Promastar Training Programs

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  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs




    Training Programs

    2008Authorized Primavera / Project Management /

    Technical / Managerial

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    Table of Content


    P-106:PRIMAVERA ENTERPRISE-ADVANCED TOPICS..........................................5

    P-101:PRIMAVERA SWEB BASED APPLICATION .................................................7P-107:PRIMAVERA SWEB BASED APPLICATION ADVANCED................................9


    P-105:PRIMAVERA PORTFOLIO ANALYST.........................................................11

    P3-601:PLANNING & SCHEDULING WITH P3 ....................................................12

    P3-602:RESOURCE& COSTANALYSIS WITH P3 ................................................14

    P3-603:MANAGING PROJECTDATA WITH (P3) ...............................................16




    PMP-01:PMP-CERTIFICATION EXAM PREPARATION .........................................21

    PMP-EXT:PMP-EXTENDED COURSE...............................................................23

    PGM-01:PROGRAM MANAGEMENT AND THE PMO .........................................26

    CR-01:COSTRISK ANALYSIS..........................................................................29

    CE-700:PROJECTPLANNING & SCHEDULING ..................................................30

    CE-701:COSTPLANNING,SCHEDULING AND CONTROLLING .............................31

    CE-702:COSTESTIMATING AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS.......................................32C- MANAGERIAL TRAINING PROGRAMS:..................................34

    M-101:STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT .................................................................34

    M-102:EFFECTIVECOMM UNICATION..............................................................35

    M-103:EFFECTIVEDELEGATION SKILLS.............................................................36

    M-104:TIME MANAGEMENT..........................................................................37

    M-105:PRESENTATION SKILLS.........................................................................38

    M-106:SERVICEEXCELLENC E FOR CUSTOMERDELIGHT.....................................39

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    A- Primavera Authorized Training Programs:

    P-102: Planning & Controlling with Primavera Enterprise

    Ge t sta rted with P3e throug h ha nd s-on, ba sic training . Pa rticipants will ga in a tho roug h

    background in the c onc ep ts of p lanning and sc hed uling while lea rning P3e. Sc hed ulingtec hnique s will be cove red . This c ourse lea ds you throug h ha nd s-on w orkshop s tha t

    c rea te a nd trac k an entire p rojec t to c om p letion, using the three b asic eleme nts of

    p rojec t ma nag em ent: sc hed ule, resource a nd c osts.

    Produc t : Prima vera Projec t Planner for the Enterprise (P3e)

    Duration : 20 hours

    Aud ienc e : Planners and sched ulers (New Primave ra Projec t Planner for the

    Ente rprise users)

    Prereq uisite : Projec t Manag em ent Funda me ntals, Working know ledge of


    PDUs & CEUs : Earns 19.5 PDUs and 1.95 CEUs


    Create a p rojec t w ith a c tivities and resources

    Ca lc ulate a sche dule

    Ana lyze resource/ c ost d a ta

    Comp are c urrent vs. targe t sc hed ules

    At the com p letion of this c ourse the student w ill be a b le to :

    Ad d a Projec t to the Projec t Structure Crea te a Work Brea kdo wn Struc ture

    Add Referenc e Docum ents

    Add Ac tivities

    Ad d Step s and Codes to Ac tivities

    Crea te Rela tionships

    Sc hed ule a Projec t

    Ad d Co nstra ints

    Orga nize Ac tivities

    Assign Resources and Costs

    Analyze Resource/Cost Usage

    Op timize the Sc hed ule Sta tus the Projec t

    Ana lyze the Upda ted Projec t




    Project Structure

    Creating a Projec t

    Crea ting a Work Brea kdo wn Struc ture (WBS)

    Crea ting Ac tivity Cod es Adding Activities

    Ma intaining the Projec t Doc ume nts Library

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    Crea ting Relat ionships

    Sched uling

    Ad d ing Constra ints

    Formatting Data

    Defining Resources

    Assigning Resource s and Co sts

    Ana lyzing Resourc es a nd Co sts Op timizing the Projec t Plan

    Baselining the Projec t Plan

    Project Execution and Control

    Reporting Performance

    Projec t Web Site

    Ana lyzing the Upda ted Projec t

    Reporting Performance

    Projec t Web Site


    Crea ting a Work Brea kdo wn Struc ture

    Adding Activities

    Crea ting Relat ionships

    Sched uling

    View ing Sc hed ule Data

    Assigning Resource s and Co sts

    Ana lyzing Resourc es a nd Co sts

    Upda ting the Sched ule

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    P-106: Primavera Enterprise - Advanc ed Topics

    This c ourse is designe d to g ive c urrent P3e users a more in depth loo k at t he sof tware. The

    lessons c an b e pe rforme d indep end ent of o ne a nothe r to a llow flexibility in the c ourse.

    Ma ny of the lessons will a id the p rojec t o ffic e in determining how to setup users, ma intain

    sec urity, and define glob al da ta item s, suc h a s c a lend a rs and ac tivity cod es. Other

    lessons w ill aid p rojec t m anagers in crea ting b ud gets, mod ifying multiple a c tivities usingglob a l cha nge , and p erforming extensive e a rned va lue a nalysis. Many o p tions for

    sharing p rojec t informat ion will be c ove red inc lud ing: Projec t Website, p rojec t c hec k

    in/ out and projec t imp ort/ expo rt.

    Produc t : Prima vera Projec t Planner for the Enterprise (P3e)

    Duration : 24 hours

    Aud ienc e : Projec t office, Resource ma nag ers and P3e users

    Prereq uisite : Course P-102

    PDUs & CEUs : Earns 24.0 PDUs and 2.40 CEUs


    Mod ify projec ts using a dvanc ed functiona lity

    Ana lyze p rojec ts using ea rned va lue

    Effec tively mana ge risks and issues

    View Prima vera da ta in other app lic at ions

    Crea te resource s and roles ac ross the ente rp rise

    Use a dva nc ed func tiona lity to assess resource a lloc a tion

    Ta ilor resource a lloc a tion via b ucket p lanning and leve ling

    Integ ra te resource a nd financ ia l data

    At the com p letion of this c ourse the student w ill be a b le to :


    Creating and Manag ing Portfolios

    User Defined Fields and Glob a l Change

    Assigning C od es

    Dura tion Types

    Percent Co mp lete Type s

    Earned Value Analysis

    Thresho lds and Issues Imp orting and Exporting Projec ts

    Adva nce d Sche d uling

    Upda ting Baselines

    Risk Management

    Trac king Layouts

    Top - Dow n Bud geting

    Top - Down Estima ting


    Crea ting Resources and Roles Assigning Cost Ac c ounts

    Resourc e a nd Role Ana lysis

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    Resourc e Assignm ents Wind ow


    Ma nually Alloc a ted Resources

    Buc ket Planning

    Leveling Resourc es

    Sto ring Financ ial Period s



    Che c king Projec ts In & O ut Imp orting and Exporting Projec ts

    Ad ministering User a nd Sec urity

    Top -dow n Budge ting

    Ad d ing a nd Assigning Ac tivity Cod es

    User Fields and Glob a l Cha nge

    Crea ting Ca lend ars

    Risk Management

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    P-101: Primaveras Web Based Application

    This Five d ays c ourse p rov ide s ha nd s-on t ra ining fo r Prima vera s Web -ba sed solution.

