PronounIdenficaon& Subject&PredicateIdenficaon Subject&Verb ...

Pronoun Iden*fica*on Subject & Predicate Iden*fica*on Subject Verb Agreement Direct & Indirect Objects Answer Keys Included Grades 610 Easy No Prep Sub Plan

Transcript of PronounIdenficaon& Subject&PredicateIdenficaon Subject&Verb ...

Page 1: PronounIdenficaon& Subject&PredicateIdenficaon Subject&Verb ...

Pronoun  Iden*fica*on  Subject  &  Predicate  Iden*fica*on  

Subject  Verb  Agreement  Direct  &  Indirect  Objects  Answer Keys Included


Grades  6-­‐10  Easy  No  Prep  Sub  Plan  

Page 2: PronounIdenficaon& Subject&PredicateIdenficaon Subject&Verb ...

Summer Grammar Worksheets

Hello,  and  thank  you  for  purchasing  this  Spring  Grammar  Worksheet  Packet!  Please  take  a  moment  to  provide  feedback  for  this  product.  I  really  appreciate  your  reviews!      I  created  these  grammar  worksheets  to  be  quick  and  easy  lesson  addiBons  for  my  class.  You  can  use  these  worksheets  to  not  only  teach,  review,  and  assess  these  grammar  concepts,  but  they  can  also  be  used  as  emergency  sub  or  backup  lesson  plans.      There  are  four  grammar  worksheets  in  this  packet:  pronoun  idenBficaBon,  subject  &  predicate  idenBficaBon,  subject  verb  agreement,  and  direct  &  indirect  objects.  Each  grammar  worksheet  includes  a  small  introducBon,  at  least  two  different  pracBce  exercises,  and  an  answer  key.      If  you  like  these  grammar  worksheets,  be  sure  to  check  out  all  of  my  holiday  and  seasonal  grammar  worksheets.    Once  again,  thank  you  for  your  purchase!    Sincerely,    The  Daring  English  Teacher  [email protected]  

Cover  graphics  by:  

Page 3: PronounIdenficaon& Subject&PredicateIdenficaon Subject&Verb ...

Pronoun Identification

Part 2

Directions: Write in the missing pronoun and identify it if is personal or possessive.

Example: _____________ Mary likes to bake chocolate chip cookies because ______ loves chocolate.

1.  Summer is Caroline’s favorite season because ( her / she ) birthday is in July.

2.  Jonathan and ( me / I ) love summer.

3.  All of us are going to the lake this summer, and ( us / we ) are renting a boat.

4.  In the summer, ( our / ours ) garden produces many fruits and vegetables.

5.  Swimming is ( mine / my ) favorite thing to do in the summer.

Name:  _________________________________________  Date:  ___________  Per:  ______  

Pronoun: A pronoun is a word that can take the place of another noun. Two types of pronouns are personal pronouns and possessive pronouns.

Personal pronouns refer to a person. Possessive pronouns are possessive forms of personal pronouns.

Part 1

Part 3

Directions: Circle the correct pronoun to make the sentence grammatically correct. Example: Mary likes chocolate because ( it / they ) is delicious.

1.  ___________ In the summer, Luis likes to spend __________ time in the pool.

2.  ___________ The young girl was happy because __________ summer break just started.

3.  ___________ Joe went back inside the house to grab __________ sunglasses because it was bright.

Personal Pronouns Possessive Pronouns

I us my mine

me you our ours

we him, her their theirs

she personal

Directions: Circle the noun that the bolded pronoun is referring to.

Example: Mary likes chocolate because it is delicious.

1.  When it is hot in the summer, people like to go swimming in their pools.

2.  Many crops are grown in the summer because it is a good season for growing.

3.  Many students like summer because it provides a break from school.

4.  The summer equinox usually takes place on June 21; it is the longest day of the year.

5.  Carl wants to go swimming today because he just bought new pool toys.

©  2015  –  The  Daring  English  Teacher  

Page 4: PronounIdenficaon& Subject&PredicateIdenficaon Subject&Verb ...

Directions: Identify the simple subject and predicate by underlining just the simple subject once and the simple predicate twice.

Example: The girls in the choir like to sing Jazz songs.

