Promoting)best)assessment)practice ... · EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 7 !...

Promoting best assessment practice in medical education in Europe Annual report academic year 2016 – 2017

Transcript of Promoting)best)assessment)practice ... · EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 7 !...

Promoting  best  assessment  practice  in  medical  education  in  Europe  

 Annual  report  academic  year    

2016  –  2017    

EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 2  


Introduction by the President .................................................................................. 3  

EBMA Governance ................................................................................................. 4  EBMA membership ................................................................................................ 5  

Review of activities and achievements in 2016-2017 .................................................. 7  EBMA participants meeting 2017 .......................................................................... 7  

Update Workplace-based assessment working group ............................................... 7  European Knowledge Test ................................................................................... 9  

EBMA International Progress Testing ..................................................................... 9  EBMA Scientific Committee ................................................................................ 10  

EBMA Training Psychometrics ............................................................................. 11  EBMA Conferences .............................................................................................. 12  

EBMA Annual Conference on Assessment ............................................................. 12  EBMA Annual Conference 2018 ........................................................................ 13

Conference ‘Looking ahead in progress testing’ .................................................... 14  

EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 3  

Introduction  by  the  President  

Welcome  to  the  annual  report  for  this  last  academic  year  2016  -­‐  2017.  As  you  will  read,  the  European  Board  of  Medical  Assessors  goes  from  strength  to  strength  with  more  activities  and  more  partners.  I  particularly  wish  to  acknowledge  the  huge  contribution  that  Lesley  Southgate  has  made  to  the  development  of  the  organisation  and  she  has  left  EBMA  in  excellent  shape.  

It  was  great  to  see  so  many  of  you  at  the  annual  conference  in  Egmond  and  I  look  forward  to  working  with  you  in  the  next  year.  Please  contact  us  with  any  questions,  suggestions,  ideas  and  enjoy  reading  the  report.  


                                                                       Introduction  by  the  Director    With  pleasure  we  note  that  EBMA  is  growing  as  an  assessment  community.  A  community  of  expertise  to  promote  good  assessment.  Most  memorable  was  our  annual  conference.  We  heard  many  comments  of  appreciation  of  a  get-­‐together  with  people  having  a  similar  interest.  EBMA  will  continue  to  support  this  community  with  our  products,  services  and  meetings.  2017  was  a  productive  year  where  our  foundation  became  legally  embedded.  We  also  had  some  changes  in  the  Board  membership.  We  thank  Professor  Lesley  Southgate  for  all  the  years  of  leadership.  She  will  remain  on  Board  as  our  Past-­‐President.  We  look  forward  working  with  you  again  in  the  near  future.      

Prof. Adrian Freeman

Prof. Cees van der Vleuten

EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 4  

EBMA  Governance   EBMA  has  now  completed  it’s  formal  process  to  become  an  independent  Foundation.  The  Foundation  is  chartered  in  January  2017  in  Maastricht,  the  Netherlands,  registered  at  the  Chambre  of  Commerce  in  the  Netherlands.  There  are  official  by  laws  in  Dutch  and  translated  into  English.  There  are  several  bodies  within  the  foundation,  which  are  the  following:  

• Board  Representing  and  managing  the  Foundation  

• Council  of  Audit  &  Governance  Supervision  of  the  Board’s  management  and  day  to  day  running  of  the  Foundation.  Gives  assistance  and  advice  to  the  board,  on  request  and  on  own  initiative.  

• Council  of  Participants  Sharing  knowledge  and  professional  skills.  Participants  could  be  appointed  for  the  Foundation’s  bodies  or  committees.  

• Technical  and  Scientific  committee(s)  Mapping  out  the  strategic  policy  regarding  scientific  and  operational  matters  and  informing  the  Board  accordingly.  Currently  there  are  3  active  committees:  European  Knowledge  Testing/International  Progress  Testing,  Workplace-­‐based  assessment,  Scientific  committee.  

The  picture  below  presents  the  organizational  and  legislative  structure  of  the  foundation.  