    Participants will create a project, create activities and relationships, customize activity

    views, assign resources, adjust the project plan to account for schedule delays and over

    allocated resources, and analyze portfolios. Participants also will customize dashboards.

    Hands-on wo rkshop s help students c rea te a nd trac k an entire p rojec t to c om pletion.

    Produc t : Prima vera Projec t Planner for the Enterprise (P3e)

    Duration : 20 hours

    Aud ienc e : Planners and sched ulers (New Primave ra Projec t Planner for the

    Ente rprise users)

    Prereq uisite : Projec t Manag em ent Funda me ntals, Working know ledge of


    PDUs & CEUs : Earns 19.5 PDUs and 1.95 CEUs


    Customize Persona l and Projec t w orkspa ces

    Ma nag e a projec t from c rea tion through initiation

    Ana lyze p rojec t sc hed ule a nd assess resource ove ra ll loc a tion

    View and app rove time shee ts from p rojec t resources

    Collab orate w ith project tea m me mb ers

    At the com p letion of this c ourse the student w ill be a b le to :

    Desc ribe Primavera mod ules

    Custo mize Persona l Workspac e

    Desc ribe the Projec t Ma nag em ent Life C ycle Desc ribe Ente rp rise Projec t Struc ture a nd Work Brea kdo wn Struc ture

    Crea te a p roject

    Customize the Projec t Workspac e a nd Workgroup

    Crea te a Work Brea kdo wn Struc ture

    Add ac tivities

    Crea te relationships

    Sched ule the p rojec t

    Assign constraints

    Assign resources

    Op timize, exec ute, and analyze the p rojec t plan

    Initia te a p rojec t request Manage doc uments

    Creating a nd analyzing po rtfolios



    Desc ribe Primavera mod ules

    Custo mize Persona l Workspac e

    Desc ribe the Projec t Ma nag em ent Life C ycle

    Desc ribe Ente rp rise Projec t Struc ture a nd Work Brea kdo wn Struc ture

    Crea te a p roject Customize the Projec t Workspac e a nd Workgroup

    Crea te a Work Brea kdo wn Struc ture

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    Add ac tivities

    Crea te relationships

    Sched ule the p rojec t

    Assign constraints

    Assign resources

    Op timize the p rojec t plan

    Exec ute the p rojec t plan Ana lyze the p rojec t p lan

    Initia te a p rojec t request

    Manage doc uments

    Creating a nd analyzing po rtfolios

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    P-107: Primaveras Web Based Application Advanced

    This Two days course p rovides ha nd s-on t raining fo r Prima vera s Web -ba sed solution.

    Participants will gain a thorough background in the concepts of resource management

    by adding a resource to the enterprise resource pool; planning for resource needs in

    future p rojec ts; sta ffing resources on c urrent p rojec ts; and ma nag ing resources to ensure

    they a re fully utilized . Extended wo rkshop s p rovide an opportunity to a pp ly new skills andfunctionality

    Produc t : Prima vera Projec t Planner for the Enterprise (P3e)

    Duration : 8 hours

    Aud ienc e : Planners and sched ulers (New Primave ra Projec t Planner for the

    Ente rprise users)

    Prerequisite : Funda menta ls Projec t Manag em ent Training , a knowled ge of

    Windows and Course 101 recom mend ed

    PDUs & CEUs : Earns 10.0 PDUs and 0.10 CEUs


    Ad d a resource to the resource p oo l

    Plan resource ne ed s a t a high level

    Create resource te ams and role tea ms

    Ma nag e resourc e alloc ation

    Sta ff resourc e req uests

    At the com p letion of this c ourse the student w ill be a b le to :

    Naviga te in Primavera

    Customize the Persona l Workspac e Administer the Resource Pool

    Mo d ify Resource Deta ils

    Exec ute High-Level Resourc e Planning

    Crea te a Resource Tea m

    Crea te a Role Tea m

    Ma nage Alloc a tion in the Resource Usage View

    Customize Allocation Data in the Resource Analysis View

    Fill Unsta ffed Assignments by Resource Search


    Introduc tion to Primavera

    Overview and Naviga tion

    Persona l Workspac e

    Administering the Resource Pool

    Resource Planning

    Crea ting Resource Tea ms

    Crea ting Role Tea ms

    Managing Allocation

    Sta ffing Resource Req uests

    Persona l Workspac e Portlets

    Projec t Workspac e and Workgroup s

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    P-104b: Prog ress Reporter

    This course introd uc es trainees to Progress Reporter and lets the m und ersta nd how

    Progress Reporter is used with Primavera Project Planner.

    Prod uc t : Prog ress Reporter & P3e

    Duration : 1 da y x 4 hoursAud ienc e : P3e users, Planners and Projec t/ Resource Manag ers

    Prereq uisite : Projec t Manag em ent Funda me ntals, Working know ledge of



    Introduction to Progress Reporter

    Prog ress Reporter Flow c ha rts

    Upda ting a Projec t using Timeshee t Informa tion

    Reviewing Timesheets

    View ing Timeshee t No tes Ap proving / Rejec ting Timeshee ts

    Ap p lying Ac tua ls and Resc hed uling the Projec t

    Viewing Feed ba c k

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    P-105: Primavera Portfolio Analyst

    This c ourse p rov ide s an overview of Prima vera Portfo lio Ana lyst. It exam ines how to use

    Portfolio Analyst to view p rojec t informa tion a nd me asure the performanc e o f the


    Produc t : Portfolio Ana lystDuration : 1 da y x 4 hours

    Aud ienc e : P3e users, Planners, Ma nagers and Executives

    Prereq uisite : Working knowled ge of Windows


    Desc ribe the tools within the Prima vera Ente rprise suite

    Expla in the Enterprise Projec t Struc ture (EPS)

