PROMOTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR POLICY Policy 2011.pdfE:\Admin\Admin\Office Staff\Rectors\policies\PPB...

MONIFIETH HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR POLICY E:\Admin\Admin\Office Staff\Rectors\policies\PPB Policy 2011.docx 1

Transcript of PROMOTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR POLICY Policy 2011.pdfE:\Admin\Admin\Office Staff\Rectors\policies\PPB...




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    It is commonly recognised that high standards of behaviour in the classroom have a major impact on effective learning and teaching. In Monifieth High School, we seek to establish and maintain a positive and disciplined learning environment which promotes mutual respect between staff (teaching and support) and pupils at all times. Through a uniform and structured approach, we can nurture an ethos of achievement. Working co-operatively, we can help young people to evaluate their strengths and encourage them to develop their levels of responsibility. This should, ultimately, allow all pupils to achieve their academic and personal potential and feel safe within the school and wider community. Within the school, there are many examples of good practice which have a positive influence on the behaviour of young people and there is recognition that praise and commendation, in supporting this, can be used to good effect. This policy builds on the good practice currently undertaken in the classroom and encourages a consistent approach and application through following the procedures set out in the following pages. All pupils, staff, parents and other agencies have a role to play in ensuring that young people know what standards of behaviour are expected and in supporting them to make the right choices.

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  • Aim The aim of this policy is to encourage and recognise the benefits of positive behaviour. Objectives • To ensure that all pupils understand how they are expected to behave when they are in school and to support and guide them to make the right choices with regards to behaviour. • To positively encourage and recognise pupils who behave in an appropriate way. • To establish a calm, disciplined environment in which effective learning and teaching can take place . • To promote a consistent approach and application of standards by all members of staff.

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  • 2. ROLES IN PROMOTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR “Curriculum for Excellence cannot be delivered without good relationships and positive behaviour. Children and young people should feel happy, safe, respected and included in the learning environment and all staff should be proactive in promoting positive behaviour in the classroom, playground, and wider learning community. Underpinning this is the emotional health and wellbeing of staff.”

    The Role of Pupils • To make choices regarding their behaviour. • To know that making the right choice produces a better working environment for all, resulting in positive educational experiences and achievement in school. • To understand that positive educational experiences result in rewards both academically and personally. • To follow the expectations and responsibilities throughout the school itself and within all school activities.

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  • The Role of Teachers and Support Staff • To encourage pupils to achieve their goals/ best and give praise and recognition using the merit system. • To promote good standards of behaviour set out in the “Responsibilities” and “Going for Gold” posters, displayed in every classroom and around the school. • To foster a good working relationship with pupils and an understanding of their individuality, self worth, strengths and development needs. • To follow and apply guidelines consistently. • To recognise the different systems for recording and responding to positive behaviour and use these accordingly. • To support and work with colleagues in applying the range of systems available. 2. ROLES – continued.

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  • Role of Promoted Staff • To support teachers in their delivery of the policy. • To respond quickly and consistently in line with policy when dealing with referrals made to them. • To offer clear guidance to all teachers and departments as to expectations of good standards and good practice. • To set an example in dealing with pupils, staff and parents. • To liaise with other members of staff as appropriate – Pupil Care and Support Staff, Senior Management Team, Support for Learning, Aspire and other support agencies. • To follow Angus Council Policy regarding serious disciplinary incidents. Role of Parents / Carers • To take an active interest in their child’s school experience and encourage them to achieve their personal best. • To support the school in the promotion of a positive behaviour policy. • To make use of the lines of communication between home and school e.g. via pupil planners, Form Tutors, Pupil Care and Support teachers, newsletters, parents evenings, open evenings and GLOW 2. ROLES – continued

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  • Role of Parent Council • To help the school develop and support its young people. • To provide an open forum for elected members and staff to discuss school issues. • To support and facilitate communication between the school and parent / carer community. Role of Maintenance Group

    To monitor the progress of aspects of the policy each term. To continue to develop and promote good practise in relation to the positive

    behaviour policy. To ensure that all pupils’ behaviour is monitored and recognised each term.


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  • Responsibilities, Praise and Commendation

    PPB Posters • “Responsibilities” and “Going for Gold” posters are displayed prominently in every classroom and around the school.

    (Appendix 1) All teaching staff will be expected to:

    discuss the rules with pupils at the start of each term, showing how they apply to their specific classroom environment.

    consistently apply the principles of the policy in context. Promoting Positive Behaviour Pupils who behave appropriately and contribute to a positive ethos are recognised in the following ways:

    Verbal praise Positive comments/stickers in planners Merits on SEEMIS (Appendix 2) “Going for Gold” term updates (S1-S2) (Appendix 3) “Going for Gold” letters to parents “Going for Gold” Assemblies/ Rewards (S1-S2)

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  • 3. SYSTEMS SUMMARY - Continued Consequences Where the pupils’ behaviour does not support the positive ethos of the school, the following sanctions can be used by the class teacher:

    Verbal Warning Comment in planner to parents

    The following consequences must be marked as a DEMERIT on SEEMIS (See Appendix 4a)

    Persistent Low level disruption Good neighbour policy Punishment exercise (See Appendix 4b) Referral to PT Faculty Time Out (See Appendix 4c)

    All Demerits must be recorded and the following staff are made aware:

    Form Tutors - Daily Pupil Care and Support Teachers - Daily House DHT Weekly

    This will ensure that pupils’ behaviour is being tracked and monitored. Referrals

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  • Referrals should be made:

    if over a period of time, a member of staff has a concern/ query about a pupil

    if a pupil is persistently not following school procedures with regards to homework, uniform, bringing equipment etc. (Appendix 5)

    The aim of the referral system is to provide: • a streamlined and efficient communication network throughout the school. • communications dealt with and feedback given promptly. • consistency of approach across the school.

    Please note referrals do not replace the logging of punishments as demerits.

    Merits, Demerits and Referrals can still be made if you are:

    covering a class out of class/ in corridor a supply teacher (Appendix 6)

    4. LINKS Anti-Bullying / Anti-Racist Policies

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  • The “Promoting Positive Behaviour” policy is implemented in conjunction with existing school policies and those of Angus Council. Further information can be sourced from: • Anti-Bullying Policy: Monifieth High School • Race Equality Policy: Monifieth High School Social Education

    All pupils attend one period of Social Education per week throughout S1-S5. A range of relevant topics are delivered covering many aspects of Personal and Social Development.

    Social Education provides an excellent opportunity for Pupil Care and Support teachers to review a pupils’ planner and behaviour for that week or review the “Going for Gold” levels.

    Other Agencies ASPIRE ASPIRE co-ordinators have a remit across the authority to Promote Positive Behaviour. This would include : • Staff development in the areas of Challenging Behaviour and Behaviour/Classroom Management • advising and supporting individual staff to help them work most effectively with young people who are displaying signs of disaffection or disengagement • aiding schools in the development and evaluation of policies related to Positive Behaviour • offer advice and support to parents and other interested groups • offering statistical and analytical evidence to support new strategies being adopted or existing strategies being evaluated in schools ASPIRE co-ordinators access all Angus Secondary Schools and therefore attend Monifieth High School on a pro-rata basis. LINKS - continued.

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  • School and Family Support Service The School and Family Support Service establishes links between schools, families and young people. Particularly those young people who experience difficulty engaging effectively in education for a variety of reasons associated with their social and emotional development and social circumstances. In partnership with families, schools and other agencies, the service aims to maximise the educational potential of all pupils enrolled in Angus schools through a professional, supportive and solution focused approach. Educational Psychology Service The EPS as a service has a role to play with individual children or young people beyond consultation with their parent or teacher. It may be a contribution to assessing and planning for learning or development needs. Individual work is sometimes called for in investigating specific characteristics of a child or factors in their lives which are blocking learning or social and emotional development.


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  • Appendix 1: PPB Posters

    Appendix 2: Marking a Merit

    Appendix 3: Going for Gold

    Appendix 4a: Marking a Demerit

    Appendix 4b: Punishment Exercise procedure

    Appendix 4c: Time Out procedure

    Appendix 5: Marking a referral

    Appendix 6: Merit, Demerit and Referral for

    covering a class

    out of class/ corridor

    supply cover

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  • Appendix 1: PPB Posters

    The Promoting Positive Behaviour posters were designed by pupils and are aimed at highlighting the core principles of the policy throughout Monifieth High School.

    Posters should be displayed prominently in each classroom. Appendix 2: Marking a Merit

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  • When pupils behave well teachers may want to formally recognise their good behaviour.

    Marking a merit on SEEMIS is permanently recorded.

    Formally recognising good behaviour is an excellent way of promoting a good classroom ethos.

    Marking a MERIT

    1 My Profile 2 Attendance 3 Registration

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  • 2



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  • Marking a MERITS (Cont) 4 Select Date 5 Select Period 6 Display Register

    1 2


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  • Marking a Merit (cont)

    7 Select Merits/Demerits 8 Highlight Pupil 9 Award Merit




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  • Marking a Merit (cont)

    10 Select Reason for Merit 11 Click Done



    Appendix 3: Going for Gold

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  • Appendix 4a: Marking a Demerit

    Where the pupils’ behaviour does not support the positive ethos of the school the teacher can formally record this on SEEMIS as a Demerit.

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  • Pupil Care and Support staff and Form Tutors will be notified daily of any demerits that are recorded from the previous day.

    Marking a Demerit Appendix 4a

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  • 1 My Profile 2 Attendance 3 Registration



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  • Marking a Demerit Appendix 4a (cont) The system should automatically default to today’s date and to the period your have a class. 1 Display Register


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  • PPB policy- draft 30/11/10

    Marking a Demerit Appendix 4a (cont) 1 Click on Merits/Demerits 2 Highlight Pupil 3 Mark Demerit 4 Select Reason 5 Click Done






    Punishment Exercise procedure: Appendix 4b

    Punishment Exercises are issued if a pupil’s behaviour is not in keeping with the class rules or ethos.