     In  2017  the  Board  was  constituted  by  the  following  persons:    President  –  Prof.  Lesley  Southgate  Director  –  Prof.  Cees  van  der  Vleuten  Treasurer  –  Prof.  Adrian  Freeman  

EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 5  

Board  member  –  Prof.  José  Miguel  Pêgo    In  November  2017,  the  following  changes  have  been  mad  and  the  board  is  constituted  as  followed:    President  –  Prof.  Adrian  Freeman  Director:  Prof.  Cees  van  der  Vleuten  Immediate  Past  president  –  Prof.  Dame  Lesley  Southgate  Treasurer  /  Board  member  –  Prof.  José  Miguel  Pêgo   The  Council  of  Audit  and  Governance:            Chair  –  Prof.  Pauline  McAvoy          Member  –  Prof.  Debbie  Jaarsma   The  Council  of  Participants:  

1. Belgium:  Ghent  University  2. Finland:  University  of  Helsinki  3. Georgia:  David  Tvildiani  Medical  University  4. Netherlands:  University  Medical  Center  Groningen  5. Netherlands:  Maastricht  University  6. Poland:  Jagiellonian  University  7. Poland:  Medical  Universit  of  Lodz  8. Portugal:  University  of  Minho  9. Spain:  Institutio  Fundación  Practicum  10. UK:  University  of  Exeter  11. UK:  Plymouth  University  

EBMA  membership  

Individual  membership  In  2017,  EBMA  launched  during  the  EBMA  annual  conference  the  possibility  to  become  an  individual  (affiliated)  member.  This  membership  is  for  anyone  who  has  a  strong  interest  in  medical  education  assessment  and  who  is  not  associated  with  an  organisation/institution  which  is  an  EBMA  member.  It  allows  individuals  to  sustain  a  relationship  with  EBMA  as  individual  members  will  be  part  of  a  community  of  assessment  professionals.    In  2017,  EBMA  welcomed  8  individual  members  and  is  sure  that  more  individuals  will  subscribe.    The  objectives  of  the  EBMA  Individual  membership  programme  are:  

1) To  maximize  the  participation  of  individuals  within  the  activities  of  EBMA.    2) To  create  a  broader  community  of  assessment  specialist  or  persons  interested  in  medical  

education  assessment  within  Europe.    3) To  link  individuals  with  (other)  assessment  specialist  throughout  the  world  and  provide  a  

meeting  place  to  share  interest  in  medical  education  assessment.  

EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 6  

 The  first  meeting  with  all  our  individual  members  will  be  scheduled  during  the  EBMA  conference  in  Braga  in  November  2018.      

Institutional  membership    A  number  of  institutions  have  acknowledged  the  benefits  to  being  a  member  of  EBMA.  Several  institutional  members  make  use  of  the  EBMA  European  Knowledge  Test  and/or  have  implemented  the  EBMA  International  Progress  Test.    The  main  reason  to  become  a  member  is  the  community  aspect  of  EBMA  where  joint  initiatives  between  participants  are  being  executed  and  events  organized.        Institutional  membership  is  also  designed  to  assist  schools  and  universities  with  developing,  supporting  and  sustaining  their  assessment  programme.  Several  visits  of  EBMA  have  been  made  to  University  Medical  Centre  Groningen,  Medical  University  of  Lodz  and  David  Tvildiani  Medical  University  to  train  faculty  members  and  provide  advice  on  topics  such  as  workplace-­‐based  assessment,  EBMA  international  progress  testing  and  evidence-­‐based  assessment.      Detailed  information  about  EBMA  membership  can  be  found  on  our  website:        

EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 7  

Review  of  activities  and  achievements  in  2016-­‐2017  

EBMA  participants  meeting  2017    On  Monday  November  13th  the  annual  meeting  of  the  Council  of  Participants  took  place  in  Egmond  aan  Zee,  the  Netherlands.  The  meeting  was  limited  to  two  hours  and  subjects  included  current  and  future  EBMA  conferences,  ongoing  projects,  the  future  of  EBMA  and  funding  opportunities.  Moreover,  the  meeting  was  discussed  the  needs  of  all  participants  on  training  in  assessment,  wishes  with  respect  to  new  initiatives  and  the  new  organization  of  EBMA  in  the  form  as  a  Foundation.      