    Define Earned Va lue

    Identify whe re a nd how a Portfo lio Ana lyst user is set up

    Desc ribe how the Projec t Summ arizer works List the benefits of using Portfolio Analyst

    Log in to Portfo lio Ana lyst

    Ident ify the Portfolio Ana lyst w orkspac e

    Naviga te a p ortfolio

    Crea te a po rtfolio o f projec ts

    Disp lay various trac king layouts for a na lysis

    Crea te ne w trac king la youts

    Perform w ha t-if ana lysis

    Crea te rep orts using the Rep ort Wiza rd


    Primavera Enterprise Suite

    Set ting Up Portfo lio Ana lyst

    Portfolio Analyst

    Crea ting Portfolios

    Trac king Layouts

    Co mp arison and What -If-Analysis

    Reporting in Portfo lio Ana lyst

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    P3-601: Planning & Scheduling with P3

    Ge tting sta rted with P3 throug h ha nd s-on, ba sic training . Participants will ga in a tho roug h

    background in the c onc ep ts of p lanning a nd sc hed uling w hile lea rning P3. This c ourse

    lea ds you throug h nine hand s-on wo rkshop s tha t c rea te a nd trac k an entire p rojec t to

    c om pletion, using the three b asic e lem ents of p rojec t ma nage me nt: sc hed ule,

    resources, and costs. Sc hed uling tec hnique s will be c ove red .

    Produc t : Primavera Projec t Planner (P3)

    Duration : 5 days x 4 hours

    Aud ienc e : Planners and Sc hed ulers (New Primavera Projec t Planner users)

    Prereq uisite : Working knowled ge of Windows

    PDUs & CEUs : Earns 19.5 PDUs and 1.95 CEUs


    Create a p rojec t w ith a c tivities and resources

    Ca lc ulate a sche dule

    At the com p letion of this c ourse the trainee will be a ble to :

    Define the p rojec t and c od ing struc tures

    Assign resource s and c osts to a p rojec t

    Add and orga nize a c tivity da ta

    Create target schedule

    Develop a project netwo rk with prec ed enc e relationships

    Enter sta tusing d a ta to up da te a sc hed ule

    Perform sc hed ule ca lculat ions Store p eriod performanc e

    Ap p ly co nstra ints to a sc hed ule Prod uce p rojec t outp ut Custom ize the project layout


    Fundame nta ls of Projec t Ma nag em ent

    Esta b lishing the Projec t & Cod ing Struc tures

    Defining Ca lend ars

    Ad d ing a nd O rga nizing Ac tivities


    Sched uling

    Ap p lying Constra ints to a Sched ule Customizing the Layout

    Ma na ging Resources & Costs

    Crea ting the Ta rget Plan

    Upda ting the Current Sc hed ule

    Prod uc ing Effec tive Outp ut


    Creating the Ac tivity Codes Dic tiona ry

    Defining Ca lend ars

    Adding Activities Ad d ing Rela tionships

    Ca lc ula ting a Sc hed ule

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    Applying Constraints

    Mo d ifying the Ac tivity Tab le

    Defining Resources and Co st Ac c ounts

    Assigning Resourc es and Co sts to Ac tivities

    Shortening the Sc hed ule

    Sta tusing Your Projec t

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    P3-602: Resource & Cost Ana lysis with P3

    (This is c ourse is ta ken w ith course P3-603)

    This c ourse will ena b le you to ta ke full advanta ge of d riving resources, resourc e curves,

    hierarchica l resourc es, resource p rofiles/ ta b les and resource leve ling . Lea rn resourc e

    c a lendars for planning a nd c ontrol and Rich Text Forma t reports for sta tus rep orting .Participants will deve lop , upd a te, a nd trac k resources and c osts using a series of hands-

    on workshops.

    Produc t : Primavera Projec t Planner (P3)

    Duration : 2 days x 4 hours

    Aud ienc e : Planners, Schedulers, Resource Ma nagers and existing P3 users

    Prereq uisite : Course P3-601

    PDUs & CEUs : Earns 6.5 PDUs and 0.65 CEUs


    Ana lyze resource/ cost d a ta in p rojec ts

    Determine resource allocation through leveling

    At the com p letion of this c ourse the trainee will be a ble to :

    Ana lyze resource usage throug h resource profiles

    Assign h ierarchica l resource s

    Define d riving resources

    Create resource/ cost c urves

    Run resource/ c ost rep orts

    Ap p ly resource c a lend ars to a sc hed ule Level resourc es


    Controlling and Ma naging Resources

    Orga nize a c tivities into group s ac c ording to resource

    Use resource profile/ ta b les for "What-if a na lysis

    Define hierarchical and driving resources

    Assign resource lag a nd dura tion to a c tivities

    Define linea r and nonlinea r resource Use rep orts to review resource/ c ost a lloca tion

    Resource Calendars

    Create resource c alend ars

    Define ta sk, indep end ent, and me eting ac tivities

    Assign d riving resources to d ifferent ac tivity typ es

    Resource Leveling

    Creating the Ac tivity Codes Dic tiona ry Defining Ca lend ars

    Adding Activities

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    Ad d ing Rela tionships

    Ca lc ula ting a Sc hed ule


    Assign ing Resources

    Ma naging Resources Using Resource Calendars

    Using Leve ling fo r Resource Ana lysis

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    P3-603: Managing Projec t Data with (P3)

    (This is c ourse is ta ken w ith course P3-602)

    This two-d ay hand s-on tra ining course w ill ta ke you beyond the fund ame nta ls of

    sched uling a p rojec t b y transferring p rojec t d a ta throug h c op y and pa ste, storing a nd

    retrieving fragne ts, and using imp ort and export. In a dd ition, glob a l c hange , and c ustomda ta item s will be used to m od ify ac tivity da ta . Lea rn to enhance your p resenta tion by

    includ ing ob jec ts and symb ols and post this informa tion on your c om pany intrane t using

    the Web Pub lishing Wiza rd . You w ill bec om e p rofic ient a t using the pow er of P3 for

    ma ximum projec t c ontrol.

