project manager at PKE -

ASFINAG, Austria Reliability all the way ‘Reliability all the way’ is the maxim of Austrian motorway builder and operator ASFINAG. The company looks for that same ‘reliability’ in the business partners and the technology that it chooses. When the traffic management control center in Vienna-Inzersdorf needed a makeover, ASFINAG counted on trusted partners to swap the existing Barco visualization system for a new Barco solution. The LED-lit OverView OL wall now provides a crisp, bright overview of the traffic situation, CCTV images, the SCADA network and any other sources that Barco’s Transform N network distributes, in the most reliable way possible. It’s just what ASFINAG needed to further improve safety on the roads, today and tomorrow. Barco solutions: 32 x OL-721 CMS suite Transform N controller Key benefits: Good past experiences Meeting all technical requirements Excellent support The quality of the video streams is excellent and it’s really easy to change the contents of the wall and the position/size of the information. In this way, ASFINAG operators are really on top of everything happening on the roads Andreas Kerschbaumer, project manager at PKE

Transcript of project manager at PKE -

ASFINAG, AustriaReliability all the way

‘Reliability all the way’ is the maxim of Austrian motorway builder and operator

ASFINAG. The company looks for that same ‘reliability’ in the business partners

and the technology that it chooses. When the traffi c management control center

in Vienna-Inzersdorf needed a makeover, ASFINAG counted on trusted partners to

swap the existing Barco visualization system for a new Barco solution. The LED-lit

OverView OL wall now provides a crisp, bright overview of the traffi c situation,

CCTV images, the SCADA network and any other sources that Barco’s Transform

N network distributes, in the most reliable way possible. It’s just what ASFINAG

needed to further improve safety on the roads, today and tomorrow.

Barco solutions:

• 32 x OL-721

• CMS suite

• Transform N controller

Key benefi ts:

• Good past experiences

• Meeting all technical requirements

• Excellent support

The quality of the video streams is excellent and it’s really easy to change the contents of the wall and the position/size of the information. In this

way, ASFINAG operators are really on top of

everything happening on the roads

Andreas Kerschbaumer,

project manager at PKE

Ticking all the boxes

When ASFINAG decided to refurbish its Inzersdorf control room, it joined forces with trusted partner PKE Verkehrstechnik GmbH Public. The traffi c management expert subcontracted the control room furniture and video wall to system integrator EAZ GmbH. “The choice of the right video wall is pivotal in the set-up of the control room,” says Andreas Kerschbaumer, project manager at PKE. “ASFINAG had therefore carefully examined the solutions available on the market and specifi ed well-defi ned requirements for the new wall: scalability, full HD resolution, the possibility to display the DVI signals from ASFINAG’s decoders and full integration with the SCADA system. Moreover, they wanted LED-lit technology to save energy and ensure a longer wall life.” Barco’s OverView OL series and Transform N architecture ticked all the boxes.


“The durability, good support for the API interface and high redundancy were all key arguments in favor of Barco and EAZ. As was the small footprint of the OL modules – a must to fi t in the small control room,” continues Josef Hieger, sales manager at EAZ. He adds that the customer also greatly appreciated the solution’s future-proofedness: “The Transform N controller architecture allows ASFINAG to fl exibly visualize all network-based sources like video streams and applications. If they want to add other data sources in the future, they can easily extend the concept with additional TFN Input and Output nodes.”

Always on top of things

ASFINAG operators in Inzersdorf have been working in their new control room since September 2013. First-class preparation and a professional team had ensured a smooth makeover, in barely two months. ASFINAG is very satisfi ed with the new set-up. The new video wall, consisting of 32 70” modules, clearly displays the streams of every video camera on the ASFINAG highways and in tunnels, as well as messages about the traffi c situation, traffi c reports and the SCADA system. An API interface between the SCADA system and the video wall helps them easily control the wall. “The quality of the video streams is excellent and it’s really easy to change the contents of the wall and the position/size of the information,” Kerschbaumer concluded. “In this way, ASFINAG operators are really on top of everything happening on the roads.”

M30412-R00-1214-AN December 2014 c

‘Be one of Europe’s leading motorway

operators by 2020’: that is the ambitious

goal of ASFINAG, the company that

funds, builds, operates, maintains and

tolls 2,178 kilometers of motorways and

expressways in Austria. A recent study

confi rms that ASFINAG is well underway

to achieve that aim. Its world-class

traffi c management system and timely,

up-to-date traffi c information services

are defi nitely key to that success.

The central hub of ASFINAG’s traffi c

management and monitoring centers is

located in Vienna-Inzersdorf. Since 2013,

it features an immense LED-lit Barco

video wall, to replace the eight-meter-

long Barco wall that was set up in 2004.

The Transform N controller architecture allows ASFINAG to fl exibly

visualize all network-based sources like video streams and applications

Josef Hieger,

sales manager at EAZ