    Once a Punishment Exercise is issued the pupil must complete it at home and have it signed by a parent or guardian.

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  • PPB policy- draft 30/11/10

    The following day the pupil must hand in the Punishment Exercise to the office during registration.

    It is vital that all Punishment Exercises are recorded on SEEMIS.

    If a pupil does not hand in the Punishment Exercise a Default Punishment Exercise is issued and handed out by a member of the office. If a pupil disputes the Default punishment exercise it will be referred immediately to SMT.

    Pupils who do not complete the Default Punishment Exercises will be interviewed to SMT.

    Copies of Punishment Exercises can be found in school Staff room.

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  • PPB policy- draft 30/11/10

    Appendix 4c: Time Out procedure

    Time Out Unit

    A time out unit provides staff with the opportunity to remove a persistently disruptive

    pupil from the classroom for the remainder of the lesson. A time out referral is appropriate in order to deescalate a situation and give a period for “cooling off” and reflection.

    Time Out must be recorded on SEEMIS as a Demerit and the appropriate paperwork must be completed.

    Timeout paperwork should be available in every classroom. BENEFITS:

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  • PPB policy- draft 30/11/10 • For the teacher and class - learning and teaching will continue without further interruption and disruption. • For the pupil - possible avoidance of exclusion or other serious sanctions. • For the parent - immediate information, via a letter home, of the poor behaviour of their child. MAKING A REFERRAL TO TIME OUT : Staff complete a time out form then : - send pupil directly to time out unit - send other pupil to office with form - inform Principal teacher at end of lesson IN AND FOLLOWING TIME OUT: • Pupil completes a common reflective exercise. • Pupil returned to normal timetable at the end of the period. • Letter will be sent home following a period in the unit. • Pupil will be interviewed by S.M.T. the next day.

    Appendix 5: Marking a referral

    Referrals Referrals should be made:

    if over a period of time, a member of staff has a concern/ query about a pupil

    if a pupil is persistently not following school procedures with regards to homework, uniform, bringing equipment etc. (Appendix 5)

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  • PPB policy- draft 30/11/10 The aim of the referral system is to provide: • a streamlined and efficient communication network throughout the school. • communications dealt with and feedback given promptly. • consistency of approach across the school.

    Please note referrals do not replace the recording of punishments as demerits.

    Referral System

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  • PPB policy- draft 30/11/10

    Class teachers can refer to PT PC&S or PT Curriculum they can not refer directly to SMT.

    Principal teachers can refer to each other or the appropriate member of the


    All teachers can manage the referrals that they are involved in via SEEMIS

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  • PPB policy- draft 30/11/10


    How to mark a referral. 1


    1 In Registration screen, Click on Merits/De-merits Tab. 2 Under referral Column, Click generate for relevant pupil.

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    1 Check details in Referral Screen, change if required and then click


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    1 Click on the Reason for referral. 2 Click to enter More information:

    3 Enter a description of the Incident. 4 Enter the member of staff to whom

    the referral is being made. 5 Click Proceed.





    MORE Absent without permission Aggressive behaviour Alcohol related incident Bullying Constant late coming Corridor misbehaviour Drugs motivated incident Failure to follow class behaviour codePersistent disobedience Physical abuse of pupils Physical abuse of staff Race related incident Refusal to attend class Serious sexual incident Theft Vandalism Verbal abuse of pupil Other


  • PPB policy- draft 30/11/10



    1 Review Referral Details, click Save. 2 Click OK to complete referral.

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  • PPB policy- draft 30/11/10 Appendix 6: Merit, Demerit and Referral for

    covering a class

    out of class/ corridor

    supply cover

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  • PPB policy- draft 30/11/10

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    Monifieth High School Instructions for Marking Demerits for Pupils not in your Class If you need to mark a demerit for a pupil who is not in your class (eg for corridor incidents etc), you should follow the instructions below. In SEEMIS, choose Application>Behaviour>New Behaviour



    Use the drop-down menus to select the pupil by name.


    When this window appears, it should automatically be filled in with the correct day and your name. Select the correct period then click in the box next to the appropriate demerit. (It may be necessary to scroll through the list to find the right one.) Once you have done this, click on Done to save your information.

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  • PPB policy- draft 30/11/10 Instructions for Marking Referrals for Pupils not in your Class




    1 Application, behaviour. 2 Referral System 3 Create and Manage Referrals

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    1 Create a new Referral

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    4 5

    1 Select Pupil 2 Click New List 3 Select Date 4 Select in Class or out with Class. If out with class, please enter time 5 Click Proceed

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    1 Please enter location 2 Click Proceed

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    1 Click on Reason for Referral; 2 Click to enter more information 3 Enter a description of the Incident 4 Enter the member of staff to whom the Referral is being made 5 Click Proceed

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    1 Click ‘No’ to complete the referral.

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