    Produc t : Primavera Projec t Planner (P3)

    Duration : 1 days x 4 hours

    Aud ienc e : Planners, Schedulers, Resource Ma nagers and existing P3 users

    Prereq uisite : Course P3-601

    PDUs & CEUs : Earns 6.5 PDUs and 0.65 CEUs


    Crea te a projec t with ad vanc ed P3 functionality

    Construc t Glob a l Cha nge formulas

    At the com p letion of this c ourse the trainee will be a ble to :

    Crea te a projec t group

    Sto re a nd retrieve fragnets

    Cop y and pa ste da ta be tween projec ts

    Alter sc hedule log ic in PERT Expo rt/ Imp ort da ta to a sp rea dshee t and othe r forma ts

    Define a nd assign custom da ta item s

    Mod ify projec t da ta through globa l c hang e

    Use Primavera Draw

    Attac h ob jec ts to ac tivities

    Link ob jec ts to the layout

    Utilize "Fit to page" printing in PERT

    Disp lay P3 da ta in Me ta file forma t

    Crea te Intranet we b pages using the Web Pub lishing Wiza rd


    Building a Project

    Crea te a projec t group

    Sto re a nd retrieve fragnets

    Cop y and pa ste da ta be tween projec ts

    Export/Impo rt project d a ta

    Customizing Projec t Data

    Define a nd assign custom da ta item s Mod ify projec t da ta through globa l c hang e

    Use string functions to alter activity information

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    Assign resources through g lob a l cha nge

    Enhancing Layouts for Presentations

    Forma t the Ac tivity box end s and relat ionship lines

    Access Primavera Draw

    Insert a symb ol and text in the layout Attac h ob jec ts to ac tivities

    Use the "Best fit" print option

    Disp lay P3 da ta in Me ta file forma t

    Crea te HTML files from a layout

    Crea te Intranet p ages using the Web Pub lishing Wiza rd


    Building a Project

    Ad d ing & Mo d ifying Ac tivity Data

    Crea ting the Presenta tion

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs



    E-202: Using Primavera Expedition for Projec t Controls

    Produc t : Primavera Exped ition

    Duration : 4 days x 4 hours

    Audienc e : Anyone involved with a construction projec t

    Prereq uisite : Working knowled ge of Windows and Internet Explo rer


    At the com p letion of this c ourse the student w ill be a b le to :

    Create a Projec t

    Develop a co mp any direc tory

    Tra ck Draw ings

    Trac k Daily Reports

    Prep are M ee ting Minutes

    Log and trac k submittal item s

    Document Issues Tra ck Costs and Co ntrac ts

    Set up and sta tus Payments Req uisitions

    Mana ge the c hange p roc ess

    Use rep orts fo r ana lysis

    Resolve Issue s

    Trac k sa fety d oc ume nts


    Introduc tion to Primavera Exped ition

    Setting up the C om pany Direc tory Costing Funda me nta ls



    Trac king and Log g ing Sub mitta ls

    Letters, RFIs, and Telep hone Records

    Tra cking Draw ings


    Change Management

    Daily Rep orts and Me eting M inutes


    Control Center


    Creating Projects

    Crea ting the C om pa ny Direc tory

    Crea te a nd distribute c ontrac t d raw ings

    Rec ording Meeting Minutes

    Crea ting Da ily Rep orts

    Tra cking and sta tusing Sub mitta ls

    Creating lette rs

    Produc ing RFIs and notices Comm unic a ting Projec t Informa tion

    Working w ith the Projec t Center

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    B- Project Management Training Programs:PM-001: Projec t Mana gement Fundamenta ls

    Duration : 6 days x 3 hours

    Audienc e : Personnel involved with ma nag ing any projec t in any sec tor


    At the com p letion of this c ourse the trainee will be a ble to :

    Define the ba sic c onc ep ts of projec t ma nag em ent

    Differentiate b etw een PM and othe r ma nage me nt disc ip lines

    Ident ify PM 5 proc esses and 9 knowled ge a rea s

    Lea rn the b asic sc hed uling a nd c ost ma nag em ent c onc ep ts.


    Basic Definitions

    o What is a Projec t?

    o What is Projec t Ma nage me nt?

    o Contrast Projects and Operations

    o Common Pitfalls

    o Potential Benefits of PM for the Organization

    Role of the Projec t Ma nage r

    o Project Manager Roles

    o Project Manager Responsibilities

    o Rec ognizing a Suc cessful Pro jec t

    Initiating Projects

    o Purpo se of Initia tion Process

    o Assessing Constraints

    o Risk Ma na gem ent

    Planning Projects

    o Steps for Crea ting a Sc hed ule

    o The Work Brea kdown Struc ture

    Exec uting Projec ts

    Co ntrolling Projec ts

    o Controlling Your Project

    o How Ca n You Monitor Progress?

    o Projec t Review Me eting

    o Projec t Aud it

    Me asuring Prog ress and Co st Performa nc e

    o Earned Value Mana ge ment

    o Trad itional Cost Ma nage me nt

    o Performa nc e Ind ice s CPI/ SPI

    o Estima te a t Co mp letion (EAC)

    Engineering Ec ono mics

    o Time Va lue o f Money

    o Ca sh Flow

    Kee p ing the Tea m o n Trac k

    o When Deleg ate How ?

    o Deleg ating Tasks

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    Closing Projec ts

    o Shutting Dow n the Projec t

    o Eva luating the Projec t

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    PMP-01: PMP-Certification Exam Preparation

    Duration : 7 days x 6 hours

    Audienc e : Personnel involved with ma nag ing any projec t in any sec tor


    At the com p letion of this c ourse the trainee will be a ble to :

    Red uce study a nd prepa ration time by foc using o n exam to pics

    Develop a persona l study plan a nd eva luate prog ress

    Utilize useful tips and tec hnique s in answe ring the exam questions

    Und ersta nd the PM terminolog y which is used by PMPs


    Projec t Mana ge me nt Frame wo rk

    o Definitions (Projec t / Projec t Ma na gem ent / Sta keholders /Trip le c onstra ints)