Update  Workplace-­‐based  assessment  working  group  

Aims  The  aim  of  the  Workplace-­‐Based  Assessment  working  group  is  to  produce  a  WBA-­‐course  on  line  enabling  workplace-­‐based  assessment  (WBA)  of  medical  performance,  communication,  professionalism  and  collaboration  in  authentic  working  settings  by  observation  of  medical  consultations  and  actual  behaviour  of  students  /  trainees  within  a  team  to  provide  narrative  feedback  for  learning.  Both  assessment  procedures  and  instruments  have  been  developed  for  use  in  each  European  country.  

Definition  WBA  WBA  has  been  defined  as  a  direct  observation  in  authentic  clinical  environments  of  a  specific  element  of  interconnected  competencies  performed  by  a  (learning)  professional.    WBA  is  typically  brief,  criterion-­‐based  and  low-­‐stakes  prompting  an  immediate  feedback  encounter.  WBA  is  an  essential  part  of  programmatic  assessment,  a  systematic  method  to  collect  data  across  learner’s  training  from  multiple  domains  of  competence.  WBA  supports  educators  to  tailor  future  instruction  to  assist  with  remediation  or  acceleration  of  learning.    So,  WBA  assesses  performance  on  the  “does-­‐level”  of  Miller’s  pyramid.  It  has  to  be  undertaken  in  the  workplace  to  facilitate  learning  through  constructive  feedback.  It  should  be  undertaken  frequently  to  increase  reliability.  WBA  identifies  

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areas  for  development  to  help  trainees  and  trainers.  If  desired,  WBA  contributes  to  evidence  for  summative  judgements  on  the  progress  of  the  trainee.  

The  benefits  of  WBA  within  EBMA  The  blueprint  of  the  EBMA  WBA  has  been  based  on  both  CanMEDS  and  Good  Medical  Practice  competency  frameworks.  WBA  focuses  on  observable  performance  and  is  based  on  specific  criteria.  It  encompasses  integrated  skills,  knowledge,  behaviour  and  attitudes  (competencies)  regarding  medical  performance,  communication  with  patients,  collaboration  within  a  team  and  leadership.  WBA  on  line  samples  across  important  workplace  tasks  or  activities  (including  Entrustable  professional  activities)  and  provides  descriptors  /  profiles  to  aid  the  assessor’s  judgement  and  feedback.  

EBMA  WBA  on  line  encourages  trainee/trainer  dialogue,  reflection  by  trainee  /  trainer,  and  provides  a  personal  trajectory  of  progress  by  a  trainee  to  improve  practice.  

Products  of  the  WBA  working  group  –  work  in  progress  –  We  have  developed  a  number  of  slides  (PPT)  for  our  clients  to  support  development  and  implementation  of  WBA  in  their  country.  Moreover,  we  produce  assessment  instruments  and  manuals:  

• Video  assessment  of  clinical  encounters  (VAC).  • The  clinical  reasoning  and  reflecting  form  (CRRF),  helps  trainee  in  the  reflecting  process,  a  

worthwhile  add-­‐on  to  the  tool  and  the  process  of  both  the  VAC  and  the  Mini-­‐CEX.  • Mini-­‐CEX:  instrument  for  direct  observation  of  clinical  encounters  • Multi  Source  Feedback  (MSF)  • E-­‐Portfolio:  for  reflection,  feedback,  uploading  video  encounters  etc.  

The  clinical  reasoning  and  reflecting  form  (CRRF)  In  September  2017  we  presented  the  Video  Assessment  of  Clinical  performance  and  the  clinical  reasoning  and  reflecting  form  (CRRF)  at  the  AMEE  conference  in  Helsinki.  It  is  an  instrument  to  assess  patient  related  skills  by  videoing  real  life  consultations.  We  showed  an  online  video  system  (within  EPASS)  for  submitting  the  consultations  by  the  candidate,  allowing  assessors  to  review,  score,  provide  feedback  and  make  a  decision  about  the  candidate’s  performance.  The  overall  conclusion  was  that  the  instruments  fulfills  needs,  participants  were  positive  about  the  content  of  the  instruments  and  about  using  it.  It  helps  to  give  feedback  in  a  proper  and  complete  way.  Remarks  were  on  legal  and  on  cultural  matters.  It  is  ready  for  use  by  partner  institutions  of  EBMA.  

