wìƞza piece of ice in the juice he knows our names c) despues de /s/, /ʃ/, /z/, /ʒ/ , /tʃ/ y /dʒ/nice facesa piece of ice in the juice is nice he knows our names and our faces

wͽʃìzone cup two cups names bӛsìzhe sips from his cup one name two namesThey sips from their cups teachers Sue zoo

the names of the teachers Sue is at the zoodoors Where´son the doors where´s Sue?classrooms Sue is at the zoothe doors of the classroomsthe names of the teachers are on thedoors of the classrooms

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Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

in the streetin the streetsthere are lots of bikes, cars and buses inthe streetsavenue avenuesthere are lots of bikes, cars and buses inthe streets and avenues

LESSON 22 /t/ LESSON 23 /d/ LESSON 24 /t/ and /d/la t suena diferente según donde se en- los sonidos /d/ y /t/ se pronuncian con un caso particular de t y d es en el sufijocuentre. la lengua tocando los alveolos, sin em- -ed este se puede pronunciar de tres Al principio la t se pronuncia con un so- bargo el sonido /d/ es sonoro y siempre formas diferentes.plo y la lengua toca la parte alveolar en es duro a) despues de un verbo que terminaves de los dientes /d/ en una consonante sordaEn medio de la palabra sonara como r deoro: auto a dollar walk + ed = walked /t/ lock + ed = locked lakt

b) despues de las vocales y de las con- sonantes sonoras, se pronuncia /d/name + ed = maned neimdplay + ed = played pleidlearm + ed = learned c) despues de sonidos /t/ o /d/, suena como idwait + ed = waited wéitidneed + ed = needed ní:diddecide + ed = decided disáididdime timea dimeI pad a dimeI pad a dime that timeTomTom and DanTom and Dan paid a dime that time

had hatI had a hatwhitea white hatI had a white hatwideit was wideI had a wide hat that was white

laughed playedwe laughed and playedendedpartythe party endedwe laughed and played till the party ended

dollar laugh + ed = laughed læftwɔkt

paidtime I paid a dollartalk waiterit´s time to talk to the waiterTom I paid a dollar to the waiterit´s time to talk to Tom lǝrnd

coldwalk, walked a coldwe walked badtalk, talked a bad coldwe walked and talked Ed had a bad coldleft headwe left in his headwe walked and talked and then we left Ed had a bad cold in his head

letter ridewriting a ridewriting a letter I need a rideBetty doctor Betty is writing a letter to the doctordaughter I need a ride to the doctorto her daughterBetty is writing a letter to her daughter

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Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

LESSON 25 /()/ LESSON 26 /()/, /t/ and /s/Para practicar este sonido haga que la Es semejante al sonido /()/ salvo que eslengua toque la parte superior como in- sonoro. Tambien se parece a la d suaveferior de los dientes en lado

three treethree of the treeI seeI see the treesI see three of the trees

thought taughtI thoght I taughtI thoght for awhileI taught for awhileThe teacher taughtThe student thoughtThe teacher taught and the studentthought taught

pass pathwe passed on the pathBethwe passed Bethwe passed Beth on the path

bought clothShe bought the cloth

drink dressfor the dress pencilsShe bought the cloth for the dress

day they thurdaytoday is the day on Thursdaythey She bought the cloth on tursdaythey sing She bought the cloth for the dress on today is the day they sing thurdaywithwith us 3 4today is the day they sing with us clothing closing reason reading

the clothing store the reason2 the store is closing the reason for the problemfather ladder the clothing store is closing the reason for the reading problem

LESSON 27 /δ/

three motherthree hundred their motherthirty theythree hunddred and thirty they visit their motherthree then three hundred and thirty-three now and thenona thousand they visit their mother now and thenona thousand three hundred and thirty-three father

therethird my father was therethird Avenue otheron Third Avenue the other roomtheater in the other roomtne theater in on Third Avenue my father was there in the other room

both theseboth of us these pensthirsty ratherboth of us are thirsty I´d rathersomething I´d rather have these penssomething to drink thoseBoth of us are thirsty for somethig to those pencils