    o Projec t Life Cyc le

    o Forms of Organiza tions

    o Projec t Office

    o Project Management Processes

    o Project Ma nag eme nt Knowledg e Area s

    o Related Endeavors

    o Related Ma nage me nt Disc iplines

    o Summa ry and Review Que stions

    Project Integration Ma nag em ent

    o Develop Projec t Cha rtero Deve lop Prelimina ry Projec t Sc op e Sta teme nt

    o Develop Project Ma nag em ent Plan

    o Direc t a nd M anag e Projec t Exec ution

    o Mo nitor and Co ntrol Projec t Work

    o Integrated C hang e Control

    o Close Projec t

    Project Sc op e Ma nag em ent

    o Sc op e Planning

    o Sc op e Definition


    Crea te WBSo Sc op e Verific a tion

    o Sc op e Control

    Projec t Time Ma nage me nt

    o Ac tivity Definition

    o Ac tivity Seq uenc ing

    o Ac tivity Resourc e Estima ting

    o Activity Duration Estimating

    o Sc hed ule Deve lop me nt

    o Sc hed ule Control

    Project Cost Ma nag em ento Co st Estima ting

    o Co st Budget ing

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    o Cost Control

    Project Quality Ma nag eme nt

    o Quality Planning

    o Perform Qua lity Assuranc e

    o Perform Qua lity Co ntrol

    Projec t Huma n Resource M anage me nto Human Resource Plann ing

    o Ac quire Projec t Tea m

    o Deve lop Projec t Tea m

    o Ma nage Projec t Tea m

    Project Communication Management

    o Communications Planning

    o Info rma tion Distribution

    o Performa nc e Rep orting

    o Ma nage Sta keholders

    Projec t Risk Mana gem ent

    o Risk Ma na gem ent Planning

    o Risk Identification

    o Qualitative Risk Analysis

    o Quantitative Risk Analysis

    o Risk Response Planning

    o Risk Monitoring a nd Co ntrol

    Project Proc ureme nt Ma nag em ent

    o Plan Purcha ses and Ac quisitions

    o Plan C ontrac ting

    o Request Seller Responses

    o Selec t Sellerso Contrac t Ad ministra tion

    o Co ntrac t Closure

    Professiona l Responsibility o f the Projec t Mana gers

    o Co nc ep t o f Professiona l Responsibility

    o What doe s the p rofe ssiona l responsibility m ea n?

    o Categories of Professional Responsibility

    o Responsibilities to the Profession

    o Responsibilities to Customers and the Pub lic

    o Questions & answers

    Stud ying for Taking the Examo Nature o f the Exam

    o What to stud y and how to stud y it

    o How to a nswe r the q uestions

    Tips and tricks for avo iding c om mo n mista kes

    (This c ourse is a basic req uirem ent b efo re sitting to PMP Exam ination)

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    PMP-EXT: PMP-Extended Course

    Duration : 15 days x 6 hours (90 PDUs)

    Audienc e : Personnel involved with ma nag ing any projec t in any sec tor


    At the com p letion of this c ourse the trainee will be a ble to :

    Red uce study a nd prepa ration time by foc using o n exam to pics

    Develop a persona l study plan a nd eva luate prog ress

    Utilize useful tips and tec hnique s in answe ring the exam questions

    Und ersta nd the PM terminolog y which is used by PMPs


    Project Management Processes for a Project

    o Introduction

    o Purpose of the PMBOK GUIDE

    o What is a Projec t?

    o What is Projec t Ma nage me nt?

    o The PMBOK GUIDE Struc ture

    o Project M ana ge ment C ontext

    o Project Management Processes

    o Projec t M anage me nt Proc ess Groups

    o Proc ess Inte rac tions

    o Projec t Ma nage me nt Proc ess Ma pp ing

    o The Projec t Life C yc le

    o Projec t Sta keholders

    Project Integration Management

    o Develop Projec t Cha rter

    o Deve lop Prelimina ry Projec t Sc op e Sta teme nt

    o Develop Project Ma nag em ent Plan

    o Direc t a nd M anag e Projec t Exec ution

    o Mo nitor and Co ntrol Projec t Work

    o Integrated C hang e Control

    o Close Projec t

    Project Scope Management

    o Sc op e Planning

    o Sc op e Definition

    o Crea te WBS

    o Sc op e Verific a tion

    o Sc op e Control

    Project Time Management

    o Ac tivity Definition

    o Ac tivity Seq uenc ing

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    o Ac tivity Resource Estima ting

    o Activity Duration Estimating

    o Sc hed ule Deve lop me nt

    o Sc hed ule Control

    Project Cost Management

    o Co st Estima ting

    o Co st Budget ing

    o Cost Control

    Project Quality Management

    o Quality Planning

    o Perform Qua lity Assuranc e

    o Perform Qua lity Co ntrol

    General Management Skills

    o Effec tive c om munica tion

    o Influencing the organization

    o Leadership

    o Motivation

    o Nego tiation a nd c onflict ma nage ment

    o Problem solving

    o Cultura l and soc ial environm ent.

    o International and politic a l environm ent.

    Project Human Resource Management

    o Organizational Influences

    o Human Resource Plann ing

    o Ac quire Projec t Tea m

    o Deve lop Projec t Tea m

    o Ma nage Projec t Tea m

    Project Communications Management

    o Communications Planning

    o Info rma tion Distributiono Performa nc e Rep orting

    o Ma nage Sta keholders

    Project Risk Management

    o Risk Ma na gem ent Planning

    o Risk Identification

    o Qualitative Risk Analysis

    o Quantitative Risk Analysis

    o Risk Response Planning

    o Risk Monitoring a nd Co ntrol

    Project Procurement Management

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    o Plan Purcha ses and Ac quisitions

    o Plan Contrac ting

    o Request Seller Responses

    o Selec t Sellers

    o Contrac t Ad ministra tion

    o Co ntrac t Closure

    Professional Responsibility

    MS Project 2003

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    PgM-01: Prog ram Manag ement and the PMO

    Duration : 6 days x 6 hours (36 PDUs)

    Audienc e : Personnel involved with ma nag ing programs / PMO

    Personnel /

    Exec utives who are a iming to implem ent a PMO


    The terms program a nd p rog ram ma nag ement have

    be en in widespread use for some time and have c ome to

    mean many different things. In 2006, the Project

    Management Institute (PMI) issued it new book " The

    Standard for Program Mana gement" to set a common

    language among the industry on the terms, definitions,

    processes and best practices related to program

    managem ent. This c ourse is based on this sta nda rd .

    On the other hand, the Project/Program Management

    Office (PMO) is one of the fastest growing concepts in

    project world today, as it is key to effective

    implementation of project management across the organization. PMOs come in

    varying shapes and sizes, from simple support offices to full centers of excellence.

    This c ourse will enab le you to antic ipa te as we ll as answer the questions

    associated with the creation of a PMO. Youll review the full complement of

    pote ntia l PMO func tion unde rstand which ma tc h your orga niza tions needs. You ll

    consider options and select a PMO structure be properly aligned within your



    At the c om p letion of this c ourse the tra inee will be a b le to :

    Lea rn a bout "The Standard for Prog ram Ma nag em ent" as an e xpa nsion of

    informa tion p rovided in A G uide to the Project Ma nag eme nt Bod y of Knowledg e

    (PMBOK_ Guide).

    Rec og nize the guide lines for ma naging p rog rams within a n o rga niza tion.

    Define program management and related concepts, describes the program

    ma nag eme nt life cycle.

    Learn the program management processes that generally accepted as the

    nec essa ry steps to suc c essfully ma na ge a p rog ram.