In  November  2017  we  piloted  the  Mini-­‐CEX  instrument  at  the  EBMA  Conference  in  Egmond  and  we  presented  our  Multi  Source  Feedback  instrument  as  well.  Developments  will  be  made  to  improve  content  and  clarity  of  scales  used.  

Future  plans  Next  year  a  pilot  is  planned  with  non-­‐GP’s  and  non-­‐UK  doctors  for  the  EBMA  WBA  instruments  and  the  working  group  will  propose  a  market  plan  on  how  to  use,  introduce  and  spread  the  instruments.  

Members  of  the  WBA  working  group  

Dr.  Paul  Ram  (Maastricht  University,  NL)  –  Chair  

EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 9  

Dr.  Thomas  Gale  (Plymouth  University,  UK)  

Agata  Stalmach-­‐Przygoda  (Jagiellonian  University,  Poland)  

Magda  Szopa  (Jagiellonian  University,  Poland)  

Prof.  Pauline  McAvoy  (London,  UK)  

Prof.  Lesley  Southgate  (London,  UK    

European  Knowledge  Test  

The  European  Knowledge  Test  is  a  useful  assessment  tool  to  detect  strong  points  of  a  medical  school’s  undergraduate  curricula  by  comparing  the  results  of  other  students  within  the  pool  of  participating  institutions.  The  University  of  Helsinki  is  one  of  the  European  schools  who  use  this  EBMA  test  to  find  areas  for  further  development  and  to  give  their  students  feedback  within  a  European  context.  During  the  EBMA  Conference,  an  Angoff  procedure  for  the  standard  setting  of  the  EKT  has  taken  place,  in  order  to  calculate  the  impact  of  the  recently  included  items  on  the  test  cut  score.  

Also  in  the  recent  EBMA  Conference,  the  University  of  Helsinki  medical  school  gave  an  oral  presentation  about  the  usefulness  of  the  European  Knowledge  Test  (EKT)  as  a  benchmarking  tool.  By  comparing  the  results  of  their  students  with  the  performance  of  the  pool  of  participating  institutions,  the  stakeholders  at  Helsinki  were  able  to  detect  the  strong  points  of  their  curriculum  and  the  areas  that  need  further  development.  The  results  have  confirmed  their  earlier  perceptions.  But  now  they  were  able  to  have  much  more  precise  insights,  as  now  they  have  access  to  the  magnitude  of  the  differences  in  performance  levels  between  their  students  and  the  students  from  other  European  universities.  

The  magnitude  of  such  differences  (i.e.  the  effect  sizes)  are  expressed  in  terms  of  Cohen’s  d  coefficients,  which  provide  information  in  terms  of  how  many  standard  deviations  their  students  are  above  or  below  the  pool  of  participating  schools.  Such  coefficients  are  calculated  for  the  total  test  scores  but  also  for  more  than  40  subscores,  divided  in  four  axes:  clusters  (clinical  sciences,  basic  sciences,  behavioral  sciences  and  statistics),  traditional  disciplines  (such  as  Pediatrics  and  Internal  Medicine)  and  system-­‐based  categories  (e.g.  respiratory  system  and  musculoskeletal  system).  

A  few  weeks  ago  dr.  Carlos  Collares  visited  Helsinki  for  some  workshops  and  work  meetings  with  the  staff  and  they  unanimously  agreed  the  EKT  was  a  useful  tool  for  quality  assurance.  One  good  development  about  the  EKT  is  that  the  test  is  now  also  offered  as  an  online  computer-­‐based  test,  allowing  a  shorter  testing  time  for  students.  As  a  consequence  of  this  implementation,  test  results  can  now  be  processed  more  quickly  too.    