1.  The last day of summer is September 20.

2.  The sun rises earlier in the summer than it does in the winter.

3.  When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

4.  Marc Antony named the month of July in honor of Julius Caesar.

5.  Many people go on vacation during the summer months.

Name:  _________________________________________  Date:  ___________  Per:  ______  

Subject & Predicate Identification Subject: The topic of the sentence. This is what the sentence is about.Predicate: The action of the sentence that the subject participates in.

In order to be complete and grammatically correct, each sentence must have a subject and a predicate. In the examples below, the subject is underlined once and the predicate is underlined twice.

Complete Subject and Predicate: The small girl likes cookies.

Simple Subject and Predicate: The small girl likes cookies.

When you identify the complete subject and predicate, you will underline every word in the sentence. When you identify just the simple subject and predicate, you will only underline the subject and the predicate.

Part 1

Part 2

Directions: Identify the complete subject and predicate by underlining the subject once and the predicate twice.Example: The girls in the choir like to sing Jazz songs.

1.  The last day of summer is September 20.

2.  The sun rises earlier in the summer than it does in the winter.

3.  When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

4.  Marc Antony named the month of July in honor of Julius Caesar.

5.  Many people go on vacation during the summer months.

6.  Farmers harvest fruits, vegetables, and grains in the summer.

7.  The longest day of the year is the summer solstice.

8.  The group of friends went to the pool to swim.

9.  The little girl ate a slice of watermelon at the family picnic.

10. We celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks and barbeques. ©  2015  –  The  Daring  English  Teacher  

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Subject Verb Agreement

Directions: Read each sentence and determine if the subject and verb agree. Then write C for correct or I for incorrect on the line. If the sentence is incorrect, rewrite it so that the subject and verb agree.Example: ______ Mary like to bake chocolate chip cookies. Mary likes to bake chocolate chip cookies.

1.  Summer ( is / are ) one of the four seasons.

2.  The Fourth of July and Labor Day ( is / are) holidays that are celebrates in the summer.

3.  The teenagers ( is / are ) relaxing at the beach.

4.  The group of teenagers ( is / are ) at the beach.

5.  She ( enjoy / enjoys ) reading outside underneath the tree.

Subject: The topic of the sentence. This is what the sentence is about.Verb: The action of the sentence that the subject participates in.

The subject and its verb in a sentence MUST agree with each other in terms of being singular or plural. A singular noun must be accompanied by a singular verb, and a plural noun must be accompanied by a plural verb.

Part 1

Part 2

Singular Nouns Singular Verbs Plural Nouns Plural Verbs

he runs they run

she sits dogs sit

team plays both play

Directions: Underline the subject and circle the correct verb to make the verb agree with the subject.

Example: Mary ( like / likes ) chocolate.


1.  ______ The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. ______________________________________________________________________________

2.  ______ The people at the park enjoys the nice weather. ______________________________________________________________________________

3.  ______ Helios is the Titan god of the sun. ______________________________________________________________________________

4.  ______ There is four hotdogs cooking on the grill.

______________________________________________________________________________5.  ______ Is you enjoying the baseball game?


Name:  _________________________________________  Date:  ___________  Per:  ______  

©  2015  –  The  Daring  English  Teacher  

Page 6: PronounIdenficaon& Subject&PredicateIdenficaon Subject&Verb ...

Directions: Identify the verb, direct object and indirect object of each sentence. Underline the verb and write a V over it, then write DO over the direct object and IO over the indirect object.

Example: Mary likes baking cookies for family.

1.  The children went swimming in the community pool.

2.  The children played baseball in the alley.

3.  My uncle built the biggest sandcastle at the beach.

4.  Mary picked strawberries in the garden.

5.  The pitcher threw a perfect strike.

Directions: Identify the verb and direct object of each sentence. Underline the verb and write a V over it, then write DO over the direct object.

Example: Mary likes cookies.

Direct and Indirect Objects Direct object: a noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb or shows the result of the action.

You can ask “what?” “who” or “whom” after an action verb to find the direct object.