    Identify Project/Program Management Office (PMO) capability based on an

    estab lished ma turity c apab ility mo del (OPM3)

    Determine the appropriate PMO structure for your organization

    Determine what PMO functions are needed based on project management

    sup port required

    Rec og nize a nd ove rcom e b a rriers relate d to PMO imp lem enta tion

    Translate req uirem ents for PMO func tiona lity into d istinc t roles and responsibilities of


    Course Outlines

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    1Introduc tion and Definitions

    1.1 What is a Prog ram?

    1.2 What is Prog ram Managem ent?

    1.3 The Relationship Betw een Prog ram Ma nage me nt a nd Portfolio Ma nag em ent

    1.4 The Relationship Betw een Prog ram M anage me nt a nd Projec t Ma nage me nt

    1.5 Program Management in Organizational Planning

    2Prog ram Life Cyc le a nd Organization

    2.1 Prog ram Life Cyc le

    2.2 Prog ram Managem ent Life Cyc le Phases

    2.2.1 Program Governance Across the Life Cycle

    2.2.2 Pha se One: Pre-Prog ram Set Up

    2.2.3 Pha se Two: Prog ram Set Up

    2.2.4 Pha se Three: Esta b lish Prog ram M ana gem ent and Tec hnic a l


    2.2.5 Pha se Four: Deliver the Bene fits

    2.2.6 Pha se Five: Close the Prog ram

    3Prog ram Manag em ent Proce sses

    3.1 Them es in the Prog ram Ma na gem ent Life C yc le

    3.1.1 Bene fits Ma na gem ent

    3.1.2 Sta keholder Ma nagem ent

    3.1.3 Prog ram Go vernanc e

    3.2 Prog ram M ana gem ent Proc ess Group s

    3.3 Comm on Prog ram Ma nage me nt Proc ess Co mp onents

    3.4 Initia ting Proc ess Group

    3.5 Planning Proc ess Group

    3.6 Exec ut ing Proc ess Group

    3.7 Mo nitoring and Co ntrolling Proc ess Group3.8 Closing Proc ess Group

    3.9 Process Interactions

    4Prog ram Manag em ent Too ls and Tec hniques

    4.1 Expert Judgment

    4.2 Meet ings

    4.3 Reviews

    4.4 Polic ies and Proc ed ures

    5Benefits Assuranc e and Sustainm ent

    6Program Management Controls

    A. Sta nd ardsB. Polic ies and Proc ed ures

    C. Program Plans

    D. Rev iews

    E. Oversight

    F. Aud its

    G. Contrac ts

    H. Direc to ries and Distribution Lists

    I. Documentation

    J. Reg ulat ions

    6 The Program Manag em ent Office

    6.1 The purpose of a PMO6.2 Benefits of establishing a PMO

    6.3 Key fac to rs for PMO suc c ess

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    6.4. PMO p rojec t life c yc le fram ew ork

    5.5 Facilitating stakeholder buy-in for the PMO

    5.6 The need s ana lysis and fea sibility w orksheet

    5.7 PMO Orga niza tion

    5.8 PMO Func tions

    5.9 PMO func tions

    5.10 PMO staffing, roles and responsibilities5.11 PMO Planning a nd Imp leme nta tion

    a . Creating the PMO c harter

    b . Assigning the PMO ma nag er

    c . Integ ra ting ap p lica b le organiza tional polic ies

    d. Establishing project manager qualifications

    e. Deve lop ing p rojec t c lassific a tion g uidanc e

    f. Esta b lishing PMO p roc esses and proc ed ures

    g. Crea ting a n orga nizational chang e ma nag eme nt plan

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    CR-01: Cost Risk Analysis

    Duration : 4 days x 5 hours

    Aud ienc e : Personnel involved with mana ging projec t risks

    Lea rning Objec tives: Review the basic c onc ep ts and definitions of p rojec t risk mana ge me nt and

    how it relates to p roject c ost ma nag eme nt

    Identify project cost risk analysis objectives

    Lea rn ho w c ost risk ana lysis c an b e performe d (step x step )

    Lea rn how to c a lc ula te c ontingenc ies and reserves

    Review som e sof tware to simula te and ana lyse c ost risks.

    Course Contents:

    1- Introduc tion:

    Project Cost Mana ge ment Co nce pts

    Projec t Risk Ma nage me nt Conc ep ts

    2- Quantita tive Risk Ma na gem ent Ana lysis:

    Data Ga thering and Rep resenta tion Tec hniques

    Qua ntitat ive Risk Ana lysis and Mo deling Tec hnique s

    3- Ob jec tives of a Projec t Co st Risk Ana lysis

    4- Ste ps fo r Co st-Risk Ana lysis:

    Trad itiona l Pro jec t Co st Estima ting

    Cost Risk Analysis Data Requirements

    Cost Risk Analysis Probability Distribution

    Simula ting the Co st Risk Model

    Simulat ion Results

    Where is the Risk in the Projec t?

    5- Co rrela tion b etwe en Projec t Elem ent Co sts:

    Und ersta nd ing the Sta tistica l Func tion

    Rea sons for Correlat ion b etwe en Projec t Eleme nt C osts

    Prep aring and analyzing the c orrelation m a trix

    6- Responding to Cost Risks:

    Respond ing to Neg a tive Risks (Threa ts)

    Responding to Positive Risks (Opportunities)

    7- Inte grate d Projec t Cost a nd Sc hedule Risk Ana lysis

    8- Ove rview of som e Projec t Risk Ma na gem ent Softw are (Ca se Stud y)

    9- Sum mary and Disc ussions

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    CE-700: Projec t Planning & Scheduling

    This c ourse p rovides c om prehe nsive ove rview o f Projec t p lanning, Sc hed uling and

    Co ntrolling based on AACE pub lica tions and guide lines. The c ourse p rovides a g ene ra l

    introd uc tion to Projec t Manage me nt, c onte nts of the p rojec t plan a s we ll as dee p

    informa tion a nd workshops c overing Work Brea kdo wn Struc ture (WBS), resource p lanning

    and time sche dule p rep aration.