EBMA  International  Progress  Testing    

There  are  some  important  updates  regarding  EBMA  International  Progress  Test  in  the  period  covered  by  this  report.  Finland,  represented  by  the  University  of  Helsinki  has  joined  EBMA  International  Progress  Test  initiative  after  a  successful  pilot  application  of  the  computerized  adaptive  version  of  

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the  test.  David  Tvildiani  Medical  University,  in  Tbilisi,  Georgia,  has  also  done  a  pilot  application  of  the  adaptive  International  Progress  Test  with  their  students.    

Concurrently,  under  the  auspices  of  the  Educational  Institute  of  the  Faculty  of  Health,  Medicine  and  Life  Sciences,  Maastricht  University  in  the  Netherlands  and  Suleiman  Al  Rajhi  University  in  Saudi  Arabia  had  the  opportunity  to  apply  a  computerized  adaptive  progress  test.  This  implementation  has  had  supervision  and  support  from  Maastricht  University  staff,  some  of  which  are  also  part  of  EBMA.  To  our  knowledge,  it  is  the  first  computerized  adaptive  progress  test  used  with  both  formative  and  summative  purposes.    

Meanwhile,  in  Mexico,  Monterrey  Tec,  one  of  the  most  prestigious  higher  education  institutions  in  Latin  America,  has  completed  three  years  of  successful  use  of  the  computerized  adaptive  International  Progress  Test.  We  expect  that  EBMA  and  Monterrey  Tec  shall  strengthen  the  relationship  in  the  years  to  come.  

In  all  institutions  cited  above  there  were  great  evaluations  by  students  and  staff  as  well  as  very  high  degrees  of  reliability  for  all  academic  years  (0,90-­‐0,96).  The  adaptive  algorithm  used  in  the  test  dynamically  selects  the  difficulty  of  the  items  according  to  the  level  of  performance  demonstrated  by  the  test  taker.  This  allows  the  increase  and  the  homogeneity  of  reliability  estimates  but  also  the  reduction  of  test  length  by  approximately  50%,  thus  also  reducing  student  fatigue.  More  importantly,  the  adaptive  approach  to  progress  testing  to  can  be  construed  as  a  better  alignment  of  progress  testing  initiatives  to  modern  learning  theories,  such  as  constructivism.  The  adaptive  nature  of  the  test  can  be  construed  a  rough,  imperfect,  but  yet  useful  approximation  to  Vygotsky’s  zone  of  proximal  development.    

Conscious  that  one  size  does  not  fit  all,  EBMA  is  aimed  to  promote  a  greater  level  of  flexibility  and  local  customization  of  the  International  Progress  Test  content,  including  the  possibility  of  using  either  the  paper-­‐based  fixed  version  or  the  computerized  adaptive  version  of  the  International  Progress  Test,  the  inclusion  of  translated  items  to  the  local  language,  as  well  as  a  greater  integration  between  partners  for  item  exchange  and  benchmarking  initiatives.  Our  next  goals  also  include  scientific  research,  particularly  the  effects  of  adaptive  progress  testing  on  student  motivation  and  learning.  And  last,  but  not  least,  EBMA  is  focused  on  expanding  the  community  of  participating  schools,  so  that  more  students  can  benefit  from  this  innovative  assessment  tool  of,  for  and  as  learning,  while  continuing  to  provide  an  increasingly  cost-­‐effective  solution  to  medical  schools  worldwide.  


EBMA  Scientific  Committee    The  Board  of  EBMA  has  appointed  Dr.  Amir  Sam  to  lead  the  Scientific  Committee.  Dr  Amir  Sam  is  an  individual  member  of  EBMA  and  a  Consultant  Endocrinologist  at  Hammersmith  and  Charing  Cross  Hospitals..  He  completed  his  PhD  in  Neuroendocrinology  as  a  Wellcome  Trust  Clinical  Research  Fellow  at  Imperial  College  London.  Dr.  Sam  is  now  exploring  with  the  Board  possible  topics  for  potential  research  activities.    

EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 11  

EBMA  Training  Psychometrics  

EBMA  has  noticed  a  growing  demand  for  more  practical,  hands-­‐on  activities  involving  Psychometrics.  Many  people  wanted  not  only  to  interpret  evidence  on  validity  and  reliability,  but  also  to  carry  out  adequate  analyses  themselves.  