I´d rather have these pens than those

LESSON 28 /δ/, /d/ and /z/

Page 10: pronunciacion bertliz course plus

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

father is on the ladder the clothing store is closing early motherEddy Tursday mother asked the reasonEddy´s father this tursday mother asked the reason for theEddy´s father is on the ladder the clothing store is closing early this reading problemwooden Tursdaythe wooden ladderEddy´s father is on the wooden ladder

LESSON 29 /l/ LESSON 30 /r/ LESSON 31 /l/ and /r/al principio de la palabra se pronuncia la lengua no toca la parte superior decomo "l", al final se pronuncia con la la bocaengua ligeramente alta de parte posteior/I/ /r/ /l/ /r/


/r/ /ai/ /rai/


lession read light writelanguage read light to writelanguage lessons like need light to writelikes letterShe likes her language lessons read write a letterLisa read we need light to write a letterLisa likes her language lessons reading

write long wrongpencils write the long waybelong the wrong waythe pencils belong the long way is the wrong wayPaul write roadthe pencils belong to Paul write long roadall writing the long roadAll the pencils belong to Paul reading and writing the long road is the wrong road

we drove a long wayfollow shirt we drove a long way on the wrong roadrules preferfollow the rules I prefer a shirt cloud crowdlearn a cloud a crowdlearn to follow the rules wear over the cloudLarry wear a shirt over the crowdLarry is learning to follow the rules I prefer to wear a shirt the plane flew over the cloud

the plane flew over the crowdworkI prefer to wear a shirt to work

Rogerreadingis readingRoger is readingreportthe reportroger is reading the report in his room

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Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

LESSON 33 /m/ and /n/esta se pronuncia con un sonido similar la /m/ es identica que la española peroen la palabra tango, en ingles tambien se tenga cuidado al pronunciarla al final deescribe ng la palabra ya que se confunde con /n/



to musicMas descargas como estas en by edgarest

dinnerserveddinner is servedthirtysix-thirtyat six-thirtydinner is served at six-thirtyThursdayon tursdaydinner is served at six-thirty on tursday

LESSON 32 /ŋ/ LESSON 34 /n/ and /ŋ/

/ŋ/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/sing might phone rangsinger come the phone rangsinging he might come longthe singer is singing night a long timesong tonight the phone rang for a long timea song he might come toninghtthe singer is singing a song Jim rang

Jim might come toninght he ranbring he rangdrink made he ran for his dinnerbring a drink jam he rang for his dinnersink some jam eveningfrom the sink Tom in the eveningBring a drink fom the sink Tom made some jam he rang for his dinner in the eveninggoing motherhe´s going for this mother sang songhe´s going to bring a drink from the sink Tom made some jam for his mother he sang a song

Daneating eaten Dan sangthey´re eating has eaten Dan sang a songdrinking the baby has eaten song sunthey´re eating and drinking button a song about the sunlistening a button Dan sang a song about the sunlistening to music the baby has eaten a buttonthey´re eating and drinking and listening

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Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

LESSON 35 /k/ LESSON 36 /g/ LESSON 37 /k/ and /g/es semjante al sonido c de cara, salvo qu es semejante a la g dura de grande, ase-se presente al principio ya que se pronungurese que al pronunciar la g su lenguacia con un soplo de aliento toque la parte superior de la boca/k/ /g/ /k/ /g/

/g/ /k/

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

camera gas came gamecarry get he came to the gamecarry the camera get some gas classback go after classcar go and get some gas he came to the game after classback to the car guess begincarry the camera back to the car I guess I´ll go and get some gas began

he came to the game after class begancoffee getcup ragcup of coffee get me a rag bag backlike rug the bagI´d like to clean the rug the bag in the backI´d like a cup of coffee get me a rag to clean the rug put the bag in the backcake truckpiece of cake dog in the back of the truckI´d like a cup of coffee and a piece of cakebig put the bag in the back of the truck

the big dogsick tug rag rackweek tugging the rag the rackfor a week the big dog is tugging the rag in on the racksick for a week leg colorfulJenkins on my leg the colorful ragMr. Jenkins the big dog is tugging on my leg the colorful rag is on the rackMr. Jenkins was sick for a week gray

the gray rackthe colorful rag is on the gray rack

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Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