    Duration : 4 da y x 6 hours

    Aud ienc e : Projec t Ma nag ers, Planning Engineers


    Upon suc c essful c om p letion of this c ourse, pa rticipants will be a b le to:

    Differentiate b etw een different Projec t Ma nage me nt proc esses

    Write a p rojec t cha rter Deco mp osing the p roject and c rea ting the WBS

    Defining p rojec t a c tivities

    Seq uenc ing ac tivities

    Estima ting a c tivity d ura tion

    Solve the netwo rk

    Unde rstand the me anings of floa t, ea rly da tes, la te da tes, and c ritica l


    Ap p ly proba b ility to time sc hed ule

    Shorten ing projec t duration


    Introd uction to Project Ma nag eme nt

    Co mp onents of Projec t Plan

    Time m anag em ent proc ess

    Projec t c ha rter

    Work Brea kdown Struc ture ( WBS )

    Activity definition

    Resource Planning

    Ac tivity Seq uenc ing

    Network analysis

    Pert c a lc ula tions Prob ab ility in time sc hed uling

    Types of floa ts

    Time Crashing Tec hniques



    Pert and p rob ab ility

    Sc heduling workshop

    Time c rashing workshop

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    CE-701: Cost Planning, Scheduling and Controlling

    This c ourse p rovides extensive knowled ge b out c ost p lanning a nd sc hed uling . It c overs

    the c lassifica tion of c ost elem ents (Labor, Eq uipment a nd Ma terial ), how to estima te the

    req uired p rojec t resources, alloc a ting them on the time sc hed ule, solving over a lloc a tion

    p rob lem s, ge nerating cash flow and S-curve, the financ ia l imp ac t of shortening p rojec t


    Duration : 4 da y x 5 hours

    Aud ienc e : Projec t Ma nag ers, Planning Engineers, Control Engineer


    Upon suc c essful c om p letion of this c ourse, pa rticipants will be a b le to:

    Differentiate be twee n d ifferent projec t ma nag eme nt p roc esses

    Estima te the c ost of lab or and eq uipme nts (inc luding d ep rec ia tion)

    Adjust productivity Use c ost a cc ounts to c ontrol projec t c osts

    Solve resource utiliza tion p rob lems

    Pred ict p rojec t c ash flow und er various scena rios

    Use e arned va lue te c hnique to e valuate projec t p erforma nce


    Introd uc tion to p rojec t planning

    Cost ma nag eme nt proc ess

    Estima ting c ost e lem ents Prod uc tivity ad justment

    Cost Acc ounts

    Monitoring resource utilization

    Solving over a lloc a tion p rob lem s

    Ge nerat ing Cash Flow a nd S-curve

    Projec t c ontrolling a nd ea rned va lue

    Sc hed ule c rashing te c hniques and the financ ia l impa c t


    Estima ting d ifferent c ost elem ents Prod uc tivity ad justment

    Resource over alloc a tion

    Ca sh Flow workshop

    Down pa yment financ ial imp ac t

    Earned Value wo rkshop

    Sc heduling c rashing workshop

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    CE-702: Cost Estima ting and Financ ial Ana lysis

    This c ourse p rovides extensive know ledge a bout estima ting te c hnique s, co st hierarchy,

    p rojec t estima tion, bud ge ting a nd p ric ing. The c ourse a lso c ove rs dep rec ia tion, c ost

    ac c ounts, continge ncy and risk, estima tion review a nd integ ra tion b etw een time

    sched ule a nd c ost estima te. Engineering e cono mics and eva luat ing ec ono mic

    a lternatives are a key pa rt o f the c ourse .

    Duration : 4 da y x 5 hours

    Aud ienc e : Costing and c ontrol Engineers


    Upon suc c essful c om p letion of this c ourse, pa rticipants will be a b le to:

    Differentiate b etw een co sting and p ric ing

    Estima te the d ifferent c ost elements ( labor, material and e quipm ents ) App ly conc ep tual estima ting me thods

    Ap p ly d ete rministic estima ting m etho d

    How to a pp ly risk & contingenc y

    Ma nag e effective estima tion ta ke-off

    Use c ost acc ounts to c ont rol co sts

    Integ ra te b etw een cost estima te & time sc hed ule

    Adjust productivity

    Ca lc ulate future va lues and p resent va lues of c ash flow series

    Com pa re b etwe en the e c onom ic alternatives to d etermine the most



    Definitions and indice s

    Costing VS Pric ing

    Estima ting e quipm ents and dep rec ia tion

    Labor estima tion

    Conc ep tual estima ting me thods

    o End Produc t Units

    o Physical Dimensions methods

    o Cap ac ity fac tor Method

    o Ratio Me thodo Parame tric Metho d

    Deterministic estimation

    Risk and Co ntinge nc y

    Take Off

    Cost Acc ounts

    Integ ra tion b etw een time sc hed ule a nd the c ost estima te

    Prod uc tivity ad justment

    Ca sh flow series, present va lue, future va lue a nd annua l worth

    Com pa ring ec onom ic a lternatives


    Estima ting o f cost elem ents

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    Conceptual estimating

    Prod uc tivity ad justment

    Time va lue o f mo ney

    Evaluating ec ono mic a lternatives

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    C- Managerial Training Programs:

    M-101: Strategic Management

    Duration : 3 days x 3 hours

    Audienc e : Mana gers or Exec utive who are involved in

    influenc ing or formula ting long term p lans and

    strategies in their organizations, and those who

    are respo nsible for linking d ep artmental p lans to

    overall strategies.


    At the com p letion of this c ourse the student w ill be a b le to :

    Crea te vision and develop mission sta tem ents.

    Use p rac tica l skills to c rea te a positive and effec tive b usiness environm ent .

    Differentiate b etw een stra teg ic p lanning and long range p lanning.

    Pred ict future trend s and turn them into their favor.

    Ma nage their orga niza tion w ith a stra teg ic view .


    Ove rview o f the C ourse

    The Stra teg ic M ana gem ent Proc ess: Crea ting the Future

    Business issues and trend s

    Vision, Va lues, and Mission

    Ma nag ing the informa tion flow

    Ind ustry Analysis and Co mp et itive Dynamic s

    Susta inable C om petitive Advantage and the Resource-Based View

    Co rporate-Leve l Stra tegy

    Inte rna tiona l Strateg ies

    Business- and Func tiona l-Leve l Strateg ies

    Strategic Leadership for 2020

    Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation

    Stra teg y Imp lem enta tion and Exec ution

    Monitoring and Eva luation

    Stra teg ic C hange

    Group Presenta tions

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    M-102: Effec tive Communication

    Duration : 3 days x 3 hours

    Aud ienc e : All pe op le in the orga nization, with spe c ial em pha sis on front line



    At the com p letion of this c ourse the student w ill be a b le to :

    Understand the c harac teristic s of e ffec tive c om munica tors

    Identify ba rriers to effec tive c om munica tion

    Rec og nize and assess the ir ow n c om munica tion style

    Inc rea se und ersta nd ing of ho w the ir be havior impa c ts othe rs and the w ay o thers


    Comm unic a te the a pprop riate visual, verba l, and vo c a l me ssage

    Sha rpe n their listening skills


    What is Comm unica tion?