The  EBMA  Course  on  Psychometrics  applied  to  healthcare  professions  education  has  been  created  to  fulfil  a  gap:  a  course  that  gives  more  than  just  the  theoretical  aspects,  thereby  enabling  participants  to  carry  out  many  analyses  themselves  and  to  interpret  the  findings.  

Our  first  edition  of  the  course  in  July  2017  had  25  participants.  They  came  from  different  countries,  had  different  ages  and  different  levels  of  expertise.  It  was  encouraging  to  see  the  more  experienced  students  helping  their  colleagues.  And  it  was  wonderful  to  see  participants  from  all  age-­‐groups  able  to  run  item  response  theory  analyses  in  R,  without  any  prior  contact  with  R,  nor  any  other  psychometric  software.  We  especially  appreciated  that  our  participants  were  able  to  understand  the  limitations  of  Psychometrics  while  getting  a  glimpse  of  the  most  recent,  emerging,  Psychometric  techniques  too.                                                

Testimonial – Training participant 2017

Dr. Rachmad Swarwo Bekti, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

‘I recommend to everybody who is interested in psychometric application in medical education to join the training, especially those who still knew nothing on this subject. I learned in practice of using RStudio to do essentials psychometry analysis (promptly in IRT & EFA) and practicing G-theory analysis by using most affordable software. This training has also made me confident enough to provide interpretation of any assessment result. The introduction section and practical sessions would shift the participant from novice to advance beginner status.’

EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 12  

EBMA  Conferences    EBMA  Annual  Conference  on  Assessment    About  150  assessment  professionals  from  25  different  countries  came  together  for  the  2nd  EBMA  conference  (14-­‐15  November)  in  the  Netherlands  to  share  knowledge  on  the  latest  trends  in  assessment  in  medical  education.  The  main  subject  was  Transformative  Assessment  and  participants  attended  the  conference  to  explore  opportunities  for  assessment  developments,  to  look  how  assessment  can  be  transformative  and  to  find  out  about  current  issues  and  initiatives  in  assessment  in  medical  education.      

     The  keynote  lecture  by  Prof.  Shiphra  Ginsburg  considered  the  value  of  narrative  feedback  during  assessment  processes  and  the  keynote  of  Prof.  Janke  Cohen-­‐Schotanus  addressed  how  assessment  can  be  used  to  optimize  student  learning.  There  was  time  for  discussion  and  reflection  which  led  to  a  constructive  atmosphere  indicated  by  the  participants.    During  both  days  a  range  of  workshops,  poster  presentations  and  thematic  presentations  were  given  and  at  the  end  of  each  day  a  symposia  and  debate  was  organized  around  the  theme  transformative  assessment.    The  results  of  a  feedback  survey  completed  by  the  participants  showed  that  in  general  the  conference  was  really  focused  on  assessment,  friendly,  small-­‐scaled  and  visited  by  professionals  throughout  the  world  with  a  similar  interest.  The  conference  was  unique  because  of  the  specific  topic  of  assessment  and  the  networking  opportunities  with  a  limited  group  of  people.  With  respect  to  the  content,  participants  mentioned  that  this  conference  kept  them  up-­‐to-­‐date  since  assessment  is  moving  towards  different  directions.  It  was  useful  for  developing  strategies,  change  management  and  to  explore  the  fundamentals  and  principles  of  assessment    


EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 13  

Points  for  improvement  as  a  result  of  the  survey  are  related  to  the  set-­‐up  of  the  programme,  which  is  more  room  for  research  papers  about  similar  topics  on  assessment,  a  meet  the  expert  session  and  the  inclusion  of  a  social  programme.  The  organizing  committee  of  2018  has  been  formed  and  started  her  first  activities.  All  results  of  the  survey  will  be  taken  into  account  by  organizing  the  next  conference.      

EBMA  Annual  Conference  2018      The  EBMA  Conference  2018  will  take  place  at  the  University  of  Minho,  Braga,  Portugal  on  November  22,  23  and  24  2018  and  the  main  subject  is  ‘Technology  enabled  assessment’.    