LESSON 38 /p/ LESSON 39 /b/ LESSON 40 /b/ and /p/es semejante a la p en pera. Sin embargocuando esta al principio de la palabra sepronuncia con un fuerte soplo de aliento/p/ /b/ /b/ /p/paper Bill buy pieput bottle buy a pieput the paper Bill tought a bottle bitepile beer I´d like a biteon the pile a bottle of beer If you buy a pie. I´d like a biteput the paper on the pile Bill tought a bottle of beerplease brother planningplease put the paper on the pile baby my brother is planning

crib stop clubpill the baby in the crib stop at the cluppills bottle my brother is planning to stop at the clubthese pills the baby has a bottlehelp the baby in the crib has a bottle symbol simplethese pills wil help blanket the symbol is simplesleep a bottle and a blanket it´s a simple symbolthese pills wil help you sleep the baby in the crib has a bottle and a ample

banket the symbol is simplepackage the symbol is simple. But it´s amplesimple boxthis package is simple boxesopen bigsimple to open the boxes are bigthis package is simple to open cupboard

in the cupboardthe boxes in the cupboardthe boxes in the cupboard are bigbothboth of the boxesbuth of the boxes are bigboth of the boxes in the cupboard arebig

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Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

LESSON 41 /f/ LESSON 42 /v/ LESSON 43 /f/ and /v/

/f/ /v/ /v/ /f/vine

/f/ /v/save

I´m saving my money

/v/ /f/

/v/ /f/

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

fruit leave finefound leaving the grapes are fineFred evening the grapes are on the vineFred found this evening the grapes on the vine are fineFred found the fruit I´m leaving this eveningfloor sevenon the floor safeFred found the fruit on the floor Venice

for Venice It´s is a safecoffee I´m leaving for Venice I´m saving my money in a safebreakfast I´m leaving for Venice this eveningcoffee at breakfast at sevenawful leave leafthe coffee at breakfast is awful river the leaf is over therefrequently to the river the leaf is on the vinefrequently awful Dave movethe coffee at breakfast is frequently awfulDave drove to the river don´t move the leaf

five leave the leafwife five miles leave the leaf on the vinephone Dave drove live miles to the riverFredFred phoned his wife vase give giftoffice lovely I´m giving a giftfrom the office a lovely vase wifeFred phoned his wife from the office Vera to my wife

Vera gave me a lovely vase I´m giving a gift to my wife lovelya lovely giftI´m giving a lovely gift to my wife

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LESSON 44 /h/ LESSON 45 /b/ and /v/ LESSON 46 /w/

/h/ /w/

/u:/ /i://wi:/

LESSON 45 /v/ and /w/1wine vinehe´s buying winehe´s buying a vinehe´ll plant the vine

/b/ /v/hand berry very wehat berrieshis hat in hand the berries are bighold they´re veri big we holding the berries are very big we werehe was holding blueberries werehe was holdng his hat in his hand the blueberries are very big

/u:/ /ǝr/hello /v/ /b/ /u:ǝr/Harry a vote a boat /wǝr/Harry said hello tney went to vote we werehall they went to the boat we were walkingin the hall they went to the boat to vote walkingHarry said hello in the hall walk

covered cupboardhear ear the bread was covered /u:/ /ɔ/I hear with my ear the bread was in the cupboard /wɔ/

the bread in the cupboard was covered walkEd head walkingEd was a good head we were walking

He´s ease weHe´s doing it with ease we walk

alwaysI hi we always walkI said hi to my friend work

to workwe always walk to work

onewomanone woman

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he´ll drink the wine two womenhe´ll plant the vine and drink the wine