Example: The group of hikers climbed the mountain. (climbed what? The mountain)

Larry built a sandcastle. ( built what? A sandcastle)

The quarterback passed the ball. (passed what? The ball)

Part 1

Part 2

Name:  _________________________________________  Date:  ___________  Per:  ______  

1.  She picked the squash in her garden for dinner.

2.  The young girl gave a popsicle to her friend.

3.  The ice cream man sold ice cream to the children at the park.

4.  They gave us a an umbrella to take to the beach.

5.  Please bring me the sunscreen.




DO  V  

Indirect object: a noun or noun phrase that precedes the direct object and tells “to whom” or “for whom” the action of the verb is done and who is receiving the direct object.

A sentence must have a direct object for it to have an indirect object.

Example: Larry built a sandcastle for Abigail. ( built a sandcastle for whom? For Abigail)

The quarterback passed the ball to the receiver. (passed the ball to whom? The receiver)




V   DO   IO  

V   DO   IO  

DO   IO  V  

©  2015  –  The  Daring  English  Teacher  

Page 7: PronounIdenficaon& Subject&PredicateIdenficaon Subject&Verb ...

Pronoun Identification

Part 2

Directions: Write in the missing pronoun and identify it if is personal or possessive.

Example: _____________ Mary likes to bake chocolate chip cookies because ______ loves chocolate.

1.  Summer is Caroline’s favorite season because ( her / she ) birthday is in July.

2.  Jonathan and ( me / I ) love summer.

3.  All of us are going to the lake this summer, and ( us / we ) are renting a boat.

4.  In the summer, ( our / ours ) garden produces many fruits and vegetables.

5.  Swimming is ( mine / my ) favorite thing to do in the summer.

Name:  _________________________________________  Date:  ___________  Per:  ______  

Pronoun: A pronoun is a word that can take the place of another noun. Two types of pronouns are personal pronouns and possessive pronouns.

Personal pronouns refer to a person. Possessive pronouns are possessive forms of personal pronouns.

Part 1

Part 3

Directions: Circle the correct pronoun to make the sentence grammatically correct. Example: Mary likes chocolate because ( it / they ) is delicious.

1.  ___________ In the summer, Luis likes to spend __________ time in the pool.

2.  ___________ The young girl was happy because __________ summer break just started.

3.  ___________ Joe went back inside the house to grab __________ sunglasses because it was bright.

Personal Pronouns Possessive Pronouns

I us my mine

me you our ours

we him, her their theirs

she personal

Directions: Circle the noun that the bolded pronoun is referring to.

Example: Mary likes chocolate because it is delicious.

1.  When it is hot in the summer, people like to go swimming in their pools.

2.  Many crops are grown in the summer because it is a good season for growing.

3.  Many students like summer because it provides a break from school.

4.  The summer equinox usually takes place on June 21; it is the longest day of the year.

5.  Carl wants to go swimming today because he just bought new pool toys.

©  2015  –  The  Daring  English  Teacher  


possessive his her possessive


Page 8: PronounIdenficaon& Subject&PredicateIdenficaon Subject&Verb ...

Directions: Identify the simple subject and predicate by underlining just the simple subject once and the simple predicate twice.

Example: The girls in the choir like to sing Jazz songs.

1.  The last day of summer is September 20.

2.  The sun rises earlier in the summer than it does in the winter.

3.  When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

4.  Marc Antony named the month of July in honor of Julius Caesar.

5.  Many people go on vacation during the summer months.

Name:  _________________________________________  Date:  ___________  Per:  ______  

Subject & Predicate Identification Subject: The topic of the sentence. This is what the sentence is about.Predicate: The action of the sentence that the subject participates in.

In order to be complete and grammatically correct, each sentence must have a subject and a predicate. In the examples below, the subject is underlined once and the predicate is underlined twice.

Complete Subject and Predicate: The small girl likes cookies.

Simple Subject and Predicate: The small girl likes cookies.

When you identify the complete subject and predicate, you will underline every word in the sentence. When you identify just the simple subject and predicate, you will only underline the subject and the predicate.

Part 1

Part 2

Directions: Identify the complete subject and predicate by underlining the subject once and the predicate twice.Example: The girls in the choir like to sing Jazz songs.