    The c om munica tion p roc ess

    Forma l/ informa l c om munica tions

    Interpersona l comm unic a tions

    o Presentations

    o Meetings

    o One-to-one nego tiations

    Barriers to effec tive c om munica tions

    Too ls for Comm unica tion The TEA System

    Model for Effec tive Comm unic a tion

    Improving Liste ning Skills

    Nonverbal Communication Issues

    Imp roving Respond ing C om munica tion Skills

    A Co mm unic a tion M od el of Prob lem Solving

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    M-103: Effec tive Delegation Skills

    Duration : 3 days x 3 hours

    Audienc e : Senior exec utives and Midd le ma nag ers who are required to free up

    their time for be tter dec ision ma king.


    At the com p letion of this c ourse the student w ill be a b le to :

    Ide ntify tasks that c an b e d elega ted and those tha t should be de leg ate d.

    Imp lem ent 6 step delega tion p roc ess.

    Overco me ba rriers to d elega tion.

    Delega te suc c essfully w ithout losing control.

    Differentiate b etwe en delega tion and em po we rment


    Attitude (Definition-Adjustment)

    Introd uction to de leg ation

    Why lea rn d elega tion (presenta tion)

    What d efines delega tion (p resenta tion)

    Exerc ise

    Ca se stud y

    When to de leg ate (presentation)

    Barriers to deleg a te (presenta tion)

    Suc c essful de leg ation (p resenta tion)

    Exerc ise

    Deleg a tion ve rsus em pow erment (presenta tion) Ca se stud y


    Group A

    Group B

    Group C

    Solution o f case stud y

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    M-104: Time Manag ement

    Duration : 3 days x 3 hours

    Aud ienc e : Any pe rson who is interested in increa sing his/ her effec tiveness and

    effic ienc y in the w orkpla ce. Those also dissatisfied with their

    produc tivity w ill learn valuab le tools and techniques.


    At the com p letion of this c ourse the student w ill be a b le to :

    Develop a simp le time m ana ge me nt plan.

    Set p riorities and ma ke b etter use o f the ir time.

    Avoid time w asters and c onc entrate o n co re a c tivities.

    Deleg a te up and dow n a s we ll as horizonta lly.


    Setting G oa ls and Ob jec tives

    Planning and priority setting



    Prob lem Solving

    Dec ision Ma king



    Working with your Boss

    Working w ith your Team

    Assertion Listening

    Asking questions



    Using the Phone


    Closing & Certificates

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    M-105: Presentation Skills

    Duration : 3 days x 3 hours

    Audience : Top ma nag ers, Midd le mana ge rs and Junior staff who are targe ting

    to imp rove their presenta tion skills and have a true imp ac t on others.


    Upon suc c essful c om p letion of this c ourse, pa rticipants will be a b le to:

    Ana lyze the a udienc e nee ds.

    Use the ap propriate op ening statem ent a nd attention ge tter.

    Plan, co nduc t a nd follow-up a fter a mee ting.

    Ove rc om e nervousness.

    Ga in interac tion a nd b uild trust with the audienc e.

    Hand le aud ienc e responses (Sta teme nts and Que stions).

    Ask for c om mitment.

    Evaluate and improve p resenta tion. Be more professional in presentation skills.


    Welcom e/ Introd uction

    Participa nt Expec ta tions


    Define a Meeting a nd Types of Me etings

    SMART ob jec tives

    Selec ting a nd Inviting the Aud ienc e

    Arrangements Analyzing Audience Needs

    Op ening Statem ent a nd Attention Getter

    Ac tion Dec ision a nd Mini-Dec isions

    Tea m Work and Presenta tion on Ac tion Dec ision & Mini- Dec isions

    Planning The Co ntent

    Tea m Work and p resenta tion o n Planning the C ontent

    Use of Visua ls

    Ove rc om ing Nervousness

    Ga in interac tion and trust

    Aud ienc e Responses- Sta tem ents-how to ha nd le

    Aud ienc e Responses- Questions- how to hand le Challengers

    Audience Action

    Asking for com mitment


    Tea m Presenta tion

    Follow up with Aud ienc e

    Troub le Shooting

    Evaluating a nd Imp roving M ee ting

    Closing Session a nd Ce rtific a tes

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    M-106: Service Excellence for Customer Delight

    Duration : 3 days x 3 hours

    Aud ienc e : People who serve customers or supp ort front line service


    At the com p letion of this c ourse the student w ill be a b le to :

    The imp ortanc e o f c ustom er servic e a nd its imp ac t o n c ustom ers

    Expe rienc e things which c an go wrong in a service e ncounte r and ho w to avoid


    Develop a pe rsona l ac tion p lan to inc rea se c ustom er service


    Servic e Innova tion

    The fac to rs tha t d istinguish service leaders Your role in the servic e e nc ounter

    Custome r Servic e Values

    The servic e va lues tha t c ustome rs wa nt

    How doe s the service d elivery tea m w ork w ith these va lues

    Job -relate d beha viors tha t a ffec t c ustom er servic e

    The Service Qua lity Mod el

    Defining the roles of the servic e d elivery tea m

    Ad dressing issues and eve nts tha t c ha lleng e the te am

    Difficult Customer Situa tions

    Role p lays tha t a re viewe d from both the custom er and the servic e p rovide r s

    point of view Ana lysis and d iscussion of the impac t of the a c tions ta ken

    The p rincip les, co nc ep ts and lessons w ill be lea rned throughout the day using

    interac tive role p lays and group d isc ussion

    The imp ac t level of c ustome r servic e o n p rofitab ility

    Develop a pe rsona l ac tion p lan to inc rea se c ustom er service

    Mo ving the servic e from the virtua l wo rld to the rea l wo rld

  • 7/29/2019 Promastar Training Programs


    Course Registration Form(Please fax or e-mail this form)

    Full Name : .....

    Position : .....

    Organization : .....

    Postal Address : .....

    Telephone : .....

    Fax : .....

    Mobile : .....

    E-mail : .....

    Please register me for the indicated course(s).

    The company is interested in organizing in-house training for these courses at our

    organization. Please contact us to discuss the matter further

    We are a group interested in attending these course/s together.

    Course Date

    I cannot attend now , but please add my name to your mailing list for future training


    For registration or more information, please feel free to contact us:

    Promastar6 Osman Towers, Diplomats Tower, Maadi, CairoTel : +202-25240508 Mob : +2012-2440990

    Fax : +202-25258015Email : [email protected] :