2leave washingtonI´m leaving for Washington 3Wednesday veryI´m leaving for Washington his wendnesday it´s very warmvacation weatherWednesday the weather is very warmI´m leaving for Washington on vacation Venezuelathis Wednesday in Venezuela

the weather in Venezuela is very warm

Es el sonido que se hace cuando no quier el sonido de la /tʃ/ es el de la ch de chicoque se haga ruido (sssssh), se pronuncia con la lengua mas hacia atrás, trate de redodear los labios /ʒ/ /tʃ/


LESSON 51 /ʃ/ and /tʃ/1she´s cheeseshe´s eating cheesemuch 4too much ship cash

one of the womenwifehis wifeone of the women was his wife

LESSON 48 /ʃ/ LESSON 49 /ʒ/ LESSION 50 /tʃ/es la contrapartida de la sonora de /ʃ/

/ʃ/ leisure cheeseshoes leisure time sandwichshopping pleasure cheese sandwichshopping for shoes my leisure time gives me pleasure choseShirley usually I chose a cheese sandwich Shirley is shopping for shoes my leisure time usually gives me lunchshirt pleasure for luncha shirt I chose a cheese sandwich for lunchShirley is shopping for shoes and shirt casual

casual clothes muchfish I wear casual clothes how muchfishing occasionI went fishing occasions how much do you charge?ocean on casual occasions watchin the ocean I wear casual clothes on casual that watchI went fishing in the ocean occasions how much do you charge for that watch?shipon a ship decision teachI went fishing on a ship in the ocean a decision child

he made a decision I´m teaching the childAsia matchto go to Asia to light a matchhe made a decision to go to Asia I´m teaching the child to light a match

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she´s eating too much cheese we shipped the cash2 Whashington Chicagochoose shoes from Washington to Chicagochoose the shoes we shipped the cash from WashingtonI have to choose the shoes to Chicagoshoes choosewhich shoes to chooseI don´t know which shoes to choose3wash watchI´m washing the dogshe´s watching the dogshe´s watching me wash the dogMas descargas como estas en by edgarest

LESSON 54 /t/and /dʒ/el sonido "y" en igles es igual a la "ll" pro

de pronunciar la d y la ye rapidamente trate de pronunciar jazz como si la primenunciandose yepara producir este sonido re letra fuera d:djazz/dʒ/ jeep cheap New York you

a jeep engine York /i:yu:/a cheap engine /i:/ /u:/it was a jeep engine /i:u:/it was a cheap engine /i:ɔ/ /yu:/the jeep engine was a cheap engine /yɔ/ you´re

/yɔr/ you´re in new yorkJerry cherry YorkJerry took the cherries New Yorkjar in New Yorkthe jar of cherriesJerry took the jar of cherries yes

/i:yes/Marge marchMarge will march /i:Ɛ/chuch /yƐ/to the chuch yesMarge will march to the chuch yes, you´re in New Yorkjudgewith the judge YoungMarge will march to the chuch with the Youngjudge Mr. Young

universityat the universityMr. Young was at the university yesterdayMr. Young was at the university yesterday

yet jet

LESSON 52 /dʒ/ LESSON 53 /tʃ/ and /dʒ/es la conbinacion de la /d/ y la /ʒ/. trate el sonido /dʒ/ es sonoro y /tʃ/ es sordo

Johnjazz /i:yɔrkenjoy /i:/ /ɔ/John enjoys jazzJackJack enjoys jazz, tooJohn and Jack enjoy jazz

juiceorangeorange juicepassengersthe passengers drink orange juice on the /i:/ /Ɛ/jet

general soldiersthe general met the soldiersbridgeon the bridgethe general met the soldiers on the bridge

Page 18: pronunciacion bertliz course plus

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest

is the jet here?is it here yet?is the jet here yet?Germanythe jet from Germanyis the jet from Germany here yet?

Mas descargas como estas en by edgarest