Promises we made with allah

Surely you will be asked for every promise Surah Bani Israeel Ayat 34 By Amal


Promises We have kept with allah and, what is a promise in islam???

Transcript of Promises we made with allah

Page 1: Promises we made with allah

Surely you will be asked for every promise

Surah Bani Israeel Ayat 34By Amal

Page 2: Promises we made with allah

What is a promise!!

A promise is an extraordinary thing. It is like a oath between you and person.

When you say ‘I promise’ you are not only making a oath between you and a friend but on Allah as well.

It is like a test, Allah is seeing if that friend can actually rely on you or not.

And don’t forget when you break a promise you loose Allah’s trust on you. And a friend who trusted you.

Page 3: Promises we made with allah

A promise with Allah

We have made lots of covenants with Allah:1: Before we were even born Allah asked our souls if we believed in him. And

we all said we bear witness that Allah is our lord, and we will obey you. 7-172.

�َل�ْس�ُت� َأ ِهْم� �نُف�ْس َأ َع�َل�ى ِه�َد�ُه�ْم� �ْش� َو�َأ �ِه�ْم� �َت َّي ُذ�ِّر� ُظ�ِه�وِّرُهْم� ِمن آَد�َم� ي �ِن َب ِمن %َك� َب ِّر� �َخ�َذ� َأ ُذ� َو�ِإ

Page 4: Promises we made with allah

Why will Allah s.w ask about the promise on the day of judgment?

I think Allah will ask about our promises because he will see if we actually kept them or broke them. And also If you did

break a promise Allah wont forgive you until the person you were making the promise to forgives you! So [god forbid] if

you do break a promise the best thing to do is ask forgiveness to the person then Allah.

Page 5: Promises we made with allah

My promises

I made a promise to my mum recently that I was not on the phone and I wasn’t.

Once I made a promise to a friend that I would help her in her math's homework, and I did.

Page 6: Promises we made with allah

My poem A promise is like water in a glassSafe inside, were no one can pass

But once the glass has brokenThe water has let out into the open

The glass loses his trust on you

And the friendship breaks between you twoThen he goes to tell his other friends

That you can’t keep a promise at the end

But just be awareThat the Water was left in despair

He will try to put things rightOr forget it and put it out of plain site

But no one will ever forgetHis miss doings and his fret

He has also made 1 more person madAllah the almighty.