1.  The last day of summer is September 20.

2.  The sun rises earlier in the summer than it does in the winter.

3.  When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

4.  Marc Antony named the month of July in honor of Julius Caesar.

5.  Many people go on vacation during the summer months.

6.  Farmers harvest fruits, vegetables, and grains in the summer.

7.  The longest day of the year is the summer solstice.

8.  The group of friends went to the pool to swim.

9.  The little girl ate a slice of watermelon at the family picnic.

10. We celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks and barbeques. ©  2015  –  The  Daring  English  Teacher  

Page 9: PronounIdenficaon& Subject&PredicateIdenficaon Subject&Verb ...

Subject Verb Agreement

Directions: Read each sentence and determine if the subject and verb agree. Then write C for correct or I for incorrect on the line. If the sentence is incorrect, rewrite it so that the subject and verb agree.Example: ______ Mary like to bake chocolate chip cookies. Mary likes to bake chocolate chip cookies.

1.  Summer ( is / are ) one of the four seasons.

2.  The Fourth of July and Labor Day ( is / are) holidays that are celebrates in the summer.

3.  The teenagers ( is / are ) relaxing at the beach.

4.  The group of teenagers ( is / are ) at the beach.

5.  She ( enjoy / enjoys ) reading outside underneath the tree.

Subject: The topic of the sentence. This is what the sentence is about.Verb: The action of the sentence that the subject participates in.

The subject and its verb in a sentence MUST agree with each other in terms of being singular or plural. A singular noun must be accompanied by a singular verb, and a plural noun must be accompanied by a plural verb.

Part 1

Part 2

Singular Nouns Singular Verbs Plural Nouns Plural Verbs

he runs they run

she sits dogs sit

team plays both play

Directions: Underline the subject and circle the correct verb to make the verb agree with the subject.

Example: Mary ( like / likes ) chocolate.


1.  ______ The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. ______________________________________________________________________________

2.  ______ The people at the park enjoys the nice weather. ______________________________________________________________________________

3.  ______ Helios is the Titan god of the sun. ______________________________________________________________________________

4.  ______ There is four hotdogs cooking on the grill.

______________________________________________________________________________5.  ______ Is you enjoying the baseball game?


Name:  _________________________________________  Date:  ___________  Per:  ______  

©  2015  –  The  Daring  English  Teacher  

The people at the park enjoy the nice weather.





I There are four hotdogs cooking on the grill.

Are you enjoying the baseball game?

Page 10: PronounIdenficaon& Subject&PredicateIdenficaon Subject&Verb ...

Directions: Identify the verb, direct object and indirect object of each sentence. Underline the verb and write a V over it, then write DO over the direct object and IO over the indirect object.

Example: Mary likes baking cookies for family.

1.  The children went swimming in the community pool.

2.  The children played baseball in the alley.

3.  My uncle built the biggest sandcastle at the beach.

4.  Mary picked strawberries in the garden.

5.  The pitcher threw a perfect strike.

Directions: Identify the verb and direct object of each sentence. Underline the verb and write a V over it, then write DO over the direct object.

Example: Mary likes cookies.

Direct and Indirect Objects Direct object: a noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb or shows the result of the action.

You can ask “what?” “who” or “whom” after an action verb to find the direct object.

Example: The group of hikers climbed the mountain. (climbed what? The mountain)

Larry built a sandcastle. ( built what? A sandcastle)

The quarterback passed the ball. (passed what? The ball)

Part 1

Part 2

Name:  _________________________________________  Date:  ___________  Per:  ______  

1.  She picked the squash in her garden for dinner.

2.  The young girl gave a popsicle to her friend.

3.  The ice cream man sold ice cream to the children at the park.

4.  They gave us a an umbrella to take to the beach.

5.  Please bring me the sunscreen.




DO  V  

Indirect object: a noun or noun phrase that precedes the direct object and tells “to whom” or “for whom” the action of the verb is done and who is receiving the direct object.

A sentence must have a direct object for it to have an indirect object.

Example: Larry built a sandcastle for Abigail. ( built a sandcastle for whom? For Abigail)

The quarterback passed the ball to the receiver. (passed the ball to whom? The receiver)




V   DO   IO  

V   DO   IO  

DO   IO  V  

©  2015  –  The  Daring  English  Teacher  





V   DO  










IO  IO  