Technology  is  an  integrant  part  of  our  lives  and  its  presence  is  becoming  ever  more  embedded  in  the  context  of  Medical  Education.  Whether  using  technology  to  enhance  the  experience  of  traditional  learning  methods  or  to  the  application  of  large  scale  education  such  as  Massive  Open  Online  Courses,  technology  has  reshaped  the  landscape  of  Medical  Education.  Assessment  has  not  been  an  exception  to  this  change.  There  has  been  a  progressive  shift  from  traditional  paper  and  pencil  testing  to  electronic  formats  that  have  greatly  improved  the  administration  of  tests  and  provided  means  of  immediate  feedback  that  were  unthinkable  before.  Additionally,  other  forms  of  assessment  have  emerged  that  were  impossible  without  technology.  Simulation  based  assessment,  computer  adaptive  testing  or  computer  generated  items  are  just  some  examples  of  how  technology  has  reshaped  older  methods  but  there  is  a  whole  new  field  that  is  starting  to  be  integrated  in  the  way  we  assess  and  monitor  student’s  performance.  Concepts  such  as  the  Internet-­‐of-­‐Things  where  smart  devices  are  interlinked  to  monitor  and  enhance  students’  experience  or  the  use  of  Artificial  Intelligence  to  improve  the  knowledge  that  we  can  gather  from  traditional  data  and  the  new  devices  are  just  some  of  the  new  avenues  in  assessment.  

The  conference  will  present  an  exciting  program  with  two  fantastic  keynote  speakers:  

• Andre  De  Champlain  (Medical  Council,  Canada),  an  expert  in  psychometrics  and  the  use  of  automatic  item  generation  

• Marco  Antonio  Carvalho-­‐Filho  (Groningen  University,  The  Netherlands),  who  has  developed  an  innovative  program  using  e-­‐learning  and  social  networks  in  the  context  of  emergency  medicine  education.  





EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 14  





Conference  ‘Looking  ahead  in  progress  testing’    EBMA  organizes  in  collaboration  with  University  of  Exeter  Medical  School  a  one-­‐day  conference  titled  ‘Looking  ahead  in  progress  testing’  on  June  22th  2018  in  Exeter,  UK.    

This  is  an  international  conference  with  a  line-­‐up  of  leading  expert  speakers  in  the  field  of  medical  assessment.    

The  keynote  speakers  are:  

• Professor  Cees  van  der  Vleuten,  Professor  of  Education,  Maastricht  University,  The  Netherlands  

• Professor  Adrian  Freeman,  Professor  of  Medical  Education,  University  of  Exeter  Medical  School,  UK  

• Assistant  Professor  Carlos  Collares,  Maastricht  University,  The  Netherlands  

This  conference  is  open  to  all  and  those  experienced  with  Progress  Testing  (PT)  can  come  and  present  academic  findings;  and  those  new  to  PT  can  learn  more  about  it  and  present  their  academic  questions.    

The  organizing  committee  of  2018  consist  of:    • Prof.  José  Miguel  Pêgo,  University  of  Minho,  

Portugal  (Chair)  • Prof.  Cees  van  der  Vleuten,  Maastricht  University,  

the  Netherlands  • Prof.  Janusz  Janczukowicz,  Medical  University  of  

Lodz,  Poland  • Dr.  Thomas  Gale,  Plymouth  University,  UK  • Annemarie  Camp  MSc,  European  Board  of  Medical  

Assessors  • Danielle  Townsend  MSc,  European  Board  of  

Medical  Assessors   In  2019  the  EBMA  annual  conference  is  planned  prior  to  the  AMEE  conference.  

EBMA Annual report 2016 – 2017 15  

 More  information  can  be  found  here:            




Promoting  best  assessment  practice    in  medical  education  in  Europe     EBMA  European  Board  of  Medical  Assessors  Universiteitssingel  60  6229  ER  Maastricht  P.O.  Box  616,  6200  MD  Maastricht  The  Netherlands  Phone:  +31  43  38  85  733  E-­‐mail:  [email protected]